49 / 15493 Results
  • December 31, 1990

    UNLU leaflet promises that intifada leadership will punish those Palestinians who carry out executions of suspected collabora- tors [NYT 1/1].

    Bomb prematurely explodes in West Jerusalem,...

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  • December 13, 1990

    Federal District Court judges rule against 54 Democratic members of Congress who had sought an order forbidding Pres. Bush from going to war without first seeking con- gressional approval, but...

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  • December 10, 1990

    U.S. and Iraqi admins. air differences over when Bush-Aziz and Baker-Saddam meetings should take place; Iraq suggests Baker come to Baghdad on 1/12, but U.S. says it is too close to UN deadline of...

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  • December 9, 1990

    More than 1,000 foreigners, including 163 Americans, fly out of Iraq; more flights are scheduled for 12/10 and 12/11 [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/10].

    Citing Defense Dep't. and White House...

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  • December 4, 1990

    Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement allowing all Soviet citizens to leave Iraq providing Soviet gov't. assumes responsibility for breaching worker contracts [MEM 12/4; NYT, LAT,...

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  • December 3, 1990

    Two-day tripartite meeting of foreign ministers of Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia begins in Cairo; this is 3d meeting since Gulf crisis began [MENA, RMC 12/3 in FBIS 12/4; MET 12/11].


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  • November 30, 1990

    Pres. Bush says he has invited Iraqi F.M. Aziz to Washington and is ready to send Sec. Baker to Baghdad in an attempt to find peaceful solution to Gulf crisis. [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1; CSM 12/3].

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  • November 22, 1990

    Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

    Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia,...

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  • November 17, 1990

    Citing American, British, and Israeli intelligence experts, New York Times reports Iraq has acquired nuclear weapons capacity that could enable it to begin manufacturing and using nuclear...

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  • November 14, 1990

    Saudi Arabia says any future Arab summit "will bear no fruit or results" unless Iraq first agrees to leave Kuwait [WP, NYT 11/15]; Pres. Mubarak arrives in Damascus, meets with Pres. Asad (cf. 11/...

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  • November 11, 1990

    Washington Post reports that many Saudis, including some gov't officials, do not want Iraq's military capability completely destroyed in event of war because Iraq is the strongest Arab...

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  • November 4, 1990

    Sec. Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia; soldiers say they wanted to get fighting over with so they could go home IWP, NYT, MEM 11/5]; Baker then flies to Manama for 2-day visit [WAKH 11/4...

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  • November 3, 1990

    Sec. of State Baker leaves for Gulf and Europe to lay groundwork for new UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq and to ask allies under what conditions would they support...

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  • October 31, 1990

    Pres. Bush declares he has 'had it" with Iraq's treatment of U.S. hostages and diplomats; Chief of Staff John Sununu says Bush is still committed to avoiding hostilities [NYT, LAT, WP 11/1].

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  • October 28, 1990

    Saddam Hussein reverses his 10/19 decision to ration fuel and dismisses his oil minister on the grounds that miscalculation by the official led to the announcement that Iraq was facing a gasoline...

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  • October 25, 1990

    Bush admin. decides to expand the number of U.S. forces in Gulf and may send as many as 100,000 more troops in addition to the planned deployment of 240,000 [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/26].


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  • October 24, 1990

    UN Sec. Council unanimously votes to condemn Israel for its refusal to cooperate with UN investigation of Haram al-Sharif shootings. Vote had been delayed 24 hours at request of U.S. to give...

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  • October 23, 1990

    Bush admin. says it is considering expanding U.S. military forces in Gulf behind the 240,000 troops and other personnel already there. "I am more determined than ever to see that this invading...

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  • October 22, 1990

    Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan's 10/21 com-ments alarm Bush admin., but Saudi officials say comments did not reflect a change in Saudi gov't policy [NYT, WP 10/23].

    Israeli police surround...

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  • October 21, 1990

    3 Israelis are stabbed to death allegedly by 19-year-old Palestinian, apparently in response to Haram al-Sharif violence near Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli spokesman blames UN for inciting attacks...

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  • October 19, 1990

    In UN, some nations begin to seek resolution assailing Israel for not cooperating with UN investigating team; Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says he cannot send delegation to Israel unless assured it...

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  • October 17, 1990

    According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].


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  • October 11, 1990

    After 3 days of negotiations, UN Sec. Council members struggle to draft resolution on Haram al-Sharif incident that is acceptable to U.S.; majority ready to support resolution sponsored by...

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  • October 8, 1990

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  • October 7, 1990

    Israeli military begins handing out gas masks and chemical warfare defense kits that it plans to distribute to Israelis over next 2 months. Palestinians in O.T. will not be given kits but will be...

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  • October 2, 1990

    Sec. Baker says U.S. will release $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet Jewish immigrants as a result of Israeli assurances [JDS 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 10/3].


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  • September 26, 1990

    Sec. Baker holds 4-hour meeting with Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze in New York on Gulf situation; agree on need to increase pressure on Iraq. Baker begins meeting by praising Shevardnadze's UN speech [...

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  • September 25, 1990

    UN Sec. Council votes 14-1 to impose embargo on air traffic to and from Iraq and Kuwait. The sole "nay" vote is cast by Cuba [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 9/26; MET 10/9]; in hard-hitting speech at Gen....

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  • September 24, 1990

    45th session of the UN Gen. Assembly opens; French Pres. Mitterrand denounces Iraq, but outlines 4-stage plan to solve conflicts in Middle East (including Arab-Israeli and Lebanese). Iranian F.M....

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  • September 23, 1990

    Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement threatening to attack oil fields in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries and Israel if U.S.-led blockade begins to "strangle" Iraq, for 1st...

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UNLU leaflet promises that intifada leadership will punish those Palestinians who carry out executions of suspected collabora- tors [NYT 1/1].

Bomb prematurely explodes in West Jerusalem, killing Palestinian who is apparently handling the explosives [JDS 12/31 in FBIS 12/31; NYT, LAT, WT 1/1].

Iraq orders 17-year-olds to report for military duty [BVM 12/31 in FBIS 12/31; LAT 1/1].

