276 / 15500 Results
  • December 31, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes at home of Haj Rashad Shawwa, former mayor of Gaza; no injuries.

    Arab World: Israelis reopen Ansar concentration camp....

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  • December 30, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Central Bureau of Statistics announces Israel's economy grew less than 1% in 1983, foreign debt set at $23 billion. Cabinet defers decision on...

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  • December 29, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Encouraged by US urging to restore Egypt-Israel relations, Shafi Abdul Hamid received by Shamir. [Hamid is first ranking Egyptian diplomat to...

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  • December 27, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Postal workers strike for improved benefits and working conditions. Death penalty conferred on 2 Palestinian men, Maher & Karim Yunis,...

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  • December 26, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Students of West Bank vocational institutes and colleges strike to protest renewed attempts by Jordan Ministry of Education to impose...

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  • December 25, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ansar prisoner, Othman Raafat Said Hamdan, scheduled for release in November prisoner exchange, discovered still held in Israel's Atlit military...

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  • December 23, 1983


    Arab World: Jordan and Egypt sign new trade protocol agreement to revive economic ties.


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew imposed on central...

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  • December 22, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli FM Yehud Ben-Meir resigns. During visit of Italy's FM Giulio Andreotti, PM Shamir voices alarm at potential damage to Israel's exports...

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  • December 21, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24-day dock workers' strike ends with workers accepting 25% pay increase, but with higher work quotas and worker layoffs.


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  • December 20, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidov justifies telling his son serving in West Bank to ignore IDF restriction on use of arms against stone-throwers...

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  • December 19, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't denies Israel Radio report that Dep. PM Levy met with King Hussein in Paris. Israeli official complains that US consulate...

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  • December 18, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Coordinating Bureau of Economic Organizations and Histadrut agree workers to get 17.9% cost of living raise, effective 12/25/83.


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  • December 17, 1983

    SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Homes of 13 Palestinian families demolished in Ras al- Amoud near Jerusalem and Israeli court grants the land to Israeli construction company, Tomer....

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  • December 16, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian diplomats in Tel Aviv complain of anonymous phone threats and vandalism against their cars and homes; Israel Foreign Ministry dismisses...

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  • December 15, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: High Court delays order to demolish 2 al-Thowri homes belonging to families of persons suspected of indirect involvement in killing of Israeli...

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  • December 14, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities unfreeze $200,000 of $1 million seized from Gaza Islamic U. 1 year ago. Suspect in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83) released...

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  • December 13, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Red Cross re- ports Israel reneged on terms of last month's prisoner exchange, citing case of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims 39 still held in defiance...

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  • December 12, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Denied building permits since 1948, refugees of Kadita village living in Anbara camp granted 35 dunums by Israeli Lands Administra- tion. In...

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  • December 11, 1983

    SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/ Israel: Israeli police arrest Ephraim Segal, US-immigrant Elon Moreh settler, for questioning in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83). 2 Israeli buses damaged and...

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  • December 10, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel police summon Jamal Mu'adi, head of Druze Initiative Committee, charged with hold- ing illegal public gathering 4 months ago. 75 American...

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  • December 9, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police detain 7 Kiryat Arba settlers forcing way into Abraham's tomb during Muslim prayer times.



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  • December 8, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel:

    Jewish National Fund plans to transplant cedars of Lebanon fail due to war in Lebanon; in Galilee, 10-15,000 reported already...

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  • December 7, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli shekel now equals 1 US cent. [In 6 years of Likud gov't., Israeli currency devalued 99%.] Knesset defeats Communist no-confidence motion...

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  • December 6, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 12 men in al-Arub refugee camp near Hebron arrested under suspicion of stone-throwing. Shamir denies any military commitments to US as quid pro...

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  • December 5, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews...

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  • December 4, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Energy Min. Moda'i urges Cabinet to authorize attempt to capture Arafat and top aides before leaving Tripoli. Israel denies US bombing raids...

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  • December 3, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv's Museum Square in support of conscientious objection to military service in Lebanon. Yesh Gvul ("There's...

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  • December 2, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinian students arrested in Beer Sheba (Bir Sab'a) on charges of possessing banned printed material. Al-Fajr poll finds 94% of...

