Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli negotiators meet with Cabinet in attempt to find wording to bypass deadlock on agenda.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel, in...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli negotiators meet with Cabinet in attempt to find wording to bypass deadlock on agenda.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel, in...
Military Action:
Heavy fighting in Tripoli, artillery, rocket, grenade attacks are so intense many wounded are left in streets.
In two refugee camps, small groups...
Military Action:
IDF kills two guerrillas in Bekaa near Syrian lines.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF tries to exclude Israeli military correspondent...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Ethnic conflict between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews explodes after fatal shooting by policeman in slum area of Tel Aviv, Sephardic Jews...
Military Action:
IDF military bus machine-gunned near Ghazieh in South Lebanon; IDF and Lebanese Army cordon off Khalde beach hotel to secure meeting place, ensure no clashes; IDF tanks...
Military Action:
Israeli Governor's residence in Sidon attacked, curfew imposed on city; gunfire hits IDF convoy north of Sidon; fierce artillery barrages rage around Beirut, sporadic...
Militarv Action:
Artillery and rocket barrages south and southwest of Beirut; four young Druze men abducted in Niha, 10 miles southeast of Beirut; two explosives primed to go off found by...
Military Action:
Bomb explodes near military outpost close to Ain el-Hilweh; PRG grenade fired at Israeli civilian vehicle near Aley.
2 IDF soldiers killed, 1...
Military Action:
Artillery, rocket clashes in IDF-controlled towns of Khalde, Aramun, Kfarshima and Shuweifat, south of Beirut as Gemayel holds consultations there on negotiating IDF...
Military Action:
IDF uses loudspeakers to try to defuse Chouf tension as fighting continues.
2 IDF officers killed, three wounded when their vehicle hits a mine in...
Military Action:
Rocket, mortar and artillery battles in 11 Chouf villages; armed clashes continue in Tripoli.
Lebanese merchants in Aley and Bhamdoun strike to...
Military Action:
RPGs, mortars and light weapons used in clashes around Aley; IDF convoy is ambushed in hills overlooking Beirut airport, IDF sets two shops ablaze while responding to...
Military Action:
Mortar and artillery exchanges, sniper fire in Chouf; fighting in Tripoli despite Syrian checkpoints.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF...
Military Action:
Grenades, machine-gun fire and heavy sniping in Tripoli street fighting; Phalange politician Jean Ghanem escapes ambush assassination attempt in Aley; car bomb explodes...
Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders...
Military Action:
Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but...
Military Action:
Tripoli fighting continues; heavy artillery exchanges in Chouf.
Casualties: 5 killed, 10 wounded in Tripoli, including 4 dead from artillery shell in Palestinian...
Military Action:
Bitter clashes and artillery duels in Chouf, 11 towns/villages bombed, Phalange reports fires burning out of control; IDF closes nearby Beirut-Damascus road, refuses...
Military Action:
Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.
10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF...
Military Action:
Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting...
Military Action:
Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it...
Military Action:
Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning...
Military Action:
Five minute clash between Lebanese Army and IDF convoy.
2 Lebanese soldiers killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in clash.
Political Responses:...
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000,...
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....
Military Action:
US Marines expand Beirut role by adding heavy artillery, M-60 tanks to forces, widen patrol areas.
Lebanese Government frees all 14 Haddad...
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new...
Military Action:
Walid Jumblatt slightly injured by car bomb blast in West Beirut, issues appeal urging calm among Druze followers; new violence in Chouf one hour after blast as three Druze...
Military Action:
Syrians shell IDF in Bekaa; Lebanese Army raids Murabitun Cultural Center in Beirut, seizes 14,000 religious books and legal documents, Wazzan orders books returned,...
Military Action:
Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.
IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli negotiators meet with Cabinet in attempt to find wording to bypass deadlock on agenda.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel, in New Year's eve radio broadcast, says talks will serve to consolidate national sovereignty, notes $3.5 b. treasury deficit and $2.5 b. in losses suffered because of the invasion, projects $10.5 b. on development projects, announces establishment of national reconstruction fund, and asks Lebanese emigrants in particular to contribute.
Military Action:
Heavy fighting in Tripoli, artillery, rocket, grenade attacks are so intense many wounded are left in streets.
In two refugee camps, small groups of Palestinian women stage demonstration marches celebrating founding of PLO on January 1, 1965, Lebanese Army harasses journalists trying to cover event; Tripoli residents panic, stockpile food.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Second round of negotiations begins at Qiryat Shemona as Israelis and Lebanese continue to disagree on agenda.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says PLO is willing to pull its forces out of Lebanon if that secures a full IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.
Military Action:
IDF kills two guerrillas in Bekaa near Syrian lines.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF tries to exclude Israeli military correspondent from press conference for reporting on soldier disaffection in Lebanon (other military correspondents support fellow journalist); Commission of Inquiry takes testimony in secret from head of military intelligence.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials meet with Draper to discuss moving toward agreed agenda; senior Lebanese official claims Israel hardens its position on normalizing relations.
