103 / 15493 Results
  • June 7, 1995

    In Cairo, Israel, PA close 2-day round of talks on expanding self-rule, reach draft agmt. on transferring responsibilities for labor to PA. (MENA 6/7 in FBIS 6/8; CSM 6/9)

    IDF dismantles a...

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  • March 26, 1995

    PA-Israeli delegations meet in Jericho to discuss next official round of negotiations on elections, redeployment scheduled for 3/28-29 in Cairo. Parties say sides are still divided but talks are...

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  • February 4, 1995

    Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian delegations begin mtgs. in Cairo to discuss 1967 refugees, ways of securing right of return, seek to coordinate positions before mtg. with Israel at end of mo....

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  • January 22, 1995

    2 explosions at bus stop at Beyt Lid junction, Israel, kill 19, wound 65. 2 more later die of wounds, leaving 21 Israelis dead. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility as retribution for murder of...

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  • January 9, 1995

    Arafat, PM Rabin meet at Erez checkpoint; agree on recognition of Palestinian passports, release of prisoners, routes linking autonomous areas. Men over 50, women over 35 will begin using safe-...

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  • December 14, 1994

    2 days of PA-Israeli talks on elections, redeployment, further implementation of Gaza-Jericho accord begin in Cairo. (QY 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MENA 12/14 in FBIS 12/15; WT 12/15; MEI 12/16)


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  • November 5, 1994

    Turkish PM Tansu Ciller ends 3-day visit to Israel; meets with Arafat in Gaza City, pledges $50 m. to autonomous areas; causes conflict with Israelis by holding mtg. with PLO's Faisal Husseini at...

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  • October 23, 1994

    PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli FM Peres hold Supreme Liaison Comm. mtg. in Cairo; agree to resume talks, continue implementing of peace accord; appoint comm. to discuss PNA role at border...

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  • July 12, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Gaza to take up permanent residence, meets PNA officials.  (NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/13)

    Cairo talks btwn. Israel, Palestinians on security issues end 1st round. ...

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  • July 11, 1994

    Israeli, PLO negotiators open talks in Cairo on "early empowerment" of Palestinians in West Bank, expansion of self-rule area, redeploying IDF, elections.  Israeli side headed by IDF Maj. Gen...

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  • May 18, 1994

    Last IDF troops leave Gaza Strip self-rule areas, Palestinian civilians throwing stones at them as they leave.  IDF fires tear gas in response.  PLA police attempt to restrain stone-throwers by...

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  • May 12, 1994

    Palestinian police vanguard of 20 officers enters Jericho fr. Jordan. PLO and Israeli officials in Jericho and Gaza discuss transfer of powers. PLO official Khalid Qudra says after Gaza mtg. he...

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  • May 7, 1994

    330 Palestinian police leave staging area nr. Cairo for Rafah, on Sinai-Gaza border. 270 others make camp at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge, awaiting deployment in Jericho. (NYT, WT 5/8; NYT 5/9...

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  • May 5, 1994

    Central Gaza Prison closed down, 500 of its inmates transferred to other prisons and 200 released. IDF dismantles Gaza army bases but does not withdraw. (CSM, NYT, WT 5/6)

    PLO Chmn. Arafat...

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  • May 4, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin sign 186-page Gaza-Jericho self-rule accord after 6-hr. negotiating session. Cairo ceremony presided over by Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak; 2,500 attendees...

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  • May 3, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo for final negotiations on Gaza-Jericho self-rule agreement. Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa mediates. (NYT, WP, WT 5/4)

    Qatari FM Shaykh Hamad bin...

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  • May 1, 1994

    Israeli cabinet, PLO Exec. Comm. approve tentative Israel-PLO accord reached 4/28; Israeli and PLO negotiators return to talks in Cairo to finalize details for 5/4 signing. Disputes remain on...

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  • April 17, 1994

    Israel-PLO talks on Gaza-Jericho self-rule reconvene in Cairo. (NYT, WT 4/17; MM, WP 4/18)

    Israeli cabinet eases closure of o.t., allowing 4,500 Palestinians over 35 to return to...

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  • April 12, 1994

    Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in Cairo announce agreement on Palestinian police force, release of prisoners. Police force set at 9,000, with 2,000 recruited fr. o.t. and 7,000 fr. outside....

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  • April 6, 1994

    Car bomb explodes at bus stop in Afula, northern Israel, killing 8, including bomber, and wounding 44. Hamas claims responsibility in calls to news agencies, announcements on Gaza Strip mosque...

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  • April 5, 1994

    23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)

    9 Palestinians...

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  • April 4, 1994

    IDF begins evacuation of HQ in Jericho, Gaza Strip as withdrawal starts. Troops in Gaza redeploy to guard Gush Qatif bloc of settlements. 2 Palestinians wounded by IDF while stoning departing...

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  • February 23, 1994

    Round of Cairo talks btwn. PLO and Israel on Gaza-Jericho autonomy ends, PLO official Nabil Shaath telling reporters "there is only a little left [to do]" on autonomy agreement.  Israeli...

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  • February 21, 1994

    PLO-Israel security comm. resumes talks in Cairo to settle details of Gaza-Jericho autonomy plan.  Civilian affairs comm. also expected to resume sessions.  (MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM 2/23)...

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  • February 9, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres reach partial agreement on security issues related to Palestinian autonomy in Gaza, Jericho, signing documents on control of border crossings, principles for...

