93 / 15500 Results
  • December 13, 1995

    On his return fr. the U.S., PM Peres stops in Morocco to visit King Hassan. (QY 12/13, HA 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM 12/14, 12/15)

    8 Hamas mbrs. (incl. Abu Musamih, `Abd al-Khaliq al-Natshe,...

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  • December 11, 1995

    IDF declares Nablus area a closed military zone, begins final redeployment 6 days ahead of schedule. IDF arrests 13 yeshiva students who refuse to leave Joseph's tomb, inside the closed zone; 40...

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  • November 13, 1995

    IDF completes redeployment fr. Janin. 1,000 PA policemen take up posts. (CSM 11/13; QY, VOP 11/13 in FBIS 11/13; QY 11/13 in FBIS 11/14; NYT, WT 11/14; WT 11/15)

    PA receives control over...

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  • November 4, 1995

    PM Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli Jew while leaving peace rally attended by 100,000 in Tel Aviv. The gunman, Yigal Amir, a 25-yr.-old law student fr. Bar-Ilan University, is captured, admits...

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  • November 2, 1995

    In Janin, Israeli police turn over their station to 24 Palestinian policemen to use as a temporary headquarters. (VOP 11/2 in FBIS 11/3)

    In 2 incidents in Gaza, car bombs explode nr....

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  • October 29, 1995

    Amman economic summit opens. (JT, JTV, MENA, QY, VOA 10/29 in FBIS 10/30; NYT 10/30; WP 11/1; MEI 11/3)

    In Amman, Secy. of State Christopher meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres to discuss Syrian-...

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  • October 20, 1995

    New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani orders the UN to rescind its invitation to Arafat (sent 9/27) to attend a Lincoln Center concert marking the UN's 50th anniversary. (NYT 10/26)


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  • October 17, 1995

    In Jericho, Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. holds its 1st mtg. (VOP 10/17 in FBIS 10/18; VOP 10/17 in FBIS 10/19)

    IDF lifts closure on Gaza, but say they will allow only...

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  • October 16, 1995

    PM Rabin travels to Marja'uyun to survey conditions, meet with SLA cmdr. Antoine Lahd; returns to Israel, convenes emergency cabinet mtg. to discuss recent attacks in s. Lebanon, but decides...

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  • October 13, 1995

    Donors' Local Aid Coordinating Comm. (LACC), JLC hold joint mtg. in Gaza. (VOP 10/13 in FBIS 10/16)

    Arafat holds follow-up mtg. with Hamas delegation. (VOP 10/13, MENA 10/15 in FBIS 10/16...

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  • October 12, 1995

    In Gaza, Arafat meets with Hamas delegation that returned fr. the Sudan 10/7. (NYT 10/13; Al-Hayat, VOP 10/13, MENA 10/15 in FBIS 10/16)

    Palestinian People's Party (PPP), formerly...

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  • October 8, 1995

    Israel releases 1 Palestinian female prisoner. 22 others refuse to sign pledges and leave. (WT 10/8; QY 10/8 in FBIS 10/10; MM, NYT, WP 10/9) (see 10/7)

    Jordanian Interior Min. approves...

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  • September 30, 1995

    Israeli FM Peres, Omani FM Bin-`Alawi discuss economic issues on the sidelines of the UN mtg. (MM 10/2; QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/4; MEI 10/6; JP 10/14)

    100s of settlers rampage through Hebron,...

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  • September 28, 1995

    In Washington, Arafat, PM Rabin sign the Oslo II agmt. Syria, Lebanon send no representatives. (BT, CSM, MM, WJW 9/28; VOP 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)...

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  • September 27, 1995

    Israeli cabinet approves Oslo II agmt., with Religious Affairs M Shimon Shetreet, Energy M Gonen Segev abstaining. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 8/28; MM, WP 9/28)

    In Washington, 2-day Ad Hoc Liaison...

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  • September 24, 1995

    Despite Peres's last-minute insertion of clauses concerning PA police movement, redeployment prompting Arafat to temporarily walk out of the talks, Israel, PA initial Oslo II agmt. Arafat...

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  • September 20, 1995

    Knesset holds extraordinary session to discuss PA's refusal to extradite Palestinians wanted for crimes in Israel, esp. murders. (MM 9/20) (see 9/13)

    On sidelines of a FMs' mtg. in Cairo,...

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  • September 18, 1995

    Clinton administration eases travel ban on Lebanon, allowing citizens, noncitizens to travel on indirect flights btwn. Lebanon, U.S. Direct flights on U.S. carriers is still prohibited. (...

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  • September 15, 1995

    In Gaza, Arafat meets with South African FM Alfred Nzo, asks South Africa to pressure Israel on Palestinians' right to self-determination, signs cooperation agmt. (VOP 9/15 in FBIS 9/18)


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  • September 14, 1995

    U.S. Consul Gen. Abington, Mubarak advisor Osama Baz encourage Arafat to accept a compromise proposal on Hebron to complete Oslo II negotiations. (RE, VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15; WT 9/16)


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  • September 13, 1995

    On 2d anniversary of DOP, Israeli police use water cannons to disperse 100s of Israelis protesting the accord outside PM Rabin's Jerusalem residence; 9 police, 20 protesters injured, 22 arrested....