Arab Governments: Egypt says Israel releases 10 Egyptians captured in Lebanon invasion and plans to free remaining 21.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Ethnic conflict between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews explodes after fatal shooting by policeman in slum area of Tel Aviv, Sephardic Jews spray-paint swastikas and slogans against Ashkenazim on cars and walls, including Jerusalem home of Interior Minister Burg; direct cost of Lebanon invasion put at $1.1 billion, based on assumption that IDF will stay in Lebanon through end of February 1983.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: First Israeli-Lebanese negotiations since 1949 begin at Khalde, 40-minute opening ceremony followed by 4 hours of secret talks, deadlock reporter over Israeli insistence on talking about political and security arrangements before details of withdrawal.
US and Other Countries: Kreisky of Austria indicates he is mediating exchange of prisoners between PLO and Israel at request of families of POWs.
UN: Britain informs UN it will contribute 80 ment to peacekeeping force.
Military Action:
IDF military bus machine-gunned near Ghazieh in South Lebanon; IDF and Lebanese Army cordon off Khalde beach hotel to secure meeting place, ensure no clashes; IDF tanks seize surrounding hills to stop nearby fighting in Shouweifat, Kfarshima; fighting continues in Aley and two other villages.
Police estimate 18 killed, 27 injured in fighting in Chouf area; 1 IDF soldier wounded near Sidon; 2 IDF soldier killed, 7 wounded in bus attack.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Haaretz poll indicates 53 percent of Israeli public opinion supports immediate withdrawal, 24 percent support staying in Lebanon; Israel sends to Lebanon 6-man team headed by Israeli Foreign Ministry Secretary-General David Kimche; public testimony of Commission of Inquiry resumes as lawyers for some officials cross-examine witnesses (Reuven Gai sharply cross-examined by lawyer for Sharon aide Dudai, Dudai also testifies in private).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets Austrian Chancellor Kriesky in Austria; Wazzan, following meeting with Gemayel, names 6-man negotiating team, headed by retired diplomat Antoine Fattal, including Antoine Baroud, lbrah, Kharma, 3 Army officers led by General Abbas Hamdan.
US and Other Countries: US State Department stresses importance of focussing negotiations on getting speedy withdrawal of all foreign forces, not getting bogged down in efforts to force normalization between two countries (status of Haddad forces seen as problematic); 14 of 17 Senate Foreign Relations Committee members send letter to Reagan expressing concern over continued US Marine presence in Lebanon
Military Action:
Israeli Governor's residence in Sidon attacked, curfew imposed on city; gunfire hits IDF convoy north of Sidon; fierce artillery barrages rage around Beirut, sporadic shelling resumed around Khalde, fighting spreads into Chouf villages of Fawara, Brih, Wadi Alcet, Mtaileh, Aley; Phalange headquarters in Sidon badly damaged by explosion.
4 IDF soldiers killed, 8 wounded in and near Sidon, several dead and wounded in Chouf.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet announces negotiations will begin Tuesday at Khalde, continue Thursday at Qiryat Shemona stresses talks will focus on normalizing relations with Lebanon, creating security zone in South Lebanon; Sharon claims "working paper" includes proposal to retain "warning station" staffed by IDF in South Lebanon; Israeli Press Council bans photos of mourners at funerals of military casualties as encroachement on privacy, but state broadcasting authority disagrees, says public has a right to participate in grieving.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials stress negotiations aimed at getting IDF to withdraw from Lebanon; Wazzan denies there are blueprints for the talks
Militarv Action:
Artillery and rocket barrages south and southwest of Beirut; four young Druze men abducted in Niha, 10 miles southeast of Beirut; two explosives primed to go off found by Italian troops in 2 UN-sponsored schools for refugees in Burj al-Barajneh.
13 killed in fighting in Beirut suburbs; UNRWA says 164 of its workers (all Palestinians) have been detained by IDF since June 76 and 83 are still being held at Ansar camp.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Ocucpied Territories: Sharon visits Beirut to ensure talks will begin following week, seeks but fails to gain formal ratification from Lebanese he had negotiated with, though they reportedly assure him they will abide by content of "working paper."
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel cancels traditional Christmas celebrations at presidential palace because of prevailing conditions; Wazzan says procedural problems delaying talks; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem asks Draper to ascertain status of Israeli plans
Military Action:
Bomb explodes near military outpost close to Ain el-Hilweh; PRG grenade fired at Israeli civilian vehicle near Aley.
2 IDF soldiers killed, 1 wounded, 2 Lebanese wounded near Ain el-Hilweh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's office announces talks will begin next week on troop withdrawals, but questions grow over whether Lebanese government backs "negotiating" draft; Israeli tourism way down during traditionally busy Christmas season; goodwill delegation of Israeli religious dignitaries leave for Lebanon hoping to arrange reconciliation between Druze and Christians in Chouf; curfew reimposed on Balata refugee camp near Nablus, second high school ordered closed after students allegedly participate in rock-throwing.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Ousted Mayor Milhem of Halhoul, in Amman, says PLO must approve any negotiators who speak for the Palestinians.
