PM Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli Jew while leaving peace rally attended by 100,000 in Tel Aviv. The gunman, Yigal Amir, a 25-yr.-old law student fr. Bar-Ilan University, is captured, admits...
November 4, 1995
October 25, 1995
IDF begins redeployment fr. Janin, 60 surrounding villages. 1st 10 Palestinian policemen arrive in Janin to crowds of Palestinian well-wishers. (MM 10/25; VOP 10/25 in FBIS 10/25; NYT, WP 10/26;...
October 16, 1995
PM Rabin travels to Marja'uyun to survey conditions, meet with SLA cmdr. Antoine Lahd; returns to Israel, convenes emergency cabinet mtg. to discuss recent attacks in s. Lebanon, but decides...
October 14, 1995
In Janin, Israeli security forces close down 5 PSF offices, interrogate staffs, saying under the Oslo agmts the PA may open police stations in rural areas, but not official PSF offices. (QY 10/14...
October 12, 1995
In Gaza, Arafat meets with Hamas delegation that returned fr. the Sudan 10/7. (NYT 10/13; Al-Hayat, VOP 10/13, MENA 10/15 in FBIS 10/16)
Palestinian People's Party (PPP), formerly...
October 11, 1995
PM Rabin is put under tighter security following events at 10/10 speech, arrest of 2 Kach mbrs for damaging his car in attack similar to that against Housing M Ben-Eliezer 10/6. Shin Bet worries...
October 8, 1995
Israel releases 1 Palestinian female prisoner. 22 others refuse to sign pledges and leave. (WT 10/8; QY 10/8 in FBIS 10/10; MM, NYT, WP 10/9) (see 10/7)
Jordanian Interior Min. approves...
October 7, 1995
Central Cmdr. Maj. Gen. Biran refuses to approve releases for 2 Palestinian female prisoners on security grounds. (MM 10/10)
PA cabinet approves new budget for the authority in the West...
October 6, 1995
Knesset approves Oslo II accord. (MM 10/6; NYT, WP 10/6; QY 10/6 in FBIS 10/6; WJW 10/12; JP 10/14)
Outside the Knesset, Israeli protesters attack car of Housing M Ben-Eliezer and his aides...
October 4, 1995
Syrian FM Shara` meets with Egyptian FM Musa, Lebanese FM Buwayz, Saudi FM Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal on the sidelines of the UN mtgs. (RL, SARR 10/4 in FBIS 10/5)
On the sidelines of the UN...
October 2, 1995
Israeli Supreme Court blocks the government fr. releasing Palestinian prisoners until Knesset approves Oslo II. (QY, VOP 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; MM 10/3)
IDF Central Commander Ilan Biran briefs...
September 30, 1995
Israeli FM Peres, Omani FM Bin-`Alawi discuss economic issues on the sidelines of the UN mtg. (MM 10/2; QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/4; MEI 10/6; JP 10/14)
100s of settlers rampage through Hebron,...
September 28, 1995
In Washington, Arafat, PM Rabin sign the Oslo II agmt. Syria, Lebanon send no representatives. (BT, CSM, MM, WJW 9/28; VOP 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)...
September 27, 1995
Israeli cabinet approves Oslo II agmt., with Religious Affairs M Shimon Shetreet, Energy M Gonen Segev abstaining. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 8/28; MM, WP 9/28)
In Washington, 2-day Ad Hoc Liaison...
September 24, 1995
Despite Peres's last-minute insertion of clauses concerning PA police movement, redeployment prompting Arafat to temporarily walk out of the talks, Israel, PA initial Oslo II agmt. Arafat...
September 14, 1995
U.S. Consul Gen. Abington, Mubarak advisor Osama Baz encourage Arafat to accept a compromise proposal on Hebron to complete Oslo II negotiations. (RE, VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15; WT 9/16)
September 11, 1995
New EU rotating head, Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez arrives in Jerusalem on 1st leg of regional tour to show EU political, economic support of the peace process; meets with PM Rabin then with Arafat...
September 6, 1995
In Gaza, Israeli, PA justice discuss Israeli plans to grant citizenship to collaborators, other justice issues; PA demands Israel look into claims that the IDF murdered 450 Palestinians in Khan...
August 23, 1995
At Orient House, German delegation reaffirms to Faisal Husseini Germany's position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territories. (VOP 8/23, 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)
In response to...
August 21, 1995
Palestinian detonates suicide bomb on bus in Jerusalem, killing self, 1 American, 3 others, wounding 106. Hamas takes responsibility, saying primary aim is to bring down Rabin government. PM Rabin...
August 16, 1995
PA cabinet approves draft interim agmt. with Israel. (CSM 8/17; JP 8/26) (see 8/11)
In Gaza, Egypt-Israel-Jordan-PA technical comm. on refugees opens 2-day mtg. on 1967 displaced persons. (...
August 14, 1995
In Tunis, PLO Exec. Comm. opens 2-day mtg. to discuss Oslo B agmt. 10 of 18 mbrs. attend. PLO Dep. Qaddumi, PFLP, DFLP boycott. Fr. Amman, Qaddumi strongly criticizes Oslo B, calls on PLO, Fatah...
August 13, 1995
Israeli cabinet approves (15-1, 2 abstentions) 8/11 Oslo B agmt. PM Rabin decides to not submit draft to Knesset for vote but wait until comprehensive interim agmt. is reached. (IDF Radio, QY 8/13...
August 10, 1995
FM Peres meets with Arafat before, after PA-Israeli "drafting comm." mtg. Both say they are closer to reaching preliminary self-rule agmt. Meanwhile, 10 comms meet in Elat to work out differences...
August 9, 1995
In Taba, PA, Israel modify zones defined 6/17, accepted 6/27: Zone A will include only Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqiliyya; Zone B will include Ramallah, Bethlehem as well as villages, refugee...