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  • September 10, 1995

    Israeli FMin. says it is having trouble planning a speaking tour of U.S. for a group of senior IDF reserve officers. PM Rabin is dispatching the delegation to encourage U.S. Jews to support the...

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  • September 6, 1995

    In Gaza, Israeli, PA justice discuss Israeli plans to grant citizenship to collaborators, other justice issues; PA demands Israel look into claims that the IDF murdered 450 Palestinians in Khan...

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  • September 3, 1995

    Hamas's Hisham `Abd al-Raziq says Israel permitted 2 Hamas leaders to meet with the group's jailed spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin a month and a half ago. Yasin advised Hamas to cease violent...

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  • September 2, 1995

    In 1st mtg. since the Vatican established ties with the PA, Arafat meets with Pope John Paul II at Castelgandolfo, Italy; also confirms secret negotiations were held in Italy before, after Oslo...

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  • August 29, 1995

    U.S. special envoy Dennis Ross (on personal visit to the region) discusses PA-Israeli negotiations with Arafat in Gaza, then with FM Peres in Jerusalem. (QY, VOP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30; CSM 8/30; PWR 9...

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  • August 25, 1995

    After Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak calls on Israel to prosecute soldiers accused of killing Egyptian POWs during the 1956, 1967 wars, Israeli historian accuses Egypt of killing 200 Israeli POWs...

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  • August 22, 1995

    In Gaza, Arafat meets with German Economics M Carl-Dieter Spranger meets with Arafat in Gaza, Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat in Jerusalem regarding economic aid. (VOP 8/22 in FBIS 8/23; JP 8/22...

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  • August 21, 1995

    Palestinian detonates suicide bomb on bus in Jerusalem, killing self, 1 American, 3 others, wounding 106. Hamas takes responsibility, saying primary aim is to bring down Rabin government. PM Rabin...

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  • August 20, 1995

    In Aqaba, Jordan, Israel sign energy addendum to their peace treaty. (MA 8/20 in FBIS 8/21; JTV, RJ 8/20 in FBIS 8/25)

    Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) issues statement criticizing...

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On his return fr. the U.S., PM Peres stops in Morocco to visit King Hassan. (QY 12/13, HA 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM 12/14, 12/15)

8 Hamas mbrs. (incl. Abu Musamih, `Abd al-Khaliq al-Natshe, Muhammad Abu Shama'a, Zahhar) travel fr. Gaza to Khartoum for 4 days of talks with diaspora Hamas leaders in advance of negotiations with the PA in Cairo 12/18-21. (MM, WT 12/13; IRNA [Tehran], VOP 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; MENA 12/16 in FBIS 12/18)

Syria releases 100's of Muslim Brothers, communists fr. jail, leaving only a handful of Muslim Brothers still in detention. (MM 12/15; RMC 12/17 in FBIS 12/18) (see 12/11)

Jordanian prosecutor general orders detention of Sawt al-Mar'ah chief editor for "slandering Iraqi president Saddam Hussein." (al-Dustur 12/18 in FBIS 12/19)

Saudi Arabia's Prince Khalid Bin Sultan calls for and end to sanctions on Iraq. (NYT 12/14)

IDF declares Nablus area a closed military zone, begins final redeployment 6 days ahead of schedule. IDF arrests 13 yeshiva students who refuse to leave Joseph's tomb, inside the closed zone; 40 others settlers who arrive at the tomb to confront the IDF are detained. After withdraw, Jewish settlers who attend yeshiva in the city will continue to receive IDF protection. (IL, NYT, WP 12/12; QY 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; CSM 12/13; MEI 12/15)

Pres. Clinton holds positive telephone conversation with Pres. Asad, then meets with PM Peres. Peres asks for assurances that money fr. its $3 b. 1996 aid package will be received by 1/1/96 even if the foreign aid bill has not been passed (aid for FY 1996 was to begin 10/95); gives Clinton a letter, asking for Pollard's release (see 11/21). (ITV, QY, SARR 12/11, QY 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/12; MM 12/13; MA, SARR 12/13 in FBIS 12/13; WJW 12/14; MM 12/15; HA 12/15 in FBIS 12/15; CSM 1/4; WJW 1/18)

Israel Amb. to the U.S. and chief negotiator with Syria Rabinovitch says Israel is ready to make unspecified "significant concessions" to Syria. (WT 12/12)

In Paris, PA, France sign $15-m. cooperation agmt. (VOP 12/11, 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; PR 12/29)

PA announces creation of National Dialogue Office (NDO) to be headed by fmr. Hamas mbr. Faluji. At the same time, Faluji announces the indefinite closure of al-Watan. NDO will promote dialogue btwn. the PA, other political, social forces amid recognition of the "changed reality" following fr. the Oslo process. (HA 12/12 in FBIS 12/14)