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  • February 7, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat, Israeli FM Peres open talks in Cairo aimed at implementing Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and Jericho. Both sides report progress. (MENA 2/7, 2/8 in FBIS 2/8; WP, WT 2/8)


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  • January 31, 1994

    2 days of talks btwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres conclude in early morning. Arafat says Israel and PLO will reach final agreement on implementing Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and...

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  • January 27, 1994

    PLO-Israel talks in Cairo on Palestinian autonomy recess without completing draft accord for discussion by PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres. Sides remain divided over size of Jericho area,...

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  • January 25, 1994

    Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG...

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  • January 1, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin says PLO Chmn. Arafat's proposed "amendments" to Israeli draft on Gaza-Jericho "go beyond the limits," accuses Arafat of having "pulled back" fr. agreement reached in Cairo, says...

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In Cairo, Israel, PA close 2-day round of talks on expanding self-rule, reach draft agmt. on transferring responsibilities for labor to PA. (MENA 6/7 in FBIS 6/8; CSM 6/9)

IDF dismantles a military base in `Illar nr. Tulkarm. (CSM 6/9)

Multilateral Working Group on Economic Development meets in Amman. (JTV 6/7 in FBIS 6/8)

Quadripartite (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, PA) technical comm. on refugees convenes for 1st time in Beersheba. (IGPO 6/6; VOP 6/7 in FBIS 6/7) (see 3/7)

In Damascus, U.S. envoy Ross, Pres. Asad discuss agenda for Syrian-Israeli talks to be held in Washington 6/27. After mtg. Ross heads to Cairo to meet with FM Musa, stops on way to brief PM Rabin on talks with Syrians. (MM 6/7; RE, SATN 6/7 in FBIS 6/8; MM, WT 6/8)

German Chancellor Kohl meets with Arafat in Jericho, pledges additional $7 m. to the PA, says Germany will consider investing in industrial parks. (VOP 6/7 in FBIS 6/8; CSM 6/8; VOP 6/10 in FBIS 6/12; MM 6/13; BT 6/22)

In Geneva, PA Labor M Samir Ghawshah represents PA at International Labor Org. (ILO) mtg., blocks U.S., Israeli motion to delete topic of Palestinian workers' conditions fr. the agenda. (PWR 6/95)

Israeli parliament approves $70 m. for army to begin "Rainbow II"--a plan calling for months of construction of new bypass roads for settlers in and a slowly phased withdrawal fr. West Bank. (WP 6/8)

Natan Sharansky announces formation of new Movement for Israel and Immigration to aid immigrants economically, socially politically; says he may turn it into a party aimed at coalescing Russian immigrants into voting bloc for Israel's 1996 elections. (JP 6/8 in FBIS 6/9; JP 6/17; NYT 6/20; JP 6/24; CSM 6/27)

Israeli State Atty. rules that Shin Bet interrogator who caused death of Palestinian detainee 4/25 "could not and should not have expected a fatal result of his actions," will not be criminally prosecuted. (NYT 6/8) (see 4/28)

Senate passes Pres. Clinton's antiterrorism bill 91-8. Bill expands government use of wiretaps, gives FBI greater access to phone and credit card reports, expands authority to deport or refuse entry to immigrants, bans fundraising for foreign organizations designated as terrorist by State Dept., allows U.S. citizens to sue terrorist groups for personal injuries sustained in attacks. (NYT, WP, WT 6/8; WJW 7/27) (see 6/20)

PA-Israeli delegations meet in Jericho to discuss next official round of negotiations on elections, redeployment scheduled for 3/28-29 in Cairo. Parties say sides are still divided but talks are reaching a "practical stage," esp. on makeup of observer teams. (IDF Radio, VOP 3/26 in FBIS 3/27; MM 3/29)

Israeli FM Peres tells press "several" Jewish settlements in Gaza, West Bank will have to be removed as Israeli authority is replaced by Palestinian self-rule. Statement provokes outrage of Likud, settler groups. (Sunday Times of London 3/26 in FBIS 3/28)

3 alleged Hamas mbrs. cross into Gaza fr. Egypt nr. Rafah checkpoint. IDF captures 1; 2 others escape into PA territory. (QY 3/26, 3/27 in FBIS 3/27)

Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian delegations begin mtgs. in Cairo to discuss 1967 refugees, ways of securing right of return, seek to coordinate positions before mtg. with Israel at end of mo. Egypt, Jordan agree to provide PA with any statistics, information they have, call on international community to do the same. (MENA, RE 2/4, RJ 2/5 in FBIS 2/6; JTV 2/6 in FBIS 2/7)

Amman Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce of Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Jericho sign trade agmt. to encourage economic integration of, investment and development btwn. Palestinians, Jordan. (PETRA 2/4 in FBIS 2/8)

Israel's FM Peres, Dep. FM Beilin meet with Omani FM Yusuf Bin `Alawi in Aqaba; agree to open interests offices, discuss water issue. (JTV, RJ 2/4, QY 2/5 in FBIS 2/6; JP 2/11)

IDF bans Palestinians fr. leaving Jericho, incl. students enrolled in universities and institutes. PA protests. (VOP 2/4 in FBIS 2/6)

Israel's Islamic Movement leader, Shaykh `Abdallah Nimr Darweish, announces his group will mobilize supporters for the next election, may form ticket. The group--a legal party with unofficial ties to Hamas--previously boycotted Israeli elections. (MM 2/6)

