The U.S. strongly condemns Israel's recent incursions into Palestinian towns, calls for Israel's immediate withdrawal. The EU, Russia, UN, and U.S. send a delegation of senior envoys to meet with...
October 22, 2001
November 29, 1997
Arafat sends letter to UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan, requesting full Palestinian membership in the UN, something thus far granted only to independent states. (WP 11/30)
King Hussein gives...
February 27, 1994
Israeli cabinet orders some settlers disarmed, 1,000 Palestinian prisoners released in response to Hebron massacre, establishes commission of inquiry to investigate massacre. Govt. orders...
September 3, 1990
Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].
Iraq refuses...
August 29, 1990
White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8...
May 25, 1990
In speech to UN Sec.Council in Geneva, Arafat urges that UN international force be sent to O.T. to protect Palestinians [NYT, LAT 5/26; RMC 5/25 in FBIS 5/29].
Socialist Intemational ends...
December 27, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are...
March 30, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Paestinians in W. Bank, Gaza, Israel mark Land Day by observing general strike [FJ 4/3]. Knesset approves $29 billion austerity budget,...
November 26, 1988
Other Countries: U.S. refuses to issue Yasir Arafat visa to enter U.S. to address UN on grounds that he abets terrorism; PLO responds that denial violates U.S....
November 8, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed in the Israeli Palestinian town of Taybah to protest the demolition of 15 buildings by Israeli police [LAT...
September 29, 1988
Other Countries: A letter signed by 51 U.S. senators calls upon State Dept. to deny Yasir Arafat a visa if he is invited to speak at the UN [NYT 9/30]. An...
August 27, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The military places Nablus, the largest city on the W. Bank, under curfew [NYT 8/28].
Other Countries: UN Sec. -Gen. Javier Perez...
May 14, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in occupied territories open in morning [FJ 5/22].
Arab World: King Hussein meets with U.S. Ambassador to UN Vernon Walters...
April 26, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tells Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. that 4,912 people are being detained in Israeli jails [WP 4/27]....
May 17, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Foreign Minister Shamir asks U.S. Attomey General Meese to ban a planned visit by PLO Chairman Arafat to U.S. to appear at UN General...
November 4, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]....
October 28, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres survives no-confidence motion and wins Knesset approval for 7-point peace plan recently offered at the UN; vote is 68-10 in...
October 21, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shimon Peres, speaking at UN General Assembly, calls for direct talks with Jordanian or joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation,...
October 7, 1985
Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and...
October 4, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to...
May 22, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview, US Ambassador Samuel Lewis states Cabinet Min. Ariel Sharon briefed US special envoy Philip Habib on IDF plans to drive...
May 14, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Udi Adiv, former Matzpen member convicted in 1972 of spying for Syria, released from Ramle prison [MG 5/15].
Arab World: In Amman...
March 4, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any...
December 3, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres rejects call for UN peace conference, direct talks with PLO [CSM 12/6];. offers to meet Hussein "with no preconditions" [MG 12/...
November 27, 1984
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat & Exec. Com. submit resignations at PNC mtg.
Other Countries: During UN debate on Middle East, EEC countries call Israel,...
July 10, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli squatters pitch tents on Abu Dis village land (6 km S. of Jerusalem) secretly declared closed; local landowners present written...
February 6, 1983
Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed on perimeter of West Beirut; UN official charges Israel creating armed committees in 60 villages south of Litani, as part of plan to implement "...
June 8, 1982
Military Action:
Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy...
