28 / 15500 Results
  • June 10, 1998

    In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. (MENA 6/10 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

    In Gaza, Arafat, Jordanian PM Majali...

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  • July 9, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Saudi Arabia on visit, is greeted by DM Prince Sultan in sign that strains fr. 1990-91 Gulf crisis are over.  Later, Arafat has audience with King Fahd.  Separately,...

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  • March 9, 1994

    IDF guards at Haram al-Ibrahimi tell Israeli commission of inquiry Baruch Goldstein was wearing his army uniform and shooter's ear protectors when he entered shrine 2/25. During commission tour of...

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  • January 24, 1994

    Talks in Washington btwn. Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestinians resume in undisclosed locations, 1st since 9/93. Israeli official says Israeli-Syrian session, btwn. delegation heads...

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  • January 23, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat holds mtgs. in Cairo with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, FM Musa, and other officials to discuss progress of talks with Israel. Arafat then departs for Saudi Arabia for 'umra pilgrimage...

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  • September 11, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)

    IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8...

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  • January 16, 1993

    IDF kills 10-year-old Palestinian girl, wounds 15 in dispersing Gaza Strip demonstrations. (WT 1/17)

    King Hussein flies to Muscat for talks with Sultan Qaboos. Visit closely follows PLO...

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  • December 10, 1991

    Bilateral Israeli-Syrian, Israeli-Lebanese peace talks resume in Washington. But talks between Israel, Jordanians, Palestinians fail to take place when Israel rejects 2-track approach of meeting...

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  • July 21, 1991

    As Secy. of State Baker prepares to leave Amman for Jerusalem, King Hussein announces Jordan will participate in peace conference, support end to Arab League boycott in return for halt in...

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  • March 8, 1991

    Baghdad releases 2 U.S. POWs, 40 journalists, and hundreds of Kuwaiti POWs, as well as 1,181 who had been abducted by Iraqi troops. More than 6,300 American soldiers arrive in U.S. during 1st full...

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  • October 17, 1990

    According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].


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  • September 12, 1990

    2 U.S. Apache attack helicopters sold to Israel for $350 million each are met at air base by P.M. Shamir, who says U.S. is "obliged" to maintain Israel's military advantage over its Arab neighbors...

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  • August 16, 1990

    Iraqi occupation authorities order 6,500 American and British citizens in Kuwait to assemble at 2 hotels in Kuwait City [NYT, WP 8/17].

    Pentagon announces U.S. naval forces will begin "...

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  • April 9, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and...

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  • October 1, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for...

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  • January 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    Explosion 400 yards from Lebanon Beach Hotel in.Khalde delays talks for 30 min., Israel charges was 107mm Katyusha rocket fired from behind Marine lines in Hay el-Sellom,...

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  • January 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...

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  • January 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery duels between Druze and Phalange militia near Baabda.


    5 killed, 9 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting.

    Political Responses:

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  • January 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after...

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  • December 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....

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  • November 17, 1982

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in...

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  • September 21, 1982

    Military Action:

    US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading...

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  • August 30, 1982

    Military Action:

    Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take...

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  • August 6, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets, ground forces launch new attack, reportedly destroying apartment building housing PLO "operations room"; air strike hits heart of W. Beirut, 100 yards from Wazzan...

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  • July 25, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets attack West Beirut at 10 AM, on day 50 of invasion, hitting same targets as day before, following night-long artillery duels between IDF and PLO (first evening...

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  • July 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israel, alleging cease-fire violations by Syrians and PLO, attacks on both fronts with artillery and air strikes (ordered following ambush deaths of 5 IDF soldiers near...

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  • July 14, 1982

    Militrary Action:

    IDF warplanes buzz Beirut in a mock air raid, first Air Force activity over Beirut in 2 weeks as Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanese...

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  • June 26, 1982

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire holds, reportedly due to Haig resignation; IDF claims to have destroyed SAM batteries; 560 IDF tanks, 2400 armored personnel carriers, 120 howitzers around...

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In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. (MENA 6/10 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

In Gaza, Arafat, Jordanian PM Majali discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. Majali hands Arafat a letter fr. King Hussein, outlining Netanyahu's position on FRD as transmitted to the king via Israeli DM Mordechai on 6/7. (JTV 6/10 in WNC 6/12; Shihan 6/27 in WNC 6/30; al-Dustur 7/1 in WNC 7/2) 

Syrian FM Shara` meets with PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. and Arafat adviser on refugee affairs As`ad `Abd al-Rahman to reopen discussion on refugee issues. (RMC 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

During their 2d day of talks, Iran, Turkey sign memorandum of understanding on setting up a joint chamber of commerce, beginning engineering and technical cooperation on natural gas. (IRIB Television 6/10, MENA 6/11 in WNC 6/12; IRNA 6/11, 6/13 in WNC 6/17)

In Hebron district, IDF bulldozes 70 dunams of Palestinians orchards, saying it has warned Palestinians not to farm "state land." Trees on the land were 5+n10 yrs. old. (Christian Peacemaker Teams press release 7/14)

In East Jerusalem, Israeli peace activists protesting settlement activity clash with Israeli police. (CSM 6/11)

Some 50 Christian human rights activists stage sit-in to protest settler's occupation of Silwan homes 5/8. (WT 6/11)

PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Saudi Arabia on visit, is greeted by DM Prince Sultan in sign that strains fr. 1990-91 Gulf crisis are over.  Later, Arafat has audience with King Fahd.  Separately, PNA Labor M Samir Ghawsha says Arafat will take up residence in Palestinian self-rule areas.  (SPA 7/9 in FBIS 7/10; WP, WT 7/10; MM 7/11)

King Hussein tells Jordan's parliament he is ready to meet publicly with Israeli PM Rabin.  Hussein says mtg. a condition set by U.S. for forgiveness of Jordanian debt to U.S., provision of U.S. weaponry to Jordanian armed forces.  (JTV 7/9 in FBIS 7/11; WP 7/10; CSM, MM 7/11)

