Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50%...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Law student Aziza Kharaja sentenced to 5 mos. for membership in illegal organization [her 2 sisters held in Neve Tertza on similar...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Israel Radio interview, Industry & Commerce Min. Sharon denounces Israeli govt. proposals to withdraw from Lebanon & improve...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tentative agreement reached in Nablus to reconcile 3-yr.-old rivalry in Federation of West Bank Labor Unions.
Arab World: Kuwait...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't. announces 9% devaluation of shekel and plan for $1 billion national budget cut. Speaking before UJA in Jerusalem, PM...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border guards and archaeological dep't. officials escort settlers in constructing first structures on 100 dunums of Battir lands...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4th Jewish terror suspect sentenced to 6 yrs. for plot to destroy Dome of the Rock. Acre magistrate sentences Hashem Bushnaq to 4 mos....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus prisoners' families stage sit-in at Nablus ICRC office in solidarity with prisoners protesting maltreatment in new Nablus prison...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel releases 5 of 9 passengers seized from ferry Alizur Blanco hijacked on 6/29. Nablus authorities renew town arrest of al-Quds...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 1st Jewish suspect in 4/26/84 bus bombing plot admits membership in Jewish "terrorist organization." One suspect in Aisha Bahash murder...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military Objections Com. verifies private ownership of 'Ubewain land, near Ramallah, once claimed by Israel. Israeli IDF officers Maj....
Social/Economic/ Political:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former Stern Gang leader PM Shamir publicly denounces terrorism by Jewish settlers, and tells Knesset Israeli gov't. will not surrender...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: After lawyer's insistance, Israeli police begin investigation into charges of torture of political prisoner Saleh Zbeidat arrested 4/13...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israelis commemorate 36th "Independence Day" (by Jewish calendar); Naturei Karta's Rabbi Hirsch calls it "[day of] independence from...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli newspaper Hadashot shut down for 4 days by military censors for publishing story of DM Arens appointing reserve Gen....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian lawyer Raja Shehadeh and Israeli author Amos Kenan honored in Israeli Peace Council ceremony commemorating late Issam...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: WZO completes placement of 30 buildings on hilltop S.E. of Nablus to form Tel Haim settlement [adjacent to former Elon Moreh, ordered...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 9th annual Land Day commemorated throughout Palestine in demonstrations protesting Israeli land theft and discriminatory policies;...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud bloc and Labor agree on July 23 as date for Knesset elections.
Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan calls bill to move embassy...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disband Tulkarm Red Crescent Society admin. council for unspecified reasons. Arab World: Jordan's Queen Noor criticizes US-Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: International Women's Day celebrations held in Palestinian towns, largest of which sponsored by Women's Work Com. in Jerusalem. Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Galilee youths released after arrest (2/29/84) for hoisting Palestinian flag on anniversary of Sabra & Shatila massacres; in...
Arab World: Italian MNF contingent complete withdrawal from Beirut, leaving Sabra and Shatila refugee camp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Dep. PM Levy says Reagan decision to pull out of Lebanon shows "poor judgement and certain weakness." Israeli Chief of Staff Eitan says...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugee camps meet in Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho to discuss youth programs.
Other Countries...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. school-teachers in West Bank repeat demand for 100% wage increase.
Arab World: Lebanese PM Shafiq Wazzan and 9-member cabinet...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Former chief of staff Yigael Yadin submits affidavit stating IDF seizure of Hebron central bus station is not justifiable for reasons of...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 500 settlers from southern kibbutzim demonstrate before PM's office in Jerusalem for immediate IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. Occupation...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO insignia. Settlers pass out leaflets at Dheisheh calling on residents to evacuate. Histadrut tacitly approves basic food price increases for December. Energy Min. spokesman claims Israeli-occupied Golan section of TAPline belongs to ministry.
Arab World: 120 delegates at PNC in Amman petition to expel Libyan-backed PFLP-GC's Ahmed Jibril for "high treason."
Other Countries: 26 US congressmen issue letter to Pope John Paul II calling for Vatican relations with Israel.
Military Action
Arab World: 2 al-Bas refugee camp (Tyre) residents, believed to be collaborators with IDF, killed by Lebanese resistance fighters. SLA soldier wounded by sniper fire near Nabatiya.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50% below last year. Educ. Min. bans use of book Central Issues in Recent History of the State of the Nation by Amnon Haver for its reference to "Palestinian nation."