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  • December 1, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Imam of Katibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison term for "incitement" after denouncing murder of Hebron U. students last July. Gaza artist,...

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  • November 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery exchanges between PSP, and LAF and LF throughout the day in Chouf, Metn and Aley regions, and in coastal area south of Beirut; sporadic artillery and machine gun...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes at home of Haj Rashad Shawwa, former mayor of Gaza; no injuries.

Arab World: Israelis reopen Ansar concentration camp. Lebanese gov't. protests to US over closure of access to South Lebanon and mass arrests by Israel over past 2 days. DM Spandoloni tells Lebanese gov't. of plan to halve Italian MNF troops.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 110 lb. bomb explodes at roadside south of Sidon; witnesses say 2-3 Israelis killed. Bomb explodes as IDF vehicle patrols area near Nusirat refugee camp. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Central Bureau of Statistics announces Israel's economy grew less than 1% in 1983, foreign debt set at $23 billion. Cabinet defers decision on urgent economic recovery program; announces new round of consumer price increases. US 6th Fleet serviced in Haifa; 2 US warships under repair in Israel Shipyard; US sailors expected to spend $5 million on leave there during month of December.

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Tunis for Fateh Central Committee mtg. Israel seals off Awali River crossings between North Lebanon and occupied South. Public demonstrations staged throughout S. Lebanon protesting Israeli occupation.

Other Countries: Indonesia decides not to host 1984 International Parliamentary Union conference as Israel expected to attend.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 IDF grenade-bombs explodes in 2 mosques in Hebron; 1 worshipper slightly wounded; Israeli "TNT" claims responsibility. Bomb spotted and defused on Jerusalem bus. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Encouraged by US urging to restore Egypt-Israel relations, Shafi Abdul Hamid received by Shamir. [Hamid is first ranking Egyptian diplomat to visit Israel since invasion of Lebanon.] On eve of cabinet mtg. over austerity measures, PM Shamir calls emergency mtg. for Herut members of Cabinet in unity attempt.

Arab World: Sidon port on general strike in response to Israel's occupation, recent killing of 3 and arrest of 2 local citizens. Aides in Sana'a, YAR announce Arafat approves military plan for future PLO action.

Other Countries: 13 retired US generals and admirals return from visit to Israel sponsored by B'nai Brith.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Postal workers strike for improved benefits and working conditions. Death penalty conferred on 2 Palestinian men, Maher & Karim Yunis, convicted of killing Israeli soldier in 1980; families maintain confessions were extracted by torture. 6 mo. town arrest order imposed on Khaled Qidra Abd al- Hadi, Deputy General Secretary of Gaza Lawyers Union.

Arab World: Arafat meets with Fateh Central Committee in Sana'a, YAR. Cease-fire called in Beirut; after 3 days fighting, about 60 (mainly Lebanese and Palestinian civilians) killed, 150 wounded. Egyptian foreign affairs advisor says US should open talks with Arafat, calling him "a voice of reason and moderation."

Other Countries: US State Dep't. assails Soviet cut in Jewish emigration as "an unmitigated act of evil."


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Students of West Bank vocational institutes and colleges strike to protest renewed attempts by Jordan Ministry of Education to impose comprehensive exam. Heads of Jewish settlements in occupied Golan complain that Israeli gov't. neglecting development there. PM Shamir says there is no chance for revival of Reagan peace initiative. Dr. Khalil Budeiri, 1st Palestinian opthamologist and respected patriot, dies.

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Yemen Arab Republic with loyalists aboard Greek ship; 10 marriages and 1 birth took place on board during weeklong voyage.

Other Countries: US presidential candidate, Jesse Jackson, invited to Damascus for talks by Pres. Hafez al-Assad.


Arab World: 1 Israeli soldier killed in Sidon ambush.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ansar prisoner, Othman Raafat Said Hamdan, scheduled for release in November prisoner exchange, discovered still held in Israel's Atlit military prison. Israeli Cabinet accuses Egypt of violating spirit of Camp David by Mubarak's meeting with Arafat. Railroad workers in North strike for 3 days to protest erosion of salaries. Estimated 12,000 tourists visit Bethlehem at Christmas.

