Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....
Military Action:
Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.
22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli...
Military Action:
Reports that 5000 of Bashir Gemayel's militiamen, sent to Israel for training right after Israeli invasion, were to come under direct IDF control; Reagan approves Lebanese...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army continues searches in West Beirut for arms caches, patrols Kfar Matta and seeks to expand into other areas of Chouf once IDF has withdrawn; assassination...
Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed in Aley with exchange of grenades and gunfire, PLO claims credit; Druze-Phalange fighting continues for fifth day in Central Lebanon, rockets, mortars...
Military Action:
IDF keeps units at Baabda, ignoring US/Lebanese pressure to withdraw from greater Beirut area; Phalangists with automatic rifles maintain East Beirut checkpoints despite...
Military Action:
Lebanese Government urges US to deploy contingent in larger area to pressure IDF to withdraw from entire Beirut area (IDF tanks still stationed around presidential palace...
Military Action:
US Marines land by sea and helicopter, take control of the airport minutes after IDF soldiers leave; Lebanese Army takes over internal airport security; new IDF lines are 2...
Military Action:
Sounds of gunfire come from Sabra and Shatila camps throughout day; IDF encounters resistance, cordons off part of city, begins systematic searches; IDF fires on Marine...
Military Action:
IDF seizes control of most of West Beirut, overcoming resistance by small groups of LNM militia; Israelis tell residents to turn in weapons, claim IDF role is limited;...
Military Action:
IDF chief Eitan and northern commander Drori meet with Phalange commanders in Beirut at 3:30 AM; IDF invades major parts of West Beirut in 6-pronged thrust starting at 5:30...
Military Action:
Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel killed by bomb blast at Phalange Party office in East Beirut; Lebanese Army closes Green Line to traffic.
Political Responses...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army moves in force across Green Line into southern suburbs of Beirut for first time since PLO evacuation; bazookas fired at IDF positions in Bekaa as tensions...
Military Action:
Last 700 PLO forces leave Beirut for North Yemen; Abu lyad and Abu Walid head last PLO group to leave Beirut; Arafat arrives in Greece to warm welcome by Papandreou.
...Military Action:
Heavy fighting breaks out east of Beirut between Syrian and Phalangist forces following election of Bashir Gemayel as President of Lebanon (artillery and machine gun fire...
Military Action:
Bashir Gemayel's election as Lebanon's President sets off jubilant celebrations in East Beirut, angry protests in West Beirut; houses of 3 West Beirut deputies, including...
Military Action:
IDF, PLO forces clash with rockets, artillery, gunfire near airport and in Burj al-Barajneh; Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon attacked by Phalangist forces, 40 houses...
Military Action:
IDF jets attack in Bekaa (claims 3 Syrian SAM-8 batteries south of Chtaura, 1 F-4 destroyed; Syria claims IDF loses 24 tanks, 4 rocket launchers, admits it loses 16 tanks...
Military Action:
IDF jets, artillery attack Palestinian areas of West Beirut for second day (Fakhani and stadium areas, Burj al-Barajneh, Shatila, Ramlet el-Baida, Lailake, road into...
Military Action:
Several incidents shake cease-fire; small arms fire reported in Beirut area.
Beirut food supplies sufficient but prohibitively expensive for...
Military Action:
Cease-fire appears to hold, despite minor clashes near airport; WAFA says 5 Israelis tried to move on the airport and failed; IDF jets fly over Beirut in mock raids; PLO...
Military Action:
Beirut truce holds as talks continue, but little progress seen; 130 IDF tanks and two brigades reinforce positions overlooking city from Khalde to the port section; car...
Military Action:
IDF armored units fight fierce artillery, rocket duels with PLO forces inside Beirut as PLO, for first time, fires back on wide range of IDF gun positions in East Beirut;...
Military Action:
IDF and PLO forces fight rocket, tank and artillery duels across Beirut in evening after a day of intermittent shelling; thousands of civilians flee to shelters;...
Military Action:
IDF Deputy Chief of Staff says IDF is preparing to stay through the winter "if neces-sary" as IDF builds paved roads, moves bases to flat areas, installs water pumps for...
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed...
Military Action:
Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF...
Military Action:
Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery...
Military Action:
Cease-fire collapses as Israeli tanks, planes, artillery hit Syrian positions along Damascus highway, fighting reported at 9 points along highway; IDF claims Iranians join...
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.
One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.
Political Responses:
lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).
Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.
US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.
Military Action:
Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.
22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli fighting in past 4 days.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel announces another 20 Jewish settlements to be built in West Bank in next year, 10,000 to be settled in Gaza Strip over next five; Israelis remain silent in face of US criticism, deride Hussein's suggestion that PLO recognize Israel as basis for peace process; Dhahriyeh (south-west of Hebron) put under curfew after children stone passing IDF vehicles; settler group urges Israeli military commander of West Bank central region to deport any person who participates in stone-throwing.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO General Mutik Abu Taha, commander of PLO forces in North Lebanon and Bekaa, says official Arab acceptance of Egypt "almost certain"; Lebanese government announces plans to resume collecting shipping fees at ports on November 22 (Phalange reportedly collecting $120 million per year in several ports to finance public services and support militia in Phalange-controlled areas; government estimates its losses at around $300 million per year, seeks to end private financial structures and bring down prices.
Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to halt plans to build 5 more settlements on West Bank; Saudi King Fahd meets King Hassan in Morocco.
US and Other Countries: American Jewish Congress plans appeal to force Treasury Department to disclose Arab dollar holdings in the US; British Foreign Office protests deportation from West Bank of British lecturer at Bethlehem University; French minister Claude Cheysson says Hussein, not Hassan, will lead 7-member Arab League group in talks on Arab-Israeli peace later this month in Paris, Moscow, China; US officials in Beirut say Reagan Administration will not press Gemayel to seek action against Phalange militiamen who massacred Palestinians in September (Reagan reportedly did not mention massacre to Gemayel during Washington visit; decision reportedly provokes controversy within State Department.)
Military Action:
Reports that 5000 of Bashir Gemayel's militiamen, sent to Israel for training right after Israeli invasion, were to come under direct IDF control; Reagan approves Lebanese request for US Marines to join French and Italian troops in mobile patrols through East Beirut; car bomb explodes near US Marines camp outside Beirut, one Marine and two civilians injured.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: One British and one US doctor and US nurse from Gaza Hospital, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, say they heard gunfire but were unaware of massacre until after it was over, saw hundreds of Palestinian refugees lined up along Sabra Street under guard when they were forced to leave hospital, Phalange had many walkie-talkies, contrary to Sharon's testimony; overheard IDF officers refer to presence of Haddad men in area, saw tractors in Shatila with Hebrew markings; 360-room luxury hotel at Taba near Eilat opens despite Egyptian protests; Shamir tells Knesset committee that Egypt has broken many Camp David agreements; Israel reportedly asks Roumania's help in securing release of IDF POWs held in Syria; Shamir says Arens supports continued settlement on West Bank.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat ends visit to Bucharest, issues joint statement with Ceausescu calling for renewed diplomatic peace efforts; Gemayel visits Morocco, talks with King Hassan focus on speeding up withdrawal of foreign forces and Moroccan offer to send 22,000 troops for peacekeeping; Gemayel meets with PLO leader Salah Khalaf in Morocco; Wazzan warns that Lebanese who collaborate with Israel may lose their citizenship, accuse Israel of paralyzing Lebanese Government functions.
Arab Governments: Mubarak restates Egyptian objections to Taba hotel opening, says Egypt will proceed with talks.
UN: US Ambassador Kirkpatrick says UN critics of Israel aim at "annihilation of Israel."
Military Action:
Lebanese Army continues searches in West Beirut for arms caches, patrols Kfar Matta and seeks to expand into other areas of Chouf once IDF has withdrawn; assassination attempt against Abu Jihad in eastern Bekaa fails.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Protests break out in Nablus and Ramallah as students mark 40th day since Beirut massacre, barricades erected, stones thrown at Israeli vehicles, partial commercial and school strike in East Jerusalem; in Nazareth, 2,000 Muslims and Druze attend memorial organized by People's Committee Against the War in Lebanon and People's Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Peace; Israeli government rejects Israeli Palestinians' proposal to finance construction of 500 flats for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon; tourism slump severe since invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat sends letter to Gemayel saying PLO will not be barrier to withdrawal of all foreign troops from Lebanon; Gemayel briefs cabinet on 5-day tour, says Lebanon will seek partial pullback by foreign troops as opening gesture aimed at total withdrawal; Fady Frem, commander of Phalange militia, says Phalange massacre inquiry results turned over to Lebanese Government investigator Geagea, denies Phalange commanders conferred with IDF on mopping up operations in West Beirut, says Habib Chartouni, a Christian from southeast of Beirut, is being held in conjunction with Bashir Gemayel's death.
