186 / 15493 Results
  • November 28, 1989


    Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis and Arab diplomats in Paris say Libya has placed Abu Nidal, leader of Fateh Revolutionary Council, under house arrest [NYT 11/28...

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  • November 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In an article in Ma'ariv, Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says since the outbreak of the intifada 600 Palestinians have been...

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  • October 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir accuses U.S. of trying to force Israel to negotiate with the PLO, says he will not compromise with Palestinians even if it means...

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  • September 14, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot...

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  • September 5, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army...

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  • April 5, 1989


    Arab World: Hani al-Hasan, adviser to Arafat, states that Algerian delegation is currently visiting Damascus to prepare for reconciliation between Syria, PLO [FBIS...

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  • December 25, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military officials confirm more than 1,000 Palestinians have been arrested in connection with recent rioting. Yediot...

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  • September 23, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Village Leagues meet with pro-Jordanian W. Bank Palestinians in Bethlehem to elect council for new pro-Jordanian party [FJ 9/...

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  • May 17, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Communications Minister Amnon Rubinstein, head of Labor-aligned Shinui party, says his party is pulling out of national unity government...

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  • May 4, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Gush Emunim march in Qalqiliyyah marks Israelindependence day [FJ 5/10]. Jericho's mayor charges provocation after similar march by...

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  • December 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir acknowledges U.S.-Iran arms deal included promises to release Israeli soldiers [BG 12/9].

    Arab World: Arab League...

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  • November 25, 1986


    Other Countries: The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabian arms dealer 'Adnan Khashoggi played important role in financing U.S.-Iran arms deals [NYT...

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  • October 28, 1986


    Other Countries: In Pakistan, investigators of Pan Am hijack-massacre say hijackers were probably directed from Lebanon, not Libya, despite fact that fifth suspect...

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  • May 15, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Aircraft Industries announces $1 billion in sales for 1985/86 fiscal year [JP 5/15]. Three border policemen are charged before a...

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  • May 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops and police halt an effort by about 100 ultranationalist Israelis to etablish an unauthorized settlement in the occupied...

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  • May 5, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar...

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  • April 21, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli magistrate's court in Haifa remands 10 Palestinians from inside the Green Line who are alleged to have been organized in the...

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  • April 17, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 700 Israeli border police and security forces gather in 4 Druze villages in the Golan Heights to prevent rallies and demonstrations...

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  • April 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel has quietly moved hundreds of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the West Bank, despite U.S. opposition [PI 4/16]. Israeli military...

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  • April 2, 1986


    Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo reports WAFA (the Palestine News Agency) offices in Amman were closed following King Hussein's suspension of joint peace efforts with...

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  • February 7, 1986


    Arab World: Col. Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi has ordered his air force to intercept any Israeli civilian plane within range over Mediterranean and force it to land in Libya...

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  • February 4, 1986


    Arab World: Egyptian naval patrol rams Israeli pleasure boat off coast of Taba, injuring several tourists aboard [LT 2/6].

    Other Countries: U.S. State Dept...

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  • January 30, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, 'Ali Abu Hilal, and Hasan 'Abd al-Jawad drop High Court appeal against deportation orders against them on grounds...

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  • January 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Agriculture Ministry announces plans to build reservoir in the Jordan Rift Valley in coming year to draw on water from the Jordan River...

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  • January 11, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deputy advisor on antiterrorism to P.M. Peres, Gideon Mahanayimi, states "best way" to fight terrorist organizations is by assassinating...

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  • January 10, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports nearly 2 dozen Nablus Palestinians have been detained, questioned for 2 weeks without charges on...

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  • January 9, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police arrest 3 militant Jewish nationalists who attempt to raise Israeli flag in the Haram al-Sharif [NYT, WP 1/10]. State of Israel...

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  • January 8, 1986

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  • January 7, 1986


    Other Countries: Reagan administration announces economic sanctions against Libya, orders U.S. oil companies, Americans working there to leave Libya or face...

