Israeli cabinet reaffirms refusal to attend beginning of bilateral talks in Washington 12/4. (WP 12/2)
Arafat holds talks with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, later flies to Jordan. (Jordan TV 12/1...
Israeli cabinet reaffirms refusal to attend beginning of bilateral talks in Washington 12/4. (WP 12/2)
Arafat holds talks with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, later flies to Jordan. (Jordan TV 12/1...
Knesset passes resolution declaring Israeli control of Golan is not negotiable. The resolution was supported by a broad coalition which included members from Likud, Labor parties. Prime Min....
PLO officials state Syria has agreed to allow PLO to reopen offices in Syria, that delegation headed by Faruq al-Qaddumi which arrived in Syria 11/8 was working on details of reopening offices. (...
Secy. of State Baker ends talks with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, after which he flies to Jordan for discussion with King Hussein about Palestinian participation in peace talks. At a press conference...
Jerusalem city council condemns 10/9 invasion of several Palestinian homes in Silwan by Israeli settlers and right-wing Knesset members. (MEM 10/14)
In Tunis, PLO Exec. Comm. approves...
PM Shamir, Secy. of State Baker fail to reach compromise on loan guarantees issue. Baker re-states U.S. offer to compensate Israel for losses incurred during the 120-day delay, but refuses any...
Israeli def. min. Moshe Arens allows al-Najah University in Nablus to reopen. Al-Najah would be the fourth of six Palestinian universities reopened since their closure at the beginning of the...
After meeting with Secy. of State Baker in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak proposes end to Arab League boycott of Israel in return for halt to Israeli settlement-building in occupied territories. (NYT, WP 7/...
Prime Min. Shamir states sovereignty of occupied territories is subject to negotiations, despite past statements ruling out such talks. (WP 6/6)
Pres. al-Asad meets with Pres. Mubarak in...
U.S. Secy. of State James Baker departs Israel for Washington after talks with Israeli leadership, which still rejects U.N. role in proposed Middle East peace talks. Two sides reportedly agreed to...
Arab League ministerial meeting opens in Cairo; in unopposed election, Arab League chooses Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid as its Sec.-Gen. for the next 5 years [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT 5/16; CDS, RMC...
U.S. military begins to transfer responsibility to the UN for major Kurdish relief effort as separate violent incidents involving allies, Iraqi troops, and Kurdish demonstrators occur [MEM 5/13;...
In talks with Sec. Baker, Syrian Pres. Asad refuses to compromise on 2 major issues concerning Middle East peace conference: Asad demands UN have "significant" and "important" role in conference,...
Sec. Baker says that decision by Saudi Arabia and 5 other Gulf states to send observers to potential Middle East peace negotiations would lead to direct talks with Israel and thus "break at least...
Allied forces push 35 miles farther east into Iraqi territory to the town of Amidiyah, more than doubling size of security zone for protecting Kurdish refugees. Saddam Hussein orders the...
64-year-old French tourist is stabbed to death outside restaurant in Bethlehem by unknown assailant. Mayor Elias Freij denounces incident [MEM 4/30; NYT, WP, LAT 5/1; IDF 4/30 in FBIS 4/30].
...After meetings with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, Sec. Baker arrives in Jeddah; says he is trying to organize 2-phase peace conference, with Israel and its bordering Arab states negotiating their...
Sec. Baker meets with Palestinians in Jerusalem, makes no comment afterward. Faisal Husseini says that meeting was most constructive of the 3 held so far. Baker flies to Jordan for meeting with...
In rare public showing, 43 Saudi businessmen and intellectuals publish in Cairo daily an open letter to King Fahd calling on him to establish national and municipal consultative councils and to...
After meeting in Washington with European leaders, Pres. Bush says U.S. and EC are in "total agreement' about the establishment of refugee shelters for Kurds in northern Iraq; Bush shies away from...
In Cairo, Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak; F.M. Abdel Meguid says Egypt is prepared to consider American proposal for Arab-Israeli peace conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow, and...
On 2d day of meetings in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Asad say they are opposed to the splintering of Iraq, and call for intermational peace conference, after adequate preparations. On matter of...
Israeli gov't. imposes new restriction on Palestinians, forbidding workers to drive their own cars into Israel; gov't. also pledges to accelerate deportations of activists and affirms policy of...
In Cairo, Arab League meeting opens with introductory speeches; all 21 nation-members attend; pro-Western nations, particularly Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, dismiss Iraq's justifications for...
After meeting in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak, Sec. Baker arrives in Jerusalem and meets with F.M. Levy, Baker says he is pleased with initial Israeli responses to Pres. Bush's peace initiative;...
Emotional address from Saddam Hussein urges Iraqi troops facing allied attack to "fight them and show no mercy"; Baghdad radio later reports that "the enemy attack has failed utterly" [BADS 2/24...
Pres. Gorbachev makes round of telephone calls to leaders of U.S., Britain, Germany, Egypt, France, and Italy to try to persuade them how close positions of Iraq and U.S. had become through Soviet...
Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in...