August 8, 1995
Arafat, Peres continue talks in Taba. PA, Israel agree on timetable for Israeli withdrawal fr. parts of the West Bank after PA agrees to allow IDF until 2/97 to complete redeployment. IDF would...
July 25, 1995
Reversing his 7/16 decision, PM Rabin promises Rachel's tomb will remain under full Israeli control, Jews will have access to Machapela Cave (Hebron), Joseph's tomb (Nablus), comm. of MKs fr....
July 24, 1995
Nr. Tel Aviv, suicide bomber kills 5 Israelis, injures 33 in bus bombing, marking 1st attack inside Israel since 1/22. Hamas is suspected. IDF seals Gaza, West Bank. PM Rabin temporarily halts...
July 16, 1995
Israel, PA begin intensive, week-long negotiations to finalize West Bank deal by 7/25. In Zichron Ya'acov, 150 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators break into 4 negotiating committees (on redeployment...
July 9, 1995
U.S. Senate delegation, accompanied by U.S. Consul Gen. Edward Abington, visits Arafat, discusses status of talks with Israel. Arafat then briefs Australian FM Gareth Evans on negotiations, the...
PM Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli Jew while leaving peace rally attended by 100,000 in Tel Aviv. The gunman, Yigal Amir, a 25-yr.-old law student fr. Bar-Ilan University, is captured, admits to shooting, says he acted alone. Amir is also a reserve soldier in the elite Golani brigade, frmr. emissary to Russia for immigration affairs at the Jewish Agency, and an a mbr. of Eyal--a right-wing settler group, known for violence against Arabs, protesting expanded Palestinian self-rule by setting up makeshift encampments in the West Bank. Security officials say Rabin's bodyguards mistook Amir for a limousine driver. (NYT, WP, WT 11/5; FBIS special supplement, NYT, MM, WP, WT 11/6; WJW 11/9; JP 11/11)
Arab leaders (excl. Libya's Qaddafi, Iran's Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani condemn Rabin's assassination. In the territories, Palestinians generally express respect for Rabin, concern over his death, fear for the future of the peace process and their safety fr. settlers. In s. Lebanon, Palestinian refugees, Hizballah mbrs. celebrate Rabin's death. (WT 11/5; CSM, FBIS supplement, MM, NYT, WT 11/6)
In the West Bank, Palestinians clash with IDF troops after Jewish settler apparently kills a Palestinian boy. (NYT 11/5)
In Gaza, 1000s of Palestinians stage rally in commemoration of Shiqaqi. (HA 11/5 in FBIS 11/7)
Following the assassination, IDF order the closure of the West Bank, Gaza. (QY 11/5 in FBIS 11/6; NYT 11/7)
Portuguese Pres. Mario Soares meets with Pres. Weizman in Israel; requests Portugal's forgiveness fr. Jewish people for the Inquisition. (IL 11/7)
IDF begins redeployment fr. Janin, 60 surrounding villages. 1st 10 Palestinian policemen arrive in Janin to crowds of Palestinian well-wishers. (MM 10/25; VOP 10/25 in FBIS 10/25; NYT, WP 10/26; MEI 11/3)
1st of 7 new West Bank district liaison and coordinating offices begins operating in Janin. (HA 10/27 in FBIS 11/1)
In Washington, PM Rabin meets with Pres. Clinton, Defense Secy. Perry. Later in the day, Congress holds official reception on Capitol Hill to mark Israel's Jerusalem 3000 celebration, commemorating the establishment by King David of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. PM Rabin, Jerusalem Mayor Olmert, Senate Majority Leader Dole (R-KS), Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD), House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-MS) attend. Knesset sends Congress telegram congratulating them on the U.S. embassy vote. (QY 9/5 in FBIS 9/5; MM, NYT 10/25; MM, WT 10/26; MM 10/27)
Jordan, Israel sign trade agmt. (QY 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)
Libya's Qaddafi temporarily halts expulsion of Palestinians for 3-6 mos to allow Arab states time to prepare for the eventual deportation of all Palestinians to the self-rule areas. (NYT, WT 10/26)
IAF begins using infrared night-vision security system on the border with Lebanon. (JP 10/25 in FBIS 10/27)
PM Rabin travels to Marja'uyun to survey conditions, meet with SLA cmdr. Antoine Lahd; returns to Israel, convenes emergency cabinet mtg. to discuss recent attacks in s. Lebanon, but decides against large-scale retaliatory strike. (RL 10/16 in FBIS 10/17; CSM 10/17)
Fatah Central Comm. convenes its 6th congress--the 1st held in Gaza. 469 mbrs attend, elect 11 to the regional comm. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 10/17 in FBIS 10/19)
Lebanese government, parliament petition Pres. Hrawi to stay on past the 11/24 end of his term due to "national need," paving the way for an extension of his term despite constitutional barriers. (MM 10/16; RL, VOL 10/16 in FBIS 10/16; RL, VOL 10/16 in FBIS 10/17; WT 10/17) (see 9/17)
IDF eases closure on West Bank, Gaza. Individuals may cross border, but Palestinian vehicles may not enter. (MM 10/16; CSM 10/18) (see 10/4)
In Janin, Israeli security forces close down 5 PSF offices, interrogate staffs, saying under the Oslo agmts the PA may open police stations in rural areas, but not official PSF offices. (QY 10/14 in FBIS 10/16)
In the West Bank, Palestinians observe a commercial strike in protest over Israel's refusal to pardon all female prisoners. (QY 10/14 in FBIS 10/17)
