101 / 15500 Results
  • December 28, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In proposal to curb public spending, Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Orgad proposes freeze on further Israeli settlements; Peace Now hails plan;...

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  • December 20, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidov justifies telling his son serving in West Bank to ignore IDF restriction on use of arms against stone-throwers...

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  • December 13, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Red Cross re- ports Israel reneged on terms of last month's prisoner exchange, citing case of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims 39 still held in defiance...

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  • December 11, 1983

    SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/ Israel: Israeli police arrest Ephraim Segal, US-immigrant Elon Moreh settler, for questioning in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83). 2 Israeli buses damaged and...

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  • December 5, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews...

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  • November 29, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy shelling by PSP militia, rockets and artillery fall in area from East Beirut north to Jounieh, and in airport area; Pentagon reportedly decides to keep battleship New...

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  • November 27, 1983

    Military Action: 

    PSP and LF exchange artillery fire in Chouf area to south of Beirut; with only sporadic shooting, Tripoli cease-fire holds; Syria says its forces confronted US...

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  • November 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas...

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  • November 21, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues southeast of Beirut between LAF and PSP, and in southern Beirut suburbs between LAF and militiamen; car bomb explodes near Reuter news agency in Beirut;...

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  • November 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets bomb guerrilla bases in areas around Sofar, Falougha and Bhamdoun, reportedly hit as-Saiqa, Syrian Baath party, PFLP-GC and Druze positions, intense and...

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  • November 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Shelling continues in Beirut's southern suburbs; PSP militia and LAF battle at Souq al-Gharb; Marine positions hit with small arms and artillery fire; shells fall near...

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  • November 2, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy mortar, artillery, machinegun fire exchanged between LAF and unidentified militiamen in southern Beirut suburbs; Marines reposition main entrance to base, strengthen...

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  • October 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues between LAF and militiamen in southern suburbs and at Souq al-Gharb and between Druze and Phalange militias in Kharroub; stray shells land near Marine...

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  • September 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    LAF repels attack on Souq al-Gharb after hand-to-hand battle; Western military spokesman claims Syrians, Palestinians, and some Iranians are principal component of 2000-man...

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  • August 27, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets Jordanian foreign minister in Tunis; McFarlane, in Paris, holds meetings with Wadi Haddad, National Security Adviser to Gemayel,...

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  • August 23, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF convoy hit by explosive device near Amiq, IDF artillery units maintain systematic fire at guerrilla positions in Syrian-controlled area; IDF combat units in Chouf...

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  • August 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    6 hours of shelling in Chouf spill over into Beirut suburbs, IDF fires at Druze positions, cease-fire in effect at 0800; Lebanese Forces blockade Aley, Druze forces in...

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  • August 21, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Former head of Shin Bet describes West Bank settlements as a psychological hothouse for the growth of Jewish terror.


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  • July 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF hands over checkpoint at Monteverde, east of Beirut, to Lebanese Army; anti-aircraft missile fired at IDF transport plane preparing for takeoff near Damour.


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  • June 26, 1983

    Military Action:

    Grenade thrown at IDF convoy near Sidon; IDF reports 4 other attacks on its positions over weekend; Syrian forces maintain encirclement of loyalist PLO positions.


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  • June 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian Army convoy ambushed on coastal road south of Tripoli; IDF tanks fire at Druze and Christian positions in Chouf as artillery duels continue.


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  • May 31, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF building new roads in South and East Lebanon, bypassing villages; IDF constructing new fortifications in Bekaa.


    IDF arrests Lebanese suspected...

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  • May 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Gun battle between UNIFIL troops and Haddad militia near village of Kneise; hundreds of Syrian troops withdraw from Bekaa, return to Damascus; 2 mortar shells fired at US...

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  • May 29, 1983

    Military Action:

    1200 US Marines arrive in Beirut to relieve units deployed with MNF since February; IDF reinforces positions in Bekaa, keeps troops on special alert for 4th consecutive day...

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  • May 27, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF on state of alert as Syrians begin military maneuvers near Israeli lines in Golan Heights and eastern Lebanon; Palestinian guerrillas attack IDF patrol in Bekaa; IDF...

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  • May 25, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian planes fire 2 air-to-air missiles at Israeli jets on reconnaissance flight over northern Lebanon, no hits reported; Israelis deny Lebanese report that pilotless...

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  • May 23, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze militia and Lebanese Army exchange fire in Beirut; IDF vehicle attacked by bazooka fire west of Ansar camp.


    Maronite archbishop of Tyre...

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  • May 19, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets break sound barrier in flights over Beirut.


    UNRWA official says about 30 Palestinian civilians have been killed in South Lebanon by...

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  • May 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Army patrol opens fire on illegal protest against withdrawal agreement by Shiite Muslims in Beirut suburb of Bir Abed, grenade reportedly thrown at patrol;...

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  • May 13, 1983

    Military Action:

    Numerous attacks on IDF in Sidon announced by Lebanese National Resistance Front.


    16 IDF soldiers wounded when military bus triggers mine near...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: In proposal to curb public spending, Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Orgad proposes freeze on further Israeli settlements; Peace Now hails plan; rightwing Tehiya Party threatens to pull out of coalition if plan approved. Haaretz publishes poll indicating 48.5% Israeli respondents oppose more settlements on West Bank; 26.9% favor. General strike in Eilat sees 5,000 residents demonstrate against closure of Timma Copper Works and general economic distress. Striking postal workers ordered back to work. Abed Abu Diab, Jerusalem unionist and consultant to Jerusalem Electric Co., gets 5th renewal of 6-month town arrest order.