Before Congress, Sec. Baker says U.S. and allies might help rebuild post-war Iraq, and outlines elements of post-war settlement; Baker also says that continued U.S. military role in region may be...
After 3 days of debate, both houses of Congress vote to give Pres. Bush authority to go to war against Iraq. Senate approves use of military force by 52-47 vote; House vote is 250-183 [NYT, LAT,...
Israeli cabinet reaffirms refusal to attend beginning of bilateral talks in Washington 12/4. (WP 12/2)
Arafat holds talks with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, later flies to Jordan. (Jordan TV 12/1 in FBIS 12/2; MM 12/2)
Shots fired at Israeli car near al-Bira wound two settlers; one later dies of his injuries. IDF imposes round-the-clock curfew on 70,000 residents of Ramallah-Bira region. (Qol Yisra'el 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; Israel TV 12/3 in FBIS 12/4; MM 12/5)
SLA releases 25 Lebanese prisoners as moves toward comprehensive hostage-prisoner release intensify. (NYT 12/3)
Knesset passes resolution declaring Israeli control of Golan is not negotiable. The resolution was supported by a broad coalition which included members from Likud, Labor parties. Prime Min. Shamir states current borders and ceasefire lines (including 1967 occupied territories) are "an essential minimum of territory." (MEM 11/12)
Syrian vice pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam meets with Fateh delegation which has been in Damascus during the week. (MEM 11/13)
Nayif Hawatma, leader of one wing of the DFLP, meets with King Hussein, Jordanian prime min. Tahir al-Masri in Amman. (MEM 11/12)
Foreign ministers of the "Damascus Declaration" nations (Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman) begin meeting in Cairo, the fifth time the countries have met. Meeting expressed satisfaction atrecent Madrid peace conference. (MENA 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)
Israeli army kills four persons in the western Negev desert who infiltrated into Israeli territory from Egypt. (IDF Radio 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)
PLO officials state Syria has agreed to allow PLO to reopen offices in Syria, that delegation headed by Faruq al-Qaddumi which arrived in Syria 11/8 was working on details of reopening offices. (NYT 11/10)
Chmn. Arafat arrives in Cairo meets with Pres. Mubarak, further symbolizing improving PLO-Egyptian relations. (MENA 11/10 in FBIS 11/12)
Secy. of State Baker ends talks with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, after which he flies to Jordan for discussion with King Hussein about Palestinian participation in peace talks. At a press conference in Amman, Baker indicates U.S. is seeking Palestinian delegates who will not press for immediate Palestinian statehood in the o.t. but who would cooperate in talks concerning a limited period of Palestinian self-rule, with negotiations onthe final status of the territories to come later. (WP 10/15)
A top-level PLO delegation, headed by Exec. Comm. mbrs. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh, Mahmud Abbas, and Sulayman al-Najab, arrives in Amman. (WP 10/15)
Jerusalem city council condemns 10/9 invasion of several Palestinian homes in Silwan by Israeli settlers and right-wing Knesset members. (MEM 10/14)
In Tunis, PLO Exec. Comm. approves principle of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to peace conference. PLO, Jordanian officials had earlier agreed to form a joint delegation, not a unified delegation which included both Jordanian and Palestinian delegates [see 10/6]. Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh is dispatched to Amman for more talks with Jordanian officials. (al-Ra'i 10/14 in FBIS 10/15)
Secy. of State Baker arrives in Cairo for eighth trip to Middle East since Gulf war. (MEM 10/14)
Soviet airlines Aeroflot, Jewish Agency, sign agreement to establish direct, regular flights of Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel from Leningrad and Moscow. Flights will be conducted by Aeroflot and El Al, the Israeli state airline. (MEM 10/14)
PM Shamir, Secy. of State Baker fail to reach compromise on loan guarantees issue. Baker re-states U.S. offer to compensate Israel for losses incurred during the 120-day delay, but refuses any compromises beyond that. Journalists traveling with Baker as he flies to Cairo report he states that eventual decision to grant aid would be conditioned upon halt to settlement building. (NYT, WP 9/18, 9/19)
Palestinians are given a letter from Baker by U.S. officials stating U.S. will agree to listing question of Jerusalem on agenda of peace conference, U.S. support for Palestinians' right to name their conference delegates, but adds that U.S. prefers joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. Negotiator Faisal Husseini flies to London to convey contents of letter to PLO officials. (Radio Monte Carlo 9/17 in FBIS 9/18; MEM 9/17)
PNSF issues statement claiming PLO never responded to PNSF proposal for PLO-PNSF dialogue [See 9/10]. PNSF expresses regret that PNC meeting will therefore be held before agreement could be made for including PNSF groups, which will not attend. (al-Dustur 9/19 in FBIS 9/20)
Press reports indicate recent Arab League meeting decided to end Arab boycott of companies dealing with Israel if such companies establish industries in Arab countries on same technical level as those they maintain in Israel. Decision stipulated companies wishing to comply must submit detailed plans of proposed project, must not support Zionism, and cannot have factories in Israel producing goods related to Israeli military. Arab League took decision to boycott airlines, shipping companies, shipping agents which facilitate Jewish immigration to Israel. (MENA 9/17 in FBIS 9/18)
