34 / 15493 Results
  • September 28, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Qalqiliyyah district town of jinsafut, 3 are killed, 20 wounded in clash between Bashir and Nassar families [FJ 10/4]. In Bayt Safafa...

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  • March 27, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Herzog reduces from life to 24 years the prison sentences of 3 Jewish settlers convicted in connection with the July 1983 attack...

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  • March 26, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres meets with "moderate" PLO supporters to discuss Palestinian representation at international peace conference [CSM 3/27]....

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  • October 2, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Domestic Service announces Israel and Jordan signed memorandum on joint responsibility for new Arab bank in Nablus. Agreement...

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  • August 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two West Bankers - Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad Faraj, 18, from Dheisheh camp, and Khamis Tawfiq Abu Kishik, 20, from Fara'a camp - are...

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  • July 31, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli court appointees raid 3 offices of Jerusalem Electricity Company in unsuccessful attempt to confiscate JEC funds they claim were...

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  • May 7, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Aircraft Industries announces the Lavi jet fighter has passed all of its ground tests and will make its first test flight on...

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  • January 8, 1986

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  • January 7, 1986


    Other Countries: Reagan administration announces economic sanctions against Libya, orders U.S. oil companies, Americans working there to leave Libya or face...

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  • July 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26...

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  • February 25, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Doubts continue as to cost-effectiveness of proposed Lavi fighter plane; DM Rabin orders reassessment UP 2/26].

    Arab World: PLO...

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  • February 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres willing to meet with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [as suggested today by Pres. Mubarak] as long as it does not...

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  • January 26, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli firm J.O.E.L. strikes oil in commercial quantities at Gurim in Negev.

    Other Countries: Reagan administration informs Israeli gov'...

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  • November 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire reduces shelling in and around Beirut; 200 Marines of Alpha Company evacuate position near university school of science, move to base on 6th Fleet ships, 1400-...

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  • September 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    US Marines, Army officers make first reported visit to LAF positions at Souq al-Gharb, gather intelligence, consult on target coordinates; LAF adds 2 battalions to 4...

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  • September 16, 1983

    Military Action:

    1500 men in 2 LAF battalions open broad offensive along ridge between Souq al-Gharb and Bais- sour, make some advances; Lebanese Air Force enters combat for first time...

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  • May 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    2 SA-7 missiles fired at IDF helicopter in eastern Lebanon, no damage reported; artillery exchanges continue in Chouf.


    6 killed in Chouf fighting...

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  • May 13, 1983

    Military Action:

    Numerous attacks on IDF in Sidon announced by Lebanese National Resistance Front.


    16 IDF soldiers wounded when military bus triggers mine near...

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  • April 28, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF planes fly reconnaissance missions over Tripoli, PLO forces fire anti-aircraft barrages; car bomb explodes near IDF vehicle in Sidon, joint searches conducted by IDF...

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  • April 18, 1983

    Military Action:

    Car bomb destroys central section of US embassy in Beirut, pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad Organization and 2 other groups claim responsibility.



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  • April 8, 1983


    1 killed, others wounded when car bomb explodes near Iranian Revolutionary Guards building in Baalbek.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Several...

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  • March 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be...

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  • February 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    350 additional troops to be sent to reinforce 1600-man French contingent in Beirut; bomb explodes near car of Druze leader Faisal Arslan but he is not injured; heavy...

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  • February 3, 1983

    Military Action:

    US and Israeli officials in Beirut agree to demarcate formal boundary between their two forces, using brightly painted barrels; IDF reported using tactic of "reconnaissance...

    Read more
  • January 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    Explosion 400 yards from Lebanon Beach Hotel in.Khalde delays talks for 30 min., Israel charges was 107mm Katyusha rocket fired from behind Marine lines in Hay el-Sellom,...

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  • December 17, 1982

    Military Action:

    Grenades, machine-gun fire and heavy sniping in Tripoli street fighting; Phalange politician Jean Ghanem escapes ambush assassination attempt in Aley; car bomb explodes...

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  • November 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese...

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  • November 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.


    22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli...

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  • October 24, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Forces (Phalange) commander- in-chief Fady Frem says his forces will cooperate with Gemayel as long as he is committed to expelling all foreign forces from Lebanon...

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  • September 21, 1982

    Military Action:

    US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading...

    Read more


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Qalqiliyyah district town of jinsafut, 3 are killed, 20 wounded in clash between Bashir and Nassar families [FJ 10/4]. In Bayt Safafa south of Jerusalem, 2 unidentified attackers stab a taxi driver [FJ 10/4]. Israeli authorities revoke residence papers of Mubarak 'Awad, Palestinian-American who is director of Jerusalem's Palestine Center for the Study of Nonviolence [NYT 9/29]. Al-Sha'b reports Palestinians from Jenin area have filed protests against Israeli plan to expel 'Abd al-Nasir Abu 'Aziz when he is released after 5-years imprisonment [FJ 10/4]. Bethlehem Water Authority director protests W. Jerusalem decision to connect Bayt Safafa to Israeli water system [FJ 10/4]. Bethlehem Mayor Ilyas Furayj begins visit to U.S. [FJ 10/4]. Israeli officials allow youth clubs in Yatta village and Balata refugee camp to reopen [FJ 10/4].