Arafat accuses Hamas leaders abroad of blocking Hamas-PA reconciliation. (AFP 10/14 in FBIS 10/16)
While in Malta to receive peace award, Arafat's car is broadsided by a van, damaging the car but causing no injuries. Maltese authorities cannot explain how the van bypassed security measures set up for the motorcade. (WT 10/15)
In Gaza, Arafat meets with Hamas delegation that returned fr. the Sudan 10/7. (NYT 10/13; Al-Hayat, VOP 10/13, MENA 10/15 in FBIS 10/16)
Palestinian People's Party (PPP), formerly the Palestinian Communist party, says it will take part in elections. (QY 10/13 in FBIS 10/16)
Following events 10/10, 10/11, PM Rabin cancels appearance at Saharena celebrations in Ashqelon, fearing he would be prevented fr. speaking by hecklers. Shin Bet notes increasing number of attempts to attack ministers by extreme right-wingers; says it has increased its VIP detail to offer more protection. (YA 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)
Egyptian FM Musa says Libya's Col. Qaddafi has agreed to stop expelling Palestinians, only final details of an agmt. of understanding need to be worked out. (NYT 10/13; VOP 10/13 in FBIS 10/16; BT 10/19) (see 10/6)
In Damascus, PLO's Qaddumi meets with FM Shara`, then with Palestinian opposition leaders to discuss implications of the Oslo II agmt., conditions of refugees in Libya, Lebanon. (SARR 10/12 in FBIS 10/13; Al-Hayat, RMC 10/13 in FBIS 10/16)
Peace Now releases figures for Israel's 1995 West Bank housing starts, showing the highest rate of construction since PM Rabin took office in 1992. So far this year there have been 1,398 starts compared with 1,290 for 1994, 980 for 1993, and 6,210 in 1992. Most of the 6,000 West Bank settler homes under construction are nr. Jerusalem. (WT 10/13)
2 Fatah Hawks handcuff, blindfold journalist Samir Al-Kurdi, lead him to the courtyard of Nablus mosque, shoot and wound him, citing "moral offenses." (JP 10/21, 10/28) (see 10/11)
PA arrests 5 Palestinians, incl. security agents, in connection with American Azzam Muhammad Ibrahim Muslih's death in custody 9/29. (WP 10/13; JP 10/21)
In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bomb, killing 3 IDF soldiers, wounding 6. (MM 10/13; RL 10/13 in FBIS 10/13; VOL 10/13 in FBIS 10/16) WT 10/16; MM 10/18; JP 10/21, 10/28)
PM Rabin is put under tighter security following events at 10/10 speech, arrest of 2 Kach mbrs for damaging his car in attack similar to that against Housing M Ben-Eliezer 10/6. Shin Bet worries that Kach activists are too well acquainted with Rabin's schedule. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/12)
IDF withdraws fr. West Bank villages of Qabatiyya, Yatta, Kharbata. (MM 10/11; QY, VOP 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; WP, WT 10/12; JP 10/21)
Zalman Shoval, director of Likud foreign relations, initiates campaign to have 100,000 Israelis sign a petition calling on the Pres. Clinton to support Dole bill on moving the U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (MA 10/11 in FBIS 10/11)
PSF sentences 6 security agents to jail terms btwn. 2 wks and 6 mos for mistreating prisoners in PA custody. (VOP 10/12 in FBIS 10/13; JP 10/21)
Immediately after his release fr. prison, Palestinian Sa'id Kalbani is detained, shot in the knees by a group of Fatah Hawks. (JP 10/21)
In s. Lebanon, Hizballah attacks IDF position, wounding 1 IDF soldier. IDF, SLA retaliate, killing 1 Hizballah mbr., wounding 2. (MM 10/11; QY, VOL 10/11 in FBIS 10/11; Rl 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; JP 10/21)
Israel releases 1 Palestinian female prisoner. 22 others refuse to sign pledges and leave. (WT 10/8; QY 10/8 in FBIS 10/10; MM, NYT, WP 10/9) (see 10/7)
Jordanian Interior Min. approves formation of the Jordanian Unionist Democratic Party. (JTV 10/8 in FBIS 10/11) (see 8/4)
IDF extends closure of West Bank, Gaza until 10/17, fearing attacks during the Sukkoth holiday. (see 10/4)
Central Cmdr. Maj. Gen. Biran refuses to approve releases for 2 Palestinian female prisoners on security grounds. (MM 10/10)
PA cabinet approves new budget for the authority in the West Bank. (VOP 10/7 in FBIS 10/10)
In Khartoum, Hamas delegation fr. the o.t. presents exiled Hamas mbrs with drafts for PA-Hamas reconciliation agmt. Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Ghawshah says the mbrs abroad feel the agmt. is too concessionary, are threatening to secede fr. Hamas if it is signed. (VOP 10/7, Al-Dustur, JP 10/8 in FBIS 10/10; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 10/8 in FBIS 10/11; MM 10/11; AFP, Al-Hayat 10/11 in FBIS 11/12; MM 10/12) (see 10/6)
On the Egyptian-Libyan border, 200-300 Palestinians block road outside customs depot in protest over their planned expulsion. (WT 10/8) (see 10/6)
At Israel's Qetziot prison (Ansar 3) in the Negev, Palestinian administrative detainee Muhammad `Abd al-Raziq Abu Shaqra is found dead. Officials say he might have been beaten to death, will investigate. (AFP 10/9, JP 10/10 in FBIS 10/10) (see 9/10)
Israeli security extends Ayshah Ayyash's detention to 10/13. (QY 10/7 in FBIS 10/10) (see 9/16)
Knesset approves Oslo II accord. (MM 10/6; NYT, WP 10/6; QY 10/6 in FBIS 10/6; WJW 10/12; JP 10/14)