Israeli def. min. Moshe Arens allows al-Najah University in Nablus to reopen. Al-Najah would be the fourth of six Palestinian universities reopened since their closure at the beginning of the intifada. Bir Zeit, Islamic University of Gaza remain closed. (NYT, WP 8/22)
Jewish settlers expand settlement for seminary students in Hebron by moving ten mobile homes (caravans) to bus station behind Beit Romano building. Bus station had been used as army base since its expropriation in 1983 after murder of Jewish seminary student. (NYT, MEM 8/22)
PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh, Mahmud 'Abbas arrive in Cairo for talks with Egyptian leaders on peace conference. Move comes in wake of improved Egyptian-PLO relations. (MENA [Cairo] 8/21 in FBIS 8/22)
'Abd Rabbuh also expresses clarification of PLO position on Soviet coup in interview with Agence France Presse, stating PLO hopes Soviet crisis can be solved in such a way as to "preserve the democratic gains" made by the Soviet people under Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev and to work for peace and international legitimacy in the Middle East. Statement comes in wake of statements in support of Gorbachev's ouster throughout the Arab world. PFLP, PFLP-GC went on record as favoring Gorbachev's removal. (MEM. 8/21)
Israeli interior minister with 37 Arab mayor striking for budgetary parity between Arab, Jewish municipalities of similar size in Israel. (MEM 8/22)
After meeting with Secy. of State Baker in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak proposes end to Arab League boycott of Israel in return for halt to Israeli settlement-building in occupied territories. (NYT, WP 7/20)
Prime Min. Shamir states sovereignty of occupied territories is subject to negotiations, despite past statements ruling out such talks. (WP 6/6)
Pres. al-Asad meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo to discuss U.S.-sponsored peace initiative. (NYT 6/6)
U.S. Secy. of State James Baker departs Israel for Washington after talks with Israeli leadership, which still rejects U.N. role in proposed Middle East peace talks. Two sides reportedly agreed to include Palestinian participants in negotiations through joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation comprised of Palestinians living in Jordan. The trip is Baker's fourth to region within two months. (NYT, WP 5/17)
PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Lebanese For. Min. Faris Buwayz in Cairo over PLO disarmament in S. Lebanon as directed by Lebanese government. Al-Qaddumi, while stating PLO will cooperate with government in establishing state's sovereignty, noted that PLO will not disarm, offering instead formation of Palestinian brigade which could coordinate with Lebanese army command. Buwayz rejected proposal. (MEM 5/17; NYT 5/18)
Al-Qaddumi also meets with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' in Cairo to discuss U.S., Soviet peace initiatives. (MEM 5/17)
Arab League ministerial meeting opens in Cairo; in unopposed election, Arab League chooses Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid as its Sec.-Gen. for the next 5 years [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT 5/16; CDS, RMC, MENA 5/15 in FBIS 5/16].
Meeting in Israel, Sec. Baker and P.M. Shamir draw up confidential document that acknowledges the obstacles to holding regional peace conference, but points toward fresh attempt to start Israeli-Palestinian talks [WP, LAT 5/16]. But Israel rejects Sec. Baker's proposals for bridging differences with Syria [MEM 5/15; NYT 5/16].
U.S. diplomatic and intelligence sources say that roughly 10 days ago, Israel told American military attaches in Tel Aviv that Israeli military action in southern Lebanon was possible; warning is seen as message to Lebanon and Syria not to take action against Israel-backed SLA [WP 5/16].
34-member team of international specialists arrive in Baghdad for week of on-site inspections of Iraq's nuclear facilities to ensure compliance with UN resolutions prohibiting Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT, LAT 5/16].
Palestinians who met with Sec. Baker say that he told them American initiative did not envision eventual creation of Palestinian state: "Less than a state, more than autonomy," is how one participant put it [NYT, MEM 5/16].
On conclusion of 5-day meeting in Tunis Fateh Revolutionary Council calls for meeting of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and PLO to coordinate stands on Middle East issues [MENA 5/15, DUS 5/16 in FBIS 5/16].
U.S. military begins to transfer responsibility to the UN for major Kurdish relief effort as separate violent incidents involving allies, Iraqi troops, and Kurdish demonstrators occur [MEM 5/13; WP, NYT, LAT 5/14].
Meeting in Cairo, Soviet F.M. Bessmertnykh tells Sec. Baker that Moscow would be reluctant to support larger UN security role to protect Kurdish refugees [WP, NYT, LAT, MEM 5/14; MENA 5/13 in FBIS 5/13]. Bessmertnykh then flies to Saudi Arabia for meeting with King Fahd [SPA 5/13 in FBIS 5/14].
Washington Post reports on West Bank village of Artas, the villagers of which, while under curfew during the Gulf war, had most of their agricultural lands confiscated by Israeli authorities [WP 5/14].