In Gaza, Arafat, Hamas delegation meet to discuss of Hamas-PA talks on elections scheduled for 12/18-21 in Cairo. (VOP 12/12 in FBIS 12/12)

In Gaza, Arafat discusses joint ventures opportunities with Poland's Construction M Barbara Blida, delegation of Polish businessmen. (VOP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12)

Syria grants special amnesty to fmr. secy. gen. of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood `Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, allowing him to return to Damascus after 16-yrs. exile. (RMC 12/11 in FBIS 12/11; MM 12/14) (see 11/30)

IDF completes redeployment fr. Janin. 1,000 PA policemen take up posts. (CSM 11/13; QY, VOP 11/13 in FBIS 11/13; QY 11/13 in FBIS 11/14; NYT, WT 11/14; WT 11/15)

PA receives control over transportation, communications, meteorological spheres for Nablus, Tulkarm. (VOP 11/12 in FBIS 11/13)

Israel allows Fatah rejectionist Hani al-Hassan into Gaza. (QY 11/13 in FBIS 11/14)

In gesture to Hamas, PA releases 24 Hamas mbrs fr. PA prisons. (AFP, QY 11/13 in FBIS 11/14)

Over 1,000 Labor party mbrs vote to support the party's central comm. decision to make Peres party head, form government. (ITV, QY 11/13 in FBIS 11/14; NYT, WT 11/14)

Israeli police indict 24 Jewish settlers--incl. head of Hebron settlers Rabbi Moshe Levinger, head of Kach Baruch Marzel, spokesman for Eyal Itamar Ben-Gvir--on charges of disturbing the peace, assaulting police, attacking Palestinians over the last 2 yrs. (WP, WT 11/15)

Israeli Atty. Gen. Ben-Ya'ir meets with immigration officials to discuss banning entry, citizenship to some radical American Jews; notes that Jewish groups in the U.S. have raised over $100,000 for Yigal Amir's defense fund. (CSM, WT 11/14) (see 11/8)

PM Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli Jew while leaving peace rally attended by 100,000 in Tel Aviv. The gunman, Yigal Amir, a 25-yr.-old law student fr. Bar-Ilan University, is captured, admits to shooting, says he acted alone. Amir is also a reserve soldier in the elite Golani brigade, frmr. emissary to Russia for immigration affairs at the Jewish Agency, and an a mbr. of Eyal--a right-wing settler group, known for violence against Arabs, protesting expanded Palestinian self-rule by setting up makeshift encampments in the West Bank. Security officials say Rabin's bodyguards mistook Amir for a limousine driver. (NYT, WP, WT 11/5; FBIS special supplement, NYT, MM, WP, WT 11/6; WJW 11/9; JP 11/11)

Arab leaders (excl. Libya's Qaddafi, Iran's Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani condemn Rabin's assassination. In the territories, Palestinians generally express respect for Rabin, concern over his death, fear for the future of the peace process and their safety fr. settlers. In s. Lebanon, Palestinian refugees, Hizballah mbrs. celebrate Rabin's death. (WT 11/5; CSM, FBIS supplement, MM, NYT, WT 11/6)

In the West Bank, Palestinians clash with IDF troops after Jewish settler apparently kills a Palestinian boy. (NYT 11/5)

In Gaza, 1000s of Palestinians stage rally in commemoration of Shiqaqi. (HA 11/5 in FBIS 11/7)

Following the assassination, IDF order the closure of the West Bank, Gaza. (QY 11/5 in FBIS 11/6; NYT 11/7)

Portuguese Pres. Mario Soares meets with Pres. Weizman in Israel; requests Portugal's forgiveness fr. Jewish people for the Inquisition. (IL 11/7)

In Janin, Israeli police turn over their station to 24 Palestinian policemen to use as a temporary headquarters. (VOP 11/2 in FBIS 11/3)

In 2 incidents in Gaza, car bombs explode nr. Israeli busses, killing the 2 Palestinian drivers, wounding 11 Israelis. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. IDF closes all Gaza roads to Palestinian traffic. (MM 11/2; AFP, IDF Radio, QPAR, QY, VOP 11/2 in FBIS 11/2; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/3; JP 11/11)

Bronze bust of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, famous for helping Jews escape Nazi occupied Hungary, is placed in the Capitol Rotunda. (WJW 111/2)

Amman economic summit opens. (JT, JTV, MENA, QY, VOA 10/29 in FBIS 10/30; NYT 10/30; WP 11/1; MEI 11/3)

In Amman, Secy. of State Christopher meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres to discuss Syrian-Israeli negotiations. (SARR 10/30 in FBIS 10/31)

In Amman, King Hussein meets with Secy. of State Christopher, Russian FM Kozyrev, Israeli PM Rabin, FM Peres. (JTV 10/29 in FBIS 10/30; JTV 10/30 in FBIS 10/31)

Islamic Jihad selects new head--Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, 40-yr.-old religious speaker, who received economics and political science degrees in England, U.S. In Gaza, Hebron Palestinians protest Shiqaqi assassination. (QPAR, QY 10/29 in FBIS 10/30; NYT, WP, WT 10/30; MM, WT 10/31; CSM, WP, WT 11/1; WJW 11/2)