IDF guards at Haram al-Ibrahimi tell Israeli commission of inquiry Baruch Goldstein was wearing his army uniform and shooter's ear protectors when he entered shrine 2/25. During commission tour of massacre site, Hebron Muslim leader Shaykh Salih Natsha complains that IDF cleanup after attack destroyed important evidence. (MM 3/9; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 3/10)

400 Palestinians, including 135 PNC mbrs., and 5 PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs., sign petition demanding Israel-PLO negotiations remain suspended until Israel agrees to provide better protection for Palestinians in o.t. 100 PLO officials in Tunis issue separate, similar petition. (MM, NYT 3/1 1)

MK 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha and Israeli-Arab delegation meet in Damascus with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad. Asad tells delegates he regards them as part of Arab nation, that Syria will pursue negotiations until it is convinced "there is no room for a just peace." Delegation supports Syrian peace policy, criticizes Israel's. (MM 3/10)

Israeli PM Rabin visits "security zone" in southern Lebanon, assures SLA cmndr. Antoine Lahd of continued Israeli support of SLA against Hizballah, Palestinian groups. (MM 3/9)

UN Human Rights Commission includes for 1st time, at U.S. urging, anti-Semitism in its annual condemnation of racism. Resolution also condemns anti-Arab, anti-Muslim prejudice. Commission also passes 5 resolutions criticizing Israeli policies in o.t. (NYT 3/10)

King Hussein departs Saudi Arabia after being denied mtg. with Saudi King Fahd. (MM 3/9)

Talks in Washington btwn. Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestinians resume in undisclosed locations, 1st since 9/93. Israeli official says Israeli-Syrian session, btwn. delegation heads Itamar Rabinovich and Muwafaq al-Allaf, held in "good and positive atmosphere." (CSM, WT 1/24; NYT, WP 1/25)

PLO-Israel negotiations in Taba, Egypt resume with mtg. of Civilian Affairs Comm. Security Affairs Comm. postpones session pending next Arafat-Peres mtg. (MENA 1/24 in FBIS 1/24, 1/25)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets in Riyadh with Saudi King Fahd, DM Prince Sultan, and Gov. of Riyadh Prince Salman. Aide to Arafat characterizes mtg., 1st since Gulf war, as "friendly and warm." Saudis pledge assistance to Palestinian "institutions and infrastructure" according to PLO official Ahmad Qurai'. (CSM, WP, WT 1/25)

King Hussein of Jordan holds 1st public mtg. with 30 American Jewish leaders in Washington, expresses desire for "warm peace" with Israel. (NYT, WP, WT 1/25)

Reuter reports Israeli businessmen have invested $5 m. in experimental farm at al-Jadida, Morocco, and are supplying irrigation equipment to farms in Hawz area nr. Marrakesh. (MM 1/24)

PLO Chmn. Arafat holds mtgs. in Cairo with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, FM Musa, and other officials to discuss progress of talks with Israel. Arafat then departs for Saudi Arabia for 'umra pilgrimage, mtg. with King Fahd. (MENA, SPA 1/23 in FBIS 1/24)

Napthali Lau-Lavie, aide to then-DM Moshe Dayan, says in memoirs King Hussein of Jordan warned Israeli PM Golda Meir of Syrian offensive deployment 11 days before start of '73 Arab-Israeli war. (WT 1/24; NYT 1/28)

Mukhtar of Sanniriya, nr. Tulkarm in West Bank, killed by masked gunman for collaboration with occupation. (Qol Yisra'el 1/23 in FBIS 1/25)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)

IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8 in Ramallah during PFLP/Hamas-led march against Israel-PLO agreement. Other Palestinians wounded in clashes during demonstrations in Gaza, Jerusalem. 20,000 participate in 4 demonstrations in support of accord. (NYT, WP 9/12)

World Bank releases 6-volume report, prepared at request of Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, saying West Bank and Gaza Strip require at least $3 b. in aid over next decade. (NYT 9/12)

White House announces Israeli PM Rabin, PLO Chmn. Arafat will attend 9/13 signing of DoP. (NYT 9/12)

Pres. Clinton speaks by telephone with Saudi King Fahd, Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Jordanian King Hussein, and Israeli PM Rabin in effort to secure support for agreement. Clinton pledges Israel "additional guarantees" for its security, in part to keep Israeli public opinion supportive of peace process. (NYT, WP 9/12)

Damascus-based Palestinian opposition factions call for general strike in o.t., Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria 9/13 to protest Israel-PLO accord. Demonstrations against accords held in al-Wahdat, al-Baq'a refugee camps in Jordan. Jordan Times 9/11 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/12)

IDF kills 10-year-old Palestinian girl, wounds 15 in dispersing Gaza Strip demonstrations. (WT 1/17)

King Hussein flies to Muscat for talks with Sultan Qaboos. Visit closely follows PLO leader Mahmud Abbas' visit to Saudi Arabia (see 1/11). (MM 1/15)

Bilateral Israeli-Syrian, Israeli-Lebanese peace talks resume in Washington. But talks between Israel, Jordanians, Palestinians fail to take place when Israel rejects 2-track approach of meeting separately with Palestinian and Jordanian components of joint J-P delegation and insists on meeting only with combined delegation in one room. (WP 12/11)

At Islamic Conference Organization (ICO) meeting in Dakar, Senegal, Saudi Crown Prince 'Abdallah bin 'Abd al-'Aziz underscores continued Saudi anger at PLO and Jordan by shaking hands but refusing to embrace Chmn. Arafat in traditional Arab greeting of friendship, and avoiding greeting King Hussein altogether. (WP 12/1 1)

Israel decides to establish direct dialing telephone service to 11 Arab countries (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates) [see 12/5]. Calls will be completed by satellite connection which routes them through U.S. (MM 12/11)

