Military Action:
Fighting continues between LAF and militiamen in southern suburbs and at Souq al-Gharb and between Druze and Phalange militias in Kharroub; stray shells land near Marine...
Military Action:
Fighting continues between LAF and militiamen in southern suburbs and at Souq al-Gharb and between Druze and Phalange militias in Kharroub; stray shells land near Marine...
Military Action:
Fierce tank and artillery battles continue between PSP and LF militias in Chouf, focus on control of Bhamdoun; LAF moves troops into Dar aI-Wahch, near Aley.
Military Action:
IDF completes overnight withdrawal; heavy artillery, machine-gun battles between LF [Lebanese Forces-Phalange militia] and PSP militia as each moves to occupy former IDF...
Military Action:
IDF convoy hit by explosive device near Amiq, IDF artillery units maintain systematic fire at guerrilla positions in Syrian-controlled area; IDF combat units in Chouf...
Military Action:
Sporadic artillery and rocket exchanges continue in Chouf; bomb damages Lebanese police station in Sidon.
Car bomb explodes outside crowded mosque...
Military Action:
IDF and Syrian Army exchange fire in Beqaa; heavy fighting between PLO factions, and between Lebanese Army and Palestinian forces of Col. Said Musa near Army's Baalbek base...
Military Action:
Christian suburbs north of Beirut fired on from Syrian-controlled mountains; Syrian Army position attacked in Tripoli; fighting continues in Chouf.
...Military Action:
IDF roadblock fired on east of Beirut; light arms fire at IDF patrol from Syrian-controlled territory in Beqaa.
Kidnappings, arson, and cutting of...
Military Action:
Syrian Army convoy ambushed on coastal road south of Tripoli; IDF tanks fire at Druze and Christian positions in Chouf as artillery duels continue.
...Military Action:
Syrian planes fire 2 air-to-air missiles at Israeli jets on reconnaissance flight over northern Lebanon, no hits reported; Israelis deny Lebanese report that pilotless...
Military Action:
Phalange and Druze exchange artillery and small arms fire in Chouf after Druze sheikh killed by land mine in Kfarhim.
23 killed, up to 100...
Military Action:
IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Phalange and Druze militias after cease-fire broken, heavy shelling resumed as Shultz's plane leaves Beirut; bomb explodes as IDF vehicle...
Military Action:
4 hours of artillery and rocket barrages between Phalange and Druze militias over 20 mile arc from Chouf to Junieh, Beirut suburbs worst hit since last summer; helicopter...
Military Action:
IDF planes fly reconnaissance missions over Tripoli, PLO forces fire anti-aircraft barrages; car bomb explodes near IDF vehicle in Sidon, joint searches conducted by IDF...
Military Action:
Remaining members of British MNF contingent arrive, bringing total to 97; UNIFIL says IDF harassing its convoys.
3 injured, 14 houses damaged by...
Military Action:
Druze militia takes control of Aley in Chouf, destroys Phalange headquarters; IDF arming and assisting Palestinian Village League style administration in Ain el-Hilweh camp...
Military Action:
First contingent of 22 British troops arrives to join MNF, will patrol road south of airport.
17 killed, 34 wounded as artillery duels continue in...
Military Action:
IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing...
Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners interviewed in Ansar prison camp say at first life was hell, then improved, now have kerosene heaters in tents, 10 cigarettes per day, English...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF receives instructions to avoid contact with multi-national force in Beirut; following eighth round of Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiations...
Military Action:
Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...
Military Action:
Israeli Governor's residence in Sidon attacked, curfew imposed on city; gunfire hits IDF convoy north of Sidon; fierce artillery barrages rage around Beirut, sporadic...
Military Action:
Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but...
Military Action:
Bitter clashes and artillery duels in Chouf, 11 towns/villages bombed, Phalange reports fires burning out of control; IDF closes nearby Beirut-Damascus road, refuses...
Military Action:
Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting...
Military Action:
Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning...
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000,...
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new...
Military Action:
Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say...
Military Action:
Fighting continues between LAF and militiamen in southern suburbs and at Souq al-Gharb and between Druze and Phalange militias in Kharroub; stray shells land near Marine base at airport.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: New Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Otgad right-wing member of Herut party with business interests and residence in West Bank, named by Shamir.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PSP official says Druze refugees have begun to occupy homes abandoned by Christian refugees in Chouf villages as part of new civil administration policy.
US and Other Countries: Reagan appoints McFarlane as national security adviser, replacing William Clark; Marine commander in Beirut says sniper fire in past few days originates from gunmen newly arrived in area; US states officially for first time that Marines and other MNF units are the targets of attacks.
Military Action:
Fierce tank and artillery battles continue between PSP and LF militias in Chouf, focus on control of Bhamdoun; LAF moves troops into Dar aI-Wahch, near Aley.
31 killed, including 3 LAF soldiers, 83 wounded; LAF reports 40 Druze killed in Kfar Matta, says LF responsible, PSP accuses LAF of participating in massacre; Phalange report murder of civilians and militiamen by PSP forces near Bhamdoun; 4 US Marines wounded by mortar fire.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel warns PSP not to occupy areas it has evacuated, says fall of Bhamdoun to PSP would be seen as a change in the status quo, extending Syrian territory.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Pro- and anti-Arafat Fateh forces resume fighting near Baalbek.