Other Countries: George Habash (PFLP) & Nayef Hawatmeh (DFLP) meet with Soviet officials in Moscow to discuss PLO reunification. US Senate Foreign Relations Com. publishes pessimistic report on Israeli economy, stating without current US aid (12% of GNP), balance of payment problem "unmanageable," and increased US aid will not "significantly ameliorate" these problems posing serious security threat to Israel. At Israel Bonds dinner in Los Angeles, American-Jewish oilman Armand Hammer announces project to search for oil in Israel. In New York libel trial, Sharon claims COS Eitan ordered Phalangists into Sabra & Shatila camps (9/82).
Military Action
Arab World: Pentagon orders US carrier Eisenhower totake position within range of Lebanon for possible "retaliatory strikes" there.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Law student Aziza Kharaja sentenced to 5 mos. for membership in illegal organization [her 2 sisters held in Neve Tertza on similar charges]. PM Peres announces invitation to Egypt's Pres. Mubarak for talks on bilateral relations. After 2-yr. silence, crewman of M. S. Moran reveals to Hadashot that ship's Capt. Gilad set Tanzanian stowaway adrift on high seas (3/82).
Arab World: Israel proposes cease-fire to Amal forces in S. Lebanon, but refuse release of detained Amal leaders (arrested 11/9) in exchange for resumed talks with Lebanon.
Other Countries: Greek PM Papandreou ends visit to Syria & Jordan and agrees to promote their interests among fellow EEC members.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities demolish 33 homes of farmers in jiftlik (Ghor al-Fari'a). [Jiftlik produces 15% of West Bank GNP. Israelis demolished adjacent al-'Ajajreh, Sattariya & al-Mahrouq villages in 1967.] Haifa U. student Saour Saour attacked by Kach students while posting notice offering to help Palestinians enroll. Stone-throwing incidents reported in Jabal al-Muqabber (Jerusalem), Bethlehem & Ramallah; police respond with tear gas.
Arab World: IDF convoy ambushed near Sarafand; 1 Israeli seriously wounded, later dies.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Israel Radio interview, Industry & Commerce Min. Sharon denounces Israeli govt. proposals to withdraw from Lebanon & improve "quality of life" for West Bank Palestinians.
Other Countries: Vatican denies NBC report that Pope John Paul II decided "in principle" to establish relations with Israel. In Tokyo, Tunisian PM Mzali warns new Egypt-Jordan relations may divide Arab world.
Military Action
Arab World: 600th IDF soldier killed in Lebanon by RPG attack on patrol at Zahrani River bridge.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tentative agreement reached in Nablus to reconcile 3-yr.-old rivalry in Federation of West Bank Labor Unions.
Arab World: Kuwait gov't. criticizes King Hussein for defying Arab summit decisions by new relations with Cairo.
Military Action
Arab World: Lebanese & Palestinian resistance claim responsibility for killing IDF intelligence officer "Abu al-Nur." Light weapons fired at IDF post in Jezzine & at civil guard post in Haboush village, S. Lebanon.
Other Countries: Sri Lankan Defense Ministry spokesman reports departure of Israeli military staff after training counterinsurgency forces.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't. announces 9% devaluation of shekel and plan for $1 billion national budget cut. Speaking before UJA in Jerusalem, PM Peres pledges Israel will withdraw from Lebanon "in a matter of several months." Trial begins of 20 Israelis suspected in bombing attacks on West Bank mayors (June 1980) and attack on Arab students of al-Khalil (Hebron) Islamic College (1983).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli border guards and archaeological dep't. officials escort settlers in constructing first structures on 100 dunums of Battir lands (near Bethlehem) owned by local families and recently confiscated by Israel as "state lands." Military court sentences 5 Village League members to 2 yrs. for arson and attacks on Palestinian nationalists in West Bank. Central Bureau of Statistics reports unemployment over past 9 mos. rose from 27,000 to 85,000. Israel radio reports caretaker gov't. plans to press US for early remittance of 1984 financial aid balance.