Arab Governments: King Hassan, at news conference, says recognition of Israel depends on its withdrawing from all territory occupied since 1967 war; Egypt and Italy issue joint statement saying no peace is possible until Israel withdraws from Lebanon.
Military Action:
IDF patrol ambushed in Aley with exchange of grenades and gunfire, PLO claims credit; Druze-Phalange fighting continues for fifth day in Central Lebanon, rockets, mortars and artillery used; Druze leaders confer with Gemayel urging end to clashes; Palestinian refugee camps tense after reports of kidnappings of residents by armed men last night (Lebanese Army sources say Phalange intelligence supplying Army with names of Palestinian and LNM militia and helping in arms searches).
3 Druze women-killed in crossfire; water and electricity restored, streets cleaned in Beirut (official estimate of $12 billion for rehabilitation; AID to supply $110 m., EEC $100 m.); US AID head says tents for Palestinian refugees coming soon; 2 IDF wounded, one in Central Lebanon, one east of Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Bethlehem Mayor Freij declares support for Reagan plan and for important Jordanian role in peace plan, Mayor Shakaa rejects plan as not recognizing Palestinian rights; pro-Jordanian forces' activities on West Bank include grants to crafts and unions, Friday sermons in mosques, increased travel to Jordan by West Bank personalities; Israeli Civil Administration delays imposing military control over West Bank universities; Cabinet, in 4-hour meeting, demands Lebanon sign security accord (as well as prior pullout by PLO, release of IDF soldiers captured by Syria and PLO precondition for pullback).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amal leaders say Wazzan promises to set up committee to seek solutions to squatter problems.
Military Action:
IDF keeps units at Baabda, ignoring US/Lebanese pressure to withdraw from greater Beirut area; Phalangists with automatic rifles maintain East Beirut checkpoints despite government call to disarm all militias; IDF APCs patrol Beirut-Damascus Highway (at Sofar, civilian traffic to Syria checked by Phalange and Lebanese Army, traffic from Syria checked by IDF); IDF issues winter uniforms, ships temporary housing units (from dismantled Yamit settlement) to front lines, roads linking units paved; sniper fire/rocket firings mar Israeli/Syrian cease-fire; US military survey team arrives at Jounieh for talks with Lebanese military (US explosives demolition team has been in Lebanon for about 6 weeks training Lebanese Army).
1 killed by landmine in central Beirut; police deactivate car bomb in West Beirut; Palestinian camps in South Lebanon still have no electricity, running water, rebuilding prohibited, diarrhea is epidemic; lCRC describes conditions at al-Ansar detention camp as "catastrophic," no charges brought against detainees; despite weekly releases, prison population remains stable because of new detainees; envoys of three peacekeeping forces express concern to Gemayel over arbitrary arrests of Palestinians.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says he expects simultaneous withdrawal of all forces from Lebanon by end of year under timetable to be negotiated with the US.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel to meet Reagan October 19; suspect in Bashir Gemayel death identified as Habib Shartouni of Lebanese leftist Syrian Social National Party (Phalange charges he was close to Syrian and Palestinian intelligence services); Gemayel meets with Wazzan, General Khoury, General Ahmed to discuss reactivating judicial mechanisms.
Arab Governments: Syrian officials tell Habib Syria will withdraw from Lebanon only at Lebanon's request and if Israel also withdraws from all Lebanese territory, and that only PLO can decide on withdrawal of PLO from Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: US says it will cut US funds to and participation in any international body barring Israeli delegates.
Military Action:
Lebanese Government urges US to deploy contingent in larger area to pressure IDF to withdraw from entire Beirut area (IDF tanks still stationed around presidential palace at Baabda); Marines continue to bring equipment ashore (currently assigned to patrol from southern tip of airport to Burj al-Barajneh); French troops take over East Beirut positions from Phalange for first time; IDF unit attacked near Aley (no casualties).
Site of massacre bulldozed as Lebanese Government flattens camp for "health and psychological reasons"; Lebanese Army searches door-to-door for illegal residents (Syrians are deported, Turks jailed, 1500 Palestinians taken for interrogation); Saeb Salam asks Gemayel to halt "kidnappings".
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Chief Justice Kahan appoints judicial Commission of inquiry into Beirut massacre; Begin may press for elections next spring after Commission releases findings.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Saeb Salam rejects Gemayel request for him to return as Prime Minister for 5th time; suspect in Gemayel assassination arrested by Phalange security agents (3 men also arrested for murder two years ago of Bashir Gemayel's 18-month-old daughter); Habib meets Gemayel for 90 minutes, on route from Egypt to Syria; DFLP's Hawatmeh says DFLP will propose resolution on mutual recognition between Israel and PLO at next Palestine National Council meeting.
US and Other Countries: Reagan calls death of Marine "tragic" but says US commitment to peacekeeping force remains unchanged; Gromyko, at UN, condemns Reagan peace plan.
UN: UN declines to set up independent inquiry on massacre because Lebanese want inquiry to be carried on outside Lebanon, but PLO thinks inquiry should be held in Lebanon.
Military Action:
US Marines land by sea and helicopter, take control of the airport minutes after IDF soldiers leave; Lebanese Army takes over internal airport security; new IDF lines are 2 km. south of airport, through Hazmieh to Beirut-Damascus Highway and Aley; US Ambassador Dillon says IDF may only use airport in emergencies and with prior Lebanese consent (airport was used to airlift IDF soldiers to occupy West Beirut); IDF forces move near Bhamdoun; Phalange sets up military camps in 40 km. zone previously controlled exclusively by Haddad.
Sources in Beirut charge that massacre was directed by top Phalange military commanders including Elias Hobeika (an aide to Bashir Gemayel and liaison between Phalange, Mossad and US embassy); 9 Jewish women married to Palestinian Muslims believed to be among massacre victims; 4 Palestinian refugees murdered, dozens wounded, several abducted from Ein al-Hilweh camp by Lebanese.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Polls show Begin, Sharon popularity slips, but Labor Party popularity does not rise; Labor Party agrees to cancel Knesset debate; Sharon links Syria to Gemayel assassination; IDF sources say US will not press for further Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon until Syria pullout, IDF refuses to respond to allegations of looting of Lebanese private homes, businesses; Shamir arrives in US on 10 day visit; Israeli exports, especially trade with Egypt, adversely affected by invasion.
Arab Governments: Habib visits Egypt after stopping in Saudi Arabia to update Egyptians on talks with Jordanians, Syrians, Israelis.
US and Other Countries: State Department officer tells House subcommittee that IDF may have turned over US weapons to Phalangists involved in the massacre (some accounts specifically mention Phalange having M-60 tanks and M-16 rifles).
Military Action:
Sounds of gunfire come from Sabra and Shatila camps throughout day; IDF encounters resistance, cordons off part of city, begins systematic searches; IDF fires on Marine guarding US Embassy, occupies several embassies including USSR; Drori contacts Phalange liaison officer, orders halt to Phalange operations inside camps around 11 AM; at 4:30 PM, Drori and Eitan agree that Phalange can stay in camps until Saturday morning but no additional Phalange forces can enter.
Reports of murders by Phalange/ Haddad forces spread, film crew at Palestine Red Crescent's Gaza Hospital sees children and elderly badly hurt by shrapnel and gunfire; one doctor estimates 1,000 killed or wounded in camps in past two days; several Acre Hospital medical staff killed by grenades while showing white flag; Danish TV crew films soldiers, identified as Haddad's men, herding Palestinian women and children into trucks near Shatila; Norwegian envoy sees bulldozers loading scoops of bodies into trucks near gate to Shatila; IDF announces 1 Israeli soldier killed, 46 wounded in past 24 hours; Haaretz military correspondent Zeev Schiff hears of massacre from IDF officers, relays information to Communications Minister Zippori who queries Shamir, Shamir asks Foreign Ministry about reports, is told Ministry knows nothing; IDF loudspeakers tell merchants to close shops, others to stay home; IDF orders all men to come into streets for interrogation; 6 PM to 6 AM curfew imposed across city.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, awakened by phone call from ITV military correspondent Ben Yishai telling of massacre, replies "Happy New Year!"; Shamir meets Draper in Jerusalem around noon, does not mention massacre reports; Israeli officials say IDF is willing to meet with Lebanese Army to discuss pullback; IDF radio broadcast says Army sent Phalange militia into camps to carry out "purging operations."
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Muslim leaders protest that US has broken pledge; National Liberal Party nominates 82-year-old leader Camille Chamoun for presidency; Raymond Edde of National Bloc Party is third candidate; Salam says IDF makes "laughing stock" of US honor and credibility.
Arab Govemments: Egypt and Saudi Arabia condemn IDF thrust into West Beirut as violation of Habib cease-fire agreement.
UN: Security Council unanimously passes resolution condemning Gemayel assassination, Israeli occupation of West Beirut, and demands immediate IDF withdrawal.