Israeli navy fires on 5 fishing boats operating off the coast of Tyre, Lebanon; abduct 3 fishermen fr. 1 boat, interrogates them for several hours. (RL, VOL 10/29 in FBIS 10/30) (see 10/10)

New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani orders the UN to rescind its invitation to Arafat (sent 9/27) to attend a Lincoln Center concert marking the UN's 50th anniversary. (NYT 10/26)

Special Israeli ministerial comm. extends Shin Bet's authority to use physical force on Palestinian suspects during interrogation for 3 mos. (WP 10/21; WJW 10/26) (see 8/16)

PA approves formation of new Islamic National Union party in Gaza, to be headed by 3 frmr. Hamas mbrs. (see 8/13)

In Jericho, Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. holds its 1st mtg. (VOP 10/17 in FBIS 10/18; VOP 10/17 in FBIS 10/19)

IDF lifts closure on Gaza, but say they will allow only 26,600 Palestinian laborers into Israel, as compared to 35,000 before the closure. (VOP 10/17 in FBIS 10/17; IDF Radio 10/18 in FBIS 10/19)

100s of relatives of Palestinian prisoners rally in Ramallah. IDF disperses them with stun grenades, injuring 1. (QY 10/17 in FBIS 10/19)

Despite Qaddafi's promises to stop the expulsions, 650 Palestinians (incl. 332 children) forced to leave Libya 10/13 remain stranded on a ferry off the coast of Cyprus. Cyprus denies the passengers entry, but allows the ferry to anchor off Larnaca, take on food, fuel. (AFP 10/18 in FBIS 10/18; Cyprus Broadcasting Corp. Radio 10/18 in FBIS 10/19; NYT, WT 10/19) (see 10/12)

Lebanese security forces break up counterfeiting ring in Biqa` Valley responsible for circulating $50 m. in U.S. $20 bills. (Al-Nahhar 10/17 in FBIS 10/25)

PM Rabin travels to Marja'uyun to survey conditions, meet with SLA cmdr. Antoine Lahd; returns to Israel, convenes emergency cabinet mtg. to discuss recent attacks in s. Lebanon, but decides against large-scale retaliatory strike. (RL 10/16 in FBIS 10/17; CSM 10/17)

Fatah Central Comm. convenes its 6th congress--the 1st held in Gaza. 469 mbrs attend, elect 11 to the regional comm. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 10/17 in FBIS 10/19)

Lebanese government, parliament petition Pres. Hrawi to stay on past the 11/24 end of his term due to "national need," paving the way for an extension of his term despite constitutional barriers. (MM 10/16; RL, VOL 10/16 in FBIS 10/16; RL, VOL 10/16 in FBIS 10/17; WT 10/17) (see 9/17)

IDF eases closure on West Bank, Gaza. Individuals may cross border, but Palestinian vehicles may not enter. (MM 10/16; CSM 10/18) (see 10/4)

Donors' Local Aid Coordinating Comm. (LACC), JLC hold joint mtg. in Gaza. (VOP 10/13 in FBIS 10/16)

Arafat holds follow-up mtg. with Hamas delegation. (VOP 10/13, MENA 10/15 in FBIS 10/16) (see 10/12)

In Gaza, Arafat meets with Hamas delegation that returned fr. the Sudan 10/7. (NYT 10/13; Al-Hayat, VOP 10/13, MENA 10/15 in FBIS 10/16)

Palestinian People's Party (PPP), formerly the Palestinian Communist party, says it will take part in elections. (QY 10/13 in FBIS 10/16)

Following events 10/10, 10/11, PM Rabin cancels appearance at Saharena celebrations in Ashqelon, fearing he would be prevented fr. speaking by hecklers. Shin Bet notes increasing number of attempts to attack ministers by extreme right-wingers; says it has increased its VIP detail to offer more protection. (YA 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)

Egyptian FM Musa says Libya's Col. Qaddafi has agreed to stop expelling Palestinians, only final details of an agmt. of understanding need to be worked out. (NYT 10/13; VOP 10/13 in FBIS 10/16; BT 10/19) (see 10/6)

In Damascus, PLO's Qaddumi meets with FM Shara`, then with Palestinian opposition leaders to discuss implications of the Oslo II agmt., conditions of refugees in Libya, Lebanon. (SARR 10/12 in FBIS 10/13; Al-Hayat, RMC 10/13 in FBIS 10/16)

Peace Now releases figures for Israel's 1995 West Bank housing starts, showing the highest rate of construction since PM Rabin took office in 1992. So far this year there have been 1,398 starts compared with 1,290 for 1994, 980 for 1993, and 6,210 in 1992. Most of the 6,000 West Bank settler homes under construction are nr. Jerusalem. (WT 10/13)

2 Fatah Hawks handcuff, blindfold journalist Samir Al-Kurdi, lead him to the courtyard of Nablus mosque, shoot and wound him, citing "moral offenses." (JP 10/21, 10/28) (see 10/11)