Arab World: Palestine National Alliance issues statement in Damascus criticizing PDA-Fateh proposal (8/19/84) to convene National Council before reaching national consensus.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF close only crossing point between S. Lebanon and rest of country for 3 days. Passing car fires grenades on IDF patrols near Nabatiya. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes Deir Kanoun. IDF vehicle at Burj Shemali refugee camp near Tyre ambushed with grenades and automatic weapons. [Casualty figures unavailable].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4th Jewish terror suspect sentenced to 6 yrs. for plot to destroy Dome of the Rock. Acre magistrate sentences Hashem Bushnaq to 4 mos. for raising Palestinian flag. Nazareth singer Fawzi al-Sa'adi barred from entering West Bank for 1 yr.
Arab World: Last US Marine combat troops leave Beirut at dawn.
Other Countries: USAID report says financial aid to Lebanon should be deferred until country reunites.
Military Action
Arab World: 2 IDF troops wounded by light arms fire from resistance near Kfar Kuk, Beqaa Valley.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus prisoners' families stage sit-in at Nablus ICRC office in solidarity with prisoners protesting maltreatment in new Nablus prison. Israel discloses hopes to exchange 120 Palestinian soldiers for 3 Israelis captured by PFLP-General Command. After IDF accuses PFLP of responsibility, Druze Initiative Com. issues counter-statement that Israel is to blame for death of Druze IDF soldier Samir As'ad killed in S. Lebanon, calls for Israel to exchange corpse for Palestinian prisoners held. About 35 prominent national figures from West Bank/Gaza issue statement of support for Democratic Front for Peace and Equality in July elections.
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets briefly with King Hussein in Amman to discuss PLO reconciliation.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 15 Israeli settler families pitch tents near Bethlehem, declaring new settlement named Naot Adumim.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel releases 5 of 9 passengers seized from ferry Alizur Blanco hijacked on 6/29. Nablus authorities renew town arrest of al-Quds joumalist Moh'd. Amireh & lawyer Ghassan Shaka'a. Luxury hotel workers strike for higher wages. Interior & Religious Affairs Minister Burg says massive settlement of West Bank vital to security, will be carried out despite economic crisis.
Other Countries: 70 delegates from 15 countries attend 2-day Brussels seminar on "Freedom of Trade with Israel."
Military Action
Arab World: Light arms fire directed at IDF near Kafr Kuk, S. Lebanon. IDF reopens Sidon & Tyre ports after weeklong closure.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 1st Jewish suspect in 4/26/84 bus bombing plot admits membership in Jewish "terrorist organization." One suspect in Aisha Bahash murder (2/8/84) released on bail. 13,464 West Bank students take tawjihi exams; only 54% pass. Jurists' Union calls 2-day warning strike. Agricultural com. formed in Gaza to assist farmers with licenses for growing their crops. Israel prevents Hebron soccer team from attending Amman tournament.
Other Countries: Attending Italian CP chief Berlinguer's funeral in Rome, Chrmn. Arafat meets Italy's FM Andreotti. On pastoral visit to Switzerland, Pope John-Paul II meets Swiss Jewish leaders in Freibourg who urge Vatican relations with Israel.
Military Action
Arab World: 6 IDF troops injured in bomb blast near Bazuriya, E. of Tyre. IDF conducts campaign of arrests in Arab Salim, S. Lebanon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military Objections Com. verifies private ownership of 'Ubewain land, near Ramallah, once claimed by Israel. Israeli IDF officers Maj. Livyatan & Capt. Gila, identified in court as involved in 1980 bomb attacks on West Bank mayors. Ramallah military court sentences 3 youths from Dura, Hebron district, to 10-12 mos. for alleged membership in illegal organization.
Arab World: In Beirut demonstration, 15-100,000 protestors (by various estimates) demand Israel withdraw from Lebanon. PFLP & DPLF issue statements vowing to step up attacks against IDF occupiers.
Other Countries: UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar leaves on 10-day tour of Middle East. Israel refuses UN human rights com. entry to occupied territories on fact-finding visit.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police severely beat Ramallah truckdriver without cause.
Arab World: IDF soldier wounded by bomb explosion near Sarafand, S. Lebanon.
Social/Economic/ Political:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi Levinger released and Rabbi Waldman (also of Kiryat Arba) arrested for alleged links with Jewish terrorists. Za'el Issa Harashe, 34, of Bani Na'im released after 17-yr. imprisonment on security-related charge. Saleh Baransi released from custody. Residents of Deir al-Hatab fight fire destroying 300 dunums of trees and crops; arson suspected. Military court sentences Sharhabil Farajeh of Halhoul to 6 mos. prison on political charge upon return from studies in Jordan. Abd al-Basit of Daboriyah given 6 mos. prison on charge of PLO membership.