Secret meeting takes place in Jerusalem between Major Teddy Kollek and Palestinian activist leader Faisal Husseini. They hold cordial discussion on topics including status of Jerusalem on condition that meeting not be made public immediately (cf. 1/4) [LAT 1/5].

Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics releases year-end figures: economic activity in o.t. has declined sharply; population of Israel rose to 4.8 million [JDS, HAA 1/1 in FBIS 1/3; MEM 1/2].

Economic and Planning Minister David Magen tells Knesset committee that by March 1991, Jews will be a demographic majority in Galilee; Magen announces establishment of Galilee Development Authority [HAA 1/1 in FBIS 1/4].

UNLU issues call no. 66 "denounc[ing] the imperialist role and the hostile policy of the U.S.," and calling on Egypt and Syria to withdraw their forces from Saudi Arabia [BVP 1/2 in FBIS 1/15].

In 21st and deadliest air attack in Lebanon this year, Israeli fighter-bombers kill 12 Fateh militiamen in predawn raid south of Sidon [JAA 12/31 in FBIS 12/31; NYT, WT 1/1].

Federal District Court judges rule against 54 Democratic members of Congress who had sought an order forbidding Pres. Bush from going to war without first seeking con- gressional approval, but also rule Congress could force Bush to seek declaration of war if it chooses [NYT, WP 12/14].

Last U.S.-sponsored evacuation flight out of Iraq and Kuwait arrives in Frankfurt, carrying U.S. ambassador to Kuwait and 31 other Americans [AFP 12/13 in FBIS 12/13; ADS, INA 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; NYT, WP 12/4; LAT 12/15].

American official says U.S. wants to keep some UN sanctions against Iraq in place even if Saddam withdraws from Kuwait; sanctions would continue to ensure Saddam "can't keep up his massive military machine" [NYT 12/14]; U.S. officials accuse Saddam of stalling on setting dates for talks [WP 12/14].

New York Times/CBS News poll finds 45% of respondents believe U.S. should start military actions against Iraq if it does not leave Kuwait by 1/15; 48% say U.S. should wait for sanctions to work; 62% say sending troops to Saudi Arabia was correct thing to do [NYT 12/14].

Concluding 2-day meeting, OPEC ministers in Vienna agree to maintain present production levels and reinstate production ceiling of 22.5 million barrels per day once Gulf crisis is over [IRNA, AFP 12/13 in FBIS 12/13].

French F.M. Roland Dumas says Iraqi pledge to leave Kuwait would not be enough to satisfy UN, but it could move Gulf crisis towards peaceful solution [MEM 12/14].

Tel Aviv military court convicts Col. Yaacov Sadeh of causing death by negligence of Palestinian teenager during clash 17 months ago [MEM 12/14].

Labor party leader Shimon Peres says P.M. Shamir's gov't. has moved into W. Bank and Gaza hundreds of new trailer homes imported to ease housing shortage [JTS 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; MET 12/25].

U.S. and Iraqi admins. air differences over when Bush-Aziz and Baker-Saddam meetings should take place; Iraq suggests Baker come to Baghdad on 1/12, but U.S. says it is too close to UN deadline of 1/15 for Iraqi troops to leave Kuwait [NYT, WP 12/11].

For 2d time, U.S. postpones Sec. Council vote on resolution endorsing Middle East peace conference; hopes to change text so that it can avoid using in Israel's defense veto that could weaken Arab support for U.S.-led coalition in Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP, MEM 12/11; CSM 12/12; JPI 12/22].

Sec. Baker asks F.M. Shevardnadze to commit token Soviet troop contingent to multinational force in Gulf; Shevardnadze says USSR cannot do so [WP 12/11].

Kuwaiti officials says Iraq owes them $64 billion for stolen property, unpaid debts, and damage caused by 8/2 invasion [IRNA 12/11 in FBIS 12/12].

Israeli army steps up 3-month-old policy of deploying hidden snipers along highways in the West Bank with authorization to shoot Palestinians seen throwing stones at Israeli cars. Snipers use live ammunition and are permitted to fire without warning if they be- lieve the stone throwers are endangering lives [HAM 12/11 in FBIS 12/11; MEM 12/12; NYT, WT, CSM 12/13; MET 12/25].

Israeli military prosecutors are ordered to demand harsher sentences for those Palestinians convicted of stonethrowing; D.M. Arens sets maximum sentence at 20 years in prison [JDS 12/11 in FBIS 12/11].

Labor MK Yossi Beilin presents initiative of dovish Mashov Circle group, calling for "negotiations between Israel and a Palestinian delegation with a primary purpose of bringing about Israel's evacuation from the Gaza Strip, to create in the Gaza Strip a Palestinian state. . . ." [MEM 12/11].

28 American Jewish community leaders, celebrities, and law professors send letter to Pres. Bush urging him to raise at his 12/11 meeting with P.M. Shamir the human rights cases of Palestinian journalists Radwan Abu Ayyash and Ziad Abu Zayyad, who were placed in administrative detention on 11/13. Letter urges they be either formally charged with a crime or else released. Copy of letter is sent to P.M. Shamir [MEM 12/11].

EC says it will give $6 million to help 8 hospitals in o.t. keep functioning during Gulf crisis [MEM 12/11].

More than 1,000 foreigners, including 163 Americans, fly out of Iraq; more flights are scheduled for 12/10 and 12/11 [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/10].

Citing Defense Dep't. and White House officials, New York Times reports Pentagon may have to ask Congress for additional $10 billion to $20 billion in spending authority to cover rising costs of Gulf deployment [NYT 12/10].

Sec. Baker says U.S. will not stand in way of talks between Iraq and Kuwait once Iraq complies with UN resolutions, leaving the 2 countries to negotiate anything, including fate of Bubiyan and Warba islands [MEM 12/10].

Jordan's King Hussein proposes Gulf peace plan that calls for compromise, talks among Arabs, and linking Palestine question to Gulf crisis [LAT, WP 12/10].

Former D.M. Yitzhak Rabin says "We must now recognize the fact that coexistence with the Palestinian population of the territories in one political framework has no chance," as New York Times reports that many Israelis are beginning to believe that only solution to Palestine question is permanent separation [NYT 12/10].

U.S. soldier in Saudi Arabia is killed when tractor-trailer truck overturns; he is 52d casualty of Operation Desert Shield [LAT 12/10].

