Arab World: Yasir Arafat holds talks in Cairo with Pres. Husni Mubarak [NYT 2/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bombs explode in Afula...
Arab World: Yasir Arafat holds talks in Cairo with Pres. Husni Mubarak [NYT 2/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bombs explode in Afula...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Group of Sephardi Jews announce founding of Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue, to counter generalization that Sephardim "hate...
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports high-ranking delegation of PLO "security experts" arrives in Vienna to help Austrian authorities investigate airport...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid homes in West Bank, place 5 Palestinians under administrative detention; military spokesman says nearly 100...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab local councils inside the green line end strike following agreement with Israeli officials over $6 million in owed funds; P.M....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Twenty-one Palestinian ex-prisoners file petition with High Court for order nisi forbidding their possible deportation (in wake of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Press carries report stating P.M. Peres and King Hussein have met secretly to discuss M.E. peace prospects [JWP 11/22]. ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports official delegation from Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture visited West Bank recently for 4 days to...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports P.M. Peres has made secret power-sharing arrangements with King Hussein over how they might jointly control...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres arrives in Washington for talks with Reagan administration [NYT, LAT 10/17]. MK Meir Kahane is granted "certificate of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces demolish homes of 5 members of Palestinian cell captured or killed in hills south of Hebron 10/6. Surif village placed...
Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and...
Arab World: Yasir Arafat leads thousands of moumers in funeral for 17 Palestinians buried in Tunis. Arafat accuses Pres. Reagan of complicity in the plot to...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fierce clashes with army occur in Dheisheh camp in protest of collective arrests; cars stoned, one soldier injured. Soldiers beat...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports the Interior Ministry plans to close al-Darb newspaper [JP 9/15]. Six Jenin shops are ordered...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Farmers from Surif and Jib'a villages near Hebron claim settlers have recently prevented them from entering 2,000 dunums of their land...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post quotes Dr. Meron Benvenisti of the West Bank Data Base Project as stating only minute fraction of 130,000 dunums...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army evicts 7 MKs from apartment in Hebron, declares area "a closed military zone." The 7 leave but promise to appeal legality...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Likud-orchestrated move, Cabinet defeats motion to send Cabinet Mbr. Ezer Weizman to Cairo to meet Egyptian PM Kamal Hassan 'Ali [WP...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres willing to meet with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [as suggested today by Pres. Mubarak] as long as it does not...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Najah U. authorities circulate statemento foreign consulates calling for pressure on Israel to prevent future closures. Gaza youth dies...
Arab World: US Defense Sec. Weinberger arrives in Cairo for 2-day visit; Mubarak urges US sell defense weapons to Jordan as incentive to join "peace process."...
Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel releases 2 more passengers of ferry boat hijacked 6/29, including school-boy Mazen Masri kidnapped by IDF while returning home from...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Minister Nissim asks cabinet to reconsider approval (5/11/84) of 2 new settlements (Neriya & Yaarit) as legal expropriation...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5th American Jewish Kach settler arrested in connection with shooting of Arab bus passengers (3/4/84) and other "TNT" activities. 6...
Arab World: Jordan holds 1st election in 17 years to fill 8 remaining parliament seats.
Other Countries: US amb. to Cairo reportedly tells US Senators he...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Galilee youths released after arrest (2/29/84) for hoisting Palestinian flag on anniversary of Sabra & Shatila massacres; in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 1,000 kibbutzniks and 35 IDF reservists deonstrate at PM's office urging IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.
Arab World: Over 1,000 Egyptian...
Arab World: Yasir Arafat holds talks in Cairo with Pres. Husni Mubarak [NYT 2/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bombs explode in Afula, Haifa, cause no injury; 3rd bomb found on Egged bus safely defused. Several Palestinians detained [NYT 2/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Group of Sephardi Jews announce founding of Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue, to counter generalization that Sephardim "hate the Arabs" [JP 1/27].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat, 9 other PLO officials meet for talks with King Hussein in Amman (first time in 3 months) [NYT 1/27]. Senior PLO official states PLO would only accept UN resolutions 242, 338 in return for "ironclad" guarantees from U.S. of PLO participation in M.E. peace conference and U.S. recognition of Palestinians' right to self-determination [NYT, WP, JP 1/27]. Pres. Husni Mubarak meets in Cairo with Israeli Cabinet member Ezer Weizman [CSM, JTA 1/29].