Arab World: 1 Israeli soldier killed and 2 wounded in ambush on IDF border patrol in Jezzine, S. Lebanon. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidov justifies telling his son serving in West Bank to ignore IDF restriction on use of arms against stone-throwers. Student council elections held in Gaza Islamic U. and Bir Zeit U; Student Youth Movement wins all 9 seats in BZU council. Striking dock workers force business, gov't. and port authorities to create special fund to transport cargoes by air.

Arab World: Arafat and some 4,000 loyalists sail from Tripoli on 5 chartered Greek passenger ships escorted by French Navy.

Other Countries: Resolutions adopted in UN Gen. Assembly: denouncing new US-Israeli accord [87-29, 29 abstentions]; condemning increasing collaboration between Israel and S. Africa (especially in nuclear field) [101-18, 20 abst.]; calling for economic and military sanctions against Israel [84-24, 31 abst.]; declaring Israel's decision to impose jurisdiction over Jerusalem null and void [137-1, 3 abst.]; and condemning Israel's plundering of Palestinian cultural property during occupation of Lebanon [ 120-1, 20 abst.]. S. California Edison Co. buys $15 million solar plant from Israeli firm, Ormat.


Occupied Palestine!Israel: Hand-grenade thrown at Border Patrol vehicle in Gaza. Israeli troops use teargas against about 100 students protesting occupation and attempts to put al-Najah National U. under military control; hours later, petrol bomb flung at Israeli foot patrol, no injuries. Greek Orthodox nun and Muslim muezzin injured when 2 IDF grenades explode in al-Eizariya (Bethany); "TNT" claims responsibility.

Arab World: 2 Israeli soldiers and 5 Lebanese civilians wounded by grenade hurled at Israeli patrol in Sidon; 2 Israeli soldiers wounded by land mine near Jib Jennin; explosive device wounds 1 Israeli in Ghaziyeh village in S. Lebanon; attacks on Israelis in Lebanon total 6 today.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Red Cross re- ports Israel reneged on terms of last month's prisoner exchange, citing case of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims 39 still held in defiance of agreement; Israel DM communique blames error in ICRC/Israel coordination for reversal of Abu Ain's release. Patron of Birkat Avraham yeshiva remanded for 4 days for disregarding gov't. order to remove illegal structure. Trial begins for 10 Palestinians charged with harassment of Jewish settlers in Galilee and organizing demonstrations. Israel Bonds Organization announces total of $475,434,250. raised in 1983 (compared with $502,144,500. in 1982); total since 1951 more than $6.5 billion.

Arab World: Jordan Cabinet confirms 12 Jordanians of Palestinian origin given death sentences in absentia by special military court for selling West Bank land to Israel.

Other Countries: Gemayel in London for 2 days of talks with PM Thatcher. Responding to reports that Israel asked US for Pershing 11 missiles, Shamir sends message to USSR that Israel would not acquire missiles capable of hitting Russia. UN Gen. Assembly adopts resolution calling for peace conference inviting all parties, including US, USSR and PLO on equal footing [124-4, 15 abstentions].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abdullah Ahmed Musa, worker from Bir al-Basha/Jenin, found dead near Akka; family fears killed by Israeli vigilantes.

Arab World: US and Israeli navies launch simultaneous but separate attacks on Syrian and Palestinian positions, respectively, near Lebanese coast. Grenade thrown at IDF patrol near Sidon, 2 Israeli patrol soldiers wounded; Israeli truck driver wounded by grenade attack south of Zahrani River.

SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/ Israel: Israeli police arrest Ephraim Segal, US-immigrant Elon Moreh settler, for questioning in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83). 2 Israeli buses damaged and 1 Kiryat Arba settler hurt in hail of stones outside Dheisheh refugee camp. Hebron man obtains order nisi requiring West Bank commander to give cause for sealing of his home.

Arab World: Villagers in Milke, S. Lebanon riot against IDF patrol; 5 villagers injured, several arrested.

MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 petrol bombs thrown at Israeli police bus near al-Bireh. Occupation forces demolish 3 Palestinian homes and seal 4 others in Hebron and Ramallah belonging to suspected members of groups hostile to Israel.

Arab World: Gemayel advisor discloses orders received in Washington to move LAF into Druze-held Chouf as US and Israeli warplanes provide cover and US ships blanket area with heavy artillery.

Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz criticized in Tunis for US-Israel "strategic cooperation."


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest corner-stone-laying ceremony at Emmanuel religious settlement; block 16 buses of Agudat Israel Party supporters planning to attend. In address to Israeli Federation of Contractors and Builders convention in Jerusalem, Shamir urges private builders to develop West Bank. Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. report new ultra-rightwing underground, stockpiling arms and planning to take over part of territories. Labor Federation leader Shehadeh Minawi released on IS5,000 bail after held for 24 hrs. on charges of arranging illegal conference in Jerusalem. About 20 S. Lebanon merchants meet with Israeli Industry and Trade Director in Jerusalem to discuss ways of improving trade.