The U.S. strongly condemns Israel's recent incursions into Palestinian towns, calls for Israel's immediate withdrawal. The EU, Russia, UN, and U.S. send a delegation of senior envoys to meet with Arafat to urge him to "address Israel's security concerns," to make "absolutely certain" that the PA arrests those responsible for the Ze'evi assassination. (NYT, WP, WT 10/23; MA, QA 10/23 in WNC 10/24; AYM 10/23, MA, al-Quds 10/24 in WNC 10/25; MM 10/24; NYT 10/27)
Peres arrives in Washington for 2 days of consultations with senior U.S. admin. officials. Peres is accompanied by a dozen senior Israeli officials, IDF officers, who plan to brief U.S. officials, Jewish leaders on the Israeli-Palestinian situation. (NYT, WP 10/23; HA 10/26)
Meanwhile, the IDF has entered or surrounded and cut off every major Palestinian population center in the West Bank. Fighting is especially heavy in Bethlehem. In East Jerusalem, a Palestinian opens fire on Jewish settlers in Talpiot settlement, wounding 4 before being shot dead by the IDF. In an apparent assassination, wanted Izzeddine al-Qassam mbr. Ayman Abu Halawih is killed, his 3 passengers are injured when his car explodes in Nablus. A 3d Palestinian is fatally shot by IDF troops nr. Tulkarm. A 4th Palestinian dies of injuries received on 10/21. A Palestinian woman in labor is denied passage through an IDF checkpoint to a Bethlehem hospital; she gives birth at the crossing, the baby dies. A Palestinian, detained since 10/18, dies in PA General Intelligence custody; the PA claims he committed suicide. The IDF bulldozes land in Rafah, demolishing 4 Palestinian homes, at least 9 stores. Israeli authorities also demolish 3 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem. (LAW, MEZ, NYT, WP, WT 10/23; PCHR 10/24)
In Jerusalem, nearly 100,000 Israelis demonstrate in favor of increased military attacks on the Palestinians, equating Arafat to Bin Laden, calling for the removal of Arafat and the PA. (NYT, WP 10/23; MM 10/24; JP 11/9)
Hizballah fires rockets at IDF positions in Shaba` Farms. Israeli warplanes, artillery strike Hizballah positions in response. No injuries are reported. The U.S. warns Hizballah, Israel against escalating tensions. (NYT, WP, WT 10/23; SAF 10/23 in WNC 10/24; SAF 10/24 in WNC 10/25; MM, WJW 10/25)
Arafat sends letter to UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan, requesting full Palestinian membership in the UN, something thus far granted only to independent states. (WP 11/30)
King Hussein gives speech inaugurating Jordan's new parliament in which he reaffirms support for the Palestinians, including their right to have the capital of a Palestinian state "in Jerusalem." Jordanian opposition parties criticize the phrase as an acceptance of partition. (JTV 11/29 in WNC 12/7; MM 12/17)
Across the West Bank, Palestinians hold demonstrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the UN partition res., which created Israel. In Bethlehem, the IDF opens fire with rubber bullets on 5,000 Palestinians marching to demand Israel release Palestinian prisoners, injuring 40 (including a PA policeman), making today the worst single day of Palestinian-Israeli clashes in mos. In contrast, few Israelis celebrate the anniversary. (NYT, WP, WT 11/30; WP 12/1; MEI 12/5)
In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bombs, killing 3 SLA mbrs., wounding 5 IDF soldiers. (RL 11/29 in WNC 12/9; WP 11/30)
Israeli cabinet orders some settlers disarmed, 1,000 Palestinian prisoners released in response to Hebron massacre, establishes commission of inquiry to investigate massacre. Govt. orders administrative detention of 5 Kach mbrs., but apprehends only 1 as well as 2 low-level activists. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls Israeli moves "hollow and superficial," reiterates demand for international protection of Palestinians ino.t. Settlers' council "rejects out of hand the proposals ... to confiscatehe weapons of Jews." (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/28)
Rioting against Hebron massacre continues in o.t., Israel, spreading to Negev. 3 Palestinians killed in demonstrations, including 1 Israeli Arab, bringing casualty totals to 65 dead, 360 wounded since 2/25. (WP, WT 2/28; CSM, NYT 3/1)
PLO Chmn. Arafat charges that "some elements of the Israeli army" assisted Baruch Goldstein in Hebron massacre. IDF Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Dani Yatom counters that soldiers fired into air, all 111 cartridge cases recovered at crime scene fired fr. Goldstein's rifle. (NYT, WP, WT 2/28)
Funeral of Hebron attacker Baruch Gold.. stein draws 300 mourners for procession fr. Jerusalem to Qiryat Arba. Mourners denounce journalists covering event as "Nazis"; Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, giving eulogy, proclaims "1 m. Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." (NYT, WP, WT 2/28)
Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria withdraw negotiators fr. Washington talks with Israel in solidarity with PLO. (RMC 2/28 in FBIS 2/28; NYT, WP, WT 2/28)
UN Sec. Gen. Butrus Butrus-Ghali suggests sending international monitors to protect Palestinians in o.t. U.S. mission to UN calls offer not "particularly helpful or useful." Statement notes DoP provides for "temporary" international presence, but says UN should not "prejudge" Israel-PLO discussions. Russia supports Butrus-Ghali's position. (NYT 2/28)
Bomb made of 2 82mm mortar shells explodes in Sayyidal-Naja Maronite Church in Zuq Mika'il, nr. Juniya, Lebanon, killing 9 and wounding 60. PM Hariri calls bombing "a plot ordered fr. abroad." Info M Michel Samaha, Damascus Radio, and Maronite Bishop Bishara Rai blame Israel. (RL 2/27 in FBIS 2/28; SARR 2/27 in FBIS 3/1; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/28)
Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].
Iraq refuses landing rights to British, Swiss, and French charter flights that were to have brought women, children out of Iraq and Kuwait [LAT 9/1, 9/2; NYT 9/4].
Iraqi F.M. Aziz urges nations with many citizens in Iraq and Kuwait to supply food to Iraq, saying it could not be responsible for what happened to them as a result of shortages [LAT 9/4].