Bush admin. has prepared arms control plan that would ban Israel from producing nuclear material for weapons and would require Arab nations in Middle East to give up chemical weapons, according to admin. officials [NYT 5/14].
In talks with Sec. Baker, Syrian Pres. Asad refuses to compromise on 2 major issues concerning Middle East peace conference: Asad demands UN have "significant" and "important" role in conference, and that peace conference reconvene periodically. Israeli leaders have previously stated they want no UN role and a one-time conference [WP, NYT, LAT 5/13; SANA 5/12 in FBIS 5/13]. Baker also talks with Bessmertnykh in Cairo [MENA 5/12 in FBIS 5/13].
Lebanese Armny troops take up positions at entrances to Palestinian refugee districts in southern Lebanon as well as posts close to Israel's "security zone" [NYT 5/13].
Sec. Baker says that decision by Saudi Arabia and 5 other Gulf states to send observers to potential Middle East peace negotiations would lead to direct talks with Israel and thus "break at least one major taboo" of the Arab-Israeli conflict [WP, NYT, LAT 5/12; MEM 5/13].
First wave of Kuwait's 400,000 exiled citizens return home, nine months after Iraq's invasion [NYT, WP, LAT S/12; MEM 5/13].
EC indicates that it still hopes for full role as cosponsor of any Middle East peace conference [NYT 5/12].
Soviet F.M. Bessmertnykh meets in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak and Sec. Baker [MENA, CDS 5/11 in FBIS 5/13].
In speech, Yasir Arafat criticizes U.S. Middle East peace efforts, says U.S. is trying to ignore Jerusalem issue [AVP 5/13 in FBIS 5/141.
Allied forces push 35 miles farther east into Iraqi territory to the town of Amidiyah, more than doubling size of security zone for protecting Kurdish refugees. Saddam Hussein orders the destruction of 1 of 3 state palaces and villas located within the zone because it could be used by allies for military purposes [WP, NYT 5/3].
Commander of UN Iraq-Kuwait observer force says all UN troops will be in place by 5/6 and that the remaining 4,800 U.S. soldiers would be out of southern Iraq by 5/8 [WP, NYT 5/3].
Israeli gov't. protests to U.S. over "snubbing" of Housing Min. Sharon, who, refused an "official" gov't. meeting, met 5/1 with HUD head Jack Kemp at Israeli embassy [WP, NYT 5/3].
Meeting in Cairo, PLO rep. Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid agree that no Middle East peace process could lead anywhere without "a role for the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" [MEM 5/3].
64-year-old French tourist is stabbed to death outside restaurant in Bethlehem by unknown assailant. Mayor Elias Freij denounces incident [MEM 4/30; NYT, WP, LAT 5/1; IDF 4/30 in FBIS 4/30].
Despite intensive bombing of Iraq's military sites, Baghdad still has enough weaponsgrade uranium to make 1 nuclear bomb, according to U.S. admin. officials and scientists [NYT 5/1].
State Dep't. reports international terrorism dropped by nearly 15% in 1990; adds that more terrorist attacks occurred in Latin America (162) and Asia (96) than in Middle East (63) [WP, LAT 5/1].
Egyptian media report PLO has not been invited to Socialist International meeting in Cairo because of its pro-Iraq Gulf war stand. A delegation from Israel's leftwing Mapam parry will attend [MEM 4/30].
Israeli Housing Ministry plans the construction of 24,000 more houses in o.t. to accommodate 88,000 Jewish settlers, according to media reports [MEM 5/1].
After meetings with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, Sec. Baker arrives in Jeddah; says he is trying to organize 2-phase peace conference, with Israel and its bordering Arab states negotiating their differences in main talks. In 2d phase, Israel and other Arab nations would discuss regional issues [NYT, MEM 4/22; MENA, RIDS 4/21 in FBIS 4/22].
Saudi Arabia confirms that it will not take part in any Middle East peace conference with Israel, and there are growing signs that Arab gov'ts. want to limit negotiations with Israel to only Palestinian problem [WP, LAT 4/22].
PLO Central Council - the link between PLO Exec. Committee and PNC - opens meetings in Tunis to assess repercussions of Gulf war of PLO's relations with Arab and European states (cf. 4/23) [MEM 4/23; TDS 4/22 in FBIS 4/22; AVP 4/22, TDS 4/23 in FBIS 4/23]
Construction of new settlement, Talmon Bet, outside Ramallah, is completed allowing settlers to begin to move in (cf. 4/23) [HAA 4/23 in FBIS 4/23].
U.S. ambassador to UN Thomas Pickering tells Jewish group in New York that Kuwait has agreed to stop participating in Arab League boycott of U.S. firms that do business with Israel, at least during reconstruction of the emirate [MEM 4/23; CSM 4/24].
Israeli soldiers shoot dead 2 Palestinian fighters who had cut through Lebanon border fence; in Damascus, Fateh Uprising group claims responsibility [MEM 4/22; NYT 4/23; JDS 4/22 in FBIS 4/22].