Acting on tips fr. IDF, PSF captures 3 Palestinians allegedly planning to explode car bomb nr. Allenby Bridge. Israeli officials praise Arafat for preventing attack. (ITV 2/4 in FBIS 2/6; WT 2/6; JP 2/11)

FM Peres says that direct vote for Israeli PM, slated for next elections, should be postponed until current government has had at least 1 more term in office. (QY 2/4 in FBIS 2/6)

2 explosions at bus stop at Beyt Lid junction, Israel, kill 19, wound 65. 2 more later die of wounds, leaving 21 Israelis dead. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility as retribution for murder of Hani Abed 11/2, settlement construction. For 1st time, Israeli Pres. Weizman calls for government to stop talks. Arafat denounces attack. (AFP, IDF Radio, ITV, QPAR, QY, RMC, VOP 1/22, HA, QY 1/23 in FBIS 1/23; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/23; ITV, QPAR, VOP 1/23 in FBIS 1/24; SARR, VOP 1/23 in FBIS 1/25; WJW 1/26; JP 1/28; WJW 2/2; MEI 2/3; WP 2/5)

PM Rabin calls emergency cabinet mtg. to discuss explosions at Beyt Lid; delays release of Palestinian prisoners, opening of safe passage btwn. Gaza, Jericho; announces Palestinians will be barred fr. entering Israel for "a number of days"; reiterates idea of national separation (see 10/19). (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/23; ITV 1/22, QY, VOP 1/23 in FBIS 1/23; MM 1/23; CSM 1/24)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher calls Syrian FM al-Shara`, demands Syria stop providing safe haven to "terrorists," esp. Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shiqaqi. Shiqaqi issues statement "reminding" U.S. he is in Syria only because Israel deported him. (MM 1/23; NYT, WT 1/24)

PA, Egypt, Jordan hold mtg. in Cairo to coordinate stance on 1967 refugees, discuss definition of "refugee" and requirements for right of return in preparation for negotiations with Israel. (MENA 1/22 in FBIS 1/24)

Multilateral talks steering comm. opens 2-day session in Cairo to discuss accomplishments of 5 working groups. Delegations fr. Egypt, Jordan, PA, Israel, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Japan, EU, U.S., Russia attend. (MENA 1/22, 1/23 in FBIS 1/23; RE 1/23 in FBIS 1/24)

PA Economics M Qurai` leads PA delegation to Amman for talks on bilateral relation with Jordanians in advance of Arafat visit 1/25. (JTV, RJ 1/22 in FBIS 1/23)

PM Rabin holds cabinet mtg. on settlement issue; creates comm. of 6 cabinet Ms, headed by him, to approve all housing plans for o.t., incl. privately financed construction. Building will be suspended until comm. meets later in wk. (IGPO, ITV 1/22 in FBIS 1/23; NYT 1/23; JP 1/28)

Israeli Dep. FM Beilin meets with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak in Cairo to discuss bilateral relations and NPT. (MENA 1/22 in FBIS 1/23; MM 1/23; WT 1/25)

Hizballah's political chief Shaykh Hassan Nasrallah states for 1st time that all 6 Israeli MIAs are dead. Israel asserts air force navigator Ron Arad is still alive. (RL 1/23 in FBIS 1/25; WT 1/24)

Arafat, PM Rabin meet at Erez checkpoint; agree on recognition of Palestinian passports, release of prisoners, routes linking autonomous areas. Men over 50, women over 35 will begin using safe-passage routes. (MM 1/9; AFP, QY, VOP 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; NYT, WP, WT 1/10; CSM 1/12; PR 1/15; MEI 2/3) (see 1/6)

Israeli-PA talks on procedures and mechanisms for elections, expanding self-rule reopen in Cairo. Parties defer discussion on redeployment, review events of previous 8 mtgs. (MM 1/9; MENA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/10; RE 1/9, MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/11)

PA holds conference on settlements in Jericho. Participants, incl. 4 PA mbrs. and Hamas mbrs., call on PA to suspend talks, step up protests, reconsider peace process in light of Israeli settlement violations. (MM 1/9; QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; NYT 1/10; Al-Quds 1/10, QY 1/11 in FBIS 1/11; CSM 1/12; PR 1/15)

PA, German officials meet in East Jerusalem to discuss development projects. Israeli FMin. complains it did not receive prior notice of mtg. (QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10) (see 12/26)

U.S. Defense Secy. Perry receives briefing on Golan fr. IDF, say U.S. anticipates being asked to provide monitors for the area (as opposed to security forces). (MM 1/9; AFP, JP, QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; WP, WT 1/10; CSM 1/11; MEI 1/20; JP 1/21)

Poll released by Center for Palestine Research Studies shows that majority of Palestinians favor suspending (31.5%) or completely halting (20.6%) talks with Israel. (MM 1/9)

HA reports Iraq is ready to recognize Israel since Israel has reconciled with PLO, has asked Morocco to mediate; claims Iraqi official Ismat Katani visited senior FMin. official Yitzhak Lior in Israel. Lior admits mtg. took place but says Israeli-Iraqi relations were not discussed. (HA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/10)

Rigged donkey cart explodes in Gaza as bus of Jewish settlers passes. No injuries, no one takes responsibility. (NYT, WT 1/10)

2 days of PA-Israeli talks on elections, redeployment, further implementation of Gaza-Jericho accord begin in Cairo. (QY 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MENA 12/14 in FBIS 12/15; WT 12/15; MEI 12/16)