Israeli soldier is killed, 2 are wounded when bombs explode outside military headquarters in Bethlehem; Palestinian is shot dead in Gaza after allegedly attacking soldier; Palestinians celebrate beginning of 4th year of intifada, despite being under curfew for 3d consecutive day [JDS 12/9 in FBIS 12/10, 12/19; LAT, WT, WP, MEM 12/10; CSM 12/11; BVP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; JPI 12/15; MET 12/18].

Annual report issued by 'Uvda, the settlers' information center in Hebron, argues that number of incidents in o.t., such as stone throwing and placing barricades on roads, almost doubled in 3d year of intifada, rising from 39,411 incidents in 1989 to 71,754 in 1990 [HAA 12/10 in FBIS 12/13].

In Stockholm, retired lawyer Felicia Langer receives "Right Livelihood Award" for defending Palestinians in Israeli courts for more than 20 years [MEM 12/10]

Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement allowing all Soviet citizens to leave Iraq providing Soviet gov't. assumes responsibility for breaching worker contracts [MEM 12/4; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/5; INA 12/4 in FBIS 12/4].

After meeting in Cairo with Saudi and Syrian F.M.s, Pres. Mubarak urges creation of new Arab alliance grouping Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria as a "foundation to serve the Arab people." Tripartite statement is also issued. King Hussein of Jordan and Vice Pres. al-Beedh of Yemen fly to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein and Yasir Arafat [MENA 12/4 in FBIS 12/5; NYT, LAT, MEM 12/5; WP 12/6; AVP 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; MET 12/18].

Kuwait's ambassador to U.S. says Bush admin. has assured his gov't.-in-exile that U.S. would make "absolutely no concessions" when it meets with Iraqi officials [NYT 12/5].

New York Newsday reports Kach party members mailed to a television reporter a "hit list," threatening lives of at least 8 supporters of Palestinian rights, including M.T. Mehdi, Arthur Hertzberg, Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said, and Anthony Lewis. Threats are aimed at avenging assassination of Kach founder Meir Kahane [WT, WP, MEM 12/5].

In Brussels, 12-country EC agrees that It- aly, current holder of EC presidency, could hold talks with Iraqi F.M. Aziz if Aziz first meets with Pres. Bush [MEM 12/5].

Responding to growing fear over rash of Palestinian knife attacks on Israelis, police broaden surveillance of Arab workers in Israel with spot check searches and new roadblocks along W. Bank [NYT, MEM 12/5].

Two-day tripartite meeting of foreign ministers of Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia begins in Cairo; this is 3d meeting since Gulf crisis began [MENA, RMC 12/3 in FBIS 12/4; MET 12/11].

Greater Beirut officially comes under control of Lebanese Army after Lebanese Forces militia vacate positions [MEM 12/3; NYT, WT, WP, CSM 12/4; BDS, BVL, RFL 12/3 in FBIS 12/4; MET 12/11].

Def. Sec. Cheney tells Senate Armed Services Committee that military action rather than economic sanctions is only sure way of forcing Iraq out of Kuwait [NYT, WT, WP, MEM 12/4; CSM 12/5].

Soviet television reports that 1,000 of the 3,000 Soviet citizens still held in Iraq will be allowed to return to USSR within next 3 weeks [NYT, WT, WP 12/4].

In separate statements before English-speaking or American audiences, Israeli D.M. Moshe Arens, Housing Min. Ariel Sharon, Deputy F.M. Benjamin Netanyahu, and several MKs offer sharp warnings that Iraq should not be left with its army and weapons intact after Gulf crisis [NYT 12/4; WP 12/6]; Sharon compares Sec. Baker's proposed Baghdad trip to Neville Chamberlain in World War II [JDS 12/3 in FBIS 12/4].

Israeli military court sentences to 30 years each of 12 Arabs apprehended in PLF's May 1990 attempted attack on Tel Aviv beach [IDF 12/3 in FBIS 12/5; LAT 12/4; MEM 12/4; MET 12/11].

Quoting B'Tselem data, HaAretz reports that Palestinians are prohibited from building on 68% of West Bank's 5.5 million dunums [HAA 12/3 in FBIS 12/5].

Israeli air force and navy confront "fishing vessel that appeared suspicious" off coast of Gaza; force it ashore and shoot dead 1 crew member who tries to flee; five others are detained [JDS 12/4 in FBIS 12/4; MEM 12/4].

At least 10 "anti-Israeli combatants" are killed in 2 incidents of fighting with IDF, SLA troops in S. Lebanon [IDF, AFP 12/3 in FBIS 12/4]. 

Pres. Bush says he has invited Iraqi F.M. Aziz to Washington and is ready to send Sec. Baker to Baghdad in an attempt to find peaceful solution to Gulf crisis. [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1; CSM 12/3].

Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council brands 11/29 UN ultimatum illegal and accuses U.S. of buying Sec. Council votes [LAT 12/1; MET 12/11].

PLO statement condemns 11/29 UN resolution; another statement "welcomes the U.S. inclination toward negotiation and dialogue" after Pres. Bush offers to send Sec. Baker to Iraq (cf. 12/1) [AFP, AVP 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; CDS 11/30 in FBIS 12/4].

UNLU call no. 64, "the call of pledge and continuity," asks for international protection for Palestinians and heralds beginning of in- tifada's 4th year [BVP 12/3 in FBIS 12/5].

Iraqi troops deliver fruit, vegetables, and cigarettes to the U.S. embassy in Kuwait, promise American diplomats they would return with more food and medical supplies; Pres. Bush says "this could be a positive sign" [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1].

Former U.S. def. secretaries Harold Brown and Robert McNamara urge Bush admin. to allow time for sanctions to work in Iraq before resorting to military action [NYT 12/3].

Israeli military order renews closure of 4 Palestinian universities in o.t. for additional 3 months [MEM 11/30; FJ 12/3].

UN Sec. Council unanimously approves 6-month renewal, until 31 May 1991, of UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) as buffer between Syrian and Israeli armies in Golan Heights [MEM 12/3].

Official Saudi source says Saudia Arabia has cancelled debts owed to it by Egypt; debts estimated at $4 billion [MEM 12/3].