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  • January 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. statistics are issued showing immigration to Israel in 1985 was lowest ever [NYT 1/7]. Gaza military court sentences 2...

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Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis and Arab diplomats in Paris say Libya has placed Abu Nidal, leader of Fateh Revolutionary Council, under house arrest [NYT 11/28].

Other Countries: U.S. warns it will pull out of UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) if agency recognizes PLO [NYT 11/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military orders 2 Palestinian houses near Ramallah and 4 in Rafah destroyed [FBIS 11/30; FJ 12/4].

General strike called by Fateh is observed in Gaza Strip and parts of W. Bank. 4 firebomb and molotov cocktails are thrown in O.T.; no injuries [FBIS 11/ 29].

Arab World: Lebanese Pres. Hrawi orders dismissal of Gen. Aoun; Aoun refuses to vacate presidential palace [WP 11/29];

Syrian tanks, forces, take up positions near Aoun stronghold [WP, NYT 11/29]


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In an article in Ma'ariv, Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says since the outbreak of the intifada 600 Palestinians have been killed, 350 houses demolished, over 10,000 Palestinians wounded, over 40,000 placed under detention, and 60 deported [FBIS 11/17].

Other Countries: PLO officials meet with Israeli Knesset members in Milan, Italy to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace opportunities [FJ 11/27].

According to Ma'ariv, U.S. officials claim Israel Aircraft Industries was involved in attempts to smuggle U.S. missile navigation equipment to South Africa in violation of U.S. law [FBIS 11/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF declares Ramallah and al-Bireh closed military zones [FJ 11/27].

Incidents in the Nur Shams and Tulkarm camps leave 2 Palestinians wounded from IDF gunfire. At least 8 others wounded in O.T. [FBIS 11/20].

Arab World: Citing PLO sources, Associated Press reports that about 200 dissident members of Abu Nidal organization were recently killed in liquidation campaign in Libya. 300 more fled to Algeria, Tunisia, and Lebanon [FBIS 11/17]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir accuses U.S. of trying to force Israel to negotiate with the PLO, says he will not compromise with Palestinians even if it means his govemment falls [LAT 10/18; NYT 10/ 19].

Other Countries: UN General Assembly rejects annual Arab motion-introduced this year by Libya-to unseat Israeli delegation; U.S.S.R. abstains for first time [NYT, WP, LAT 10/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army closes second school in E. Jerusalem as demonstrations continue. Arab resident of E. Jerusalem is stabbed. Settlers block W. Bank road, prevent Arabs from going to work in Israel. 6 Palestinians are arrested, 1 soldier wounded by thrown rock [FBIS 10/18]; at least 12 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/25]. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot fleeing arrest [WP 9/15]. At least 10 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire in O.T. [FBIS 9/15].

Arab World: Soviet news agency Tass reports Israel fired a missile from a site near Jerusalem that landed 800 miles away in the Mediterranean north of Benghazi, Libya [\WP 9/20]. Israeli helicopter gunships fire rockets at two Abu Nidal guerrilla bases east of Sidon, Lebanon. Police report at least 3 people wounded [WP 9/15; MET 9/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army threatens to detain students who go to private school on "Palestine time." Army chief of staff, Dan Shomron, says the army's new policy is to arrest about 700 Palestinians accused of "distributing underground leaflets, enforcing strikes, painting graffiti . . . and attacking suspected collaborators" [NYT 9/6]. In separate interviews, Labor leader Peres says granting a visa to Arafat would not affect U.S. -Israeli relations, while P.M. Shamir reaffirms opposition to Arafat's entry into the U.S. [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Libyan authorities have told dozens of rebel movements around the world, including PLO splinter groups, to expect a cutback in funding and to close their offices in Libya [WP 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tel Aviv 12- year-old Palestinian boy dies of wounds received 8/31; 36-year-old Palestinian in Rafah accused of collaboration is killed, another severely beaten [NYT 9/6]. Army closes 8 W. Bank schools, blaming students for demonstrations and stone throwing [FBIS 9/5; NYT 9/6]. A cooperative effort between IDF and the Air Force will allow IDF to use helicopters to help fight the intifada [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Israeli border troops clash with 3 Arab guerrillas in South Lebanon, 1 guerrilla killed [NYT 9/6]. 