Military Action
Occupied PalestinelIsrael: Bomb explodes in Jerusalem restaurant, causing structural damage; 20 Palestinians are detained [JTA 1/27].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports high-ranking delegation of PLO "security experts" arrives in Vienna to help Austrian authorities investigate airport attack; PLO offered similar cooperation to Italian govt. [JP 1/5]. Arab League issues communique that "vigorously condemned" what it called U.S. military threats against Libya [NYT 1/6]. Egypt's official Middle East News Agency denies Fateh's Force 17 unit has moved its headquarters to Cairo [JP 1/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid homes in West Bank, place 5 Palestinians under administrative detention; military spokesman says nearly 100 Palestinians are now under administrative dtention [NYT 1/2]. Demonstrations are held throughout Gaza Strip to mark 21st anniversary of founding of Fateh. Israeli troops use clubs, tear gas, water cannon, live ammunition to break up protests; curfew is imposed on entire Gaza Strip [FJ 1/3; DW 1/4]. One Palestinian is shot and wounded by Israeli troops in Nablus [FJ 1/3]. Israel completes switch to new shekel, equal to 1,000 of the old shekels [WP 1/2].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports Fateh's Force 17 commando unit moved headquarters to Cairo last month. (Unit originally relocated to Amman in 11/85, was ordered out by King Hussein) [JP 1/1]. Col. Qadhdhafi warns any Israeli or American reprisal for the Rome and Vienna airport attacks would lead to full-scale war [NYT, WP 1/2].
Military Action
Arab World: Body of second Lebanese Jew killed by Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth is found, following group's statement he was killed in revenge for 12/31 SLA raid on S. Lebanese village of Kunin [WP, NYT 1/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab local councils inside the green line end strike following agreement with Israeli officials over $6 million in owed funds; P.M. Peres acknowledges Arab councils receive smaller budgets than Jewish ones, states inequity should be righted [JP 12/26; FJ 1/3].
Arab World: PLO rep. in Cairo Tayyib 'Abd al-Rahim states PLO seeks Arab summit conference to adopt unified peace policy [BG 12/26].
Military Action
Arab World: Body of Lebanese Jew Chaim Cohen Halala is found with 3 gunshot wounds in head; Organization for the Op, pressed of the Earth claims responsibility, says he was killed in retaliation for 12/22 SLA shelling of Shi'ite villages in S. Lebanon which killed 5, wounded 8. Organization holds 3 other Lebanese Jews hostage, warns against further shelling [WP, BG 12/26; WP 12/23]. 2 SLA militiamen are killed by Lebanese guerrillas in S. Lebanon security zone [PI 1/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Twenty-one Palestinian ex-prisoners file petition with High Court for order nisi forbidding their possible deportation (in wake of Khalid Tantash deportation); appeal is rejected [FJ 1/10]. Zafir al-Masri is installed by Israeli authorities as mayor of Nablus, says municipal council will comprise former associates from Nablus Chamber of Commerce [CT 12/20]. Roadbocks are removed from al-Najah University [CT 12/20].
Arab World: One thousand demonstrators in Cairo demand release of Sulayman Khatir, Egyptian policeman facing trial for shooting 7 Israeli tourists in Sinai last October [JP 12/20].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports 2 Labor MKs needed police protection from JDL intimidation during recent 12-day speaking tour of U.S. for Peace Now; MKs are Ora Namir and 'Abd al-Wahab Darawsha [JP 12/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Press carries report stating P.M. Peres and King Hussein have met secretly to discuss M.E. peace prospects [JWP 11/22]. Jerusalem Post reports that Bir Zeit Municipal Council has elected new mayor, 'Isam Rabi'a, and asked the authorities to recognize him, after 3 years of refusing to cooperate with the civil administration. (Rabi'a is an engineer and member of the council) [JP 11/22].
Other Countries: Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy reports to Israeli officials in Jerusalem on results of Geneva summit meeting, indicates M.E. given low priority, issue of Soviet Jews discussed. Murphy flies to Cairo for more talks [BG 11/23; JP 11/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports official delegation from Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture visited West Bank recently for 4 days to talk to local farmers, the 4th such visit by a Jordanian agricultural working group; Israeli authorities were officially notified of the visit UTA 11/12]. Israeli govt. sends strong protest to Egyptians over Cairo Declaration, states Egyptian support for Arafat could delay peace process [WP 11/13].
Arab World: Israeli military says 3 Lebanese villages have asked to be incorporated into S. Lebanon security zone [JTA 11/13].
Other Countries: New U.S. special M.E. representative Wat Cluverius visits Cairo for update on Yasir Arafat's visit there [LT 11/13].