Jerusalem Report magazine poll taken between 11/19 and 11/29 of 1,200 Israeli Jews finds 42% have become more hawkish toward Palestinians in o.t. in the past 3 years. Only 6% say intifada has brought about more dovish attitude, while 2 out of 3 Israeli Jews say they want to bar Palestinians from working in Israel. (Poll is not published until 12 December) [WT 12/7; MEM 12/13]

Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, says they may have to face "some pain now to avoid even worse pain later," then flies to Cairo [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; MET 12/4].

D.M. Tom King says Britain will send 14,000 more troops and additional tanks, aircraft, and ships to the Gulf by the end of the year, bringing total number of British troops there to more than 30,000 [NYT, LAT, MEM 11/23].

Visiting Sanaa, Yemen, Sec. Baker is rebuffed in efforts to persuade Yemen, only Arab country on UN Sec. Council, to support resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. Pres. Saleh criticizes buildup of foreign forces in Gulf [SDS 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; SDS 11/23 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 11/23]; Baker then flies to Jeddah [SPA 11/22 in FBIS 11/23].

PLO leader Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad, says he strongly supports Saddam Hussein's assertions that Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait must be tied to overall settlement of conflicts in region; adds there is no alternative to negotiations between Iraq and U.S. [BVP 11/22 in FBIS 11/27; NYT 11/26].

D.M. Moshe Arens instructs IDF to expand enlistment of Bedouins into its ranks [MAA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23].

Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek and E. Jerusalem Arabs praise Jerusalem district planning committee's decision to build 7,500 new apartments for Palestinians northwards from French Hill junction towards Ramallah [JPD 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; MEM 11/23; JPI 12/1].

Kuwaiti gov't.-in-exile extends $550 million medium-term loan to the Soviet Union on favorable terms; "observers" point to "political aspect" of loan [MEM 11/23]. 

Soviet Union and Israel sign agreement on scientific cooperation and exchanges of scientific information [TASS 11/22 in FBIS 11/28].

Citing American, British, and Israeli intelligence experts, New York Times reports Iraq has acquired nuclear weapons capacity that could enable it to begin manufacturing and using nuclear weapons within 10 years [NYT 11/18; CSM 11/19].

King Hussein opens Jordanian parliament with bleak assessment of Jordan's prospects in wake of Gulf crisis and attacks "blatant and shameless" hypocrisy of nations involved in military buildup in Saudi Arabia (cf. 11/19) [NYT 11/18].

Through meetings with 3 African F.M.s, Sec. Baker reportedly wins support of Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, and Zaire for UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq [NYT, WP 11/18; CSM 11/19].

Quoting Palestinian sources, Tunisian newspaper reports that Libya has recently expelled Abu Nidal [MENA 11/17 in FBIS 11/20].

Curfew imposed on o.t. on 11/15 to prevent demonstrations on 2d anniversary of Palestinian declaration of independence is lifted in West Bank; most of Gaza Strip remains under curfew [JDS 11/17 in FBIS 11/21].

Saudi Arabia says any future Arab summit "will bear no fruit or results" unless Iraq first agrees to leave Kuwait [WP, NYT 11/15]; Pres. Mubarak arrives in Damascus, meets with Pres. Asad (cf. 11/15) [MENA, SANA 11/14 in FBIS 11/15].

Israel imposes widespread curfews in O.T. in advance of 11/15 anniversary of Pal- estinian declaration of statehood [WP 11/15].

Israeli labor ministry say the gov't is considering plans to fire some 60,000 Palestinians who work in Israel and replace them with Soviet Jewish immigrants and unemployed Israelis. About 110,000 Palestinians are employed in Israel [WP 11/15].

UN decides to send special envoy Jean Claude Aime to Israel on trip that is widely seen at UN at test of Israel's desire to cooperate with Sec. Council in dealing with O.T. [NYT 11/14].

Washington Post reports that many Saudis, including some gov't officials, do not want Iraq's military capability completely destroyed in event of war because Iraq is the strongest Arab deterrent to Israel and Iran [WP 11/12].

Israeli officials say P.M. Shamir's gov't is demanding U.S. block any future effort by UN Sec. Council to implement Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar's 11/1 suggestion that Palestinians' safety be placed under UN auspices; in return, Israel would accept visit from UN rep. Jean Claude Aime [JDP 11/11 in FBIS 11/13; NYT 11/12; WP 11/12, 11/13].

King Hassan of Morocco urges Arab leaders to hold "last chance" summit to head off war in Gulf; Iraq insists Palestine problem be on summit agenda as prerequisite for Iraq's attendance [NYT 11/12; WP 11/12, 11/13].

Former U.S. Attorney Gen. Ramsey Clark meets with Iraqi officials in Baghdad during 3-day visit [BADS, INA 11/11 in FBIS 11/14].

Sec. Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia; soldiers say they wanted to get fighting over with so they could go home IWP, NYT, MEM 11/5]; Baker then flies to Manama for 2-day visit [WAKH 11/4 in FBIS 11/5].

After weeks of delay, lead contingent of Syrian armored division, bringing Soviet-built T-62 tanks arrives in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. Contingent is 1st of a promised 15,000- man division to take up positions with multinational force in Gulf [WP, NYT 11/5].

Iraqi Defense Ministry calls up retired officers from military reserves [AFP, BADS 11/4 in FBIS 11/6], while Iraqi Information Minister tells reporters that Iraq will not leave Kuwait, even if it leads to war [WP, NYT, MEM 11/5].

In Alexandria, Pres. Mitterrand says UN embargo against Iraq should be given more time to be effective: "The embargo demands patience. Every week we achieve new results ... Saddam Hussein is driving the world into a destructive war, but his destruction will be even worse" [WP 11/5]. Mitterrand meets with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 11/4 in FBIS 11/5].

Israeli gov't dismisses as "one sided" UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar's 11/1 suggestion that Palestinian safety be placed in hands of UN meeting [JDS 11/4 in FBIS 11/5; WP, NYT, MEM 11/5].

Clashes between IDF and Palestinians in Gaza continue for 2d day; at least 86 Palestinians are wounded [JDS 11/4 in FBIS 11/6].

Abul Abbas, Palestine Liberation Front leader, confirms rumors that Libya has expelled 145 PLF members and closed down 4 training camps [WP 11/5].