Arab Governments: Syria calls for Arab League boycott of Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: McFarlane returns to Beirut.
Military Action:
IDF completes overnight withdrawal; heavy artillery, machine-gun battles between LF [Lebanese Forces-Phalange militia] and PSP militia as each moves to occupy former IDF positions; LAF dislodges PSP forces at Kf. r Matta and Khaldeh, fires artillery at PJP positions in Chouf; Israeli jets strafe column of Syrian tanks, reportedly under PSP control, attacking LF positions near Sofar, several tanks destroyed; LF encircles PSP stronghold at Aley, PSP militia encircles Bhamdoun.
34 killed, 25-71 wounded in Beirut and Chouf; car bomb in Shi'ite neighborhood of Haret Hreik kills 11, injures dozens.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens warns Syria against entering areas evacuated by IDF; Mustafa Dudeen, chairman of West Bank Villages Leagues, resigns.
Military Action:
IDF convoy hit by explosive device near Amiq, IDF artillery units maintain systematic fire at guerrilla positions in Syrian-controlled area; IDF combat units in Chouf reduced to minimum, removal of logistical and support facilities completed; Lebanese, Israeli and US officers reconnoiter Chouf positions to be occupied by Lebanese Army.
4 IDF soldiers wounded by explosion near Amiq.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: World Zionist Organization publishes $1.5 b. plan to triple West Bank settlers to 100,000 by 1986.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Pierre Gemayel says Phalange Party will not start discussion of entente before all foreign armies leave; Camille Chamoun criticizes government for contacts with National Salvation Front.
Military Action:
Sporadic artillery and rocket exchanges continue in Chouf; bomb damages Lebanese police station in Sidon.
Car bomb explodes outside crowded mosque in Tripoli, at least 19-20 killed, 43-50 injured, Islamic Unity Party blames agents of government and Phalange Party; at least 1 killed, 9 injured by bomb in Christian neighborhood of Beirut, front of 5-story building collapses; South Lebanon militia leader Haddad wounded in attack on his house, reportedly by his own militiamen, 3 guards killed, 2 children wounded.
Political Responses:
Palestinians/ Lebanese: McFarlane meets PM Wazzan; Lebanese officials say Army has 15 days to occupy positions in Chouf.
Military Action:
IDF and Syrian Army exchange fire in Beqaa; heavy fighting between PLO factions, and between Lebanese Army and Palestinian forces of Col. Said Musa near Army's Baalbek base, Syrians intervene; IDF surrounds, occupies Phalangist barracks at Kfar Falus, east of Sidon, in effort to evict militiamen.
1 IDF officer killed by Syrian fire; 2 killed, 8 wounded in Baalbek fighting; Christian and Druze militias permit convoys of food and medicine to reach Chouf towns of Bhamdoun and Aley, blockaded for past 35 days; bombs explode in 5 shops selling Israeli goods in Ain al-Hilweh camp; IDF releases following statistics on effect of redeployment: it is withdrawing from 600 of 3,400 sq. km. it now holds, 200,000 of the 750,00 civilians in this total area will come under control of Beirut, IDF frontline will be reduced from 118 to 113 km; more than 100 Palestinian and Lebanese women at Prime Minister's office demand intervention to secure release of men presumably kidnapped by Phalangists at time of Sabra and Shatila massacre.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 2 Birzeit students sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for participating in last week's demonstration over killing of Hebron students; IDF imposes curfew on Tulkarm-Nablus road after settlers wounded by shots near Anabta.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat asks OAU and Nonaligned Movement to intervene against Syrian and Libyan attacks on PLO; McFarlane meets Gemayel, then flies to Israel.
UN: US vetoes, Zaire abstains, 13 states support Security Council resolution that Israeli settlements in occupied lands have no legal validity and constitute major and serious obstruction to peace.
Military Action:
Christian suburbs north of Beirut fired on from Syrian-controlled mountains; Syrian Army position attacked in Tripoli; fighting continues in Chouf.
1 Syrian soldier wounded in Tripoli; dozens of marked and unmarked graves, used by IDF to bury bodies of Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians killed in Lebanon, discovered in northern Galilee, IDF denies it is mass grave site.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, citing personal reasons, postpones visit to Washington scheduled for July 26-29; leaders of Druze community in Israel ask government to remove Phalangist militia from Chouf before IDF withdraws, say they fear massacres.
US and Other Countries: Gemayel arrives in Washington for 3 days of official meetings.
Military Action:
IDF roadblock fired on east of Beirut; light arms fire at IDF patrol from Syrian-controlled territory in Beqaa.
Kidnappings, arson, and cutting of water and electricity supplies continue in Chouf region.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Grenade damages IDF jeep in Hebron, central area of city closed; Begin, other officials meet Habib, reportedly reject setting a deadline for unilateral IDF withdrawal; declassified Foreign Ministry files detail relations between Israel and Lebanese Phalangists during 1948-51 period.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee calls for cease-fire between rival factions, sends mediation team to Syria.
Arab Governments: Joint Saudi-Algerian delegation leaves Damascus.
Military Action:
Syrian Army convoy ambushed on coastal road south of Tripoli; IDF tanks fire at Druze and Christian positions in Chouf as artillery duels continue.