Arab World: Hani al-Hasan, adviser to Arafat, states that Algerian delegation is currently visiting Damascus to prepare for reconciliation between Syria, PLO [FBIS 4/5].

Other Countries: U.S. calls Soviet sale of SU-24 aircraft to Libya "dangerous" [WP 4/6]. U.S. trade policy committee rejects appeal made by Arab-Americans to strip Israel of preferential trade privileges [NYT 4/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot, wound 2 Palestinians in O.T., including 13-year-old boy in Balata camp [LAT 4/6]. In "humanitarian gesture" Israel releases 450 Palestinian prisoners [WP, LAT 4/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military officials confirm more than 1,000 Palestinians have been arrested in connection with recent rioting. Yediot Aharonot poll shows 69% of Israelis favor using tougher measures against violent disturbances in Gaza Strip and W. Bank; 80% support deporting Palestinians responsible for the unrest; 47% say they are in "a tougher mood" as a result of the riots [NYT 12/26]. Balatah and 'Askar refugee camps are ordered under curfew after demonstrations [FJ 12/27]. Demonstrations are reported in Gaza following Friday prayers [FJ 12/27]. Israeli authorities extend closure of Islamic U. in Gaza and Palestine Religious Institute additional week to 1/3 [FJ 12/27].

Arab World: PLO official Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) leaves Libya following official visit [FJ 1/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 20 Israeli soldiers capture 3 Palestine Liberation Front guerrillas who crossed into Israel from Jordan [NYT 12/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Village Leagues meet with pro-Jordanian W. Bank Palestinians in Bethlehem to elect council for new pro-Jordanian party [FJ 9/27]. Hadashot reports F. M. Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin have reached agreement with Jordan to share power in W. Bank [CSM 9/24]. 'Aqbat al-Khaldiyyah Renovation Com. calls on owners of vacant houses in Jerusalem's Old City to occupy buildings immediately [FJ 9/27]. Ishaq Budayri, deputy director of Arab Studies Society, is released after paying IS 3,000 bond [FJ 9/27]. In W. Jerusalem, 2Hebron Polytechnic teachers suffer slight injuries when they are attacked by settlers [FJ 9/27]. Order banning Dayr al-Ghusun residents under the age of 35 from traveling outside W. Bank is lifted after 2 months [FJ 9/27].

Arab World: Jordan announces it will reestablish diplomatic relations with Libya [FJ 9/27]. In Sidon's 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp, 49 Palestinian fighters are hospitalized, 1 killed, after drinking poisoned coffee. Among those poisoned is Jamal Sulayman, accused of assassinating Force 17 leader Rasim al-Ghul [FJ 9/27].

Other Countries: U. S. government expresses concern that confession of accused hijacker Fawwaz Yunis may be inadmissable in trial due to injuries suffered by Yunis while in FBI custody [LAT 9/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border guards attack group of youths in Hebron's commercial district [FJ 9/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Communications Minister Amnon Rubinstein, head of Labor-aligned Shinui party, says his party is pulling out of national unity government in effort to force new elections [LAT, NYT 5/18]. Israeli cabinet votes to implement 2-tiered tuition scale charging army veterans lower tuition rate than non-veterans [FJ 5/24]. Israeli troops seal off rooms in Qalqiliyyah houses belonging to families of 3 men accused of throwing firebombs at military vehicles [FJ 5/24]. Ahmad Nasr, resident of Khan Yunis refugee camp, is arrested, served expulsion order on charges of leading Fateh youth movement in Gaza [FJ 5/24]. Town arrest orders are issued against 4 residents of W. Bank and Gaza Strip, bringing total number currently under town arrest in occupied territories to74 [FJ 5/24]. Three preparatory schools in Gaza Strip town of Rafah are ordered closed indefinitely [FJ 5/24].

