Israeli parliament passes law by vote of 56 to 6 (with 32 abstentions), banning official Palestinian activities in Jerusalem that could close Orient House in Jerusalem, PLO's de facto FMin. (IDF...
December 26, 1994
December 25, 1994
Israeli-Syrian talks in Washington end without progress. Syria criticizes Israeli proposals for IDF observation points in Golan, reduction in Syrian army, large demilitarized zone on Syrian side...
December 22, 1994
1st official Syrian-Israeli talks since suspension of negotiations 2/94 begin in Washington; are expanded to include military advisors fr. both sides in hopes of giving momentum to negotiations on...
December 20, 1994
FM Peres says Israel should establish ties with as many Arab League states as possible, with goal of eventually joining league, making it the Middle East League; says he has discussed issue with...
November 21, 1994
PM Rabin meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington, gives Clinton proposal to be handed to Syrian Pres. al-Asad. Clinton says he will lobby to maintain level of aid to Israel; for continued...
October 18, 1994
Arafat calls Jordanian-Israeli agmt. betrayal of Palestinian interest, "outrageous infringement" on DOP; expresses outrage that King Hussein did not confer with him. Syrian Pres. al-Asad warns...
October 4, 1994
IDF receives map specifying 1st line of withdrawal fr. Golan. Only Druze settlements of Majdal Shams, Mas'adah, Buq'ata would be turned over to Syria in 1st stage, no Israeli settlements uprooted...
September 29, 1994
Israeli PM Rabin meets Jordan's King Hussein in Aqaba to discuss border issues. Hussein demands return of land transferred to Israel when border was moved in 1968. Rabin agrees in principle, but...
September 7, 1994
Syrian FM al-Shara` calls Israeli proposal of 8/23 recipe for resumption of Lebanese civil war; rebukes Rabin for saying Israel would agree to continued Syrian presence in Lebanon, saying that is...
September 5, 1994
Israeli PM Rabin criticizes Syria for not opening "secret" talks with Israel to advance negotiations, says Israel is relying on U.S. Secy. of State Christopher's shuttle trips btwn. the 2...
September 2, 1994
Talks begin in Washington btwn. Israel, Palestinians, donor countries to prepare for mtg. in Paris 9/9 on aid to PNA. Tentative agmt. reached to release interim assistance. (VOP 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)...
August 17, 1994
Israeli FM Shimon Peres says Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Comm. agreed to international temporary force for deployment in West Bank. Troops to be fr. Australia, Turkey, Norway, Finland, 2 European...
August 16, 1994
Israel, Jordan conclude economic agmt. permitting Jordan to export up to $30 m. of goods to West Bank through Palestinian merchants licensed by PNA. (QY 8/16 in FBIS 8/17; NYT 8/17; JP 8/27)
... -
July 19, 1994
IDF soldier shot and killed in Rafah, Gaza Strip, in attack claimed by Hamas as "swift and direct" revenge for 7/17 killing of 2 Palestinians in riot at Erez crossing. (MM 7/19; NYT, WP 7/20)...
July 14, 1994
Israel lifts ban on entry of PNA officials into Gaza, Jericho after 4 Palestinians it holds responsible for 1974 Maalot massacre return to Egypt. Due to enter are Yasir `Abd-Rabbuh, Ahmad Qurai...
July 12, 1994
PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Gaza to take up permanent residence, meets PNA officials. (NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/13)
Cairo talks btwn. Israel, Palestinians on security issues end 1st round. ...
June 21, 1994
Palestinian police in Gaza Strip arrest 10 PLO activists, including frmr. Fateh Gaza office head Sami Abu Samhadanah, for blocking road to Israeli settlement. (WT 6/22)
May 16, 1994
IDF evacuates Gaza City HQ, including Gaza Central Prison, marking start of final Israeli withdrawal fr. Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza Strip. 250 Palestinian police of Palestine Liberation...
May 6, 1994
PLO Exec. Comm. meets in Tunis to discuss appointment of 24-mbr. Palestinian National Authority. (WP 5/7)
Israeli officials confirm HaAretz report that Israel has asked U.S. for $1.5 b. in...
May 2, 1994
Secy. of State Christopher presents Syrian counterproposals to Israeli PM Rabin. FM Peres says Syrian ideas received "with great interest." Christopher calls progress "significant," plans to...
May 1, 1994
Israeli cabinet, PLO Exec. Comm. approve tentative Israel-PLO accord reached 4/28; Israeli and PLO negotiators return to talks in Cairo to finalize details for 5/4 signing. Disputes remain on...
April 29, 1994
Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat and PLO chief economic negotiator Ahmad Qurai' sign agreement on economic relations btwn. Israel and Gaza-Jericho self-rule area in Paris. Accord provides for...
April 21, 1994
PM Rabin, speaking to United Kibbutz Movement leaders in Jerusalem, says "if we need to evacuate settlements [on the Golan Heights] for the sake of peace, I was in favor of that and I will be in...
March 16, 1994
PM Rabin and Pres. Clinton, at joint news conference in Washington, call on PLO to return to negotiations immediately. Rabin says he will consider Palestinian police force in o.t., but only under...
February 23, 1994
Round of Cairo talks btwn. PLO and Israel on Gaza-Jericho autonomy ends, PLO official Nabil Shaath telling reporters "there is only a little left [to do]" on autonomy agreement. Israeli...
February 22, 1994
FM Peres criticizes some settlements in Gaza Strip as "totally illogical," saying Netzarim "has no agricultural importance, no economic importance, no security importance." (MM 2/22)
February 21, 1994
PLO-Israel security comm. resumes talks in Cairo to settle details of Gaza-Jericho autonomy plan. Civilian affairs comm. also expected to resume sessions. (MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM 2/23)...