3 to 7 Syrian soldiers, including 2 officers, killed in Tripoli ambush; Palestinian residents of Burj al-Shamali demonstrate for increased IDF protection against Phalangist militiamen following several murders last week; 2 injured in West Beirut bombings.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Political figures, trade unions, university students and women's organizations in West Bank and Gaza express public support for Arafat.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh Revolutionary Council, with 40 of 73 members present, meets in Damascus, condemns mutiny, decides on formal inquiry into corruption, conduct of PLO officers during Israeli invasion of Lebanon, supports by-passing Fez plan in favor of military optioni; PLO officer and head of Palestine Research Center in Beirut detained by Lebanese authorities; report on Sabra and Shatila massacres by Lebanon's military prosecutor finds no responsibility on part of political and military leaders of Phalange Party, implies involvement of Haddad forces, assigns legal responsibility to IDF, recommends no prosecutions at present time.
US and Other Countries: Shultz and other officials discuss implications of IDF redeployment with national security adviser to Gemayel; Gemayel to visit Washington on July 22; EEC summit meeting votes to reopen links with Israel, unfreeze financial aid package blocked since invasion.
Military Action:
Syrian planes fire 2 air-to-air missiles at Israeli jets on reconnaissance flight over northern Lebanon, no hits reported; Israelis deny Lebanese report that pilotless drone plane was shot down over Bekaa by SA-6 missiles, say that reconnaissance flights will continue; Phalange and Druze militias exchange fire south of Beirut.
1 IDF soldier killed, 14 injured when explosion damages troop bus in eastern Lebanon; Lebanese military prosecutor demands death penalty for pro-Iranian Lebanese Shiites charged with killing 6 Lebanese Army soldiers in March.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: MK Shulamit Aloni says over a period of years settlers in West Bank have committed many dozens of murders, assaulted and harassed Arabs, and committed hundreds of acts of vandalism all with backing of military government and former Defense Minister Sharon; Knesset votes 41-32 against motion calling for full parliamentary investigation of Jewish vigilantism in West Bank, Defense Minister Arens says only way of ameliorating legal situation in occupied territories is by applying Israeli law; police release suspect in grenade attack during February 10 Peace Now demonstration; Israeli Druze communities call for total strike to protest inability of IDF to halt Phalange-Druze battles in Lebanon; Arab local councils in Galilee and Triangle hold 2-hour strike to protest inclusion of Arab-owned land in jurisdiction of new Misgav regional council; Israel warns Syria not to play with fire after attack on Israeli jets; prototypes of Israeli-made missiles shown at International Aerospace show at Le Bourget, Israel Aircraft Industry spokesman says prototype of Lavi jet fighter will make first flight in February 1986; Israeli bus and car damaged by stones in West Bank; anti-Arab slogans written on walls near Bethlehem; security forces disperse residents of Hussan, in Bethlehem area, trying to stop Israeli surveyors.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh Central Committee, meeting in Damascus, cuts off food, fuel and pay to dissident PLO forces, estimated to number 150-500; Lebanese Foreign Minister meets ambassadors of 10 countries contributing to UNIFIL, would like troops to be deployed in Chouf region.
Arab Governments: North Yemen opposes Israeli-Lebanon agreement, calls for immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops.
US and Other Countries: All European Community members except Greece support Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement.
Military Action:
Phalange and Druze exchange artillery and small arms fire in Chouf after Druze sheikh killed by land mine in Kfarhim.
23 killed, up to 100 kidnapped in Chouf fighting.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Detectives investigating murder of 2 Russian nuns suspect fanatical Jewish opponents of Christian activity in the Holy Land, Russian convent and other Christian institutions in Jerusalem recently daubed with swastikas; 90% of government-employed doctors refuse to work in escalation of strike actions for higher wages begun March 2; High Court rules that Druze residents of Golan Heights must carry Israeli identity cards; Chief of Staff Levy says reserve duty will average 60-65 days this year if IDF remains in Lebanon for protracted period; Cabinet formally ratifies agreement with Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem, in Paris, says Syrian position on Lebanese-Israeli-US accord is not final; Habib arrives in Beirut for meetings with Lebanese officials.
Arab Governments: Iraq says US-arranged Lebanese-Israeli accord constitutes a chain on Lebanon's sovereignty; Kuwait minister says agreement is an infringement on the rights of the whole Arab nation; Col. Qaddafi says rebellion in PLO has his material and moral support.
Military Action:
IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Phalange and Druze militias after cease-fire broken, heavy shelling resumed as Shultz's plane leaves Beirut; bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Damour; IDF reported to have built 4 new bases along road between Tyre and Israeli border.
6-12 killed, 22-29 wounded in renewed shelling of East Beirut, 36 killed, 125 wounded in last 4 days; 7 IDF soldiers wounded near Damour; IDF casualty figures for April were 7 soldiers killed, 18 wounded in 28 attacks.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Levy tours IDF positions in South Lebanon, says Israel must prepare for possibility of direct fighting on all fronts if Syria does not accept the withdrawal agreement; Defense Minister Arens says it would be wise to give Syria time to make a decision; Bank of Israel reports the foreign debt increased by almost 15% in 1982, from $18.2b to $20.9b, with repayments due in 1983 of $1.2b interest and $4.5b principal; 18 additional injunctions provided to police to bar construction company working on Elkana D settlement near Bidya, first time police have undertaken to enforce local court order against settlement developers; deans and academic officers at al-Najah University resign after Islamic students' bloc and outside supporters hold rally on campus in defiance of university regulations.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meets in Damascus to discuss Israeli-Lebanese agreement.