Arab Governments: King Hussein leaves US for home; Arab League and PLO foreign minister to meet January 21 to assess efforts to promote Mideast peace plan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan optimistic but cautious after second meeting with King Hussein; White house officials later say in next 2-3 weeks Hussein will publicly announce whether or not he will join peace talks; Israeli consulate, Jewish club bombed in Sydney, Australia.
Military Action:
Artillery, rocket clashes in IDF-controlled towns of Khalde, Aramun, Kfarshima and Shuweifat, south of Beirut as Gemayel holds consultations there on negotiating IDF pullback, following discovery of bodies of 5 Phalangists; IDF reports a bomb exploded south of Beirut airport as IDF vehicle passed by, two other bombs found in area; fighting continues in Tripoli where gunmen open fire on Syrian army truck.
7-story apartment building, damaged by IDF bombardment, collapses while being repaired, 5 feared dead, several others injured; Lebanese Army tries to rescue hundreds of schoolchildren trapped in schools in towns south of Beirut; 6 killed in fighting in that area; 1 killed, 3 wounded in Tripoli.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel and Lebanon agree to start face-to-face talks on troop withdrawal in few days; Sharon says Israel will not compromise on Taba; attorney for General Amos Yaron, in memo to Commission of Inquiry, defends his client's not passing on unsubstantiated rumors of a massacre.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials will seek, in negotiations with Israel, troop pull-back by all forces by February 15.
Arab Governments: King Hussein, in Washington, discusses military requests with pentagon officials, meets Joint Chiefs of Staff, later gives Reagan list of seven preconditions for Jordanian participation in Mideast peace process.
US and other Countries: Habib, after reporting to Reagan, announces agreement on talks (locale as yet undetermined); Belgium and Portugal indicate willingness to send peace-keeping troops but, because of economic troubles, can only do so if US pays for them.
Military Action:
IDF uses loudspeakers to try to defuse Chouf tension as fighting continues.
2 IDF officers killed, three wounded when their vehicle hits a mine in eastern Lebanon; many villages in Chouf lack water and electricity because fighting has knocked out power lines; despite Israeli denials, three massacre survivors insist that some IDF soldiers were inside one of the camps during the killings, report talking to IDF soldier outside their home in Shatila camp and later saw as many as 10 IDF soldiers inside camp, talking in Hebrew on radios.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon tells Knesset committee that Syria has agreed to first phase of troop withdrawals, says Israel will not withdraw until all IDF POWs released, IDF bodies returned; Israeli military authorities lift restrictions on Bashir Bargouti, Samiha Khalil and Ibrahim al-Tawil, all alleged to be members of National Guidance Committee, later outlawed as PLO front.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO announces Palestine National Council will meet in early February in Algiers; Arafat, in Tunis, says only PLO can represent Palestinians in peace talks, will not relinquish negotiating power to King Hussein; Wazzan says talks with Israel may start in few days; 2 Lebanese representatives fly to Tunis for meeting with PLO leaders on withdrawal of forces.
US and Other Countries: Reagan and King Hussein meet at White House, Hussein avoids commitment to enter peace talks, says is contingent on US progress in getting Israel to halt West Bank settlements, both fail to find mutual strategy to bring Hussein and Palestinian representatives into negotiations with Israel, plan to meet again Thursday; PLO aide accompanying Hussein's party for briefings on talks; Hussein also meets with Caspar Weinberger; Chinese premier asserts Fez proposals are "practical" route to peace talks, expresses support for independent Palestinian state and independence for Israel, during press conference with Mubarak in Cairo.
Military Action:
Rocket, mortar and artillery battles in 11 Chouf villages; armed clashes continue in Tripoli.
Lebanese merchants in Aley and Bhamdoun strike to protest renewed fighting; 20 killed, 4 injured in Chouf.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry recalls Sharon to submit to cross-examination; Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel is opposed to stationing any international forces in proposed security zone in South Lebanon; senior Israeli officials outline proposed Lebanon security zone, where it would set up monitoring posts manned by Israelis; ban all but small arms, carry out surveillance overflights; curfews briefly lifted, then reimposed on Nablus market and Balata camp; West Bank Palestinians upset at Christmas pilgrimages of Maronite Christians to Holy Places.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel meets with envoys of US, France and Italy to brief them on deteriorating situation in Chouf and Tripoli; Gemayel rejects Israeli demands for security zone as gross infringements on national sovereignty.
Arab Governments: King Hussein meets with Shultz in Washington.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger says US may send more troops once progress on pull-out is shown; Habib stops in France for talks with foreign ministry; British announce willingness to join multinational peacekeeping force in Beirut, will send armored unit with 80 men for three months.
Military Action:
RPGs, mortars and light weapons used in clashes around Aley; IDF convoy is ambushed in hills overlooking Beirut airport, IDF sets two shops ablaze while responding to attack; IDF holds Lebanese Druze suspected of shooting IDF officer in Aley last week.