3 Israeli-Jordanian joint comms. convene 1st mtgs. Aqaba-Elat comm. discusses implementation of Article 23 of peace treaty, calling for joint development. Jordan Rift comm. discusses water, economic feasibility studies. Joint economic comm. discusses investments, trade exchange, banks. (RJ 12/14, JTV 12/15 in FBIS 12/16)

Jordan appeals to Syria to appoint amb. to the kingdom. Syria froze decision on new amb. after Jordan signed treaty with Israel 10/26. Syrian FMin. promises to "study the issue." (Al-Bilad 12/14 in FBIS 12/13)

ICO passes resolution on Jerusalem drafted 12/13. King Hussein leaves in protest before close of summit. (MM 12/16; PR 12/18)

IDF reservist is stabbed, wounded by Palestinian in Ramallah. (MENA 12/14 in FBIS 12/15; IDF Radio 12/15 in FBIS 12/16; NYT 12/15, 12/17; JP 12/24)

Turkish PM Tansu Ciller ends 3-day visit to Israel; meets with Arafat in Gaza City, pledges $50 m. to autonomous areas; causes conflict with Israelis by holding mtg. with PLO's Faisal Husseini at Orient House in East Jerusalem. (MM 11/4; WT 11/5, 11/6; QY, RMC, VOP 11/6 in FBIS 11/7; MM 11/7; MM 11/8; JP 11/12)

Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Lebanese Pres. Hrawi meet in Damascus to discuss Israeli PM Rabin's 11/1 remarks on southern Lebanon. (SARR 11/5 in FBIS 11/7; JP 11/12)

Israeli Dep. DM Gur says Israel will consider direct talks with Lebanon on phased pullout fr. southern Lebanon if Lebanese present viable plan ensuring total cessation of violence. (JP 11/12)

PNA announces Egypt will open representative office in Gaza, consulate in Jericho; Arafat names Zuhdi al-Qidrah as PNA representative to Cairo. (MENA 11/5 in FBIS 11/7)

Israeli study shows Fateh has not made any lethal attacks on Israelis since autonomy agmt. was signed in May. (QY 11/6 in FBIS 11/8; WT 11/8)

PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli FM Peres hold Supreme Liaison Comm. mtg. in Cairo; agree to resume talks, continue implementing of peace accord; appoint comm. to discuss PNA role at border crossings, free movement btwn. Gaza, Jericho; discuss methods of curbing Hamas. (WP, WT 10/23; MENA, QY 10/24 in FBIS 10/24; WT 10/24)

FM Peres meets with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, discusses peace process, movement on Syrian track, upcoming Casablanca economic summit. (IDF Radio, MENA 10/23 in FBIS 10/24)

Israeli cabinet approves bringing in 19,000 new foreign workers to compensate for labor shortage caused by closure of the territories. (MM 10/24; JP 11/5)

Palestinian, Nidal Tamimi, is killed in confrontation with IDF at Hebron checkpoint. Amateur video tape is released showing wounded, unconscious Tamimi being shot in head by soldier. Tape ignites furor. (WP 11/4; WT 11/16)

Islamic Jihad dismisses Sec. Gen. Fayiz al-Aswad, divests him of all powers, elects Shaykh Husayn Anbar as new leader. (RMC 10/23 in FBIS 10/24)

Israel says it has arrested 50 Hamas mbrs. in West Bank since bus bombing 10/19. (MM, NYT 10/24; WP 10/25)

PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Gaza to take up permanent residence, meets PNA officials.  (NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/13)

Cairo talks btwn. Israel, Palestinians on security issues end 1st round.  Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath calls session "quite positive."  Talks covered prisoner release, extent of Jericho area, Palestinian police at Allenby Bridge, and extent of Palestinian authority on Gaza coast.  Subcomms. set up to discuss Gaza-Jericho authority, transfer of civil authority in rest of o.t.  (ARE Radio 7/12 in FBIS 7/12; MENA 7/12 in FBIS 7/13; NYT 7/13)

Steering group of multilateral talks holds 6th session in Tabarka, Tunisia, 1st mtg. since Madrid conf. in Arab country.  (Tunisian radio 7/12 in FBIS 7/12)

Maariv reports Israel considering international control of Christian, Muslim religious sites in Jerusalem.  FM Peres denies any such plan but says Israel "open to proposals" on holy sites, rejects any change in Israeli sovereignty over city.  Newspaper says proposed international admin. of Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Haram al-Sharif would include Palestinians, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Vatican.  (WT 7/13)

Yi'ud party joins Israeli cabinet although PM Rabin refuses many Yi'ud demands on o.t., Golan, PLO.  Yi'ud made up of frmr. Tsomet party mbrs.  (MM 7/13)

Israeli, PLO negotiators open talks in Cairo on "early empowerment" of Palestinians in West Bank, expansion of self-rule area, redeploying IDF, elections.  Israeli side headed by IDF Maj. Gen Danny Rothschild, PLO by PNA Planning M Nabil Shaath.  Separate talks on settling issues remaining fr. 5/4 agreement, including borders of Jericho area, resume.  (MENA 7/11, 7/12 in FBIS 7/12; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

IDF kills 2 Hamas mbrs. in Nablus after firing anti-tank missles at house they were hiding in.  The 2 had been wanted for a year.  Several buildings in area destroyed.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/12; MM 7/12; TJT 7/15; JP 7/23)