Arab Governments: Syrian President Assad meets King Fahd in Jeddah; Jordanian authorities turn back large numbers of Palestinian men between ages of 16 and 26 seeking to cross from West Bank to Jordan with Israeli permits requiring them to remain outside for 9 months, Jordanians do not allow stays of more than 30 days.
US and Other Countries: Shultz travels from Jeddah to Jerusalem and then to Beirut, meets Israeli and Lebanese officials, departs for Paris.
Military Action:
4 hours of artillery and rocket barrages between Phalange and Druze militias over 20 mile arc from Chouf to Junieh, Beirut suburbs worst hit since last summer; helicopter carrying US Marine commander fired on, no injuries; artillery and rocket battles in Tripoli between pro- and anti-Syrian militias; Gemayel orders Lebanese Army and Air Force to attack and silence any positions firing on Beirut; IDF officers in Bekaa say Syrian military activity in the area is defensive, no signs of preparation for attack.
6-7 killed, 25-34 injured in artillery barrages in Chouf and Beirut; 1 IDF soldier killed, 9 injured by artillery shell near convoy; 1 killed, 4 wounded in Tripoli; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee resumes shipments of cement to assist in reconstruction of refugee camps in South Lebanon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials seek clarification of points in draft troop withdrawal agreement, special envoys Habib and Draper answer questions at Foreign Ministry; Chaim Herzog sworn in as president of Israel, says that political and ethnic tensions among Israeli Jews constitute a danger from within; 500 Arab college and high school students demonstrate in Nazareth against discriminatory recommendations for university tuitionfee policy; Nablus court issues 6 more injunctions preventing private company from preparing land for Elkana D settlement near Bidya; Jerusalem resident, beaten by yeshiva students while rescuing elderly woman last month, hospitalized in serious condition after being beaten again; physician and lawyer in Ramallah jailed after their offices searched by Israeli tax collectors seeking retroactive payment of value added tax, boycotted by West Bank professionals and merchants.
Arab Governments: Jordanian official says there are no prospects for the resumption of political dialogue between King Hussein and PLO Chairman Arafat on a joint stand to enter peace process; Syrian President Assad visits Riyadh, meets King Fahd; Ba'ath Party official says that after Syria's heavy sacrifices it has the right to discuss, take issue with and even oppose particular PLO action, criticizes Arafat for treating all Arab states alike.
US and Other Countries: US lifts unofficial ban on Navy ships visiting Israel, supply ship USS Savannah docks at Haifa to replenish stocks of Sixth Fleet ships anchored off Beirut; Jewish businessmen in Virginia form political action committee (PAC) to back pro-Israeli candidates; National Association of Arab Americans' spokesman says 24 PACs have been formed by pro-Israeli, Jewish American activists, NAAA considers forming PACs as well.
Military Action:
IDF planes fly reconnaissance missions over Tripoli, PLO forces fire anti-aircraft barrages; car bomb explodes near IDF vehicle in Sidon, joint searches conducted by IDF and Haddad forces; explosion on Sidon-Nabatiyeh road as IDF vehicle passes; Druze and Phalange in Chouf exchange artillery and rocket fire; extraordinary security precautions maintained at Beirut airport and in city during Shultz visit.
4 IDF soldiers wounded in Sidon; body of Ain el-Hilweh resident found in central Sidon square; 2 Druze wounded in Chouf.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel's external debt has risen 25% in past 2 years, at end of 1982 was $28b. gross, $15.5b. net, $2b. higher than 1981; curfews imposed on Balata and al-Aza refugee camps after stones thrown at IDF and civilian vehicles, 1 soldier wounded near al-Aza.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO representative in Beirut says if Israeli forces withdraw according to specific timetable, PLO and Syrian forces will also.
US and Other Countries: Secretary Shultz meets Begin, proposes indepth discussion of overall US-Israeli relations while Shultz is in the region; Shultz travels to Beirut, visits damaged US Embassy, meets Gemayel and other Lebanese officials, returns to Jerusalem; Senate Foreign Relations Committee tentatively agrees to $2.61b. aid level for Israel, $460m. more than proposed by Reagan Administration, $60m. more than approved by House committee.
Military Action:
Remaining members of British MNF contingent arrive, bringing total to 97; UNIFIL says IDF harassing its convoys.
3 injured, 14 houses damaged by bombs at Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Report of Commission of Inquiry concludes that only Phalangist forces carried out Sabra and Shatila massacre, provides evidence that Israeli military personnel knew of killings within one hour of Phalangists entering camps, says Israeli civilian and military leaders bear indirect responsibility, accuses Begin of indifference, recommends Sharon's resignation or dismissal, accuses Army Chief of Staff Eitan of breach of duty and dereliction of duty, censures Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, IDF commander in Beirut Yaron, and Northern Commander Drori; Sharon, in speech to 600 members of the Jabotinsky Lodge in Tel Aviv, praises four officers criticized in Report; co-chairman of the Council of Torah Sages says Report would be best ignored; Peres says Alignment faction will oppose Sharon continuing in any ministerial capacity; Israeli government plans to hand over to Muslim community additional Waqf assets frozen since 1948.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Commission of Inquiry Report important but incomplete, calls for international court to investigate Israeli and American involvement; Wadi Haddad, senior advisor to President Gemayel, ends visit to Washington; Phalange party paper Al-Amal says that Sharon has ordered IDF troops to help Druze forces in Chouf; Lebanese investigator of Sabra and Shatila massacres, Assad Germanos, says his report will be ready in March or April but government will decide whether to publish it; Saad Haddad reported planning to double or triple size of his militia.