Military Action
Arab World: Suicide bomber crashes into monastery north of Beirut where 5 of Lebanon's Christian political leaders are meeting; bomber and 4 others are reported killed, 23 injured, leaders escape unharmed. Previously unheard of group calling itself the Vanguard of Arab Christians claims responsibility in a phone call, states action was to prevent leaders from allying Lebanese Christians with Israel [NYT, WP 11/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]. Knesset House Committee unanimously agrees to continue preparing amendment to house rules which would prevent introduction of racist or discriminatory legislation [JP 11/5]. Education Ministry orders youth weekly Hamtzan be barred from distribution in high schools after attorney general rules an article in it may constitute call to insurrection; article argues for need for "civil war for the sake of peace" [JP 11/10]. Two thousand demonstrators outside Knesset rally in favor of bill against racism [JP 11/5].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak [NYT 11/5]. Saudi Arabia denies Israeli claims made before UN that Saudi Arabia exports oil to S. Africa, states Saudi Arabia is firmly committed to total embargo against S. Africa [JC 11/4].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports pro-Israel PACs in U.S. gave more money to Republicans than Democrats in first 6 months of this year, a sharp break from previous contribution pattems [WP 11/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Haifa; no injuries [JTA 11/5]. Another bomb goes off in Ashkelon; no casualties [JTA 11/5].
Arab World: Suicide bomber 'Amir al-Aathar, 24, drives into SLA post in security zone, killing at least 3 in 2nd such attack in 24 hours; Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility [BG 11/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports P.M. Peres has made secret power-sharing arrangements with King Hussein over how they might jointly control the West Bank in the event of a peace settlement. Peres denies the existence of such an agreement [CT, LAT 11/1]. London Times reports Israeli disciplinary court has cleared 2 Shin Bet agents in the beating death of 2 Palestinians who hijacked a bus in the Gaza Strip last April; govt. inquiry said it could not establish who struck the fatal blows which killed the 2 during interrogation following their arrest [LT 10/29].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat holds press conference in midst of meetings with Jordanian officials, states Jordan and the PLO agree to set up permanent joint committee to coordinatefforts in M.E. peace efforts [LT 10/30]. Arafat rejects U.S. conditions for his participation in M.E. peace negotiations, defends armed resistance against Israel as legitimate activity against occupying power [NYT, BG 10/30]. Two top Fateh officials arrive in Cairo for talks aimed at healing rifts over Achille Lauro hijacking, prepare for upcoming visit by Yasir Arafat [FT 10/31].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces Wat Cluverius, U.S. consul general in Jerusalem since 1983, has been named senior advisor to Asst. Sec. of State for M.E. Affairs Richard Murphy. Cluverius is replaced by Morris Draper, former deputy to former M.E. envoy Philip Habib [WP, LAT 10/30]. U.S. Sen. Appropriations Subcommittee approves fiscal foreign aid program which includes $531 million to ease high interest charges facing Israel on past U.S. loans [WSJ 10/30].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports unidentified gunmen apparently infiltrated from Egyptian territory and attacked IDF patrol last week near moshav in the Negev; no injuries reported UP 10/29].
Arab World: Jordanian jets accidentally overfly Israel and Syria, drawing Syrian missile fire, return unharmed. Israeli military describes it as "a local incident, simply a mistake" [WP 10/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres arrives in Washington for talks with Reagan administration [NYT, LAT 10/17]. MK Meir Kahane is granted "certificate of identity" by U.S. consulate in Jerusalem [WP 10/17]. Knesset members walk out during half-hour speech by MK Meir Kahane in which he condemns Education Ministry's plans to sponsor meetings between Israeli and Palestinian students [JP 10/17].
Arab World: Tunisian Pres. Habib Bourguiba is reportedly at odds with most of his main advisors over whether to allow the PLO to retain its political headquarters in Tunis; Bourguiba is said to favor having the PLO leave, while his cabinet is arguing for closer relations with the rest of the Arab world [NYT 10/17]. King Hussein cuts short vacation in Northern Scotland and holds talks with British Foreign Office Minister for the M.E. Timothy Reton following failure of British to meet 2 PLO officials. Hussein then returns to 'Amman for talks with the PLO [DT 10/17]. Egyptian pilot of intercepted plane states U.S. jet fighters threated to fire on him if he did not agree to land in Sicily [MG 10/17]. Anti-American demonstrations erupt in Cairo for 2nd time in 4 days; leaders of opposition parties meet with Mubarak to ask that he sever relations with the U.S. and Israel [LAT 10/17].