Arab World: Lebanese PM meets with US, Soviet and UK ambs. to seek help ending Israeli human rights violations in S. Lebanon; later Soviet amb. strongly condemns Israel's "inhuman" acts.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces bulldoze homes of Qasem, Ali & Majed Sweitat in Izzedin near Jenin, West Bank, claiming they are built on "state land." Mine explodes near Biddu village, killing 10 sheep. Bomb planted in Bir Sab'a Beduin market defused; no arrests.
Arab World: Israeli planes bomb Bar Elias village in Beqaa Valley. 4 Israelis wounded by roadside bomb near Ansariya, S. Lebanon.
Other Countries: US Defense Sec. Weinberger discloses US assisting Israel to develop Saar 5 attack missile patrol boat.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former Stern Gang leader PM Shamir publicly denounces terrorism by Jewish settlers, and tells Knesset Israeli gov't. will not surrender its sovereignty over West Bank, but is ready to talk peace with any Arab leader. Reiterating that Israel considers Camp David only formula for settlement, PM Shamir rejects Chrmn. Arafat's call for peace conference under UN auspices.
Arab World: Lebanese amb. to Libya Farhat [dismissed by Libya when his gov't. signed agreement with Israel May 17, 1983] returns to his post. Egypt's FM Hassan Ali summons Israeli amb. Sassoon to protest Israel's "inhuman and illegal practices in occupied Arab territories".
Other Countries: In UN Security Council session, Zehdi Terzi accuses Israel of killing or wounding 60 refugees in its recent attack on Ain al-Hilweh camp, S. Lebanon. In effort to monitor Arab influence in US, American Jewish Congress pres. Mann announces nationwide push for legislation compelling colleges & universities to report sources of grants over $100,000 a year. Meeting with Israel's Science Minister, Thai Science Min. Lathopitat says he wants stronger industrial ties with Israel. After rash of complaints, British mail order house Freemans issues apology after accidentally shipping Israeli-made bras to Abu Dhabi.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: EL-OP unveils new ship-board air defense system Spirtas. Military court sentences 7 Nablus men charged with murder of Hebron settler; 4 get life, 3 get 20-25 years.
Arab World: 2 Katyushas fall in IDF-occupied territory near Ba'loul, east of Lake Karoun.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: After lawyer's insistance, Israeli police begin investigation into charges of torture of political prisoner Saleh Zbeidat arrested 4/13/84. Shin Bet chief briefs Israeli cabinet on Jewish terrorist underground; Jewish terror suspect signs confession to role in 1980 car bomb maiming of West Bank mayors; 2 IDF majors arrested in connection with "TNT" activities; Supreme Court rebukes police for leaking information to media about recent arrests of suspected "TNT" terrorists. Central Bureau of Statistics issues findings that 83% of Israel's 3.452 million population are Jews. 5 IDF reserve officers demand inquiry into MK Sharon's role in 2 battles in S. Lebanon (1982), waged without cabinet approval.
Other Countries: New York-based firm Research & Forecasts, Inc. reports findings that top US executives view Israel as role model for US business. Israel embassies to US and UN celebrate 36th anniversary of Israeli claim to statehood; Egyptian ambassadors join reception guests.
Military Action:
Arab World: Lebanese radio reports Israeli gunships approach N. Lebanese coast, drawing Syrian gunfire.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israelis commemorate 36th "Independence Day" (by Jewish calendar); Naturei Karta's Rabbi Hirsch calls it "[day of] independence from God, society, family and civilization"; Mea Sharim Orthodox quarter flies black flags, police investigate reports that Palestinian flags raised in West Bank towns and villages.
Arab World: PLO representative in Kuwait urges Palestinians holding travel permits to return to Palestine, as Israel has informed it will discontinue issuing permits July 30. Shi'ite leader Berri agrees to join Lebanese cabinet with new appointment as Minister of State for South Lebanon Affairs.
Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat meets with China's premier Deng Xiaoping in Peking before moving on to Pyongyang, PDR Korea for official visit there.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli newspaper Hadashot shut down for 4 days by military censors for publishing story of DM Arens appointing reserve Gen. Zorea to head investigation of suspicious circumstances of deaths of 4 commandos (4/12/84).