Qiryat Arba settlers vacate Hebron apartments occupied 7/8 in compromise with Housing M.  (MM 7/12)

PLO Chmn. Arafat departs Tunis for Cairo on way to take up permanent residence in Gaza Strip.  Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Beilin to discuss early empowerment of Palestinians in o.t. before his departure.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/12; NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

Israeli PM Rabin accepts King Hussein's offer for a public summit mtg.  (MM 7/11; WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

Israeli FM Peres announces he will meet Secy of State Christopher, Jordanian PM and FM `Abd al-Salam al-Majali in Jordan 7/20 in 1st public visit of an Israeli official to Jordan.  Israeli-Jordanian bilateral talks to resume 7/18 at Ein Evrona, southern Israel.  Jordanian spokesman says emphasis in talks will be on border, water issues.  (MM 7/11; MM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/12)

Jordan receives over $900,000 fr. UN for claims by Jordanian families for losses in 1990-91 Gulf war.  (WSJ 7/12)

IAF raids Hizballah positions in Biqa` Valley.  (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/11)

Last IDF troops leave Gaza Strip self-rule areas, Palestinian civilians throwing stones at them as they leave.  IDF fires tear gas in response.  PLA police attempt to restrain stone-throwers by firing in air.  Firing turns to celebration after IDF leaves, with estimated 25,000 rounds shot.  (NYT, WP, WT 5/19; TJT 5/20)

Last day for inhabitants of collaborator village of Duhaynah in southern Gaza Strip to go to Palestinian self-rule area.  Under 5/4 accord, village will remain under Israeli control.  Reportedly, 55 collaborator families have already left.  (TJT 5/20)

Settler wounded by unidentified Palestinian in drive-by shooting in Gaza Strip.  In Jericho, armed settlers enter synagogue, raise Israeli flag.  Settlers leave after joint Israeli-PLO patrol arrives.  (WP 5/19)

TIPH "strongly" protests continued IDF closure of Hebron.  (MM 5/18; WP 5/19)

IDF, Israeli police demolish Palestinian home in Bayt Hanina, nr. Jerusalem, for being built without a permit.  (TJT 5/20)

Secy of State Christopher completes latest Middle East trip with courtesy call on Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak in Cairo, says "decisive action" on Syrian-Israeli agreement on Golan Heights withdrawal not likely in "near future."  (NYT, WP, WT 5/19)

PLO Chmn. Arafat, Israeli FM Shimon Peres hold joint news conference in Oslo.  Arafat claims "jihad" remarks in South Africa were about "a jihad to achieve real peace," reiterates personal and PLO rejection of violence.  Peres accepts Arafat's explanation, offers handshake.  (MM 5/18; MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/19)

Jerusalem Post reports PLO is paying $500,00 to Nabil Shaath's Team International company for setting up computer system to transfer population records to self-government.  Shaath denies that contract, carried out by son `Ali, represents conflict of interest.  (MM 5/18)

Palestinian police vanguard of 20 officers enters Jericho fr. Jordan. PLO and Israeli officials in Jericho and Gaza discuss transfer of powers. PLO official Khalid Qudra says after Gaza mtg. he expects full Palestinian takeover to occur 5/17. (MM 5/12; NYT, WP, WT 5/13)

IDF evacuates Rafah, Gaza Strip, turning over police station and military govt. HQ to 40 locally recruited Palestinian police. IDF also leaves bases in Khan Yunis and Maghazi, al-Burayj, and Nusayrat r.c.s. (NYT, WP, WT 5/13)

Israeli AG Michael Ben-Yair tells Knesset that parliamentary immunity no longer applies in Palestinian autonomous areas. Remark is directed at 3 Likud and NRP MKs staging sit-in at Jericho's Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue. (MM 5/12)

Israeli truck driver ambushed nr. Mogaz settlement, Gaza Strip, in attack claimed by Hamas. 1 Palestinian arrested. In Jabaliya r.c., Palestinian gunmen shoot at IDF soldiers, who return fire, wounding 1Palestinian. (WP 5/13)

PLO official Nabil Shaath announces appointment of 15 mbrs. of Palestinian National Authority. 2 women are among appointees. Israeli PM Rabin says naming of 15 of 24 mbrs. sufficient to proceed with transition to self-rule. (NYT, WP, WT 5/13)

Dep. Asst. Secy of State Daniel Kurtzer, in Cairo, states U.S. has pledged $10.1 m. toward job creation, construction, and training for Palestinian refugees. Kurtzer in Cairo for 3-day mtg. of multilateral working group on refugees. (MM 5/12)

330 Palestinian police leave staging area nr. Cairo for Rafah, on Sinai-Gaza border. 270 others make camp at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge, awaiting deployment in Jericho. (NYT, WT 5/8; NYT 5/9)

Haim Bar-Lev, IDF chief of staff 1968-71 after whom "Bar-Lev Line" of Sinai fortifications named, dies at 69 in Tel Aviv. (NYT, WT 5/8)

Central Gaza Prison closed down, 500 of its inmates transferred to other prisons and 200 released. IDF dismantles Gaza army bases but does not withdraw. (CSM, NYT, WT 5/6)

PLO Chmn. Arafat visits Amman to brief King Hussein on Gaza-Jericho agreement after Cairo mtg. with top aides to discuss appointment of 24 mbrs. of Palestinian National Authority. (MM 5/5; WP, WT 5/6)