Chedli Klibi, longtime Sec.-Gen. of Arab League, abruptly resigns, giving no reason, but it was widely reported he was upbraided by Saudi and Syrian officials for not putting sufficient pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [AFP 9/3 in FBIS 9/4; WT, MEM 9/4; NYT 9/5; CSM 9/6; MET 9/11].
U.S. official reports American combat aircraft have been deployed in Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain for first time [NYT, MEM 9/4].
Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. delegation including 15 senators led by Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and 22 representatives headed by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) [MENA 9/3 in FBIS 9/5].
As part of Gulf tour, British foreign sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Jeddah for 2-day working visit, meets with Saudi officials, including King Fahd [SPA 9/3 in FBIS 9/6].
In speech marking 1,000th day of intifada, Arafat says Palestinians can only take sides against "Zionism and its imperialist allies," confirms the PLO Gulf peace initiative calling for "withdrawal of occupation forces from Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Golan," and that occupation forces should be replaced by UN [MEM 9/3].
Over 10,000 people gather at rally in Amman to celebrate 1,000th day of intifada and show support of Iraq [MEM 9/4]; in W. Bank, stores usually closed remain open in celebration [WT 9/5; LAT 9/6; FJ 9/10].
Sec. of Economic Development Group in E. Jerusalem says lack of funds coming from Gulf states and lost jobs of Palestinians could harm "tens of thousands of families" in O.T.; adds drying up of funds could hurt "the future of a Palestinian state" [LAT 9/4]; other officials agree [CSM 9/6].
Jerusalem Post reports 18,800 immigrants arrived in Israel in August, including 17,500 from USSR-more than in any one month since 1951 [MEM 9/3].
Israel's gov't-run television and radio ban the use of Arabic names for Palestinian villages and towns, ordering journalists and broadcasters to use the biblical Hebrew names [NYT 9/5; FJ 9/10].
White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8/29; LAT, CSM 8/30; WT 8/31; MET 9/11].
On tour of Gulf states, British defense secretary Tom King says he's sending 4 additional warships - 3 mine-hunters and 1 destroyer - to the Gulf [LAT 8/30].
U.S. C-5 military transport aircraft carrying supplies to Gulf troops crashes shortly after takeoff in W. Germany, killing 12 soldiers [MEM 8/29; NYT, LAT, WT, CSM, WP 8/30].
10 of 13 OPEC nations, meeting in Vienna, endorse temporary production increase to make up for supplies lost because of Gulf crisis; Iran opposes agreement, Libya and Iraq are absent [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/29; NYT, WP 8/30; CSM 8/31].
21-member World Islamic Council denounces Saudi Arabia for inviting "anti-Islamic U.S. troops" into Middle East [INRA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].
Speech read on behalf of Yasir Arafat to meeting of UN nongovernmental organizations in Geneva says PLO does not take sides in Gulf crisis, links Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait to other "occupied" lands-Lebanon, Golan, and Palestine [AVP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].
Qatar has expelled 20 PLO officials since beginning of Gulf crisis, according to Yasir Abd Rabbo [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30]; Abd Rabbo also states that breaking the economic blockade against Iraq is an Arab responsibility [RAY 8/30 in FBIS 8/31].
Hamas distributes leaflet in O.T. calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and Kuwaiti self-determination; UNLU also issues leaflet continuing its demand for withdrawal of foreign troops from Saudi Arabia and calls for strike on 9/26 "in solidarity with the Iraqi people" [JPD 8/30 in FBIS 8/30].
Japan unveils aid package to help finance international effort against Iraq, but package draws criticism from U.S. because of absence of tangible aid to military buildup. Japanese program offers loans to Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan; sending 100 doctors, refrigeration equipment, and water to region (cf. 8/31) [MEM 8/29; NYT, WT 8/30].
Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij says he supports UN formula for unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, believing it to be the only way to head off a new disaster for Palestinians [WP 8/301.
In speech to UN Sec.Council in Geneva, Arafat urges that UN international force be sent to O.T. to protect Palestinians [NYT, LAT 5/26; RMC 5/25 in FBIS 5/29].
Socialist Intemational ends meeting in Cairo; Middle East statement for first time says establishment of Palestinian state is step toward Middle East peace. Israel's representative, Shimon Peres, does not vote [MENA 5/23 in FBIS 5/24; MEM 5/24; RPP 5/25 in FBIS 6/5].
U.S. Senate completes congressional action on bill containing $400 million in housing guarantees for Soviet Jews; no further vote is planned until admin. is satisfied money will not be used to settle immigrants beyond green line [MEM 5/25].
Gazans enter 5th day of curfew, many parts of W. Bank also remain under curfew; over 1 million Palestinians are confined to their homes [MEM 5/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are judged in military courts. [LAT, FBIS 12/ 28].
Arab World: Egypt and Syria agree to restore diplomatic ties after 12-year break [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 12/28; CSM 12/ 29].