Other Countries: U.S. releases declassified testimony of National Security Council consultant Michael Ledeen. Ledeen testified that Reagan administration approved Israeli request for original shipment of artillery toIran [WP 9/29]. Letter to Reagan administration from 64 senators opposing U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia is released to public [WP 9/29]. In Los Angeles, Israeli F. M. Shimon Peres states intemational peace conference is still a possibility but time is running out [LAT 9/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Herzog reduces from life to 24 years the prison sentences of 3 Jewish settlers convicted in connection with the July 1983 attack on Arab students at Hebron's Islamic College [WP 3/27].

Arab World: Statement drafted by representatives of 5 factions within the Palestine National Salvation Front at end of 5-day meeting in Tripoli calls for new PLO chairman to replace Arafat, restructuring of National Council. Al-Sa'iqah and Abu Musa's faction of Fateh did not participate in the talks [NYT 3/28].

Other Countries: Reagan administration announces shift to a more "activist" policy in the Middle East in an effort to restore credibility [WP 3/29]. Israeli Foreign Ministry official and China's UN ambassador hold talks on prospects for international conference on Middle East peace [WP 3/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres meets with "moderate" PLO supporters to discuss Palestinian representation at international peace conference [CSM 3/27]. Former U.S. Pres. Carter arrives in Jerusalem, encourages Israeli leaders to join Syria and Lebanon in international peace conference, calls on Reagan administration to increase pace of Middle East peace efforts [BS 3/27]. Israeli border patrol denies 29 black evangelical Christians, mostly Americans, permission to enter W. Bank via Jordan [WP 3/27]. Military authorities order al-Najah U. closed until 4/12 and Bethlehem U. closed until 4/1 [FJ 4/3].

Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine reiterates demand for release of 100 Arabs held in Israeli jails [BG 3/27].

Military Action

Arab World: Amal militia attack estimated 500 Palestinian women returning to Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp from protest demanding end to Amal siege of the camp; at least 6 are killed [BG 3/27; FJ 4/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Domestic Service announces Israel and Jordan signed memorandum on joint responsibility for new Arab bank in Nablus. Agreement is reached after intervention by U.S. Sec. of State Shultz in secret talks in London (FBIS 10/2). Israeli Trade Minister Ariel Sharon is fined by Israeli High Court of Justice for illegally appointing two trade attaches to New York and Bonn (JP 10/3).

Other Countries: Washington Post reports Reagan administration launched secret and deliberate campaign of deception aimed at convincing Qadhdhafi he was about to be attacked by U.S. bombers and ousted in coup. Plan was proposed 8/14 in memo by National Security Adviser Admiral John Poindexter. Pres. Reagan and government spokesman later deny planting false reports; Shultz justifies using press to scare Qadhdhafi (NYT 10/3).

Military Action

Arab World: Palestinian sources report mortar battle at Rashidiyyah camp (population 20,000) between Amal and Palestinians (MEI 10/12).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two West Bankers - Muhammad 'Ali Muhammad Faraj, 18, from Dheisheh camp, and Khamis Tawfiq Abu Kishik, 20, from Fara'a camp - are arrested and placed under 6-month administrative detention, without being charged or tried [FJ 8/8]. Egyptian-Israeli talks on Taba open [NYT 8/11].

Other Countries: Reagan administration says 8 Israeli officials in New York are contesting subpoenas issued in investigation of whether Israel illegally exported cluster bomb technology to Israel [NYT 8/5]. Soviet Union announces it will start discussions with Israel this month on the opening of consulates [NYT 8/5].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian and Lebanese soldiers deploy in Shi'ite suburbs of Beirut [NYT 8/5]. Bomb kills 2, wounds 28 in East Beirut cafe [BG 8/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli court appointees raid 3 offices of Jerusalem Electricity Company in unsuccessful attempt to confiscate JEC funds they claim were being spent without proper approval from its court-appointed guardian, the Israeli Electric Company [FJ 8/8].

Arab World: U.S. V.P. Bush in Jordan suggests meeting between P.M. Peres and King Hussein. Suggestion rejected by Jordan [LT 8/1].

Other Countries: Reagan administration will funnel $4.5 million in American development aid for Palestinians living in the occupied territories through Jordan; the decision is expected to make it more difficult for Israel to determine how American money is spent in the occupied territories [NYT 8/1]. (The U.S. is already providing $14 million to enhance the "quality of life" of the Palestinians in the territories) [NYT 8/1].

