Nayif Hawatmah of DFLP, George Habash of PFLP meet in Tripoli with Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. Libya and Iraq are only Arab states to explicitly oppose PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16, 9/17...
September 15, 1993
January 19, 1990
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which...
January 10, 1990
Occupied Palestine/Israeli: Israeli military reopens all 1,200 public, private, and UN schools in W. Bank closed since 11/13/ 89. [WP 1/11; MET 1/23].
November 8, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: One of Israel's small religious parties, Agudat Israel, leaves the governing coalition for two months in hopes of forcing Likud to...
March 31, 1989
Arab World: Saudi King Fahd pledges to support Egypt's full return to Arab League [LAT 4/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israel,...
March 3, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes al-Raya, an Umm al-Fahm-based newspaper, on grounds that it is PFLP front [FBIS 3/3, FJ 3/6]. Number of Israelis...
February 28, 1989
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 3/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, kill Palestinian...
February 27, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel holds municipal elections [FBIS 2/28].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Dayr Ibzi' soldiers kill 25-...
October 23, 1988
Arab World: PLO chairman Yasir Arafat calls on Israeli Arabs to "push forward the peace process" by voting in Israel's upcoming elections [LAT 10/24]. Pres....
September 3, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir calls for the removal of Avraham Tamir, dir.-gen. of the For. Min., for stating that Palestiniansee the PLO as their...
August 9, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank and the Gaza Strip marking the beginning of 9th month of the intifadah [NYT 8/10, FJ 8/14]....
January 28, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Officials indicate Israel's leaders have decided to postpone expulsion of 5 Palestinians [WP 1/29]. Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev tours...
January 22, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab merchants in E. Jerusalem continue commercial strike. About 600 police and border police stand guard outside al-Haram al-Sharif; 4...
January 21, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports indicate Israel is sending psychologists to army units in Gaza Strip because of concerns about the effect of "power, force, and...
January 19, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin announces new policy of using "might, power, and beating" instead of live ammunition to quell...
November 26, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF leaders promise to investigate military mistakes which allowed Palestinian fighter to enter Israel and attack army base in northern...
October 10, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus...
August 19, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres announces Israel and U.S.S.R. have agreed to establish normal political contacts [LAT 8/20]. Rafael Eitan, former Defense...
July 30, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Minister of Agriculture Arik Nehemkin gives Bayt Jann villagers permission to farm their land [FJ 8/2]. Military officials serve...
April 20, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inresponse to molotov cocktail attack, Israeli army patrol opens fire in Khan Yunis, wounding 4 Palestinians [FJ 4/26].
April 2, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: JEC workers, vowing to protect the company from government take-over, strike for 2 hours [FJ 4/3]. Spokesman for Jerusalem municipality...
March 2, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus schools, businesses, and city government close for day; 2 peaceful marches commemorate late mayor Zafir al-Masri [FJ 3/6].
... -
February 16, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Poice raid W. Jerusalem Alternative Information Center, confiscate material, arrest director, and order center closed for 6 months on...
February 11, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shamir reiterates his opposition to international Middle East peace conference [NYT 2/12]. Shamir also states U.S. should continue...
January 26, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muhammad Shakir Dahlan is expelled to Jordan, setting off protests throughout the Gaza Strip [FJ 1/30].
Arab World: Fifth Islamic...
November 23, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with...
September 23, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year...
August 22, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court upholds ruling by Israeli District Commissioner of Jerusalem to close permanently al-Mithaq and al-'Ahd, on grounds...
July 27, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Atleast 9 more West Bankers are served with 6-month town arrest orders this week, bringing total number of known arrestees during the...
May 5, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar...