Japanese FM Koji Kakizawa visits Jericho, pledges $200 m. to Palestinian National Authority. Settlers attempt for 2d day to occupy Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho. (CSM, WT 5/6)

Norwegian Middle East mediator Terje Rod Larsen says Palestinian police force has received $20 m. in international donations, less than 1/2 of estimated $47 m. budget for 1st 6 months. Larsen says U.S. has pledged additional $5 m. PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath says there will be overlap btwn. IDF presence and police. (NYT, WP 5/6)

PFLP, DFLP announce attacks on Israel will continue but that forces will avoid clashes with Palestinian police, according to statement by PFLP SG Dr. George Habash. Syrian media, including party paper al-Ba'th, join Palestinian factions in condemning Gaza-Jericho agreement. (MM 5/5; CSM, WP 5/6)

Al-Hayat reports Russia has agreed to write off 90% of Syria's $10 b. debt to Moscow. Syria will purchase $500 m. in Russian weapons in deal reached during Russian Dep. PM Oleg Soskovets's visit to Damascus previous week. (MM 5/5; WT 5/11)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin sign 186-page Gaza-Jericho self-rule accord after 6-hr. negotiating session. Cairo ceremony presided over by Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak; 2,500 attendees include Secy. of State Christopher, Russian FM Andrei Kozyrev, Norwegian FM Bjorn Tore Godal, FMs of Japan, South Korea, Morocco, and Jordan. Arafat balks at signing maps accompanying accord, saying size of Jericho area not agreed upon, and ceremony stops for 35 minutes until Arafat reassured issue subject to further negotiation. Arafat asks for 3-week delay in withdrawal to allow PLO to prepare for taking power. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/4, 5/5; CSM 5/5)

Simultaneous with signing, Israel permits return of 15 Palestinian exiles, releases over 200 Palestinian prisoners, and allows entry into Gaza of 19 PLO police cmndrs. (MM 5/4; NYT, WP, WT 5/5)

Settlers attempt to occupy Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho, staging prayer vigil. IDF remove settlers, detains 400 at Jericho base. Palestinian celebration in Jericho broken up by IDF with tear gas, percussion grenades. PLO officials arriving in Jericho in IDF jeeps stoned by local youths. (MM 5/4;NYT, WT 5/5; NYT 5/6)

Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Ghawsha says group will not use force against Palestinian supporters of Gaza-Jericho agreement, but says Palestinian police should not try to stop attacks by opposition factions on settlers, IDF. (MM 5/4)

DFLP head Nayif Hawatmah, PFLP chief George Habash issue statements rejecting Gaza-Jericho accord, calling for continued resistance to occupation and new elections to PNC. (MM 5/4)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo for final negotiations on Gaza-Jericho self-rule agreement. Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa mediates. (NYT, WP, WT 5/4)

Qatari FM Shaykh Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabr al-Thani, in opening remarks to 5th round of multilateral Middle East peace talks on arms control in Doha attended by 43 countries, rules out normal diplomatic or economic relations with Israel pending comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace. (WT 5/4)

Rabbinical Conference of the Religious Zionist Rabbis Association issues halachic ruling saying Israeli govt. "not empowered by Jewish law, tradition or heritage to relinquish the rights of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel," calling Gaza-Jericho agreement "not recognized as binding." (MM 5/4)

Israeli cabinet, PLO Exec. Comm. approve tentative Israel-PLO accord reached 4/28; Israeli and PLO negotiators return to talks in Cairo to finalize details for 5/4 signing. Disputes remain on control of territorial waters and beaches, prisoner releases, and legal jurisdiction. PLO Chmn. Arafat, Israeli PM Rabin to settle disputes over size of Jericho area, Palestinian police presence on Allenby Bridge. (CSM, NYT, WT 5/2)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara', after mtg. Secy. of State Christopher, says Syria rejects Israeli proposals on phased withdrawal fr. Golan Heights. Shara' says Pres. al-Asad asked Christopher "essential questions" for Israel to answer. (NYT, WP, WT 5/2)

Jordanian govt. decides to permit Palestinians free entry and exit, unlimited residency. Move comes after 6 years of tightened travel restrictions. (CSM 5/4)

Israel-PLO talks on Gaza-Jericho self-rule reconvene in Cairo. (NYT, WT 4/17; MM, WP 4/18)

Israeli cabinet eases closure of o.t., allowing 4,500 Palestinians over 35 to return to agricultural jobs, 16,000 others to cross "Green Line" regularly for business reasons. Move follows Shin Bet report that none of the Palestinians who killed Israelis inside Israel entered under work permits. (MM 4/18)

Hamas issues statement to media in Jordan saying a"correct start" to peace process would be Israeli withdrawal fr. o.t., dismantling of settlements, and free Palestinian elections. Statement 1st sign of softening of Hamas attitude toward Israel. (MM 4/18)

3-day multilateral conference on Middle East water opens in Muscat, Oman. Attended by delegates fr. 41 countries, including 26 Israelis negotiators accompanied by 19 journalists, session is boycotted by Syria and Lebanon. Jordan sends observer, not negotiator, due to dispute with U.S. over UN searches of vessels docking at Aqaba. Event marks 1st time Israeli officials allowed in a Gulf Arab country. (WT 4/17, 4/18)