Arab World: Egypt's FM Butros Ghali urges resumption of talks between Jordan and PLO.

MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: 30 killed (mostly civilians) and 50 wounded in Beirut fighting; LAF gain control of 3 key positions near Sabra & Shatila after French withdrawal.


Arab World: Jordan and Egypt sign new trade protocol agreement to revive economic ties.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew imposed on central Hebron after grenade thrown at Beit Romano, occupied by Jewish squatters. Amal Salim Wahdan Labadi, member of Women's Work Committee and treasurer of Abu Dis Public Institutions Workers' Union, placed under town arrest in Abu Dis for "security reasons;" Labadi is 6 mos. pregnant.

Other Countries: Fleeing gunman fires at Israeli charge'd'affaires in Malta.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli FM Yehud Ben-Meir resigns. During visit of Italy's FM Giulio Andreotti, PM Shamir voices alarm at potential damage to Israel's exports if Spain and Portugal admitted to EEC. Israel's High Court refuses recently-imprisoned conscientious objector's challenge to re-mobilization orders issued immediately on his release from prison. Muslim cemetery in Jaffa vandalized; tombstones spray-painted with threats to Arabs, signed "TNT."

Arab World: Arafat meets Pres. Mubarak in Cairo; DFLP criticizes move; Khaled Fahum terms it "flagrant violation of rule of PNC;" Saleh Khalaf calls it a personal move by Arafat.

Other Countries: US hails Mubarak-Arafat mtg. Venice prosecutor issues warrant for Arafat's arrest on charge he had knowledge PLO supplied weapons to Red Brigade.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hebron curfewed after grenade thrown at Usama Ibn Munqeth School, occupied by Jewish squatters. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24-day dock workers' strike ends with workers accepting 25% pay increase, but with higher work quotas and worker layoffs.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Palestinian-owned cars set ablaze in E. Jerusalem; no response from fire dep't.; police respond after 45 mins.; Israeli vigilantes suspected.

Arab World: At least 2 killed by Israeli air raids in S. Lebanon. Israeli soldiers ransack mosque in Lebanese village of Aadlun, triggering religious pratests and general strike there.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidov justifies telling his son serving in West Bank to ignore IDF restriction on use of arms against stone-throwers. Student council elections held in Gaza Islamic U. and Bir Zeit U; Student Youth Movement wins all 9 seats in BZU council. Striking dock workers force business, gov't. and port authorities to create special fund to transport cargoes by air.

Arab World: Arafat and some 4,000 loyalists sail from Tripoli on 5 chartered Greek passenger ships escorted by French Navy.

Other Countries: Resolutions adopted in UN Gen. Assembly: denouncing new US-Israeli accord [87-29, 29 abstentions]; condemning increasing collaboration between Israel and S. Africa (especially in nuclear field) [101-18, 20 abst.]; calling for economic and military sanctions against Israel [84-24, 31 abst.]; declaring Israel's decision to impose jurisdiction over Jerusalem null and void [137-1, 3 abst.]; and condemning Israel's plundering of Palestinian cultural property during occupation of Lebanon [ 120-1, 20 abst.]. S. California Edison Co. buys $15 million solar plant from Israeli firm, Ormat.


Occupied Palestine!Israel: Hand-grenade thrown at Border Patrol vehicle in Gaza. Israeli troops use teargas against about 100 students protesting occupation and attempts to put al-Najah National U. under military control; hours later, petrol bomb flung at Israeli foot patrol, no injuries. Greek Orthodox nun and Muslim muezzin injured when 2 IDF grenades explode in al-Eizariya (Bethany); "TNT" claims responsibility.

Arab World: 2 Israeli soldiers and 5 Lebanese civilians wounded by grenade hurled at Israeli patrol in Sidon; 2 Israeli soldiers wounded by land mine near Jib Jennin; explosive device wounds 1 Israeli in Ghaziyeh village in S. Lebanon; attacks on Israelis in Lebanon total 6 today.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't denies Israel Radio report that Dep. PM Levy met with King Hussein in Paris. Israeli official complains that US consulate officials in Jerusalem "encouraging" pro-PLO circles. DM Arens affirms Israel will continue to use house demolition as "pre- trial punishment."