Arab World: PLO Political Dep't. head Qaddoumi refuses proposal by some PLO Executive Com. members to replace Arafat. Mubarak warns new "strategic cooperation" will spell disaster for American friends in Arab world; other official Arab sources concur.

Other Countries: UK Labor Party dep. sec. Hattersley says his party admires Israel as "one of the greatest events of the 20th century," adding Labor's recent pro-PLO resolutions were only attempts to introduce "realism into the romantic." North American Palestinian community mtg. in Newark, NJ publicizes declaration reaffirming support for PLO and Arafat leadership.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent exchanges in Jerusalem between extremist Zionist cells injerusalem, Birkat Avraham, Torat Kohanim and Shuva Banim yeshivot and Arab residents of Muslim Quarter when several students spray tear gas in eyes of young Palestinian man near his shop; neighbors retaliate with barrage of stones.

Arab World: 24 US jets strike in Chouf mountains and Metn region, hit 6 villages; US claims retaliation for Syrian anti-aircraft fire against yesterday's US flights over Lebanon; 2 US planes downed, 1 airman killed, 1 captured by Syria. US Navy spokesman says US reevaluating Syrian military capabilities. 

Military Action:

Heavy shelling by PSP militia, rockets and artillery fall in area from East Beirut north to Jounieh, and in airport area; Pentagon reportedly decides to keep battleship New Jersey stationed off Lebanon indefinitely.


5-7 killed, 30 wounded in East Beirut; LF militiamen kidnap Shi'ite civilians south of Beirut, Amal militiamen kidnap 60 Christian employees of MEA from buses on way to airport, later released; Beirut power station damaged, electricity rationing resumes.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 36th anniversary of UN vote to partition Palestine marked by demonstrations and protests throughout West Bank; IDF disperses Nablus demonstration with teargas; large demonstration in support of Arafat at Birzeit; settler injured by stone near Beit Omar, Hebron, 6 suspects arrested; estimated 500 Jewish settlers hold protest march through Nablus under heavy IDF protection, settlers establish command post near Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, say they will remain there until IDF takes stronger measures against Palestinians, chief-of-staff Levy flies in for meeting; President Herzog says IDF prisoners released by PLO had surrendered shamefully, press and military personnel question enthusiastic reception given to returnees.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says he will leave Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: Reagan and Shamir end talks, agree on joint political-military committee, to begin meeting in January, to enhance Israeli-US cooperation, objectives include military planning, maneuvers, prepositioning of US equipment in Israel; other areas of agreement are: US willing to negotiate accord on duty-free trade and to permit $550 m. military aid to be spent on development of Lavi fighter, including $250 m. to be spent in Israel; US and Israel reaffirm commitment to May 17 Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement; US reportedly will make cluster bomb technology available to Israel for production there, Shamir and Arens agree in principle not to use the weapons against civilians.

Military Action: 

PSP and LF exchange artillery fire in Chouf area to south of Beirut; with only sporadic shooting, Tripoli cease-fire holds; Syria says its forces confronted US reconnaissance jet over Metn mountains; IDFconvoy attacked with light arms near Nabatiyeh.


2 civilians killed, 6 wounded by artillery fire in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF intensifies patrols, roadblocks in West Bank, buses to travel with armed escorts or in convoy with military vehicles; windshields of Israeli buses driving near Nablus and Ramallah smashed by stones.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel travels to Rome for 3-day visit.

Arab Governments: Assad meets Ba'ath party leaders, is seen on television for first time since November 14.

Military Action:

Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas killed, arms and ammunition caches seized in Beqaa.


Massive prisoner exchange takes place as 6 IDF POWs released by PLO, 4500 Arab prisoners, including 63 Palestinians convicted of attacks in Israel, and 37 Palestinians arrested at sea in late September by Israeli navy off the coast of tripoli, released by Israel; Ansar camp closed, 3400 prisoners remain in Lebanon, 1100 flown by Air France to Algeria; IDF returns Palestinian Research Center archives seized in Beirut during 1982 invasion.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Council of Jewish Settlements on West Bank and Gaza criticizes release of Palestinians from Israeli prisons, calls for death penalty in certain cases to prevent repetition.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Saudi FM, in Damascus, says general agreement has been reached for cease-fire and withdrawal of all Palestinian forces in and around Tripoli, practical steps under discussion; Lebanese government announces it will break diplomatic relations with Iran, freeze relations with Libya.

US and Other Countries: White House announces that Reagan will meet Gemayel on December 1.

Military Action:

Fighting continues southeast of Beirut between LAF and PSP, and in southern Beirut suburbs between LAF and militiamen; car bomb explodes near Reuter news agency in Beirut; PLO rebels advance within half mile of Arafat's HQ in central Tripoli, cut off loyalist forces still holding ground at Baddawi; Islamic Unification Movement fighters deploy alongside PLO loyalists in Tripoli; 12-hour unilateral cease-fire declared in Tripoli by PLO rebels is broken by exchanges of rocket fire in evening; 3 ships carrying supplies to loyalist PLO forces reportedly captured by Israeli navy off Tripoli.