Sec. Baker meets with Palestinians in Jerusalem, makes no comment afterward. Faisal Husseini says that meeting was most constructive of the 3 held so far. Baker flies to Jordan for meeting with King Hussein (lst since Gulf war), who endorses Baker's peace mission; then Baker flies to Cairo. Israeli officials criticize what they call "subtle pressure" on Jerusalem to offer concessions; Baker and other American officials admit that Saudi Arabia is not likely to attend peace conference with Israel [NYT, WP 4/21; JDS, IDF, AGS, MENA, ADS 4/20 in FBIS 4/22; FJ 4/22; JPI 5/4].
Battalion of U.S. Marines lands in northern Iraq to begin erecting 1st refugee camp in what is to be allied-protected zone inside Iraq [NYT, WP 4/21; CSM 4/22].
Under pressure to form more democratic gov't., Kuwait announces new cabinet with 4 of 9 members of Sabah family retaining major posts [NYT 4/21; MEM 4/22; KUNA 4/20 in FBIS 4/22].
Opposition groups say naming cabinet is insufficient, that it fails to move country toward democracy [WP 4/21; MEM 4/22].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Yemen for meetings with Pres. Salih [AES 4/20, SDS 4/21 in FBIS 4/22].
In rare public showing, 43 Saudi businessmen and intellectuals publish in Cairo daily an open letter to King Fahd calling on him to establish national and municipal consultative councils and to curb the power of the mutaween, the Islamic religious police [WP 4/16].
In nationwide address, King Fahd renews limited pledge of political reform, announcing "notable progress" in establishing consultative assembly [LAT 4/17; SPA 4/15 in FBIS 4/16].
King also promises to expand the country's armed forces and equip them with world's best weapons [MEM 4/16; CSM 4/18].
Kuwaiti soldiers take up positions along demilitarized zone as U.S. troops continue to leave area [WP 4/16].
Most U.S. troops move quickly out of southern Iraq [LAT 4/16].
In southern Lebanon, SIA troops kill 2 Arabs just west of Israel's "security zone"; it is 2d such killing in 2 days [JDS, AFP 4/15 in FBIS 4/15; MET 4/23].
Arab crosses border from Jordan into Israel, fires on Israeli patrol and is shot dead by IDF; 1 Israeli soldier is wounded [JDS 4/16 in FBIS 4/16].
Palestinian is shot dead by security guards after throwing stone at Israeli bus north of Jerusalem [MEM 4/15; JDS 4/15 in FBIS 4/16; FJ 4/22].
Eight Jewish families move into mobile homes in West Bank, opening 1st new settlement, named Revava, to be established in o.t. under P.M. Shamir's current gov't. (cf. 4/16) [MEM, CSM 4/16; JDS 4/16 in FBIS 4/16; JPI 4/27].
Leftist Israelis stage demonstration at Revava, protesting its establishment [JDS 4/15 in FBIS 4/17].
After meeting in Washington with European leaders, Pres. Bush says U.S. and EC are in "total agreement' about the establishment of refugee shelters for Kurds in northern Iraq; Bush shies away from "enclaves" that could later be used as claim to statehood by Kurds [NYT, WP, LAT, MEM 4/12].
In Damascus, Sec. Baker reportedly tries to persuade Pres. Asad to agree in principle to U.S. proposal for regional peace conference between Israel and Arab nations; officialsay talks were "inconclusive" [NYT 4/12; MET 4/23].
P.M. Shamir and several members of his cabinet unite behind firm rejection of Sec. Baker's suggestions that Israel curtail expansion of Jewish settlements in o.t. as goodwill gesture for peace [WP, CSM 4/12; JDS, JTN 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].
Sec. Baker meets in Cairo with Saudi and Egyptian officials, reportedly discussing how Palestinians would be represented at peace conference [WP, CSM 4/12].
American officials admit that U.S., Saudi Arabia, and some other Arab countries are looking to groom new Palestinian leadership to replace PLO [LAT 4/1.2; APS 4/18 in FBIS 4/18].
Iraq extends amnesty for Kurds for additional week, as 4/5 offer of amnesty is due to expire. Kurds not suspected of felonies may return home without retribution (cf. 4/18) [INA 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].
In Cairo, Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak; F.M. Abdel Meguid says Egypt is prepared to consider American proposal for Arab-Israeli peace conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow, and would treat Israel's conditions for such a conference with an open mind [MEM 4/10; NYT, WP, LAT 4/11; MENA 4/10, 4/11 in FBIS 4/11; MET 4/23].
Housing Minister Ariel Sharon says that he intends to continue efforts to accelerate settlements in o.t., despite Sec. Baker's reported criticism of Sharon's policy at 4/9 meetings [NYT 4/11].
Pres. Bush signs emergency appropriations bill into law; it authorizes $650 million for Israel, $200 million for Turkey, and cuts off economic and military, but not humanitarian, aid to Jordan. Provision allows pres. to resume aid if he feels it will facilitate Middle East peace process [NYT 4/11].
Yasir Arafat delivers speech to mark 41st month of intifada outlining PLO's recent diplomatic activity [AVP 4/10 in FBIS 4/11].