Other Countries: Soviet-born Israeli arrested and charged with arson in Amsterdam's porno row fire which killed 13 and injured at least 25. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Coordinating Bureau of Economic Organizations and Histadrut agree workers to get 17.9% cost of living raise, effective 12/25/83.

Other Countries: Israel Radio claims Reagan made secret pact with Israel to increase military aid in 1986; US State Dep't. asserts no secret agreement signed "while Shamir was here." [In fact, Reagan signed secret National Security Decision Directive for closer strategic cooperation and commitment to Israel on 10/9/83.]


Arab World: US F-14s meet Syrian anti-aircraft fire over Beirut; US warships bombard Syrian-controlled hills. For fifth time in 9 days, Israeli gunboats shell Palestinians awaiting evacuation at Tripoli; Palestinian fighters return fire. 2 Israeli soldiers seriously wounded, 1 Lebanese killed in grenade attack on IDF patrol near Sidon; Israelis open fire on crowd gathering after incident.

SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Homes of 13 Palestinian families demolished in Ras al- Amoud near Jerusalem and Israeli court grants the land to Israeli construction company, Tomer. 32 refugee families from Beach Camp (Gaza), whose homes demolished by occupation forces, appeal to UNRWA & other humanitarian agencies for aid in 2nd winter without proper shelter. Israel declares Dheisheh refugee camp closed military zone, forcing Israeli Committee for Solidarity with BZU volunteers to stop helping pave road; 2 Israelis & TV crew detained. EL AL forbids flights over "Temple Mount" on advice of former Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren that the holiness of the site extends to the air above it; "therefore, there is fear that religiously unclean people will defile that airspace by flying through it."

Arab World: 97 wounded Palestinian loyalist fighters evacuated by Italian hospital ship to Tunis and PDRY. Senior Egyptian official, Shafi Abdel Hamid, declines invitation to visit Israel.

Other Countries: US Asst. Sec. of Health signs 5-year agreement with Israel providing for exchange of information on social services and human development.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian diplomats in Tel Aviv complain of anonymous phone threats and vandalism against their cars and homes; Israel Foreign Ministry dismisses acts as "normal Tel Aviv crime."

Arab World: Gemayel makes visit to Col. Qadhafi in Tripoli, Libya.

Other Countries: US and Israel reach agreement for future US military use of Israeli medical faciities.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: High Court delays order to demolish 2 al-Thowri homes belonging to families of persons suspected of indirect involvement in killing of Israeli settler in Hebron. 3 Dura teenagers sentenced by Ramallah military court to 15-30 years for membership in "illegal organizations." 2 Gaza Red Crescent Society officials, Dr. Haidar Abd al-Shafi & Abd al-Karim Tululi, tried for possession of banned books. Town arrest of Hamdi Faraj, executive member of Arab Journalists Assoc., renewed for 6 months. Israel Central Bureau of Statistics announces inflation to reach 190% by end 1983 (compared with 130% in 1982).

Other Countries: Israel's 1985 American aid request presented simultaneously in Washington and Jerusalem; no final sum, but declares need for $3.3 billion to fill foreign currency gap. Reagan appoints Orthodox Jew, Marshall Jordan Berger to post as White House liaison to US Jewish community. UNRWA disavows any connection with Israeli gov't.'s proposed refugee resettlement scheme. US praises Israel-assisted rescue of Phalangist militiamen from Deir al-Qamar as "model for further progress in the reconciliation process in Lebanon." European Parliament to send delegation to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Egypt to examine possibilities of solutions to Middle East and Lebanon conflict.


Arab World: USS New Jersey's 16-inch guns, in action for first time since Vietnam war, fire at Syrian anti-aircraft batteries east of Beirut.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities unfreeze $200,000 of $1 million seized from Gaza Islamic U. 1 year ago. Suspect in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83) released for lack of evidence. DM Moshe Arens announces Israel will review policy of blowing up homes of Palestinians charged with actions against the state.

