Military Action:
IDF military bus machine-gunned near Ghazieh in South Lebanon; IDF and Lebanese Army cordon off Khalde beach hotel to secure meeting place, ensure no clashes; IDF tanks...
Military Action:
IDF military bus machine-gunned near Ghazieh in South Lebanon; IDF and Lebanese Army cordon off Khalde beach hotel to secure meeting place, ensure no clashes; IDF tanks...
Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders...
Military Action:
Five minute clash between Lebanese Army and IDF convoy.
2 Lebanese soldiers killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in clash.
Political Responses:...
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000,...
Military Action:
Walid Jumblatt slightly injured by car bomb blast in West Beirut, issues appeal urging calm among Druze followers; new violence in Chouf one hour after blast as three Druze...
Military Action:
Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.
IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate...
Military Action:
Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut,...
Military Action:
Israeli military patrol ambushed near Tyre.
Over 200 Lebanese and Palestinian women demonstrate outside Prime Minister Wazzan's Beirut office...
Military Action:
Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in...
Military Action:
IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to...
Military Action:
Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.
Military Action:
Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.
22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli...
Military Action:
Bazooka rocket fired at IDF positions near Yanta in Bekaa; new clashes between Phalange and Jumblatt forces in Chouf; IDF imposes curfew; Phalangists, Muslims, Lebanese...
2,000 Palestinian women, on 40-day anniversary of massacre, stage protest in Shatila camp, carrying Palestinian flags and pictures of those who died, lay wreath at mass grave;...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army, aided by French troops, seals off downtown West Beirut, paralyzing commercial area, as troops check identification papers door-to-door; cease-fire in Tripoli...
Military Action:
US Marines land by sea and helicopter, take control of the airport minutes after IDF soldiers leave; Lebanese Army takes over internal airport security; new IDF lines are 2...
Military Action:
Booby-trapped car explodes in Deir el-Qamar area of Chouf; despite IDF denials, Israeli forces advance into positions previously held by PLO in Bir Hassan area near Shatila...
Military Action:
Syrian MIG-25 shot down over Beirut; last Syrian forces leave West Beirut as 415 PLO guerrillas leave for North Yemen, 325 to Tartus (estimate that 7,728 PLO guerrillas, 2,...
Military Action:
Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take...
Military Action:
IDF launches massive air, sea, land attacks on West Beirut (IDF jets attack PLO artillery positions behind Syrian lines 19 miles east of Beirut; IDF tanks, artillery pound...
Military Action:
IDF bombards PLO positions, residential areas in West Beirut by land, sea, air for 14 hours in fiercest fighting since invasion began; IDF makes only slight gains in...
Military Action:
IDF and PLO forces fight rocket, tank and artillery duels across Beirut in evening after a day of intermittent shelling; thousands of civilians flee to shelters;...
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed...
Military Action:
Israeli warships, armored units bombard Palestinian camps and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut hours before Begin meets Reagan in Washington, hit USSR embassy, fashionable...
Military Action:
IDF military bus machine-gunned near Ghazieh in South Lebanon; IDF and Lebanese Army cordon off Khalde beach hotel to secure meeting place, ensure no clashes; IDF tanks seize surrounding hills to stop nearby fighting in Shouweifat, Kfarshima; fighting continues in Aley and two other villages.
Police estimate 18 killed, 27 injured in fighting in Chouf area; 1 IDF soldier wounded near Sidon; 2 IDF soldier killed, 7 wounded in bus attack.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Haaretz poll indicates 53 percent of Israeli public opinion supports immediate withdrawal, 24 percent support staying in Lebanon; Israel sends to Lebanon 6-man team headed by Israeli Foreign Ministry Secretary-General David Kimche; public testimony of Commission of Inquiry resumes as lawyers for some officials cross-examine witnesses (Reuven Gai sharply cross-examined by lawyer for Sharon aide Dudai, Dudai also testifies in private).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets Austrian Chancellor Kriesky in Austria; Wazzan, following meeting with Gemayel, names 6-man negotiating team, headed by retired diplomat Antoine Fattal, including Antoine Baroud, lbrah, Kharma, 3 Army officers led by General Abbas Hamdan.