Outside the Knesset, Israeli protesters attack car of Housing M Ben-Eliezer and his aides, yelling "Get them! Kill them!"; do not injure the group but badly damage the car. (MM 10/6)
Israeli Pres. Weizman refuses to sign the releases of 2 Palestinian female prisoners convicted of murder. (QY 10/6 in FBIS 10/6; WP 10/7; MM 10/9, 10/12; MEI 10/20)
Egyptian FM Musa, Libyan Col. Qaddafi meet at border, discuss expulsions; Musa gives Qaddafi letter fr. Mubarak. 900 Palestinians stranded in the border camp burn tires, stone passing cars, demand they be allowed into the Palestinian self-rule areas. (MENA 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8, VOP 10/9 in FBIS 10/10; WT 10/8) (see 10/4)
Israel allows 4 Hamas mbrs (Isma'il Hanniyya, Khalid al-Hindi, `Abdallah Muhanna, Sa'id al-Naruti) to leave the West Bank for Jordan, then Sudan to consult with exiled Hamas leaders (incl. Imad al-Alami, Muhammad Nazzal, Munir al-Sa'id) regarding forming a political party. (QY 10/6 in FBIS 10/6; ITV 10/6 in FBIS 10/10; MM 10/11)
Syrian FM Shara` meets with Egyptian FM Musa, Lebanese FM Buwayz, Saudi FM Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal on the sidelines of the UN mtgs. (RL, SARR 10/4 in FBIS 10/5)
On the sidelines of the UN mtgs., Arab FMs agree to support Libya's nomination for the rotating position UN Security Council. (MENA 10/5 in FBIS 10/6)
9 PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs (Mahmud Darwish, `Abdallah Hurani, Shafiq al-Hut, Muhammad Isma'il, Taysir Khalid, Iliya Khuri, `Abd al-Rahim Malluh, Sulayman al-Najjab, Faruq al-Qaddumi) release joint statement rejecting Oslo II accord. 2 others, Samir Ghawshah, Jamal al-Surani endorse the statement. Only 9 Exec. Comm. mbrs approved the agmt. (see 9/26) (SANA 10/4 in FBIS 10/5)
Visiting Palestinians detained in camp on Egypt's border, Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qaddafi calls on Arab leaders to "send home" all Palestinians in protest over the Oslo II agmt. Islamists, nationalist Palestinians jointly condemn the call. (NYT, WP, WT 10/5) (see 9/27)
Al-Watan publisher Imad al-Faluji signs PA pledge to respect the press and publication law, allowing publication of his pro-Hamas paper to resume. (Al-Nahar 10/5 in FBIS 10/6) (see 8/6)
In Gaza, Israeli policeman is wounded by shots fired at a joint Israeli-PA patrol. Group calling itself the Islamic Salvation Front takes responsibility. (ITV 10/4 in FBIS 10/5)
IDF extends closure on West Bank, Gaza to 10/8. (QY 10/4 in FBIS 10/5) (see 9/30)
Israeli Supreme Court blocks the government fr. releasing Palestinian prisoners until Knesset approves Oslo II. (QY, VOP 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; MM 10/3)
IDF Central Commander Ilan Biran briefs settler leaders on Oslo II accord; tells them IDF will close off some major West Bank roads to Israelis during the 1st 3 mos of the interim period. If settlers try to use the roads, IDF will arrest them. (QY 10/3 in FBIS 10/4)
Israel Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer announces plans to confiscate 380 dunams of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem, demolish 16 houses on that land for road construction. (Davar 10/2 in FBIS 10/4)
Israeli FM Peres, Omani FM Bin-`Alawi discuss economic issues on the sidelines of the UN mtg. (MM 10/2; QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/4; MEI 10/6; JP 10/14)
100s of settlers rampage through Hebron, damage Palestinian cars and homes, beat up 2 American pro-Palestinian peace activists. Israeli police intervene, arrest 2 settlers. (QY 9/30 in FBIS 10/2; NYT, WP 10/1; JP 10/7)
IDF extends West Bank, Gaza closure to 10/5, puts forces on alert after receiving information regarding a planned Islamic Jihad attack. (QY 9/30, ITV 10/1, QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/2) (see 9/24)
In Washington, Arafat, PM Rabin sign the Oslo II agmt. Syria, Lebanon send no representatives. (BT, CSM, MM, WJW 9/28; VOP 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)
Israeli FM Peres, Jordan's King Hussein, Arafat confirm that they have been discussing establishment of a confederation btwn. Jordan, self-rule areas. (IL 10/2)
Israel, EU initial cooperation and commerce agmt. (IL 10/2)
PM Rabin meets with representatives of American Jewish groups, warns them that lobbying against Israeli government policies would cause a serious rift in Israel's relations with the American Jewish community. (QY 9/29, 9/30 in FBIS 10/2; NYT 9/30; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)
Israel closes borders with West Bank, Gaza until 10/1 to curb any Palestinian attacks on Israel in protest over Oslo II signing. In Hebron, 1,000 Jewish settlers protest the accord. (CSM, NYT 9/29)
Israeli cabinet approves Oslo II agmt., with Religious Affairs M Shimon Shetreet, Energy M Gonen Segev abstaining. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 8/28; MM, WP 9/28)
In Washington, 2-day Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) donor mtg. to reassess the aid process in light of Oslo II begins. (JP 10/7)
At the Pentagon, King Hussein meets with top Jordanian, U.S. defense officials (include. U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry). In Amman, Cmdr. of the U.S. Central Command Lt. Gen. Binford Peay III meets with heads of Jordan's Joint Chiefs of Staff. (WT 9/28; RJ 9/27, 9/28 in FBIS 9/28)