Military Action:
IDF seizes control of most of West Beirut, overcoming resistance by small groups of LNM militia; Israelis tell residents to turn in weapons, claim IDF role is limited; brief fighting west of port; IDF shells headquarters of Murabitun; by 11:30 AM, IDFannounces it controls all key points in West Beirut, completely encircles Sabra, Shatila and Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camps; random killings of civilians by Phalange using knives and sniper fire reported during morning; after 2 meetings of Phalange commanders with Drori, Phalange militia sets up command post near Shatila camp entrance, across street from IDF observation post looking down into camp; Phalange militia assembles by foot and truck, enter Sabra and Shatila camps and begin house-to-house searches; IDF illuminates camps with flares fired by Israeli mortars, aircraft; Phalange commanders in radio contact with IDF officers during operation; IDF rations provided; isolated gunmen break into homes, kill whole families, some civilians axed to death; in evening, IDF soldiers meet hysterical Palestinian women running from camps telling of massacre, relay reports to IDF officers; Gaza Hospital staff report steadily increasing gunfire, explosions; Phalange commander at Shatila tells IDF at 11 PM "Until now, 300 civilians and terrorists killed," report sent to IDF HQin Tel Aviv, circulated among 20 top officers.
48 Murabitun militiamen killed in 2 days; Bank of Lebanon catches fire during IDF shelling; IDF tanks crush cars; residents seek shelter in basements to escape shelling; glass and tree limbs litter area of fighting; IDF soldiers question, detain civilians; by noon, Gaza Hospital reports 100 casualties, by evening, over 2,000 Palestinians and Lebanese jam corridors seeking to escape Phalange/ Haddad militias and report whole families being butchered.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet, at late night meeting, rejects renewed US call for withdrawal from West Beirut, says it will remain until Lebanese Army can ensure order in the wake of Gemayel's death; Sharon and Eitan win approval without dissent for IDF entry into West Beirut, use of Phalange forces in camps despite some Ministers' reservations and Eitan warning that entry may lead to "blood vengeance" by Phalange; Sharon tells Draper IDF will remain; Peres criticizes IDF entry into West Beirut, calls for redeployment of multinational force.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange Party nominates Amin Gemayel (Member of Parliament and brother of Bashir) as new presidential candidate 7 days before end of Sarkis' term; Sarkis and Wazzan ask Reagan to persuade IDF to withdraw; Lebanon calls on UN Security Council to condemn IDF attacks; 4 LNM leaders meet with IDF officers at a former PSP (jumblatt) headquarters to consider non-resistance but reject it; Wazzan says he ordered Lebanese Army to resist IDF advance but it disobeyed; Arafat demands 3 nations return peacekeeping forces to Beirut to protect civilians, including refugees; PLO Research Center ransacked and looted by IDF.
US and Other Countries: US calls Israeli action a "violation," demands immediate pullout (one official says US credibility in Arab world at stake, may undermine Reagan initiative); Italians support return of peacekeeping forces to Beirut; Italian Jews protest Arafat-Pope visit in Rome.
UN: Security Council meets to condemn Israeli occupation of Beirut.
Military Action:
IDF chief Eitan and northern commander Drori meet with Phalange commanders in Beirut at 3:30 AM; IDF invades major parts of West Beirut in 6-pronged thrust starting at 5:30 AM, hours after Gemayel death officially announced; IDF request that Lebanese Army enter Palestinian refugee camps to "purge" them of PLO guerrillas refused twice as Lebanese Army deployments disintegrate; LNM militias knock out 2 IDF tanks; 14 Israeli gunboats take up positions and shell Ramlet el-Baida; by evening, IDF force of tanks, APCs and infantry has penetrated 2.5 miles into West Beirut, surrounded camps and set up control points; Phalange symbols found painted on signs and buildings near camps.
West Beirut residents panic amidst shellings; Phalange estimates 26 dead, 60 wounded in bomb blast that killed Gemayel; 2 IDF killed, 42 wounded by LNM attack in West Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, Sharon and Shamir meet in early morning, approve entry into West Beirut "to prevent bloodshed"; Israeli government states IDF advance taken to prevent anarchy after Gemayel's death; IDF command describes entry as a "police action"; Israeli radio claims Israelis assure Reagan of end to military moves in 24 hours; Peres calls for re-entry of multinational force into Beirut; Peace Now calls for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; Draper holds talks with Begin; Israel expresses "shock" at Pope receiving Arafat, condemns meeting.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: West Beirut Muslim leaders meet in emergency session at Salam's home, appeal urgently to Reagan and Fahd to "curb the Israeli invasion of our capital"; Lebanese of diverse factions pay respects to Gemayel family.
Arab Governments: Egypt rejects Reagan plan for "self-governing" Palestinian entity federated with Jordan, insists on IDF pullback from Beirut as precondition for continuing autonomy talks.
US and Other Countries: Arafat meets Pope at Vatican following lunch with Italian President Pertini and an address to international Inter-Parliamentary Union (membership from 98 countries).
Military Action:
Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel killed by bomb blast at Phalange Party office in East Beirut; Lebanese Army closes Green Line to traffic.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials decline to comment on Gemayel death pending official notification; Sharon requests meeting with Begin, outlines "Operation Iron Brain" to "purge" Shatila and Sabra camps of estimated 2,000 PLO guerrillas he fears will exploit political vacuum following assassination; Labor Party leader Peres denies advance notice of US peace plan; Sharon announces review of West Bank Civil Administration (Col. Lunz, military commander and Civil Administrator of Gaza, may replace Milson after latter's contract expires in October); Jerusalem Press Services office closed for 6 months under 1945 emergency regulations; Palestinian charged with sending threatening letters to West Bank personalities with signature of Village Leagues and Meir Kehane.
Arab Governments: Jordan's King Hussein praises Reagan initiative as "constructive," offers to play "active part" in creating West Bank-Jordan confederation, but asserts he has no authority to negotiate on behalf of PLO.
US and Other Countries: White House condemns Gemayel assassination, promises support for Lebanon, fears renewed violence; Morris Draper arrives in Israel on way to Lebanon; Alexander Haig, at UJA dinner, attacks Reagan plan's call for freeze on West Bank settlements as a "serious mistake"; Brezhnev urges Arafat to reject Reagan initiative, affirms support for PLO.
Military Action:
Lebanese Army moves in force across Green Line into southern suburbs of Beirut for first time since PLO evacuation; bazookas fired at IDF positions in Bekaa as tensions rise between Syrian and IDF troops there (Israeli planes fly reconnaissance missions over valley); Lebanese Army hastily moves into Jnah (north of Bir Hassan) after Sharon indicates IDF may advance if militias not pulled back; IDF pull back from West Beirut positions after 4 days; PLO leader Abu Iyad reportedly tours eastern Bekaa, Baalbek, Tripoli.
1 of 8 captured IDF soldiers shown to journalists in Chtaura; following clash between Haddad and Phalange forces, IDF bans Phalange rally in Sidon after Phalange refused to support peace treaty with Israel.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir claims US favors Arabs, is no longer disinterested broker; Israel steps up pressure for pact with Lebanon (Sharon statement on need for "special status" for southern Lebanon criticized by Labor Party).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Bashir Gemayel seeks expanded armed force to control Lebanon, looks to US for funds and arms (issue reportedly raised last week during meeting with Weinberger); Wazzan asks US to press for IDF withdrawal from around city, says IDF violates Geneva Conventions by treatment of captives taken since June 6.
Arab Governments: Formula acceptable to Syria sought at Fez summit.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger, in London, denies US will apply sanctions to get Israeli agreement on plan; Pentagon readies team of weapons specialists to assess Lebanon's military needs; Reagan awards Habib with Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Military Action:
Last 700 PLO forces leave Beirut for North Yemen; Abu lyad and Abu Walid head last PLO group to leave Beirut; Arafat arrives in Greece to warm welcome by Papandreou.
Lebanese Army begins taking over Beirut security as stores open; relief agency officer estimates 20,000 wounded, 4,000 killed in war so far (Al-Nahar estimates 17,825 killed, 30,103 wounded); Amal militia release two Israel Radio workers who entered Burn al-Barajneh Monday.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials react angrily to Reagan proposals (Begin interrupts vacation to convene Cabinet meeting for tomorrow; Shamir says Reagan has departed from Camp David Accords; Tehiya Party members call for expanded settlements as answer to Reagan); Weinberger arrives in Israel, meets Sharon; Deputy Premier David Levy, dedicating new Jewish settlement, says government hopes to settle 100,000 Jews in West Bank during next 10 years; Shamir says Israel will never give up occupied territories; Begin meets Bashir Gemayel in secret meeting in Israel border town of Nahariya.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says US pledge to protect Palestinian refugees left in Lebanon "fundamental" to PLO agreement to leave Beirut (choice of Greece as first stop seen as snub to Arabs); Lebanese government orders all barricades removed inside Beirut, bans armed men from streets, seeks to abolish Green Line (Murabitun reportedly orders forces to comply); Lebanese Muslims oppose quick withdrawal of multinational force.