Arab World: PLO Executive Com. statement indicates decision to pursue normalization of relations with Egypt. PLO delegation led by Faruq al-Qaddumi arrives in Tripoli, Libya [FJ 5/24].

Other Countries: Israeli F.M. Peres tells meeting of Am. Jewish Com. in New York that role of U.S.S.R. in proposed international peace conference needs clarification [NYT 5/18]; meets with Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin in Washington [WP, CSM 5/19]; in speech at AIPAC conference, says talks with Jordan might deny PLO role in peace process [BG, LAT 5/18]. Also speaking before AIPAC, U.S. Sec. of State Shultz officially endorses negotiations in preparation for international peace conference on the Middle East [WP 5/18]. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Gush Emunim march in Qalqiliyyah marks Israelindependence day [FJ 5/10]. Jericho's mayor charges provocation after similar march by settlers in that city [FJ 5/10]. Israeli soldier is slightly injured in stone-throwing incident near Balatah refugee camp; camp is placed under curfew [FJ 5/10]. Military releases 12 secondary school students held in detention for 18 days [FJ 5/10].

Arab World: King Hussein of Jordan says he will only negotiate with Israel in an international conference that includes the PLO [BG 5/5]. Lebanon's P. M. Rashid Karami resigns [LAT 5/5; CSM 5/6]. Libya permits reopening of PLO office in Tripoli after 4-year closure [NYT 5/6]. George Habash arrives in Damascus, meets with Pres. al-Asad for 3 hours [FJ 5/10].

Other Countries: Three survivors of the Sabra and Shatila massacre file suit in U. S. court against Major-General Amos Yaron, now serving as military attache to U.S. [FJ 5/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir acknowledges U.S.-Iran arms deal included promises to release Israeli soldiers [BG 12/9].

Arab World: Arab League foreign ministers begin emergency meeting in Tunis to discuss Amal-PLO fighting in Lebanon.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and kill 12-year-old Palestinian boy, wound 6 [FJ 12/12; WP 12/9]. Preliminary reports indicate shot which killed the Balatta camp youth was not from army issue gun [FJ 12/12]. Shops closed in E. Jerusalem for third straight day [LAT 12/9]. Students at Hebrew University condemn the use of tear gas to disperse demonstrators, call for release of arrested students. Authorities close al-Najah University and old campus of Birzeit University. Al-Najah will reopen 12/16. Old BZU campus will open after Christmnas holiday [FJ 12/12].

Arab World: Continuing clashes between PLO and Amal forces at Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps leave 2 dead, 8 wounded. PLO holds off Amal attack at Maghdushah. Syrian, Iranian, and Libyan mediators urge PNSF to call for acease-fire [LAT 12/9]. Cease-fire is broken less than 24 hours after going into effect, but Fateh announces 4-point plan to end fighting [BG 12/9]. 


Other Countries: The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabian arms dealer 'Adnan Khashoggi played important role in financing U.S.-Iran arms deals [NYT 11/26]. U.S. customs agents arrest arms dealer Kevin Gilday and charge him and 3 others with attempting to sell military equipmento Libya and Syria [WP 11/26]. U.S. Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese claims Israel acted on its own when it sent arms to Iran in late summer 1985, announces that profits from the arms deals were used to fund the Nicaraguan contras. Israeli government replies that U.S. requested the shipment and that Israel had no knowledge of funds diverted to the contras [LAT 11/26]. Head of Higher Islamic Council requests international protection for Jerusalem's Old City Arab residents [FJ 1/2].