Military Action

Arab World: An Israeli soldier and 2 unidentified Arabs are killed in a gun battle in S. Lebanon according to an Israeli army spokesman [WP 8/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Aircraft Industries announces the Lavi jet fighter has passed all of its ground tests and will make its first test flight on schedule next September [JTA 5/8].

Other Countries: U.S. House of Representatives rejects by vote of 356-62 Reagan administration's requested arms sales to Saudi Arabia [LAT, BG 5/8]. British investigators are seeking to question a Syrian diplomat in connection with the attempt to smuggle a bomb aboard an Israeli jumbo jet at Heathrow Airport [NYT, MG 6/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ten MKs investigating reports of illegal construction on the Haram al-Sharif (Temple Mount) anger crowd of Muslims by attempting to take photographs; Israeli police use tear gas and night sticks to rescue them. [LAT, LT 1/9] Raphael Eitan, purported head of Israeli espionage operation in Washington, is chosen chairman of the board for Israel Chemicals [NYT 1/9].

Arab World: Anti-government demonstrators at three Egyptian universities call for vengeance in death of Sulayman Khatir [CT, LT 1/9].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan freezes several hundred million dollars' worth of Libyan govt. assets held in U.S. financial institutions [LAT, BG 1/9]. Reagan administration releases 13-page white paper on Libya listing 58 incidents of politically motivated violence during past 6 years which it links to Libya [LAT 1/9].

Military Action

Arab World: Syrian Faysal Fu'ad Hasan, from Salamiyyah village, is hanged in Damascus on charges of supplying Israel with information on Syrian security [JP 1/9].


Other Countries: Reagan administration announces economic sanctions against Libya, orders U.S. oil companies, Americans working there to leave Libya or face criminal penalties [NYT 1/8; LAT, PI 1/9]. U.S. State Department announces U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Nicholas Veliotes will resign in April [WP 1/8; LT 1/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26]. P. M. Peres says Israel should not give up part of Golan Heights in deal with U.S.S.R. for emigration of Soviet Jews UP 7/25]. Kiryat Arba's new nine-member local council - pledged to firing its Arab employees, pressing private businesses to do likewise, and to preventing economic ventures with Arab investors - is formally installed; dozens of secular residents enter building to protest [JP 7/25]. Israeli civil administration governing the occupied territories announces high school matriculation exam results improved on West Bank this year; schools were closed less than in the past; 64 percent of West Bank students passed their exams this year, compared with 54 percent last year [JP 7/25].

Arab World: Jordanian diplomat Ziad Sati, 40, is assassinated in Turkey; Islamic Jihad takes credit [CSM 7/26, NYT 7/25].

Other Countries: Reagan administration presents Middle East arms transfer study to special closed session of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee as basis for request to sell new arms to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Congressional supporters of Israel warn administration against pursuing the arms sale, saying it would provoke an "enormously divisive" debate [WP 7/24, 25, JTA 7/25, BG 7/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel frees 74 Lebanese Shi'a, 6 Lebanese Sunnis, and 20 Palestinians held at Atlit prison since April, when Israel transferred 1,200 detainees from its Ansar prison in south Lebanon to Israel. Three hundred are still in detention. Any prisoner now detained in south Lebanon by Israel is sent to new prison run by SLA at Khiyam village, in the security zone [NYT 7/24]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Doubts continue as to cost-effectiveness of proposed Lavi fighter plane; DM Rabin orders reassessment UP 2/26].

Arab World: PLO Political Dept. head Farouq Qaddoumi insists Jordan must accept qualifications of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord explained 2/19 by PLO exec. committee [WP 2/27].

Other Countries: Reagan Administration "encouraged" by renewed efforts at negotiations, but refrains from involvement until greater "agreement among the parties" exists [PI 2/26].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Katyusha fired at IDF post near Qasmiya. IDF patrol in Tyre attacked. No casualties in either attacks. IDF searches Harouf, Shabriha [JP 2/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres willing to meet with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [as suggested today by Pres. Mubarak] as long as it does not include PLO members [NYT 2/26].

Arab World: Pres. Mubarak urges the Reagan administration to invite Israel, joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to US for groundwork peace talks; states he would attend; offers to host such meeting in Cairo; intl. conference thereafter could be last stage [NYT 2/25]. Syria condemns 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [WP 2/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 30 stores closed in Hebron in response to 2/22 attack on bus [JP 2/25].

Arab World: IDF continue large-scale actions in S. Lebanon: besiege Sir al-Gharbiya, Kabrika, Jubeiyeh, 'Arab Salim, Burj Rahhal, Toura, Ma'rakah, Deir Qanun, Bidias. Teenager killed by IDF in al-Bazouriya [NYT 2/25]. IDF kill one after indiscriminate fire in Nabatiya [WP 2/25]. RPGs fired at IDF patrols near al-Bazouriya, Jwaiyeh; no casualties [WP 2/25]. Roadside bomb wounds 2 IDF troops in Jib Jinnine [LAT 2/25]. 2 shells fired into southern Golan Hts.; no injuries [JP 2/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli firm J.O.E.L. strikes oil in commercial quantities at Gurim in Negev.