US and Other Countries: Reagan, in letter to Begin and address to US population, urges "self-rule" by Palestinians in entity linked to Jordan, asks for halt to new Jewish settlements in occupied territories; Senator Hatfield charges $4.5 m. diverted from humanitarian assistance to Lebanon to help pay for PLO evacuation from Beirut; Weinberger meets with Gemayel, Butros, Wazzan, Habib, and says US Marines should leave Beirut within a few days, shocking Lebanese Muslim, European diplomats.
Military Action:
Heavy fighting breaks out east of Beirut between Syrian and Phalangist forces following election of Bashir Gemayel as President of Lebanon (artillery and machine gun fire around Kubbeih, Krayeh,. Ras al-Harf near Beirut-Damascus highway); two rockets from West Beirut hit port city of Jounieh; reprisals mount against parliament members who voted for Gemayel presidency (houses and offices of 11 members set afire in West Beirut and Tripoli); fighting between Phalange and PLO/LNM forces; Franjieh forces occupy 3 army positions; Bank of Beirut and Riyadh in West Beirut's Hlamra section blown up, looted overnight; land evacuation of PLO forces delayed because of fighting (500 PLO guerrillas sent to Latakia by ship instead, 600 depart for Yemen); PLO/Lebanese government spokespersons say 2,192 PLO members evacuated to Jordan, Iraq, South Yemen in last 3 days; PLO guerrillas scheduled to leave to Sudan; IDF destroys orchards along Tyre-Sidon road to "prevent PLO attacks"; clashes between IDF and Lebanese villagers northeast of Lake Karoun; new international units arrive in Beirut; Pentagon announces 4 US Marines arrive in Beirut for preliminary inspection, consultations.
3 IDF soldiers buried yesterday; freighter "Lotus" with relief supplies and Egyptian opposition parliament members aboard allowed to land by IDF; first Israeli planes land at Beirut airport; private Israeli airline begins flights to southern Lebanon; IDF begin releasing some of estimated 7,400 Palestinian prisoners held at al-Ansar detention camp.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Grenade thrown at IDF vehicle in Gaza Strip (no casualties; fourth incident of its kind in occupied territories in a week); Begin, Shimon Peres clash in Knesset debate after Peres condemns IDF advance, cutting off water supplies to Beirut; following Sharon meeting with Draper, Israel agrees to allow US, Italian contingents to take up positions in Beirut immediately rather than waiting until all PLO forces gone; Yitzhak Rabin speaks out against renewing war in northern Lebanon; pamphlets by 3 Arab groups in Nazareth ask Israeli Arabs to support PLO.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Muslims meet at Salam's house, issue statement strongly critical of Gemayel; Gemayel reportedly seeking "mini-Marshall Plan" aid from US to rebuild Lebanon; Gemayel reported by Israeli paper to have met secretly inside Israel with Sharon several times since 1976.
Arab Governments: Tunisia seeks "realistic decisions" on Arab-Israeli peace in statement one day after Bourguiba revives proposal for pan-Arab acceptance of 1947 UN partition plan; Saudi Arabia allocates $2 billion to rebuild Beirut; Egyptian, French officials confer on joint peace initiative.
US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration affirms decision to land Marines in Beirut despite renewed fighting; Shultz invites Sharon to meet Friday during Sharon's fundraising trip to US; Austrian Chancellor Kreisky, in Der Stern article, strongly criticizes Israel.
Military Action:
Bashir Gemayel's election as Lebanon's President sets off jubilant celebrations in East Beirut, angry protests in West Beirut; houses of 3 West Beirut deputies, including Speaker Kamal Assad, who participated in election, are burned or blown up; explosions heard throughout city; 1,000 PLO members sail for South Yemen (transport to port held up by car bomb 1 mile away); IDF reinforces Central Lebanon forces with 220 tanks; Syrians reinforce men and ammuntion, send in an estimated 400 tanks.
IDF says 3 Palestinians killed while trying to infiltrate IDF lines near Aimmiq; IDF soldier dies from wounds received yesterday; 5 IDF soldiers wounded in ambush near Tyre.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's congratulation to Gemayel on election is addressed to "my dear friend"; Sharon indicates he had several clandestine visits to East Beirut to prepare for invasion months in advance.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: 34-year old Bashir Gemayel, leader of Phalange militia, elected to 6-year term as Lebanon's president on second Parliamentary ballot (one-third of deputies do not vote, voting delayed 2 hours until Bashir's brother Amin rounds up 6 missing delegates for legal quorum); Jumblatt denounces Gemayel as "stooge of Israel"; Jumblatt and Muslim leaders meet at Salam's house in West Beirut to consider rejecting election, later issue statement demanding "ironclad guarantees" to preserve consensus politics; Salam and others agree to seek meeting with Phalange leaders; Pierre Gemayel calls election a victory for Lebanon and a "commando operation" because of risks getting to it; Bashir Gemayel, on radio, calls election a "big achievement for our democracy"; Murabitun radio calls election "day of shame" and "nomination of military governor for Lebanon by Zionist decree thanks to Israeli tanks"; PLO officials in Syria express concern for future of Palestinian civilians in Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syria reacts with anger to election, fears new strife.
US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials view election as "positive development" that could facilitate withdrawal of all foreign troops; Reagan sends congratulations to Gemayel and to Parliament; Harris poll finds support for Israel in US still high, but criticism of casualty levels growing; USSR parliamentary delegation arrives in Syria for "working visit." President Spadolini of Italy, addressing troops, says peace will rest on "reciprocal recognition between Israel and the PLO."
Military Action:
IDF, PLO forces clash with rockets, artillery, gunfire near airport and in Burj al-Barajneh; Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon attacked by Phalangist forces, 40 houses burned; cease-fire broken with bazooka fire and snipers in the Museum area; IDF air force attacks PLO positions in Beirut, allegedly destroying a PLO headquarters.
Thousands continue to flee West Beirut, choking the one crossing left open (hundreds of Lebanese seeking to enter W. Beirut to bring out relatives and friends are barred by IDF); food, water, fuel, electricity remain cut off (UNICEF tells its personnel to leave); none of those leaving are being allowed to stay in East Beirut; only Lebanese, no Palestinians being allowed to leave (Phalange say this is at IDF orders); ICRC finally gets IDF permission for one truck of medicine, four of food to enter West Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel Committee Against the War in Lebanon sponsors march through Tel Aviv; Women Against the War begin vigil outside Begin offices; Israel confirms receiving substantive proposal on withdrawal.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amin Gemayel (Bashir's brother) enters West Beirut, says war needs to stop; PLO reportedly prepared to leave Beirut as Syria agrees to accept guerrillas; Wazzan, after meeting Habib, is optimistic evacuation will begin in a few days; Camille Chamoun says presidential elections cannot take place until crisis resolved; effort to reconcile B. Gemayel, Jumblatt fails.
Arab Governments: Syria, Egypt reportedly offer refuge to PLO guerrillas (Egypt's foreign minister later says PLO withdrawal must be preceded by establishment of a global resolution of the Palestinian problem); Arab governments reluctant to accept substantial numbers of guerrillas; PLO expresses anger at this hesitation to accept trapped fighters.
US and Other Countries: US officials say difference between US and Israel may affect military and economic ties (US seeks Saudi and Jordanian participation in Camp David); in Munich, West Germany 1,000 protest against IDF attacks on Beirut; Nicaragua breaks relations with Israel; Italy and Greece offer peacekeeping troops.
Military Action:
IDF jets attack in Bekaa (claims 3 Syrian SAM-8 batteries south of Chtaura, 1 F-4 destroyed; Syria claims IDF loses 24 tanks, 4 rocket launchers, admits it loses 16 tanks); jets also attack Palestinian targets in Beirut after mock air raids, reconnaissance flights (Fakhani, Bir Hassan, Ramlet el-Baida, Sabra, airport areas hit, 1 jet reportedly hit); shelling of airport, Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra, Shatila, as IDF warships shell Burj al-Chatila, as IDF wat ships shell Burj al-Barajneh and Ouazi (2 IDF armored cars, 1 tank, 1 mortar position reportedly knocked out) .