PA arrests 5 Palestinians, incl. security agents, in connection with American Azzam Muhammad Ibrahim Muslih's death in custody 9/29. (WP 10/13; JP 10/21)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bomb, killing 3 IDF soldiers, wounding 6. (MM 10/13; RL 10/13 in FBIS 10/13; VOL 10/13 in FBIS 10/16) WT 10/16; MM 10/18; JP 10/21, 10/28)

Israel releases 1 Palestinian female prisoner. 22 others refuse to sign pledges and leave. (WT 10/8; QY 10/8 in FBIS 10/10; MM, NYT, WP 10/9) (see 10/7)

Jordanian Interior Min. approves formation of the Jordanian Unionist Democratic Party. (JTV 10/8 in FBIS 10/11) (see 8/4)

IDF extends closure of West Bank, Gaza until 10/17, fearing attacks during the Sukkoth holiday. (see 10/4)

Israeli FM Peres, Omani FM Bin-`Alawi discuss economic issues on the sidelines of the UN mtg. (MM 10/2; QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/4; MEI 10/6; JP 10/14)

100s of settlers rampage through Hebron, damage Palestinian cars and homes, beat up 2 American pro-Palestinian peace activists. Israeli police intervene, arrest 2 settlers. (QY 9/30 in FBIS 10/2; NYT, WP 10/1; JP 10/7)

IDF extends West Bank, Gaza closure to 10/5, puts forces on alert after receiving information regarding a planned Islamic Jihad attack. (QY 9/30, ITV 10/1, QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/2) (see 9/24)

In Washington, Arafat, PM Rabin sign the Oslo II agmt. Syria, Lebanon send no representatives. (BT, CSM, MM, WJW 9/28; VOP 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)

Israeli FM Peres, Jordan's King Hussein, Arafat confirm that they have been discussing establishment of a confederation btwn. Jordan, self-rule areas. (IL 10/2)

Israel, EU initial cooperation and commerce agmt. (IL 10/2)

PM Rabin meets with representatives of American Jewish groups, warns them that lobbying against Israeli government policies would cause a serious rift in Israel's relations with the American Jewish community. (QY 9/29, 9/30 in FBIS 10/2; NYT 9/30; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)

Israel closes borders with West Bank, Gaza until 10/1 to curb any Palestinian attacks on Israel in protest over Oslo II signing. In Hebron, 1,000 Jewish settlers protest the accord. (CSM, NYT 9/29)

Israeli cabinet approves Oslo II agmt., with Religious Affairs M Shimon Shetreet, Energy M Gonen Segev abstaining. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 8/28; MM, WP 9/28)

In Washington, 2-day Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) donor mtg. to reassess the aid process in light of Oslo II begins. (JP 10/7)

At the Pentagon, King Hussein meets with top Jordanian, U.S. defense officials (include. U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry). In Amman, Cmdr. of the U.S. Central Command Lt. Gen. Binford Peay III meets with heads of Jordan's Joint Chiefs of Staff. (WT 9/28; RJ 9/27, 9/28 in FBIS 9/28)

Arafat appeals to Qaddafi to stop the expulsions, allow the deportees to return. 177 Palestinians expelled by Libya, stranded at border btwn. Libya, Egypt for weeks are allowed to enter Gaza. 7 more families remain stranded at the Rafah checkpoint. (MM 9/27; VOP 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, NYT, WT 9/28) (see 9/26)

Palestinian Information Bureau stages march through Hebron, prayer vigil at Cave of the Patriarchs/al-Ibrahimi Mosque in protest over the Oslo II provisions for Hebron. PA officials, West Bank notables, Israeli Arab leaders, school children participate. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)

Despite Peres's last-minute insertion of clauses concerning PA police movement, redeployment prompting Arafat to temporarily walk out of the talks, Israel, PA initial Oslo II agmt. Arafat immediately departs for a tour to discuss the agmt. with Arab leaders. (ITV, MBC, QY, RE, VOP 9/24 in FBIS 9/25; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/25; NYT, WP 9/26; WJW 9/28; JP 9/30)

In protest over the initialling of the accord, Palestinians throw stones at IDF soldiers in Hebron, Nablus. In Nablus, soldiers shoot, kill 1 Palestinian. Right-wing settlers call on soldiers to ignore redeployment orders. (ITV, QY 9/24 in FBIS 9/25; WT 9/25, 9/26)

U.S. blocks informal PA request to the UN regarding importing oil fr. Iraq. (WT 9/25; Al-Ra`i 9/25 in FBIS 9/25; JT 9/25 in FBIS 9/27) (see 9/22)

Israeli security detains 2 leading Hamas mbrs., Shaykh Jamal Abu Hayja and Bassam Abu Shamla; places them in 4-mo. administrative detention. (QY 9/24 in FBIS 9/26)

IDF imposes closure on West Bank for Rosh Hashanah, continues closure of Gaza begun 9/20. (HA 9/24 in FBIS 9/25)

Knesset holds extraordinary session to discuss PA's refusal to extradite Palestinians wanted for crimes in Israel, esp. murders. (MM 9/20) (see 9/13)