Arafat appeals to Qaddafi to stop the expulsions, allow the deportees to return. 177 Palestinians expelled by Libya, stranded at border btwn. Libya, Egypt for weeks are allowed to enter Gaza. 7 more families remain stranded at the Rafah checkpoint. (MM 9/27; VOP 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, NYT, WT 9/28) (see 9/26)
Palestinian Information Bureau stages march through Hebron, prayer vigil at Cave of the Patriarchs/al-Ibrahimi Mosque in protest over the Oslo II provisions for Hebron. PA officials, West Bank notables, Israeli Arab leaders, school children participate. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)
Despite Peres's last-minute insertion of clauses concerning PA police movement, redeployment prompting Arafat to temporarily walk out of the talks, Israel, PA initial Oslo II agmt. Arafat immediately departs for a tour to discuss the agmt. with Arab leaders. (ITV, MBC, QY, RE, VOP 9/24 in FBIS 9/25; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/25; NYT, WP 9/26; WJW 9/28; JP 9/30)
In protest over the initialling of the accord, Palestinians throw stones at IDF soldiers in Hebron, Nablus. In Nablus, soldiers shoot, kill 1 Palestinian. Right-wing settlers call on soldiers to ignore redeployment orders. (ITV, QY 9/24 in FBIS 9/25; WT 9/25, 9/26)
U.S. blocks informal PA request to the UN regarding importing oil fr. Iraq. (WT 9/25; Al-Ra`i 9/25 in FBIS 9/25; JT 9/25 in FBIS 9/27) (see 9/22)
Israeli security detains 2 leading Hamas mbrs., Shaykh Jamal Abu Hayja and Bassam Abu Shamla; places them in 4-mo. administrative detention. (QY 9/24 in FBIS 9/26)
IDF imposes closure on West Bank for Rosh Hashanah, continues closure of Gaza begun 9/20. (HA 9/24 in FBIS 9/25)
U.S. Consul Gen. Abington, Mubarak advisor Osama Baz encourage Arafat to accept a compromise proposal on Hebron to complete Oslo II negotiations. (RE, VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15; WT 9/16)
In Gaza, Arafat meets with `Abd al-Majid Shuman, the chmn. of the Arab Bank board of directors, and a number of Palestinian investors interested in participating in infrastructure building. (VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)
In Amman, PM Bin Shakir, Oman's FM Yusuf Bin-`Alawi discuss improving Omani-Jordanian ties, importance of cooperation, consultation. (RJ 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)
In Gaza, PA military court convicts 2 Hamas mbrs. to 12 yrs each for carrying out attacks with automatic weapons outside the self-rule areas. (MM 9/14; QY 9/14 in FBIS 9/14; Davar, HA, VOP 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)
In Hebron, 2,000 Palestinians protest West Bank settlements, clash with IDF. IDF throws stun grenades into crowd, arrests 2. (MM 9/14; CSM, WT 9/15)
New EU rotating head, Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez arrives in Jerusalem on 1st leg of regional tour to show EU political, economic support of the peace process; meets with PM Rabin then with Arafat. (MM 9/12; JP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; JP 9/23)
Lebanese M Michel al-Murr travels to Damascus to ask Pres. Asad to forbid entry to Palestinians deported fr. Libya unless they have visas to continue on to Lebanon. PM Hariri stresses that Lebanon is fully coordinating its position on the deportees with Syria. (MM 9/12)
U.S. protests Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) plan to hold conference in Jerusalem 10/17-19. 70 states, excl. Israel have been invited. Arab League, OIC say U.S. approved plans 4 mos ago, but Israel's recent complaints let to formal U.S. disapproval. U.S. denies this. (WT 9/12)
PFLP mbrs Shahar and Yusuf Ra'i, wanted by Israel for killing 2 Israelis 7/18, are sentenced by the PA military court in Jericho to 7 yrs each. Israeli Justice M Liba'i calls trials a violation of the Oslo agmt. meant to avoid extraditing the pair. FM Peres says PA is not violating the DOP. (MM 9/12; IDF Radio, QY 9/12, QY 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/13) (see 8/27)
Likud party defector David Levy releases his new party's political platform, calling for secure peace; terming itself a "national-social centrist party" filling a vacuum btwn. the radical right (Likud), radical left (Labor); vowing not to withdraw fr. West Bank or give up Jerusalem, any settlements. (MA, QY 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)
The Israeli Interior Min. rejects Jonathan Pollard's request for citizenship. Pollard is currently jailed in the U.S. for spying on behalf of Israel. (QY 9/11 in FBIS 9/12; MM 9/29)
3 Hizballah mbrs. are killed in clash with IDF in s. Lebanon. (RL 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)
In Gaza, Israeli, PA justice discuss Israeli plans to grant citizenship to collaborators, other justice issues; PA demands Israel look into claims that the IDF murdered 450 Palestinians in Khan Yunis btwn. 11/6-8/56, during the Sinai campaign. Israel denies event took place. (QY, VOP 9/6 in FBIS 9/7)
In Jerusalem, PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. and Arafat critic Mahmud Abbas meets with Israeli Economic M Beilin to discuss status of Jerusalem. (VOP 9/6 in FBIS 9/7)