Other Countries: U.S. announces body of man found on Syrian coast has been "positively identified" as that of Leon Klinghoffer [NYT 10/17]. UN General Assembly rejects attempt by 18 Arab states to oust Israel from the assembly. Egypt, Jordan, and Oman do not join in the effort [NYT 10/17]. Italian govt. falls over Achille Lauro affair. Republican party of Defense Minister Giovanni Spadolini withdraws from coalition in protest of decision to let Muhammad 'Abbas go free [NYT 10/17]. Socialist International, meeting in Vienna, lambasts Irael for Tunis air raid; speakers from Labor and Social Democratic parties from 10 countries (including Austria, W. Germany, Italy, and Tunisia) condemn the raid. Statement is issued at conclusion calling for political negotiations without preconditions, stating "all parties involved in the conflict must take part" [JP 10/17]. Spain's consul-general says Spain is expected to establish diplomatic ties with Israel by 31 December 1985, the day Spain is scheduled to enter the EEC [JP 10/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces demolish homes of 5 members of Palestinian cell captured or killed in hills south of Hebron 10/6. Surif village placed under curfew during demolitions [JP 10/9].
Arab World: Two senior PLO officials leave for Cairo to help Egyptian officials negotiate with the Achille Lauro hijackers [LAT 10/9]. Arafat tells Italian P.M. Bettino Craxi he "entirely condemns" the hijacking and does not know who is responsible [MG 10/9]. The Damascus-based faction of the Palestine Liberation Front, headed by Tala'at Ya'qub, denounces the hijacking of the Achille Lauro as piracy. An anonymous caller to Agence France Presse says the Abu al-'Abbas faction of the Palestine Liberation Front, allied with Fateh, is responsible for the hijacking [NYT 10/10].
Other Countries: U.S. seeks to obtain worldwide guarantee that no country will allow the Achille Lauro to dock in its port while the hijackers are still in control. Italy rejects use of force to try to rescue passengers on Achille Lauro [LAT 10/9]. Dutch Def. Min. Job de Ruiter announces Dutch troops will be withdrawn from UN peacekeeping force deployed north of Lebanese-Israeli border because of "concern for their safety" [MG 10/9].
Military Action
Arab World: Achille Lauro steams toward Syria, then Cyprus; is refused entry at both. Ship retums to Egyptian coast, hijackers begin negotiations with Egyptians [NYT 10/13].
Other Countries: U.S. guided missile destroyer Scott cuts short shore leave in Haifa to monitor hijacked Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro in Eastem Mediterranean [NYT 10/9].
Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and anti-American slogans as the 2 are buried at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Cairo, where the families of the 2 men live [MG 10/8]. Pres. Mubarak sees Arafat's political advisor Hani al-Hasan in an unscheduled meeting; al-Hasan conveys thanks for Egypt's position on Israel's Tunis air raid [JP 10/8].
Other Countries: Diplomatic sources say the U.S. decided not to veto UN Sec. Counc. resolution condemning Israeli air raid because of fears Tunisian govt. would break diplomatic ties with the U.S. [LT 10/8; NYT 10/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA news agency claims PLO responsibility for blast destroying Jerusalem apartment building, claims 20 killed, including Israeli lintelligence agents. Israeli police say 1 died and 11 were injured in the explosion, which was caused by a gas leak [TS 10/8].
Arab World: Four heavily armed Palestinians hijack an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, carrying 400 passengers off the shore of Egypt. Officials at Port Sa'id say the hijackers, who identify themselves as members of the Palestine Liberation Front, demand the release of 50 prisoners held in Israel, including Samir Qantari, in exchange for the ship's passengers; they threaten to blow up the ship if their demands are not met. Yasir Arafat denies any PLO responsibility in the hijacking, vows to try to use his influence to end it [NYT 10/8, 9; WP 10/9]. Fighting breaks out again around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Radio stations say the fighting is between Lebanese Muslim and Palestinian militias; Amal states it is an intemal Palestinian problem. Tankfire is used against the camps and at least 1 person is killed [FT, BG 10/8].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat leads thousands of moumers in funeral for 17 Palestinians buried in Tunis. Arafat accuses Pres. Reagan of complicity in the plot to assassinate him but vows to continue with peace process [NYT 10/6]. Tunisian Pres. Bourguiba praises U.S. abstention in UN Security Council condemnation of Israeli raid [BG 10/6]. Egyptian Minister of Culture Ahmad Haykal announces Israel will be barred from the 1986 Intemational Book Fair in Cairo to be held in January [BG 10/6].