February 3, 1994
Washington, opened 1/24, adjourns without reported progress. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; MM 2/4)
Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security ends Cairo mtg. opened 1...
January 18, 1994
Israel-PLO talks on implementing DoP resume in Taba, Egypt. (MENA 1/18 in FBIS 1/18; WT 1/19)
Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conference to announce 1/6 withdrawal...
January 11, 1994
PLO, Israel report progress in Taba talks, but differences reportedly remain due to Palestinian desire for corridors fr. Jericho autonomous region. (CSM, MM, WT 1/12)
Al-Hayat quotes Syrian...
Israeli parliament passes law by vote of 56 to 6 (with 32 abstentions), banning official Palestinian activities in Jerusalem that could close Orient House in Jerusalem, PLO's de facto FMin. (IDF Radio 12/26 in FBIS 12/27; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 12/27 in FBIS 12/29; WT 12/28; IGPO 1/4 in FBIS 1/6; MEI 1/6; JP 1/7)
PM Rabin secretly flies to Oman at invitation of Sultan Qabus, making 1st official visit by Israeli leader. (AFP, QY 12/26 in FBIS 12/27; NYT 12/28)
Israeli Amb. to the UN Gad Ya'aqobi says possibility of stationing military forces, observers in Golan within framework of peace agmt. btwn. Israel, Syria has been discussed in closed-door meetings at UN, informally btwn. UN representatives. (QY 12/26 in FBIS 12/27)
Arafat announces he will soon visit Jordan; King Hussein phones him to discuss visit. (VOP 12/26 in FBIS 12/28; Al-Quds 1/1 in FBIS 1/3)
Outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Baraq claims IDF is running successful secret operations against Hizballah "very far beyond" the self-declared security zone, in northern Lebanon, hence there is no need to expand zone. (IDF Radio 12/26 in FBIS 12/27)
Israeli West Bank Civil Administration declares disputed territory nr. Efrat state land, orders Arabs to evacuate. (IDF Radio 12/26 in FBIS 12/27) (see 12/24)
Israeli-Syrian talks in Washington end without progress. Syria criticizes Israeli proposals for IDF observation points in Golan, reduction in Syrian army, large demilitarized zone on Syrian side of border as conditions for withdrawal. Israel says it will not commit to how far it withdraws fr. Golan until Syria normalizes relations. Sides agree to establish military working group to discuss security rather than have chiefs of staff attend talks. (SARR 12/25, 12/27 in FBIS 12/27; WT 12/26; Al-Ittihad 12/30 in FBIS 1/9; Ma'ariv 1/25 in FBIS 1/26) (see 12/2)
1st official Syrian-Israeli talks since suspension of negotiations 2/94 begin in Washington; are expanded to include military advisors fr. both sides in hopes of giving momentum to negotiations on the Golan. Israel sends military secy. Maj. Gen. Dani Yatom, IDF Chief of Staff Baraq; Syria sends Lt. Gen Hikmat al-Shishabi. (Ma'ariv 12/21, QY 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; QY 12/22, Ma'ariv 12/23 in FBIS 12/23; WP 12/23; NYT 12/24; WT 12/25; SARR 12/25 in FBIS 12/27; WT 12/26; NYT 12/31; MEI 1/6) (see 12/19)
Arafat cancels Fateh Central Comm. mtg. in Tunis at last minute, reportedly after learning he might be presented with a demand by the comm.'s majority to waive some of his powers, incorporate opposition into PA. (ITV 12/22 in FBIS 12/23; PR 12/24; MEI 1/20)
Arne Christianson, AIPAC legislative director and top Congressional lobbyist, announces he will leave AIPAC to become senior policy adviser to incoming House speaker Newt Gingrich. He will deal with budget, appropriations issues. Brad Gordon, current director of the House subcommittee on international operations, will replace Christianson at AIPAC. (WT 12/23: WJW 12/29)
2 IDF soldiers killed, 7 wounded when Hizballah attacks IDF post in southern Lebanon in retaliation for car bombing 12/21. (NYT, WP, WT 12/24; JP 12/31)
Palestinians, Israeli Peace Now activists begin sit-in to protest construction of 500 apartments in Efrat settlement in West Bank, nr. Jerusalem. (QY 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; PR 12/24; WT 12/31)
Hamas mbr. dies in West Bank, sparking Palestinian protests, clashes with IDF. IDF says man died when bomb he was making exploded; family says IDF killed him. (QY, VOP 12/22 in FBIS 12/22)
PM Rabin denies Israel is responsible for car bomb detonated in Beirut 12/21. (ITV 12/22 in FBIS 12/23)
UNRWA announces frmr. U.S. Amb. to Iraq April Glaspie will become agency's head of operations in o.t. (JP 12/23 in FBIS 12/23)
FM Peres says Israel should establish ties with as many Arab League states as possible, with goal of eventually joining league, making it the Middle East League; says he has discussed issue with Arab League Secy. Gen. Ismat `Abd al-Majid. (HA 12/21 in FBIS 12/22; PR 12/24; MM 1/4)
Arafat says he will appoint comm. to set up agency to supervise banks inside autonomous area; appoints Amin Haddad, an economic expert in Finance Min., as supervisor of comm. (Al-Quds 12/20 in FBIS 12/21)
FM Peres criticizes ad campaign in U.S. papers by "Coalition Against U.S Troops on the Golan Heights" that suggests U.S. troops would be primary target of terrorists; says ads cause undue worry to Americans, will hurt tourism to Israel. (IGPO 12/20 in FBIS 12/21; QY 12/23 in FBIS 12/23; FT 12/27) (see 11/20)
IDF Chief of Staff Baraq authorizes Jordan Valley settlers to till 13,000 dunums of land along Jordan River, says land was previously left untilled because there was no peace with Jordan. (QY 12/20 in FBIS 12/21)