Ha'Aretz reports that about 3% of some 223,000 new immigrants to Israel since January 1989 have settled in o.t., most in Jerusalem neighborhoods [HAA 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].
In interview with Paris-based Arabic-language weekly, Khaled al-Hassan, Fateh Central Committee member and PNC committee chair, calls for election of Palestinian provisional gov't. capable of ending PLO's isolation [MEM 4/11].
Israel releases 240 Palestinian prisoners for end of Ramadan; D.M. Arens promises to release more [FJ 4/15; MET 4/23].
On 2d day of meetings in Cairo, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Asad say they are opposed to the splintering of Iraq, and call for intermational peace conference, after adequate preparations. On matter of Kurdish rebellion, Pres. Asad says it is "an intemal matter" [MENA 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; SANA 4/1 in FBIS 4/2; NYT, MEM 4/2].
Human rights groups working in Kuwait have turned up no proof to date that thousands of Kuwaitis were executed by Iraqis; Middle East Watch says that number is from 300 to 600. Also refuted is claim that Iraqi troops killed hundreds of premature babies by stealing incubators [WP 4/2].
Inquest by Jerusalem judge into Haram al-Sharif killings last October 8 turns up evidence that contradicts official Israeli gov't. version of events. Border officer testifies he saw other officers "shoot from the hip," in violation of regulations; another officer claims police fired on Palestinians who had sat down and begun to pray [WP, LAT 4/2].
U.S. officials disclose that Nat. Sec. Advisor Brent Scowcroft and senior White House aide Richard Haass made secret trip from 3/25 to 3/27 to Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd [WP, MEM 4/2].
Six Kuwaiti opposition groups, 96 leaders in all, sign manifesto demanding democracy [LAT, MEM 4/2].
Lt. Gen. Ehud Baraq assumes position of Israeli chief of staff, replacing Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron [JDS 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; CSM 4/2; FJ 4/8; JPI 4/13].
UNLU issues call no. 69, praising Iraqi "steadfastness" in face of coalition, criticizes attempts to find alternative Palestinian leadership [AVP 4/1 in FBIS 4/2; MEM 4/2].
U.S. State Dep't. criticizes Israel's 3/31 restrictions on Palestinians in o.t., stating what is needed is "dialogue and trust ... not imposing new restrictions" [MEM 4/2].
About 20 mobile homes are set up in West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba to help meet growing housing needs of Soviet Jewish immigrants, around 400 of whom have moved to this settlement over the past year [MEM 4/3].
Israeli human rights group B'Tselem reports Israeli security forces killed 8 Palestinians during March; 5 in West Bank and 3 in Gaza Strip; 1 Israeli civilian was killed in o.t. during the month [FJ 4/8].
In defiance of Lebanese gov't. ban on private militias, PLO says it will not lay down its arms and that its fighters in southern Lebanon will continue to strike at Israel [NYT 4/2; RFL 4/1 in FBIS 4/2].
Israeli gov't. imposes new restriction on Palestinians, forbidding workers to drive their own cars into Israel; gov't. also pledges to accelerate deportations of activists and affirms policy of house demolitions (cf. 4/1, 4/2) [LAT, WP, WT 4/1; JDS 3/31 in FBIS 4/1, 4/2; CSM 4/2; FJ 4/8].
Israel lifts curfew in Gaza Strip and some West Bank locations; Palestinians are still barred from entering Jerusalem [JDS 3/31 in FBIS 4/1; MET 4/9].
Iraqi troops retake city of Kirkuk from Kurdish rebels after 4 days of fighting; soldiers also take Irbil, 50 miles north of Kirkuk; thousands of refugees flee to Turkish and Iranian borders [LAT, WT, NYT 4/1].
In Easter message, Pope John Paul II condemns destruction in Gulf war, calls on world leaders to deal with plight of "oppressed peoples, such as the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Kurds" [NYT, LAT, WT 4/1].
U.S. Anny announces plan to begin within 2 weeks to withdraw about 20,000 troops from southern Iraq, about 1/4 of its combat forces there [NYT 4/1].
Senior Iranian official accuses U.S. of misleading Iraqi people by encouraging them to overthrow Saddam Hussein, then giving Iraq "green light" to suppress rebellion [NYT 4/1].
Pres. Asad arrives in Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak regional security arrangements in light of Gulf war [NYT 4/1; MENA 3/30, 4/1 in FBIS 4/1; CSM 4/1; MET 4/9].
In Cairo, Arab League meeting opens with introductory speeches; all 21 nation-members attend; pro-Western nations, particularly Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, dismiss Iraq's justifications for occupying Kuwait and hint that they no longer regard PLO as sole representative of Palestinians [NYT, WP 3/31; MENA 3/20 in FBIS 4/1; CSM 4/1].
Palestinians in o.t. hold general strike to mark Land Day, but within Israel, Land Day strike is canceled for 1st time in years, underscoring political differences among Israel's 800,000 Arabs [NYT, WP 3/31; FJ 4/8; MET 4/9].