Lebanese officials say they will lodge complaint with UN Sec. Council about Israel's 12/26 air and ground attacks [NYT, WP 12/28].
Egypt signs industrial contract with the USSR [FBIS 1/2].
Other Countries: The Washington Post cites unnamed Arab and Western diplomats as saying PLO has kept commitments made by Arafat last year in Geneva, but PLO has not convinced Israeli public that it is sincere [WP 12/27].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in O.T. observe strike called by Hamas [CSM 12/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Paestinians in W. Bank, Gaza, Israel mark Land Day by observing general strike [FJ 4/3]. Knesset approves $29 billion austerity budget, avoids vote on funding of settlements, religious institutions, kibbutzim [MET 4/ 11].
Arab World: PLO executive committee proclaims Arafat president of State of Palestine [NYT 3/3 1].
Other Countries: Canadian diplomats for first time meet with PLO representatives at UN [NYT 3/31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm soldiers shoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian. In al-Jib 22-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed by Israeli troops. In Jabalya camp soldiers open fire, kill 24-year-old Palestinian [FBIS 4/3]. In Salfit 20-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed by Israeli troops. In Hebron at least 6 Palestinians are shot by Israeli troops. In Bayt Ummar 7 Palestinians are shot. At least 30 other Palestinians are wounded in O.T. [FJ 4/3]. IDF destroys the homes of 4 Palestinians in Gaza and demolishes part of a 5th house [FBIS 4/3]. In the Galilee, Israeli authorities arrest 17 Palestinians for possessing "inciting material" [FJ 4/10].
Other Countries: U.S. refuses to issue Yasir Arafat visa to enter U.S. to address UN on grounds that he abets terrorism; PLO responds that denial violates U.S. obligations to UN [WP 11/27].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nusayrat camp troops shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian boy. At least 8 others are wounded in Gaza [FJ 12/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed in the Israeli Palestinian town of Taybah to protest the demolition of 15 buildings by Israeli police [LAT 11/9]. Israeli Supreme Court recommends that the army improve conditions at Ketziot (Ansar III) prison; court rejects appeals by 14 inmates to be transferred to jails in the occupied territories [LAT 11/9].
Other Countries: UN spokesman announces that Yasir Arafat has applied for visa to enter the United Stateso that he can address the UN; spokeswoman for U.S. mission to UN said visa is likely to be given [WP 11/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza Israeli troops shoot, injure 8 Palestinians during clashes [LAT 11/9]. In Taybah Palestinians protest the demolition of 15 buildings by Israeli authorities; 10 are arrested [LAT 11/9]. More than 30 Palestinian families are 'transferred" from the Jiftlik area in the Jordan Valley to the northern W. Bank. In Khan Yunis 3 Palestinians are shot, wounded. In Jabalya 7-year-old Palestinian is shot, injured [FJ 11/13].
Other Countries: A letter signed by 51 U.S. senators calls upon State Dept. to deny Yasir Arafat a visa if he is invited to speak at the UN [NYT 9/30]. An intemational arbitration panel finds in favor of Egypt in its dispute with Israel conceming sovereignty over Taba, a resort on the Gulf of Aqaba [WP 9/30].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza troops use tear gas in confronting over 1,000 Palestinians attending the funeral of Rashad al-Shawwa. Troops shoot Palestinians in Bethlehem, Nablus, Artas, and al-Maghazi [FJ 10/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The military places Nablus, the largest city on the W. Bank, under curfew [NYT 8/28].
Other Countries: UN Sec. -Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar announces that PLO chairman Yasir Arafat is considering establishing a Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/28]. UN Security Council calls on Israel to stop deporting Palestinian activists [LAT 8/28]. Arafat asks the UN for development aid and for UN troops to be sent to the occupied territories to protect the human rights of Palestinians [LAT 8/ 31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 16 Palestinians are shot, injured in the occupied territories [FJ 9/4]. Troops beat at least 30 Palestinians in Burayj camp [NYT 8/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in occupied territories open in morning [FJ 5/22].
Arab World: King Hussein meets with U.S. Ambassador to UN Vernon Walters [MET 5/26].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army opens Gaza Strip after 29-hour closure. In Gaza's Beach camp, Israeli soldiers use live ammunition to disperse stone-throwing Palestinian demonstrators, wounding 1; 3 demonstratorsustain injuries from beating [NYT 5/15]. Nablus and 3 surrounding refugee camps remain under strict curfew; curfew is also in effect in Duhayshah camp. Army reinforcements remain in territories [FJ 5/22].
Arab World: In Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp, south of Beirut, fighting intensifies between pro-Arafat and pro-Abu Musa forces [WP 5/15]. Police report 6 have been killed and 20 wounded in recent fighting in Burj al-Barajinah [NYT 5/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tells Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. that 4,912 people are being detained in Israeli jails [WP 4/27]. Israeli govemment suspends official accreditation of 2 American reporters for not submitting stories about assassination of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) to military censor [WP 4/27]. Bulldozers uproot olive trees in Qatannah village, north of Jerusalem; village is under 2-day curfew [FJ 5/1]. In E. Jerusalem, shopowners strike to protest 4/25 arrest of 14 merchants [FJ 5/1].
Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat leaves Damascus. PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi remains in Syria for further talks with govemment officials [CSM 4/28]. In Damascus, DFLP leader Nayif Hawatmah threatens more attacks on Israel from S. Lebanon [NYT 5/1]. National Resistance Front also claims responsibility for attack on Israel [WP 4/27].
Other Countries: In The Hague, World Court rules U.S. must submit to arbitration over legislation ordering PLO to close its observer mission to UN [WP 4/27].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrol kills 3 Palestinian guerrillas who entered Israel across Lebanese border; 2 Israeli soldiers are killed [WP 4/27; NYT 4/28]. In Gaza Strip, student demonstrators stone soldiers in Gaza City and Jabalya, Beach, and Khan Yunis camps. Soldiers respond with tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition. In Sha'jiyyah quarter of Gaza City, authorities seal 6 rooms; 2 houses in Dayr al-Balah camp are also sealed [FJ 5/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Foreign Minister Shamir asks U.S. Attomey General Meese to ban a planned visit by PLO Chairman Arafat to U.S. to appear at UN General Assembly in September [JP 5/18].
Arab World: Jordanian cabinet meets to discuss riots at University of Yarmuk. King Hussein orders release of students arrested and reopening of university [JP 5/18; MG 5/19]. Yasir Arafat retums to Tunis from tour of 10 African countries, including Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Angola.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]. Knesset House Committee unanimously agrees to continue preparing amendment to house rules which would prevent introduction of racist or discriminatory legislation [JP 11/5]. Education Ministry orders youth weekly Hamtzan be barred from distribution in high schools after attorney general rules an article in it may constitute call to insurrection; article argues for need for "civil war for the sake of peace" [JP 11/10]. Two thousand demonstrators outside Knesset rally in favor of bill against racism [JP 11/5].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak [NYT 11/5]. Saudi Arabia denies Israeli claims made before UN that Saudi Arabia exports oil to S. Africa, states Saudi Arabia is firmly committed to total embargo against S. Africa [JC 11/4].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports pro-Israel PACs in U.S. gave more money to Republicans than Democrats in first 6 months of this year, a sharp break from previous contribution pattems [WP 11/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Haifa; no injuries [JTA 11/5]. Another bomb goes off in Ashkelon; no casualties [JTA 11/5].
Arab World: Suicide bomber 'Amir al-Aathar, 24, drives into SLA post in security zone, killing at least 3 in 2nd such attack in 24 hours; Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility [BG 11/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres survives no-confidence motion and wins Knesset approval for 7-point peace plan recently offered at the UN; vote is 68-10 in support of Peres' initiative to Jordan [NYT, WP 10/29]. Israeli military issues deportation orders against 4 Palestinians for alleged "subversive political activity": 'Ali Abu Hilal, from Abu Dis, and Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, from al-Bireh, both charged with membership in the DFLP; and Hasan Faraje, from Dheisheh camp, and Zaki Abu Stita, from Jabalya camp in the Gaza Strip, both charged with membership in the PFLP [LT 10/29]. The 4 will appear before an advisory board this week, where they can appeal the orders [JP 10/29].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat and King Hussein, accompanied by aides, meet for several hours, discuss strains in their relationship, schedule more talks for tomorrow [NYT, WP 10/29].
Other Countries: Jewish Telegraph Agency reports representatives of international Jewish organizations for the first time officially met 2 Chinese govt. agency officials in Peking recently [JTA 10/29].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA militiamen kill 3 unidentified gunmen near SLA position near village of 'Aysha in security zone [JP 10/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shimon Peres, speaking at UN General Assembly, calls for direct talks with Jordanian or joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation, states willingness to attend international peace conference if it were convened in 'Amman this year [NYT 10/21]. Christian Science Monitor reports P.M. Shimon Peres recently confirmed, for the first time, U.S. participation in "Operation Moses" airlift which moved thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel [CSM 10/21].
Arab World: Jordan and Syria announce agreement to reject "partial and unilateral" peace settlements with Israel, agree to pursue peace plan adopted at Arab League summit in Fez, Morocco in September 1982; Syria and Jordan will exchange ambassadors after a 4-year diplomatic freeze. Agreement concludes 2 days of talks [FT 10/21; LAT, WP 10/22; MG 10/23]. Yasir Arafat calls for Arab boycott of U.S. products to protest U.S. policy in M.E. Arafat states PLO has been working for release of 3 Soviet diplomats being held hostage in Lebanon [LAT 10/22]. Pres. Mubarak meets with Deputy Asst. Sec. of State Whitehead [NYT, WP 10/22].