Nayif Hawatmah of DFLP, George Habash of PFLP meet in Tripoli with Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. Libya and Iraq are only Arab states to explicitly oppose PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16, 9/17)
U.S. Pres. Clinton, in telephone conversation with Jordan's King Hussein, discloses U.S. will release $30 m. in aid to Amman frozen due to Jordan's position in 1990-91 Gulf crisis. Release is due to signing of Jordan-Israel common agenda. Clinton also calls Syrian Pres. al-Asad, urges him to rein in Damascus-based Palestinian factions opposed to PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16; CSM, NYT 9/17; NYT 9/18)
U.S. joins with Russia, Egypt, and Israel to eliminate, revise, or defer 32 UNGA resolutions critical of Israel. Resolutions to be changed or discarded include those establishing Comm. on Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, criticizing Israeli human rights practices, examining Israeli-South African relations, and calling on Israel to renounce nuclear weapons. (NYT 9/16)
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which Husayni's name was mentioned [FBIS 1/19; NYT 1/20].
D.M. Rabin returns from Washington after talks, says he met a "sympathetic audience" [FBIS 1/19].
Fateh candidates win 9 of 11 seats in the Gaza physicians' association, the first of several upcoming trade union elections [FBIS 1/23].
Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid concludes talks in Washington, flies to New York for meeting with UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar [FBIS 1/19].
Other Countries: Bush administration condemns Israeli arrest of Husayni, saying "such actions discourage Palestinian confidence in the peace process" [NYT, WP 1/20].
United Jewish Appeal launches Operation Exodus, fund-raising effort designed to raise $420-$480 million from American Jews to help resettle Soviet immigrants to Israel [NYT, WP 1/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 500 Palestinian youths attack with stones and bottles a Gaza police station. Police use tear gas to break up crowd [FBIS 1/22].
At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T. [FBIS 1/22].
Arab World: Israeli Air Force attacks targets in S. Lebanon, killing 3 and wounding 18. Fighter-bombers attack PFLP positions near Sidon, and Hizballah strongholds in Iqlim al Toffah district [FBIS 1/19; NYT, WP 1/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israeli: Israeli military reopens all 1,200 public, private, and UN schools in W. Bank closed since 11/13/ 89. [WP 1/11; MET 1/23].
Arab World: In Cairo, Arafat meets with Mubarak to discuss Middle East Peace prospects [FBIS 1/11, 1/12; MET 1/23].
Other Countries: USSR upgrades PLO mission in Moscow to "the Embassy of the State of Palestine." The announcement comes shortly after Israeli Science Minister Weizman and Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze hold first high-level contacts between the countries since 1967 [WP 1/11]; they also discuss possibility of Moscow granting official diplomatic status to Israel [FBIS 1/11].
U.S. State Dep't spokesperson says Baker is annoyed at failure of Israel and Arab world to cooperate, and that if footdragging continues he would focus on "many other areas in the world clamoring for his attention" [WP 1/11].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli forces shell Syrian and PFLP positions in S. Lebanon for the fifth time in 24 hours [FBIS 1/11; MET 1/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: One of Israel's small religious parties, Agudat Israel, leaves the governing coalition for two months in hopes of forcing Likud to change the electoral system to end the "nearly permanent political deadlock," which many say preventshe peace process from moving forward [NYT 11/9].
Arab World: Women are allowed to cast ballots for the first time in Jordan's general election, the first election in that country in 22 years [NYT, WP 11/9].
Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of State Baker tells reporters that the U.S. had rejected Israeli imposed conditions on Baker's 5- point framework for peace talks even before the Israeli cabinet formally adopted the Israeli-modified plan earlier this week [WP 11/9]. U.S.-PLO dialogue continues in Tunis [FBIS 11/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 10 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T.; IDF confiscates 15 automobiles belonging to Palestinians in Nablus; Rafah man suspected of collaboration is killed; Palestinian is shot, killed, 15 are arrested for membership in PFLP [FBIS 11/16].
Arab World: A car bomb explodes in West Beirut killing 4, injuring 16, in a neighborhood a few blocks from the villa where President Moawad is staying [NYT, WP 11/9].
Arab World: Saudi King Fahd pledges to support Egypt's full return to Arab League [LAT 4/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israel, United States agree to develop $35 million research center to work on S.D.I. [MET 4/11].