As Secy. of State Baker prepares to leave Amman for Jerusalem, King Hussein announces Jordan will participate in peace conference, support end to Arab League boycott in return for halt in settlement-building. Hussein states he has contacted Palestinians about joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. Action brings together Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan in support of U.S.-led efforts to convene Middle East peace conference. Baker meets with Palestinian delegation (Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, and Zakariya al-Agha) in E. Jerusalem concerning formation of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to peace talks. Baker tells them PLO can have no direct relationship with Palestinian delegation to peace talks, nor can Palestinians from E. Jerusalem participate in initial stages of talks because of categorical Israeli refusal to accede to any gesture which might suggest that sovereignty of Jerusalem negotiable. Baker reaffirmed U.S. belief that E. Jerusalem is part of occupied territories, and that Palestinians alone have right to choose their own representatives. (NYT, WP, 7/22; MEM 7/23)

Baker next begins talks with Prime Min. Shamir in Jerusalem on peace talks in wake of numerous Arab commitments to agree to U.S.-proposed terms for such negotiations. Baker states that Arab assent to attend conference means willingness to engage in face-to-face negotiations with Israel. Pres. Bush again calls on Israel to curb settlement building, urges Israel to accept Arab offer to end economic boycott in return for settlement freeze. Seven Arab nations have now agreed to such linkage. (NYT, WP, MEM 7/22)

In interview with Egyptian press, British Prime Min. John Major calls Israeli settlements "illegal," "damaging" to peace process, including those in E. Jerusalem. (MEM 7/22) 

Baghdad releases 2 U.S. POWs, 40 journalists, and hundreds of Kuwaiti POWs, as well as 1,181 who had been abducted by Iraqi troops. More than 6,300 American soldiers arrive in U.S. during 1st full day of nonstop homecomings [LAT, NYT 3/9].

During 2 1/2-hour meeting in Riyadh, Sec. Baker outlines to King Fahd 4 U.S. policy goals announced by Pres. Bush on 3/6. King agrees to take active role in support of U.S., but offers no specific commitments [NYT, LAT 3/9; RIDS 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].

Iranian Pres. Rafsanjani expresses sympathy for rebels trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein; calls for Saddam to surrender "to the will of the people" [LAT, NYT 3/9].

In interview with journalists from Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, Pres. Bush says PLO has "lost credibility" after siding with Iraq; Bush dismisses chances for U.S.-PLO talks any time soon [WP 3/10].

EC "troika" ministers meet with King Hussein to discuss Middle East peace proposals [ADS 3/8 in FBIS 3/8].

According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].

Expressing concern that U.S. could go to war against Iraq while Congress was in recess, Senate Foreign Relations Committee demands Pres. Bush obtain congressional approval before taking military action. Demand is rebuffed by White House and Sec. Baker, who says the pres. will "consult" with Congress if need be [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/18].

For. Sec. Hurd says he failed to convince Israelis to accept UN team investigating Haram al-Sharif incident; 28 prominent Palestinians cancel scheduled meeting with Hurd after local press reports 10/16 comments; Hurd says papers misinterpreted his comments [MEM 10/17; NYT, WT 10/18; JDS 10/17 in FBIS 10/17, 10/18].

Egypt's most prominent newspaper Al-Ahram assails King Hussein as co-conspirator with Saddam, saying King Hussein acknowledged in an interview with New York Times he knew in advance of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Al-Ahram's version of the interview is at odds with the Times article, which says King Hussein knew of the invasion only at 6:00 am on 8/2 [NYT 10/18].

Arab League emergency session, called for by Palestine to discuss Haram al-Sharif shootings, opens in Tunis (cf. 10/18) [SPA 10/17 in FBIS 10/18].

2 U.S. Apache attack helicopters sold to Israel for $350 million each are met at air base by P.M. Shamir, who says U.S. is "obliged" to maintain Israel's military advantage over its Arab neighbors. Sale is part of deal that includes 16 additional Apaches, 60 F-16 fighter-bombers, 10 Sikorsky helicopters, and Stinger missiles [LAT 9/13].

Iran's "supreme leader" Ayatollah Khamenei declares jihad against U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, calls American policy "greedy, bullying, and shameless"; denounces Saudis for inviting Americans in, he states: "a force that enters a country to defend it will grow to impose its will on the host and to humiliate it" [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, MEM 9/13].

PLO Exec. Committee releases statement in Tunis on Gulf situation, stressing linkage issue and regretting U.S. stance; Arafat meets with King Hussein on political solutions to Gulf crisis "within an Arab framework" [MEM 9/13].

In response to lawsuit brought by Israeli gov't, state supreme court in New York issues temporary order blocking U.S. publication of Victor Ostrosky and Claire Hoy's book By Way of Deception. A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad [NYT, WT, WP 9/13].

Pres. Asad, preparing for meeting with Sec. Baker on 9/14, says U.S. troops will leave Saudi Arabia when crisis is over: "The problem now is not the presence of foreign troops in the gulf. The problem is Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.... When it is over I am sure that all foreign troops will withdraw" [NYT, WT 9/13].

In Mecca, International Islamic Conference attended by 350 Islamic scholars from 80 countries ends after 3 days of heated debate; communique calls for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, finds foreign troop presence in Saudi Arabia legitimate under current circumstances but emphasizes that they must leave region as soon as Iraq withdraws; calls for creation of permanent Pan-Islamic force for future conflicts  [SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; LAT, WP 9/14].

On tour of Middle East, Chrmn. of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, arrives in Riyadh on 2-day visit to Gulf [WAKH 9/13, 9/14, SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/14].

Speaking before European Parliament, Italian F.M. Andreotti says Gulf crisis could make more difficult a solution to Palestinian and Lebanese conflicts; he repeats EC's support for UN resolution demanding Israeli withdrawal from W. Bank and Gaza [MEM 9/13].

EC passes resolution 301 to 37 condemning Iraqi invasion, calling for withdrawal, but stating that only diplomatic solution can resolve crisis [MEM 9/13].