Other Countries: Reagan admin. formally notifies Congress of plan to sell proposed $2 billion in advanced planes and air defense systems to Jordan [NYT, WP 10/22]. The Council of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) condemns the "violation of Tunisian airspace by Israel which endangered international civil aviation." The U.S. delegate disassociates himself from the vote [JTA 10/23]. First World Assembly of Moroccan Jewry ends in Montreal with calls for Arab-Israeli coexistence and pledge to help promote just and lasting peace in the M.E. [JTA 10/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes outside entrance of military headquarters in Gaza City and hand grenade is thrown at military govt. headquarters in Khan Yunis, also in Gaza Strip; no injuries in either incident. Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev tours Gaza City headquarters later in the day [JP 10/22].
Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and anti-American slogans as the 2 are buried at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Cairo, where the families of the 2 men live [MG 10/8]. Pres. Mubarak sees Arafat's political advisor Hani al-Hasan in an unscheduled meeting; al-Hasan conveys thanks for Egypt's position on Israel's Tunis air raid [JP 10/8].
Other Countries: Diplomatic sources say the U.S. decided not to veto UN Sec. Counc. resolution condemning Israeli air raid because of fears Tunisian govt. would break diplomatic ties with the U.S. [LT 10/8; NYT 10/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA news agency claims PLO responsibility for blast destroying Jerusalem apartment building, claims 20 killed, including Israeli lintelligence agents. Israeli police say 1 died and 11 were injured in the explosion, which was caused by a gas leak [TS 10/8].
Arab World: Four heavily armed Palestinians hijack an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, carrying 400 passengers off the shore of Egypt. Officials at Port Sa'id say the hijackers, who identify themselves as members of the Palestine Liberation Front, demand the release of 50 prisoners held in Israel, including Samir Qantari, in exchange for the ship's passengers; they threaten to blow up the ship if their demands are not met. Yasir Arafat denies any PLO responsibility in the hijacking, vows to try to use his influence to end it [NYT 10/8, 9; WP 10/9]. Fighting breaks out again around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Radio stations say the fighting is between Lebanese Muslim and Palestinian militias; Amal states it is an intemal Palestinian problem. Tankfire is used against the camps and at least 1 person is killed [FT, BG 10/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to protest brutal actions by guards. Mothers and relatives of Asqalan prisoners continue their hunger strike at the Gaza Red Cross office; Israeli army threatens to disband their sit-in strike by force [FJ 10/4]. Al-Fajr daily prints obituary for Lt. Col. Muhammad al-Ghoul, the chief of security for the Tunis headquarters of the PLO killed in the 10/1 raid. Other reports mention death of Abu al-Tayyib, leader of Force 17, Arafat's bodyguard unit [BG 10/5].
Arab World: Tunisian civilians killed in 10/1 Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis have been quietly buried to avoid anti-American backlash, Tunis announces; 60 died in the raid, including 12 Tunisian civilians [WP 10/5]. Tunisian police are deployed to prevent opposition parties from marching on the U.S. embassy [FT 10/5].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council passes, by vote of 14-0 (with the U.S. abstaining), resolution condemning Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, urging member countries to "take measures to dissuade Israel from resorting to such acts," stating Tunisia's right to reparations. PLO rep. to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi accuses U.S. of "collusion" in the raid [LAT 10/5; NYT 10/6]. Two Palestinians and 1 Briton accused of the 9/25 murder of 3 Israelis in Lamaca appear before Cyprus court. Israel says the 3 are members of Fateh's Force 17, but Force 17 officials in Tunis deny they ordered the executions [DT 10/4]. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev states Russia may reestablish diplomatic ties with Israel if there is movement toward overall settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict [TS 10/5]. State Dept. announces MK Meir Kahane's U.S. citizenship has been revoked because of his membership in the Israeli Knesset [WP 10/5; JP 10/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of an Israeli, Haim Falah, who had been shot in the head, is found in the Galilee [MG 10/7]. Anonymous caller phones Western news agency in Jerusalem and claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh's Force 17 for killing 2 other Israelis near Jerusalem; their bodies have not yet been found [MG 10/7].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad organization delivers message and Polaroid photo to 2 Beirut newspapers stating they have executed William Buckley, political officer at the U. S. embassy held hostage since March 1984, in retaliation for Israel's 10/1 air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, in which they said the U.S. was involved. Buckley's body has not been found, and the claim is unconfirmed [LAT 10/4; LT 10/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview, US Ambassador Samuel Lewis states Cabinet Min. Ariel Sharon briefed US special envoy Philip Habib on IDF plans to drive PLO from Lebanon months before actual invasion [WP 5/24]. Police arrest Musa Adawi [released 5/20 during prisoner exchange] for "incitement" [JP 5/27].