Arab World: Washington Post reports that Iraq is engaged in crash program to build atomic weapons and will test warhead within 2-5 years [WP 3/3 1]. In S. Lebanon PFLP, Lebanese resistance attacks Israeli positions; 2 guerrillas are killed [MET 4/ 11].
Other Countries: Nordic foreign ministers meet, issue statement on Middle East saying that they approve of PLO's recognition of Israel, acceptance of UN resolutions 242, 338 and they urge Israel not to interfere with function of UNIFIL [FJ 4/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes al-Raya, an Umm al-Fahm-based newspaper, on grounds that it is PFLP front [FBIS 3/3, FJ 3/6]. Number of Israelis applying for unemployment benefits for the first time reaches new record in February; unemployment in Israel in February is up 78% over same period in 1988 [FBIS 3/16].
Arab World: Arafat declares that PLO will continue military raids across Israel's northern border [WP 3/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 5 Palestinians are shot, wounded in W. Bank [FBIS 3/6].
Arab World: Israeli commander speaks of expanding Israeli-imposed "security zone" in S. Lebanon [FBIS 3/3]. PFLP-GC captures, later releases 2 American diplomats near camp outside of Damascus, accuses them of spying [LAT, WP 3/10].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 3/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, kill Palestinian in Dayr Ibzi'. At least 11 Palestinians are wounded during clashes in Gaza. In W. Bank at least 4 Palestinians are injured [FBIS 3/1].
Arab World: Israeli warplanes attack PFLP headquarters southeast of Beirut, hit nearby school wounding at least 23 children, 2 teachers [FBIS 2/28, WP 3/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel holds municipal elections [FBIS 2/28].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Dayr Ibzi' soldiers kill 25-year-old Palestinian. At least 16 Palestinians are shot, wounded throughout O.T. Israel blocks entry/exist to/from O.T. [FBIS 2/28].
Arab World: PFLP attacks SLA position in S. Lebanon, kills 2, wounds 2 [FBIS 3/1].
Arab World: PLO chairman Yasir Arafat calls on Israeli Arabs to "push forward the peace process" by voting in Israel's upcoming elections [LAT 10/24]. Pres. Mubarak of Egypt and Arafat fly to Baghdad, meet with Saddam Husayn [LAT 10/24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops wound 9 Palestinians during protests in the occupied territories [NYT 10/24]. Clashes occur in Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Jabalya, Rafah, Beach, Sa'ir [FJ 10/30].
Arab World: Between 4 and 6 PFLP guerrillas are killed by Israeli troops in south Lebanon [NYT 10/24]. Israeli troops arrest "several" others in south Lebanon in connection with 10/19 car bombing [NYT 10/ 24, WP 10/25]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir calls for the removal of Avraham Tamir, dir.-gen. of the For. Min., for stating that Palestiniansee the PLO as their leadership [NYT 9/4]. The Israeli airline El Al announces that it will expand the number of flights to South Africa; South African Airways will also increase flights to Tel Aviv [JP 9/3]. In Tal, Israeli troops confiscate donkeys used to take Palestinian goods to market [FJ 9/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya 2 Palestinians are shot during clashes with troops; in Rafah 2 Palestinians are seriously injured during demonstrations [FJ 9/11].
Arab World: PFLP guerrillas clash with fighters from Fateh-Uprising (Abu Musa) in the suburbs of Beirut; 3 Palestinians are killed [NYT 9/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank and the Gaza Strip marking the beginning of 9th month of the intifadah [NYT 8/10, FJ 8/14].