At news conference in Kuwait, GCC Sec.- Gen. announces member states have decided to cut financial aid to Jordan and PLO because of their Gulf war stands (cf. 4/1) [ADS 3/30 in FBIS 4/1; MET 4/9].
Palestinian military court in Sanaa sentences Hani Muhammad al-Hasan to death for the assassination of Abu Iyad on 16 January [MENA 3/30 in FBIS 4/2].
After meeting in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak, Sec. Baker arrives in Jerusalem and meets with F.M. Levy, Baker says he is pleased with initial Israeli responses to Pres. Bush's peace initiative; announces plans to meet with Palestinian leaders from o.t., but will ignore their insistence that they speak for the PLO [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/12; MENA 3/11 in FBIS 3/11; MENA, JDS 3/11, IDF 3/12 in FBIS 3/12; CSM 3/13; JPI 3/23].
Israeli troops shoot dead 6 heavily armed Arabs who had crossed border from Jordan; 3 Israeli soldiers are slightly wounded in the 2-hour gun battle [NYT 3/12; JDS 3/11 in FBIS 3/11; JPI 3/23].
U.S. military officials say Iraq will turn over the bodies of 14 allied soldiers killed in Gulf war; 24 U.S. soldiers remain missing in action [LAT, WP 3/12].
23 Iraqi opposition groups begin 3-day conference in Beirut to solidify their stand and offer alternative to Saddam Hussein's regime [LAT, CSM 3/12; BDS 3/11 in FBIS 3/12].
Allied air strikes have left Iraq's oil production capacity reduced by two-thirds, according to oil industry experts [LAT 3/12].
U.S. Commerce Dep't. makes public list of $500 million in advanced American goods, including lasers and computers, that were sold to Iraq with Washington's approval between 1985 and August 1990 [NYT 3/12].
Palestinian journalist Taher Shriteh, released from Israeli prison on 3/8, is indicted on charges of aiding an illegal Arab group by giving them the publicly listed telephone number of Reuters in Jerusalem [NYT 3/17].
Gulf Crisis Financial Coordination Group, 27 wealthy countries, meet in Luxembourg, pledge $834 million in new aid to nations hardest hit by Gulf war [WT 3/12].
Public opinion survey published in Israeli newspaper Yedi'ot Ahronot shows 49% of respondents find "territories for peace" principle acceptable; 49% say it is unacceptable [YA 3/11 in FBIS 3/19].
Emotional address from Saddam Hussein urges Iraqi troops facing allied attack to "fight them and show no mercy"; Baghdad radio later reports that "the enemy attack has failed utterly" [BADS 2/24 in FBIS 2/25; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 2/25].
Egyptian and Syrian ground forces move several miles into southwestern Kuwait; high profile given to allied Arab forces reflects calculated coalition effort to dispel "West vs. Muslims" notion of war [NYT, LAT, WP 2/25; CSM 2/26].
Soviet Union expresses regret that allies yielded to their "instinct" to use military force rather than accept Soviet-brokered peace plan [LAT, WP 2/25].
PLO and Jordan sharply condemn U.S.- led ground offensive [LAT, WT 2/25].
"Hundreds of thousands" of Yemenis demonstrate against allied ground offensive [AFP, AES 2/24 in FBIS 2/25]; Cairo police use tear gas to disperse about 2,000 anti-war demonstrators [WP 2/25].
Def. Sec. Cheney says that allied Arab nations should take the lead in devising postwar security arrangements in the region [WP 2/25].
Jordanian P.M. Mudar Badran says the Gulf crisis has thus far cost Jordan at least $8 billion, double the value of its annual domestic economic output [MET 3/5].
Israeli OC Central Command closes 2 offices of Arab Studies Society on suspicion of serving PLO purposes [MEM 2/25]
Pres. Gorbachev makes round of telephone calls to leaders of U.S., Britain, Germany, Egypt, France, and Italy to try to persuade them how close positions of Iraq and U.S. had become through Soviet mediation efforts; Westem leaders respond that Iraq had not begun moving troops out of Kuwait by noon. Moscow says Iraq "lost the chance" to take advantage of Soviet efforts [NYT, WP 2/24].
Iraq fires SCUD missile at Israel 10 minutes before noon deadline; no injuries are reported [NYT 2/24; MET 3/5].
Pres. Bush says Iraq's failure to meet noon deadline leaves coalition forces "no alternative but to continue to prosecute the war" [NYT 2/24].
Allied troops move into Kuwait and Iraq in faster than expected ground advances; forces meet scattered resistance; allied casualties are "extremely light," with fewer than 20 U.S. soldiers being killed; over 5,500 Iraqi POWs are taken in 1st 10 hours of assault; after 22 hours Iraqi POW total is nearing 10,000 [WP 2/24; RIDS 2/24 in FBIS 2/25; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 2/25; MET 3/5].
Iran's Pres. Rafsanjani says U.S. is exceeding UN mandate in its pursuit of war with Iraq [NYT 2/24].