US and Other Countries: US State Department stresses importance of focussing negotiations on getting speedy withdrawal of all foreign forces, not getting bogged down in efforts to force normalization between two countries (status of Haddad forces seen as problematic); 14 of 17 Senate Foreign Relations Committee members send letter to Reagan expressing concern over continued US Marine presence in Lebanon
Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders try to restore cease-fire; Haddad militia commander Ahmed Sheet blown up by car bomb in Nabatiyeh; other sabotage acts in recent weeks in Nabatiyeh reportedly aimed at IDF forces.
3 killed, 10 wounded in Tripoli; 1 killed, 3 wounded in Chouf; 21 others wounded in Nabatiyeh explosion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, in speech to World Zionist Congress, sees good chance of pullout agreement soon, reaffirms settlements are essential; Begin meets with Habib and Draper, who carry proposals to skirt issue of Jerusalem as venue for talks; Israeli military authorities close down Construction and Public Institutions Employees Union headquarters in Ramallah for two months, confiscate union files, arrest union secretary.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem, in meeting with Shultz, warns that lengthy occupation would lead to Israeli annexation of South Lebanon, Syrian/PLO protectorate in North Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syrian Presidents Assad and Foreign Minister Khaddam meet with Gemayel special emissary Jean Obeid, express openness to partial, simultaneous withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon, provided this is linked to a total withdrawal of IDF forces, affirm that Lebanese security forces should patrol Tripoli; Egyptian President Mubarak, in Vienna, calls on PLO to recognize Israel and declares support for Reagan peace plan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan sends letter to Begin urging Israel to agree to withdrawal timetable hours after Habib and Draper meet in Jerusalem with Begin; US announces $5 m. grant, $15 m. loan to Lebanon to help rebuild damaged homes; State Department sources say Israel is offering to sell Central American countries stocks of weapons captured from PLO; over 175 Representatives sign a letter to Reagan asking him to deny advanced weapons to Jordan unless Jordan participates in peace process; in Senate, Kennedy has almost 60 co-sponsors for resolution opposing more aid to Jordan if it continues to boycott peace talks.
UN: Israel and Lebanon join in unanimous General Assembly condemnation of September massacre, but Israel votes against another provision that calls massacre act of genocide; four other resolutions passed which demand that Israel rescind annexation of Golan Heights, support Lebanese efforts to restore its authority throughout its territory, deplore destruction of Palestinian cultural heritage during invasion and ask Israel for restitution.
Military Action:
Five minute clash between Lebanese Army and IDF convoy.
2 Lebanese soldiers killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in clash.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Number of Jewish settlers on West Bank to double to 50,000 in next 3 months as housing units completed.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP leader Habash comes out against Arafat strategy; President Gemayel meets Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Butros Ghali and presidential advisor Osama el-Baz in Beirut (first official visit since diplomatic relations were broken in March 1979), message from Mubarak expresses Egyptian willingness to press US and EEC to press Israel for speedy withdrawal from Lebanon, praises Lebanese refusal to hold talks in Jerusalem; Egyptian charge d'affaires and Egyptian newspapers return to Beirut for first time in three years.
US and Other Countries: Nicaragua concerned over proposed Israeli arms sales to Honduras; State Department says Israeli- Lebanese clash underscores urgency of troop withdrawal; Habib and Draper brief White House staff; AFL-CIO leader Lane Kirkland pledges continuing US labor support for Israel.
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000, down from over 80,000 during summer.
2 IDF soldiers wounded, 8 Lebanese killed in past week's clashes in Chouf; UNRWA Commissioner General warns refugees face wretched winter worsened by lack of wage-earners detained by IDF; at Ain el-Hilweh, Lebanese landowners reclaim two-thirds of camp land; Lebanese hospital reportedly received drugs taken from Gaza Hospital; Meridor says Israelis to offer grants to refugees to purchase prefab homes.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir claims Habif is making pro-PLO statements, but State Department denies; Druze and Christian leaders meet in Haifa, but fail to reach agreement on plan to end Lebanese sectarian fighting; Begin sends telegram to Israeli Druze leader asserting IDF is trying to end clashes; 1,200 Bethlehem University students go on strike to protest Israeli orders that 8 foreign lecturers suspend teaching.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem flies to London to renew plea for British troops to reinforce peacekeeping force; Haddad accuses Syria of provoking Phalange-Druze strife to undermine Israeli presence.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with King Hassan in Morocco; Reagan spokesman Larry Speakes defends Administration opposition to increases in aid to Israel, says increase would come at expense of other allies and that aid levels had already risen 21 percent; White House announces Mubarak will visit Washington January 27, meet with Reagan; Chinese Community Party head Hu Yaobang urges Arab nations to recognize Israel's right to exist, in remarks welcoming Arab League delegation.