1,000 mbrs of the Action Comm. for the Abolition of the Autonomy Plan, a group of IDF reservists, send petition to PM Rabin, saying they will not obey orders to remove West Bank settlers. (MM 9/7)
Continuing the naval blockade begun in 2/96, Israeli gunboats off the coast of Tyre fire on Lebanese fishermen. (RL 9/6 in FBIS 9/6) (see 5/10)
At Orient House, German delegation reaffirms to Faisal Husseini Germany's position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territories. (VOP 8/23, 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)
In response to news reports 8/18 showing settlers' flowering gardens in Kiryat Arba and dried-up Palestinian fields in neighboring Hebron, Israeli Agriculture Min. orders Efrat settlement to temporarily divert 1,000 cu.m./day of water to Hebron to ease the severe water shortage. (MM 8/21; JP, QY 8/20, QY 8/23 in FBIS 8/24)
Israeli military court sentences Hamas's `Abd al-`Aziz Rantisi, arrested after his return fr. exile in Lebanon 12/15/93, to 42 mos in jail, plus 28 mos suspended for being a mbr. of an illegal organization. (MM 8/24)
IDF lifts closure on Gaza, extends closure on West Bank to 8/27. 6,000 Palestinian workers are allowed to enter Israel fr. Gaza. (QY, VOP 8/23 in FBIS 8/23; QY 8/23 in FBIS 8/24)
Palestinian detonates suicide bomb on bus in Jerusalem, killing self, 1 American, 3 others, wounding 106. Hamas takes responsibility, saying primary aim is to bring down Rabin government. PM Rabin announces suspension of talks with PA, 3-day closure of West Bank, Gaza. At site of attack, Kach mbrs throw stones at Israeli Police M Shahal, Pres. Ezer Weizman. (MM 8/21; IDF Radio, ITV, QPAR, QY, SARR, VOP 8/21 in FBIS 8/21; VOP 8/21 in FBIS 8/22; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 8/22; NYT 8/23; WJW 8/24; JP 9/2)
Arafat appoints `Umar al-Khatib as PA amb. to Jordan, replacing Tayyib `Abd al-Rahim, who has been appointed sec. gen. of the Palestinian presidency. (VOP 8/22 in FBIS 8/25; PWR 8/26)
PA military court in Gaza sentences 1 PFLP mbr to 5 1/2 yrs, 2 other PFLP mbrs to 3 1/2 yrs in prison for plotting anti-Israeli attacks. (QY 8/22 in FBIS 8/22)
PA cabinet approves draft interim agmt. with Israel. (CSM 8/17; JP 8/26) (see 8/11)
In Gaza, Egypt-Israel-Jordan-PA technical comm. on refugees opens 2-day mtg. on 1967 displaced persons. (HA 8/16 in FBIS 8/16; QY 8/16 in FBIS 8/17)
In Damascus, PLO's Faruq al-Qaddumi begins 3 days of mtgs. with Syrian officials (incl. FM Faruq al-Shara`), Palestinian opposition leaders fr. DFLP (Nayif Hawatmeh), Fatah (Hani al-Hassan), Hamas (Abu-Muhammad Mustafa), PFLP (George Habash), PFLP-GC, Saiqa; briefs them on his blueprint for political change, discusses rejuvenating the PLO, rallying the PA's opposition in light of the 8/11 agmt. (SARR 8/16 in FBIS 8/17; MM 8/17; Al-Hayat 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; MM 8/18 Al-Hayat 8/18, 8/20 in FBIS 8/25; MM 8/22)
Swedish Dep. FM Mona Sahlin postpones return visit to Israel after Israel again refuses her request to meet with Palestinians in Orient House. (JP 8/26; WT 8/30) (see 5/15)
IDF solider is court-martialed, jailed for refusing to evict Jewish settlers fr. illegal West Bank camp. (QY 8/16 in FBIS 8/16)
Israeli Atty. Gen. Mikhael Ben-Ya'ir approves regulation giving responsibility for security inside settlements to Israeli police only, leaving IDF to handle security around settlements and intervene inside only in emergencies. (MA 8/16 in FBIS 8/16) (see 8/6)
Special Israeli ministerial comm. (led by PM Yitzhak Rabin, Police M Moshe Shahal) overrides the orders of Atty. Gen. Ben-Ya'ir, Justice M David Liba'i, extends Shin Bet's authority to use physical force on Palestinian suspects during interrogation for 2 mos. (HA 8/16 in FBIS 8/17; NYT 8/17; JP 8/19, 8/26)
2 Israeli historians announce findings that Israeli troops carried out several mass killings in the Sinai in 1967 in which about 1,000 Egyptian prisoners were killed. (WP, WT 8/18; WP, WT 8/19; NYT, WT 8/21; JP 8/26)
In Gaza, PA arrests 4 Hamas mbrs on charge of plotting an attack inside Israel. IDF extends closure of o.t. begun 8/9 to 8/18. (QY 8/16, IDF Radio 8/17 in FBIS 8/17; MA 8/18 in IL 8/18)
In Tunis, PLO Exec. Comm. opens 2-day mtg. to discuss Oslo B agmt. 10 of 18 mbrs. attend. PLO Dep. Qaddumi, PFLP, DFLP boycott. Fr. Amman, Qaddumi strongly criticizes Oslo B, calls on PLO, Fatah to adopt his alternative draft "Palestinian National Program." (AFP 8/12, AFP, al-Ra'y 8/14 in FBIS 8/14; SA 8/13, RMC, VOP 8/15 in FBIS 8/15; MM 8/15, 8/16; SA 8/16 in FBIS 8/16)
Israel says U.S. Amb. Indyk is pressuring it to include Jordanian companies in the U.S.-Israel BIRD Foundation for research and development of advanced technologies. (YA 8/14 in FBIS 8/15)
Israeli Police M Shahal warns PA that the East Jerusalem Municipal Council is illegal (see 6/10), Palestinians introducing themselves as mbrs. of the council will be arrested; tells Palestinian bodies operating offices in East Jerusalem to close within 2 wks or police will move against them. (QY 8/14 in FBIS 8/15)
Israeli police arrest 3 settlers in connection with death of Palestinian 8/13. 250 settlers protest the arrest. (QY 8/14 in FBIS 8/14; CSM 8/15)