Other Countries: Two thousand protesters in Paris demonstrate against Israel's 10/1 raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis. Similar demonstration is held in Bern, Switzerland [BG 10/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers trap 5 Palestinian commandos in Hebron hills, kill 4 of them in shoot-out. Army announcement on 10/7 states that the group was responsible for killing 5 Israelis, wounding 18 others in last 17 months. A number of Palestinians in the area arrested on suspicion of aiding the cell UP 10/8; CSM 10/9]. Two Israelis missing since 10/2, Edna Harari, 22, and Mordechai Suissa, 28, are found shot to death near Jerusalem. A caller to a Westem news agency on 10/4 claims responsibility for the murders on behalf of Fateh's Force 17 [NYT, WP 10/6].
Arab World: Egyptian policeman fires his automatic gun at group of Israeli tourists, killing 8 (including his Egyptian commander) and wounding 4. Shooting occurs at checkpoint at Ras Bourka, 25 miles south of Egyptian-Israeli border crossing at Taba in the Sinai. Egyptian authorities say the policeman "went berserk" [NYT 10/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fierce clashes with army occur in Dheisheh camp in protest of collective arrests; cars stoned, one soldier injured. Soldiers beat residents and erect checkposts [FJ 9/20]. Jalazun camp residents are attacked [FJ 9/20]. Committee in Solidarity with Birzeit U. demonstrates outside P.M. Peres' office denouncing recent measures [FJ 9/20]. Israeli For. Min. issues statement against upcoming British arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Jordan [JP 9/18].
Other Countries: Lebanese-bom Palestinian Ahmad al-Husayn Abu Suraya, 27, is charged in Rome with throwing ahand grenade into a crowded restaurant 9/16, in which 40 were injured. No organization claims responsibility for the attack. Abu Suraya was carrying a false Moroccan passport [WP, LAT 9/18]. British P.M. Thatcher states during a visit to Cairo that little-known members of the PLO "who have totally rejected terrorism" must be included in the next round of negotiations in the M.E. peace process [LT, MG 9/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and kill Munthir 'Awad Ibrahim 'Abd al-'Aziz, 18, of Gaza, after he reportedly refuses to stop as ordered. Israeli military sources claim soldiers fired at his feet; 3 bullets are found in his head [JP 9/18, 24; FJ 9/20, 27].
Arab World: Suicide car bomber hits SLA checkpost at Almun, in the security zone, killing or wounding 30 SLA militiamen, according to Lebanese govemment television; exact death and casualty figures unknown. A 30-second videotape made before the attack identifies the driver as a member of the Arab Socialist Union-Nasserite Organization, a Libyan-backed group [NYT 9/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports the Interior Ministry plans to close al-Darb newspaper [JP 9/15]. Six Jenin shops are ordered closed for 2 months after Israeli car is stoned nearby [FJ 9/20]. Over 50 women stage sit-in protest at Nablus Red Cross offices protesting administrative detention and other restrictive measures [FJ 9/20].
Arab World: King Hussein arrives unexpectedly in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak on strategies for the M.E. peace process [LAT 9/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Farmers from Surif and Jib'a villages near Hebron claim settlers have recently prevented them from entering 2,000 dunums of their land planted with olive and other trees [JP 9/4].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with 'Usama al-Baz, Pres. Mubarak's chief political advisor UP 9/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldier Avraham Sorek, 37, stabbed to death, another soldier seriously wounded by two unidentified men in Hebron's old marketplace. Hebron declared "closed military area"; many arrests reported. Sorek is 15th Israeli killed this year, allegedly by Palestinian guerrillas [NYT, WP, LAT, FT 9/4; LT 9/5].
Arab World: Fighting breaks out between Palestinian and Shi'ite militiamen around Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp in southem Beirut [MG 9/12]. Car bomb explodes at a South Lebanon Army checkpost; Israeli sources say only the driver, Ahmad Husayn Khadr, 24, is killed. Pro-Syrian Lebanese Ba'th party claims responsibility, states 30 SLA militiamen died in attack [WP, NYT, PI 9/4]. Beirut radio states SLA gunners shell 10 villages in retaliation [WP 9/4].
Other Countries: Attacker believed to be linked to Black September organization throws two hand grenades into Greek hotel, injuring 18 British tourists. Woman telephones Greek newspaper threatening Black September will "fill Athens with bombs" unless Greek police release Palestinian arrested 8/31 near Jordanian embassy with suitcase full of weapons [PI 9/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post quotes Dr. Meron Benvenisti of the West Bank Data Base Project as stating only minute fraction of 130,000 dunums purchased by Israelis in West Bank is properly registered. Most land is not registered but held on the basis of irrevocable powers-ofattomey granted by the sellers [JP 8/23]. Ram Ron, managing director of Israeli National Coal Supply Corporation, travels to London for talks about new five-year agreement with Britain to supply up to 500,000 tons of coal from the UK's National Coal Board to the Israeli electricity industry [Fl 8/23].