Sec. of State Baker leaves for Gulf and Europe to lay groundwork for new UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq and to ask allies under what conditions would they support military action [WP, NYT 11/4].

IDF shoots dead Gaza Palestinian, injures at least 61 others as soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to break up demonstration in Bayt Hanoun that erupted after news that Palestinian activist had died in detention [WP, NYT 11/4; JPD 11/4 in FBIS 11/6; LAT 11/5].

For 2d time in as many weeks, Iraqi officials hint that they might release all hostages in return for guarantee Iraq would not be attacked; guarantee to come from at least 2 of the following states: China, France, USSR, Germany, and Japan [INA 11/3 in FBIS 11/6; WP, NYT 11/4].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz arrives in Amman for meeting with King Hussein [INA 11/3 in FBIS 11/5].

World Bank officials say more than 1.5 million people have been displaced by the Gulf crisis [WP 11/4].

Saudi Oil Minister Hisham al-Nazir says Saudi Arabia's oil production surpassed 8.2 million b/d this past week and is expected to rise to 8.5 million b/d early next year to make up for loss of Iraqi oil [NYT 11/4].

Pres. Bush declares he has 'had it" with Iraq's treatment of U.S. hostages and diplomats; Chief of Staff John Sununu says Bush is still committed to avoiding hostilities [NYT, LAT, WP 11/1].

Saddam Hussein announces through spokesperson that relatives of foreigners it is holding as "guests" may visit their loved ones in Iraq during the holiday season [NYT 11/1].

Returning to Moscow after meeting with Saddam, Soviet envoy Primakov says while his mission had not been a total success, he believes Iraq is becoming more open to political solution to Gulf crisis [NYT, WP 11/1].

Pres. Mubarak rebuffs Soviet suggestion that Arab leaders convene to solve Gulf crisis, saying Arab leaders did meet in August and solved nothing, and that leaders are still working on a solution to the crisis [LAT 11/1].

Foreign ministers of Saudia Arabia, Syria, and Egypt meet in Jeddah to discuss "latest developments in the Gulf" [NYT 11/1].

Algeria decides to send milk and flour to Iraq and Kuwait, specifically for children [AGS 10/31 in FBIS 11/1].

Swedish parliamentary delegation leaves Iraq after several-day visit; Saddam allows at least 6 Swedish nationals to leave Iraq [INA 10/31 in FBIS 11/1].

After year-long trial, 1 of 4 Givati Brigade soldiers receives 2-month prison sentence, and 3 others receive suspended sentences in the beating death of Palestinian back in February 1988 [NYT, MEM 11/1]. 

Saddam Hussein reverses his 10/19 decision to ration fuel and dismisses his oil minister on the grounds that miscalculation by the official led to the announcement that Iraq was facing a gasoline shortage [NYT, LAT, WP 10/29].

Knesset endorses Zamir Commission's report on Haram al-Sharif violence, but members are divided on whether any Israeli should be disciplined over the incident [NYT, WP 10/29].

Pres. Gorbachev meets in Paris with Pres. Mitterrand to discuss France's ideas for ending Gulf crisis; Gorbachev says he rejects military solution to crisis [MEM, NYT, LAT 10/29]; Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad to meet with Saddam [BVP 10/28 in FBIS 10/29].

Statement signed by 81 'House of Representatives Democrats strongly opposes offensive military move by U.S. against Iraq [LAT 10/29].

Thousands of Palestinians return to work in Israel after 4-day closure is lifted; some re- portedly find they have been fired because of recent attacks on Israelis in response to Haram al-Sharif shootings [LAT, MEM 10/29].

On visit to Saudi Arabia, Soviet For. Trade Minister says Gulf crisis has cost the USSR $10 billion in direct and indirect costs [MEM 10/29]. 

Bush admin. decides to expand the number of U.S. forces in Gulf and may send as many as 100,000 more troops in addition to the planned deployment of 240,000 [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/26].

Pres. of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, criticizes Saudi Arabia for inviting U.S. forces into the kingdom and for rescinding residency status for Yemenis working in Saudi Arabia [NYT 10/26].

Israel rejects UN Sec. Council's 10/24 resolution and levels harsh criticism at U.S. for supporting resolution [MEM 10/25; NYT, WT 10/26].

Washington Post reports Jordan has halted all exports to Iraq, including humanitarian aid [WP 10/25].

Soviet envoy Primakov meets in Damascus with Pres. Asad to discuss Gulf crisis [DDS 10/25 in FBIS 10/25].

Senior Saudi official says roughly 120,000 Kuwaitis have fled across the border into Saudi Arabia since 9/15 when Iraqi troops began to allow them to leave [AFP 10/25 in FBIS 10/26].

Jerusalem police report that 18, not 21, Palestinians were killed in Haram al-Sharif incident [JDS 10/25 in FBIS 10/26].

UN Sec. Council unanimously votes to condemn Israel for its refusal to cooperate with UN investigation of Haram al-Sharif shootings. Vote had been delayed 24 hours at request of U.S. to give Israel time to reconsider its refusal [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/25; text in MEM 10/25].

Congressional leaders say they will reserve the right to reconvene in the event U.S. goes to war in Gulf while Congress is in recess; provision in adjournment resolution will allow Congress to reconvene [NYT, WP 10/25].

Soviet envoy Primakov arrives in Cairo on 1st part of trip that will include Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq [MEM 10/24; NYT 10/25].

Los Angeles Times reports increased handgun sales in Jerusalem because of tension and violence there since Haram al-Sharif shootings [LAT 10/25].

Faisal Husayni is released from detention on bail after signing commitment not to participate in disturbances; Husayni was arrested on 10/8 on suspicion of inciting Palestinians during Haram al-Sharif incident [JDS 10/24 in FBIS 10/25; MEM 10/25].

Sentencing of 4 Givati Brigade soldiers convicted of beating death of Palestinian is postponed until 10/31 at request of defense attorney after Chief of Staff Dan Shomron suggests soldiers accused of committing offenses at the beginning of intifada not be tried (cf. 10/31) [MEM 10/25].

King Fahd orders an end to further conciliatory-sounding remarks to Iraq, like those made on 10/21 by D.M. Prince Sultan [NYT 10/27].