Israeli report says settlements in Hebron are expanding; says Society for the Renewal of Jewish Settlements in Hebron has received $1 m. in donations since 2/94 massacre. (ITV 12/20 in FBIS 12/21)
PM Rabin meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington, gives Clinton proposal to be handed to Syrian Pres. al-Asad. Clinton says he will lobby to maintain level of aid to Israel; for continued cooperation with Arrow missile program; for U.S. troop presence in Golan Heights if agmt. btwn. Israel, Syria is reached. Sen. Robert Dole, expected to become Senate maj. leader, also pledges to keep econ. aid to Israel at current level. (MM 11/21; QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM, NYT, WP 11/22; MEI 12/2; MM 12/7)
Arafat, 10,000 supporters hold rally in Gaza City to show support for peace with Israel. (QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM, WP, WT 11/22; CSM 11/28; MEI 12/2)
Fateh sets up 7 "emergency committees" to patrol with Palestinian police, act against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, remove opposition graffiti and write pro-PA graffiti. Comm. mbrs. will be armed, in plain clothes, mostly fr. Fateh Hawks. (QY 11/22 in FBIS 11/22)
PLO, Hamas agree on formula to end violence, but Hamas will not sign accord until Arafat takes responsibility for 11/18 incident. (AFP, QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; CSM 11/22; WP 11/24).
UN envoy to the Middle East Terje Larsen says Palestinians standard of living has dropped 50% since signing of Oslo agmt., appeals to donor countries to send promised aid. (AFP 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; QY 11/23 in FBIS 11/29)
Arafat calls Jordanian-Israeli agmt. betrayal of Palestinian interest, "outrageous infringement" on DOP; expresses outrage that King Hussein did not confer with him. Syrian Pres. al-Asad warns leasing plan will not work for Golan. Other PNA, Fatah figures (e.g., Marwan Barghouti, Ilyas Frayj, Faisal Husseini, Rajub, Shaath) welcome agmt. (NYT, WP, WT 10/19; ITV 10/17, QY, RE 10/18, in FBIS 10/18; JP 10/29)
Syrian Pres. al-Asad condemns Jordan-Israel agmt., says it will not set precedent for Syrian-Israeli negotiations; leaves for Cairo to meet with Pres. Mubarak, discuss Jordanian-Israeli treaty, peace talks, Iraq. (MM 10/18; MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/19; WJW 9/27)
Talks on elections resume in Cairo. Due to recent Hamas attacks, PNA says it will exclude those opposed to peace process from participating in elections, will allow Israelis to sit on election supervisory comm. (AFP 10/18 in FBIS 10/18; MENA 10/19 in FBIS 10/19)
Israeli-Jordanian talks resume in Aqaba to discuss final details of treaty; start outlining joint development projects (to be finalized within 9 mos.) (RJ 10/18 in FBIS 10/18)
Trilateral US-Jordan-Israel mtg. held to discuss aid, economic issues. (RJ 10/18 in FBIS 10/18)
IDF receives map specifying 1st line of withdrawal fr. Golan. Only Druze settlements of Majdal Shams, Mas'adah, Buq'ata would be turned over to Syria in 1st stage, no Israeli settlements uprooted, some IDF security outposts removed. Syrian govt. said to already have map. (ITV 10/4 in FBIS 10/5)
Israeli-PNA talks on elections, hit snag when Israel objects to letting mbrs. of radical groups vote or run. Rothschild says, "We are not going to establish a creature which will then fight us." Erakat says Israel is stymieing Palestinian democracy. PNA backs down on demand for separate exec., legislative councils, agrees to 1 council serving both purposes. (WT 10/5; NYT 10/6; MEI 10/7)
U.S. State Dept. issues annual report on Israeli settlements; says Israel spent $311.8 m. on nonsecurity settlement building in 1993, $95 m. of which served U.S. security interests, hence only $216.8 m. would be deducted fr. Israel's loan guarantees. (MEI 11/4)
DFLP concludes annual conference in Damascus, reelects Hawatmeh as SG. (Al-Sharq al-Awsat 10/5 in FBIS 10/5)
Palestinian police release 20 DFLP mbrs. arrested following attack on joint patrol 9/30, say 30 are still being detained. (VOP 10/5 in FBIS 10/5)
Israeli PM Rabin meets Jordan's King Hussein in Aqaba to discuss border issues. Hussein demands return of land transferred to Israel when border was moved in 1968. Rabin agrees in principle, but requires increased Jordan-Israel cooperation in return. Hussein disagrees saying return should follow fr. end of hostilities. (MM 9/29; RJ 9/30 in FBIS 9/30; ITV 9/30, AFP, IDF Radio 10/2 in FBIS 10/3)
Israeli FM Peres addresses UNGA, says Israel is fully committed to implementing the DOP in spirit and letter. (MM 9/30; Jerusalem Govt. Press Office 10/3 in FBIS 10/3)
Labor MK Kahalani submits controversial bill on special majority for Golan referendum to Knesset. PM Rabin threatens to pull out of talks with Syria if bill is passed. Golani settlers end hunger strike. (MM 9/29; QY 9/29 in FBIS 9/30; JP 10/8)
Israeli-Palestinian border crossing comm. meets at Rafah checkpoint to finalize draft agmt. for PNA administration of Allenby Bridge, Rafah crossings. (ITV 9/29 in FBIS 9/30)
Mike Guzofsky, head of Kahane Chai, New York, says he is sending delegation to Jordan to buy land for East Bank settlement, adds "If such a tiny thing, like Jews wanting to buy a little land and settle there, causes an uproar, then it's proof this isn't . . . peace." Jordan calls move irresponsible, provocative. (WJW 9/29) (see 9/16)
Guatemala announces it will move its embassy to Jerusalem. (WJW 9/29) (see 8/15)