Arab World: Egypt's leading opposition party paper al-Sha'b reports Israeli Academic Center in Cairo is a front for Israeli and American espionage. Prof. Shimon Shamir, founder and the first director of the center, vehemently denies the charge [JP 8/23].
Military Action
Arab World: Shelling continues in Beirut but eases as Syrian-sponsored cease-fire is implemented. 21 are killed and 89 wounded. Beirut airport reopened after 2-day closure. [CT 8/23, LAT 8/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army evicts 7 MKs from apartment in Hebron, declares area "a closed military zone." The 7 leave but promise to appeal legality of eviction to the High Court [NYT 8/21]. Inspector General David Kraus, Plia Albek, a senior Justice Ministry official responsible for land registration, ad Bank of Israel Governor Moshe Mandlebaum appear before Knesset State Comptroller Committee for largescale investigation into land fraud cases begun by police after upsurge in complaints following arrest of several West Bank judges early in summer on bribery charges [JP 8/21]. Ahmad Odeh, wealthy West Banker, was arrested last week on charges of involvement in illegal land sales. Al-Fajr reported he contributed $30,000 to the Likud election campaign last year [JP 8/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Booby-trapped car is detonated minutes before it explodes at central bus station in Netanya. Police round up 100 Palestinians in the vicinity. A telephone caller claims responsibility for Fateh's Force 17 [FJ 8/23].
Arab World: Israeli diplomat Albert Atrakchi, 30, an administrative attache, is killed and 2 embassy employees wounded when 3 men spray their car with kalashnikov assault rifles in Cairo. "Egypt's Revolution" takes responsibility, threatens attacks until all "Israeli colonialists" leave Egypt [NYT, WP, JP 8/21]. Amal militia and the sixth brigade of the Lebanese army attack Burj al-Barajinah and Shatila with heavy bombardments; 24 refugees are injured [FJ 8/25]. Unidentified jets raid Hazerta village in the Biqa' Valley. Israel denies responsibility [JP 8/21]. Car bomb explodes in Tripoli, killing 44 and wounding 90. Caller claims responsibility on behalf of the Revolutionary Christians of the Cedars [NYT 8/21]. In Beirut, 40 are reported killed and 143 wounded in round-the-clock fighting between Christian and Muslim militias [NYT 8/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to tentative ME peace talks three weeks ago. 9 are: Walid Khalidi, Harvard U. political science professor; Edward Said, Columbia U. English professor; Hisham Sharabi, of Georgetown U.; Rashid Khalidi, visiting fellow at Washington's Wilson Center; Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj; Hikmat al-Masri, former speaker of Jordanian Parliament; Rashad Shawwa, deposed Gaza mayor; Anwar Nusseibeh, former Jordanian minister and head of East Jerusalem Electric Co.; and Ahmad Sidqi al-Dajani, former senior official in PLO executive committee, now living in Cairo. PLO spokesman says [AP 6/5] PNC speaker 'Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih is also under consideration.
Arab World: IDF and SLA (Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army) raid 2 Shi'ite villages, arrest about 40 men and destroy 5 homes in Majd al-Salim as punishment for hiding weapons or shielding fighters [LAT 6/4].
Other Countries: Foreign Min. Shamir, in England, tells P. M. Thatcher and Foreign Min. Geoffrey Howe that Israel opposes Jordanian scheme for peace talks. Thatcher supports Jordanian plan [LT 6/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF bulldozes ten houses in villages near Hebron; expels residents [AF 6/7]. Security forces announce arrest of 9 in connection with killing of Rafah Mayor 'Abd al-Hamid Kishta, 65, in September; of Isma'il al-Khatib, 38, head of the al-Azhar Islamic College in Gaza in November; and with grenade attack on bus near market in Tel Aviv [JP 6/4]. Arrests of 9 Palestinians and Israelis were made "several months ago" in Gaza. Others were arrested for supplying 9 with weapons stolen from IDF. IDF uproots 1,300 olive trees, illegally planted in army firing area near Bethlehem [JP 6/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Likud-orchestrated move, Cabinet defeats motion to send Cabinet Mbr. Ezer Weizman to Cairo to meet Egyptian PM Kamal Hassan 'Ali [WP 4/15].