Arab World: Syria accuses Chmn. Arafat of provoking Shi'ite-Palestinian battle in Beirut [NYT 5/23]. In Amman, Chmn. Arafat calls for intervention of UN Sec. Council in Beirut fighting [LT 5/23]. Fateh Deputy-in-Command Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) asserts Israel, PLO negotiating another release of Palestinian prisoners in return for bodies of IDF soldiers killed in Lebanon [FT 5/23].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Palestinian fighters fire Katyusha rockets into Shi'ite areas S. of Beirut to relieve Amal's seige of Palestinian camps in Beirut; 34 killed in continuing battle [NYT 5/23, 24]. Shi'ite forces storm Gaza Hospital in Shatila camp, kill 25 patients [LT 5/26, NYT 5/27]. IDF evacuate Kafr Huna, Rihan, Mashghara, 'Aisheh, Farara [JP 5/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Udi Adiv, former Matzpen member convicted in 1972 of spying for Syria, released from Ramle prison [MG 5/15].
Arab World: In Amman, Chmn. Arafat states he would endorse UN Sec. Council Res. 242 if US endorses Palestinian "self-determination" [WP 5/15].
Military Action
Arab World: IDF issue identity cards to residents of S. Lebanon "security zone" who request them [LAT 5/16]. IDF report resistance fighters fire from S. Lebanon across border at IDF ambulance; later retract report to avoid panic in N. Israeli towns [WSJ 5/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any negotiations [BG 3/5]. Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), PLO Central Com. Mbr. Mahmoud 'Abbas arrive in Amman to renegotiate portions of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [MG 3/5].
Other Countries: US, Israel conclude free trade agreement; all tariffs between the 2 countries to be eliminated by 1995 [NYT 3/5]. US State Dept. rejects congressional request to allow PLO UN observer Zuhdi Terzi to travel to Washington and address members of Congress [WP 3/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close 8 stores in Halhoul after Israeli taxi stoned. 2 detained in Beit Jalla after Israeli car similarly attacked [JP 3/5]. In Issawiya (jerusalem) Border Police destroy 2 homes built without permit [FJ 3/8].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes in Ma'rakah religious bldg., at least 12 killed, over 50 wounded; among the dead are 2 top Amal guerrilla leaders, Muhammad Saad, Khatit Jaradi; blast occurred less than 30 hrs. after IDF completed massive raid [NYT, LAT 3/5]. 16- yr.-old 'Ali Ma'rouf dies of heart attack while running from attacking IDF troops in Sila [NYT 3/10]. IDF raid Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre, beat director Dr. Ahmad Mroueh, fire shots, destroy property; at least 35 arrested, including some donating blood for victims of Ma'rakah blast [LAT 3/5]. IDF announce it will require special passes to cross Qasmiya Bridge on Litani River; southbound trucks carrying food, products across bridge also need permits; northbound vehicles forbidden, required to use Qa'qa'iya Bridge [JP 3/4]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post at Qasmiya Bridge. RPGs, shots fired at IDF posts in Bidias, Tyre. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles In Tyre, 'Abbasiya. No casualties in any of the actions [JP 3/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres rejects call for UN peace conference, direct talks with PLO [CSM 12/6];. offers to meet Hussein "with no preconditions" [MG 12/4]. Al-Najah U. opens after 4-mo. closure by occupation authorities UP 12/3]. Atty. Gen. Zamir threatens Knesset members with prosecution if they meet with PLO or "enemy agents" [JTA 12/3].
Arab World: Jordan and Egypt jointly call for UN peace conference, with PLO participation, based on UN Res. 242 [NYT 12/4]. Chrmn. Arafat meets King Fahd in Riyadh [LAT 12/4].
Military Action
Arab World: Bomb wounds IDF soldier as convoy passes through Saraf and, S. Lebanon [JP 12/4]. IDF kills woman in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon [MG 12/5]. Jordanian diplomat 'Azmi al-Mufti assassinated in Bucharest [WP 12/5].
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat & Exec. Com. submit resignations at PNC mtg.
Other Countries: During UN debate on Middle East, EEC countries call Israel, Palestinians & Arab states to mutual recognition, renunciation of force & for end to Israeli settlements. MK Abd al-Wahab Darousha tries to attend PNC by entry from Greece, but his (Labor) party persuades him to return home.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot & wound Nablus youth during stone-throwing incident.
Arab World: Israeli F15s & F16s attack DFLP base in Qubb Elias, Beqaa Valley; 7 killed, 9 wounded; Syrian anti-aircraft tire repels planes.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli squatters pitch tents on Abu Dis village land (6 km S. of Jerusalem) secretly declared closed; local landowners present written protest to authorities. Beit Sahour Arab Women's Union issues statement negating recent meeting with "civil admin." representative, and pledges to abide by boycott of "civil admin." Jerusalem police arrest Waqf official for allowing funeral with coffin draped with Palestinian flag.