Saudi Arabia says it will not resume oil sales to Jordan unless Jordan pays disputed 5-year-old debt of $40 million [MEM 10/25]. 

Bush admin. says it is considering expanding U.S. military forces in Gulf behind the 240,000 troops and other personnel already there. "I am more determined than ever to see that this invading dictator gets out of Kuwait with no compromise of any kind whatsoever," says Pres. Bush (cf. 10/25) [NYT, LAT, WP 10/24].

Pres. Bush sends personal letter to P.M. Shamir urging Israel to accept UN envoy and stating intention not to pursue debate about E. Jerusalem housing; Shamir rejects appeal [MEM, WP 10/25].

Israeli gov't announces it is sealing off O.T. for several days, forbidding Palestinians to enter Israel because of widespread violence. 3 separate incidents of stabbings, beatings, and shootings leaves 1 Palestinian dead, 3 Palestinians and 3 Israelis wounded (cf. 10/28) [JDS 10/23 in FBIS 10/23; NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 10/24; WT 10/25].

Three Gulf states - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE - decide to cancel Egypt's debts totaling nearly $7 billion [MENA 10/24 in FBIS 10/25].

Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan's 10/21 com-ments alarm Bush admin., but Saudi officials say comments did not reflect a change in Saudi gov't policy [NYT, WP 10/23].

Israeli police surround Jerusalem with roadblocks to keep Palestinians from O.T. out of the city, and thousands of paramilitary border guards are stationed at major intersections and along boundaries between East and West Jerusalem to prevent escalation of violence stemming from 10/21 stabbing deaths. It is believed to be 1st time that whole city is closed to Palestinians [NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 10/23].

Senate votes 97-1 to authorize $700 million in additional military aid to Israel to help it meet "potential threat" posed by Iraq. Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.) cast lone opposing vote; says Israel does not need the money [LAT, WT, MEM 10/23].

Saddam Hussein suggests he may release all French hostages and a number of elderly and sick Americans still in Iraq [NYT, LAT, WP 10/23].

Pres. Mubarak arrives on unscheduled visit to Saudi Arabia to inspect Egyptian troops stationed near the Saudi-Kuwaiti border [MENA 10/22 in FBIS 10/22; LAT, MEM 10/23].

Deputy mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad al-Jamal, is released from jail on bail of NIS 20,000. He had been detained since 10/9 following Haram al-Sharif incident [JDS 10/22 in FBIS 10/23].

P.M. Shamir's gov't survives vote of confidence in Knesset by 53-51, 2 MKs abstain, others are absent [MEM 10/23].

3 Israelis are stabbed to death allegedly by 19-year-old Palestinian, apparently in response to Haram al-Sharif violence near Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli spokesman blames UN for inciting attacks through its condemnation of Israel (cf. 10/22) [JDS 10/21 in FBIS 10/22; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/22; MEM 10/23].

Some 350,000 Yemenis, some having to sell businesses at distress prices, have already left Saudi Arabia as result of suspended residency privileges [NYT 10/22].

After 3-hour meeting with Saddam Hussein, Edward Heath, former British P.M., says that Iraq will release unspecified number of British hostages [NYT, LAT, WP 10/22].

About 2,000 angry Ethiopian Jews in Israel protest in front of P.M. Shamir's office, demanding gov't bring their impoverished relatives from Ethiopia to Israel [NYT, WT 10/22].

Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan raises possibility of allowing Iraq to have some Kuwaiti territory in exchange for peaceful resolution to crisis: "If a sister Arab nation has rights, we all agree these rights can be had, but not by force" (cf. 10/22, 10/24) [NYT, WP 10/24].

Egyptian servicemen are set to replace thousands of Jordanian military instructors and troops contracted to various Gulf armed forces. Reports say Bahrain has begun terminating without notice the contracts of some 7,000-8,000 Jordanians seconded to its armed forces [MEM 10/22].

In UN, some nations begin to seek resolution assailing Israel for not cooperating with UN investigating team; Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says he cannot send delegation to Israel unless assured it will receive "necessary facilities," adds that he cannot make a report "on the basis of Israeli findings" [NYT, LAT, WP 10/20].

Iraq announces it will begin rationing gasoline beginning next week (cf. 10/28) [NYT, LAT, WP 10/20].

Pentagon reports it is sending 400 to 500 of its top Mi-Al battle tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 10/20].

Media report next space shuttle launch, scheduled for 11/10, will place into orbit spy satellite designed to track Iraqi troops and military activity in the Gulf region [NYT 10/20].

Canada announces its 5 remaining diplomats have left country's embassy in Kuwait; only 3 embassies in Kuwait remain open; U.S., Britain, and France [NYT 10/20].

Soviet envoy Primakov meets Pres. Bush to discuss Gulf crisis, says afterward that peaceful solution remains possible [LAT 10/20].

Senate votes 90-8 to reject legislation condemning Israel's declared plans to settle more Jews in O.T. and E. Jerusalem [MEM 10/22].

Israeli troops shoot, wound at least 10 Palestinians in Gaza during demonstrations against Haram al-Sharif incident [LAT 10/20].

According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].

Expressing concern that U.S. could go to war against Iraq while Congress was in recess, Senate Foreign Relations Committee demands Pres. Bush obtain congressional approval before taking military action. Demand is rebuffed by White House and Sec. Baker, who says the pres. will "consult" with Congress if need be [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/18].

For. Sec. Hurd says he failed to convince Israelis to accept UN team investigating Haram al-Sharif incident; 28 prominent Palestinians cancel scheduled meeting with Hurd after local press reports 10/16 comments; Hurd says papers misinterpreted his comments [MEM 10/17; NYT, WT 10/18; JDS 10/17 in FBIS 10/17, 10/18].

Egypt's most prominent newspaper Al-Ahram assails King Hussein as co-conspirator with Saddam, saying King Hussein acknowledged in an interview with New York Times he knew in advance of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Al-Ahram's version of the interview is at odds with the Times article, which says King Hussein knew of the invasion only at 6:00 am on 8/2 [NYT 10/18].

Arab League emergency session, called for by Palestine to discuss Haram al-Sharif shootings, opens in Tunis (cf. 10/18) [SPA 10/17 in FBIS 10/18].