1 killed, 4 wounded in Aley area.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet meets to discuss Sharon initiative and Habib proposals, drops condition that some of talks be held in Jerusalem; Habib meets with Begin to receive report on Israeli-Lebanese agreement; curfews maintained in Nablus and refugee camps of Balata and Deheisha; Peace Now demands that shooting incident be debated in Knesset.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Government, reacting to Israeli Cabinet decision, says it is ready to negotiate on withdrawal of IDF forces from Lebanon; Foreign Minister Salem says agreement is Israeli agenda for talks, but "we have ours," says US must be partner in talks; Lebanese officials avoid discussing alleged Sharon document.
US and Other Countries: Washington Post article reveals two unpublished letters signed by Habib last August guaranteeing safety of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Military Action:
Mortar and artillery exchanges, sniper fire in Chouf; fighting in Tripoli despite Syrian checkpoints.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF shoots, kills Nablus-area youth, seriously wound another during protest by several hundred high school students over curfew imposed on Balata refugee camp two days earlier (students wave PLO flags, pictures of Arafat); school closed indefinitely, curfew imposed on marketplace; Israeli Palestinians approach Israeli government with offers to aid Palestinian refugees with goods and services.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in interview, hints he may order pullback of PLO forces; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Habib who proposes holding talks in neutral country.
Arab Governments: Syrian information minister, in Kuwait, says Syria lost 5,000 people in invasion, several billion dollars worth of planes and military equipment; King Hussein arrives in Washington for meeting with Reagan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan at press conference, calls for removal of "armies of occupation" for Lebanon.
Military Action:
Grenades, machine-gun fire and heavy sniping in Tripoli street fighting; Phalange politician Jean Ghanem escapes ambush assassination attempt in Aley; car bomb explodes near Jounieh shopping mall.
18 killed, including 6 Syrian soldiers, in Tripoli; 1 wounded in Jounieh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon reveals "working paper" after secret negotiations with Lebanese officials that could lead to normal relations between Israel and Lebanon, but refuses to name Lebanese met with; Sharon angry over Reagan Administration refusal to meet with him during last week's visit to US, accuses US of delaying negotiations by linking them to Reagan peace proposals.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in interview, says agreement with Jordan reached on "future confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan"; Lebanese officials "working paper" and discussions with Sharon; Gemayel, Wazzan and Salem meet Habib and Draper concerning possibility of partial withdrawal.
US and Other Countries: Shultz says troop withdrawals from Lebanon unlikely by end of year.
Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders try to restore cease-fire; Haddad militia commander Ahmed Sheet blown up by car bomb in Nabatiyeh; other sabotage acts in recent weeks in Nabatiyeh reportedly aimed at IDF forces.
3 killed, 10 wounded in Tripoli; 1 killed, 3 wounded in Chouf; 21 others wounded in Nabatiyeh explosion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, in speech to World Zionist Congress, sees good chance of pullout agreement soon, reaffirms settlements are essential; Begin meets with Habib and Draper, who carry proposals to skirt issue of Jerusalem as venue for talks; Israeli military authorities close down Construction and Public Institutions Employees Union headquarters in Ramallah for two months, confiscate union files, arrest union secretary.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem, in meeting with Shultz, warns that lengthy occupation would lead to Israeli annexation of South Lebanon, Syrian/PLO protectorate in North Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syrian Presidents Assad and Foreign Minister Khaddam meet with Gemayel special emissary Jean Obeid, express openness to partial, simultaneous withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon, provided this is linked to a total withdrawal of IDF forces, affirm that Lebanese security forces should patrol Tripoli; Egyptian President Mubarak, in Vienna, calls on PLO to recognize Israel and declares support for Reagan peace plan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan sends letter to Begin urging Israel to agree to withdrawal timetable hours after Habib and Draper meet in Jerusalem with Begin; US announces $5 m. grant, $15 m. loan to Lebanon to help rebuild damaged homes; State Department sources say Israel is offering to sell Central American countries stocks of weapons captured from PLO; over 175 Representatives sign a letter to Reagan asking him to deny advanced weapons to Jordan unless Jordan participates in peace process; in Senate, Kennedy has almost 60 co-sponsors for resolution opposing more aid to Jordan if it continues to boycott peace talks.
UN: Israel and Lebanon join in unanimous General Assembly condemnation of September massacre, but Israel votes against another provision that calls massacre act of genocide; four other resolutions passed which demand that Israel rescind annexation of Golan Heights, support Lebanese efforts to restore its authority throughout its territory, deplore destruction of Palestinian cultural heritage during invasion and ask Israel for restitution.
Military Action:
Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but reestablished after IDF arrives; IDF truck carrying ammunition goes up in flames near Deir al-Qamar; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam visits Tripoli, negotiates immediate cease-fire after 4 hour meeting with local leaders.