On sidelines of a FMs' mtg. in Cairo, Arab League representatives discuss Libyan deportations of Palestinians. Secy. Gen. of the Libyan General People's Comm. for Unity Jum'ah al-Fazzani claims Palestinians are not being deported but are leaving of their own free will out of a desire to return to their homeland. Lebanese Tourism M Nicholas Fattush calls the Palestinians "human waste being dumped in Lebanon." (MM 9/19; MENA 9/19, 9/20 in FBIS 9/21; MM 9/22) (see 9/17)

In Nablus, 20 Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli police car. Police open fire on group, killing 1, then leave scene. Palestinians spontaneously rally in protest. IDF intervenes to disperse the crowd, sparking riot, killing 2, wounding 9. Clashes continue on and off all day. (ITV, QY, 9/20, QY, VOP 9/21 in FBIS 9/21; MM, WT 9/21; NYT 9/22; ITV 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

Egypt says it has discovered 2 mass graves in the Sinai containing remains of 30-60 Egyptian POWs killed by the IDF during the 1967 war. (NYT 9/21)

Iranian jet is allowed to leave Israel with its 174 passengers. Hijacker is detained, will not be extradited to Iran. (MM 9/20; IDF Radio, QY 9/20 in FBIS 9/20; MM, NYT 9/21) (see 9/19)

IDF imposes indefinite closure on Gaza, citing "terror alert." Goods will still be allowed through the Qarni crossing point. (QY, VOP 9/20 in FBIS 9/20)

Clinton administration eases travel ban on Lebanon, allowing citizens, noncitizens to travel on indirect flights btwn. Lebanon, U.S. Direct flights on U.S. carriers is still prohibited. (Washington Report Oct./Nov. 1995) (see 8/6)

In Amman, unidentified assailants open fire on the Forte Grand Hotel, which houses the Israeli embassy. (Al-Urdun 9/23 in FBIS 9/25)

In Gaza, IDF discovers, defuses bomb found on IDF firing rage. (QY 9/18 in FBIS 9/20)

In Gaza, Arafat meets with South African FM Alfred Nzo, asks South Africa to pressure Israel on Palestinians' right to self-determination, signs cooperation agmt. (VOP 9/15 in FBIS 9/18)

Widespread clashes between Palestinians, IDF continue in Hebron. (NYT, WT 9/16; CSM 9/18)

U.S. Consul Gen. Abington, Mubarak advisor Osama Baz encourage Arafat to accept a compromise proposal on Hebron to complete Oslo II negotiations. (RE, VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15; WT 9/16)

In Gaza, Arafat meets with `Abd al-Majid Shuman, the chmn. of the Arab Bank board of directors, and a number of Palestinian investors interested in participating in infrastructure building. (VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)

In Amman, PM Bin Shakir, Oman's FM Yusuf Bin-`Alawi discuss improving Omani-Jordanian ties, importance of cooperation, consultation. (RJ 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)

In Gaza, PA military court convicts 2 Hamas mbrs. to 12 yrs each for carrying out attacks with automatic weapons outside the self-rule areas. (MM 9/14; QY 9/14 in FBIS 9/14; Davar, HA, VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)

In Hebron, 2,000 Palestinians protest West Bank settlements, clash with IDF. IDF throws stun grenades into crowd, arrests 2. (MM 9/14; CSM, WT 9/15)

On 2d anniversary of DOP, Israeli police use water cannons to disperse 100s of Israelis protesting the accord outside PM Rabin's Jerusalem residence; 9 police, 20 protesters injured, 22 arrested. Also in Jerusalem, Palestinians clash with IDF. In Hebron, IDF attempts to disperse settlers outside nursery school, fires tear gas, injuring 11 toddlers. (MM 9/13; QY 9/13, QY 9/14 in FBIS 9/14; NYT, WP 9/14; MM 9/14; NYT 9/17; PR 8/22; JP 9/23)

In Beirut, Spanish PM Gonzalez meets with Pres. Hrawi, PM Hariri, FM Buwayz. (RL 9/13 in FBIS 9/14)

In Amman, King Hussein receives Qatari FM Shaykh Hamad Bin Jasim al-Thani, who expresses Qatar's warm feelings for Jordan, desire to "heal the rift in Arab ranks." (PETRA-JNA 9/13 in FBIS 9/15)

Israel appoints Ali Yahya as its 1st Arab amb. He will be posted to Finland. (MA 9/13 in FBIS 9/14; WT 9/14; MM 9/18; JP 9/26; WJW 10/19)

1 man is killed, 1 woman injured in an explosion in Gaza City. PA police say the man, a Hamas mbr., was preparing a bomb for an anti-Israeli attack when it accidentally exploded. (QY 9/13 in FBIS 9/14; QPAR 9/15 in FBIS 9/19)

Palestinians in the `Ayn al-Hilwa refugee camp in s. Lebanon hold general strike to protest Libya expulsion of Palestinians, Lebanon's barriers to their return to Lebanon. (RL 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; MM 9/14)