Arab World: Israel joins LAF and Red Cross in evacuating 2,000-2,500 Phalangist militiamen and other Christians from Deir al-Qamar from Druze forces.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Red Cross re- ports Israel reneged on terms of last month's prisoner exchange, citing case of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims 39 still held in defiance of agreement; Israel DM communique blames error in ICRC/Israel coordination for reversal of Abu Ain's release. Patron of Birkat Avraham yeshiva remanded for 4 days for disregarding gov't. order to remove illegal structure. Trial begins for 10 Palestinians charged with harassment of Jewish settlers in Galilee and organizing demonstrations. Israel Bonds Organization announces total of $475,434,250. raised in 1983 (compared with $502,144,500. in 1982); total since 1951 more than $6.5 billion.

Arab World: Jordan Cabinet confirms 12 Jordanians of Palestinian origin given death sentences in absentia by special military court for selling West Bank land to Israel.

Other Countries: Gemayel in London for 2 days of talks with PM Thatcher. Responding to reports that Israel asked US for Pershing 11 missiles, Shamir sends message to USSR that Israel would not acquire missiles capable of hitting Russia. UN Gen. Assembly adopts resolution calling for peace conference inviting all parties, including US, USSR and PLO on equal footing [124-4, 15 abstentions].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Abdullah Ahmed Musa, worker from Bir al-Basha/Jenin, found dead near Akka; family fears killed by Israeli vigilantes.

Arab World: US and Israeli navies launch simultaneous but separate attacks on Syrian and Palestinian positions, respectively, near Lebanese coast. Grenade thrown at IDF patrol near Sidon, 2 Israeli patrol soldiers wounded; Israeli truck driver wounded by grenade attack south of Zahrani River.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Denied building permits since 1948, refugees of Kadita village living in Anbara camp granted 35 dunums by Israeli Lands Administra- tion. In response to latest clashes with Arab residents in Upper Nazareth, Arab-Jewish committee formed in Jerusalem to combat increasing racism against Arabs. Law in the Service of Man (Ramallah) publishes reply to misinformation in US State Dep't. report on Israel's human rights record.

Arab World: US Sec. of State Shultz defends "strategic coorperation" with Israel during talks with HM Hassan II in Rabat. About 2,000 Lebanese and Palestinian former Ansar prisoners rearrested and interrogated by Israeli forces. Israeli military court in Nablus sentences 14 youths from Qabatyah to 2 to 3-year prison terms for stone-throwing.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dhib Mahmoud Daba'ak killed instantly by Israeli patrol while ploughing field near Tayasir, NW of Nablus; body airlifted to Jaffa for autopsy and Israel Army spokesman announces man killed by stray bullet while riding horse into firing range. Israeli forces set up checkpoints at entrances to al-Najah National University, harassing students and faculty. Booby-trapped IDF grenade explodes on doorstep of Palestinian home in Husan village; 2 other bombs discovered in search of village.

SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/ Israel: Israeli police arrest Ephraim Segal, US-immigrant Elon Moreh settler, for questioning in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83). 2 Israeli buses damaged and 1 Kiryat Arba settler hurt in hail of stones outside Dheisheh refugee camp. Hebron man obtains order nisi requiring West Bank commander to give cause for sealing of his home.

Arab World: Villagers in Milke, S. Lebanon riot against IDF patrol; 5 villagers injured, several arrested.

MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 petrol bombs thrown at Israeli police bus near al-Bireh. Occupation forces demolish 3 Palestinian homes and seal 4 others in Hebron and Ramallah belonging to suspected members of groups hostile to Israel.

Arab World: Gemayel advisor discloses orders received in Washington to move LAF into Druze-held Chouf as US and Israeli warplanes provide cover and US ships blanket area with heavy artillery.

Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz criticized in Tunis for US-Israel "strategic cooperation."


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel police summon Jamal Mu'adi, head of Druze Initiative Committee, charged with hold- ing illegal public gathering 4 months ago. 75 American and 75 Israeli participants join for 1st World Jewish Young Leader- ship Assembly in Sodom.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Torat Kohanim yeshiva students under border patrol guard break into and occupy building under control of "Custodian of Absentee Property" in Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police detain 7 Kiryat Arba settlers forcing way into Abraham's tomb during Muslim prayer times.