Other Countries: Reagan administration informs Israeli gov't. of plans to renew efforts to supply Jordan with $220 million in military equipment for 8,000-man strike force for Gulf.


Arab World: Israeli-backed militia leader in S. Lebanon, Mohammed Farhat, shot and killed by assailant in speeding car in Ramun village.

Military Action:

Cease-fire reduces shelling in and around Beirut; 200 Marines of Alpha Company evacuate position near university school of science, move to base on 6th Fleet ships, 1400-1500 Marines remain onshore; heavy fighting continues around Baddawi, Arafat forces establish positions in Tripoli, area around Arafat's HQthere is shelled.


Amal reports 2 civilians killed, nearly 80 injured in recent fighting with LAF; Beirut airport reopens; general strike in South Lebanon to protest closing of Awali bridges, schools, shops in West Beirut closed in support.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets mayor of Tripoli, other leaders, promises to do everything he can to avert all out fighting in city.

Arab Governments: Kuwait's parliament votes to halt $265 m. annual aid to Syria because of alleged support of PLO rebels; foreign ministers of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, North Yemen, Tunisia and Algeria fly to Damascus to consult Assad on PLO fighting.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration reportedly plans to establish closer political, economic, and strategic relations with Israel as keystone of Middle East policy, Eagleburger's visit last week to Israel laid groundwork; House approves foreign aid bill with largest sum ever for Israel, $2.61 b. in military and economic aid.

Military Action:

US Marines, Army officers make first reported visit to LAF positions at Souq al-Gharb, gather intelligence, consult on target coordinates; LAF adds 2 battalions to 4 already at Souq al-Gharb, US ships fire 40+ rounds at anti-government artillery and rocket batteries east of Yarze; SAM-5 reportedly fired at US Navy F-14 on reconnaissance flight over Beirut, no damage; Amal militia continues attack on LAF units south of Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF reportedly will intervene in Lebanon fighting if PLO seeks to gain foothold south of Damour River line.

US and Other Countries: Reagan administration and Congressional leaders of both parties agree on compromise formula to authorize Marines to remain in Lebanon for further 18 months under War Powers Act, no change in number, role or deployment; US names new ambassadors to Lebanon, Saudi Arabia; Italy positions warplanes at British base on Cyprus to support its MNF contingent; British naval task force begins assembling in eastern Mediterranean.

Military Action:

1500 men in 2 LAF battalions open broad offensive along ridge between Souq al-Gharb and Bais- sour, make some advances; Lebanese Air Force enters combat for first time since 1976, 5 Hunter Hawkers attack PSP and Palestinian positions; heavy shelling hits Beirut hillsides, neighborhoods in East and West Beirut; shells land in Marine compound at airport, and near British Embassy.


LAF losses are 2 killed, 11 wounded; 1 Lebanese plane downed, another damaged; 9 PSP T-54 tanks destroyed.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/Lebanese: Arafat retums to Lebanon for first time since June, is warmly received at Baddawi refugee camp near Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: Reagan administration says efforts by Congres- sional Democrats to invoke War Powers Act may endanger US forces.

Military Action:

2 SA-7 missiles fired at IDF helicopter in eastern Lebanon, no damage reported; artillery exchanges continue in Chouf.


6 killed in Chouf fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF drawing up contingency plans for unilateral troop pullback to Awali river; 30% of doctors return to work; Begin government survives 3 no-confidence motions in Knesset, all critical of economic policies; Arab employee of Russian Orthodox convent arrested in connection with murder of 2 nuns.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: AbuJihad says PLO forces have carried out 350 operations behind IDF lines in past 3 months, says Col. Qaddafi has provided $6m to dissident Fateh officer Col. Abu Musa; Arafat returns to Damascus after 2-day tour of PLO positions in northern Lebanon; Gemayel meets representatives of four nations contributing to MNF.

Arab Governments: Special envoy from King Fahd meets President Assad in Damascus.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration now supports Congressional move to increase military and economic grants to Israel by $400m.

Military Action:

Numerous attacks on IDF in Sidon announced by Lebanese National Resistance Front.