Arab World: Lebanese PM-designate Karami says country's top priority is Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon.
Other Countries: Meron Benvenisti (West Bank Data Project) tells US radio broadcast "All Things Considered" that Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is justified for security reasons. Hosting US Pres. Reagan in Peking, Chinese leaders criticize US policy in Central America and Middle East.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian lawyer Raja Shehadeh and Israeli author Amos Kenan honored in Israeli Peace Council ceremony commemorating late Issam Sartawi on anniversary of his murder. Knesset Ministerial Settlement Com. approves 4 new settlements in West Bank and 2 in Negev.
Other Countries: Al-Fajr managing editor Sam'an Khoury addresses members of National Union of Journalists convention in London on subject of press conditions in the occupied territories. Group of 54 US congressmen petition Int'l. Olympic Com. to reject any application by PLO to participate in summer games, saying "recognition of PLO ... would be morally repugnant" and that "PLO represents neither a geographical area nor the Palestinian people."
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army reserves called up for exercises.
Arab World: 3 attacks against IDF in S. Lebanon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: WZO completes placement of 30 buildings on hilltop S.E. of Nablus to form Tel Haim settlement [adjacent to former Elon Moreh, ordered dismantled in 1979]. Jerusalem mayor Kollek's spokesman confirms plan for 75-acre Jewish cemetery east of city, saying it "will increase our hold" on West Bank. Report issued by "West Bank Data Project" concludes US funds intended for economic projects in occupied territories diverted by Israeli gov't. for its own use. Labor Party unanimously nominates Shimon Peres as PM candidate for 7/23 elections.
Other Countries: Zehdi Terzi speaks before Canadian Senate Foreign Affairs Com. as final witness in 2-yr. review of Canadian policy toward Middle East. US Pres. Reagan tells Jewish Community Relations Council in private New York mtg. that if Israel expelled from UN, "We will walk out with her."
Military Action:
Arab World: IDF shoots and wounds 7 Lebanese civilians in Sidon after grenade thrown at Israeli patrol on main street.
Other Countries: Bomb explodes in Israel Aircraft Industries' Manhattan offices; "Red Guerrilla Resistance" claims responsibility.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 9th annual Land Day commemorated throughout Palestine in demonstrations protesting Israeli land theft and discriminatory policies; military authorities impose curfews on Balata and Ain Beit Alma refugee camps near Nablus; Israeli troops open fire on demonstrators and bystanders in jenin and Qabatya villages and Balata and Dheisheh camps, 5 people wounded. Meanwhile, IDF bulldozes wheat crops, olive and almond groves of Kufr Qalil family in 2nd day of work on Elon Moreh access road as settlers look on. Fara'a prison detainee Walid A'ardeh testifies before Tel Aviv District Court to torture used to extract confession to unspecified charge. Interior Min. issues travel ban for Fr. Fawzi Khoury.
Arab World: Arab FMs meeting in Tunis warn US of unspecified retaliation if its embassy moved to Jerusalem; fail to agree on proposed reform of voting procedure and establishment of pan-Arab Court of Justice.
Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat and Pres. Mubarak meet while attending Guinean Pres. Sekou Toure's funeral in Conakry. US formally ends participation in Lebanon MNF. Sweden's FM Schori criticizes Israeli policy in West Bank and Latin America during official 3-day visit to Tel Aviv. Lebanon's PM al-Wazzan tells US amb. Bartholomew that US shares responsibility for IDF repression in South because of its "unlimited military and political support for Israel."
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud bloc and Labor agree on July 23 as date for Knesset elections.
Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan calls bill to move embassy to Jerusalem "most unwise." Joint US Congressional Resolution proclaiming May 6-13, 1984, "National-jewish Heritage Week" enacted by Pres. Reagan.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: On eve of Land Day, occupation forces launch wide campaign of arrests of 15 to 20-yr.-old men throughout West Bank refugee camps.
Arab World: IDF tanks storm Jibsheet mosque, S. Lebanon during 5 a.m. prayer; soldiers open fire, killing at least 6 (teenage girl bleeds to death while Israelis prevent aid from ambulance and Red Cross workers).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disband Tulkarm Red Crescent Society admin. council for unspecified reasons. Arab World: Jordan's Queen Noor criticizes US-Israeli ties before World Affairs Council, Washington, DC.