Iraqi occupation authorities order 6,500 American and British citizens in Kuwait to assemble at 2 hotels in Kuwait City [NYT, WP 8/17].

Pentagon announces U.S. naval forces will begin "intercepting" commercial shipping to or from Iraq and Kuwait to enforce UN sanctions [WP 8/17].

King Hussein of Jordan meets with Pres. Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine to discuss Gulf crisis [MEM 8/16; ADS 8/17 in FBIS 8/17; NYT, WP 8/17].

"Troika" foreign ministers from Italy, Luxembourg, and Ireland arrive in Amman and meet with Crown Prince Hasan to discuss crisis [ADS 8/16 in FBIS 8/17].

2d contingent of Egyptian military forces leaves Cairo for Saudi Arabia [MENA 8/16 in FBIS 8/16].

Special UNLU "Leaflet No. 1-the U.S. Invasion of Arab Lands" is distributed; it expresses unequivocal support for Iraq and attacks Pres. Mubarak [YA 8/17 in FBIS 8/17].

Hundreds of Palestinians hold pro-Iraq demonstration in Nablus; police disperse crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets [MEM 8/16; JDS 8/16 in FBIS 8/17]; fearing political repercussions, PLO leadership is seen as trying to distance itself from Iraq, but has been unable to ignore growing grassroots support of Palestinians for Saddam Hussein [WP 8/17].

Contradicting earlier Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood statement, group's leader Muhammad Hamid Abunnasar issues communique denouncing Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and calling for return of Kuwait's "legitimate gov't." [MEM 8/17]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and Tulkarm camps [FJ 4/12].

Arab World: Reports charge Jordanian Minister of Occupied Territories Affairs Marwan Dudin was involved in disappearance of funds [FJ 4/12].

Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuit challenging use of McCarran-Walter Act in case of 7 Palestinians arrested by INS 1/26 [CSM 4/9]. Israeli F. M. Peres concludes 3 days of talks with Soviet representatives in Rome [NYT 4/10]. King Hussein and members of Jordanian government meet with British P. M. Thatcher to discuss possibility of Middle East peace conference [IN 4/10]. Israeli Pres. Herzog on state visit to W. Germany asks Bonn not to sell submarines to Saudi Arabia [LAT 4/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities impose curfews on 2 towns and 2 refugee camps on W. Bank after demonstrations in support of prison hunger strike [CSM 4/10].

Arab World: Four Israeli helicopters attack PLO positions in 'Ayn al-Hilwah in S. Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 6 [NYT 4/10]. Syrian troops reinforce their posts around Beirut's Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps; 47 wounded Palestinians are evacuated from Burj al-Barajinah [NYT, IN 4/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for case for 10/6 [FJ 10/4].

Arab World: King Hussein meets with key U.S. congressmen to discuss proposed U.S. arms sale to Jordan [WP 10/2].

Other Countries: Pentagon officials meet Israeli diplomats, ask for list of U.S. weapons used in Tunis air raid [DT 10/4]. EEC countries empower their president to meet a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation, following Britain's decision to invite the delegation, including 2 prominent PLO members, to London for talks [JP 10/2].

Military Action

Arab World: Israel bombs PLO headquarters in Tunis, claiming retaliation for Lamaca killings and W. Bank violence; 61 Palestinians and 12 Tunisians killed, over 100 injured. 8 U.S.-made F-15s and 8 F- 16s used in the attack, raising speculation Israel may have violated U.S. Arms Export Control Act. White House spokesman Larry Speakes describes attack as a "legitimate response" to "terrorist atacks" [NYT, JP 10/2]. Jordan and Egypt condemn raid, vow to continue peace process. Egypt suspends Taba discussions in protest [NYT 10/2]. Saudi Arabia calls for UN sanctions against Israel. England, Greece, Czechoslovakia, China, Rumania, France, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Jewish leaders condemn raid [NYT 10/2; MG, LT 10/3]. Washington claims no advance knowledge of the attack [NYT 10/2]. Three SLA soldiers killed by unidentified gunmen in the security zone [JP 10/2].

Military Action:

Explosion 400 yards from Lebanon Beach Hotel in.Khalde delays talks for 30 min., Israel charges was 107mm Katyusha rocket fired from behind Marine lines in Hay el-Sellom, Phalange says was rocket-propelled grenade, Lebanon state radio says was 120mm mortar, Lebanese Army says shell was detonated by explosives on the spot; IDF tries to use road under MNF jurisdiction.


1 IDF at checkpoint near hotel wounded; IDF detains 4 Lebanese in Khalde area, cuts off road.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Government defeats 2 no-confidence motions on social policies put forward by Labor and Democratic Front following release of survey that shows 300,000 Israelis live under poverty line; General Amir Drori criticizes US Marines for failing to prevent guerrilla infiltration from its sector; General Yaacov Even, IDF chief spokesman, says Marines are buffer for PLO's hit and run attacks, that since Dec. 22, 9 incidents near US lines resulted in 1 IDF killed, 25 wounded; Government denies reports that relations with Ethiopia have improved and Israeli advisers are now in Addis Ababa; week long Canal Founders Conference of Israel Bonds begins, attended by 200 Jewish leaders from US and Canada; security forces arrest 2 from Gaza who admit to Jan. 8 Tel Aviv grenade attack, say they are members of Fateh and were trained in Egypt.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: After 6 hours, negotiations stalled on Israel's demand to have IDF remain in security installations in Lebanon and nature of future relations, with Lebanon proposing protocol accord to regulate ties.

Arab Governments: King Hussein returns to Jordan from tour of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman.