Arab World: Assistant Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets with officials in Jordan and Egypt, declines to meet with Palestinians; two Palestinians he was to have met are close to PLO chairman Yasir Arafat. [WP 8/10]. In an interview in al-Sharq al-Awsat PLO chairman Yasir Arafat refuses to state whether he supports Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/10]. In Damascus George Habash, leader of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, endorses formation of Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, kill 14-year-old in Qalqiliyyah [NYT 8/10, FJ8/14]. In Qalqiliyyah 8 others are shot, 9 seriously affected by tear gas [FJ 8/14]. In Jenin 4 Palestinians are shot; in Bayt Rima 5 Palestinians are shot, in Gaza 5 Palestinians are shot [NYT 8/10]; in Jenin 2 Palestinians are shot [FJ 8/14]. In Tel Aviv 2 Palestinians are killed, 1 injured after the shack they were sleeping in was set afire [FJ 8/14]. At Beach camp 13 Palestinians are treated for exposure to tear gas [FJ 8/14]. Demonstrations occur in Tulkarm, Khan Yunis, Jabalya, Nusayrat, and Beach camps and Gaza City, Hebron, Dayr Ghassanah.
Arab World: Israeli Air Force bombers attack positions in S. Lebanon knocking out radio station used to broadcast PLO messages to the territories; 3 people are killed, 5 wounded. It was the 12th Israeli air raid into Lebanon this year; police estimate that over 60 people have been killed, 120 wounded [NYT 8/10]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Officials indicate Israel's leaders have decided to postpone expulsion of 5 Palestinians [WP 1/29]. Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev tours Nablus and 'Askar camp, confirms Irael will build several new detention centers in occupied territories, including 1 for children [FBIS 1/28; WP 1/29]. Israeli bus used to transport Palestinian workers to jobs inside green line is torched in Tulkarm district. Commercial strike continues in Ramallah, al-Birah, and E. Jerusalem [FBIS 1/28, 1/29]. Leaflets signed by PLO and Unified National Com. for the Uprising call for general strike to continue, renewed mass demonstrations beginning 1/30 [WP 1/29, 2/2]. According to Israeli officials, 111 W. Bank residents and 18 Gazans have been placed under administrative detention since 12/9; 1,753 have been arrested; and 577 have already received prison sentences for participating in the uprising [FBIS 1/28].
Arab World: PFLP denies Jordanian accusations that it attempted to incite rebellion against the Hashimite regime [FBIS 1/29].
Other Countries: U.S. Pres. Reagan holds talks with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak. Both urge Israeli and Palestinian acceptance of 6-month cooling-off period [NYT, WP 1/29].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian sources report 1 demonstrator is killed by army gunfire in Rafah [FJ 1/31]. Military rounds up males between the ages of 15 and 45 in Shu'fat during night raid [NYT 1/30]. Troops teargas Palestinian demonstrators in Nablus. Curfews continue in Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta village and Sa'ir [FBIS 1/28]. Curfew on Jabalya refugee camp is lifted [FBIS 1/29]. Military lifts curfew on Jalazun refugee camp, reimposes curfew on Qabatiyyah village following morning protests. Yediot Aharonot reports IDF has established a regional headquarters and several camps in Gaza Strip, a sign it plans to maintain high levels of deployment [FBIS 1/29]. IDF reports scattered incidents of stone throwing in Gaza Strip [FJ 1/31].
Arab World: Israeli warplanes conduct mock raids over al-Awwali Bridge. IDF gunboats fire flares over Sidon [FBIS 1/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab merchants in E. Jerusalem continue commercial strike. About 600 police and border police stand guard outside al-Haram al-Sharif; 4 Palestinians are arrested on charges of inciting demonstration. Jerusalem Police Chief Yosef Yehudai asks for, receives emergency security powers; Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Tur is placed under curfew [WP 1/23]. Military closes al-Quds for 45 days [FBIS 1/22]. Israel reports capture of 8-member armed PFLP cell in W. Bank, alleges group was responsible for October 1987 murder of Yigdal Shahaf [FBIS 1/26]. Arsonists set fire to customs department in Hebron [FJ 1/24].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar releases report on Palestinian uprising in occupied territories, condemning Israeli use of harsh methods against demonstrators and endorsing plan for international peace conference on Middle East [WP 1/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military lifts curfews on Rafah, Khan Yunis, Beach, and Dayr al-Balah refugee camps. Curfews remain in effect in Gaza Strip's Jabalya, Nusayrat, Maghazi, and Burayj camps. Curfews continue in W. Bank's old and new 'Askar camps and villages of Sa'ir and al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah. Curfews are imposed on Tulkarm refugee camp and Ramallah-area village of Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta after marches and stone throwing [FBIS 1/22; FJ 1/24].