Military Action:
Walid Jumblatt slightly injured by car bomb blast in West Beirut, issues appeal urging calm among Druze followers; new violence in Chouf one hour after blast as three Druze kidnapped, Christian positions shelled; two attempts by IDF to break into UNIFIL command posts.
Four killed, 39 injured by car bomb blast which destroys nearby cars, scattering glass and steel shards; Lebanese police report 1,200 bodies found since early September, some in mass graves, raising Beirut death toll during Israeli siege to 6,775 (toll does not include September massacre, estimate 84 percent of Beirut casualties were civilian, one-third under 15 years old and one-fourth over 50, 46 percent Palestinian, 37 percent Lebanese, 10 percent Syrian, 19,085 died, 30,302 wounded in Lebanon from June 4 to PLO evacuation); Tel Aviv newspaper quotes Lebanese prosecutor Germanos' report that 470 people killed in massacre but "it was not a massacre, by Lebanese standards."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli journalist challenges Shamir massacre testimony, asserts he heard another Cabinet member use word massacre in call to Shamir; Shamir ends visit to Zaire by signing arms agreement totalling $8 million, cooperation agreements in agriculture, water and fishing resource development, construction, 609 scholarships for Zairean students, landing rights in Kinshasa for Israeli aircraft, commercial and cultural exchange agreements; Israel announces plans for five more settlements near Jeni, Deputy Agriculture Minister Mikhail Dekel tells Knesset new suburban neighborhoods in commuting distance of main employment centers in Israel will be encouraged over small villages generating own employment, says settlers will triple in next three years; West Bank Council of Higher Education rejects proposed revision of work permit forms, leaving 100 teachers facing possible deportation.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel sends letter to Reagan, via US Embassy, seeking Reagan's personal intervention to soften "impossible" Israeli conditions; Guardians of the Cedars leader Etienne Saqa, at Israeli government- sponsored news conference in Jerusalem, says September massacre was "a Lebanese reaction from relatives . . . of our martyrs" and that "we have the full right to deal with our enemies in Lebanon in the manner we find suitable. . . . this is our interior problem. . .," says visit is to thank Israel for its "generous intervention," calls Wazzan a Syrian/PLO puppet.
US and Other Countries: Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth Dam says US will only meet Lebanese request to double troops if there is movement toward withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon, says Administration considering asking for more reconstruction aid for Lebanon, urges Israel to drop demand for Jerusalem venue for peace talks; State Department sharply criticizes Senate committee for allocating more money than Administration sought for Israel.
Military Action:
Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.
IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate raid on Palestinian-run hospital, says it won't happen again (drugs taken now estimated at $500-650,000 in value).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Palestinian survivors of massacre testify before Commission; Shamir, accompanied by high-ranking officers and industrialists, arrives in Zaire in first official visit to Black Africa since 1973 war; Defense Ministry senior adviser Tamir to present Mobutu with overall strategic plan for Zaire drafted by Israelis at Zaire's request; Labor and Likud Knesset members criticize Cabinet approval of IS 16.5 b. supplementary budget (9.3 b. to help pay for Lebanon war); protests in West Bank on 35th anniversary of UN partition resolution, Israeli policeman injured by stones in Ramallah after reinforced security forces try to restore order, curfew imposed on Deheisha refugee camp and Nablus market, tear gas fired to disperse crowds, schools close early; pro-PLO nationalist slate ousts Moslem Brothers in student elections at al-Najah University in Nablus; about 100 foreign lecturers teaching at West Bank universities decide to continue to refuse to sign anti-PLO pledge in new permit form; head of Village Leagues Duddin meets Sharon before both travel to US on separate visits.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanon's military prosecutor-general orders arrest of nine, including Hussein Mussawi, pro-Iranian leader of Baalbek's Shiites, accused of Islamic raids in Baalbek nine days ago; Wazzan, after meeting with Gemayel, urges US to increase pressures on Israel to withdraw.