Unspecified civilian casualties in southern Beirut suburbs; contrary to initial claims, French air raid near Baalbek last Thursday did little or no damage to military targets, casualties reported at 2 dead, 7 wounded; Red Cross estimates 60% of Tripoli's 500,000 to 600,000 residents have fled; 8 killed, 97 wounded today in Tripoli, 392 killed, 1869 wounded in fighting since November 3; IDF allows limited flow of commercial traffic across Awali bridge after weekend ban, private vehicles cross only with IDF issued permits.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 4 petrol bombs thrown at IDF position in Tulkarem, curfew on nearby refugee camp; Council of Jewish Settlements in West Bank and Gaza holds emergency meeting at Kiryat Arba, demands severe action by IDF against Palestinians, settlers threaten to take law into their own hands; 17-year-old boy from Balata sentenced to 6 months in prisoni, IS 30,000 fine for participating in demonstration at Askar camp on November 8; committee representing Dheisheh camp residents releases statement rejecting government plan, announced yesterday, to resettle Palestinian refugees outside camps, details raids, road and school closures, fines, curfews and other measures used against camp residents in recent period.

Palestinian/ Lebanese: Arafat's conditions for leaving Tripoli include security for his supporters, both Palestinian and Lebanese, his right to return to Tripoli, and withdrawal of rebel forces; PFLP and DFLP call for democratic dialogue between fighting PLO forces.

Military Action:

Israeli jets bomb guerrilla bases in areas around Sofar, Falougha and Bhamdoun, reportedly hit as-Saiqa, Syrian Baath party, PFLP-GC and Druze positions, intense and effective anti-aircraft fire deployed; brief exchanges of artillery fire between LAF and PSP around Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues around Baddawi, PLO loyalists and rebels both claim control of major parts of camp; all areas of Tripoli come under rocket and artillery fire.


1 Israeli jet shot down by shoulder fired SAM-7, pilot is rescued by LAF patrol after parachuting into Beirut suburb, Syria says 2nd jet was downed; casualty reports from air raid range from 2-18 killed, 8 wounded, damage to targets reportedly minimal; no reliable estimates possible of casualties in Tripoli, ambulances unable to move; Red Cross estimates 13,000-15,000 refugees from fighting at camps are in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF says air raid in Lebanon is reaction to long chain of terrorist attacks against IDF in South Lebanon, 35 IDF soldiers killed, 64 wounded since redeployment to Awali on September 4; Arens, addressing Moral Majority delegation in Jerusalem, says there will be no withdrawal from the West Bank; minister without portfolio Ben Porat says his plan to rehouse 250,000 Palestinians now living in refugee camps will cost between $2 and $1.5 b. over next six years, Shamir to raise the subject in forthcoming meetings with Reagan; IDF say group of Muslim extremists has confessed to the killing of a Jewish religious student in Hebron on July 7; settlers block road near Halhoul after stone throwing incident, enter town, break windows of cars and houses.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel ends 2 days of meetings in Saudi Arabia with King Fahd.

US and Other Countries: Rumsfeld makes first official visit to Damascus, meets FM Khaddam; Iranian official says 14 Revolutionary Guards and about 30 Lebanese were killed in Israeli and French air raids near Baalbek last week; Soviet Union calls on PLO factions to cease senseless bloodshed, resolve differences through political means.

Military Action:

Shelling continues in Beirut's southern suburbs; PSP militia and LAF battle at Souq al-Gharb; Marine positions hit with small arms and artillery fire; shells fall near Jounieh port, north of Beirut; British MNF patrol fired on in Beirut; US jets buzz Beirut; Baddawi camp comes under rocket and artillery fire as heavy fighting continues, Arafat forces establish positions in Tripoli, shells land in city; head of IDF-backed militia in Nabatiyeh assassinated, fifth attack on militia leaders in two months.


1 civilian killed, unspecified number wounded in shelling in and around Beirut; 1 Marine, 1 LAF soldier wounded; Beirut airport closed to incoming flights; police estimate at least 200 killed, 300 wounded in past 4 days of fighting around Tripoli; oil storage tanks hit again by rocket fire, severe fuel shortage in Beirut, Tripoli; IDF permits limited pedestrian and vehicle traffic across Awali bridges, tension high as thousands of stranded persons wait to cross.

Political Responses:

Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet approves $2 b. budget cut, new austerity measures, including higher costs for education, health care, economists predict recession, rise in unemployment from current 4%o to 7%o; rallies, strikes, and official expressions of support for Arafat in East Jerusalem, West Bank towns and refugee camps, 1 boy wounded by IDF fire at Dheisheh; IDF announces test mobilization of forces, says it is routine and not meant as threat to Syria.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Resumption of Geneva talks among factional leaders postponed until at least November 20.

Arab Governments: Saudi envoy travels to Damascus to intervene with Assad over Tripoli fighting; Jordan declares support for Arafat; Syrian army, including reservists, mobilized.

Military Action:

Heavy mortar, artillery, machinegun fire exchanged between LAF and unidentified militiamen in southern Beirut suburbs; Marines reposition main entrance to base, strengthen security.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF closes Bethlehem University for two months after two days of confrontations with students; demonstrations, strikes, rock throwing and curfews mark anniversary of Balfour Declaration in West Bank, East Jerusalem.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Geneva conference particpants agree on statement defining Lebanon's national identity, discuss proposal to freeze May 17 troop withdrawal agreement; Nabih Berri calls for removal of US forces from southern Beirut suburbs.