Other Countries: On Middle East fact-finding mission, UN Undersec. Gen. Urquhart told by Shamir of Israel's opposition to UNIFIL troops in S. Lebanon. Israel claims smuggled Palestinian vegetables from West Bank & Gaza sold on Israeli market.
Military Action:
Arab World: 1 IDF soldier killed, 1 wounded in roadside bomb blast near Sarafand, S. Lebanon; IDF conducts house-to-house search, arresting several "suspects."
Occupied Palestine/Israel: International Women's Day celebrations held in Palestinian towns, largest of which sponsored by Women's Work Com. in Jerusalem. Israeli military blockade refuses women access to Jerusalem. 9-mo. hunger strike at Neve Terza women's prison ends with some rights restored to inmates. In Knesset State Control Com. hearings, West Bank leaders Raja Shehadeh, Muhammad Nasser and Beit Jala mayor al-Araj accuse West Bank court system of corruption, citing hampering of legal process, confiscation of files, arbitrary transfer ofcases, and Israeli officials' lying to High Court of Justice. Supreme Court reduces Kach settlers' sentence from 39 to 30 mos. for firing on passing car driven by Yatta village resident. Leaders of segregationist MENA organization protest High Court of Justice ban on their anti-Arab demonstrations planned for Nazareth central square. Over 700 Grenada & Beirut-veteran Marines arrive in Haifa aboard USS Guam for 4-days of "R&R." Noting that bomb detonated on Ashdod bus (3/7/84) was IDF type, police spokesman Nitzav Caspi suggests bombing "not perpetrated by 'terrorists'."
Other Countries: US Joint Chiefs of staff Chrmn. Vessey holds mtg. with World Jewish Congress leaders.
Military Action: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Having already lost half their land to Israeli confiscations, Palestinian Druze residents of Beit Jann obstruct Israeli "nature reservists" destroying village road; 1 villager suffers head injuries, 1 young woman suffers broken arm when struck by Israeli with axe.
Arab World: Israeli private contractor employed by IDF ambushed and killed near Lake Karoun, S. Lebanon. [Defense Ministry now affords civilian workers military status in S. Lebanon, making surviving families eligible for increased pensions.]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Galilee youths released after arrest (2/29/84) for hoisting Palestinian flag on anniversary of Sabra & Shatila massacres; in court, defendents describe torture used on them; suit filed against interrogators. MK Sarid submits letter of protest over MK Sharon's violation of Knesset "code of ethics" by accepting money for US lecture tour. [Sharon appealed for dispensation on grounds he is suing Time magazine for reporting his connection with Sabra & Shatila massacres.] PM Shamir denies charges by Sharon that his gov't. is bowing to US pressure to impede settlement drive. MKs Zakin (Mapam) and Aloni (CRM) urge PM Shamir to declare "TNT" a terrorist organization. [1948 Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance would then allow security agencies to fight Jewish terrorism.] After 3 years, Bani Zad village resumes relation with "civil administration" upon promise of IS10 million grant for civic improvements. 8 Palestinians arraigned in military court for murder of Kiryat Arba squatter Aharon Gross (7/7/83); 5 plead not guilty, 1 claims self-defense. 7 West Bank squatters and 2 from Green Line, all of US origin and followers of Meir Kahane, arrested for bombing attempt on al-Aqsa Mosque and shooting attack on Arab bus (3/4/84); news blackout on investigations imposed.
Arab World: Gemayel abrogates US-sponsored May 17 agreement with Israel. Israel protests Egypt's permitting Palestinian conference in Cairo later this month; complains conference will provide opportunity for "anti-Israeli propaganda."
Other Countries: European Community Commission Pres. Thorn says Egypt urging Europeans to press US to deal with PLO.
Military Action:
Arab World: Israelis bomb alleged PLO positions in 2 raids on Aley, Lebanon.
Arab World: Italian MNF contingent complete withdrawal from Beirut, leaving Sabra and Shatila refugee camp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital to Shi'ite welfare organization.