Occupied Palestinel Israel: Jerusalem police find and detonate 5 IDF grenade bombs near 3 Christian churches and a mosque in city; grenade explodes in Salah al-Din Street; no injured reported; 6 Arab- owned automobiles burnt in Jerusalem; "TNT" claims responsibility for all incidents. Israeli troops extend military camp on farm land in 'Ush al-Ghurab belonging to Beit Sahour residents confiscated 10/7/83 for "military purposes. "

Arab World: Israeli gunboats attack Arafat base in Tripoli.


Occupied Palestine/Israel:

Jewish National Fund plans to transplant cedars of Lebanon fail due to war in Lebanon; in Galilee, 10-15,000 reported already transplanted from France where imported by Lebanese immigrants.

Arab World: Gemayel sends FM to Damascus for talks on withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon.

Other Countries: US, British, French and Italian FMs reaffirm commitment to MNF presence in Beirut. In General Assembly debate, Israeli UN ambassador Blum requests UN cancel arrangements to protect Arafat's departure from Tripoli in light of recent bomb explosion on Jerusalem bus.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Aisha Adnan Bahash, 11, shot dead, sister, Fida, 9, shot in face by Israeli settler in Nablus bakery. Israeli troops raid and vandalize Palestinian cultural exhibit at Nablus Labor Union office, detain 11 present, confiscate publications. Students and 2 teachers from Hashimiya Secondary School in al- Bira arrested after clashes with about 200 Israeli soldiers as students protest "civil administration" ceremony at school with military presence. Yatta farmers driven from their fields by Israeli settlers. Bus traveling to Kiryat Arba reportedly stoned outside Hebron. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli shekel now equals 1 US cent. [In 6 years of Likud gov't., Israeli currency devalued 99%.] Knesset defeats Communist no-confidence motion over agreements with Washington. Israeli "civil administration" imposes sanctions on Dheisheh camp residents, restricting travel permits to Jordan, preventing return of Palestinian visitors to other Arab countries.

Other Countries: Greece agrees to send 4 ships to Tripoli for evacuation of Arafat's soldiers. Mayor McCann of Jersey City, NJ, USA, announces his city to "adopt" Israeli settlement of Tekoah in West Bank. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Nablus curfewed for 24 hours after failed grenade attack on Israeli patrol and Molotov cocktail thrown at patrol in Askar camp. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 12 men in al-Arub refugee camp near Hebron arrested under suspicion of stone-throwing. Shamir denies any military commitments to US as quid pro quo for aid received during recent visit to Washington. Jerusalem mayor Kollek calls Birkat Avraham students troublemakers, urges their removal from Old City.

Other Countries: US Securities and Exchange Commission cites Development Corporation for Israel for failing to report to IRS large sums received in exchange for Israel Bonds from 1/82 to 4/83. Antonio Tricolli, Argentine Interior Minister describes anti-Semitism as "barbaric attitude" to be eliminated from the country; Argentine FM Dante Caputo states new constitutional gov't. would recognize PLO as legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 4 killed and 46 wounded in bomb explosion on #18 bus in West Jerusalem; 41 detained for interrogation; anonymous caller from Israeli terror group, "TNT", (Terror Neged Terror), claims responsibility.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest corner-stone-laying ceremony at Emmanuel religious settlement; block 16 buses of Agudat Israel Party supporters planning to attend. In address to Israeli Federation of Contractors and Builders convention in Jerusalem, Shamir urges private builders to develop West Bank. Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. report new ultra-rightwing underground, stockpiling arms and planning to take over part of territories. Labor Federation leader Shehadeh Minawi released on IS5,000 bail after held for 24 hrs. on charges of arranging illegal conference in Jerusalem. About 20 S. Lebanon merchants meet with Israeli Industry and Trade Director in Jerusalem to discuss ways of improving trade.

Arab World: PLO Political Dep't. head Qaddoumi refuses proposal by some PLO Executive Com. members to replace Arafat. Mubarak warns new "strategic cooperation" will spell disaster for American friends in Arab world; other official Arab sources concur.