Arab Governments: Mubarak and Habib issue joint statement calling for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, urging Jordanian and Palestinian inclusion in Mideast peace talks; Habib leaves for Morocco for talks with King Hassan and Saudi King Fahd; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says US sent message to PLO through Cairo saying PLO recognition of Israel would enable US to deal with PLO; semi-official al-Ahram criticizes PLO rejection of Reagan plan.
US and Other Countries: US State Department asserts PLO Central Council did not reject Reagan plan.
Military Action:
Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut, despite anonynmous bomb threat phone call; Israeli Border Police company which lost 35 members in Tyre building collapse to return to normal duties in Tyre; IDF completes program to improve security of IDF vehicles on Lebanese highways.
Palestinian refugees in South Lebanon spurn Israeli-made prefab houses.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Haaretz and Jerusalem Post quote source close to Begin that he may call new elections if Commission of Inquiry faults him for negligence of duty; Commission spokesman clarifies that warnings are not interim findings but represent only "worst case" scenario, notes others may subsequently receive similar warnings; Habib presents new proposals to Begin on starting Lebanon-Israel peace talks; Jerusalem Post poll shows marked increase in Israeli opposition to Reagan plan; Israel and US sign agreement on exchanging lessons of Lebanon war; 16 Bethlehem organizations not receiving Jordanian subsidies join notables in signing statement rejecting US initiative and its "Jordanian" interpretation, seen as response to pro-Jordanian West Bank leaders' document urging PLO recognition of Israel and praising "positive elements" of Reagan proposals; Deputy Agriculture Minister lays cornerstone of Nofim, first Samaria settlement to be developed entirely by a private company.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat opens meeting of 66-member PLO Central Council seeking united stand on Reagan plan, adopts new membership roll for PNC expanding representation from occupied territories; PLO official denounces US refusal to allow Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish to enter US for UNICEF poetry festival in New York; Lebanese officials say proposals given Begin ask IDF and Syrian forces to withdraw nine miles from Beirut-Damascus highway as first phase, Israelis would then move back to 25- 31 miles from Israeli border as Syrians withdraw into Bekaa from central mountain areas; Lebanese government announces team to negotiate with Israelis to be headed by Gen. Hamdan, including UN Ambassador Ghassan Tueni and Gemayel aide Antoine Fattal; Lebanese government plans to draft men into army for first time.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak, at joint press conference with French President Mitterrand, urges PLO to recognize Israel without waiting for simultaneous Israeli recognition of PLO, says move would assist Reagan peace plan, allow PLO to dialog with US; Mitterrand says Israel should state mutual recognition of PLO.
US and Other Countries: US State Department denies Tuesday talks with West Bank Palestinian mayors is beginning of indirect talks with PLO; Italian Socialists reaffirm reciprocal, simultaneous recognition between Israel and PLO necessary for recognizing PLO.
Military Action:
Israeli military patrol ambushed near Tyre.
Over 200 Lebanese and Palestinian women demonstrate outside Prime Minister Wazzan's Beirut office demanding release of husbands and sons arrested by the Lebanese Army.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry publishes warning to Begin, Sharon, Shamir, four top army commanders (Eitan, Yaron, Drori, Seguy) and two other officials (Dudai, Mossad head) that they may be found guilty of "nonfulfillment of duty" before and during massacre (detailed letters sent to each give them 15 days to notify Commission whether they want to reappear to testify, submit new evidence, or cross-examine other witnesses, gives them the right to seek legal counsel); Shamir, in appearance before Commission denies that he was told of massacre by fellow Cabinet member September 17, says Zipori never mentioned killings, only "running wild," asserts he only heard of civilian deaths Saturday, September 18; border troops dispatched to Ben Gurion airport to quell worker riots following share-holders' vote to dismantle El Al airlines; West Bank university administrators given one week to decide whether to accept revised work permit form for foreign lecturers.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO adviser Nabil Shaath, in interview, says PLO rejects reconizing Israel in return for talks with US government.