In retaliation for attack 8/13, IAF launches 14 strikes against PFLP-GC bases nr. al-Nai'ma, s. Lebanon, injuring 6 civilians. Arab League calls on U.S., Russia to rein in Israel. (QPAR, RE 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; NYT 8/15; SARR 8/15 in FBIS 8/16)
IDF closes West Bank, Gaza until 8/16. (ITV 8/14 in FBIS 8/15)
Israeli cabinet approves (15-1, 2 abstentions) 8/11 Oslo B agmt. PM Rabin decides to not submit draft to Knesset for vote but wait until comprehensive interim agmt. is reached. (IDF Radio, QY 8/13, JP 8/14 in FBIS 8/14; FT, MM 8/14; CSM, MM 8/15; HA 8/15 in FBIS 8/16; WJW 8/17)
100 Palestinians overrun, tear down makeshift camp nr. Beyt El erected by Jewish settlers in protest over Oslo B agmt. Settlers open fire, killing 1 Palestinian, wounding another. Nr. Jenin, settlers storm nursery run by PA Agriculture Min., claim land, set up tents. Israeli police unsuccessfully try to evict them. 10 settler encampments are still in place. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/14; HA 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; PR 8/18)
IDF lifts closure on West Bank, Gaza. (HA 8/14 in FBIS 8/14)
FM Peres meets with Arafat before, after PA-Israeli "drafting comm." mtg. Both say they are closer to reaching preliminary self-rule agmt. Meanwhile, 10 comms meet in Elat to work out differences on specific issues blocking a final agmt. (MM, WT 8/10; AFP, ITV, MENA, QY, VOP 8/10, VOP 8/11 in FBIS 8/11)
2d group of 150 Palestinians is deported fr. Libya. Libya says it will continue expelling Palestinians to the self-rule areas via Egypt. PA says it has no agmt. with Libya to accept the deportees but PA, Israel have agreed to let them into Gaza. [Over the past 2 days, some 2,500 Egyptians have also been expelled. There are 40,000 Palestinians, 800,000-900,000 Egyptians in Libya.] (AFP, MENA 8/10 in FBIS 8/11; MM 8/11; PR 8/18) (see 8/9)
Jordan gives asylum to Iraqi defectors Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel Hassan, Lt. Col. Saddam Kamel Hassan (both sons-in-law of Pres. Saddam Hussein), their families, 15 other army officers. Lt. Gen. Kamel headed Iraq's weapons program; Lt. Col. Kamel was chief of security. (NYT, WP, WT 8/11; CSM 8/14)
PA police arrest 5 Hamas mbrs. in Gaza, IDF arrests 17 West Bank Palestinians; all are accused of plotting attacks for Hamas. IDF orders West Bank, Gaza closure extended until 8/13. (QY 8/10 in FBIS 8/10; YA 8/11 in IL 8/11; WP 8/12) (see 8/9)
In Taba, PA, Israel modify zones defined 6/17, accepted 6/27: Zone A will include only Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqiliyya; Zone B will include Ramallah, Bethlehem as well as villages, refugee camps; Zone C remains the same. PA also gives Israel a working paper proposing 3-stage prisoner release. (MM 8/9; QY 8/9 in FBIS 8/9)
200 Palestinians are deported fr. Libya, sent on busses through Egypt to Rafah checkpoint at Gaza border. (AFP, MENA 8/10 in FBIS 8/11)
Based on information received fr. the PA, IDF closes West Bank, Gaza until 8/11, citing security precautions. (ITV 8/9 in FBIS 8/10; WT 8/10; YA 8/11 in IL 8/11)
Settlers set up makeshift camp on 25 acres of land nr. Carmel Zur settlement nr. Hebron. 100s of Palestinians protest, clash with IDF soldiers. (PR 8/18)
Tel Aviv District Court charges Israeli-Arab Muhammad al-Mu`ati Hajj Abdallah, a Shin Bet operative, with offering the PA his services as a double agent. (QY 8/9 in FBIS 8/9)
Arafat, Peres continue talks in Taba. PA, Israel agree on timetable for Israeli withdrawal fr. parts of the West Bank after PA agrees to allow IDF until 2/97 to complete redeployment. IDF would withdraw fr. some towns 6 mos after elections, give up control of roads 1 yr. after elections (which would ideally be held in 12/95). (MM 8/8; VOP 8/8 in FBIS 8/8; MENA, QY 8/8 in FBIS 8/9; CSM, NYT, WT 8/9; WT 8/10)
In more than 20 Israeli cities, settlers block roads during rush hour, clash with Israeli police in their 1st protests inside the Green Line against expanded Palestinian self-rule. 130 are arrested; primary organizer Moshe Reiglin is fined IS10,000 ($3,300). (MM 8/8; QY 8/8 in IL 8/8; QY 8/8 in FBIS 8/9; MM, NYT, WT 8/9; WT 8/10; PR 8/18)
In the West Bank, settlers set up encampments nr. Alfe Menashe, Hebron, Elon Moreh, Ofra, al-Nabi Samu'il bringing to 15 the number of new sites occupied by right-wing Jews in recent days. (QY 8/8, 8/9 in FBIS 8/9)
PM Rabin holds follow-up mtg. settler leaders (see 8/4), refuses their request to see maps of the planned IDF redeployment fr. the West Bank. Leaders vow to continue antigovernment protests. (MM 8/8; QY 8/8 in IL 8/8; Davar 8/8 in FBIS 8/8; QY 8/8 in FBIS 8/9; MM 8/10)
5 dissident PFLP-GC mbrs hold reconciliation talks with Arafat; ask him to allow 100 PFLP-GC mbrs. to return to Gaza, hold mtg. to oust Ahmad Jibril as leader. Arafat says he will consider the request. (AFP 8/8 in FBIS 8/9)
U.S. formally arrests Hamas's Abu Marzuq, begins extradition proceedings that could result in his being deported to Israel on charges of terrorism, conspiracy to commit murder. (NYT, WP 8/9; WT 8/10) (see 7/31)