Arab World: Amal releases 3 Palestinians [FBIS 1/22]. Salah Salah, Palestinian command secretary in S. Lebanon, announces his forces will withdraw from Sidon and Iqlim al-Tuffah roads [FBIS 1/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports indicate Israel is sending psychologists to army units in Gaza Strip because of concerns about the effect of "power, force, and beatings" policy on mental health of Israeli soldiers [NYT 1/22]. Shopowners in E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and Gaza Strip strike [FBIS 1/21; FJ 1/24]. Attorney for 5th Palestinian scheduled for deportation announces his client is dropping his appeal [FBIS 1/22].
Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak calls for 6-month cease-fire in occupied territories, international peace conference on the Middle East as part of new peace initiative [WP, LAT 1/22]. Jordan's P.M. Zayd Rifa'i tells parliament that 23 PFLP members have been detained on charges of attempting to instigate disturbances in Jordan [FBIS 1/25].
Other Countries: U.S. criticizes Israel's new policy of beating Palestinian protesters [WP 1/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews on 4 Gaza Strip camps are eased, allowing people to leave for work and food trucks to enter; 4 other Gaza camps remain under curfew [WP 1/22]. Palestine Press Service reports minor disturbances near Hebron, Ramallah, and Nablus. Relief workers in occupied territories reportreating many Palestinians for fractures, head wounds caused by severe beatings by soldiers, border police [WP, LAT 1/22]. Military lifts 7-day-old curfew on town of Salfit. Sa'ir, village near Hebron, al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah, near Ramallah, and old and new 'Askar camps are placed under curfew [FJ 1/24].
Arab World: Moroccan government acknowledges 1 student iskilled and 9 others injured in clash between police and pro-Palestinian demonstration in Fez [NYT 1/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin announces new policy of using "might, power, and beating" instead of live ammunition to quell disturbances. At least 38 Palestinians have been killed since uprising began 12/9 [WP 1/21]. Rabin bans food shipments by relief agencies to Palestinian refugee camps until general strike ends. General strike continues. Soldiers order W. Bank and E. Jerusalem businessmen toopen shops [NYT 1/20]. Food trucks are allowed to enter Khan Yunis, Jabalya,nd Nusayrat refugee camps; trucks are denied entrance to Dayr al-Balah and Burayj camps [WP 1/20]. Military, police, and Jerusalem city officials arrange to invoke emergency powers for Jerusalem police [NYT 1/21]. Dozens are arresteduring police sweep of E. Jerusalem's Shu'fat and Thuri neighborhoods [FJ 1/24].
Arab World: PFLP Sec. Gen. George Habash travels to Lebanon, meets with 4 Palestinians deported by Israel [FBIS 1/20]. Radio al-Quds broadcasts call for general strike [FBIS 1/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israelis drop tear gas from helicopters then open fire with rubber bullets, live ammunition in clash with stone-throwing demonstrators in Ramallah-area village of al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah; 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded [WP 1/23]. Military lifts curfew on Balatah refugee camp [FJ 1/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF leaders promise to investigate military mistakes which allowed Palestinian fighter to enter Israel and attack army base in northern Israel. P.M. Yitzhaq Shamir blames Syria for permitting attack to be launched from Biqa' Valley [WP 11/27]. Israeli military authorities place 6 W. Bank Palestinians under administrative dtention [FJ 11/29]. Israeli prosecutor in Gaza Strip drops case against 3 Jewish settlers charged with April 1987 kidnapping of Palestinian boy [FJ 11/29]. Israeli High Court orders that 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Awdah of Gaza not be deported until his case is reviewed [FJ 11/29].