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in Cairo announce agreement on Palestinian police force, release of prisoners. Police force set at 9,000, with 2,000 recruited fr. o.t. and 7,000 fr. outside. Police will be armed with automatic rifles, handguns, and be equipped with 45 APCs and 120 medium MGs. U.S. to supply 200 jeeps and other vehicles; Saudi Arabia loans C-130 aircrafto transport police. Israel agrees to release 5,000 Palestinian prisoners-2,500 after signing of accord, 2,500 when Palestinian police take over, according to PLO official Nabil Shaath and Israeli negotiator Amnon Shahak. Hamas prisoners will not be released. Negotiations on remaining issues to resume 4/17. (NYT, WP 4/13)

Israel-PLO economic talks in Paris achieve "very significant progress" according to Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat. Agreement reportedly close on direct and indirect taxation and financial affairs, "except for currency." Sides also divided on trade and labor. (MM 4/12, 4/13)

Settler fr. Shiloh fires at stone-throwers in al-Jib village, West Bank, kills 18-yr.-old Palestinian, 4 mos.' pregnant, in nearby house. Settler arrested, curfew imposed on al-Jib. (MM 4/12, 4/13; WP, WT 4/13)

IDF kills 1 Palestinian, wounds another during stone-throwing clashes in Jalazun r.c., West Bank. In Jericho, 5high-school students wounded by Border Police rubber bullets. (MM, NYT 4/13)

Ramallah placed under curfew as IDF searches for Palestinian fugitives; house of Dr. Muhammad Wahidi, Fateh supporter whose daughter Abir was sentenced to 17 yrs.' imprisonment for mbrship. in Fateh cell that killed a settler, attacked with gunfire and antitank rockets before being bulldozed. (NYT, WT 4/13)

Car bomb explodes at bus stop in Afula, northern Israel, killing 8, including bomber, and wounding 44. Hamas claims responsibility in calls to news agencies, announcements on Gaza Strip mosque loudspeakers. Demonstrations against attack erupt in Afula and other towns; Israeli police deploy in Israeli-Arab villages to protect Palestinian citizens of Israel. Complete closure imposed on o.t. Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu demands govt. suspend talks with PLO. PLO Chmn. Arafat, asked by State Dept. to condemn bombing, refuses comment when asked about it at Cairo news conference. (MM 4/6; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/7)

6 IDF soldiers wounded, none seriously, in grenade attack on patrol in Shatti r.c., Gaza Strip. (NYT 4/7)

Israeli delegation to talks with PLO in Cairo takes 3-day break to observe Holocaust Day. PLO officials decline to take over Gaza police station evacuated by Israel, postpone entry of Palestinian police into Gaza, Jericho. (MM 4/6; NYT, WP, WT 4/7)

PM Rabin testifies to closed session of commission of inquiry into Hebron massacre, last of 94 witnesses. Rabin's testimony not made public. (MM 4/6; NYT 4/7, 4/9)

23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)

9 Palestinians wounded by IDF in clashes as Israelis continue evacuation of Jericho, Gaza IDF HQs. 3 of the wounded are in Jericho. (WT 4/6)

Danish, Italian, and Norwegian officials go to Israel from Cairo to discuss role of Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) contingents. (MM 4/5)

Pres. al-Asad holds 3d mtg. with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, returns to Syria. (MM 4/5)

IDF begins evacuation of HQ in Jericho, Gaza Strip as withdrawal starts. Troops in Gaza redeploy to guard Gush Qatif bloc of settlements. 2 Palestinians wounded by IDF while stoning departing troops. (CSM, WT 4/5)

Bank of Jordan opens 1st West Bank branch, in Ramallah. (MM 4/5)

Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad flies to Cairo, meets twice with Pres. Husni Mubarak. (MM 4/5)

Israeli police ballistics expert testifies to Israeli commission of inquiry, says police have identified all but 1 of 115 shell casings recovered at Haram al-Ibrahimi in Hebron. 109 shells traced to attacker Baruch Goldstein's weapon, 5 to those of IDF guards. (NYT, WT 4/5)

Round of Cairo talks btwn. PLO and Israel on Gaza-Jericho autonomy ends, PLO official Nabil Shaath telling reporters "there is only a little left [to do]" on autonomy agreement.  Israeli negotiator Amnon Shahak agrees "real progress has been made."  (MENA 2/23 in FBIS 2/24; MM 2/24)

Israeli PM Rabin, in Lisbon, says Israel willing to allow 8,000-mbr. Palestinian security force in Gaza and Jericho to be equipped with patrol boats, "1 or 2" helicopters.  (MM 2/23; WT 2/24)

Secy. of State Christopher, testifying to Senate Foreign Relations Comm., says U.S. would provide peacekeepers for Golan Heights if Israel and Syria "consider it crucial to their reaching an agreement."  Christopher calls Syria-Israel talks "serious."  (MM 2/24)

PLO-Israel security comm. resumes talks in Cairo to settle details of Gaza-Jericho autonomy plan.  Civilian affairs comm. also expected to resume sessions.  (MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM 2/23)

UN holds talks in Geneva with France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom on training Palestinian police force.  (MM 2/24)

FM Peres, speaking to Knesset Economics Comm. names Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Tunisia as Arab countries working to end Arab boycott of Israel.  Peres observes "the Arab boycott is the Arab world's problem, no less than ours."  (MM 2/21; Qol Yisra`el 2/21 in FBIS 2/24)