Syrian FM al-Shara` calls Israeli proposal of 8/23 recipe for resumption of Lebanese civil war; rebukes Rabin for saying Israel would agree to continued Syrian presence in Lebanon, saying that is a matter for Syria, Lebanon to discuss. (MM 9/7) (see 8/23, 9/5)
Arafat meets with World Bank officials in preparation for Paris mtg. of donor countries 9/9. World Bank says it will release $30 m. of $180 m. slotted for development of autonomous areas. (VOP 9/7 in FBIS 9/7; JP 9/17)
MK's Shimon Shetrit, Avigdor Kahalani meet with 6 MK's fr. Labor, Yi'ud, Shas, draft bill that would require any withdrawal fr. Golan to have broad national backing, be supported by special majority of 70 MK's. (ITV 9/9 in FBIS 9/13)
Hamas says it is forming a political party so its mbrs. can take political posts in PNA, take part in elections. (CSM 9/13)
Arafat permits senior Hamas figure, Imad Faluji, to start daily newspaper Al-Watan. (MM 9/8)
DFLP SG Nayif Hawatmeh says crackdown on Islamic Jihad, DFLP paired with Hamas rapprochement is Arafat's divide-and-rule tactic. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, DFLP each issue leaflet demanding release of mbrs. recently arrested by Palestinian police. DFLP claims 14 mbrs. arrested in past wk. (MM 9/7, 9/8)
Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi says he is considering deporting 30,000 Palestinians to Gaza now that it is autonomous. Palestinians in Libya report many have been fired from jobs recently, lending weight to the threat. (Al-Quds 9/7 in MM 9/7; MM 9/15)
IDF shells Iqlim al-Tuffah in southern Lebanon, arrests 4 civilians accused of aiding Hizballah. (RL 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)
Israeli PM Rabin criticizes Syria for not opening "secret" talks with Israel to advance negotiations, says Israel is relying on U.S. Secy. of State Christopher's shuttle trips btwn. the 2 countries. (ITV 9/5 in FBIS 9/8; ITV 9/8 in FBIS 9/9)
PM Rabin says Lebanese govt. "cannot do without Syrian support," and he would "prefer two Syrian divisions deployed in the northern Biqa` Valley than on the Golan Heights" within the context of a peace agmt. (JP 9/5 in MM 9/5; MM 9/6)
PM Rabin sends 4,500 American rabbis letter, text for Rosh Hashanah sermons praising peace process as part of larger effort by U.S. senators, administration officials, Israeli emb., AIPAC to get American Jews to support negotiations. (WP 9/6; WT 9/7; WJW 9/8)
Vatican rep. Msgr. Montezemolo meets with Arafat in Gaza, states his 1st role is papal envoy to Jerusalem and Palestine, 2d is amb. to Israel. (VOP 9/5 in FBIS 9/7; WT 9/6)
After 36-day ban and talks btwn. Arafat, Editor Uthman Hallaq, Al-Nahar reopens on condition it be loyal to PLO. (QY 9/3 in FBIS 9/7; MM 9/5; NYT, WP 9/6)
IDF arrests 8 Hamas mbrs. in connection with death of 3 Israelis in May/July. (MM, NYT 9/6)
The International Conference on Population and Development opens in Cairo. Saudi Arabia boycotts. Muslim delegates band with Vatican in protest over draft document's stand on contraception, abortion. (MENA 9/4 in FBIS 9/5; NYT, WP, WT 9/6; MEI 9/9)
Talks begin in Washington btwn. Israel, Palestinians, donor countries to prepare for mtg. in Paris 9/9 on aid to PNA. Tentative agmt. reached to release interim assistance. (VOP 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)
Senior IDF officials hold mtg. to review 1st 3 mos. of redeployment; announce satisfaction with joint patrols, coordination with Palestinian police; note "significant decline" in attacks. (QY 9/2 in FBIS 9/2)
Poll released by Haifa University shows 25% increase over last yr. in number of Israelis supporting some withdrawal fr. Golan: 27% for total, 37% for partial withdrawal. (QY 9/2 in FBIS 9/7; FT 9/12)
Hizballah shells IDF, SLA positions in southern Lebanon. 1 SLA mbr. killed; 4 SLA, 3 IDF soldiers wounded. (ITV, QY, RL 9/4 in FBIS 9/6)
IDF arrests 1 soldier, 2 Israeli citizens fr. Qiryat Arba for helping unidentified extremist organization obtain weapons. (HA, WP 9/5; Ma'ariv 9/5 in FBIS 9/9; MEI 9/9; JP 9/17)
Palestinian police arrest 5 DFLP mbrs. in connection with earlier attack on IDF post in Gaza. (QY 9/4 in FBIS 9/8)
Israeli FM Shimon Peres says Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Comm. agreed to international temporary force for deployment in West Bank. Troops to be fr. Australia, Turkey, Norway, Finland, 2 European countries. Palestinians to man Gaza, Jericho crossing pts. Israel to issue 35,000 new work permits to Gaza Palestinians. (MENA 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; JP 8/27)
Israel freezes plans for IDF withdrawal fr. o.t., ties extension of self-rule to a halt in Hamas attacks on Israelis. PM Yitzhak Rabin calls current steps by PNA to curb Hamas a publicity stunt. 5 of 40 Hamas mbrs. arrested by Palestinian police 8/15 still held. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; NYT 8/18)
Jordan's Tourism M Muhammad Al-Idwan arrives in Israel for joint talks, 1st high-level Jordanian official to publicly visit Israel. (Near East Report 8/22)
IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Ehud Barak meets Defense Secy. William Perry, JCS Chmn. Gen. John Shalikashvili, National Security Advisor Anthony Lake in Washington; stresses Israel should hold onto all of Golan for security purposes. (ITV 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; WT 8/19)
PNA M of Trade and Econ. Ahmad Qurai` protests to Jordan that its trade agmt. with Israel (see 8/16) violates existing agmts. btwn. Israel, PLO. (ITV 8/17 in FBIS 8/18)