US and Other Countries: State Department denies press reports that Reagan is prepared to sign document drafted by National Security Council, State and Defense Departments to cut off military aid to Israel; Reagan Administration says it is extremely concerned over slow pace of Lebanon negotiations, following Habib's return to US, with 2 stumbling blocks of normalization and surveillance stations; National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America is told by Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) that Reagan Administration is not a mediator in the Middle East but coddles Saudi Arabia and entices King Hussein to peace table with airplanes and missiles, that it was never disclosed publicly that intelligence officials told the State Department that armed PLO members remained in Beirut; ZOA President Ivan Novick says Reagan Administration uses West Bank settlements to divide American Jews, but Jewish settlements are valid based on right to security and self-defense, historical connection, and according to international law Israel holds better title to this land; British press reports that secret documents accidently released recently indicate that Britain dissuaded Jordan, Syria and Iraq from concluding peace agreements with Israel in 1949.

Military Action:

Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.

US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.

Military Action:

Artillery duels between Druze and Phalange militia near Baabda.


5 killed, 9 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says Israel may face 100 years of terrorism, that in practice the war in Lebanon has not ended, and one cannot solve all the problems of terrorism in one war, that if the IDF remains in Lebanon for long it may have to mount an intensive campaign to root out terrorist cells as was done in the Gaza Strip after the 1967 war; Defense Minister Sharon flatly rejects any PLO participation in future peace talks with Jordan, and dismisses Iraq's declaration of recognition of Israel's security needs as merely effort to get US arms for war against Iran; Israeli Foreign Minister legal adviser Elyakim Rubenstein says the recall of Egypt's Ambassador to Israel is a violation of the Camp David accords; Avid Kedar, head of Foreign Ministry's Egypt Department, says contacts between Israel and Egypt frozen since Peace for Galilee Campaign; Sgan Nitzav Albert Hayut, new director of Beersheba prison announces 500 security prisoners to be moved to new maximum security prison, equipped with latest electronic monitors, near Nablus; attorney Nissim Shakar of the Committee for Jaffa's Arabs says they will appeal proposed law that non-Jews must close shops on Yom Kippur as well as own religious holidays, and not transport goods on Saturday and Jewish holidays; Israeli officials announce requests by Palestinians to visit relatives in Lebanon decline due to security situation, 5 Israeli Palestinians disappeared recently in Lebanon; bomb near Zedekiah's Cave outside Jerusalem's Damascus Gate critically wounds a Palestinian worker; military authorities surround Najah University, effectively closing the campus, prevent Israeli Association for Civil Rights representative from entering, detain 9 student council members; in Nablus students stone troops who use tear gas and close off market area; rock throwing incidents in Ramallah, al-Bireh aid Dheisheh camp, now defined as District of Binyamin, also in jenin where placards and leaflets are found attributed to National Liberation Movement denouncing as treasonous Arafat's and Hussein's attempt to reach accommodation with Israel.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat goes to Moscow; 5 Palestinian leaders and Lebanese Communist Party meet in Tripoli.

Arab Governments: King Hussein tells local leaders that he has a letter from Reagan commiting the US to pressure Israel to restore Arab rights in the occupied territories, and that time is running out for achieving a unified Arab approach by March; Moroccan Foreign Ministry announces agreement with Britain on Arab League delegation to include non-PLO Palestinian; Egyptian Socialist Labor Party poll of 1,486 persons shows 82% want Israeli ambassador expelled, 76To want to sever relations with Israel.

US and Other Countries: State Department says Israeli settlement promotion campaign is unfortunate and counterproductive; Administration officials say US is counting on King Hussein to declare his readiness to join talks on basis of Reagan plan if the PLO and Saudi Arabia support it, if progress is made on troop withdrawals from Lebanon, and if Israel temporarily halts settlement activity; Secretary of State Shultz meets for 2 hours with 14 members of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and leading Jewish Republicans, tells them of growing fears that Israel and Syria have tacit agreement to keep status quo in Lebanon, they tell him they want US to support Israel's demand for normalization of relations with Lebanon; delegation of Conservative MPs from Britain meet with Begin, give him message of support from Prime Minister Thatcher; European Parliament calls for establishment of a Palestinian state as a factor in a Middle East settlement, direct PLO-Israel dialogue, immediate halt to settlements in the West Bank, Israeli withdrawal from occupied territory, recognition of PLO as representative of Palestinian people if it drops from its charter all paragraphs calling for Israel's destruction, and sovereignty of all states in the region; Habib arrives in Israel.

Military Action:

Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after fourth encounter between IDF and Marines in 1 week, US Embassy in Beirut expresses concern; truce in Tripoli policed by PLO because Lebanese security forces refuse to patrol area so long as opposing forces maintain positions.


1 PLO member killed, 3 wounded in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Government rejects US-proposed compromise on agenda for Lebanon negotiations; at Cabinet meeting Begin promises Deputy Premier David Levy and Communications Minister Mordechai Zipori, both Herut Party critics of Sharon, that Cabinet will hold special debate on Lebanon; Young Guards of Labor Party elects as chairman Moshe Cohen, a political centrist who will seek to end leftward lurch of party, to terminate Labor's alignment with Mapam and a rapprochement with religious parties; all police units launch anti-terrorist drive following attack on bus, reveal several bomb incidents since summer, including 280 kg bomb in car in Negev defused, bomb under bench in Herzliya which wounded 4, 4.5 kg bomb in Jerusalem defused, security forces played down and withheld information on incidents; Israeli trade with Lebanon valued at $8 million each for November and December; Peace Now group demonstrates outside Prime Minister Begin's office; dozens of Palestinians arrested in Tel Aviv after yesterday's grenade attck, 2 molotov cocktails thrown at police station in Dheisheh refugee camp, no injuries, security forces seal area, search but no arrests; 10 Najah University students arrested, charged with incitement; Kiryat Arba residents pull down Hebron municipality electricity poles for second time, and Acting Mayor Mustafa Natshe says he received threatening letter from Kiryat Arba council demanding removal of the utility poles; Elon Moreh settlers fire shots into Nablus Dal al-Tafel kindergarten and its bus, military authorities seal off Nablus market area.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat holds talks with King Hussein in Amman, also attending are members of Joint Committee, as Hussein tells Arafat his talks with Reagan were positive and successful; Lebanese Director General of Internal Security Forces Hisham Shaar says conscription may be necessary to keep balance of Christians and Muslims in police force; reports circulating in Beirut that AUB President David Dodge, kidnapped during war, may be alive and held in Bekaa Valley; Internal Security Chief Hisham Shaar and Syrian Deputy Chief of Staff General Ali Aslan meet in Tripoli, agree to patrols there by Lebanese security forces.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak calls on Hussein and Arafat to negotiate on the basis of the Reagan plan, before US presidential elections and more settlements make it too late to reach agreement, says that only thing that bothers him about US foreign policy is US Congress' decision to increase aid to Israel; Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali says Egyptian ambassador to Israel will return to his post as soon as agreement is reached on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon; Saudi King Fahd holds series of meetings with Walid Jumblatt, Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohammed Boucetta, Fateh Executive Committee member Abu Mazen.