IDF planning to reopen former PLO school at el-Mahshuk, near Tyre (many refugees still live in other schools, preventing reopening); students on strike in Chouf area; 2 killed, 25 wounded in Chouf; 3 IDF soldiers wounded in truck explosion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon declines to testify again before Commisison of Inquiry; Chief of Staff Eitan, Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, head of Mossad, and Sharon's civilian aide Dudai all decide to give additional evidence or to cross-examine witnesses; Shamir meets with Argentine president and foreign minister to discuss Lebanese war, Malvinas, "disappeared" Israeli citizens, ends visit amid indications Argentina will seek large arms purchases; majority of World Zionist Congress vote for resolution, proposed by Labor Party, calling for peace settlement based on "territorial compromise," but parliamentary maneuvering blocks formal adoption.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with former World Jewish Congress president Philip Klutznik in Tunis; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem meets with Reagan, asks for more troops, also says Colombia, Brazil and Portugal have been asked to donate troops; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Draper to discuss US proposal of partial withdrawal as first step to create momentum; to seek solution to disagreement on venue of peace talks; Draper departs to join Habib in Israel; Gemayel telephones Assad following meeting.
Arab Governments: Syria sends two high-level delegates to Tripoli port to try to end fighting.
US and Other Countries: Presidential adviser Edwin Meese says US will sell arms to Jordan without demanding its participation in peace talks, says issues unrelated; Honduran foreign minister denies arms deal with Israel but expects agreement on economic and technical assistance; Habib arrives in Israel; Britain postpones trade envoy's visit to Saudi Arabia in wake of tensions from postponing visit by Arab League delegation including PLO representative.
Military Action:
Tripoli fighting continues; heavy artillery exchanges in Chouf.
Casualties: 5 killed, 10 wounded in Tripoli, including 4 dead from artillery shell in Palestinian refugee camp.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Government seeks to patch up rift with US on eve of Habib's return to Israel; Sharon says Israel insists on direct negotiations with Lebanese authorities concerning withdrawal; Sharon says Israel does not intend to annex West Bank but would retain security responsibilities for at least next 50 years, vows there will never be a Palestinian state; Village League leader Duddin claims US acts against Palestinians wishing to negotiate with Israel.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO and Jordanians announce agreement on "special and distinctive relationship" between Jordan and future Palestinian entity; PLO reportedly divided over federation proposals.
Arab Governments: Jordan reportedly concerned that time is running out for Middle East settlement, looks to US pressure on Israel to halt settlements on West Bank; Mubarak and West German leader Hans Kohl join in calling for talks based on the Reagan peace plan.
Military Action:
Bitter clashes and artillery duels in Chouf, 11 towns/villages bombed, Phalange reports fires burning out of control; IDF closes nearby Beirut-Damascus road, refuses Lebanese Army command that IDF disarm both factions; IDF, Druze and Phalange militias agree to conduct joint patrols, and a Druze- Phalange committee will meet weekly or when necessary to resolve disputes in Aley; gunbattles continue in Tripoli; US Marines begin training special unit of Lebanese Army; IDF jeep hits mine near Ain Ata near Hasbaya.
25 killed in 24 hours in Chouf; 10 killed, 30 wounded in Tripoli; 1 IDF soldier wounded in jeep; UNRWA opens first tent in Ain el-Hilweh to use as classroom; Lebanese merchants complain that Israeli merchants are misleading them, demanding 100 percent down payments, etc.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects shuttle diplomacy proposal; Commission will end staff questioning of witnesses this week; Shamir arrives in Argentina, says he will raise human rights-related issues; Israel withholding information about military lessons of the war until US agrees to seek Israeli approval before sharing with NATO, to allow Israeli expert to observe any tests and share American conclusions with Israel (agreement on sharing information on Soviet weapons performance initialed November 25 but still without Weinberger signature); IDF soldier charged with illegal use of weapon when he shot demonstrators in Halhoul; Israeli Druze decide against anti-IDF strike to protest IDF policy in Chouf.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem, in Washington, says Israel is prime source of continuing tension in Lebanon, suggests all "illegal" Palestinians should leave Lebanon, warns of renewed fighting unless foreign troops withdraw within next four weeks, seeks US support for expanding number of peacekeeping force; Amal militia threatens "bloodbath" if kidnapped commander, Yakub Daher, is harmed.
Arab Governments: Mubarak begins tour of Europe to push for peace process.
US and Other Countries: Shultz meets Pope and Mubarak, discusses Lebanon; France says it is willing to increase Beirut troops
Military Action:
Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.
10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF soldiers wounded in grenade attack near Nabatiyeh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir leaves for 12 day trip to Argentina and Uruguay, claims he will not talk about arms sales; Sharon, returning from US and Honduras, says Israeli military mission will go to Honduras next month to strengthen military cooperation; Bethlehem Mayor Freij asserts most West Bank Palestinians support confederation with Jordan, urges simultaneous mutual recognition between PLO and Israel; Israeli High Court temporarily bans demolition of Arab houses in Hebron.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat arrives in Amman for third round of talks with Jordanian officials aimed at developing a joint strategy on recent Arab and US peace plans; Gemayel sends internal security forces chief Hisham Shaar to Tripoli to negotiate cease-fire.