Four Syrian soldiers killed, 6 wounded in IDF raids; WAFA reports 51 wounded, killed in today's raids; Lebanese officials report 11 IDF soldiers killed in Wednesday's guerrilla attack in Sidon; PLO reports two IDF soldiers killed, four wounded last night near Sidon as halftrack hits landmine; 12 IDF casualties reported near Aley; IDF troops enter Karantina power station in East Beirut, turn off electricity to West Beirut at 11 PM (results in loss of all water to West Beirut as water pumps are halted; cutoff interrupts Bashir Gemayel TV address in which he nominates himself as Lebanese president); Sidon authorities begin bulldozing remains of Ain el-Hilweh (IDF disclaims any responsibility for plight of camps' refugees, refuses to allow tents to be brought in).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet gives diplomatic process more time, is reportedly split over all-out attack on Beirut; Minister Yitzhak Moda'i says Israel rejects linking PLO-IDF withdrawals, accepts linking only Syrian-IDF withdrawals.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Bashir Gemayel nominates self as Lebanese president; PLO opposes withdrawal until safeguards arranged for 650,000 Palestinian civilians in Lebanon, acceptable host countries found, and Palestinian right to self-determination affirmed by US or UN; two-hour battle between Phalange and Druze flares in Aley (two killed; IDF separates forces); Sarkis and Cabinet hold emergency meeting to discuss IDF undermining of government authority in southern Lebanon using Haddad militia (Sarkis publicly condemns IDF occupation of southern Lebanon for first time); Wazzan says Lebanese government rejects proposals for interimpartial withdrawal of PLO from all of Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syria threatens major response, with new weapons, if IDF continues attacks.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets Saudi leaders, then flies to Cairo; Habib's consultant status with Bechtel Corporation initiates call by Senator Pressler (R-SD) for him to resign (rejected strongly by White House); US AID says $850,000 in aid for American University Hospital to be flown to Cyprus for shipment.
UN: UN delays Security Council meeting sought by France, Egypt to discuss Lebanese situation.
Military Action:
IDF jets, artillery attack Palestinian areas of West Beirut for second day (Fakhani and stadium areas, Burj al-Barajneh, Shatila, Ramlet el-Baida, Lailake, road into airport hit); Bekaa quiet (IDF rebuilding, resurfacing roads in area); two PLO attacks on IDF, one an ambush of soldiers near Bhamdoun, the other on military command center in Sidon (IDF, assisted by Phalangists, seals off city, sets curfew, searches vehicles and houses for guerrillas).
Salam says David Dodge (US educator kidnapped earlier in July) reportedly alive; WAFA says 56 killed, wounded in today's raids (estimates 182 casualties from IDF raids on West Beirut, Bekaa valley yesterday); civilians remain despite extensive damage in Fakhani (many buildings burn); IDF makes little effort at civil administration in the Bekaa, allowing Phalange to be in control; IDF continues blockade of West Beirut (despite some food getting through, doctors report rise in nutrition-related diseases).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says PLO does not want to leave Beirut, warns US of "grave danger" in tampering with UN Resolution 242; General Eliezer, in London, claims only 31,000 refugees have resulted from the Lebanese war (excluding Beirut), puts Arab deaths at 1,300 (including 1,000 "terrorists"); Eitan says Israel will not tolerate "war of attrition"; Israel plans to sell some of captured PLO weapons to Third World countries to offset the cost of the war; Begin signs agreement with the ultranationalist Tehiya Party (which opposes the Camp David Accords); 40 Palestinian women's societies in the occupied territories issue a statement demanding an end to the invasion, reaffirming their support for the PLO.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO denounces IDF raid as political act; PLO security actively seeking Dodge's release; PLO-Lebanese negotiations at a standstill while Habib tours Arab capitals; PLO spokesman says negotiations could be helped if US spoke directly to the PLO; Salam meets Wazzan, proposes timetable to make interim PLO withdrawals to other parts of Lebanon more acceptable; Bashir Gemayel, seeking support for his presidential bid, meets with Druze leader Arslan as slayings raise tensions between Phalange and Druze; Shiite Deputy Al-Zani released by Haddad forces; PLO representative in Paris slain by bomb (Abu Nidal and Jewish Armed Resistance both claim responsibility); Arslan meets with Israeli Druze leader Tarif, accompanied by Likud MK.
Arab Governments: Habib meets with Assad and Khaddam in Damascus (Syria reasserts view that focus of negotiations should be on achieving IDF withdrawal).
US and Other Countries: Weinberger cancels trip to California in concern over possible IDF invasion of Beirut; US officials reportedly see possibility of direct dealing with PLO if US forces sent to Beirut; Interior Secretary Watt's letter to Israeli Ambassador Arens, urging American Jews to support Administration energy policies to ensure US support for Israel, causes furor and is disavowed by White House.
Military Action:
Several incidents shake cease-fire; small arms fire reported in Beirut area.
Beirut food supplies sufficient but prohibitively expensive for poorer Lebanese and Palestinian refugees; much of fresh produce is from Israel, resold to Lebanese middlemen; Phalangists at checkpoints bribed to let goods through; some vegetable prices have increased 300-400 percent; Baalbek refugee center in eastern Lebanon out of food; 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinians fled to Baalbek area to escape fighting elsewhere in Lebanon; relief supplies being sent by ICRC and other groups from Damascus; polio, measles, and scabies reported in region; IDF reportedly lifts blockade somewhat; ICRC officials scheduled to begin interviewing thousands of detainees at Israel's new Anzal prison; every third house in Rashidiyeh lies in ruins, as journalists allowed in for first time since invasion; 4 PLO members killed near Lake Karoun; 1 IDF soldier wounded near airport.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: David Kimche visits Habib in Beirut for briefing; Begin, at large pro-government rally in Tel Aviv, suggests possible Israeli confederation with Jordan, offers to meet with Hussein after peace treaty with Lebanon signed; Sharon offers temporary asylum to PLO guerrillas who renounce the PLO; Uri Avnery, in US, urges Reagan administration to recognize the PLO.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Sarkis wants "global and final" resolution to Palestinian issue in Lebanon, opposes temporary regroupment; Bashir Gemayel and Walid Jumblatt meet at presidential palace in effort to revive National Salvation Council, seen by some as part of Gemayel's effort to win Lebanese presidential election; Gemayel meets with Salam and Berri; Gemayel denouces PLO delay in leaving.
Arab Governments: Jumblatt visits Damascus to persuade Syrians to accept PLO evacuees.
US and Other Countries: Meeting of 69 Non- Aligned States' foreign ministers, called at Arafat's request, convenes in Cyprus, urges UN sanctions against Israel, forms peace committee to help resolve crisis.
Military Action:
Cease-fire appears to hold, despite minor clashes near airport; WAFA says 5 Israelis tried to move on the airport and failed; IDF jets fly over Beirut in mock raids; PLO commander Salah Taamari reportedly surrenders to IDF in Sidon.
IDF soldier reported wounded in fighting with Syrians along highway.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israelis fear PLO gains from talk delays; Shamir says government will give Habib more time for negotiations, after consultations with Begin and Sharon; Israeli media cites Egyptian pressures, Reagan's letter of last week, and European threats of sanctions as restraining Israeli options; Mapam distributes leaflet questioning whole operation; Begin asks attorney general to investigate if Mapam has committed a crime in circulating the document; Abraham Burg, son of Interior Minister, and two other reserve officers met with Begin recently to urge him to halt the war; British employee at Bir Zeit University asserts she was beaten while in detention, foreign ministry refuses to accept a UK diplomatic protest of the incident; Argov regains consciousness in London hospital; Israeli police detain dozens of students "suspected" of being students at Bir Zeit University; police also arrest 4 staff members of newspaper al-Fajr.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Issue of where guerrillas can go holds up negotiations; Arafat expects large IDF operation in near future, says guerrillas can withstand long siege; Sarkis reportedly ill; 2 Druze Cabinet Ministers disavow declaration of yesterday; PLO formally asks Syria for haven if agreement is reached; Fuad Shemali, military commander of right-wing Lebanese militia "Guards of the Cedars" announces support for Bashir Gemayel for president of Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Renewed Iran/Iraq hostilities reportedly slows negotiating process; Damascus Radio calls on other Arab countries to ensure PLO does not move from Lebanon to other countries; Egypt calls for Arab summit, urges direct US-PLO negotiations.
US and Other Countries: West German foreign minister visits Egypt, harshly criticizes IDF invasion of Lebanon; US urges Arab countries to help resettle surrounded PLO; Reagan contacts Saudi, Syrian governments regarding haven for PLO; former US official George Ball strongly criticizes Israeli invasion and lack of strong US response; Congressional leaders and foreign policy experts say Israel violated US restrictions on use of cluster bombs but disagree on US response; Mitterrand of France meets PLO leader Kaddoumi.
Military Action:
Beirut truce holds as talks continue, but little progress seen; 130 IDF tanks and two brigades reinforce positions overlooking city from Khalde to the port section; car bomb goes off on Hamra street outside Palestine Research Center, killing 2 and injuring 30; cease-fire broken briefly by small amount of shelling from PLO units north of the airport; IDF estimated to have 8 divisions and 120,000 troops in Lebanon; IDF and PLO dig in to prepare for next round of fighting; IDF continues to seek PLO members in Ain el-Hilweh.