Other Countries: In Pakistan, investigators of Pan Am hijack-massacre say hijackers were probably directed from Lebanon, not Libya, despite fact that fifth suspect arrested after hijacking is Libyan. Pakistani official says hijackers are "a product of refugee camps in Lebanon, born and brought up in conditions of great misery" (NYT 10/29). Panel of Italian judges publishes report saying Achille Lauro hijacking suspect Majid al-Mulqi, 24, was given 30-year sentence for murder instead of life imprisonment because he had been raised in climate of violence in Palestinian refugee camps (NYT 10/30).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Aircraft Industries announces $1 billion in sales for 1985/86 fiscal year [JP 5/15]. Three border policemen are charged before a police tribunal with using excessive force in the 1984 arrest of a Palestinian [JP 5/16].

Arab World: Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of the PLO political department, meets French foreign minister in Paris, the first such meeting in two years [LM 5/16]. An undetermined number are killed, and as many as 200 students and 18 police injured in clashes during protests at University of Yarmuk at Irbid in northem Jordan [GU 6/14; MG 5/16]. (Estimates of death range from 3 to 18.) Riots, involving 2,000 students, are reportedly over growing Jordanian-Syrian cooperation against PLO, though nominal causes are high tuition fees and U.S. air strikes on Libya [NYT 5/21; JP 5/16].

Other Countries: Geneva-based WHO condemns for 11th successive year Israeli seizure of Arab territories and says foreign occupation is bad for mental and physical health; condemns diversion of water and hindrance of development of Arab health organizations [JP 5/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops and police halt an effort by about 100 ultranationalist Israelis to etablish an unauthorized settlement in the occupied Gaza Strip near Tal Sultan [CSM 5/9].

Other Countries: West African state of Gabon and the PLO have announced they will establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level [JP 5/8]. A shipment of 50 U.S. Stinger ground-to-air missiles clandestinely bound for South Africa disappeared during shipment from Europe last year and was diverted to Libya, Syria, and Iran, according to sources close to the arms trade [BG 5/8]. An appeals court in Genoa, Italy upholds convictions of 3 Palestinians accused of hijacking the Achille Lauro last fall; court reduced some of the sentences and ordered that the fourth defendant, who was a minor at the time of the incident, be retried in a juvenile court [NYT 5/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar association was set up in Gaza for the lawyers working there) [JP 5/6]. Israeli military court in Lod sentences 2 Palestinians from inside the Green Line to 21 years imprisonment for planting bombs in Israeli neighborhoods, finds them guilty of membership in the PFLP [JP 5/6]. Nablus military court sentences another Palestinian to 21 years imprisonment for stabbing an Israeli soldier in the chest on 12/14/85 [JP 5/6]. Presidents of Uruguay and Israel issue joint statement affirming the friendship between their countries and support for the M.E. peace process [JTA 5/6].

Arab World: Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein, his first visit to Jordan in 6 years [NYT, WP 5/6].

Other Countries: The leaders of the 7 largest industrial democracies, meeting at the Tokyo summit, adopt a joint statement condemning terrorism as an international scourge that "must be fought relentlessly and without compromise"; Libya is specifically mentioned as a source of terrorism [NYT, WP 5/6]. U.S. State Dept. calls on Syria to expel Abu Nidal organization from territory under its control [NYT 5/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli magistrate's court in Haifa remands 10 Palestinians from inside the Green Line who are alleged to have been organized in the Palestinian resistance movement and to have killed an Israeli soldier in August 1984; some of the detainees have travelled to Cyprus and are alleged to have continued on to Syria for military training, as well as being members of the PFLP [FJ 4/25]. Yesh Gvul (There Is a Limit) organization holds press conference in West Jerusalem announcing their refusal to serve in the occupied territories [FJ 5/2]. Moshe Mendelbaum, governor of the Bank of Israel, states he will resign within 30 days; Giora Gazit, chairman of Bank Hapoalim, announces his resignation [WSJ, MG 4/22]. The number of West Bankers working inside the Green Line declined slightly last year to 47,000 each week, down from 50,000 weekly during the previous year; the number of Gazans working inside the Green Line increased from 41,000 to 42,000 weekly; the work force in the occupied territories reached 251,000 weekly last year, a 2% rise from 1984 [JP 4/21].