Arab World: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command claims responsibility for hang glider attack on northern Israel 11/25 [NYT 11/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian hang glider pilot in S. Lebanon [NYT 11/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus Gate [WP 10/11; MET 10/24]. Caller allegedly from Force 17 later claims responsibility, charges Shahaf was Mossad agent [FJ 10/18]. Arab World: In speech to Jordanian Parliament, King Hussein blames Likud for dimmed prospects for peace conference, announces postponement of elections for lower house of Parliament for at least 2 years [WP 10/11]. PLO Executive Com. Chairman Yasir Arafat holds talks with Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi in Tunis [FBIS 10/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 3d consecutive day of violence in Gaza Strip, Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse stonethrowing demonstrators at Gaza's Islamic University, injuring at least 3 students. In separate Gaza City incident, at least 8 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops firing live ammunition and tear gas at stone-throwing demonstrators [WP 10/11; FBIS 10/13].
Arab World: Hospitals near Sidon report 7 are killed, 10 wounded in daylong battles between Amal and Palestinian forces around 'Ayn al-Hilwah [WP 10/12]. IDF fighter planes strike PFLP target in Biqa' Valley [NYT 10/11; FBIS 10/13]. Lebanese fighters claim to down IDF helicopter during Biqa' raid; IDF denies allegation [FBIS 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres announces Israel and U.S.S.R. have agreed to establish normal political contacts [LAT 8/20]. Rafael Eitan, former Defense Ministry official involved in Pollard spy case, says he acted with approval from his superiors [CSM, NYT 8/20]. Doctors at Gaza Strip hospitals strike to protest dismissal of Dr. al-Agha from Nasir Hospital on political grounds [FJ 8/23]. Nazareth's weekly political newspaper al-jamahir is ordered closed on charges that it is supported by the PFLP [FJ 8/23]. Two Arabs are injured by Jewish youths in Baqa al-Gharbiyyah [FJ8/23].
Arab World: Hashim 'Ashayir, head of waqf in Jerusalem, travels to Amman for meetings with Jordanian officials [FJ 8/23].
Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm Ambassador William Eagleton will return to Damascus 9/1 [WP 8/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew at Jabaliyyah refugee camp is relaxed, allowing residentso go to work [FJ 8/23].
Arab World: Near Marja'uyun inside Israel's S. Lebanon security zone, 4 SLA members are injured by land mine explosion [FJ 8/23]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Minister of Agriculture Arik Nehemkin gives Bayt Jann villagers permission to farm their land [FJ 8/2]. Military officials serve 3 unionists from Abu Dis with 6-month town arrest orders [FJ 8/2].
Arab World: After emergency meeting in Damascus, PFLP politburo announces dismissal of spokesman Bassam Abu Sharif, who participated in 7/27 meeting between PLO Chairman Arafat and Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, saying the meeting violated the resolutions passed at the 18th PNC [FJ 8/2].
Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm U.S. and Jordan conducted their largest joint military exercises last week [CSM 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inresponse to molotov cocktail attack, Israeli army patrol opens fire in Khan Yunis, wounding 4 Palestinians [FJ 4/26].
Arab World: Palestine National Council (PNC) convenes in Algiers in effort to overcome factional differences. Abu Nidal's Revolutionary Council of Fateh leaves Algiers shortly before the parliament opens. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command and al-Sa'iqah also boycott the meetings. Abu al-'Abbas, wanted in Italy and the U.S. in connection with the Achille Lauro hijacking, attends. Fateh, PFLP, Palestinian Communist party, and DFLP representatives are among the 300 delegates [FT 4/21, LAT 4/22].
Other Countries: Unknown group, the Suicide Team of the Eagles to Liberate Palestine, issues statement threatening retaliation if Italy deports 'Colonel Ghandora," aide to PLO Chairman Arafat, to a hostile country [FJ 4/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: JEC workers, vowing to protect the company from government take-over, strike for 2 hours [FJ 4/3]. Spokesman for Jerusalem municipality denies Arab bakeries have been ordered not to bake or sell bread during Passover; says bakeries have been asked not to display bread outside their shops [FJ 4/3].