Other Countries: UK Labor Party dep. sec. Hattersley says his party admires Israel as "one of the greatest events of the 20th century," adding Labor's recent pro-PLO resolutions were only attempts to introduce "realism into the romantic." North American Palestinian community mtg. in Newark, NJ publicizes declaration reaffirming support for PLO and Arafat leadership.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent exchanges in Jerusalem between extremist Zionist cells injerusalem, Birkat Avraham, Torat Kohanim and Shuva Banim yeshivot and Arab residents of Muslim Quarter when several students spray tear gas in eyes of young Palestinian man near his shop; neighbors retaliate with barrage of stones.

Arab World: 24 US jets strike in Chouf mountains and Metn region, hit 6 villages; US claims retaliation for Syrian anti-aircraft fire against yesterday's US flights over Lebanon; 2 US planes downed, 1 airman killed, 1 captured by Syria. US Navy spokesman says US reevaluating Syrian military capabilities. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Energy Min. Moda'i urges Cabinet to authorize attempt to capture Arafat and top aides before leaving Tripoli. Israel denies US bombing raids part of joint plan with Israel. Anti- nuclear, ecumenical Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage Group arrives in Haifa for last leg of 12,000 km trek from Bangor, WA, USA, to Bethlehem.

Arab World: Syrian FM calls for international and Arab action against aggressive US policy in Middle East. In Tripoli interview, Arafat says he wants PLO base in Cairo.

Other Countries: Bonn agrees to DM140 million loan to Israel for investment in high-tech development.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Molotov cocktail attack on Israeli military patrol in Nablus; curfews imposed on nearby Balata and Askar camps.

Arab World: US jets bomb Syrian positions in Kfar Salwan, Falougha, Hammana, Dahr al-Baidar, Jabal Knayset and Sofar in Lebanon; 2 jets downed. 8 Marines killed by militia, presumed by US to be Syrian- backed; 6th Fleet opens fire on militia positions.

Other Countries: Israeli embassy in Bankok bombed; attackers unidentified; Thai customs allerted to "suspicious Arabs" trying to leave the country. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv's Museum Square in support of conscientious objection to military service in Lebanon. Yesh Gvul ("There's a Limit") announces over 3,000 IDF reserve officers and enlisted men joined movement against military service in Lebanon. Delegation from Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace makes solidarity visit to Bassam Shaka'a after last week's escalation of settler violence in Nablus.

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Mubarak says Arafat welcome to visit Cairo.

Other Countries: US announces unprecedented all-grant military aid to Israel to reach $1.4 billion in fiscal 1985. UN Security Council votes unanimously to permit embattled Arafat loyalists to evacuate Tripoli under UN flag.

MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: Israeli bombers strike alleged guerrilla bases in mountains near Beirut in retaliaiton for 1 Israeli soldier killed in S. Lebanon ambush yesterday. US commander in Lebanon authorized to use 16- inch guns on USS New Jersey against adversaries. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinian students arrested in Beer Sheba (Bir Sab'a) on charges of possessing banned printed material. Al-Fajr poll finds 94% of Palestinians in Israel support Arafat leadership. 200 residents of Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem attend mtg. at UNRWA office to protest Israeli threat of camp school closure. Galilee priest, Fowzi Khouri, released on IS100,000 bail after 1 month detention on charges of contact with PLO. 

Arab World: Gemayel ends talks with Reagan admin. with no further commitments of US assistance. Second-ranking Druze official murdered in Beirut; Christian Phalange blamed.

Other Countries: 2 Israeli firms sign deals for 1st Israeli factory in Ciskei tribal homeland, S. Africa; Israeli trade there includes sale of American-made Mooney light planes for fledgeling Ciskei airforce plus military training. [Israel and Taiwan lead investment in S. African "Bantustans."] British High Court decides to refer Israel's protest at UK's refusal to sell it North Sea oil to European Court of Justice. UN Security Council considers Arafat's request for assistance in evacuating Tripoli.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Palestinian workers shot for not stopping at Gaza checkpoint while driving to work in Israel. About 30 Birkat Avraham yeshiva students go on rampage armed with iron rods, smashing windows, injuring 2 Arab men; 3 Arabs and 2 Jews arrested and released. IDF uproots five dunums of fruit trees belonging to Palestinian farmers along Kfar Saba-Qalqilya road where IDF believes petrol bomb attacks on Israeli traffic launched; farmers not to be compensated and ordered not to replant.