Arab World: PFLP announces 13 guerrilla organizations held a secret conference in Damascus last week and decided to escalate attacks against U.S. targets to avenge air strikes on Libya; the groups included the 6 Palestinian factions making up the Palestine National Salvation Front, as well as 7 unidentified "liberation movements," according to the source [JP 4/22]. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt denies meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Geneva in February, as was reported by Agence France Presse [JP 4/22].

Other Countries: P.M. Peres meets in Paris with French Pres. Francois Mitterrand and P.M. Jacques Chirac for talks on terrorism and Peres' proposal for a M. E. Marshall Plan [JP 4/22]. U.S. Justice Dept. notifies Congress it does not plan to seek prosecution of Yasir Arafat for the murders of 2 U.S. diplomats on 5/2/73 [WP, BG 4/22]. U.S. State Dept. has appealed ruling by U.S. district judge allowing PLO Permanent Observer to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi to travel to Cambridge, Mass. for a debate despite State's travel ban on Tarzi, on grounds it would lend legitimacy to the PLO [BG 4/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 700 Israeli border police and security forces gather in 4 Druze villages in the Golan Heights to prevent rallies and demonstrations the 40th anniversary of Syria's independence; busloads of sympathizers from the occupied territories areturned back at roadblocks [JP 4/18].

Other Countries: Ecuador, a member of OPEC, recently repaid a $5 million debt to Israel in oil despite an embargo by OPEC on sales to Israel, according to a report in Ha'Aretz [JC 4/17].

Military Action

Arab World: Bodies of 1 kidnaped American, Peter Kilburn, and 2 kidnaped Britons, Philip Padfield and John Leigh Douglas, are found near Beirut with note stating they were killed in retaliation for Britain's role in the U.S. bombing raids on Libya; note is signed by "Arab Fida'iyyin Cells" [NYT, WP, FT 4/18; LT. 4/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel has quietly moved hundreds of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the West Bank, despite U.S. opposition [PI 4/16]. Israeli military authorities order Hebron Polytechnic closed for 2 weeks following riots at the campus on 4/14 [FJ 4/18]. Foreign Minister Shamir states P.M. Peres spoke as the leader of the Labor party, and not as the leader of the country, when he last week called for recognition of the Palestinian nation [JP 4/17]. Students at al-Najah U. protest U.S. attack on Libya; Palestinian students at Ben-Gurion U. in Beersheba and Hebrew U. in Jerusalem also protest the attack [JP 4/17; FJ 4/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian running away from a bus at which he is said to have thrown something [JP 4/17]. West German tourist isshot and injured by unidentified gunman in Jerusalem's Old City [JP 4/17].


Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo reports WAFA (the Palestine News Agency) offices in Amman were closed following King Hussein's suspension of joint peace efforts with the PLO; Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) states PLO office in Amman has remained open, PLO is no longer responsible for handling security and passport problems of PLO personnel, they are now being processed by Jordanian security services, like Jordanian nationals; Abu Jihad states 1 PLO official has been expelled from Jordan, another turned back at Amman airport 2 weeks ago [JP 4/3; FJ 4/4].

Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. spokesman Bernard Kalb confirms U.S. and Israel have begun discussion of "Marshall Plan" for the M.E.; Israeli govt. sources say Pres. Mubarak is interested in the idea, Israelis have also raised it with W. Germans; U.S. officials say priority isbeing given to interesting W. German and Japanese leaders in the plan [NYT, JP 4/3].

Military Action

Other Countries: Bomb explodes aboard TWA jet en route from Rome to Athens, killing 4 and wounding 9; group called Arab Revolutionary Cells claims responsibility, states attack was in retaliation for U.S. attacks on Libya [NYT, WP 4/3].


Arab World: Col. Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi has ordered his air force to intercept any Israeli civilian plane within range over Mediterranean and force it to land in Libya [NYT, LAT 2/8]. Christian Science Monitor reports Syria has threatened to retaliate at the time and place of its own choosing for Israeli interception of Libyan airliner [CSM 2/7].