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP issue leaflet saying Arafat's recent crackdown on Hamas is pushing Palestinians to "the edge of civil war." (AFP 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; MM 8/22)
IDF kills Palestinian trying to enter Israel fr. Gaza nr. Rafah. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; UNRWA News 8/24))
Israel, Jordan conclude economic agmt. permitting Jordan to export up to $30 m. of goods to West Bank through Palestinian merchants licensed by PNA. (QY 8/16 in FBIS 8/17; NYT 8/17; JP 8/27)
Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` briefs Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak on U.S. Secy. of State Warren Christopher's visit to Damascus. Shara` reports Israel willing to withdraw fr. Golan in 2 yrs; Syria wants withdrawal within months. (WT 8/17)
Jordan's King Hussein cancels trip to Jerusalem to attend Mulid al-Nabi prayers. (MEI 8/26)
Monsignor Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo takes up his position as 1st Vatican amb. to Israel. (WT 9/6)
PNA announces it will begin disarming civilians. Civilians have 2-wk. grace period to obtain gun permits. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 8/16 in FBIS 8/17)
Palestinian police arrest 3 Hamas mbrs. in connection with 8/14 shooting. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/17)
DFLP Central Comm. dismisses 10 Politburo, Central Com. mbrs. for urging front to join PNA as "constructive opposition." (WT 8/17; al-Sharq al-Awsat 8/16 in FBIS 8/17)
U.S. demands Israel end any secret contacts with Iraq after learning Israeli Lebanon coordinator Uri Lubrani had met with Iraqi officials. (WT 8/17)
3 South Lebanon Army (SLA) mbrs. killed by Hizballah in ambush in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA shell Hizballah targets. (MEI 8/26)
IDF soldier shot and killed in Rafah, Gaza Strip, in attack claimed by Hamas as "swift and direct" revenge for 7/17 killing of 2 Palestinians in riot at Erez crossing. (MM 7/19; NYT, WP 7/20)
Israel-Jordan talks reach agreement to start negotiations for peace treaty on a "continuous basis" next month. (CSM, MM, NYT, WSJ, WT 7/20)
Palestinian-Israeli talks continue in Cairo on transfer of civilian powers to PNA. (MENA 7/19 in FBIS 7/19)
Secy of State Christopher holds talks with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus, says Israel-Syria dispute defies resolution, U.S. carrying no new proposals on Golan Heights. Christopher describes Asad as "very serious" about peace process. (CSM, NYT, WSJ, WT 7/20)
Commuter plane in Panama explodes, killing 21, including 12 Jews, of whom 4 are Israeli. Local Jewish leaders speculate bombing connected to 7/18 bombing of Jewish organizations in Argentina. (NYT, WP, WT 7/21)
Israel lifts ban on entry of PNA officials into Gaza, Jericho after 4 Palestinians it holds responsible for 1974 Maalot massacre return to Egypt. Due to enter are Yasir `Abd-Rabbuh, Ahmad Qurai`. (MM 7/14)
PLO Chmn. Arafat, U.S. AID Administrator J. Brian Atwood cut ribbon on U.S.-funded $6.9 m. apt. complex in Jabaliya r.c., Gaza Strip, marking start of international aid to Palestinian self-rule areas. Atwood also tours U.S.-funded sewage, urban-renewal projects. (MM 7/14; WP, WT 7/15)
Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights petitions PM Rabin to allow ICRC access to Khiyam prison in southern Lebanon's "security zone." (MM 7/14)
Israeli FM Peres tells United Kibbutz Movement "Israel recognized Syrian sovereignty over the Golan Heights," saying an agreement with Syria would entail withdrawal to international border, demilitarization of Golan, and unrestricted flow of Jordan River. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14; MM 7/14, 7/15)
PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Gaza to take up permanent residence, meets PNA officials. (NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/13)
Cairo talks btwn. Israel, Palestinians on security issues end 1st round. Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath calls session "quite positive." Talks covered prisoner release, extent of Jericho area, Palestinian police at Allenby Bridge, and extent of Palestinian authority on Gaza coast. Subcomms. set up to discuss Gaza-Jericho authority, transfer of civil authority in rest of o.t. (ARE Radio 7/12 in FBIS 7/12; MENA 7/12 in FBIS 7/13; NYT 7/13)
Steering group of multilateral talks holds 6th session in Tabarka, Tunisia, 1st mtg. since Madrid conf. in Arab country. (Tunisian radio 7/12 in FBIS 7/12)
Maariv reports Israel considering international control of Christian, Muslim religious sites in Jerusalem. FM Peres denies any such plan but says Israel "open to proposals" on holy sites, rejects any change in Israeli sovereignty over city. Newspaper says proposed international admin. of Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Haram al-Sharif would include Palestinians, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Vatican. (WT 7/13)
Yi'ud party joins Israeli cabinet although PM Rabin refuses many Yi'ud demands on o.t., Golan, PLO. Yi'ud made up of frmr. Tsomet party mbrs. (MM 7/13)
Palestinian police in Gaza Strip arrest 10 PLO activists, including frmr. Fateh Gaza office head Sami Abu Samhadanah, for blocking road to Israeli settlement. (WT 6/22)
Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons start hunger strike to protest continued detention, lack of PLO pressure for their release. Palestinians claim only 3,500 prisoners released of 5,000 promised to be freed under 5/4 agreement. (Qol Yisra'el 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; WT 6/22; TJT 6/24)
Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin tells U.S. reporters Israel sees no progress in talks with Syria unless U.S. becomes more involved. Beilin specifically calls for visit to region by Secy of State Christopher. PM Rabin, touring Golan IDF bases, says he expects Christopher in June or July, urges "higher level" Syrian-Israeli negotiations, proposes mtg. with Jordan's King Hussein. (WP, WT 6/22)
Jordan's King Hussein tells reporters in Washington Jordan will pursue peace treaty with Israel irrespective of Syrian position, saying Jordan's progress with Israel "has nothing to do" with "any other track" of peace process. Hussein says a mtg. with Israel's PM Rabin possible before treaty reached. (NYT, WSJ, WT 6/22; WP 6/23)
IDF evacuates Gaza City HQ, including Gaza Central Prison, marking start of final Israeli withdrawal fr. Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza Strip. 250 Palestinian police of Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) `Ayn Jalut brigade take over al-Saraya complex. (MM 5/16; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17)
Palestinian police cmndr. in Jericho, PLA Maj. Gen. Hajj Isma'il, says settlers may enter Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue but may not be armed. (MM 5/16; NYT, WP 5/17)
Settlers, Palestinians clash in Hebron after 30 armed settlers marching on `Ali Baka mosque rough up 2 Palestinian women and Palestinian crowd stones settlers. Settlers open fire, wound 9 Palestinians. 2 settler yeshiva students arrested. Palestinians also clash with IDF; IDF gunfire wounds 10 Palestinians. IDF orders Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) observers to leave scene, declares area closed military zone. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17; WP 5/18; TJT 5/20; JP 5/28)
Secy of State Warren Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara`, delaying for 6 hrs. departure for Israel, then meets Israeli PM Rabin in Jerusalem, presenting Syrian reply to Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Golan Heights. (MM 5/16; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 5/17)
PLO Exec. Comm. meets in Tunis to discuss appointment of 24-mbr. Palestinian National Authority. (WP 5/7)
Israeli officials confirm HaAretz report that Israel has asked U.S. for $1.5 b. in prepositioned arms and munitions as well as greater access to U.S. intelligence as offset for risks of withdrawing fr. Golan Heights. (WT 5/7)
Secy. of State Christopher presents Syrian counterproposals to Israeli PM Rabin. FM Peres says Syrian ideas received "with great interest." Christopher calls progress "significant," plans to return to region later in month. (CSM, MM, WP, WT 5/3)
Knesset defeats 3 motions of no confidence in Rabin govt. Rabin opens Labor party mtg. on negotiations to public. Opposition posters throughout Israel declare "The nation is with the Golan." Rabin, defending withdrawal proposals in Knesset, observes "Tanks, not settlements, provide security. If people want to rule over a foreign nation, they must know it is going to cost them blood." (MM, NYT, WT 5/3)
Israel and PLO sign formal agreement on TIPH at Danish FMin. TIPH force-90 Norwegians, 35 Danes, and 35 Italians-to deploy in Hebron 5/8. (MM 5/3; CSM 5/4)(see 3/31)
World Bank releases 3-yr., $1.2 b. Emergency Assistance Program for the Occupied Territories. Plan is to be undertaken by PECDAR in coordination with Israel, World Bank, and donor nations. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/3)
International Labor Organization releases report stating overall o.t. unemployment rate at least 25%, over 40% in Gaza. ILO seeks $135 m. for programs to help 12,000 frmr. political prisoners get work, provide 15,000 temporary jobs per month. (MM 5/3; CSM 5/4)
IDF Central Command issues orders restricting use of live ammunition against Palestinians, Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran saying "a new era and a new approach begins." (MM 5/3)
Hamas gunmen attack Ganei Tal in Gush Qatif settlement bloc, Gaza Strip, wounding 2 IDF soldiers. (MM 5/3)
IDF soldier shot dead at Gaza Strip base by fellow soldier who mistakes him for Palestinian assailant. (MM 5/3)
Israel sends 16 delegates, 12 journalists to multilateral Middle East peace talks on arms control in Doha, Qatar, via Cairo. Other delegations only 6 mbrs. (MM 5/3)
Israeli cabinet, PLO Exec. Comm. approve tentative Israel-PLO accord reached 4/28; Israeli and PLO negotiators return to talks in Cairo to finalize details for 5/4 signing. Disputes remain on control of territorial waters and beaches, prisoner releases, and legal jurisdiction. PLO Chmn. Arafat, Israeli PM Rabin to settle disputes over size of Jericho area, Palestinian police presence on Allenby Bridge. (CSM, NYT, WT 5/2)
Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara', after mtg. Secy. of State Christopher, says Syria rejects Israeli proposals on phased withdrawal fr. Golan Heights. Shara' says Pres. al-Asad asked Christopher "essential questions" for Israel to answer. (NYT, WP, WT 5/2)
Jordanian govt. decides to permit Palestinians free entry and exit, unlimited residency. Move comes after 6 years of tightened travel restrictions. (CSM 5/4)
Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat and PLO chief economic negotiator Ahmad Qurai' sign agreement on economic relations btwn. Israel and Gaza-Jericho self-rule area in Paris. Accord provides for Palestinian central monetary authority, independent tax authority and rebate to Palestinian authority of75% of income tax levied on Palestinians working in Israel, coordination oftariffs, free movement of goods and services, free importation into Israel of Palestinian produce, establishment of Palestinian tourism authority. Agreement facilitates international assistance to Palestinian entity. (MM 4/29; NYT, WP, WT 4/30)