Arab World: Statement signed by "rank-and-file" members of PFLP denounces reconciliation with PLO Chairman Arafat, demands PFLP boycott PNC session scheduled for 4/20; George Habash, leader of PFLP, is in Algiers for consultations with Arafat aides in preparation for the upcoming session [NYT 4/4].
Other Countries: Reports indicate U.S. investigators believe Harold Katz, an attorney who holds U. S. and Israeli citizenship, was involved in the Pollard spy affair, but the investigation of his role is being seriously hampered by Israeli government's decision to bar Katz from leaving Israel [WP 4/2]. Katz denies he participated in the espionage ring, says his Washington, D.C. apartment may have been used without his knowledge [WP, NYT 4/3]. Soviet spokesman denies reports U.S.S.R. and Israel have agreed to exchange official delegations, confirms Soviet "consular workers" will go to Tel Aviv [WP 4/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus schools, businesses, and city government close for day; 2 peaceful marches commemorate late mayor Zafir al-Masri [FJ 3/6].
Arab World: The Times (London) cites reports of torture of Lebanese Shi'i prisoners held at SLA-controlled al-Khiyam prison inside Israel's security zone [LT 3/2].
Other Countries: Los Angeles Times reports evidence gathered by U.S. government in case against 7 Palestinians and 1 Kenyan includes photos of defendants picking up cartons of pro-PFLP magazines at L.A. airport [LAT 3/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot and kill Palestinian, wound another in Nablus [FJ 3/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Poice raid W. Jerusalem Alternative Information Center, confiscate material, arrest director, and order center closed for 6 months on charges center has been "rendering services" to PFLP [NYT 2/18; FJ 2/20]. Trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being Treblinka concentration camp prison guard known as "Ivan the Terrible," opens in Jerusalem [GU 2/17].
Arab World: Washington Post describes Saudi Arabian arms build-up asresponse to Israeli military threat [WP 2/16]. Syria asks Amal to ease its siege of Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut and Rashidiyyah camp near Tyre [OB 2/17]. Kuwait announces plan to contribute $5 million to joint PLO-Jordanian fund [NYT 2/18].
Other Countries: Reports confirm U.S. has upgraded Israel's status to non-NATO ally [PI 2/16].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot and wound 9 youths during 2 demonstrations in Gaza City. As punishment for campus demonstrations, military authorities order Islamic University of Gaza closed for 3 days. Demonstrations are also held in Khan Yunis and Rafah. Commercial strike closes most shops and students block roads in Jerusalem. Roger Heacock, American Birzeit University professor, isarrested on charges of incitement. Military attempto storm Ramallah's Teachers Training College and break up demonstration fails [FJ 2/20].
Arab World: At least 25 killed, 100 wounded in fierce street fighting between Amal, communist, Druze, Palestinian, and Murabitun forces in W. Beirut [BS 2/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shamir reiterates his opposition to international Middle East peace conference [NYT 2/12]. Shamir also states U.S. should continue effortso reestablish contact with Iran, indicates disapproval of Israel's role in shipping U.S. arms to Iran [WP 2/12].
Other Countries: Two of the 6 Arabs arrested in Los Angeles 1/26 on charges of membership in PFLP claim prison officials are denying them basic rights [LAT 2/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use tear gas and rubber bullets to break up group of approximately 120 women marching to Nablus. The women are relatives of Balatta camp youths arrested 1/20. Students at Nablus' al-Rawda College blockade campus-area roads, pelt Israeli soldiers with stones and empty bottles. Troops respond with tear gas and live ammunition; district military commander orders college closed for 2 weeks. Israeli troops arrest 30 Hebron University students after violent campus confrontation [FJ 2/13].
Arab World: Amal forces refuse to allow trucks of food to enter Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp in Beirut [IN 2/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Muhammad Shakir Dahlan is expelled to Jordan, setting off protests throughout the Gaza Strip [FJ 1/30].
Arab World: Fifth Islamic Summit opens in Kuwait. PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat meets with Jordan's King Hussein [LAT 1/27; FJ 1/30]. Kuwait officials say they would deny any request to release 17 convicted hostages in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon [LAT 1/27]. Anglican Church officials say Terry Waite's negotiations are continuing [WP 1/27].