Other Countries: UN Human Rights Commission approves 2 resolutions: condemning Israel's West Bank policies of confiscation and demolition of Arab property, mass arrests and torture; calling on Israel to release Ziad Abu Ain; both resolutions passed with 11 (mostly Western) members abstaining; only US opposed. International Federation for Human Rights presents evidence to UN commission of Lebanese security forces and Phalangist militia abductions of more than 1,500 civilians in S. Lebanon in conjunction with IDF. Gen. Manager of Yuval Guitars, Katzrin settlement (Golan), reports sell-out of Israeli 'ouds marketed at World Music Festival in Frankfurt to Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian and Tunisian buyers.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Dep. PM Levy says Reagan decision to pull out of Lebanon shows "poor judgement and certain weakness." Israeli Chief of Staff Eitan says IDF must remain in S. Lebanon forever to ensure safe northern border.
Other Countries: King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Reagan meet at White House to discuss ways to negotiated settlement of West Bank and Gaza status; Reagan disassociates self from Mubarak's appeal for "direct dialogue" with PLO. US amb. to Israel Samuel Lewis tells presidents of American Jewish organizations at Jerusalem Hilton that US Embassy should have been moved to Jerusalem in 1950s. British FM Howe states position that May 17 agreement "must not be allowed to become an obstacle to national reconciliation" in Lebanon.
Arab World: Druze militias make gains against LAF; US responds by shelling Druze areas with 45 rounds from destroyers offshore.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugee camps meet in Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho to discuss youth programs.
Other Countries: Spain's Dep. PM Guerra dispels speculation of possible diplomatic relations with Israel; says conditions for relations include Israel's guaranteed borders, withdrawal from Lebanon and recognition of Palestinian rights to homeland. Britain proposes 50-man UN force to monitor Beirut's "Green Line." Mubarak arrives in Paris for talks with Pres. Miterrand; leaders examine possible resurrection of UN Resolution 242 with amendment calling for mutual and simultaneous Israel-PLO recognition.
Arab World: Red Cross 707 with urgent medical supplies for Lebanese hospitals turned back from Beirut airport after Christian militia threatens to shoot it down. 6 Israeli Kfir jets attack Bhamdoun, Mansuriya and Baalchmay in Lebanon; at least 2 killed, several buildings damaged; Israel claims retaliation for Palestinian Katyusha attack on Metulla.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. school-teachers in West Bank repeat demand for 100% wage increase.
Arab World: Lebanese PM Shafiq Wazzan and 9-member cabinet resign under pressure from Muslim groups opposed to Gemayel gov't.; Gemayel accepts resignations; offers Saudi-backed 8-point plan for national reconciliation, including promise that "everything is negotiable."
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Homes of Palestinians suspected in killing of Israeli settler in Hebron sealed in pre-trial punishment.
Arab World: Booby-trapped car in Nabatiya explodes, injuring 1 Israeli and 4 Lebanese civilians; automatic fire opens up on IDF convoy 4 miles south of Jezzine and south of Ansariya. Israeli Air Force jet crashes in Sinai, pilot killed; Egypt returns body to IAF.
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Former chief of staff Yigael Yadin submits affidavit stating IDF seizure of Hebron central bus station is not justifiable for reasons of security. PM Shamir survives 3 no confidence motions in Knesset. Al-Fajr journalist, Awad Abdel Fattah, denied access to West Bank and Gaza for 1 year by Israeli occupation authorities. Yaqoub Hijazi, owner of Akka publishing house, summoned by Israeli police for questioning about new book of short stories; police confiscate copies of the book, claiming it is "inciting."
Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Raghib Harb, makes last public appearance in Hallusiyeh rally after fellow Shi'ite leader arrested by IDF.
Other Countries: Israeli Pres. Herzog ends African visit, returning from Liberia with wide-ranging commercial cooperation agreement. Washington Post alleges presidential candidate Rev. Jesse Jackson privately made anti-Jewish remark; Zionist anti-Jackson campaign accuses candidate of "racism" and "anti-Semitism."
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 500 settlers from southern kibbutzim demonstrate before PM's office in Jerusalem for immediate IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. Occupation authorities ban Al-Fajr journalist from entering West Bank for 1 year and Gaza for 6 months; no explanation given. [The journalist recently served 4 mos. in jail for possession of "banned printed material."]
Arab World: 2 grenades thrown at IDF patrols in central Sidon; 1 in Nabitiya; roadside bomb explodes by remote control as IDF passes near Ansar.