Arab World: Beirut protesters end 4-day blockade of West Beirut and Beirut Airport after Pres. Gemayel promises to place issue of prisoners at top of cabinet agenda. French Pres. Mitterrand in Amman endorses King Hussein's call for UN-sponsored peace negotiations, including 15 members of Security Council and confronting Middle East states.
Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat meets UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar in Geneva to discuss proposed UN-sponsored peace negotiations.
Military Action
Arab World: Pro-Israel mayor Jawad Khalifa of Sarafand, S. Lebanon killed by car bomb.
Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed on perimeter of West Beirut; UN official charges Israel creating armed committees in 60 villages south of Litani, as part of plan to implement "Organization for a Unified South," with goal of 5,000 to 12,000 armed men; Amal forces and newly formed National Guard of Lebanon clash in coastal village of al-Ghaziyeh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir arrives in Bonn for talks with West German leaders; Finance Minister Aridor to visit South Africa this week seeking increased economic aid; Ibna al-Balad (Sons of the Village) distributes leaflet calling for rejection of West Bank and Gaza groups supporting Reagan plan, police arrest some members on suspicion of having painted the walls of their club in the colors of the PLO flag; Uri Avnery, Matti Peled and Ya'acov Arnon, who met with Arafat in Tunis, leave Sheli party; Peace Now demonstrates outside Begin's office to protest continued Israeli presence in Lebanon; Defense Ministry says Israel will take all steps necessary for security of Galilee, even if this means a de facto division of Lebanon into spheres of influence; Village League head Mustafa Dudeen leaves for visit to US.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Issam Sartawi says previous Palestine National Council resolutions amount to recognition of state of Israel and that Arafat has accepted formula of Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza; 800 residents of South Lebanon meet under Israeli guard in Klea, form Organization for a Unified South (OUS), call for peace treaty with Israel and support for Saad Haddad.
US and Other Countries: US evangelical groups such as Moral Majority, Religious Roundtable increasing support for Israel.
Military Action:
Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon continues, as Tyre residents are told via air-dropped leaflets to go to beaches to avoid bombings, city is shown in flames; 15,000 people try to enter city from countryside, saying they have no food; Israelis move 100 tanks into mountains east of PLO stronghold of Damour; Israeli shells re-portedly destroy a Red Cross center on the edge of Sidon; tank battles near Jezzine, and Israelis reportedly aim to cut highway to Syria; Israeli planes blast road 2 miles south of Beirut airport; fierce fighting between Israeli and Syrian troops on edge of Beirut; Israelis capture Lebanese president's summer residence at Beiteddine; third attack on Beirut sports complex.
Syrians engage Israelis on southern edges of Beirut, along Beirut-Damascus highway; major Syrian-Israeli tank battle shaping up in Chouf region, stronghold of PLO ally and Lebanese National Movement (LNM) leader Walid Jumblatt (temporarily out of country).
Fierce resistance from PLO units continues in Tyre and Sidon; a few PLO-fired rockets fall on northern Galilee, from enclave controlled by Syria; PLO and Lebanon accept UN call for a cease-fire.
Beirut residents stockpile goods and Palestinian suburbs almost deserted as residents fan out into city; Red Cross center in Sidon destroyed by Israeli shelling; thousands of refugees pour into Beirut from southern Lebanon; 10,000 people placed under Red Cross care in Tyre alone.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Prime Minister Begin lays out 4 conditions for withdrawal from Lebanon, including removal of all Syrian and PLO forces from Lebanon, creation of a 40 km demilitarized zone north of the Israeli border; Knesset defeats no-confidence vote, 94-3; Israeli Ambassador Arens meets with Deputy Secretary of State Stoessel, Defense Secretary Weinberger and Senator Percy as a former Israeli general meets the US press; Begin calls on Assad not to engage Israeli troops; UN reports continue to be censored; about 40 demonstrators opposed to the invasion are attacked in Tel Aviv.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Arafat meets with USSR Ambassador; Lebanese president appeals to Arab League to hold a meeting; Lebanon's UN Ambassador says casualties run into thousands, mostly civilians.
Arab Governments: Iranian volunteers reported arriving in Lebanon via Syria, as well as Palestinian volunteers from Jordan and Kuwait; Arab diplomats from Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrein, Jordan and Algeria ask the US to pressure Israel to withdraw immediately, accept cease-fire; Syria rejects any troop withdrawal from Lebanon, reacting to reports of new Israeli conditions for a withdrawal.
US: Reagan, in London, appeals for an end to hostilities; Haig later says US would not deny Israel the "right of legitimate self-defense."
UN: Lebanon and the PLO accept the UN call for a cease-fire; Israel rejects the Security Council demand for withdrawal. Lebanon circulates a petition condemning Israel, threatening sanctions if it does not withdraw. UNIFIL General Callaghan makes first offi-cial protest of the invasion to Israel.