After 3 days of negotiations, UN Sec. Council members struggle to draft resolution on Haram al-Sharif incident that is acceptable to U.S.; majority ready to support resolution sponsored by nonaligned countries, but U.S. threatens veto [NYT, WP, LAT 10/12].

New York Times reports Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders are beginning to raise moral questions about U.S. policy in Gulf, moving away from support voiced 2 months ago [NYT 10/12].

Independent investigations discredit Israeli gov't's version that Haram al-Sharif kill-ings resulted from carefully planned Palestinian attack [NYT 10/12].

At press conference, al-Maqasid Hospital doctors say many of the dead and wounded of 10/8 were shot in the back, indicating they were shot while fleeing [JDP 10/12 in FBIS 10/12]; Palestinians are barred from Haram al-Sharif [MEM 10/11].

One by one foreign embassies in Kuwait that defied orders to close by Iraq on 8/24, have been forced to shut down for lack of water, food, and electricity. German and Belgian embassies close leaving only 4 embassies - U.S., France, Britain, and Canada- open [NYT 10/12; WP 10/13].

Despite appeal from Saudi Arabia, German gov't rules out the sale of weapons to Arab states since sale would severely damage sensitive relations with Israel [LAT, MEM 10/121].

Tank-led Syrian troops close in on major routes to E. Beirut; Syrian military intervention to oust Gen. Aoun is at Hrawi gov't's request [NYT, LAT, WP 10/12].

At least 19 Palestinians are killed (as reported; cf. 10/15, 10/25), more than 100 are wounded by Israeli border police gunfire at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Israelis and Palestinians disagree on how violence erupted. In addition, 2 demonstrators are shot dead by IDF in Gaza, and areas of W. Bank and Gaza are placed under curfew. [RMC, JDS 10/8 in FBIS 10/9; MEM 10/8; NYT 10/9, 10/15; LAT, WP, WT 10/9; LAT 10/10].

Sec. Baker offers Washington's condolences to families of victims, urges Israeli restraint: "We don't have all the details yet about the violence, but . .. I do think it's fair to say that Israel needs to be better prepared and to exercise restraint in handling disturbances of this nature" [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 10/9].

10 U.S. servicemen are believed killed in crashes of 3 military aircraft in worst day of casualties since U.S. military buildup in Gulf began [LAT, WP, WT 10/9].

Maj. Gen. Muhammad Ali Bilal, commander of Egyptian forces in Gulf region, is quoted as saying the 14,000 Egyptian troops there would only aid in defense of Saudi Arabia, not in attack of Iraq [MEM 10/8; WP 10/9].

Iranian Pres. Rafsanjani has warned Kuwaiti gov't not to accept any peace settlement that concedes islands of Bubiyan and Warba to Iraq [MEM 10/8; WP 10/9].

Pres. Benjedid of Algeria says in television interview that purely Arab solution to Gulf crisis is no longer possible and others have to be involved [MEM 10/9].

Israeli military begins handing out gas masks and chemical warfare defense kits that it plans to distribute to Israelis over next 2 months. Palestinians in O.T. will not be given kits but will be allowed to purchase them [NYT, WP 10/2; NYT, LAT, WP 10/8].

Facing dwindling oil reserves and commercial imports, Jordan orders austerity measures to save fuel to begin on 10/13. Measures call for reduced work days, mandatory closing times for shops, and decreased electrical use [NYT 10/8].

EC foreign ministers agree that there could be "no compromise" with Iraq over UN resolutions on the Gulf, and that pressure must be kept up on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [LAT 10/8].

At inauguration of new E. Jerusalem Jewish religious school, P.M. Shamir announces plans for major new housing project in E. Jerusalem built for Orthodox Jews on undeveloped ridge between Mt. Scopus and the Mount of Olives [LAT, WP, MEM 10/8].

Yasir Arafat meets with Soviet envoy Primakov in Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis [SVP 10/7 in FBIS 10/9].

Maj. Gen. Ali Habib, commander of Syrian forces in Gulf, tells Saudi newspaper that his troops will only defend Saudi Arabia, not attack Iraq (cf. 10/8) [MEM 10/8; WP 10/9]. 

Sec. Baker says U.S. will release $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet Jewish immigrants as a result of Israeli assurances [JDS 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 10/3].

Joint resolution expressing Congress' approval of Pres. Bush's handling of Gulf crisis passes Senate by vote of 96-3 [WP, LAT, NYT, WT 10/3].

Soviet Union complains Iraq is delaying exit visas for Soviet specialists whose contracts have expired and who want to return home [LAT 10/3].

Senate Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations approves admin. proposal to forgive Egypt's $7 billion military debt; also authorizes Israel to redirect up to $200 million of U.S. economic assistance to "defense purposes" during the Gulf crisis [CDS 10/3 in FBIS 10/5; WP 10/3].

Chief of Soviet General Staff, Gen. Mikhail A. Moiseyev, says economic sanctions against Iraq are working and that no force should be used in Gulf unless it is approved by the UN [NYT 10/3].

Addressing UN Gen. Assembly, Saudi F.M. Prince Saud al-Faisal urges Iraq to leave Kuwait in order to strengthen rights of Palestinians [NYT, MEM 10/3].

Bethlehem University reopens, becoming the 1st university to open after 30 months [IDF 10/2 in FBIS 10/2].

Japanese P.M. Toshiki Kaifu arrives in Cairo for meeting with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; WT 10/3].

IDF troops shoot dead 3 W. Bank Palestinians, another dies from wounds received last week, in one of the highest single-day death tolls in recent months [MEM 10/3].

Jordan reopens its borders to Gulf-bound trucks; ban had interrupted flow of Lebanese, Syrian, and Turkish produce and meat to Gulf states. Jordan says it lifted ban to "test the good intentions" of Saudi gov't, implying ban would be reimposed if trucks were not given passage through Saudi Arabia; Saudis claim Jordan "caved in" to Syrian pressure [MEM 10/3]. 

Sec. Baker holds 4-hour meeting with Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze in New York on Gulf situation; agree on need to increase pressure on Iraq. Baker begins meeting by praising Shevardnadze's UN speech [NYT, WP 9/27].