Arab Governments: Syria may be preparing third SA-5 missile site at al-Suwayda near Jordanian border.
US and Other Countries: Official US response to Commission of Inquiry Report is cautious, emphasizes that it is internal problem; State Department annual report on human rights says settlements in West Bank exacerbate human rights problems and expects that confrontation between the inhabitants of the territories and the occupation authorities is likely to remain at the same level as in recent years.
Military Action:
Druze militia takes control of Aley in Chouf, destroys Phalange headquarters; IDF arming and assisting Palestinian Village League style administration in Ain el-Hilweh camp; IDF announces written peace agreement between Druze and Phalange forces and will enforce its provisions for a cease-fire, removal of road blocks, exchange of hostages; artillery exchanges continue at night; three men arrested while reportedly setting rocket launchers near site of Israeli-Lebanese-US negotiations in Khalde.
2 IDF wounded by gunfire in Sidon; 25 Phalange killed in Aley, bringing to 60 number killed in past week of fighting between Phalangist Lebanese Forces and Druze Progressive Socialist Party; French soldier loses leg when land mine explodes.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Report of the Kahan Commission of Inquiry into Beirut massacres delivered to Begin.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel says Israeli conditions for troop withdrawal are impossible and Lebanon is not prepared to accept them; South Lebanon village brigades, acting as vigilantes, receive uniforms and arms from IDF; Arafat meets with King Hussein in Amman, who reportedly wants PNC approval for non-PLO Palestinians to join Jordanian delegation for talks with US and Israel.
US and Other Countries: Reagan criticizes Israel for unnecessarily delaying troop withdrawal from Lebanon, being technically in the position of an occupying force; Habib returns to Middle East.
UN: UN documents IDF harassment of villages in South Lebanon, instructs UNIFIL to prevent IDF setting up village militias.
Military Action:
First contingent of 22 British troops arrives to join MNF, will patrol road south of airport.
17 killed, 34 wounded as artillery duels continue in the Aley and Chouf areas; 7 murdered in Sidon area as Phalange pursues campaign to force Palestinians to leave area or concentrate in Ain el-Hilweh camp.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin in Knesset rejects Reagan plan and says settlements cannot be frozen; Israel Aircraft Industries signs contract to repair and maintain helicopters for US Army in Europe.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiating teams meeting in Netanya step up frequency of meetings, disagree over Israeli demand for 28 mile deep security zone; Phalangists reported to agree in principle to President Gemayel's plan to extend control of regular army into East Beirut and surrounding suburbs; Prime Minister Wazzan meets Arafat in Tunis regarding withdrawal of PLO; Pierre Gemayel accuses Israel of trying to partition Lebanon and divide Muslims and Christians
Military Action:
IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing to 100 total casualties in 9 weeks in Chouf.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says Israelis will not become involved in any fighting while in Zaire, Israel hopes to expand ties with Zaire to include economy, diplomatic cooperation and agriculture; Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai announces planned 800 megawatt hydro-electric plant at Dead Sea will be postponed, but construction of Med-Dead canal will continue, that Israel plans coaland nuclear-powered plants in the Negev; security forces arrest Najah University lecturer Sami Kilani, still hold 9 student council members, impose curfew on Nablus market area after protests over effective closure of Najah by daily roadblocks.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with King Hassan in Marrakesh; Lebanese Government agrees to US troops in surveillance stations in South, seeks to end current border anarchy of Israeli goods entering Lebanon; Saad Haddad tells Lebanese press he's willing to withdraw if it's in best interests of Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syrian Chief of Staff Gen. Hikmat Chehabi goes to Saudi Arabia with message from Assad for King Fahd; Syrian budget reportedly $4.6 billion, of which 54% or $2.6 billion goes to Ministry of Defense; President Mubarak, Prime Minister Kamal Hassan Ali, Undersecretary Osama el-Baz meet with Habib in Cairo; King Fahd meets with Habib in Riyadh.
Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners interviewed in Ansar prison camp say at first life was hell, then improved, now have kerosene heaters in tents, 10 cigarettes per day, English and Arabic newspapers from Israel, but they believe they are being misused for political pressure, and are not permitted to see lawyers; IDF reportedly restoring old synagogue in Sidon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Recent meeting reported between IDF and Druze in Chouf, in which Druze complain of kidnapping by Phalange, but Phalange return charge; Israeli Energy Minister Modai says Israeli energy development priorities in next decade are doubling oil exploration, building a nuclear power plant and coal conversion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with Israeli journalist Amnon Kapeliuk in Tunis.