US and Other Countries: House rejects by 274-153 measure to cut off funds for Beirut operation by March 1, passes by 328-97 largest ever defense appropriation bill, $247 b.

Military Action:

Fighting continues between LAF and militiamen in southern suburbs and at Souq al-Gharb and between Druze and Phalange militias in Kharroub; stray shells land near Marine base at airport.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: New Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Otgad right-wing member of Herut party with business interests and residence in West Bank, named by Shamir.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PSP official says Druze refugees have begun to occupy homes abandoned by Christian refugees in Chouf villages as part of new civil administration policy.

US and Other Countries: Reagan appoints McFarlane as national security adviser, replacing William Clark; Marine commander in Beirut says sniper fire in past few days originates from gunmen newly arrived in area; US states officially for first time that Marines and other MNF units are the targets of attacks.

Military Action:

LAF repels attack on Souq al-Gharb after hand-to-hand battle; Western military spokesman claims Syrians, Palestinians, and some Iranians are principal component of 2000-man force attacking Souq al-Gharb; PSP forces capture Bkeshtine, reportedly reach point on Mediterranean coast south of Damour; in past week, PSP forces have occupied 39 Christian villages in Chouf, while LF has occupied 3 Druze villages; shells fall near Marine, LAF positions at airport; British, US jets fly reconnaissance missions; IDF vehicle attacked with grenades, small arms fire near Lebanon-Israel border; IDF patrols coastal highway 6 miles north of Awali line.


LAF statistics for Souq al-Gharb fighting are 13 killed, 20 wounded, 20 missing; further reports of massacre of 60-75 Christians in al-Bireh denied by PSP spokesman; 3 'DF soldiers wounded in attack near border.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens says IDF will move across Awali line to hit Palestinian targets but will not return to Chouf or intervene in fighting there; Arens says Israel intends eventually to annex West Bank.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets Jordanian foreign minister in Tunis; McFarlane, in Paris, holds meetings with Wadi Haddad, National Security Adviser to Gemayel, and with Jumblatt; Jumblatt also meets French Foreign Ministry officials.

Arab Governments: Syria says it will defend its Druze ally in Lebanon if government sends army into Chouf.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says his peace plan is still alive, West Bank settlements are an obstacle to peace, and he remains committed to finding a compassionate, fair and practical resolution of the Palestinian problem.

Military Action:

IDF convoy hit by explosive device near Amiq, IDF artillery units maintain systematic fire at guerrilla positions in Syrian-controlled area; IDF combat units in Chouf reduced to minimum, removal of logistical and support facilities completed; Lebanese, Israeli and US officers reconnoiter Chouf positions to be occupied by Lebanese Army.


4 IDF soldiers wounded by explosion near Amiq.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: World Zionist Organization publishes $1.5 b. plan to triple West Bank settlers to 100,000 by 1986.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Pierre Gemayel says Phalange Party will not start discussion of entente before all foreign armies leave; Camille Chamoun criticizes government for contacts with National Salvation Front.

Military Action:

6 hours of shelling in Chouf spill over into Beirut suburbs, IDF fires at Druze positions, cease-fire in effect at 0800; Lebanese Forces blockade Aley, Druze forces in Hammana surround Lebanese Army barracks; roads cut between Christian and Druze villages in Chouf; 2 Katyushas fired at IDF position north of Tyre.


6 killed, at least 21 wounded in Beirut suburbs; IDF kills 1 guerrilla north of Tyre; Israeli press reports IDF is losing control over Ansar, tanks and artillery needed to guard soldiers entering camp for daily head count.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Liberian President Doe begins 4-day visit to Israel, first by African head of state since 1972; Arens meets three West Bank and Gaza political leaders in Tel Aviv.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP-GC commandos supporting Arafat take over training post at Bedawi refugee camp in northern Lebanon after battle with opposing PFLP-GC faction.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Former head of Shin Bet describes West Bank settlements as a psychological hothouse for the growth of Jewish terror.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis.

Military Action:

IDF hands over checkpoint at Monteverde, east of Beirut, to Lebanese Army; anti-aircraft missile fired at IDF transport plane preparing for takeoff near Damour.


IDF disperses women demonstrating near Sidon for release of detainees at Ansar.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Soldiers and police fire bullets, tear gas, to break up demonstration near Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque, 40 arrested; Arens says cycle of violence on West Bank is initiated generally by some elements of the Arab population, refuses requests from 40 leading West Bank and Gaza Palestinians for permission to travel to Tunis to convey support for Arafat; Shlomo Argov, Israeli ambassador to UK whose attempted assassination in 1982 was pretext for invasion, says the war was unjustified.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh rebels refuse Arafat's offer to withdraw PLO loyalist forces from Beqaa to Tripoli; Arafat says crisis in PLO serves Israel, has reduced attacks against IDF from one or two a day to 2 or 3 in past 15 days.

US and Other Countries: Shultz reports to Reagan on Middle East tour.

Military Action:

Grenade thrown at IDF convoy near Sidon; IDF reports 4 other attacks on its positions over weekend; Syrian forces maintain encirclement of loyalist PLO positions.