UN workers repair 5-6 water mains, install 9 pumps; about 300 people killed or wounded by car bombs in W. Beirut since June 6; 6 IDF soldiers wounded when vehicle hit by anti-tank rocket near Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel pessimistic about chances of Habib's success; protests against the war grow as 105 reserve soldiers and 17 officers send letter to Begin asking to be excused from further service in Lebanon; Sharon warns against attempts to form "unions of former fighters" as dangerous to democracy; Israel reportedly gives more time to Beirut talks; IDF soldiers use tear gas to disperse Nablus youth protesting invasion; 3 pro-PLO political figures detained in Hebron for organizing support for Palestinians in Lebanon; attorney general Gabbai initiates police investigation of Avnery meeting with Arafat; Peace Now has decided to suspend all public activities until W. Beirut situation clears up; Israel eases its time-pressure for an early diplomatic settlement.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib confers with Sarkis, Wazzan, Butros; top aide to Bashir Gemayel gives up hope for peaceful settlement, says all-out IDF drive on Beirut would undermine forging a united Lebanon; Bashir Gemayel makes overtures to Muslim leaders in Beirut to form a unified Christian-Muslim government, including Jumblatt, Berri, Salam; Salam meets with Habib, tries to arrange meeting of Habib with Hani al-Hassan of the PLO; PLO holding out for US recognition as price for evacuation, asks direct talks with Habib; PLO also proposes interim PLO withdrawal to Tripoli and Bekaa while final destinations decided; PLO spokesman Sartawi says PLO has recognized Israel in series of 1977 amendments to its charter.
Arab Governments: Thousands of Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians demonstrate outside US embassy in Damascus protesting US support for Israel; Iranian troops cross border into Iraq.
US and Other Countries: George Shultz undergoes vigorous questioning before a Senate Committee on his Bechtel connections as part of his confirmation hearings; Congressional sources assert IDF violated provisions of secret US restrictions on use of cluster bombs.
UN: UN Secretary General, during trip to Netherlands, urges all parties to abide by the Security Council resolutions.
Military Action:
IDF armored units fight fierce artillery, rocket duels with PLO forces inside Beirut as PLO, for first time, fires back on wide range of IDF gun positions in East Beirut; fighting appeared to intensify following Israeli announcement of little headway in negotiations and consideration of an Israeli military option; IDF rockets landing at rate of 30 per minute, as Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra, Shatila Lailake and the coastal road near the airport are all hit; PLO forces fire on E. Beirut areas of Hadeth, Ashrafiya, Furn al-Shubbak, Dbaye and near Baabda; 51 shells reportedly land in presidential compound; direct hit on IDF motor pool below palace reported, setting fire to 4-5 trucks and armored vehicles and causing unspecified casualties; PLO shells also hit government hospital in Baabda, near Hotel Alexandre and near IDF press center as well as Aramoun hills area; 2 IDF tanks destroyed trying to advance on airport; French Ambassador's residence set on fire during shelling, as well as Raouche seafront; shelling tapers off after 12 hours following cease-fire announcement on Beirut radio; IDF camps set up at Zahrani, and near Tyre; Damour, Khalde, and in the Chouf and Arkoub areas.
Beirut radio reports "large numbers" of casualties on both sides; few ambulances venture into areas being shelled; 3 IDF soldiers killed and 28 wounded in fighting around Beirut; fires burn for hours in shelled areas of W. Beirut; Phalangist radio reports 20 killed, 80 wounded in city; shell hits Barbir Hospital killing 5 patients, wounding 11; blood supplies reported to drop below a safe level; street shootings by feuding militias continue in Beirut; 82 persons reported killed, 211 wounded in artillery battle, according to Beirut radio; hundreds of buildings reported wrecked or burned in Beirut; civilian death toll during invasion now put between 15- 20,000 by various sources, 85-90 percent estimated to be civilians by relief agency directors, who believe IDF count only Lebanese as civilians and regard all Palestinians as combatants; an estimated 6,000 Palestinian refugees have returned to Rashidiyeh and 5,000 to Ain el-Hilweh; according to the Red Cross, lack of public sanitation still a major problem, bodies still being recovered under the rubble; Sidon's mayor estimates housing needed for 40-60,000 residents (20,000 of these Palestinians), is unable to estimate re-building costs; Archbishop Haddad of Tyre says 26,000 Palestinians displaced by IDF invasion, estimates structural damage to buildings at $60 m.; local teachers, public officials in Nabatiyeh appeal to Begin to release young Nabatiyans held by IDF; IDF agrees to increase size of assistance unit in Nabatiyeh to cope with huge influx of refugees from north.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet says little progress made, as Begin studies military options; news poll of 1,164 Israelis finds only 29 percent favor "breaking" into Beirut, 68 percent opposed; Shamir tells US AID official McPherson that Israel will allow ICRC visits to Palestinian detainees next week; McPherson completes a tour of southern Lebanon to assess best way to expend $65 m. allocated for Lebanese relief; military ser-vice for conscripts extended 3 months; Deputy Chief of Staff Levy says IDF will "realistically" be deployed along their current lines through the winter; new agreement with Haddad to extend Haddad's military control from south of the Litani River to just north of Sidon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fighting brings negotiations to a halt; PLO insists on US or UN recognition of PLO's centrality in the Mideast as price for withdrawal, calls on US to speak directly to the PLO; Bashir Gemayel says Phalangists will not get involved in latest fighting; Wazzan accuses Israel of trying to sabotage negotiations, hints talks may be called off unless US gets Israel to halt Beirut bombardment; Wazzan reportedly unable to deliver PLO 11-point plan.
Arab Governments: Syria broadcasts appeal for PLO to stand and fight in Beirut; Egyptian Foreign Minister Ali says Sharon's idea of a Palestinian state set up in Jordan violates Camp David.
US and Other Countries: Proposal to send US troops to Lebanon draws skeptical reactions from Congressional leaders; Weinberger says US studying whether IDF improperly used US weapons during its invasion of Lebanon; Sen. Percy says Israel broke faith with the US by invading Lebanon and US support for Israel waning.
Military Action:
IDF and PLO forces fight rocket, tank and artillery duels across Beirut in evening after a day of intermittent shelling; thousands of civilians flee to shelters; Palestinian areas of Barbir and Mazraa reportedly hard hit along with southern outskirts; PLO fire targets IDF emplacements in Hadeth, near East Beirut; shells land at major crossing points, Beirut racetrack, the airport and Burj al-Barajneh; 10 members of 50-man Lebanese security guard unit at airport wounded in shelling; Lebanese Defense Ministry indirectly accuses PLO of starting outbreak by shelling Galerie Semaan crossing; IDF using C-130 Hercules planes to ferry arms and equipment into Lebanon; IDF has reportedly widened and improved a small airstrip at Ansar, west of Nabatiyeh near detention camp.
Beirut experiences major gas shortages, gunfights break out at gas lines; despite token IDF troop pullback to let Wazzan pass and Israeli denial that food was being kept out of W. Beirut, IDF soldiers continue to turn away food lorries as well as fuel and medicine; IDF spokesman says Israel has captured 9,000 suspected PLO guerrillas, 30-60 reportedly being arrested every day; small bands still hiding in hills east of Sidon, occasionally attacking IDF troops; Lebanese police estimate 50 killed, 200 wounded in fierce artillery and rocket duels in the evening; Beirut's 3 main hospitals report 515 killed, 2,200 wounded at their facilities alone since the invasion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Mayor Rashid al-Shawa of Gaza is dismissed by the Israeli Defense Ministry, becoming the seventh Arab mayor ousted since March after refusing to lift a 2-month municipal strike against cooperation with new Israeli "civil administration"; 35 IDF reserve soldiers involved in Entebbe rescue in 1976 protest the war in Lebanon in letter sent to Begin; 86 reserve officers and soldiers recently released from their units ask Defense Ministry not to be sent back to Lebanon, appeal for evacuation of all Israeli troops; Communications Minister Zipori opposes setting final deadline for getting "terrorists" out of Beirut; demonstrators in Nablus stone IDF soldiers, tear gas and gunfire used to disperse demonstrators; military authorities ban request of Palestine Bank in Gaza Strip to collect money for Lebanon war victims.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Beirut negotiations falter amidst contradictory signals: PLO leader Kaddoumi's statement in London that PLO has agreed to leave Beirut countered by PLO statement in Beirut that PLO has not agreed to leave country, only to move its headquarters from Beirut; adviser to Arafat Hani al-Hassan affirms agreement with Lebanese Government to pull PLO out of Beirut when an international force sanctioned by the UN and containing Americans enters the capital to guarantee the PLO's safe exit and protect remaining Palestinian civilians; Habib reportedly resists deployment of international force before PLO withdrawal to avoid any implicit US recognition of PLO; PLO rejects pullout by sea; PLO insists on maintaining political presence in Lebanon; Wazzan ends 5-day boycott of negotiations, takes PLO demands to Baabda following easing of IDF blockade; Bashir Gemayel states opposition to US troops entering Lebanon, says Lebanese Army should secure W. Beirut; Habib contacts Sharon, who reportedly favors a military solution.