Arab Governments: Syrian commander for North Lebanon gives Gemayel aide a letter from Syrian Defense Minister Tlas pledging Syrian support in ending fighting; Saudi radio says British relations with Arab world could be severely affected by London's post-ponement of delegation including PLO representative; President Mubarak accuses Syria of blocking solution to Palestinian problem, asserts Syria influenced PLO to reject Reagan proposals.
US and Other Countries: France and Israel to reconvene cultural and educational commission suspended unilaterally by France after invasion.
Military Action:
Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting continues in Baal Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli as both sides fire on police officers trying to arrange cease-fire; UNIFIL troops involved in firefight.
3 Phalange killed, one IDF soldier wounded in Aley; 7 dead, 12 wounded in Tripoli, where all businesses close during fighting; UNIFIL kills 1, wounded 3 militiamen; mothers and children of Phalange forces in Chouf hold protest march in Beirut demanding state intervention to end fighting; UNRWA says homes found for Palestinian refugees.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin aide David Levi confirms plans to expand settlements in West Bank; IDF officer links Sharon to brutality toward West Bank Palestinians.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat flies unexpectedly to Damascus, reportedly to heal rift between himself and PLO groups based in Syria, make friendly overture to Syrian government.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Israel and PLO are delaying peace process, calls on PLO to recognize Israel.
US and Other Countries: US proposes shuttle diplomacy instead of direct negotiations between Israel and Lebanon.
Military Action:
Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it after 3 hours as fighting erupts; leader of Shiite Amal militia kidnapped by Phalange.
2 killed, 3 wounded by sniper fire in Aley during curfew break (110 estimated killed in Chouf fighting in past 6 weeks); US-led bomb squads searching for unexploded weapons and munitions have found 250 kinds of explosives from 17 countries.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says only 479 killed in massacre (only 20 children, 15 women), contradicting his own Commission testimony; Ezer Weizman may head new center party.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem leaves Britain without firm commitment on troop expansion but is "satisfied."
US and Other Countries: India refuses visas for two Israelis to attend international airport chiefs' conference in New Delhi.
UN: General Assembly calls for creation of Palestinian state and Israeli withdrawal from lands seized in 1967 (Israel, US, Canada and Costa Rica vote no, 23 abstentions, 113 vote yes).
Military Action:
Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning shots in attempts to stop fighting, IDF APCs move through Aley streets, proclaim curfew; US Marines to expand patrols to include Yarze section of Beirut-Damascus road.
Tripoli casualties are 16 dead, 59 wounded; 6 killed in Chouf fighting, 4 Syria soldiers killed, 11 wounded in ambush.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, in New York, says Israel is close to a secdrity arrangement with Lebanon; Commission makes public Begin's letter in which he declines to reappear, and asserts he had "no grounds" to expect massacre, asserts Phalange entered camps to deal with estimated 2,000 PLO guerrillas remaining in camps-though Phalange let into camps numbered only 100-200; Shamir, and Yaron notify Commission they intend to submit written memoranda but not testify further; Drori, who plans to reappear before Commission, and Yaron reportedly retain lawyers; others request extension of time and Commission gives them until December 15; Israeli testimony indicates only two Phalange killed during massacre.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat rejects Jordanian trusteeship role, says Hussein cannot represent Palestinians in peace negotiations; former Lebanese Prime Minister Karame appeals to Syrian President Assad to help stop fighting.
Arab Governments: Egypt urges US allies to pressure US to secure IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: After meeting with Reagan and senior policy makers, Habib warns early withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon not likely, prepares to return to Mideast in renewe4 effort to bring about troop withdrawals; US Jewish groups warn Begin he may lose their support, but oppose using US aid to pressure his government; Honduran official says Sharon signed arms agreement, reportedly involving sale of Kfir jets; Thatcher sends envoy on secret visit to Morocco, raising hopes for ending crisis in UK/Arab relations.
Military Action:
Five minute clash between Lebanese Army and IDF convoy.
2 Lebanese soldiers killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in clash.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Number of Jewish settlers on West Bank to double to 50,000 in next 3 months as housing units completed.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP leader Habash comes out against Arafat strategy; President Gemayel meets Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Butros Ghali and presidential advisor Osama el-Baz in Beirut (first official visit since diplomatic relations were broken in March 1979), message from Mubarak expresses Egyptian willingness to press US and EEC to press Israel for speedy withdrawal from Lebanon, praises Lebanese refusal to hold talks in Jerusalem; Egyptian charge d'affaires and Egyptian newspapers return to Beirut for first time in three years.
US and Other Countries: Nicaragua concerned over proposed Israeli arms sales to Honduras; State Department says Israeli- Lebanese clash underscores urgency of troop withdrawal; Habib and Draper brief White House staff; AFL-CIO leader Lane Kirkland pledges continuing US labor support for Israel.