Arab Governments: Arab League foreign ministers meet in Morocco to decide whether or not to visit London.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with Begin, Shamir and Sharon, fails to get Israeli agreement on security arrangements in South Lebanon, then flies to Beirut and holds long talks with President Amin Gemayel; Defense Secretary Weinberger says he is worried that isolated confrontations between IDF and Marines could grow into something more serious; Alexander Haig's spokesman Sherwood Goldberg denies assertion by unidentified State Department officials that Haig gave Israel green light for Lebanon invasion through winks and nods and failure to communicate Reagan's opposition, after several State Department officials confirm that Haig met with Sharon more than once in days before invasion, with no record of their conversation, and that at May 25 meeting Haig was instructed to tell Sharon of Reagan's opposition to invasion, but he did not say so forcefully, and later Reagan sent direct message to Begin, bypassing Haig, clearly opposing invasion but message arrived in Israel on June 8.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF receives instructions to avoid contact with multi-national force in Beirut; following eighth round of Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiations in Kiryat Shemona, Lebanon says Israel will not be permitted to operate electronic surveillance stations on Lebanese soil, all agree to forming 4 subcommittees for timetable of withdrawal, security arrangements, future Israeli-Lebanese relations, guarantees to final agreement, with subcommittees to meet 2 days per week in Khalde and Herzliya; public opinion poll shows, if Knesset elections today, Likud would win 52 seats against 42 with a Labor list headed by former President Navon; Matti Peled, Uri Avnery and Yaacov Arnon, members of the Israeli Council for an Israeli-Palestinian Peace, announce meeting with PLO Chairman Arafat last week; Israel lodges formal complaint that 2 Egyptian tractors crossed into no-man's-land near disputed Taba region of Sinai; Sheikh Kamal Maade of Yarka announces Israeli Druze fundraising campaign for Lebanese Druze will be renewed; Israeli intercommunal committee to foster peace between Druze and Christians in Lebanon calls on IDF not to withdraw until a reconciliation is reached in the Chouf; Defense Minister Sharon leaves Zaire after signing a series of military agreements; documents presented at courtmartial of Israeli soldiers show Chief of Staff Eitan recommended punishment by expulsion to curb unrest among Palestinians in the West Bank, also suggested detention/exile camp, such as the one for teenage detainees built at Fara'a, near Nablus.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Prime Minister Wazzan blames Israel for the near-stalemate in talks, rules out monitoring station in South with either Israeli or US personnel; Phalange official tells Western diplomats and journalists that suspected assassin of Bashir Gemayel, Habib Shartouni, was manipulated by Nabil Alam of pro-Syrian Syrian Social National Party (PPS), but results of official inquiry into Bashir's death not released.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Government withdraws tractors, saying it was an accident they strayed into disputed Taba territory; Syria condemns Lebanese-Israeli-US talks, complains to UN that Israel is threatening to attack.
US and Other Countries: US contacts Israel through diplomatic channels to express concern over incidents involving IDF and Marines in Beirut, total of 5 such incidents in January.
Military Action:
Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.
Political Responses:
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.
US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.
Military Action:
Israeli Governor's residence in Sidon attacked, curfew imposed on city; gunfire hits IDF convoy north of Sidon; fierce artillery barrages rage around Beirut, sporadic shelling resumed around Khalde, fighting spreads into Chouf villages of Fawara, Brih, Wadi Alcet, Mtaileh, Aley; Phalange headquarters in Sidon badly damaged by explosion.
4 IDF soldiers killed, 8 wounded in and near Sidon, several dead and wounded in Chouf.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet announces negotiations will begin Tuesday at Khalde, continue Thursday at Qiryat Shemona stresses talks will focus on normalizing relations with Lebanon, creating security zone in South Lebanon; Sharon claims "working paper" includes proposal to retain "warning station" staffed by IDF in South Lebanon; Israeli Press Council bans photos of mourners at funerals of military casualties as encroachement on privacy, but state broadcasting authority disagrees, says public has a right to participate in grieving.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials stress negotiations aimed at getting IDF to withdraw from Lebanon; Wazzan denies there are blueprints for the talks
Military Action:
Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but reestablished after IDF arrives; IDF truck carrying ammunition goes up in flames near Deir al-Qamar; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam visits Tripoli, negotiates immediate cease-fire after 4 hour meeting with local leaders.
IDF planning to reopen former PLO school at el-Mahshuk, near Tyre (many refugees still live in other schools, preventing reopening); students on strike in Chouf area; 2 killed, 25 wounded in Chouf; 3 IDF soldiers wounded in truck explosion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon declines to testify again before Commisison of Inquiry; Chief of Staff Eitan, Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, head of Mossad, and Sharon's civilian aide Dudai all decide to give additional evidence or to cross-examine witnesses; Shamir meets with Argentine president and foreign minister to discuss Lebanese war, Malvinas, "disappeared" Israeli citizens, ends visit amid indications Argentina will seek large arms purchases; majority of World Zionist Congress vote for resolution, proposed by Labor Party, calling for peace settlement based on "territorial compromise," but parliamentary maneuvering blocks formal adoption.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with former World Jewish Congress president Philip Klutznik in Tunis; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem meets with Reagan, asks for more troops, also says Colombia, Brazil and Portugal have been asked to donate troops; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Draper to discuss US proposal of partial withdrawal as first step to create momentum; to seek solution to disagreement on venue of peace talks; Draper departs to join Habib in Israel; Gemayel telephones Assad following meeting.
Arab Governments: Syria sends two high-level delegates to Tripoli port to try to end fighting.