16 IDF soldiers wounded when military bus triggers mine near Kfar Mishki in southern Bekaa; at least 10 IDF soldiers reportedly killed or wounded in Sidon attacks.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Levy issues new, more explicit and restrictive IDF guidelines for dealing with West Bank and Gaza Palestinians; 15 Israeli women from Parents Against Silence group join vigil outside Prime Minister's house calling for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; Nazareth police chief bans meeting between Ibna al-Balad, other nationalist organizations and Israeli Communist Party; Sharon releases Lebanon security plan, says Haddad's role must be streng- thened, Lebanese Army must displace Druze and PLO forces in Chouf, UN troops in South should be redeployed as buffer between IDF and Syrians, Shultz plan should be scrapped and replaced by realistic diplomacy, Syria will not leave Bekaa Valley because it would lose $500m a year in taxes levied on hashish trade; January-April trade deficit in Israel up 35% over same period last year.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US meeting at Netanya to review text of withdrawal agreement; PLO officials in Damascus say negotiations with Lebanon for withdrawal of PLO forces must settle question of security for Palestinian civilians; PLO Chairman Arafat makes first visit to Lebanon since August last year, travels from Damascus to Bekaa Valley to deal with dissident PLO officers.

Arab Governments: Syrian Foreign Minister says Syria rejects the withdrawal agreement in form and substance, calls it a grave danger to Syria's security; Syrian envoys meet with former Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh, and former Prime Minister Rashid Karami reportedly to establish national front in opposition to withdrawal agreement.

US and Other Countries: US Defense Secretary Weinberger says there is no reason why US-Israel memorandum of agreement cannot be revived, expects Reagan Administration will provide all technological information Israel requests for its development of the Lavi fighter; Secretary of State Shultz says Syrian position on troop withdrawal agreement is not a rejection; largest British film and TV union general council modifies its position on members working in Israel, will allow members to work there but will provide union backing to those who decide to boycott.

Military Action:

IDF planes fly reconnaissance missions over Tripoli, PLO forces fire anti-aircraft barrages; car bomb explodes near IDF vehicle in Sidon, joint searches conducted by IDF and Haddad forces; explosion on Sidon-Nabatiyeh road as IDF vehicle passes; Druze and Phalange in Chouf exchange artillery and rocket fire; extraordinary security precautions maintained at Beirut airport and in city during Shultz visit.


4 IDF soldiers wounded in Sidon; body of Ain el-Hilweh resident found in central Sidon square; 2 Druze wounded in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel's external debt has risen 25% in past 2 years, at end of 1982 was $28b. gross, $15.5b. net, $2b. higher than 1981; curfews imposed on Balata and al-Aza refugee camps after stones thrown at IDF and civilian vehicles, 1 soldier wounded near al-Aza.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO representative in Beirut says if Israeli forces withdraw according to specific timetable, PLO and Syrian forces will also.

US and Other Countries: Secretary Shultz meets Begin, proposes indepth discussion of overall US-Israeli relations while Shultz is in the region; Shultz travels to Beirut, visits damaged US Embassy, meets Gemayel and other Lebanese officials, returns to Jerusalem; Senate Foreign Relations Committee tentatively agrees to $2.61b. aid level for Israel, $460m. more than proposed by Reagan Administration, $60m. more than approved by House committee.

Military Action:

Car bomb destroys central section of US embassy in Beirut, pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad Organization and 2 other groups claim responsibility.


At least 32 killed, more than 100 injured in attack on US embassy.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Jewish immigration to Israel in 1982 was 13,260 (12,000 in 1981), of whom 2,601 were Ahmerican; Jewish emigration from Israel during 1981 and 1982 was 18,000; of 2,670 Jews leaving Soviet Union in 1982, 756 settled in Israel; government inaugurates Upper Nablus settlement of 1 5 families, several thousand from Peace Now hold peaceful protest during ceremony; curfews imposed in central Nablus and 3 refugee camps.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat and PLO officials hold talks in Prague with Czech officials and with delegation from Israeli Communist Party.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration reportedly promised $2b. in advanced weapons to King Hussein in return for participation in negotiations; largest British film and television union adopts resolution condemning Israel's genocidal attempts in Lebanon and calls on its members to boycott Israeli-financed projects and to refuse to work in Israel except on news and current affairs assignments.


1 killed, others wounded when car bomb explodes near Iranian Revolutionary Guards building in Baalbek.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Several hundred IDF reserve soldiers reportedly return Lebanon campaign ribbon; Peace Now says it will demonstrate against proposed dedication of Upper Nablus settlement on Israel's independence day; 16 persons in Arraba and Gaza detained for helping arrange a faked epidemic; statement by Jordanian Physicians Union on West Bank describes mass illnesses as collective poisoning resulting from inhaling unknown gases, says authorities participated in preparing these criminal incidents or approved the results.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: In Kuwait, Fateh Central Committee reiterates support for Fez resolution as only acceptable basis for peace talks, opposes Hussein's representation of Palestinians; Arafat travels to South Yemen, sends Abu Jihad and Hani al-Hassan to Amman with message to Hussein.

Arab Governments: Saudi foreign minister visits Syria.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration promises to do its best to halt Israeli settlements if King Hussein publicly announces his willingness to enter negotiations based on UN Resolution 242; Shultz reportedly opposes using aid to pressure Israel, prefers persuasion; Kissinger says his meeting last year with PLO official was inconsequential, State Dept. says it did not complicate or delay diplomatic process with King Hussein.