Arab World: Heavy artillery exchanges in Tripoli between rival Palestinian forces as talks on evacuation of loyalists stall. Bazooka attack on Israeli army vehicle kills 1 IDF soldier in Lebanon.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Imam of Katibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison term for "incitement" after denouncing murder of Hebron U. students last July. Gaza artist, Fathi Ghabin's detention extended for producing "inciting" posters. Raphael Eitan and Chaim Herzog lead public castigation of 6 Israeli POWs returned by PLO in November prisoner exchange and 2 others still captive for cowardly surrender. Gush Emunim settlers camp at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus declaring to create permanent Jewish presence there; Peace Now warns of demonstration next day, supports DM Zipori's position that encampment is illegal. Teachers in 10 Israeli gov't. schools in Ramallah and al-Bireh strike over low wages. Life sentences given 2 Palestinians charged with killing Ramallah Village League head (1981), and an attack on IDF officer imposed as "(mayor" of al-Bireh; 2 others sentenced to 12-14 years for attacking Israeli settler in Hebron.

Arab World: Arafat accepts outline of Saudi-organized ceasefire in Tripoli. After letter from Pres. Reagan reiterating US position, King Hussein says he is prepared to resume talks with Arafat on joint Palestinian-Jordanian approach to negotiations with Israel; in light of current struggle in Tripoli, Hussein promises to put "no conditions on him. " Rebel spokesman asserts Tripoli fighting results from Arafat's refusal to heed Coordination Committee proposals. Tyre municipality opens special employment office for men released from Ansar prison; appeals to UNRWA to provide jobs.

Other Countries: Meeting in Washington, Pres. Gemayel and Reagan agree to stand by May 17 Lebanese-Israeli agreement. US Sec. of Defense Weinberger tells Jewish leaders of Synagogue Council of America that Arafat is "irrelevant" to future of Middle East. Chile's FM ends visit to Israel; agreement reached to expand mutual trade and agricultural cooperation. Abu Ja'far, Dir. of PLO Political Dep't holds talks with Soviet charge d'affaires in Tunis; also received GDR, DPRK, Rumanian, Polish and Czech ambassadors on occasion of Int'l. Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Major oil co.s shipping under Liberian flag pressure Liberian gov't. to cancel plans for embassy in Jerusalem; ambassador reported looking for alternative location in Tel Aviv.


Arab World: Palestinian casualties in Lebanon mountain artillery exchanges: 2 PFLP fighters, 1from Struggle Front, 2 from Liberation Army and 1 from al-Saiqa killed; 2 from Struggle Front wounded. Israel-backed militia chief in S. Lebanon, Abu Saleh, quits to renew loyalty to Amal militia. 1983 to date, 71 Druze quit Israeli military for religious reasons (compares with 19 in 1982).

Military Action:

Artillery exchanges between PSP, and LAF and LF throughout the day in Chouf, Metn and Aley regions, and in coastal area south of Beirut; sporadic artillery and machine gun fire between rival militias in Tripoli; commander of IDF-backed militia in South Lebanon disbands his unit, joins Amal.


2 killed, 6 wounded in Tripoli fighting; 3 killed in Chouf; Beirut airport closed after 6 shells hit runway, schools in East Beirut closed; French military helicopter crashes into sea off Beirut, 2 crew members killed, 1 missing.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens, in US, calls for unrelenting diplomatic and political pressure to force Syria to withdraw from Lebanon, says Lebanese government should employ guerrilla activity against Syrian forces in Lebanon; Shamir, in US, says US support for Israel, from point of view of American interests, is a bargain; settlers continue to occupy position near Joseph's Tomb in Nablus; petrol bomb thrown at IDF vehicle in Nablus.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Tripoli Higher Coordinating Committee meets separately with Arafat and rebel leaders to coordinate details of cease-fire and withdrawal of forces.

Arab Governments: Saudi ambassador to US criticizes US-Israel program for increased cooperation, says Israel is strategic liability to US, not strategic asset.

US and Other Countries: Gemayel arrives in Washington for meetings tomorrow with Reagan and senior US officials.