US and Other Countries: Presidential adviser Edwin Meese says US will sell arms to Jordan without demanding its participation in peace talks, says issues unrelated; Honduran foreign minister denies arms deal with Israel but expects agreement on economic and technical assistance; Habib arrives in Israel; Britain postpones trade envoy's visit to Saudi Arabia in wake of tensions from postponing visit by Arab League delegation including PLO representative.
Military Action:
Bitter clashes and artillery duels in Chouf, 11 towns/villages bombed, Phalange reports fires burning out of control; IDF closes nearby Beirut-Damascus road, refuses Lebanese Army command that IDF disarm both factions; IDF, Druze and Phalange militias agree to conduct joint patrols, and a Druze- Phalange committee will meet weekly or when necessary to resolve disputes in Aley; gunbattles continue in Tripoli; US Marines begin training special unit of Lebanese Army; IDF jeep hits mine near Ain Ata near Hasbaya.
25 killed in 24 hours in Chouf; 10 killed, 30 wounded in Tripoli; 1 IDF soldier wounded in jeep; UNRWA opens first tent in Ain el-Hilweh to use as classroom; Lebanese merchants complain that Israeli merchants are misleading them, demanding 100 percent down payments, etc.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects shuttle diplomacy proposal; Commission will end staff questioning of witnesses this week; Shamir arrives in Argentina, says he will raise human rights-related issues; Israel withholding information about military lessons of the war until US agrees to seek Israeli approval before sharing with NATO, to allow Israeli expert to observe any tests and share American conclusions with Israel (agreement on sharing information on Soviet weapons performance initialed November 25 but still without Weinberger signature); IDF soldier charged with illegal use of weapon when he shot demonstrators in Halhoul; Israeli Druze decide against anti-IDF strike to protest IDF policy in Chouf.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem, in Washington, says Israel is prime source of continuing tension in Lebanon, suggests all "illegal" Palestinians should leave Lebanon, warns of renewed fighting unless foreign troops withdraw within next four weeks, seeks US support for expanding number of peacekeeping force; Amal militia threatens "bloodbath" if kidnapped commander, Yakub Daher, is harmed.
Arab Governments: Mubarak begins tour of Europe to push for peace process.
US and Other Countries: Shultz meets Pope and Mubarak, discusses Lebanon; France says it is willing to increase Beirut troops
Military Action:
Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting continues in Baal Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli as both sides fire on police officers trying to arrange cease-fire; UNIFIL troops involved in firefight.
3 Phalange killed, one IDF soldier wounded in Aley; 7 dead, 12 wounded in Tripoli, where all businesses close during fighting; UNIFIL kills 1, wounded 3 militiamen; mothers and children of Phalange forces in Chouf hold protest march in Beirut demanding state intervention to end fighting; UNRWA says homes found for Palestinian refugees.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin aide David Levi confirms plans to expand settlements in West Bank; IDF officer links Sharon to brutality toward West Bank Palestinians.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat flies unexpectedly to Damascus, reportedly to heal rift between himself and PLO groups based in Syria, make friendly overture to Syrian government.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Israel and PLO are delaying peace process, calls on PLO to recognize Israel.
US and Other Countries: US proposes shuttle diplomacy instead of direct negotiations between Israel and Lebanon.
Military Action:
Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning shots in attempts to stop fighting, IDF APCs move through Aley streets, proclaim curfew; US Marines to expand patrols to include Yarze section of Beirut-Damascus road.
Tripoli casualties are 16 dead, 59 wounded; 6 killed in Chouf fighting, 4 Syria soldiers killed, 11 wounded in ambush.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, in New York, says Israel is close to a secdrity arrangement with Lebanon; Commission makes public Begin's letter in which he declines to reappear, and asserts he had "no grounds" to expect massacre, asserts Phalange entered camps to deal with estimated 2,000 PLO guerrillas remaining in camps-though Phalange let into camps numbered only 100-200; Shamir, and Yaron notify Commission they intend to submit written memoranda but not testify further; Drori, who plans to reappear before Commission, and Yaron reportedly retain lawyers; others request extension of time and Commission gives them until December 15; Israeli testimony indicates only two Phalange killed during massacre.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat rejects Jordanian trusteeship role, says Hussein cannot represent Palestinians in peace negotiations; former Lebanese Prime Minister Karame appeals to Syrian President Assad to help stop fighting.
Arab Governments: Egypt urges US allies to pressure US to secure IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: After meeting with Reagan and senior policy makers, Habib warns early withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon not likely, prepares to return to Mideast in renewe4 effort to bring about troop withdrawals; US Jewish groups warn Begin he may lose their support, but oppose using US aid to pressure his government; Honduran official says Sharon signed arms agreement, reportedly involving sale of Kfir jets; Thatcher sends envoy on secret visit to Morocco, raising hopes for ending crisis in UK/Arab relations.
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000, down from over 80,000 during summer.