2 IDF soldiers wounded in grenade attack.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Grand Mufti of Jerusalem issues statement urging PLO rebels to support Arafat, promises martyr status to any Muslim who assassinates Assad; 700 West Bank representatives of student, professional, political and trade union organizations meet at Al-Aqsa mosque, criticize Syrian and Libyan intervention in Palestinian affairs, call on rebels to support present PLO leadership; Habib arrives in Israel for talks with Begin, Shamir, Arens, reportedly will seek to delay IDF redeployment until Begin-Reagan meeting on July 27.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat returns to Tunis; PFLP official calls Arafat expulsion from Syria an insult to the entire PLO; PFLP and DFLP, split since 1969, announce merger to enhance unity of PLO.

Arab Governments: Syria describes Arafat as a defeatist who has chosen the path of the wilderness.

Military Action:

Syrian Army convoy ambushed on coastal road south of Tripoli; IDF tanks fire at Druze and Christian positions in Chouf as artillery duels continue.


3 to 7 Syrian soldiers, including 2 officers, killed in Tripoli ambush; Palestinian residents of Burj al-Shamali demonstrate for increased IDF protection against Phalangist militiamen following several murders last week; 2 injured in West Beirut bombings.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Political figures, trade unions, university students and women's organizations in West Bank and Gaza express public support for Arafat.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh Revolutionary Council, with 40 of 73 members present, meets in Damascus, condemns mutiny, decides on formal inquiry into corruption, conduct of PLO officers during Israeli invasion of Lebanon, supports by-passing Fez plan in favor of military optioni; PLO officer and head of Palestine Research Center in Beirut detained by Lebanese authorities; report on Sabra and Shatila massacres by Lebanon's military prosecutor finds no responsibility on part of political and military leaders of Phalange Party, implies involvement of Haddad forces, assigns legal responsibility to IDF, recommends no prosecutions at present time.

US and Other Countries: Shultz and other officials discuss implications of IDF redeployment with national security adviser to Gemayel; Gemayel to visit Washington on July 22; EEC summit meeting votes to reopen links with Israel, unfreeze financial aid package blocked since invasion.

Military Action:

IDF building new roads in South and East Lebanon, bypassing villages; IDF constructing new fortifications in Bekaa.


IDF arrests Lebanese suspected of participation in guerrilla attacks.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Military statistics for year ending March 31 show increase in West Bank incidents of 69% over previous year, rise in use of molotov cocktails and grenades, 4417 street disturbances (increase of 79%), 35 schools closed, 66 towns, villages and camps subjected to curfews, 2 Israelis killed, 174 injured, 11 Palestinians killed, 90 injured; policeman to stand trial on torture charges after investigation of complaints by Arraba resident; Attorney General refuses to make public the Karp report on Jewish vigilantism in West Bank; Cabinet economic decisions will raise cost of imports by 7.5%, levy .3% tax on cash withdrawals from banks as partial means of financing Lebanon occupation; 8 Jewish religious students arrested in Jerusalem on suspicion of vandalizing Arab home near their yeshiva; 2 Gaza Strip Arabs sentenced to life imprisonment for grenade attack on Israeli bus in which 8 passengers were injured.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Christian and Druze leaders meeting this week to ratify truce agreement covering Chouf region, terms include entry of Lebanese Army assisted by MNF as peacekeeping force, removal of roadblocks and exchange of prisoners, temporary amnesry, reconstruction assistance for damaged villages; PFLP and DFLP seek to mediate rebellion within Fateh.

Arab Governments: Syrian President Assad forms government committee to mediate Fateh rebellion, Syrian troops reinforce guard around main PLO offices and institutions in Damascus.

US and Other Countries: US defense sources say both Israel and Syria have received US aerial reconnaissance photos since 1976; former Israeli Defense Minister Sharon, accompanied by numerous bodyguards, arrives at Montreal airport under massive security precautions.

Military Action:

Gun battle between UNIFIL troops and Haddad militia near village of Kneise; hundreds of Syrian troops withdraw from Bekaa, return to Damascus; 2 mortar shells fired at US Marine positions near Beirut airport.


1 UNIFIL soldier killed, IDF denies Haddad's forces responsible; IDF casualty figures since last June show 490 killed, 2951 wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: National Police HQdenies Army radio report that police want to use dogs to control West Bank demonstrations; 2000 attend rally outside Knesset to call for withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon, organized by Parents Against Silence group; Housing and Construction Ministry warns prospective purchasers of West Bank land to check ownership and registration.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat postpones Fateh Revolutionary Council meeting, tours PLO positions in northern Lebanon.

Military Action:

1200 US Marines arrive in Beirut to relieve units deployed with MNF since February; IDF reinforces positions in Bekaa, keeps troops on special alert for 4th consecutive day; Lebanese TV reports exchange of artillery rounds across Syrian-Israeli lines in Bekaa; Israeli jets repeatedly break sound barrier over Bekaa during dozens of reconnaissance flights, encounter anti-aircraft fire from Palestinian positions in north Lebanon; Lebanese guerrillas attack IDF vehicles near Bhamdoun; grenade thrown at Israeli civilian truck in Nabatiyeh; grenade thrown at IDF vehicle in Beirut; IDF APC hits mine near Yanta; IDF position fired on from behind Syrian lines near Amik.