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000, down from over 80,000 during summer.
2 IDF soldiers wounded, 8 Lebanese killed in past week's clashes in Chouf; UNRWA Commissioner General warns refugees face wretched winter worsened by lack of wage-earners detained by IDF; at Ain el-Hilweh, Lebanese landowners reclaim two-thirds of camp land; Lebanese hospital reportedly received drugs taken from Gaza Hospital; Meridor says Israelis to offer grants to refugees to purchase prefab homes.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir claims Habif is making pro-PLO statements, but State Department denies; Druze and Christian leaders meet in Haifa, but fail to reach agreement on plan to end Lebanese sectarian fighting; Begin sends telegram to Israeli Druze leader asserting IDF is trying to end clashes; 1,200 Bethlehem University students go on strike to protest Israeli orders that 8 foreign lecturers suspend teaching.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem flies to London to renew plea for British troops to reinforce peacekeeping force; Haddad accuses Syria of provoking Phalange-Druze strife to undermine Israeli presence.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with King Hassan in Morocco; Reagan spokesman Larry Speakes defends Administration opposition to increases in aid to Israel, says increase would come at expense of other allies and that aid levels had already risen 21 percent; White House announces Mubarak will visit Washington January 27, meet with Reagan; Chinese Community Party head Hu Yaobang urges Arab nations to recognize Israel's right to exist, in remarks welcoming Arab League delegation.
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.
One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.
Political Responses:
lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).
Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.
US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.
Military Action:
US Marines expand Beirut role by adding heavy artillery, M-60 tanks to forces, widen patrol areas.
Lebanese Government frees all 14 Haddad militiamen suspected of involvement in massacre after two-month interrogation, claiming lack of evidence.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5 Israeli Palestinians arrested after tires burned in West Galilee, walls painted with pro-PLO slogans; Sharon denies Israel has sold captured PLO weapons.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: New reports of killings and torture of Palestinian detainees by Lebanese, as Ambassadors of US, France and Italy reportedly exerting intense pressure on Gemayel to reveal status and condition of prisoners.
US and Other Countries: State Department announces Habib and Draper are being recalled to Washington for consultations, as Administration is concerned at lack of progress in negotiations, and holds Israel responsible; EEC warns Israel that continued West Bank settlement may lead to stronger EEC sanctions.
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new fighting; Israeli sources report new Soviet jets and tanks pouring into Syria; IDF patrol attacked with grenades near Shuweifat.
Shops close in West Beirut as Jumblatt and Druze allies bury bodyguard killed in yesterday's carbombing (3 others reported killed, 28 wounded); UNRWA says 11 employees seized by Lebanese Army in past few weeks, another 1 12 Palestinian employees detained by IDF in South Lebanon; IDF release 240 from Ansar camp (number of detainees at camp now put at 15,000); 2 detainees killed, 4 wounded at Ansar when security officer's gun "discharges accidentally."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel charges Israeli Army reservist Yitzhak Shor with flying secretly to Damascus, passing information on IDF troops positions and own service to Syrians; Israeli journalists report Israel to sell $18 m. in arms to Zaire to double Mobutu's palace guard.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel makes "urgent appeal" to the US through Draper to pressure Israel to withdraw from Chouf, seeks to deploy units of Lebanese Army in area.
Arab Governments: King Hussein and foreign ministers of 5 Arab governments meet with Soviet leader Andropov (is first known visit by Saudi envoy to USSR); Mubarak says Habib seeks simultaneous withdrawal of all armies by end of month.
US and Other Countries: Habib discusses Lebanon's request to expand multinational peacekeeping force with Italian foreign minister Emilio Colombo in Rome; NATO communique says US, on consultation with allies, should take action outside north Atlantic region to protect vital Western interests, including Mideast.
UN: US withholds regular $20.5 m. contribution to UNRWA pending report on use of schools as PLO training bases.
Military Action:
Walid Jumblatt slightly injured by car bomb blast in West Beirut, issues appeal urging calm among Druze followers; new violence in Chouf one hour after blast as three Druze kidnapped, Christian positions shelled; two attempts by IDF to break into UNIFIL command posts.