Other Countries: U.S. FBI agents in Los Angeles arrest 8 Jordanians and one Kenyan, charging them with membership in PFLP [NYT 1/29; FJ 1/30]. U.S. Pres. Reagan testifies before Tower Commission that he has no memory of giving prior approval for Israeli sale of arms to Iran in 1985 [WP 1/27]. W. German officials in Frankfurt arrest 'Abbas 'Ali Hamadi, brother of Muhammad Hamadi who has been held since 1/13 [NYT 1/28].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army recruits, firing at Balatta refugee camp youths to "scare away" stone throwers, wound a Palestinian inside the camp [F 1/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with any crime [WP 11/23]. Memorial march for a murdered Jewish student ends in anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem [LAT 11/24; FJ 11/28].
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and the Syrian-based PFLP meet in Moscow to discuss plans to reconcile the two factions [NYT 11/24]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein end two days of talks in Cairo [LAT 11/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Palestinian forces seize Christian village of Maghdushah [F) 11/28]. 14 are killed, 39 wounded in fighting between Palestinians and Amal militiamen throughout Beirut and S. Lebanon [BS 11/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year for "security reasons," alleging groups are linked to PFLP (Fl 9/26).
Arab World: Egypt's ambassador to Israel assumes functions in Tel Aviv (WP 9/24).
Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution calling on Israel to withdraw troops from S. Lebanon and to permit UNIFIL to move up to border. U.S. abstains; 14 members of council vote in favor of resolution (WP 9/24).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF warplanes bomb Palestinian targets in Druze-controlled Shuf mountains southeast of Beirut, the tenth airstrike in Lebanon this year; two women are wounded. New York Times reports five wounded, four Druze villages bombed (NYT 9/24). Defense Minister Rabin tours SLA outposts before raid, vows to crush attempts to attack SLA which has lost 16 men in recent weeks. French continue to evacuate positions for safer ground (NYT, WP 9/23). Shamir says Israel is not planning an invasion (NYT 9/24).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court upholds ruling by Israeli District Commissioner of Jerusalem to close permanently al-Mithaq and al-'Ahd, on grounds papers were supported by PFLP (FJ 8/29).
Arab World: PLO Political Department chief Faruq al-Qaddumi meets visiting deputy of Soviet Foreign Ministry (FJ 8/29).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Atleast 9 more West Bankers are served with 6-month town arrest orders this week, bringing total number of known arrestees during the past 2 weeks to 18 [FJ 8/1].
Arab World: King Hussein returns from 2-day visit to Damascus [FJ 8/1]. Fateh Central Committee concludes 2-week meeting in Tunis in which it discussed recent Jordanian moves [FJ 8/1].
Military Action
Arab World: UNIFIL intercepts and disarms 4 armed guerrillas from the PFLP attempting to cross the S. Lebanon "security zone" on their way into Israel; the 4 are transported north of the zone [FJ 8/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar association was set up in Gaza for the lawyers working there) [JP 5/6]. Israeli military court in Lod sentences 2 Palestinians from inside the Green Line to 21 years imprisonment for planting bombs in Israeli neighborhoods, finds them guilty of membership in the PFLP [JP 5/6]. Nablus military court sentences another Palestinian to 21 years imprisonment for stabbing an Israeli soldier in the chest on 12/14/85 [JP 5/6]. Presidents of Uruguay and Israel issue joint statement affirming the friendship between their countries and support for the M.E. peace process [JTA 5/6].
Arab World: Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein, his first visit to Jordan in 6 years [NYT, WP 5/6].
Other Countries: The leaders of the 7 largest industrial democracies, meeting at the Tokyo summit, adopt a joint statement condemning terrorism as an international scourge that "must be fought relentlessly and without compromise"; Libya is specifically mentioned as a source of terrorism [NYT, WP 5/6]. U.S. State Dept. calls on Syria to expel Abu Nidal organization from territory under its control [NYT 5/6].