Arab World: Egyptian naval patrol rams Israeli pleasure boat off coast of Taba, injuring several tourists aboard [LT 2/6].

Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. issues legal brief stating an American Jew's religious and/or political affinity for Israel may form part of basis for depriving him/her of U.S. citizenship; brief was prepared in relation to MK Meir Kahane case [NYT 2/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli planes intercept Libyan executive jet over Mediterranean, force it to land in Israel; military sources state they were looking for Abu Nidal. Passengers are interrogated, plane released. Libya denounces action, charges U.S. complicity [NYT, WP 2/5]. Syria accuses Israel of air piracy, requests emergency session of UN Security Council to discuss interception of Libyan jet [NYT 2/5]. U.S. State Dept. refrains from making judgment on action [NYT 2/5]. Bomb explodes in Ramat Gan, injuring 3 [NYT, LAT 2/5].

Other Countries: Bomb explodes in Paris bookstore, wounding 4 [NYT 2/5]. Group calling itself the Committee of Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners claims responsibility [NYT 2/5]. (A bomb found the day before in the Eiffel Tower was safely defused) [LAT, NYT 2/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, 'Ali Abu Hilal, and Hasan 'Abd al-Jawad drop High Court appeal against deportation orders against them on grounds they cannot expect a reasonable decision [NYT 1/31]. Sephardi Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu proposes erecting a synagogue on the Haram al-Sharif [JTA 1/31].

Arab World: Talks break down between Yasir Arafat, King Hussein after 5days of discussion on how to secure role for PLO in M.E. peace process; PLO will accept UN resolutions 242, 338 only if the U.S. recognizes Palestinian righto self-determination within context of Jordanian-Palestinian confederation, and if U.S. guarantees effective peace conference [WP, BG 1/31]. Arab League condemns U.S. economic, military pressures against Libya, rejects Libya's demand for economic retaliation [WP, LAT 1/31]. Anonymous phone caller claims responsibility on behalf of Abu Nidal group for 1/29 killing of 2 Israeli soldiers in West Bank [BG 1/31].

Other Countries: U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution stating "provocative" visit by Israel MKs "violated the sanctity of the Haram al-Sharif" in Jerusalem; vote is 13-1, with 1 abstention [NYT 1/31; JTA 2/3]. Reagan administration postpones indefinitely proposed $1.9 billion arms sale to Jordan [LAT 1/31; NYT, WP 2/1]. United Jewish Appeal announces its 1985 campaign raised total of $637 million, a $51. 1 million increase over the year before [JTA 1/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two gunmen open fire from a moving car outside Jerusalem's Old City, killing an Israeli undercover police detective investigating drug cases, injuring 2 others; 4 Palestinians are arrested [WP, NYT 1/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Agriculture Ministry announces plans to build reservoir in the Jordan Rift Valley in coming year to draw on water from the Jordan River [JP 1/17].

Arab World: Elie Hubayqa resigns as head of Lebanese Forces, flees the country; 11 Muslim factions advance on Jumayyil's forces [NYT, WP 1/17].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli soldier wounded in S. Lebanon security zone by roadside bomb [JP 1/17].

Other Countries: New York Times reports Soviet Union has stationed 2 destroyers and intelligence-gathering ships off Israeli coast, apparently to give Libya early warning of any possible Israeli air strike; Soviet surveillance aircraft have increased monitoring of activities across Mediterranean [NYT 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deputy advisor on antiterrorism to P.M. Peres, Gideon Mahanayimi, states "best way" to fight terrorist organizations is by assassinating their leaders [BG 1/12]. American Enterprise Institute (Washington, D.C.) and Arab Council for Public Affairs (East Jerusalem) cosponsor panel in which Palestinian political scientists respond to papers prepared by AEI academics [FJ 1/171.