Arab World: US State Dept. official Richard Murphy meets with King Hussein in Amman [LAT 4/15].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF arrest more than 60 in al-Bass camp near Tyre [NYT, PI 4/15]. Lebanese Forces bombard Mieh Mieh, 'Ain al-Hilweh [PI, LT 4/15]. Reports surface that IDF, SLA maintain secret underground torture center, jail at site of former Lebanese Army barracks at Khiam; ICRC attempting to visit prisoners [LT, JP 4/14, CSM 4/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres willing to meet with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [as suggested today by Pres. Mubarak] as long as it does not include PLO members [NYT 2/26].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak urges the Reagan administration to invite Israel, joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to US for groundwork peace talks; states he would attend; offers to host such meeting in Cairo; intl. conference thereafter could be last stage [NYT 2/25]. Syria condemns 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [WP 2/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 30 stores closed in Hebron in response to 2/22 attack on bus [JP 2/25].
Arab World: IDF continue large-scale actions in S. Lebanon: besiege Sir al-Gharbiya, Kabrika, Jubeiyeh, 'Arab Salim, Burj Rahhal, Toura, Ma'rakah, Deir Qanun, Bidias. Teenager killed by IDF in al-Bazouriya [NYT 2/25]. IDF kill one after indiscriminate fire in Nabatiya [WP 2/25]. RPGs fired at IDF patrols near al-Bazouriya, Jwaiyeh; no casualties [WP 2/25]. Roadside bomb wounds 2 IDF troops in Jib Jinnine [LAT 2/25]. 2 shells fired into southern Golan Hts.; no injuries [JP 2/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Najah U. authorities circulate statemento foreign consulates calling for pressure on Israel to prevent future closures. Gaza youth dies from gunshot wound inflicted by Border Police as he ran from patrolman. Marine Officers' Union boycotts entry at Haifa & Ashdod of 2 foreign ships contracted by Agrexco, forcing co. to use Israeli ships.
Arab World: Lebanese & Israeli military delegations meet in Naqoura, Lebanon for UN-sponsored talks on IDF withdrawal terms; both sides agree to meet again 11/12. Israeli forces arrest 13 Shi'ite Amal militia leaders in Sidon, incl. Com. Mahmoud al-Faqih; later release 9. Syria rejects SLA role in S. Lebanon proposed by Israel as pre-requisite for pull-out. Israeli amb. to Cairo Sasson meets with Egyptian FM Ali.
Arab World: US Defense Sec. Weinberger arrives in Cairo for 2-day visit; Mubarak urges US sell defense weapons to Jordan as incentive to join "peace process."
Other Countries: US Sec. Council votes (13-0, 2 abst.) to extend UNIFIL mandate in Lebanon for 6 mos.
Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel releases 2 more passengers of ferry boat hijacked 6/29, including school-boy Mazen Masri kidnapped by IDF while returning home from school in Britain. Central Elections Com. censors Meir Kahane campaign broadcast.
Arab World: National Alliance [PFLPGC, Popular Struggle Front, Saiqa & the dissidents] issues statement criticizing Democratic Alliance for not publicizing ongoing dialogue. Lebanese cabinet appoints commission to investigate fate of missing persons. Other Countries: In Cairo, French and Egyptian presidents Mitterrand &Mubarak announce agreement that Reagan plan offers best chance for peace, but int'l. conference proposed by King Hussein is possible alternative. France authorizes assembly of Mirage 2000 warplanes in Egypt, and agrees in principle to their sale to other Arab states.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Justice Minister Nissim asks cabinet to reconsider approval (5/11/84) of 2 new settlements (Neriya & Yaarit) as legal expropriation papers in dispute. Rakah councilor Karkaby protests Haifa housing discrimination, denying Arab newlyweds access to apartments reserved for young couples. Central Bureau of Statistics announces April inflation rate of 20.6, auguring 406%o inflation rate for 1984. Candidate Rabin pledges Alignment gov't. could withdraw IDF from Lebanon within 6 mos., thus saving $200-250 million yearly.
Arab World: PFLP, DFLP, Palestine Communist Party & Fateh representatives meet in Algiers to form unified stand before next PNC meeting. Egyptian Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee holds conference on "Solidarity with the Palestinian People" in Cairo. In interview with Akher Sa'a, Egypt's Dep. FM Ghali calls for new Arab League that will recognize and cooperate with Israel. Residents of Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp demonstrate against Israeli occupation.