1 civilian killed, another wounded in Syrian-Israeli artillery exchange; 2 IDF soldiers killed, 3 wounded in Bhamdoun attack; IDF warns soldiers in Lebanon not to buy drinks or pita bread locally, due to recent incidents of booby-trapped food.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet approves continuation of military alert status; Peace Now march to get Israel out of the Lebanese quagmire begins at Rosh Hanikra on Lebanese border and heads for Tel Aviv; police arrest son of Rabbi Hirsh, leader of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish Neturei Karta movement, on charges of failing to register for military conscription; 20 West Bank sites advertised by private companies for construction of villas have not been approved by Ministerial Settlement Committee.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Abu Saleh, dissident Fateh officer, denies Libyan support, but says he would welcome it; PLO denies right-wing Lebanese radio report of assassination attempt on Arafat; Arafat tours PLO positions in Baalbek area; Gemayel speaks to largely Muslim rally in West Beirut, calls for Lebanese unity; mufti of Lebanon opposes Lebanese-Israeli agreement.

Military Action:

IDF on state of alert as Syrians begin military maneuvers near Israeli lines in Golan Heights and eastern Lebanon; Palestinian guerrillas attack IDF patrol in Bekaa; IDF tank hits mine south of Karoun dam, RPG fired at IDF vehicle near Sil, no casualties reported; artillery exchanges in Chouf.


1 IDF soldier killed, 2 wounded, 1 Palestinian guerrilla killed in Bekaa battle.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin briefs opposition leaders on military situation in Bekaa; High Court orders attorney general's office to answer Arraba resident's complaint of beating and electric shock treatment; Justice Ministry official says some Israeli companies are buying and selling private land on West Bank that is not officially registered; trial in Haifa of 5 Arrabe residents accused of trying to poison water supply, blowing up water pipe, damaging road leading to Jewish settlement in western Galilee; Foreign Minister Shamir travels to Europe for meetings in Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel calls for Arab summit or Arab League meeting to discuss Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement; Arafat tells PLO forces in Bekaa that only war can break the present stalemate; PLO military council member says all PLO forces should be returned to Lebanon from the 8 Arab countries to which they were moved last year.

Military Action:

Syrian planes fire 2 air-to-air missiles at Israeli jets on reconnaissance flight over northern Lebanon, no hits reported; Israelis deny Lebanese report that pilotless drone plane was shot down over Bekaa by SA-6 missiles, say that reconnaissance flights will continue; Phalange and Druze militias exchange fire south of Beirut.


1 IDF soldier killed, 14 injured when explosion damages troop bus in eastern Lebanon; Lebanese military prosecutor demands death penalty for pro-Iranian Lebanese Shiites charged with killing 6 Lebanese Army soldiers in March.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: MK Shulamit Aloni says over a period of years settlers in West Bank have committed many dozens of murders, assaulted and harassed Arabs, and committed hundreds of acts of vandalism all with backing of military government and former Defense Minister Sharon; Knesset votes 41-32 against motion calling for full parliamentary investigation of Jewish vigilantism in West Bank, Defense Minister Arens says only way of ameliorating legal situation in occupied territories is by applying Israeli law; police release suspect in grenade attack during February 10 Peace Now demonstration; Israeli Druze communities call for total strike to protest inability of IDF to halt Phalange-Druze battles in Lebanon; Arab local councils in Galilee and Triangle hold 2-hour strike to protest inclusion of Arab-owned land in jurisdiction of new Misgav regional council; Israel warns Syria not to play with fire after attack on Israeli jets; prototypes of Israeli-made missiles shown at International Aerospace show at Le Bourget, Israel Aircraft Industry spokesman says prototype of Lavi jet fighter will make first flight in February 1986; Israeli bus and car damaged by stones in West Bank; anti-Arab slogans written on walls near Bethlehem; security forces disperse residents of Hussan, in Bethlehem area, trying to stop Israeli surveyors.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh Central Committee, meeting in Damascus, cuts off food, fuel and pay to dissident PLO forces, estimated to number 150-500; Lebanese Foreign Minister meets ambassadors of 10 countries contributing to UNIFIL, would like troops to be deployed in Chouf region.

Arab Governments: North Yemen opposes Israeli-Lebanon agreement, calls for immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops.

US and Other Countries: All European Community members except Greece support Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement.

Military Action:

Druze militia and Lebanese Army exchange fire in Beirut; IDF vehicle attacked by bazooka fire west of Ansar camp.


Maronite archbishop of Tyre kidnapped by Druze forces, later released after intercession of President Gemayel; between 83 and 104 kidnap victims exchanged, estimated 25 remain unaccounted for in Chouf; Lebanese Army arrests 17 Druze militiamen after Beirut battle; 1 IDF soldier killed, 1 wounded in bazooka attack; IDF releases 3 Syrian detainees from Ansar for health reasons.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: PM Begin opposes deadline for Syrian withdrawal or for unilateral IDF redeployment; IDF and Interior Ministry agree to establish 2 new border police companies, of 100 each, in West Bank; Health Ministry issues doctors with back to work orders, threatens to put them under military orders, doctors agree to resume negotiations; suspect in grenade attack that killed Peace Now activist February 10 remanded for 15 days in Jerusalem.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: DFLP leader Hawatmeh says Syria should impose economic blockade on Lebanon to force Lebanese bourgeoisie to decide whether its true interests lie with Israel or the Arabs; Arafat says Qaddafi seeks to split Palestinian revolution, will not succeed; 5 dissident Fateh officers refuse orders placing them under Arafat's command.