Egypt's gov't. publications for 1st time calls for Saddam Hussein to be overthrown [NYT 2/24]; Cairo students demonstrate against allied forces' ground war; security forces use tear gas to disperse marchers [RMC 2/24 in FBIS 2/25].
Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]; countries also propose economic and defense arrangements to improve Middle East postwar security [WP 2/17], and reaffirm support for Palestinian state, without mention of PLO [MEM 2/18].
Soviet Union concludes conditions set by Baghdad for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would render its 2/15 proposal meaningless [NYT, WP 2/17].
2 U.S. A-10 fighter-bombers are short down over Kuwait: Iraq says 130 civilians killed on 2/14 when British bombs hit marketplace in Falluja [AFP 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]. Iraq launches 2 SCUD missiles at southern Israel; no damage [JAA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT, MEM 2/18].
Likud supporters criticize MKs Dedi Zucker and Chaim Oron for their 2/13 report on settlement construction (see JPS 79), saying report led U.S. admin. to delay granting $400 million in housing loan guarantees [IDF 2/16 in FBIS 2/19].
As Israeli authorities continue selectively to release Palestinian workers from war-induced curfew, many Palestinians are finding Soviet Jewish immigrants have taken over their jobs, according to New York Times [NYT 2/17].
PLO revolutionary courts condemn to death, then execute, 20 Fateh members who had rebelled againstheir commander earlier in the week [NYT 2/17].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman from Iraq to meet King Hussein [NYT 2/17].
Before Congress, Sec. Baker says U.S. and allies might help rebuild post-war Iraq, and outlines elements of post-war settlement; Baker also says that continued U.S. military role in region may be inevitable [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/7].
Sec. Baker says that U.S. has not moved forward with $400 million in loan guarantees for Israel to house Soviet Jews because Israel has yet to provide settlement information; Israel reacts angrily, saying information has been provided. Earlier this week, Israel said between 1,500 and 3,000 Soviet Jews settled in o.t., which would be as much as 17% of all Jewish settlers [NYT, WP 2/8].
Iraqi POWs report that more than 1/4 of positions in Iraq's regular army in Kuwait are deserted or undermanned, raising questions about Iraq's ability to defend against ground assault [LAT 2/7].
Allied planes shoot down 2 Iraqi fighter jets headed for Iran; bringing total air-combat (dog-fight) losses to 33 Iraqi planes, 0 allied planes [LAT, NYT 2/7].
Military sources revise estimates to say about 120 Iraqi planes have landed in Iran [LAT, WT 2/7].
Iraq announces that it is severing all re- maining diplomatic relations with 6 leading members of coalition: U.S., Britain, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. Warplanes from all those nations, except Egypt, have attacked Iraq (cf. 2/7) [INA 2/6 in FBIS 2/7; MEM 2/6; LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/7].
In nationwide address, King Hussein describes Gulf war as effort by outsiders to destroy Iraq and carve up Arab world; that war was against all Arabs and all Muslims, not just Iraq; he calls on Arab and Muslims to "make the alliance accept a cease-fire" (cf. 2/7, 2/8, 2/10) [ADS 2/6 in FBIS 2/7; LAT, NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/7].
Saudi F.M. Prince Faisal arrives in Cairo for meetings with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 2/6 in FBIS 2/7].
Lebanese Army regulars move into positions in S. Lebanon for 1st time since 1975; the 2,500 troops are within sight of Israel's "security zone"; Israeli army again shells Pal- estinian positions in S. Lebanon [MEM 2/6; LAT, NYT, WP 2/7].
After 3 days of debate, both houses of Congress vote to give Pres. Bush authority to go to war against Iraq. Senate approves use of military force by 52-47 vote; House vote is 250-183 [NYT, LAT, WP 1/13; WT 1/14].
UN Sec.-Gen Perez de Cuellar arrives in Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis, says he is not carrying "any specific proposals" [INA 1/12 in FBIS 1/14; NYT, LAT, WP 1/13].
Meeting with Sec. Baker in Damascus, Pres. Asad calls on Saddam Hussein to leave Kuwait immediately, so Arab world can close ranks and confront Israel. Asad also says if Iraq withdraws and is later attacked, Syria will fight alongside the Iraqis; statement is repeated by Syrian F.M. [DDS 1/12 in FBIS 1/14; NYT, WP 1/13; MEM 1/14]; Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo [MENA 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].
Diplomats in Ankara say that despite giving no political signs of opening 2d anti-Iraq front, Turkish troop strength has steadily increased to at least 120,000 soldiers near the Turkish-Iraqi border [NYT 1/13].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad for talks with Iraqi officials, including Tariq Aziz [AFP 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].
Peace Now rally calling for peace between Israel and Palestinians is attended by "many thousands" including many MKs [JDS 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].
Anti-war protests occur in Washington and Bonn [WP 1/13].
State Dep't. orders expulsions of all but 4 Iraqi diplomats from embassy in Washington, saying action is taken to "reduce Iraq's ability to orchestrate terrorism" if war begins [WP 1/13].