Syrian Interior M Muhammad Harba, speaking to Damascus conference on drug trafficking, says Syria rejects Israeli proposal for secret negotiations, calls Israeli proposal for referendum on Golan Heights an obstacle to peace.  (MM 2/21)

Settlers block West Bank roads with rocks, burning tires in continuing protests over killing of Zipporah Sasson.  Blockade coincides with "rush hour" of Palestinians going to work in Israel.  IDF prevents clashes by turning away Palestinian cars before they reach settler roadblocks.  Ballistics tests reportedly link weapon in Sasson killing to killing of Shin Bet officer previous week and 4 Israelis in 12/93.  (MM 2/21; CSM 2/22)

Lawyer for imprisoned Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin says his client's "life is under threat," but Israeli Prisons Authority spokesman says "there is no deterioration" in Yasin's condition.  Yasin is serving 15-yr. sentence in prison nr. Netanya for ordering killings of collaborators.  (MM 2/21)

Hamas issues leaflet warning Druze, Bedouin citizens of Israel to leave IDF "which has killed the sons of your people."  Hamas claims IDF replacing Jewish units in Gaza with Druze- and Bedouin-manned units.  (MM 2/21)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres reach partial agreement on security issues related to Palestinian autonomy in Gaza, Jericho, signing documents on control of border crossings, principles for interim agreement at ceremony in Cairo. (MENA 2/9 in FBIS 2/10; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/10)

Sen. For. Relations Comm. approves nomination of Strobe Talbott as dep. secy. of state by vote of 17-2. (WT 2/10)

PLO Chmn. Arafat, Israeli FM Peres open talks in Cairo aimed at implementing Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and Jericho. Both sides report progress. (MENA 2/7, 2/8 in FBIS 2/8; WP, WT 2/8)

Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin meets in Washington with Qatari, Omani officials to discuss Qatar-Israel natural gas deal, multilateral mtg. on water set for 4/94 in Muscat. (MM 2/9)

Hizballah guerrillas ambush IDF patrol in southern Lebanon, killing 4 IDF soldiers and wounding 5. Ambush triggers IAF strikes on 3 villages, SLA, IDF shelling. (MM 2/7; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/8)

Meretz MKs Naomi Chazan and Benny Temkin demand that PM Rabin, in capacity as DM, ban travel of 40 IDF elite force veterans to Congo to act as military trainers. Leftist legislators view veterans as mercenaries being used to support Brazzaville regime. (WT 2/10)

Knesset recognizes "Yi'ud" faction made up of frmr. Tsomet MKs. (see 2/2) (MM 2/7)

Sens. Connie Mack (R-FL) and Alfonse D'Amato ask Pres. Clinton to withdraw nomination of Strobe Talbott as dep. secy. of state because of his "extreme views" on Israel, which "go beyond common criticisms to a systematic attack upon the foundations of America's close relationship with Israel." (WT 2/8)

2 days of talks btwn. PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres conclude in early morning. Arafat says Israel and PLO will reach final agreement on implementing Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and Jericho "very soon," notes he and Peres "clarified many issues," while Peres says they were able to "negotiate many [problems], maybe most of them." 2 agree to meet again in Cairo in 1 week. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/31)

Mbrs. of Fateh "Ahmad Abu Rish Brigade" in Gaza claim responsibility for 1/29 grenade attack on IDF, citing stepped-up arrests of Fateh activists as motive. (RMC 1/31 in FBIS 2/1; NYT 1/31)

PLO-Israel talks in Cairo on Palestinian autonomy recess without completing draft accord for discussion by PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres. Sides remain divided over size of Jericho area, security for Israeli settlers, and control of border crossings. (MENA 1/27 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, WP 1/28; WP 1/29)

Israeli PM Rabin welcomes King Hussein's offer of public mtg., calling gesture "important progress." (IDF Radio 1/27 in FBIS 1/28; WP, NYT 1/28)

Central Bank of Jordan Gov. Muhammad Nabulsi says Amman has given go-ahead to 5 banks to open branches in West Bank and Gaza pursuant to 1/7 PLO-Jordan accord. (MM 1/28)

Israel announces it will purchase 20 F151 fighter-bombers, valued at $2 b., fr. McDonnell-Douglas Corp. of U.S. Pentagon spokeswoman says congressional approval of sale expected. (MM 1/28)

Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG Uri Savir. (MENA 1/25 in FBIS 1/25, 1/26)

PLO and Egypt sign 5-yr. economic and technical cooperation agreement giving each side most-favored-nation status, supporting local industry, and exploring joint projects, including free zone at Rafah. (MM 1/25)

Molodet figure Shaul Gutman announces formation of breakaway body, called "Peace Guard," to pursue platform of "transfer." (Qol Yisra'el 1/25 in FBIS 1/25)

Israeli PM Rabin says PLO Chmn. Arafat's proposed "amendments" to Israeli draft on Gaza-Jericho "go beyond the limits," accuses Arafat of having "pulled back" fr. agreement reached in Cairo, says Israel needs clarification on several issues before negotiations can resume. (WT 1/2)

Jordan's King Hussein, in speech to army officers, sets deadline for PLO-Jordan economic agreement, calling it a "last chance." "After that, let each side carry the responsibility on his own." (JTV 1/1 in FBIS 1/3; CSM, WP, WT 1/3; NYT 1/4)

Clashes in Gaza City btwn. IDF and Palestinians leave 5 Palestinians wounded. IDF soldiers declare area "closed military zone," beat and detain journalists. (NYT 1/2)