US and Other Countries: Coalition of trade unionists, political figures, and Palestinians in Quebec sends telegram to Prime Minister Trudeau asking him to forbid former Israeli Defense Minister Sharon from entering Canada on June 1 for fund raising campaign.

Military Action:

Israeli jets break sound barrier in flights over Beirut.


UNRWA official says about 30 Palestinian civilians have been killed in South Lebanon by unidentified gunmen since January, hundreds more have fled their homes for refugee camps, UNRWA unable to obtain guarantees for safety and assistance of Palestinian camp population from IDF or Lebanese government.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Settlers in Western Negev demonstrate in Gaza against murder of 2 men in Gaza market in past 2 months; High Court increases from 4 months to 1 year prison sentence of Kiryat Arba resident convicted of wounding 5 year-old girl by shooting into house in Hebron; Israeli Civil Rights Movement gives Justice Ministry list of 70 instances during 1982-83 in which Jewish settlers or IDF and border police allegedly acted illegally against Arab residents; West Bank Civil Administration fires Arab director of public health services over his March 31 statement that symptoms of illness in Arraba pointed to something more than mass hysteria; Birzeit University student council head arrested in Jenin, hand is broken by security guard.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel and other officials meet special envoy Habib; commander of PLO artillery in Bekaa says he and his men place themselves under command of Abu Musa, support corrective movement within Fateh.

Arab Governments: Syria says it will never allow the liberated areas of Tripoli and Bekaa to fall into hands of Israel and Phalange; Libya calls for expulsion of Lebanon from Arab League.

US and Other Countries: Habib travels from Beirut via Cairo to Riyadh; Shultz tells House Foreign Affairs Committee Reagan has decided to permit sale of F-1 6s to Israel, cites Soviet military supplies and advisers in Syria as major factors.

Military Action:

Lebanese Army patrol opens fire on illegal protest against withdrawal agreement by Shiite Muslims in Beirut suburb of Bir Abed, grenade reportedly thrown at patrol; demonstration also in Baalbek; fighting in Tripoli between Palestinian forces and Muslim militia.


1 killed, 10 injured in Beirut protest; Syria cuts off road, telephone and telex links between Syrian controlled areas of Lebanon and rest of country; many schools in Beirut closed; 4 persons killed in Tripoli fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Uri Lubrani, former senior Israeli representative in Uganda, Ethiopia and Iran, reportedly selected to coordinate relations with Lebanon under terms of withdrawal agreement.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanon, Israel and US sign troop withdrawal agreement at consecutive ceremonies in Khalde and Kiryat Shemona.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia and Sudan support Lebanon on agreement; Libya asks Lebanese ambassador in Tripoli to leave, withdraws its ambassador in Beirut; Jordan announces that Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza can enter the country only across Jordan River bridges; Egypt Air lands first flight in Beirut since 1979.

US and Other Countries: State Dept. says Congress, but not public, will be informed of all details of secret US agreements with Israel and Lebanon; agreement with Israel reportedly recognizes its right of self-defense to retaliate against attacks in Lebanon, acknowledges that it can delay withdrawing troops until Syria and the PLO withdraw, pledges to help bring about Syrian and PLO withdrawal and to see that Lebanon lives up to its agreement with Israel; Reagan indicates he is ready to release 75 F-16 jet fighters to Israel.

Military Action:

Numerous attacks on IDF in Sidon announced by Lebanese National Resistance Front.


16 IDF soldiers wounded when military bus triggers mine near Kfar Mishki in southern Bekaa; at least 10 IDF soldiers reportedly killed or wounded in Sidon attacks.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Levy issues new, more explicit and restrictive IDF guidelines for dealing with West Bank and Gaza Palestinians; 15 Israeli women from Parents Against Silence group join vigil outside Prime Minister's house calling for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; Nazareth police chief bans meeting between Ibna al-Balad, other nationalist organizations and Israeli Communist Party; Sharon releases Lebanon security plan, says Haddad's role must be streng- thened, Lebanese Army must displace Druze and PLO forces in Chouf, UN troops in South should be redeployed as buffer between IDF and Syrians, Shultz plan should be scrapped and replaced by realistic diplomacy, Syria will not leave Bekaa Valley because it would lose $500m a year in taxes levied on hashish trade; January-April trade deficit in Israel up 35% over same period last year.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US meeting at Netanya to review text of withdrawal agreement; PLO officials in Damascus say negotiations with Lebanon for withdrawal of PLO forces must settle question of security for Palestinian civilians; PLO Chairman Arafat makes first visit to Lebanon since August last year, travels from Damascus to Bekaa Valley to deal with dissident PLO officers.

Arab Governments: Syrian Foreign Minister says Syria rejects the withdrawal agreement in form and substance, calls it a grave danger to Syria's security; Syrian envoys meet with former Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh, and former Prime Minister Rashid Karami reportedly to establish national front in opposition to withdrawal agreement.

US and Other Countries: US Defense Secretary Weinberger says there is no reason why US-Israel memorandum of agreement cannot be revived, expects Reagan Administration will provide all technological information Israel requests for its development of the Lavi fighter; Secretary of State Shultz says Syrian position on troop withdrawal agreement is not a rejection; largest British film and TV union general council modifies its position on members working in Israel, will allow members to work there but will provide union backing to those who decide to boycott.