Reversing his 7/16 decision, PM Rabin promises Rachel's tomb will remain under full Israeli control, Jews will have access to Machapela Cave (Hebron), Joseph's tomb (Nablus), comm. of MKs fr. religious parties will be set up to advise Israeli negotiators on holy sites in West Bank. (MM 7/25; JP 7/25 in FBIS 7/25; MA, QY 7/26 in FBIS 7/26; JP 8/5)
U.S. Amb. to Israel Indyk holds prescheduled mtg. with MKs Arye Deri, David Levi, Moshe Qatzav, Nisim Zvili, Gedalya Gal. (MM 7/26; HA 7/28 in FBIS 7/30)
At Tulkarm checkpoint, Palestinian workers upset by delays in entering Israel despite their permits begin riot. IDF shoots, wounds 2. (PR 8/4)
PA police arrest 20 Hamas mbrs. in connection with 7/24 attack. (AFP 7/25 in FBIS 7/26)
Knesset approves establishment of 1-man breakaway faction fr. Moledet named Right of Israel. Party head MK Sha'ul Gutman will keep his seat, likely align with Kach. (JP 7/25 in FBIS 7/26) (see 7/19)
U.S. immigration (INS) officials detain, strip search Hamas mbr. Abu Marzuq, his wife, and 6 children on entry to the U.S. at Kennedy airport. While out of the country, Abu Marzuq, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in Virginia for 14 yrs., was placed on the INS terrorism watch list on suspicion of being a Hamas decision maker, fund-raiser for Hamas. He may either be tried in the U.S., extradited to Israel (if requested), or deported to the UAE (his point of departure for the U.S.). (WP 7/27; NYT, WT 7/28; MEI 8/4) (see 5/31)
In s. Lebanon, 1 SLA mbr. killed, 3 wounded when Hizballah mbrs. detonate roadside bomb.
Nr. Tel Aviv, suicide bomber kills 5 Israelis, injures 33 in bus bombing, marking 1st attack inside Israel since 1/22. Hamas is suspected. IDF seals Gaza, West Bank. PM Rabin temporarily halts negotiations but vows they will continue; both sides suggest continuing talks outside Israel. (MM 8/25; IDF Radio, QPAR, QY, SARR, VOP 7/24 in FBIS 7/24; QY, VOP 7/24 in FBIS 7/25; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/25; NYT, WT 7/26; CSM, WJW 7/27; PR 7/28; MEI 8/4; JP 8/5) (see 7/12)
PA demands return of part of the Golan to Palestinian control in bid to improve their position in water negotiations with Israel; says Syria gave area to PLO in 1964. Unofficially, Syria disputes this, saying the Arab League gave the area to Syria after the 1948 war, sovereignty was affirmed under 1949 armistice agmt. (AFP 7/24 in FBIS 7/26; MM 7/25; VOP 7/26 in FBIS 7/27; AFP 7/26 in FBIS 7/28; MM 7/31)
At Erez checkpoint, PA Social Affairs M Intisar al-Wazir, Israeli Labor and Welfare M Ora Namir hold 1st talks on ways of cooperating on labor, social security, welfare; discuss economic importance of Palestinians working in Israel. (QY 7/24 in FBIS 7/25)
UN endorses 6-mo. extension of UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon but recommends 10% cut in size. (WT 7/26; RL 7/29 in FBIS 7/31)
Israeli Civil Administration gives eviction order to settlers occupying Givat Hatamar hill nr. Efrat. (QY 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)
Israel releases 3 Americans detained 7/22. (WP 7/25)
Suha Arafat gives birth to baby girl, Zahwa, in Paris. (NYT, WT 7/25; WSJ 7/26; MM 7/27; PR 7/28)
Israel, PA begin intensive, week-long negotiations to finalize West Bank deal by 7/25. In Zichron Ya'acov, 150 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators break into 4 negotiating committees (on redeployment and security, water, elections, transfer of authority) to begin drafting self-rule accord. (WT 7/16; QY, VOP 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; CSM, MM, NYT 7/17)
PM Rabin announces that partial control for Jewish religious sites such as Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem, Joseph's tomb in Nablus, the Altar of Joshua on Mount Ebal, the Herodian mountain, the Qumran caves, other archaeological sites in West Bank eventually will be turned over to the PA. PA will have total control of access roads to the sites. (QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MM 7/17; WJW 7/20) (see 7/10)
Israeli cabinet meets to discuss methods of financing redeployment, projected costs. (QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/18)
Russian Dep. FM Posuvalyuk meets with Syrian FM al-Shara` in Damascus, discusses bilateral relations, peace process. (SARR 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MM 7/17)
Israeli Dep. DM Gur, best known for capturing Temple Mount fr. Jordan during the 1967 war, commits suicide nr. Tel Aviv. He was suffering fr. inoperable cancer. (QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MM, WT 7/17, JP 7/22)
U.S. Senate delegation, accompanied by U.S. Consul Gen. Edward Abington, visits Arafat, discusses status of talks with Israel. Arafat then briefs Australian FM Gareth Evans on negotiations, the economy, Australia's role in international presence following expansion of self-rule. (VOP 7/9, 7/11 in FBIS 7/11)
50 Palestinians are wounded when they try to stop IDF bulldozers fr. clearing land for a joint Israeli-PA liaison office in the West Bank. (CSM 7/10)
VP Gore reverses decision to hire part-time speechwriter Richard Marius full-time after New Republic editor Martin Peretz protests Marius's 1992 book review that was critical of Israel; says hiring Marius could be a political embarrassment. (WP 7/19; MEI 8/4; WJW 8/10)