Israeli PM Rabin gives U.S. Secy. of State Christopher proposals for accord with Syria, reportedly including phased withdrawal fr. Golan Heights, after 2 90-minute mtgs. Senior U.S. official calls proposals "basket of ideas." (MM 4/29; NYT, WP, WT 4/30)
PM Rabin, speaking to United Kibbutz Movement leaders in Jerusalem, says "if we need to evacuate settlements [on the Golan Heights] for the sake of peace, I was in favor of that and I will be in favor of it," adding, "for me, peace is a more important value for the future of Israel's security than one group of settlements or another." Rabin argues 'whoever says 'peace with the whole Golan' says 'no' to peace." Committee of Golan Settlements criticizes Rabin's remarks, leader Eli Malka calling speech "a terrorist attack." (MM 4/21; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/22)
Current round of Israel-PLO talks in Cairo ends. (WP 4/22)
PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli FM Peres meet in Bucharest, Romania. Arafat tells Crans Montana Forum conference on Middle East economic prospects Palestinians "need a Marshall Plan." (MM 4/21; NYT, WT 4/22)
11 Fateh activists, fugitives fr. Gaza Strip, return fr. exile, some fr. Libya. (WP 4/22)
4 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF during demonstrations in Gaza Strip. (WP 4/22)
IDF soldier reported missing 4/20, found dead in abandoned car in garbage dump in Hizmeh, nr. Jerusalem. (WP, WT 4/22)
Israeli-Arab community starts general strike to protest NIS 450 m. budget deficit of the 56 Arab local councils. (JP 4/23)
PM Rabin and Pres. Clinton, at joint news conference in Washington, call on PLO to return to negotiations immediately. Rabin says he will consider Palestinian police force in o.t., but only under Israeli control, suggesting Israel might rehire 900 Palestinian police officers who resigned during the intifada. Rabin says an international force would be limited to monitors, not armed peacekeepers. Both leaders say they want comprehensive Arab-Israeli settlement in 1994, Rabin saying "painful decisions" must be made over Golan Heights. (NYT, WP, WT 3/17)
Haram al-Ibrahimi officials, other Hebron Palestinians refuse to testify to Israeli commission of inquiry investigating Hebron massacre. (NYT 3/17)
Demonstrations throughout West Bank and in Jabaliya r.c., Gaza, to protest 3/15 killing of PFLP mbr. 2 Palestinians killed, 50 wounded by IDF. (WP, WT 3/18; MEI 4/15
Round of Cairo talks btwn. PLO and Israel on Gaza-Jericho autonomy ends, PLO official Nabil Shaath telling reporters "there is only a little left [to do]" on autonomy agreement. Israeli negotiator Amnon Shahak agrees "real progress has been made." (MENA 2/23 in FBIS 2/24; MM 2/24)
Israeli PM Rabin, in Lisbon, says Israel willing to allow 8,000-mbr. Palestinian security force in Gaza and Jericho to be equipped with patrol boats, "1 or 2" helicopters. (MM 2/23; WT 2/24)
Secy. of State Christopher, testifying to Senate Foreign Relations Comm., says U.S. would provide peacekeepers for Golan Heights if Israel and Syria "consider it crucial to their reaching an agreement." Christopher calls Syria-Israel talks "serious." (MM 2/24)
FM Peres criticizes some settlements in Gaza Strip as "totally illogical," saying Netzarim "has no agricultural importance, no economic importance, no security importance." (MM 2/22)
15 settler families, most fr. Ariel, sign petition for Knesset assistance to help them leave o.t. MKs Yossi Katz (Labor) and Avraham Poraz (Meretz) submit Knesset bills calling for comprehensive compensation plan for settlers leaving o.t., while Labor MKs Haggai Merom and Avraham Burg set up "hot line" for settlers who wish to leave. (MM 2/23)
Lebanese govt. officials, responding to U.S. concerns over violence in southern Lebanon, agree to restrain actions of guerrilla groups in south. Int. M Bishara Mirhaj says "We will not approve of any operation that undermines the responsibility of the state in south Lebanon." (NYT 2/25)
Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics puts Israeli population at end 1993 at 5.325 m., compared to 5.196 m. in 1992. CBS says settlements' population at 115,000 compared to 105,000 in 1992, Palestinian population in o.t. 1.9 m. (MM 2/23)
Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu meets in Washington with VP Al Gore, Senate Minority Leader Robert Dole. Gore expresses both personal and official Clinton admin. opposition to Palestinian state, according to Netanyahu, while Dole says Senate would oppose posting U.S. troops on Golan. (MM 2/23)
Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan expresses "respect and appreciation" for Saudi fund-raising drive for Islamic holy places in Jerusalem. (RJ 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)
Senate confirms Strobe Talbott as dep. secy. of state by 66-31 vote. Opponents had charged Talbott was overly critical of Israel while a journalist for Time magazine, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) calling Talbott's articles "insulting, immature and incorrect," Sen. Minority Leader Robert Dole (R-KS) accusing Talbott of "clear anti-Israel bias." (MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/23)