Israeli FMin. says it is having trouble planning a speaking tour of U.S. for a group of senior IDF reserve officers. PM Rabin is dispatching the delegation to encourage U.S. Jews to support the peace process, explain the Israeli government's positions, however, many Jewish conservative, reform groups are refusing to meet. (HA 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)

Reacting to the expulsion 9/8 of 350 Palestinian refugees with Lebanese laissez-passer, Lebanon closes sea routes with Libya, says Palestinians wishing to return must obtain entry visas fr. Lebanese embassy, but orders embassies not to issue new documents or visas without case-by-case approval by the Interior Min. Libya sends 10s of busses carrying 50 Palestinians each to Egypt, prompting Egypt to stop allowing in Palestinians without permits to enter Gaza, leaving 100s stranded on the border. (VOL 9/7, MENA, VOL 9/8 in FBIS 9/8; NYT, WP, WT 9/10; MBC, RL 9/8, AFP, RL, VOL 9/9, AFP, RL, VOL 9/10 in FBIS 9/11; MM 9/11; NYT 9/13)

Frmr. Israeli Islamic Movement mbrs. led by Shaykh Atif Khatib announce they will present an Islamic list for 10/96 Knesset elections that will incl. a candidate for PM. It would be the 1st time an Arab would run for PM. Shaykh Khatib says the new party, Islamic Arab Faction, will be left leaning, pro-peace process, for Arab equality. (YA 9/10 in FBIS 9/12; HA 9/18 in FBIS 9/21)

In Hebron, Jewish settlers storm Palestinian girls school, beat headmistress, injure 4 girls (aged 6-10) who took part in street protest. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/11; NYT 9/13)

In Nablus, armed men kidnap Fatah Hawk official Na'il Shubaytah. 25 Fatah Hawks march through city armed with grenades, pistols, machine guns in protest; accuse supporters of Issam Abu Bakr, who was suspended fr. the group 1 mo. ago. (AFP 9/10 in FBIS 9/11)

At Tel Ashqelon prison in Israel, 20 Palestinian prisoners beat to death their Hamas cell mate `Abd al-Fatah al-Rantisi, who was serving a 15-yr. sentence as a collaborator. (AFP 9/10 in FBIS 9/11)

In Gaza, Israeli, PA justice discuss Israeli plans to grant citizenship to collaborators, other justice issues; PA demands Israel look into claims that the IDF murdered 450 Palestinians in Khan Yunis btwn. 11/6-8/56, during the Sinai campaign. Israel denies event took place. (QY, VOP 9/6 in FBIS 9/7)

In Jerusalem, PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. and Arafat critic Mahmud Abbas meets with Israeli Economic M Beilin to discuss status of Jerusalem. (VOP 9/6 in FBIS 9/7)

1,000 mbrs of the Action Comm. for the Abolition of the Autonomy Plan, a group of IDF reservists, send petition to PM Rabin, saying they will not obey orders to remove West Bank settlers. (MM 9/7)

Continuing the naval blockade begun in 2/96, Israeli gunboats off the coast of Tyre fire on Lebanese fishermen. (RL 9/6 in FBIS 9/6) (see 5/10)

Hamas's Hisham `Abd al-Raziq says Israel permitted 2 Hamas leaders to meet with the group's jailed spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin a month and a half ago. Yasin advised Hamas to cease violent attacks, work toward an agmt. with the PA. (QY 9/3, Davar 9/4 in FBIS 9/5; MM 9/4)

PA police say they have conducted 10s of raids in Gaza over the past few days in an attempt to capture Yahya Ayyash, thought to be the mastermind behind Hamas's bombings. (QY 9/3 in FBIS 9/5)

Arab parents in Jaffa call school strike, demanding that children of relocated Palestinian informers be expelled fr. class, saying "If they betrayed their people . . ., we don't want them." (WT 9/4)

In 1st mtg. since the Vatican established ties with the PA, Arafat meets with Pope John Paul II at Castelgandolfo, Italy; also confirms secret negotiations were held in Italy before, after Oslo agmt. (VOP 9/2 in FBIS 9/5; WP 9/3; WJW 9/7; RAI Radio [Rome] 92 in FBIS 9/8)

In Damascus, PLO's Qaddumi meets with FM Shara` to discuss recent developments in the peace process. (SATN 9/2 in FBIS 9/5)

Sr. PLO official Hisham `Abd al-Raziq, head of PLO talks with Hamas, says he is close to an agmt. with Hamas that would end its violent attacks. (AFP 9/2 in FBIS 9/5; Al-Hayat 9/2 in FBIS 9/6; WT 9/4; CSM 9/5)

In apparent suicide, Israeli motorist speeds through Israeli, PA roadblocks at entrance to Gaza, is shot, killed by Palestinian police. (AFP, QY 9/2 in FBIS 9/6; NYT, WP, WT 9/3)

U.S. special envoy Dennis Ross (on personal visit to the region) discusses PA-Israeli negotiations with Arafat in Gaza, then with FM Peres in Jerusalem. (QY, VOP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30; CSM 8/30; PWR 9/4)