Other Countries: US gov't. turns over files to Israel on completed and pending cases of Nazis and pro-Nazis living in US.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5th American Jewish Kach settler arrested in connection with shooting of Arab bus passengers (3/4/84) and other "TNT" activities. 6 Israeli settlers tried in Jersualem for rioting and arson of Hebron market last year. Tel Aviv police unit leader Hafetz suspended for leaking information of "TNT" to press. Knesset defeats bill to declare "Hatikvah" Israel's national anthem, with its theme of a historic Jewish yearning for the "land of Israel." National Com. of Arab Town Councils urges adoption of national anthem that expresses the notion of two nations living in a single country. Returning from 3-day visit to Cairo int'l. trade fair, Israeli Industry & Trade Minister Patt reports no improvement in Israel-Egypt relations in sight; says 50% decrease in exports to Egypt since 1982 linked to poor political relations. US Marine commander Gen. Kelley begins 2-day official visit with IDF and DM Arens. At Jerusalem rally PM Shamir claims USSR refused renewed relations with Israel because of its hatred of the Jewish people. Members of Makuya sect of Japanese Christian zealots conduct pro-Israel march in Jerusalem.
Arab World: Beirut cease-fire called by leaders at reconciliation talks in Lausanne.
Other Countries: French Minister of Industry Fabius and Israeli Trade Minister Patt agree to further cooperation in commerce and industrial research. Pres. Reagan defends proposed arms package to Jordan before United Jewish Appeal. Added to his recent refusal to assist in obtaining Israel's permission for West Bank delegates to attend PNC session, Reagan refuses to support or withhold veto on Jordan's draft resolution condemning Israeli settlements in occupied territories as illegal. 4 JDL members arrested for criminal trespass and possession of noxious chemicals, and held in suspicion of bomb threat at Greensburgh, NY Town Hall showing of Russian architecture film. [JDL seeks severance of all US relations with USSR until all Soviet Jews permitted to emigrate freely.]
Arab World: Jordan holds 1st election in 17 years to fill 8 remaining parliament seats.
Other Countries: US amb. to Cairo reportedly tells US Senators he hopes for advance notice of plans to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, so he and staff will have the chance to get out of town. Netherlands gov't. decides to remove last remaining office in Jerusalem to its embassy in Tel Aviv. Jamaica National Investments Co, and Wild World Promoters of Israel join in $30 million venture to export vegetables to US (duty free under Reagan's Caribbean Basin Initiative). Speaking before UJA convention in Washington, Israeli amb. to US Rosenne warns Israel will be reluctant to negotiate with any other Arab country if Egypt does not return amb. to Israel soon.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kiryat Arba school bus hit by stones near Halhoul; authorities force closure of 5 nearby shops.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Galilee youths released after arrest (2/29/84) for hoisting Palestinian flag on anniversary of Sabra & Shatila massacres; in court, defendents describe torture used on them; suit filed against interrogators. MK Sarid submits letter of protest over MK Sharon's violation of Knesset "code of ethics" by accepting money for US lecture tour. [Sharon appealed for dispensation on grounds he is suing Time magazine for reporting his connection with Sabra & Shatila massacres.] PM Shamir denies charges by Sharon that his gov't. is bowing to US pressure to impede settlement drive. MKs Zakin (Mapam) and Aloni (CRM) urge PM Shamir to declare "TNT" a terrorist organization. [1948 Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance would then allow security agencies to fight Jewish terrorism.] After 3 years, Bani Zad village resumes relation with "civil administration" upon promise of IS10 million grant for civic improvements. 8 Palestinians arraigned in military court for murder of Kiryat Arba squatter Aharon Gross (7/7/83); 5 plead not guilty, 1 claims self-defense. 7 West Bank squatters and 2 from Green Line, all of US origin and followers of Meir Kahane, arrested for bombing attempt on al-Aqsa Mosque and shooting attack on Arab bus (3/4/84); news blackout on investigations imposed.
Arab World: Gemayel abrogates US-sponsored May 17 agreement with Israel. Israel protests Egypt's permitting Palestinian conference in Cairo later this month; complains conference will provide opportunity for "anti-Israeli propaganda."
Other Countries: European Community Commission Pres. Thorn says Egypt urging Europeans to press US to deal with PLO.
Military Action:
Arab World: Israelis bomb alleged PLO positions in 2 raids on Aley, Lebanon.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 1,000 kibbutzniks and 35 IDF reservists deonstrate at PM's office urging IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.
Arab World: Over 1,000 Egyptian lawyers demonstrate in Cairo, burning Israeli and US flags, on 4th anniversary of normalization of Israeli-Egyptian relations. Chairman Arafat and King Hussein hold secret session in Amman to discuss common approach to future of occupied territories.
Other Countries: Soviet FM Gromyko accuses US of blocking settlement in Lebanon; reaffirms Soviet offer to help set up international conference. Security Council vote on French proposal for UN force in Beirut delayed by Soviet objections to wording.