Military Action:

Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be patient; 500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards reportedly arrive in Baalbeck.


1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; in South Lebanon, Dutch UNIFIL soldier stabbed.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: After talks in Cairo, Trade Ministry Director General says Egyptians promised to resume issuing licenses for import of Israeli goods; indictments for conspiring to incite hostility between Muslims and Jews, other acts, filed against 29 Jews in connection with Temple Mount incident; head of Islamic Committee in Jerusalem asks UN Secretary General to protect al-Aqsa from further attacks; fourth school in 10 days closed in Beit Sahour after students demonstrate, raise Palestinian flag.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis.

US and Other Countries: US Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis gives Shamir detailed, written proposals for security arrangements in South Lebanon as part of agreement for Israeli troop withdrawal; Pentagon releases US Marine Corps Commandant letter to Defense Secretary Weinberger saying that IDF has been deliberately threatening lives of US officers in Lebanon, reveals previously classified incidents; Garter, in Damascus, says Reagan Administration suggestion that Syria has become puppet of Soviet Union is ridiculous.

Military Action:

350 additional troops to be sent to reinforce 1600-man French contingent in Beirut; bomb explodes near car of Druze leader Faisal Arslan but he is not injured; heavy shelling between Druze and Christian villages in Chouf; several Katyusha rockets land north of Israeli border near Metulla.


5 killed, 45 wounded by artillery shells falling in East Beirut residential areas; PLO prepared to release 8 Israeli soldiers in return for release of more than 5000 Palestinian and Lebanese detainees held by Israel, as well as 1000 prisoners arrested by Israel since 1967.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel, a major producer of goose liver, signs cartel agreement with Hungary for marketing in France; 21 Druze from Golan Heights receive Israeli citizenship, 99%o of Druze over 16 are reported to have accepted identity cards; 35,000 dunums of West Bank land seized by Israel in previous week, including 23,000 dunums at Yatta, 4,000 dunums at Taffuh, 3,000 dunums at Shayoukh, 5,000 dunums at Mukhmas; other land seizures reported at Battir and Dura.

Arab Governments: Syrian officials concerned that fresh outbreak of fighting with Israeli forces in Lebanon will take place in spring.

US and Other Countries: Senior US military officers concerned over duration of Marines' duty in Lebanon; Reagan expresses support for Marine action to stop Israeli tank patrol; Reagan Administration asks Congress for $2.49 billion in economic and military aid for Israel, $2.05 billion for Egypt; American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee holds meeting for aides of 50 prominent Senate and House members on Lebanon situation, Israeli government expert says troops may have to remain 5 to 10 years; Greek Prime Minister Papandreou denies his government is anti-Semitic but does oppose Israel's aggressive and expansionist policies; Austrian Chancellor Kreisky meets Reagan in Washington, calls Reagan plan a step forward.

Military Action:

US and Israeli officials in Beirut agree to demarcate formal boundary between their two forces, using brightly painted barrels; IDF reported using tactic of "reconnaissance by fire," driving along Sidon road and spraying the orchards with machine gun fire; 160 French marines added to French contingent in MNF, another 140 to follow; Syrian Press Agency in West Beirut shattered by bomb.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 10 new settlements under preparation, 30 awaiting approval; World Zionist Organization predicts population parity between Jews and Arabs in West Bank could be achieved with 1.4 million Jews by year 2010.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP leader George Habash tells Damascus press conference he will ask forthcoming PNC meeting in Algiers to reject Reagan plan and Arafat/ Hussein talks; Major Haddad tells press conference in Metulla that Lebanese government is too weak to guarantee agreement with Israel.

Arab Governments: Mubarak ends one day visit to France.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration reported to favor increased grant to loan ratio in $2.5 billion economic and military aid package for Israel; international commission headed by Sean MacBride announces findings that Israel's invasion of Lebanon violated international law and that Israel was involved in the "planning and preparation" of the Beirut massacres; in London, hearing continues on shooting of Israeli Ambassador Argov, currently hospitalized in Jerusalem suffering near total blindness and paralysis. 

Military Action:

Explosion 400 yards from Lebanon Beach Hotel in.Khalde delays talks for 30 min., Israel charges was 107mm Katyusha rocket fired from behind Marine lines in Hay el-Sellom, Phalange says was rocket-propelled grenade, Lebanon state radio says was 120mm mortar, Lebanese Army says shell was detonated by explosives on the spot; IDF tries to use road under MNF jurisdiction.