In Damascus, Pres. Asad, FM Shara` receive U.S. Senators Arlen Spector, Hank Brown; discusses Syrian-U.S. relations, peace process. (SARR 8/29 in FBIS 8/30; MM 8/30; MM 9/5)

U.S. State Dept. says it warned Syria (8/11) to do "everything in its power" to curb threats against the U.S. and its citizens by Syrian-based Palestinian/Islamic rejectionist groups; U.S. reserves the right to respond to attacks "in any way it deems necessary." (MM, WP 8/30; WJW 9/7)

PA says that, in past 2 days, based on Israeli information, it has arrested over 30 Hamas mbrs, foiling 2 planned attacks on Israeli, PA targets. (ITV, QPAR, QY 8/29 in FBIS 8/30; NYT 8/30; CSM 8/31)

After Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak calls on Israel to prosecute soldiers accused of killing Egyptian POWs during the 1956, 1967 wars, Israeli historian accuses Egypt of killing 200 Israeli POWs during 1973 war. (MM 8/23; WT 8/26; MM 8/29) (see 8/16)

The Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council reports that about 500 new water wells have been dug in Gaza since the IDF withdrew, causing salinization to increase in the souther costal aquifer. (HA 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)

In Hebron, IDF kills 2 Hamas mbrs in gunfight, then razes house in which they were trapped, puts curfew on residents. (MM 8/25; QY 8/25 in FBIS 8/25; NYT, WP, WT 8/26; JP 9/2)

In Gaza, Arafat meets with German Economics M Carl-Dieter Spranger meets with Arafat in Gaza, Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat in Jerusalem regarding economic aid. (VOP 8/22 in FBIS 8/23; JP 8/22, QY 8/25 in FBIS 8/25; Handelsblatt [Duesseldorf] 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)

U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Pelletreau makes 2d visit to Jordan in less than 1 wk., briefs King Hussein on talks with Saudi Arabia's King Fahd, Kuwaiti officials; leaves for Washington. (AFP 8/22 in FBIS 8/22; JT 8/23 in FBIS 8/24)

Based on information received fr. `Abd al-Nasir Issa, a wanted Hamas mbr. arrested 8/19, Shin Bet uncovers "bomb-making factory" in West Bank, arrests 29 Hamas suspects, charges Issa as "mastermind" of 7/24, 8/21 bombings. Shin Bet says Issa confessed within hours of the 8/21 attack, after agents were permitted to use "exaggerated physical force" during interrogation. In hunt for other Hamas mbrs, Israel seals off Jericho, closes Allenby bridge crossing. (QY 8/23, 8/24 in FBIS 8/24; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/24; MM 8/25; WT 8/29; WJW 8/31; JP 9/9)

Palestinian detonates suicide bomb on bus in Jerusalem, killing self, 1 American, 3 others, wounding 106. Hamas takes responsibility, saying primary aim is to bring down Rabin government. PM Rabin announces suspension of talks with PA, 3-day closure of West Bank, Gaza. At site of attack, Kach mbrs throw stones at Israeli Police M Shahal, Pres. Ezer Weizman. (MM 8/21; IDF Radio, ITV, QPAR, QY, SARR, VOP 8/21 in FBIS 8/21; VOP 8/21 in FBIS 8/22; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 8/22; NYT 8/23; WJW 8/24; JP 9/2)

Arafat appoints `Umar al-Khatib as PA amb. to Jordan, replacing Tayyib `Abd al-Rahim, who has been appointed sec. gen. of the Palestinian presidency. (VOP 8/22 in FBIS 8/25; PWR 8/26)

PA military court in Gaza sentences 1 PFLP mbr to 5 1/2 yrs, 2 other PFLP mbrs to 3 1/2 yrs in prison for plotting anti-Israeli attacks. (QY 8/22 in FBIS 8/22)

In Aqaba, Jordan, Israel sign energy addendum to their peace treaty. (MA 8/20 in FBIS 8/21; JTV, RJ 8/20 in FBIS 8/25)

Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) issues statement criticizing Israel for continuing building in Jerusalem, expansion of settlements, closures on West Bank and Gaza during negotiations. (SPA [Riyad] 8/20 in FBIS 8/22)

Unidentified assailants attempt to assassinate al-Najah University professor `Abd al-Fattah Qasim, a vocal critic of Arafat. He is hospitalized with moderate injuries. (QY 8/20 in FBIS 8/22; MM 8/21, 8/29)

In Jerusalem, Al-Quds resumes publication. Israeli police arrest PA security official, negotiator Ahmad Ghunaym for closing the paper, threatening editors. PA says Ghunaym's arrest signals that Israel will no longer tolerate PA secret police operating outside Gaza, Jericho. (QY 8/20 in FBIS 8/23; Al-Quds 8/20 in FBIS 8/25; MM, WT 8/21; VOP 8/25, 8/26 in FBIS 8/28) (see 8/17)

10 right-wing Jews are arrested when they try to force their way onto Temple Mount to pray. (VOP 8/20, 8/21 in FBIS 8/22; CSM 8/21)