PLO-Israel security comm. resumes talks in Cairo to settle details of Gaza-Jericho autonomy plan. Civilian affairs comm. also expected to resume sessions. (MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM 2/23)
UN holds talks in Geneva with France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom on training Palestinian police force. (MM 2/24)
FM Peres, speaking to Knesset Economics Comm. names Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Tunisia as Arab countries working to end Arab boycott of Israel. Peres observes "the Arab boycott is the Arab world's problem, no less than ours." (MM 2/21; Qol Yisra`el 2/21 in FBIS 2/24)
Syrian Interior M Muhammad Harba, speaking to Damascus conference on drug trafficking, says Syria rejects Israeli proposal for secret negotiations, calls Israeli proposal for referendum on Golan Heights an obstacle to peace. (MM 2/21)
Settlers block West Bank roads with rocks, burning tires in continuing protests over killing of Zipporah Sasson. Blockade coincides with "rush hour" of Palestinians going to work in Israel. IDF prevents clashes by turning away Palestinian cars before they reach settler roadblocks. Ballistics tests reportedly link weapon in Sasson killing to killing of Shin Bet officer previous week and 4 Israelis in 12/93. (MM 2/21; CSM 2/22)
Lawyer for imprisoned Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin says his client's "life is under threat," but Israeli Prisons Authority spokesman says "there is no deterioration" in Yasin's condition. Yasin is serving 15-yr. sentence in prison nr. Netanya for ordering killings of collaborators. (MM 2/21)
Hamas issues leaflet warning Druze, Bedouin citizens of Israel to leave IDF "which has killed the sons of your people." Hamas claims IDF replacing Jewish units in Gaza with Druze- and Bedouin-manned units. (MM 2/21)
Washington, opened 1/24, adjourns without reported progress. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; MM 2/4)
Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security ends Cairo mtg. opened 1/30 after discussing Russian-U.S. working paper, IAEA proposals. (MENA 2/3 in FBIS 2/4)
IDF soldier in truck, firing at stone-throwers in Shatti camp, Gaza Strip, critically wounds 13-yr.-old Mahmud Abu Hajar. IDF spokesman admits soldier's action violates IDF rules of engagement. (MM 2/3; NYT, WP 2/4)
IDF undercover unit disguised as women and old men kills Fateh Hawks' leader Salim Muafi, 29, in surprise attack in Rafah, Gaza Strip. Hawks announce they will no longer obey PLO Chmn. Arafat's orders, escalate "armed struggle." IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Ehud Barak calls Muafi's killing a "great achievement." (WP 2/4)
IDF arrests 15 settlers attempting to establish new settlement nr. Maale Adumin, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/4)
Israeli Ag. Min. program comm. approves expansion of Moshav Ramot, Maale Gamla settlements in Golan Heights. (MM 2/4)
U.S. Agency for International Development releases $7 m. in aid to Palestinian Housing Council in East Jerusalem to fund 192 apartments in Jabaliya, Gaza Strip. Money is 1st installment of $500 m. pledged to support Israel-PLO DoP. (MM, WT 2/4)
Jordan reduces staff of Iranian embassy in Amman by 21 in move interpreted as Jordanian disapproval of Tehran's support for anti-DoP groups. (AFP 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; WP 2/4)
Zionist Organization of America, National Jewish Coalition circulate Time magazine columns by Dep. Secy. of State-designate Strobe Talbott criticizing Israeli policy in campaign to stop his nomination. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs issues news release saying Talbott's views are reason he "should be disqualified" fr. post. Other Jewish groups, led by Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, meet with Talbott and refuse to condemn him as anti-Israel. (MM, NYT 2/4)
"Seeds of Peace" organization presents awards to Israeli FM Peres, PLO UN Observer Muhammad Nasir al-Kidwa, and Egyptian UN amb. Nabil al-'Arabi. Group put together Israeli, Arab children for summer camp, was present at 9/13 DoP signing. (NYT 2/5)
Israel-PLO talks on implementing DoP resume in Taba, Egypt. (MENA 1/18 in FBIS 1/18; WT 1/19)
Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conference to announce 1/6 withdrawal of his name, citing opposition to his nomination by Sen. Bob Dole, NYT columnist William Safire. Inman says Safire motivated by his 1981 decision as dep. director of CIA to restrict U.S. satellite intelligence provided to Israel after Israeli bombing of Iraqi nuclear reactor. Inman says then-Israeli DM Ariel Sharon complained about limitation to Secy. of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who supported Inman. (NYT, WP, WT 1/19)
PM Rabin says peace btwn. Israel and Syria may require Israel to pay a "painful price," notes he "expected more" fr. al-Asad but would "make do" and negotiate on basis of al-Asad's 1/16 Geneva statements. Rabin echoes calls for national referendum on Golan withdrawal. AP reports opposition by Likud, govt. coalition to plans for Israeli referendum on withdrawal fr. Golan. (MM 1/18, 1/19; NYT, WT 1/19)
IDF clashes with Palestinian stonethrowers at Hebron college. 7 Palestinians shot and wounded. (NYT 1/20)
PLO, Israel report progress in Taba talks, but differences reportedly remain due to Palestinian desire for corridors fr. Jericho autonomous region. (CSM, MM, WT 1/12)
Al-Hayat quotes Syrian Chief Rabbi Ibrahim al-Hamra as saying Golan Heights "must return to us as Syrians." (MM 1/11)