US and Other Countries: Senator Charles Percy (R-IL) states support for Israeli position that withdrawal from Lebanon should be accompanied by business-like relations; columnist Jack Anderson publishes opinion poll of the world's worst leaders with Menahem Begin ranking fifth after Khomeini, Qaddafi, Mobutu and Duvalier; 1,500 New York area Jews who have applied for aliya attend speech by Israeli President Navon in synagogue.

Military Action:

IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.


One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.

Political Responses:

lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).

Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.

US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in fight involving IDF and Druze forces near Beirut at time were far from camps and in Beirut on private visit, says on Friday, September 17, he flew to Beirut on IDF aircraft to offer condolences to Gemayel family, visited Jounieh, then returned by car to Marjayoun, accuses Saeb Salam of covering up for Phalangists on orders from Saudi Arabia by blaming Haddad forces; Foreign Ministry official Hana Bar-On testifies he relayed US official's report on "irregularities" in Beirut camps to Begin's military secretary, Colonal Azriel Nevo, Friday evening, September 17; political storm rages over New York Times opinion piece that implies Labor Party leaders want US to reduce aid to Israel as means to pressure Begin but Peres denies Labor Party supports cut in US aid; two leaders of Gush Emunim settlement of Qiryat Arba charged with destroying possible clues to unsolved bombings that crippled two Palestinian Mayors in 1980, trial is set for December 9; 25,000 Israeli settlers now estimated living in occupied territories, is twice as many as in 1980, five times as many as in 1977; Knesset finance committee defers decision on funding 9 new settlements (Labor Party criticizes 8 planned for West Bank, and IDF outposts in territories being turned over to right-wing Kach).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Walid Jumblatt, in interview, accuses Phalange of planning massacres of Druze and says talks are useless; Phalange spokesman Hayek denies charge, says Phalange militiamen only seeking to return to their former villages in Chouf.

Arab Governments: King Hussein, ending Arab League delegation visit to France, accuses Israel of holding up peace process through continued West Bank settlements, refusal to consider Reagan peace proposals, says question of Israel's eventual borders remains major obstacle to peace; Syrian President Assad tells visiting US Congressional delegation that Reagan plan is "incomplete" solution.

US and Other Countries: Habib leaves several days early for Mideast in wake of cancellation of Begin-Reagan meeting, as State Department expresses concern at lack of progress on troop withdrawals; Shultz meets with Habib, Veliotes, Fairbanks, M. Charles Hill and Samuel W. Lewis to review lack of progress on peace plan; Britain announces Arab League mission planned to arrive next week has been postponed to December, and it will continue to refuse inclusion of PLO representative in delegation; West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in New York, tells US Jewish leaders he intends to strengthen West German relations with Israel, and supports Camp David process.

Military Action:

US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading trailer trucks with captured vehicles, weapons, PLO files, materials from Arab banks; Algerian government charges IDF soldier stormed Algerian embassy in Beirut, stole documents; IDF denies it flew Haddad forces to Beirut for operations in camps; IDF lifts curfew imposed in South Lebanon following Gemayel assassination.


Burj al-Barajneh residents say Lebanese Army demanded they disarm as condition for Army protection, and then Army disappeared; rumors of massacre sweep camp so residents leave camp at night to sleep elsewhere; Haaretz reports Phalange was given IDF aerial photographs of Sabra and Shatila, that forces involved were commanded by top Phalange liaison officer with IDF in Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government accepts redeployment of multinational force in Beirut, but refuses to specify deadline for IDF withdrawal or to establish inquiry into massacre; Palestinians in Israel, West Bank, and Gaza stage strikes at schools and businesses, stone bus and several police stations, burn tires on highways to protest massacre; 2 Israeli policemen wounded, 8 Palestinians arrested; strikes 95 percent effective, but broken in Ramallah, Hebron, and Nablus when Israeli soldiers force open store windows; disturbances in Bethlehem and Israeli-Palestinian towns of Taibeh, Kaukab, Sakhnin, where residents carried pictures of Arafat; demands for national inquiry into massacre grow; Begin still staunchly opposed; Begin sends congratulations to Amin Gemayel as president-elect of Lebanon, still hopes for peace treaty.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Begin and Sharon are not Jews because such a massacre is outside Jewish morality and tradition; Arafat meets Saudi King Fahd in Jiddah, says Reagan personally responsible for massacre because Habib had given the PLO a signed guarantee for security of Beirut and its people; Amin Gemayel, elected Lebanon's President by 77 of 80 votes, calls for national unity; several Phalange militia commanders refuse to accept Amin's authority.

Arab Governments: King Hussein charges US with "direct moral responsibility" for massacre, supports Reagan's peace initiative but rejects Camp David structure for negotiations and peace talks with Begin government; Arab League emergency meeting accuses US of moral responsibility for massacre but stops short of endorsing PLO-sponsored call for sanctions against US.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials get wary approval for dispatch of Marines from House Foreign Affairs Committee, which sees Israel bearing some responsibility for massacre; Congressman Crockett blames Israeli government and US for "aiding, abetting" massacre; Congressional opposition to increasing aid to Israel grows as Begin refuses to open inquiry; Habib meets Mitterrand on way back to Lebanon.