2 IDF soldiers wounded, 8 Lebanese killed in past week's clashes in Chouf; UNRWA Commissioner General warns refugees face wretched winter worsened by lack of wage-earners detained by IDF; at Ain el-Hilweh, Lebanese landowners reclaim two-thirds of camp land; Lebanese hospital reportedly received drugs taken from Gaza Hospital; Meridor says Israelis to offer grants to refugees to purchase prefab homes.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir claims Habif is making pro-PLO statements, but State Department denies; Druze and Christian leaders meet in Haifa, but fail to reach agreement on plan to end Lebanese sectarian fighting; Begin sends telegram to Israeli Druze leader asserting IDF is trying to end clashes; 1,200 Bethlehem University students go on strike to protest Israeli orders that 8 foreign lecturers suspend teaching.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem flies to London to renew plea for British troops to reinforce peacekeeping force; Haddad accuses Syria of provoking Phalange-Druze strife to undermine Israeli presence.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with King Hassan in Morocco; Reagan spokesman Larry Speakes defends Administration opposition to increases in aid to Israel, says increase would come at expense of other allies and that aid levels had already risen 21 percent; White House announces Mubarak will visit Washington January 27, meet with Reagan; Chinese Community Party head Hu Yaobang urges Arab nations to recognize Israel's right to exist, in remarks welcoming Arab League delegation.
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.
One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.
Political Responses:
lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).
Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.
US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new fighting; Israeli sources report new Soviet jets and tanks pouring into Syria; IDF patrol attacked with grenades near Shuweifat.
Shops close in West Beirut as Jumblatt and Druze allies bury bodyguard killed in yesterday's carbombing (3 others reported killed, 28 wounded); UNRWA says 11 employees seized by Lebanese Army in past few weeks, another 1 12 Palestinian employees detained by IDF in South Lebanon; IDF release 240 from Ansar camp (number of detainees at camp now put at 15,000); 2 detainees killed, 4 wounded at Ansar when security officer's gun "discharges accidentally."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel charges Israeli Army reservist Yitzhak Shor with flying secretly to Damascus, passing information on IDF troops positions and own service to Syrians; Israeli journalists report Israel to sell $18 m. in arms to Zaire to double Mobutu's palace guard.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel makes "urgent appeal" to the US through Draper to pressure Israel to withdraw from Chouf, seeks to deploy units of Lebanese Army in area.
Arab Governments: King Hussein and foreign ministers of 5 Arab governments meet with Soviet leader Andropov (is first known visit by Saudi envoy to USSR); Mubarak says Habib seeks simultaneous withdrawal of all armies by end of month.
US and Other Countries: Habib discusses Lebanon's request to expand multinational peacekeeping force with Italian foreign minister Emilio Colombo in Rome; NATO communique says US, on consultation with allies, should take action outside north Atlantic region to protect vital Western interests, including Mideast.
UN: US withholds regular $20.5 m. contribution to UNRWA pending report on use of schools as PLO training bases.
Military Action:
Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say immediate purpose is to prevent celebration of Independence Day and denounce Gemayel administration; later leave city hall but retain control of and rename central square after Khomeini, set up checkpoints, express support for Islamic state similar to Iran; Chouf area tense but calm.
Israeli military commission report, approved by Cabinet, says Tyre building collapse was accident caused by unexplained leaking of bottled gas on first floor of building and faulty construction, although original Army report had cited booby-trapped car as cause.
Political Responses:
IsraeL/ Occupied Territories: Defense Ministry drops demand that foreigners teaching in Occupied Territories sign anti-PLO "loyalty pledge" (instead, will issue one-year work permits to be withdrawn if holder "gives aid or support to the PLO or any other hostile organization"); Molotov cocktail thrown at Israeli fuel tank in Jenin; 21 Palestinians arrested after bomb blast near railway station north of Tel Aviv wounds one IDF soldier; Bruce Kashdan, foreign ministry representative in Beirut, tells Commission of Inquiry that US envoy Draper had warned him Friday, September 17, of "horrible results" if Phalange forces entered West Beirut, that he received a second call from Draper at 10 AM Saturday, September 18, telling him a massacre had occurred at Shatila and Sabra camps and asking a message be passed to Sharon that "You must stop the massacres. They are obscene. I have an officer in the camp counting the bodies. You ought to be ashamed. This situation is rotten and terrible. They are killing children. You are in absolute control of the area and therefore responsible for that area," that Draper's second call was first information about massacre and that he passed information on to Sharon's office, that the IDF claimed Phalange entered camps from north and not through IDF lines, that he passed his and Draper's reports to Ariel Kenet and David Kimche; Lt. Col. Azriel Nevo, Begin's military secretary, denies having received call from Hanan Bar-On on Friday evening, backing up Begin's assertion of no knowledge of massacre until late Saturday; Agriculture Minister Aharon Uzan, in interview, says he favors unilateral iDF withdrawal from Chouf and to 30-mile line from border (follows similar position adopted last week by Energy Minister Modai); Cabinet sources reaffirm these as minority views, claim they undermine Israel's negotiating stance.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official Ahmed Sidki Dajani, after meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali, who gives conditional approval for first visit in five years, says Arafat plans to visit Egypt in near future; Gemayel, in address to soldiers on eve of Independence Day, calls for vigilance toward dangers of dissidence; Saeb Salam meets Habib to discuss withdrawal of foreign forces; Jumblatt meets Habib to discuss increasing violence in Chouf.
Arab Governments: Syrian Information Minister Iskandar says Syrian forces will not withdraw until after last IDF soldier does.
US and Other Countries: Pentagon team, headed by Andrew Marshall, Defense Department's Director of Assessment, arrives in Tel Aviv to meet with Sharon, Eitan and other senior officers to finalize agreement on sharing information, evaluating performance of US/USSR weapons and lessons gained from Israeli invasion of Lebanon.