Arab Governments: Syria refuses to receive PLO guerrillas from Lebanon, saying they should stay in Lebanon until they return to Palestine; Arab League delegation including PLO's Kaddoumi in London for talks.
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, Habib aide, reportedly sent to Syria to get it to accept PLO forces temporarily; Habib reportedly rejects two-stage withdrawal; US Sixth Fleet waits off Lebanese coast; White House officials expect negotiation breakthrough soon, describe IDF cut-off of water and electricity as "outrageous"; issue reportedly taken up by Reagan in letter to Begin; Habib plan reportedly calls for IDF pullback of 1 km. while PLO forces begin evacuation; State Department says US "deeply regrets" Shawa dismissal; Britain declines role in peacekeeping force in Lebanon.
Military Action:
IDF Deputy Chief of Staff says IDF is preparing to stay through the winter "if neces-sary" as IDF builds paved roads, moves bases to flat areas, installs water pumps for IDF; intermittent bombardment of W. Beirut by IDF continues as blockade maintained on food, bottled water (except for medicines).
President of American University of Beirut, Malcolm Kerr, launches $5 million fundraising drive to save AU Hospital from financial disaster as a result of the war (says 95 percent of wounded treated at hospital were civilians, 70-80 percent of them Lebanese; nursing staff now down to 50 percent of normal); ICRC for first time allowed to bring ambulances, medicines, blood, hospital equipment into W. Beirut; some food trucks let in; Catholic Relief Services said they were allowed to bring food into W. Beirut for first time in 4-5 days; ICRC supplies in Jounieh still being held up by IDF; four IDF soldiers killed when armored car hits mine in southern Lebanon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Doubts reportedly emerging among IDF soldiers about how "defensive" this war is; Sharon meets with Habib; government reportedly opposes wide-spread expulsions of Palestinian refugees advocated by Bashir Gemayel; Bir Zeit University closed for 3 months by order of Sharon (400 students protest in Ramallah-30 arrested); 2 lecturers, 30 students arrested in Nablus at Al Najah College.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib expects agreement by end of the week; Salam reports PLO dropped insistence on UN approval of multinational force; Wazzan still refuses to go to E Beirut; Pierre and Bashir Gemayel advocate complete expulsion of all Palestinians from Lebanon, civilian and PLO alike; negotiations snagged on role of foreign troops in PLO withdrawal (Salam says what good are troops after the PLO leaves; Sarkis reported-ly wants foreign troops deployed throughout Lebanon, fears PLO and Syrians will otherwise stay in Bekaa); Arafat invites ICRC to visit W. Beirut to see IDF violations of Geneva Conventions.
Arab Governments: In formation Minister says Syria hasn't been consulted on any plan for PLO fighters to go to Syria or for Syrian troop withdrawal (raises fears that Syria will not be willing to take PLO fighters); Syria estimated to have 60,000 troops in Lebanon (30,000 more than before invasion-sent to defend approaches to Damascus); Indian Foreign Ministry asks Israeli consul in Bombay to leave in 48 hours because of "interference in internal affairs."
US and Other Countries: US Sixth Fleet 40 miles off Lebanese coast; Habib instructed to offer US troops only after PLO evacuation; 2 US Senators (Dodd and Levin), after meeting with Begin, claim he set no deadline for evacuation.
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed); Muslim/Christian conflicts around Tripoli; 2 Israeli generals visit Jumblatt's center, demand that his forces surrender artillery and mortars; Phalange moves into Chouf and Sidon, replacing Lebanese gendarmerie; Israeli jets hold mock battles over Beirut, dropping flares over Palestinian refugee camps; PLO bolsters positions inside W. Beirut; Phalange shoot from behind IDF lines.
Israeli government developing plans for security of southern Lebanon not involving international help (arms and uniforms given to villagers); observers report more physical damage in Tyre than Sidon (where casualties higher); Lebanese bankers protest IDF attempt to violate bank secrecy in Sidon; IDF asks Druze/Phalange leaders to stop fighting between followers (Phalange reportedly using arms against Druze; IDF caught in cross-fire); villages of Jumblatt refuse to be disarmed (Druze Likud Knesset member asks Sharon to restrain Phalangists "who draw their strength from the Defense Minister").
UNRWA reports that 50 percent of houses in 6 Palestinian refugee camps near Sidon/Tyre are destroyed, 40 percent of refugees have fled, UNRWA convoy scheduled to leave Jerusalem for Tyre today (draws on stocks in Gaza and West Bank); two-thirds of two camps near Tyre destroyed (no clear report on third camp); Ain el-Hilweh reportedly "virtually wiped out," Rashidiyeh suffers less damage; 200,000 tons of aid from France, West Germany, Denmark waiting in Cyprus for IDF permission to ship; Canadian physician who worked in Sidon says 50 percent of 10,000 killed by IDF invasion were children under 13 (his hospital was bombed 4 times, he saw pellet bombs dropped on refugee camps, and saw Palestinian prisoners beaten with clubs and metal-tipped whips).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin disagrees with message from Haig that PLO should be allowed token political presence in Lebanon if Lebanon agrees (says that despite his statement in the US that Israel had no intention of entering Beirut, with IDF on Beirut's periphery "it was another matter," and urges Beirut residents to "flee for your lives"); Israeli Cabinet agrees to give negotiations more time, extends "deadline"; officials indicate Saudi plans for airlift might be acceptable; Foreign Ministry condemns EEC call for involvement of PLO in negotiations; Labor Alignment resolution opposing military action in Beirut gets 47 votes (Likud resolution gets 60, reference to multinational policing of 28-mile zone conspicuously absent); cost of war put at $2.5 billion for Israel ($1 b. in direct costs, $1.5 b. in indirect costs from resultant economic slowdown; equals 10-15 percent of GNP); IDF service extension for those essential for war effort being discussed; officials claim PLO takes advantage of peace negotiations; 200 protest Israeli invasion near Prime Minister's office (including 15 reservists back from Lebanon, who say they have signatures of 200 soldiers opposed to the war); trial of 20 Palestinian youths for guerrilla actions begins in Lydda and Ramal-lah; Israeli Druze leader asks Begin to restrain Phalange attacks on Lebanese Druze.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange party plans to nominate Bashir Gemayel for Lebanese President; negotiations stall as no Arab countries indicate willingness to accept all PLO fighters; Lebanese continue to flee Beirut, leaving streets deserted; Wazzan puts civilian deaths at 15,000 (IDF Colonel Kadar says deaths number only a few thousand-in excess of 440 civilian deaths cited by Begin last week); Wazzan, after meeting with Habib, rejects Israeli conditions; PLO forces in Tripoli vow to fight on regardless of any settlement in-volving PLO forces in Beirut; PLO privately reiterates willingness to leave Lebanon (form of evacuation and surrender of arms left un-resolved); PLO meets with Salam.
Arab Govemments: Saudis reported active diplomatically; Arab League representatives meet in Taif to continue discussion of common approach to IDF invasion (includes Syrian, Saudi, Lebanese, PLO, Algerian and Kuwaiti envoys).
US and Other Countries: Reagand enies giving Israel "green light" for invasion, says it resulted from PLO rocket attacks on Israel; Senator Percy says IDF invasion of W. Beirut would be "unacceptable" because of civilian casualties; State Department official warns of risk of renewed fighting if PLO and Lebanon do not come to terms soon; Haig sends message saying PLO should be allowed some political presence in Lebanon if Lebanese authorities agree; French Foreign Minister Cheysson, after meeting with Egyptian envoy Ghali, speaks of PLO as representing Palestinian people; Greek Ministry of Culture supervises huge concert in Athens to aid Palestinian children; Nigerian parliament passes resolution condemning Israel; protests held in cities in USSR; USSR accuses Israelis of using chemical weapons in Lebanon supplied by US.
Military Action:
Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.