UN: PLO persuades non-aligned group to call for one-day special emergency General Assembly session to request a UN inquiry; Jeane Kirkpatrick says she will oppose any such inquiry unless Lebanese Government supports it.

Military Action:

Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take up new positions in Bekaa; Fathi Arafat welcomes 147 wounded in Greece.


Shootings on rise as evacuation nears end; IDF soldier wounded in mine ambush; traffic heavy in and out of West Beirut; IDF considers delaying release of al-Ansar detainees because of guerrilla attacks in Sidon, Tyre; Egged bus line of Israel plans to open line to Tyre, Sidon, Zaharani river.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says occupied territories belong to Israel; Nablus women's associations visit Palestinian and Lebanese wounded in Haifa hospitals; Israeli journalist Uri Avneri interrogated by Israeli police concerning his interview with Arafat (Avneri claims interrogation aimed at silencing opposition to Begin/Sharon policies); IDF soldier Eli Gozansky sentenced to third prison term for refusing to serve in Lebanon (he had previously refused to serve in the occupied territories); 38 percent of Israelis support negotiations with PLO in public poll; pro-Begin group protests war reporting.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, before departure, holds press conference at home of Jumblatt (says 5000 killed, 48,000 wounded during invasion; 9,000 arrested, including 106 fighters, among which were wounded soldiers taken from Sidon, Tyre hospitals); 5 Maronites from Kaslik University meet Shamir in Jerusalem, ask US to support Phalange efforts to expel PLO, Syrians; Major Haddad watches evacuation as guest of IDF; PLO officials in Europe release files on Abu Nidal.

Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd expresses willingness to drop his proposal for Israeli-Arab peace; King Hussein of Jordan visits Saudi Arabia, Iraq as part of Gulf tour; Arab foreign ministers agree on date for Fez summit.

US and Other Countries: State Department denies US proposed to Sharon a "demilitarized Palestinian state" in West Bank/Gaza Strip; Reagan Administration again reflects Israeli assertion that Jordan is a Palestinian state; Weinberger prepares for visit to Lebanon, Israel; poll in UK says majority of Britons support Palestinian rights; Israeli embassy attacked in Tokyo.

Military Action:

IDF jets, ground forces launch new attack, reportedly destroying apartment building housing PLO "operations room"; air strike hits heart of W. Beirut, 100 yards from Wazzan's office; fighting rages near race track as IDF gains a block; IDF tank positions now in heart of residential areas of East Beirut; gunfire reported at nightfall in southeast part of West Beirut; IDF attacks shortly follow Wazzan announcement of "virtual agreement" on evacuation plan; Sharon visits East Beirut; IDF gunboats fire at residential areas swollen with Lebanese and Palestinian refugees; car bomb explodes outside devastated building, injuring and killing rescuers.


Casualties estimated at 10 (Red Cross) to 250 (PLO); Beirut radio puts toll at 100-150 (many of bodies pulled from rubble were women and children); thousands continue to flee West Beirut; damage to city water main limits water to East Beirut; 64 Syrian soldiers killed, wounded in fighting in Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel continues to insist PLO leave Lebanon before international peacekeeping force arrives; Begin reportedly rejects US proposal for IDF pullback in letter to Reagan; Israeli official says any US sanctions could backfire, produce stronger IDF actions.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan announces "virtual agreement" between US, Lebanese, PLO negotiators on terms of withdrawal; Butros, Wazzan, Sarkis confer with Habib; PLO reportedly asks Syria to accept PLO evacuees.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia issues first implicit criticism of US support for Israel since invasion began, saying it "denounces" powers supporting, backing Israel; Hussein of Jordan reportedly willing to offer amnesty to PLO guerrillas expelled in 1970 to facilitate peaceful resolution of Beirut crisis (100 Jordanian women prevented from delivering petition to US embassy protesting IDF siege of Beirut); Egypt's ambassador returns to Tel Aviv.

US and Other Countries: French officer arrives to study logistics of deploying French troops.

UN: USSR calls for urgent meeting of Security Council, proposes resolution to impose arms ban on Israel (US vetoes, UK abstains, France and Japan support resolution).

Military Action:

IDF jets attack West Beirut at 10 AM, on day 50 of invasion, hitting same targets as day before, following night-long artillery duels between IDF and PLO (first evening raids on Shatila, Sabra, Burj al-Barajneh camps complicate rescue efforts); only small arms fire reported in Bekaa as Syrians reposition troops, strengthen them; PLO mounts another ambush behind IDF lines in the Bekaa area (patrol hit; 8 IDF soldiers wounded, two vehicles destroyed); IDF forces in Lebanon variously estimated at 120,000.


WAFA reports 12 casualties today, 200 in last four days; IDF bomb hits fuel tank owned by air cargo carrier at airport; ICRC personnel visit Ansar detention camp.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Economy Minister Meridor warns Syria against introducing any new weapons into Lebanese fighting; Sharon reports to Knesset committee on Thursday operation; Shamir reportedly plans visit to US later in the week, Begin set to visit Zaire; Cabinet reportedly approves daily military pressure on Beirut; Israeli officials skeptical of Arafat statement to US Congressional delegation.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Negotiations stalled during Habib tour; PLO says statement it signed for US Congressman McCloskey represents restatement of longstanding positions.

Arab Governments: Habib meets Mubarak in Egypt, reportedly fails to get agreement to take PLO fighters; Habib flies to Rome for talks with Foreign Minister (reportedly plans to meet Hussein of Jordan in London); Egyptian foreign minister plans visit to the US; Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah meets with Assad in Damascus, as Khaddam meets Libyan envoy.

US and Other Countries: Rep. Paul McCloskey (D-CA), visiting Beirut as part of a Congressional delegation, claims Arafat signs document accepting all UN resolutions recognizing Israel's right to exist, urges US to open dialogue with PLO.