Arab World: Islamic Conference Organization concludes annual conference with condemnation of U. S. economic sanctions against Libya, fails to adopt concrete response [CSM 1/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Druze policeman Jamil Faris is shot to death, another policeman, 4 Palestinian passers-by wounded in Nablus by unidentified gunmen; round-the-clock curfew is imposed, house-to-house searches are conducted, number of Palestinians are arrested [WP, JP 1/12; JTA 1/13; FJ 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports nearly 2 dozen Nablus Palestinians have been detained, questioned for 2 weeks without charges on suspicion of involvement in land fraud scandal [JP 1/10]. Al-Fajr reports Israel's Land Administration and Green Patrol uprooted 6,000 olive and almond trees near Qattaneh village in past week; villagers are appealing to High Court for compensation [FJ 1/10].

Other Countries: British P.M. Thatcher states retaliatory or preemptive strikes to punish or prevent terrorism are "against international law" and a policy which could lead to "much greater chaos" [WP, LAT 1/11]. Jewish Week reports Jerry Falwell's new group, the Liberty Federation, advocates strong support for Israel, moving U.S. embassy to Jerusalem [JW 1/10]. W. German Interior Minister Karl Blecha states 2 forged passports used in Rome and Vienna airport attacks were taken from Tunisian workers in Libya last year [MG 1/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police arrest 3 militant Jewish nationalists who attempt to raise Israeli flag in the Haram al-Sharif [NYT, WP 1/10]. State of Israel Bond Organization announces it received a record $505 million in 1985 [JW 1/10]. Palestinian convicted of killing Israeli soldier in Hebron 4 months ago is sentenced to life imprisonment [JP 1/10].

Arab World: Syrian Nafi' Fu'ad Hasan, also convicted of spying for Israel, is hanged in public in Damascus, one day after his brother was executed on same charges [LT, JP 1/10]. Islamic Conference Organization passes resolution condemning U.S. sanctions against Libya, calling on Muslim countries to counter them [NYT 1/10].

Other Countries: Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN jeane Kirkpatrick has been named recipient of $100,000 award from Miriam Klein Foundation for demonstration of "commitment to the survival of the Jewish people" [PI 1/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ten MKs investigating reports of illegal construction on the Haram al-Sharif (Temple Mount) anger crowd of Muslims by attempting to take photographs; Israeli police use tear gas and night sticks to rescue them. [LAT, LT 1/9] Raphael Eitan, purported head of Israeli espionage operation in Washington, is chosen chairman of the board for Israel Chemicals [NYT 1/9].

Arab World: Anti-government demonstrators at three Egyptian universities call for vengeance in death of Sulayman Khatir [CT, LT 1/9].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan freezes several hundred million dollars' worth of Libyan govt. assets held in U.S. financial institutions [LAT, BG 1/9]. Reagan administration releases 13-page white paper on Libya listing 58 incidents of politically motivated violence during past 6 years which it links to Libya [LAT 1/9].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian Faysal Fu'ad Hasan, from Salamiyyah village, is hanged in Damascus on charges of supplying Israel with information on Syrian security [JP 1/9].


Other Countries: Reagan administration announces economic sanctions against Libya, orders U.S. oil companies, Americans working there to leave Libya or face criminal penalties [NYT 1/8; LAT, PI 1/9]. U.S. State Department announces U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Nicholas Veliotes will resign in April [WP 1/8; LT 1/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. statistics are issued showing immigration to Israel in 1985 was lowest ever [NYT 1/7]. Gaza military court sentences 2 Palestinians to 22 and 28 years in stabbing of Israeli truck driver last September; another Palestinian receives 25 years for attempted murder of Israeli in Khan Yunis a few months ago; 5 others get 14-22 years for attacks near Tel Aviv [JP 1/7].

Arab World: Syria denounces Arafat's statements blaming Syria, Libya for airport attacks, saying "Arafat's allegations amount to an open invitation to America and Israel to attack Syria and Libya" [WP 1/7]. Egyptian policeman Sulayman Khatir, convicted of shooting 7 Israelis in Sinai last October, is found hanged to death in military prison hospital [LT 1/7].