Four killed, 39 injured by car bomb blast which destroys nearby cars, scattering glass and steel shards; Lebanese police report 1,200 bodies found since early September, some in mass graves, raising Beirut death toll during Israeli siege to 6,775 (toll does not include September massacre, estimate 84 percent of Beirut casualties were civilian, one-third under 15 years old and one-fourth over 50, 46 percent Palestinian, 37 percent Lebanese, 10 percent Syrian, 19,085 died, 30,302 wounded in Lebanon from June 4 to PLO evacuation); Tel Aviv newspaper quotes Lebanese prosecutor Germanos' report that 470 people killed in massacre but "it was not a massacre, by Lebanese standards."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli journalist challenges Shamir massacre testimony, asserts he heard another Cabinet member use word massacre in call to Shamir; Shamir ends visit to Zaire by signing arms agreement totalling $8 million, cooperation agreements in agriculture, water and fishing resource development, construction, 609 scholarships for Zairean students, landing rights in Kinshasa for Israeli aircraft, commercial and cultural exchange agreements; Israel announces plans for five more settlements near Jeni, Deputy Agriculture Minister Mikhail Dekel tells Knesset new suburban neighborhoods in commuting distance of main employment centers in Israel will be encouraged over small villages generating own employment, says settlers will triple in next three years; West Bank Council of Higher Education rejects proposed revision of work permit forms, leaving 100 teachers facing possible deportation.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel sends letter to Reagan, via US Embassy, seeking Reagan's personal intervention to soften "impossible" Israeli conditions; Guardians of the Cedars leader Etienne Saqa, at Israeli government- sponsored news conference in Jerusalem, says September massacre was "a Lebanese reaction from relatives . . . of our martyrs" and that "we have the full right to deal with our enemies in Lebanon in the manner we find suitable. . . . this is our interior problem. . .," says visit is to thank Israel for its "generous intervention," calls Wazzan a Syrian/PLO puppet.
US and Other Countries: Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth Dam says US will only meet Lebanese request to double troops if there is movement toward withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon, says Administration considering asking for more reconstruction aid for Lebanon, urges Israel to drop demand for Jerusalem venue for peace talks; State Department sharply criticizes Senate committee for allocating more money than Administration sought for Israel.
Military Action:
Syrians shell IDF in Bekaa; Lebanese Army raids Murabitun Cultural Center in Beirut, seizes 14,000 religious books and legal documents, Wazzan orders books returned, Lebanese Grand Mufti issues protest.
Israeli official says Israeli exports to Lebanon totalled $9.3 m. in October, total trade exchange for year will total $100 m. by December.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: High Court orders Sharon to explain legal basis for detentions at Ansar camp, in suit brought by Leah Tsemel, demanding camps be open to lawyers and family visits; Israeli sources indicate 11 So- viet citizens killed when Israelis destroyed downed lAF aircraft in an effort to prevent its secret equipment from falling into enemy hands; El Al workers fight riot police in Tel Aviv after failing to win injunction against dissolution of airline; Industry and Trade Minister Gideon Pratt meets with delegates of four Black African countries during GATT conference in Geneva (countries have no diplomatic relations with Israel but seek more commercial ties); Israeli official says Israeli debt repayments to US now larger than incoming loans from US.
Palestininas/ Lebanese: Arafat authorizes PLO participation in 14-member commission with Jordan to draw up proposals for peace negotiations; Arafat attends first meeting of Commission, headed by PLO leader Dajani and Jordanian Prime Minister Badran; Arafat leaves for South Yemen; PLO spokesman in Paris says PLO will never recognize Israel, says Reagan initiative "Zionist."
Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd meets Habib in Morocco to receive report on status of withdrawal negotiations.
US and Other Countries: Republican-controlled Senate Appropriations Committee approves $11.5 billion foreign aid bill, including $2.6 b. for Israel ($125 million in economic and $350 million in military loans/grants more than Administration requested); Reagan later urges House Appropriations Committee to reject the additional aid to Israel.
Military Action:
Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.
IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate raid on Palestinian-run hospital, says it won't happen again (drugs taken now estimated at $500-650,000 in value).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Palestinian survivors of massacre testify before Commission; Shamir, accompanied by high-ranking officers and industrialists, arrives in Zaire in first official visit to Black Africa since 1973 war; Defense Ministry senior adviser Tamir to present Mobutu with overall strategic plan for Zaire drafted by Israelis at Zaire's request; Labor and Likud Knesset members criticize Cabinet approval of IS 16.5 b. supplementary budget (9.3 b. to help pay for Lebanon war); protests in West Bank on 35th anniversary of UN partition resolution, Israeli policeman injured by stones in Ramallah after reinforced security forces try to restore order, curfew imposed on Deheisha refugee camp and Nablus market, tear gas fired to disperse crowds, schools close early; pro-PLO nationalist slate ousts Moslem Brothers in student elections at al-Najah University in Nablus; about 100 foreign lecturers teaching at West Bank universities decide to continue to refuse to sign anti-PLO pledge in new permit form; head of Village Leagues Duddin meets Sharon before both travel to US on separate visits.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanon's military prosecutor-general orders arrest of nine, including Hussein Mussawi, pro-Iranian leader of Baalbek's Shiites, accused of Islamic raids in Baalbek nine days ago; Wazzan, after meeting with Gemayel, urges US to increase pressures on Israel to withdraw.
Arab Governments: Mubarak and Habib issue joint statement calling for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, urging Jordanian and Palestinian inclusion in Mideast peace talks; Habib leaves for Morocco for talks with King Hassan and Saudi King Fahd; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says US sent message to PLO through Cairo saying PLO recognition of Israel would enable US to deal with PLO; semi-official al-Ahram criticizes PLO rejection of Reagan plan.
US and Other Countries: US State Department asserts PLO Central Council did not reject Reagan plan.