Sec. Baker also meets with Israeli F.M. Levy [JPD 9/26 in FBIS 9/26]; Levy says Israel will not move forward with Israeli-Palestinian peace process until after Gulf crisis is settled [JPI 10/6].

USSR and EC issue joint statement in New York on resolved conflicts in Middle East  [NYT 9/27].

In 1st phase of planned over $20 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Pres. Bush decides to include the most sophisticated M- 1 tanks and other weapons worth $7.5 billion as immediate response to Iraqi threat [NYT, WP 9/27; LAT 9/28].

With spot-market oil prices topping $40 a barrel, Pres. Bush announces plans to sell 5 million barrels of oil from U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to curb "intensive and unwarranted speculation in oil futures" [LAT, NYT, WP 9/27; CSM 9/28].

25 Jordanian trucks with 400 tons of Palestinian-financed food parade through Baghdad as Iraq tries to demonstrate ineffectiveness of embargo (LAT 9/27].

PLF leader Abul Abbas warns of "war without limits" if Iraq is attacked; threatens to strike against U.S. and W. Europe [LAT 9/27].

Diplomatic note from Iraq to embassies in Baghdad threatens death to anyone caught hiding Western civilians; Sec. Baker calls the note "repugnant" [WP, WT 9/27].

Palestinians in O.T. observe general strike in support of Iraq [WT, CSM 9/27; FJ 10/1]; while leading Palestinians, including Faisal Husayni, meet with Israeli members of Peace Now group [FJ 10/1; MET 10/9].

Palestinian economic experts estimate O.T. losses from Gulf crisis to be about $405 million [QDS 9/26 in FBIS 9/27]. 

UN Sec. Council votes 14-1 to impose embargo on air traffic to and from Iraq and Kuwait. The sole "nay" vote is cast by Cuba [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 9/26; MET 10/9]; in hard-hitting speech at Gen. Assembly, Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze suggests Moscow would support military operation against Iraq if sanctions fail, and warns war may be imminent if Saddam does not leave Kuwait [WP 9/26; NYT 9/26, 9/27; MEM 9/26; CSM 9/27].

In 75-min. speech broadcast in its entirety on CNN (excerpts on major networks), Saddam tells American television audience that Iraq is the victim of conspiracies [INA 9/26 in FBIS 9/26; NYT, WP, WT, MEM 9/26].

U.S. House Appropriations Committee shelves Pres. Bush's request to cancel Egypt's military debt to U.S. after being told it faced certain defeat (cf. 9/30) [MEM 9/26].

After 4 days of talks in Teheran, Pres. Asad and Pres. Rafsanjani declare "full agreement" on opposition to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait [MEM 9/25; NYT 9/26].

Asad is credited with bringing Iran into anti-Iraq camp, persuading Iranian leadership to recast call to jihad against West as measure to be taken only if West stays on after Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait [NYT 10/11].

Saudi Arabia expels 12 more diplomats from Jordanian consulate and embassy; Jordan recalls its ambassador in protest [NYT 9/26].

Israel's Supreme Court rules army can raze Palestinian houses and shops around area where IDF soldier was killed on 9/20. Court says demolitions are urgent military need, and can proceed if homeowners are given compensation [WP, LAT, WT 9/26; FJ 10/6; MET 10/9].

After visit to Bureij refugee camp, UNRWA commissioner general expresses concern about demolition of houses and shops, says there is a disproportion between the 9/20 killing and Israel's response [JDS 9/26 in FBIS 9/27].

Israeli think tank Jafee Center issues annual report "Intemnational Terrorism 1989" attributing to Middle East groups only 8.9% of 406 incidents recorded; report states Fateh helped Western security agencies curb terror and that Palestinian attacks outside Israel declined sharply [MEM 9/26].

45th session of the UN Gen. Assembly opens; French Pres. Mitterrand denounces Iraq, but outlines 4-stage plan to solve conflicts in Middle East (including Arab-Israeli and Lebanese). Iranian F.M. Velayati says Iran will abide by Sec. Council sanctions [LAT, NYT, WP, WT, MEM 9/25].

Pres. Mubarak meets with Saudi F.M. Prince Saud al-Faisal to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 9/24 in FBIS 9/25; MET 10/2].

West German gov't says it will donate nearly $500 million worth of East German military equipment to U.S. forces in Gulf; South Korea announces a contribution of $220 million in cash, goods, and services to support multinational force [LAT 9/25].

Saudi Arabia expels 14 Iraqi, 56 Yemeni, and 10 Jordanian diplomats, accusing them of spying; action is seen primarily as retaliation for Jordan and Yemen stand on Gulf crisis [WT 9/25].

IDF prepares to demolish more than 20 Palestinian houses and shops around area in Bureij camp where Israeli soldier was killed 9/20. Supreme Court issues temporary restraining order after half the buildings are destroyed [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 9/25; MET 10/2].

Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement threatening to attack oil fields in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries and Israel if U.S.-led blockade begins to "strangle" Iraq, for 1st time raising possibility of preemptive strike [NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 9/24; CSM 9/25; MET 10/2].

New York Times prints excerpts from transcript provided to ABC news by Iraqi gov't of 6/25 meeting between U.S. ambassador to Iraq and Saddam Hussein [NYT 9/23].

Asked about document at press conference, Sec. Baker calls suggestion that U.S. contributed to Iraq's aggression "ludicrous," defends his dep't against congressional accusations that it had misled Iraq on U.S. response in event of invasion [LAT, WP, WT, MEM 9/24].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz says he will boycott UN Gen. Assembly's 45th session because U.S. has barred his gov't-owned airplane from landing in New York. (Iraq's UN ambassador will replace him.) State Dep't told Iraq's embassy in Washington last week that Aziz would have to use commercial flight to come to U.S. [LAT 9/24, 9/25].

Palestinians clash with IDF troops conducting house-to-house search in Bureij refugee camp in search of people who stoned and burned auto, killing IDF soldier on 9/20 [NYT 9/24].

Iraq outlaws use of Kuwaiti currency; Kuwaiti dinars must be exchanged for Iraqi dinars at 1 to 1 rate. Before invasion 1 Kuwaiti dinar was worth 12 Iraqi dinars [BADS 9/23 in FBIS 9/25; LAT, CSM 9/25].