Military Action:

Israel, alleging cease-fire violations by Syrians and PLO, attacks on both fronts with artillery and air strikes (ordered following ambush deaths of 5 IDF soldiers near Mansura in the Bekaa); jets bomb PLO artillery emplacements near the stadium and airport following wounding of IDF soldier near airport; PLO estimates 6 people killed or wounded in the attacks; PLO operates behind Syrian lines in the eastern Bekaa; 5 IDF wounded in machinegun attack near Tyre; bombs dropped after 30 minutes of mock attacks in Fakhani quarter and camps of Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra and Shatila, as well as the stadium and the neighborhood of Ramlet el-Baida; IDF launches air and land attacks along entire cease-fire line in eastern Lebanon (jets strike barracks near Baalbek, several Syrian-controlled villages).

Casualties: Palestinian sources estimate 62 killed, injured in attacks on Beirut; 2 IDF soldiers killed, 2 wounded during fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin summons Cabinet for special meeting to discuss Lewis report; retaliatory measures reportedly agreed on at the meeting; IDF spokesman claims 75 PLO violations of the cease-fire in the past 3 weeks, claims Syrians try to advance their lines; denies final Israel assault on Beirut.

Arab Governments: Attacks come as Habib undertakes a weeklong mission to Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and possibly other Arab nations to get them to accept PLO fighters from Beirut; King Hussein of Jordan meets UK Prime Minister Thatcher in London.

Militrary Action:

IDF warplanes buzz Beirut in a mock air raid, first Air Force activity over Beirut in 2 weeks as Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanese territory; although shooting broke out between IDF and PLO soldiers manning checkpoints at the port about 300 yards from each other, cease-fire generally holds.


Hundreds of W. Beirut residents flee, fearing new outbreak of fighting; UN officials say IDF units daily patrol villages regarded as hostile; all mention of interrogation or detention of Palestinians censored from dispatches from Israel; electricity restored to many parts of Tyre for first time since war broke out; Canadian surgeon tells Congressional committee he saw Palestinian prisoners beaten to death; mayor of Sidon claims most arrests "arbitrary," involving innocent people.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Mayor Hijazi of Dir Dibwan on the West Bank is dismissed from his post making eighth such dismissal since March for staging a municipal work slowdown; officials indicate IDF goal is to eliminate all Palestinian refugee camps within 25-mile buffer zone along Israeli border; top aide to Meridor, Gravinsky, says Israeli government opposed to providing even temporary housing for Palestinians who lost their homes in the fighting, fearing they will become the nuclei of new camps; leaders of Nablus refugee camps write UNRWA of willingness to adopt orphans from Lebanese war; faction of Gush Emunim Amnah sets up new settlement near Hebron; Sharon extends state of alert in Israel for another week; Tehiya Party votes to join Likud coalition (strengthening proinvasion forces in Likud).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign troops and assistance of a multinational force to oversee the evacuation of the PLO guerrillas, also asks Israel to comply with UN resolution and withdraw its invasion force; Hani al-Hassan praises Shultz statement referring to legitimate needs of the Palestinian people; Arafat reportedly tells Syria the PLO would like to move to Syria if an evacuation agreement can be reached.

Arab Governments: King Hussein calls for urgent meeting of Arab leaders to discuss Lebanon, Iran/Iraq wars.

US and Other Countries: Shultz, in second day of Senate nomination hearings, refers to legitimate needs and problems of the Palestinian people; Reagan, in meeting with Congres-sional leaders, says key condition for sending US troops is official request by Lebanon to do so; 4 British MPs visit W. Beirut; Reagan letter to King Fahd urges Saudis to help find haven for PLO.

Military Action:

Cease-fire holds, reportedly due to Haig resignation; IDF claims to have destroyed SAM batteries; 560 IDF tanks, 2400 armored personnel carriers, 120 howitzers around Beirut; IDF units skilled in urban fighting reportedly brought up from Golan; IDF and Syrians reinforcing units.


Fathi Arafat estimates 35,000 killed or wounded since June 4; in Beirut, people buried in mass graves; urgent appeals made for doctors, medical supplies; bodies rot in some buildings; refugees line up at social centers; Berbir Hospital (on Green Line) reports whole families killed, tnostly civilians; some patients victims of cluster bombs, burned by phosphorous and many amputations necessary; Bhamdoun casualties high, with 70 or more bodies along the highway; 2-day toll put at 300 killed, 2000 wounded; Lebanese newspaper shows babies burned by phosphorous, and elderly who are wounded and unable to flee fighting; most Beirut businesses, banks closed in western section; milk and eggs scarce and water low; "Begin amputations" commonplace in hospitals as a result of high-velocity projectiles which smash muscles, bones from pressure without break-ing skin; Islamic hospital hit, houses 850 elderly and mentally retarded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Eitan, visiting highway taken by IDF, says he is "going to Damascus"; Sharon admits, in TV interview, IDF "exploited" cease-fire violations by Syrians to take highway; Rabin urges indirect talks with PLO to get them out of Beirut.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese and PLO meet to discuss US plan; Habib meets Sarkis; PLO jubilant at Haig departure as Arafat tours Fakhani district; PLO reports strong backing by USSR, France, Saudis (says Saudis threatened oil cutoff, withdrawal of Saudi investment in US, opening of diplomatic relations with USSR); PLO rejects Habib proposals, characterizing them as demanding unconditional surrender, not providing safety guarantees for withdrawing forces; Haddad forces stopping Palestinians at checkpoints, in joint work with IDF.

Arab Governments: Arab League meets in Tunis, fails to agree; Hussein in USSR on state visit; Egypt opposes forced disarming of PLO.

UN: US vetoes Security Council resolution calling for Israeli withdrawal; US and Israel are only countries voting against General Assembly resolution calling for IDF withdrawal and possible sanctions should it refuse; UN team formed to assess relief needs; 2 UN convoys reach Beirut with supplies (first relief shipments since Beirut encircled).