Hundreds live in Beirut parks, lacking food, water, medicine and basic hygiene; garbage piles up in West Beirut streets (most trucks are in East Beirut); more shops close throughout city as fear of IDF attack grows; Baalbek now has 35,000 refugees; Palestinian refugees reportedly receive less aid than Lebanese; Israeli unsubsidized prices for sales to Lebanon about 3 times Lebanese prices.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Former head of Israeli military intelligence, in US, says casualty figures inflated; Israeli Knesset debate ends with Likud/Labor parties agreeing not to vote against each other's resolutions, only to vote for their own; Begin offers to let PLO leave with personal weapons (claims Reagan said USSR might intervene if there were a war with Syria); Sharon says he informed Haig, Weinberger that IDF invasion of Lebanon was virtually inevitable 2 weeks before actual invasion; Sharon announces 271 Israelis killed, 1470 wounded, 13 missing; government charges UN schools used by PLO for training, as arsenals; reports that IDF used new anti-tank weapon similar to US Sadarm; Sharon speaks at Knesset on scope/aims of war (Peres strongly opposes any entry into Beirut); government officials accuse Habib of false optimism; Israeli Cabinet ratifies June 27 ultimatum, but softens departure possibilities (by land or sea); 4 reservists call on Sharon to resign, call on other released soldiers to join their vigil; 600 demonstrate in favor of war; 30 protest effect of war on the poor in Israel; petition with signatures of 40 who fought in Lebanon printed opposing war; Supreme Islamic Council of Jerusalem states support for PLO, denounces silence of Arab regimes.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Wazzan, Butros; Lebanese disagree on whether PLO leaders can return to Lebanon to visit; Lebanese papers attack USSR, accusing it of complicity with US; Druze leader Jumblatt expects attack on Beirut within 24- 36 hours, predicts coexistence of Muslims, Christians in Lebanon is finished; Bashir Gemayel predicts Israel and Syria will have full-scale war; reports of de facto strike in Sidon area following Israeli mistreatment; Phalangists reject plan to incorporate PLO units into Lebanese Army, Phalangist troops enter Aley, threaten to kill 12 Druze (Druze leader is killed by Phalange members, allegedly mistakenly); PLO stiffens demands as talks deadlocked over timing and method of PLO withdrawal (PLO seeks own police in refugee camps, PLO units attached to Lebanese Army); Arafat addresses PLO rally; Fateh Central Committee reportedly says no more concessions.
Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia reportedly explores flying PLO out of Lebanon; Egypt sends Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ghali to Paris for talks.
US and Other Countries: US expressed satisfaction with cease-fire; former US envoy to Lebanon, Dean Brown, says US blessed IDF invasion, that Reagan does not know much about the Mideast and "probably does not want to know"; EEC calls for PLO to be involved in peace negotiations, asks immediate IDF withdrawal (arms sales informally suspended to Israel); Austrian Jewish group presents open letter to Israeli Ambassador decrying invasion, asking for peace negotiations with Palestinians; International Socialist delegation, headed by former Portuguese prime minister Soares, visits mayor of Bethlehem; EEC refuses to sign £22 million financial protocol with Israel (does not agree on trade sanctions); Habib requests formal guidance from Washington for negotiations, Haig drafts 9-point proposal in response.
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF reconnaissance flights over Beirut continue; Syrian Army withdrawing from western parts of highway (some tanks commandeered by Phalangists).
IDF says 269 Israelis killed, 1255 wounded; 4 IDF soldiers injured east of Damour; captured Israeli pilot, in interview from Beirut, asks Israel not to invade Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government says only few days will be allowed to see if PLO will accept its offer of safe passage from Beirut; military spokesman of northern command says IDF used cluster bombs; government bans video transmissions originating in West Beirut via Israeli facilities; Israeli soldiers demonstrate against war in Jerusalem (some of their relatives sign peace petitions); IDF soldiers skeptical of their own military news, reportedly increasingly listen to Lebanese radio; land confiscation near Bethlehem brings protests; Jewish Agency announces 10 new settlements in West Bank, 5 in Gaza Strip, 4 in Golan and 4 in Jordan Valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Political negotiations continue as diverse proposals exchanged (key issues: removing PLO presence, number that would leave, status of remaining Palestinian refugees); senior Israeli officials hold discussions with Phalange leaders in Beirut (wariness, some distrust reportedly growing between Israelis, Phalangists); PLO leaders reportedly pleased that Israeli government demands Sunday seemed addressed to PLO directly; Arafatr eportedlyd emands US/ USSR/ Gemayel guarantees of safe passage, continues to insist on IDF pullback; officers of Haddad's army complain Israel is ignoring their enclave in discussing future of Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: UK closes embassy in West Beirut.
Military Action:
Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery shells Syrian positions above town; 10 miles of Damascus highway reportedly in IDF hands; jets fly missions throughout the day before new 8 PM cease-fire called by IDF; Syrian brigade north of highway retreating eastward; IDF sources report Lebanese Phalangists join battle, capturing Jamhur; IDF jets, gunboats, artillery wage non-stop barrage of W. Beirut, heaviest since invasion; estimated 100,000 IDF troops inside Lebanon; Syria takes security measures around Palestinian refugee camps near Damascus; big IDF build-up on outskirts of Beirut (500 tanks, 1200 armored personnel carriers, 60 howitzers); Israeli and Phalangist forces coordinate actions via special phone system, as Israeli officers seen frequently visiting Phalangist headquarters; UK embassy, American University of Beirut hit by IDF fire.
ICRC looking after 12,000 refugees in Bekaa; Israel changes mind, says relief efforts will be for both Palestinians and Lebanese; thousands of refugees flee south along coastal road, creating huge traffic jams; Lebanese po-lice estimate 100 killed, 250 injured in day-long barrage; 30 Israelis killed, over 200 wounded in fighting along highway.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories:S haron says IDF coming close to total elimination of PLO and removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon; Israel bans satellite broadcast of all footage from Lebanon by 3 US TV networks; Jerusalem Post raises issue of what Israeli war aims are; Abba Eban questions why war was not ended when original 25-mile goal reached; Sharon predicts IDF will stay in Lebanon beyond 10 weeks.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan, denouncing new fighting, resigns (calls IDF attacks a form of "blackmail," accuses Habib of collusion with Israel in attempting to force PLO into unconditional surrender); two other Muslim Cabinet ministers also resign as Lebanese government close to collapse; Jumblatt announces withdrawal from Council, says withdrawing from political life (accuses Sarkis of wanting to finish PLO, says there is a plan to install Bashir Gemayel as Lebanese President); Gemayel, Arafat speak by phone; PLO supports French proposals at UN.
Arab Governments: Saudis exert strong pressure on US to halt Israelis, reportedly considers oil shutoff, opening relations with USSR if W. Beirut attacked.
US and Other Countries: Several sources indicate US is sending somewhat contradictory diplomatic signals to Riyadh and to Habib, the Lebanese and PLO; General Haig resigns as US Secretary of State, replaced by George Shultz (disagreement within the Administration over Lebanon reportedly a major factor); Indians ransack US library in Calcutta to protest US support for Israel.
UN: Security Council debates French proposal; Secretary General appeals for cease-fire; General Assembly debates resolution condemning Israeli invasion.
Military Action:
Cease-fire collapses as Israeli tanks, planes, artillery hit Syrian positions along Damascus highway, fighting reported at 9 points along highway; IDF claims Iranians join fighting near Aley; major tank battle in eastern Bekaa clashes around Lake Karoun, fires burn out of control along highway; Israeli jets hit PLO/Syrian positions near Beirut airport as IDF gunboats hit W. Beirut, IDF continues bombings past new 6 PM cease-fire; car bombs in Beirut kill 50 near seafront, others along Hamra shopping district; fighting focused in Mansouriya area as Israelis try to take heights; IDF takes Bhamdoun.
High casualties as Palestinian areas between airport and city limits take heavy pounding; Acre Hospital in Sabra camp takes direct hits; garbage piles up in Beirut and food prices have doubled in many cases; Rashidiyeh refugees reject clothes offered by IDF, demand their detained sons; 48 IDF soldiers wounded in clashes with Syrians.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects PLO proposal, insists on expulsion of PLO "core" to country not bordering Israel; Sharon argues camps are outside Beirut city limits and exempt from Cabinet restrictions; Israeli leaders fear France too friendly to PLO; Women's Committee Against the War in Lebanon demonstrates outside Knesset; Ziad Abu Ein, extradited from US to Israel for trial, gets life sentence; Begin, returning from US, rules out UN presence in southern Lebanon, Mapam opposes entry into Beirut, but supports war.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib gives US proposal to Wazzan to relay to PLO, Jumblatt characterizes proposal as asking for complete surrender of PLO; no new meetings of Council planned; Jumblatt says US refused to make guarantees against IDF assault on Beirut; Lebanese Ambassador to the UN Tueni makes bitter address at UN Special Session on Disarmament; Bashir Gemayel reportedly talks to Arafat by phone.
Arab Governments: Hussein of Jordan leaves for visit to USSR, reportedly angry at US support for Israel.
US and Other Countries: US embassy closes, ships arrive to evacuate nationals of US, UK, FRG; Senator Biden (D-Del) supports cut-off of aid to Israel if it continues to build settlements on West Bank.
UN: West Beirut headquarters of UN closed, moved to East Beirut.