1 IDF at checkpoint near hotel wounded; IDF detains 4 Lebanese in Khalde area, cuts off road.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Government defeats 2 no-confidence motions on social policies put forward by Labor and Democratic Front following release of survey that shows 300,000 Israelis live under poverty line; General Amir Drori criticizes US Marines for failing to prevent guerrilla infiltration from its sector; General Yaacov Even, IDF chief spokesman, says Marines are buffer for PLO's hit and run attacks, that since Dec. 22, 9 incidents near US lines resulted in 1 IDF killed, 25 wounded; Government denies reports that relations with Ethiopia have improved and Israeli advisers are now in Addis Ababa; week long Canal Founders Conference of Israel Bonds begins, attended by 200 Jewish leaders from US and Canada; security forces arrest 2 from Gaza who admit to Jan. 8 Tel Aviv grenade attack, say they are members of Fateh and were trained in Egypt.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: After 6 hours, negotiations stalled on Israel's demand to have IDF remain in security installations in Lebanon and nature of future relations, with Lebanon proposing protocol accord to regulate ties.

Arab Governments: King Hussein returns to Jordan from tour of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman.

US and Other Countries: State Department denies press reports that Reagan is prepared to sign document drafted by National Security Council, State and Defense Departments to cut off military aid to Israel; Reagan Administration says it is extremely concerned over slow pace of Lebanon negotiations, following Habib's return to US, with 2 stumbling blocks of normalization and surveillance stations; National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America is told by Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) that Reagan Administration is not a mediator in the Middle East but coddles Saudi Arabia and entices King Hussein to peace table with airplanes and missiles, that it was never disclosed publicly that intelligence officials told the State Department that armed PLO members remained in Beirut; ZOA President Ivan Novick says Reagan Administration uses West Bank settlements to divide American Jews, but Jewish settlements are valid based on right to security and self-defense, historical connection, and according to international law Israel holds better title to this land; British press reports that secret documents accidently released recently indicate that Britain dissuaded Jordan, Syria and Iraq from concluding peace agreements with Israel in 1949.

Military Action:

Grenades, machine-gun fire and heavy sniping in Tripoli street fighting; Phalange politician Jean Ghanem escapes ambush assassination attempt in Aley; car bomb explodes near Jounieh shopping mall.


18 killed, including 6 Syrian soldiers, in Tripoli; 1 wounded in Jounieh.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon reveals "working paper" after secret negotiations with Lebanese officials that could lead to normal relations between Israel and Lebanon, but refuses to name Lebanese met with; Sharon angry over Reagan Administration refusal to meet with him during last week's visit to US, accuses US of delaying negotiations by linking them to Reagan peace proposals.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in interview, says agreement with Jordan reached on "future confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan"; Lebanese officials "working paper" and discussions with Sharon; Gemayel, Wazzan and Salem meet Habib and Draper concerning possibility of partial withdrawal.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says troop withdrawals from Lebanon unlikely by end of year.

Military Action:

Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese Army fortifies position around barracks.


Three militiamen killed in Baalbek fighting, several wounded, two Lebanese soldiers wounded; Maariv estimates 1,200 Palestinians have been killed in Lebanese Army sweeps through West Beirut, another 60,000 may have been sent to Syrian-controlled Lebanese territory and their homes destroyed; UNRWA officially decides to stop preparing cement floors for tents and giving out tents and to use money for refugees in other ways.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli defense ministry reportedly amending old work permit forms to include almost identical wording of loyalty pledge and note that permit can be withdrawn if holder helps the PLO; Israeli authorities order deportation of 9 lecturers at Islamic University in Gaza for "invalid" visas; curfew imposed on Nablus market and Askar refugee camp following attack on two Jewish settlers from Elon Moreh; Israeli authorities report 3-4,000 Lebanese visit Israel in last week since restrictions eased (Palestinians excluded); Israeli official says goods worth $20 m. arrived in Lebanon from Israel last month; Sharon and Zipori clash at Cabinet meeting; Sharon asks Cabinet to schedule full debate on state of PLO following invasion of Lebanon; Commission of Inquiry slates inquiry into discovery of IDF identity tag and card of IDF sergeant found inside Sabra camp, as Sergeant Benny Chaim twice fails to appear to testify; Israel accuses France of freezing economic relations since June invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Army celebrates Independence Day for first time in eight years; Habib meets with Druze leader Majid Arslan and Pierre Gemayel in bid to ease Chouf tensions.

US and Other Countries: US State Department officials welcome Israeli decision to modify loyalty pledge requirements; Reagan Administration considering asking Congress for $500 million in aid for Lebanese reconstruction; Henry Kissinger says Jordanian participation in negotiations over West Bank essential.

Military Action:

Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.


22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli fighting in past 4 days.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel announces another 20 Jewish settlements to be built in West Bank in next year, 10,000 to be settled in Gaza Strip over next five; Israelis remain silent in face of US criticism, deride Hussein's suggestion that PLO recognize Israel as basis for peace process; Dhahriyeh (south-west of Hebron) put under curfew after children stone passing IDF vehicles; settler group urges Israeli military commander of West Bank central region to deport any person who participates in stone-throwing.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO General Mutik Abu Taha, commander of PLO forces in North Lebanon and Bekaa, says official Arab acceptance of Egypt "almost certain"; Lebanese government announces plans to resume collecting shipping fees at ports on November 22 (Phalange reportedly collecting $120 million per year in several ports to finance public services and support militia in Phalange-controlled areas; government estimates its losses at around $300 million per year, seeks to end private financial structures and bring down prices.

Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to halt plans to build 5 more settlements on West Bank; Saudi King Fahd meets King Hassan in Morocco.

US and Other Countries: American Jewish Congress plans appeal to force Treasury Department to disclose Arab dollar holdings in the US; British Foreign Office protests deportation from West Bank of British lecturer at Bethlehem University; French minister Claude Cheysson says Hussein, not Hassan, will lead 7-member Arab League group in talks on Arab-Israeli peace later this month in Paris, Moscow, China; US officials in Beirut say Reagan Administration will not press Gemayel to seek action against Phalange militiamen who massacred Palestinians in September (Reagan reportedly did not mention massacre to Gemayel during Washington visit; decision reportedly provokes controversy within State Department.)

Military Action:

Lebanese Forces (Phalange) commander- in-chief Fady Frem says his forces will cooperate with Gemayel as long as he is committed to expelling all foreign forces from Lebanon; IDF reconnaissance jets pass over Beirut in apparent tribute to Bashir Gemayel.


Reconstruction proceeding quickly as rubble cleared, roads repaired in Beirut (land mines still a problem); UN estimates $15 billion and ten years necessary to rebuild Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir reports to Cabinet on US trip (officials reportedly expect drawn-out troop withdrawal negotiations); Israeli government renews insistence that remaining PLO forces be the first to leave, then Syrian and IDF forces leave simultaneously; son of Nablus Mayor Bassam Shakaa detained following yesterday's disturbances.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Saad Haddad meets with head of Israel's Druze community in Kafr Julis to discuss Lebanese situation.

Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Egypt will press Israel over disputed Taba area near Eilat.

US and Other Countries: US envoy Morris Draper returns to Lebanon to resume US diplomatic efforts on withdrawal; French posts and telecommunications team leaves for Lebanon to repair and modernize Lebanon's telephone system; Reagan Administration considering rearming Lebanese armed forces with Raytheon Improved Hawk and General Dynamics Stinger infrared-guided man-portable missiles.

Military Action:

US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading trailer trucks with captured vehicles, weapons, PLO files, materials from Arab banks; Algerian government charges IDF soldier stormed Algerian embassy in Beirut, stole documents; IDF denies it flew Haddad forces to Beirut for operations in camps; IDF lifts curfew imposed in South Lebanon following Gemayel assassination.


Burj al-Barajneh residents say Lebanese Army demanded they disarm as condition for Army protection, and then Army disappeared; rumors of massacre sweep camp so residents leave camp at night to sleep elsewhere; Haaretz reports Phalange was given IDF aerial photographs of Sabra and Shatila, that forces involved were commanded by top Phalange liaison officer with IDF in Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government accepts redeployment of multinational force in Beirut, but refuses to specify deadline for IDF withdrawal or to establish inquiry into massacre; Palestinians in Israel, West Bank, and Gaza stage strikes at schools and businesses, stone bus and several police stations, burn tires on highways to protest massacre; 2 Israeli policemen wounded, 8 Palestinians arrested; strikes 95 percent effective, but broken in Ramallah, Hebron, and Nablus when Israeli soldiers force open store windows; disturbances in Bethlehem and Israeli-Palestinian towns of Taibeh, Kaukab, Sakhnin, where residents carried pictures of Arafat; demands for national inquiry into massacre grow; Begin still staunchly opposed; Begin sends congratulations to Amin Gemayel as president-elect of Lebanon, still hopes for peace treaty.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Begin and Sharon are not Jews because such a massacre is outside Jewish morality and tradition; Arafat meets Saudi King Fahd in Jiddah, says Reagan personally responsible for massacre because Habib had given the PLO a signed guarantee for security of Beirut and its people; Amin Gemayel, elected Lebanon's President by 77 of 80 votes, calls for national unity; several Phalange militia commanders refuse to accept Amin's authority.

Arab Governments: King Hussein charges US with "direct moral responsibility" for massacre, supports Reagan's peace initiative but rejects Camp David structure for negotiations and peace talks with Begin government; Arab League emergency meeting accuses US of moral responsibility for massacre but stops short of endorsing PLO-sponsored call for sanctions against US.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials get wary approval for dispatch of Marines from House Foreign Affairs Committee, which sees Israel bearing some responsibility for massacre; Congressman Crockett blames Israeli government and US for "aiding, abetting" massacre; Congressional opposition to increasing aid to Israel grows as Begin refuses to open inquiry; Habib meets Mitterrand on way back to Lebanon.

UN: PLO persuades non-aligned group to call for one-day special emergency General Assembly session to request a UN inquiry; Jeane Kirkpatrick says she will oppose any such inquiry unless Lebanese Government supports it.