Arab Governments: Syria rejects Habib call for simultaneous, phased withdrawal from Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: Habib arrives in Jerusalem in effort to gain agreement on beginning talks, meets with Shamir; US State Department expresses concern over "creeping annexation" and new guidelines for reducing influence of West Bank Palestinians who support the PLO; Mitterrand arrives in Cairo.
Military Action:
Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese Army fortifies position around barracks.
Three militiamen killed in Baalbek fighting, several wounded, two Lebanese soldiers wounded; Maariv estimates 1,200 Palestinians have been killed in Lebanese Army sweeps through West Beirut, another 60,000 may have been sent to Syrian-controlled Lebanese territory and their homes destroyed; UNRWA officially decides to stop preparing cement floors for tents and giving out tents and to use money for refugees in other ways.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli defense ministry reportedly amending old work permit forms to include almost identical wording of loyalty pledge and note that permit can be withdrawn if holder helps the PLO; Israeli authorities order deportation of 9 lecturers at Islamic University in Gaza for "invalid" visas; curfew imposed on Nablus market and Askar refugee camp following attack on two Jewish settlers from Elon Moreh; Israeli authorities report 3-4,000 Lebanese visit Israel in last week since restrictions eased (Palestinians excluded); Israeli official says goods worth $20 m. arrived in Lebanon from Israel last month; Sharon and Zipori clash at Cabinet meeting; Sharon asks Cabinet to schedule full debate on state of PLO following invasion of Lebanon; Commission of Inquiry slates inquiry into discovery of IDF identity tag and card of IDF sergeant found inside Sabra camp, as Sergeant Benny Chaim twice fails to appear to testify; Israel accuses France of freezing economic relations since June invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Army celebrates Independence Day for first time in eight years; Habib meets with Druze leader Majid Arslan and Pierre Gemayel in bid to ease Chouf tensions.
US and Other Countries: US State Department officials welcome Israeli decision to modify loyalty pledge requirements; Reagan Administration considering asking Congress for $500 million in aid for Lebanese reconstruction; Henry Kissinger says Jordanian participation in negotiations over West Bank essential.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in fight involving IDF and Druze forces near Beirut at time were far from camps and in Beirut on private visit, says on Friday, September 17, he flew to Beirut on IDF aircraft to offer condolences to Gemayel family, visited Jounieh, then returned by car to Marjayoun, accuses Saeb Salam of covering up for Phalangists on orders from Saudi Arabia by blaming Haddad forces; Foreign Ministry official Hana Bar-On testifies he relayed US official's report on "irregularities" in Beirut camps to Begin's military secretary, Colonal Azriel Nevo, Friday evening, September 17; political storm rages over New York Times opinion piece that implies Labor Party leaders want US to reduce aid to Israel as means to pressure Begin but Peres denies Labor Party supports cut in US aid; two leaders of Gush Emunim settlement of Qiryat Arba charged with destroying possible clues to unsolved bombings that crippled two Palestinian Mayors in 1980, trial is set for December 9; 25,000 Israeli settlers now estimated living in occupied territories, is twice as many as in 1980, five times as many as in 1977; Knesset finance committee defers decision on funding 9 new settlements (Labor Party criticizes 8 planned for West Bank, and IDF outposts in territories being turned over to right-wing Kach).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Walid Jumblatt, in interview, accuses Phalange of planning massacres of Druze and says talks are useless; Phalange spokesman Hayek denies charge, says Phalange militiamen only seeking to return to their former villages in Chouf.
Arab Governments: King Hussein, ending Arab League delegation visit to France, accuses Israel of holding up peace process through continued West Bank settlements, refusal to consider Reagan peace proposals, says question of Israel's eventual borders remains major obstacle to peace; Syrian President Assad tells visiting US Congressional delegation that Reagan plan is "incomplete" solution.
US and Other Countries: Habib leaves several days early for Mideast in wake of cancellation of Begin-Reagan meeting, as State Department expresses concern at lack of progress on troop withdrawals; Shultz meets with Habib, Veliotes, Fairbanks, M. Charles Hill and Samuel W. Lewis to review lack of progress on peace plan; Britain announces Arab League mission planned to arrive next week has been postponed to December, and it will continue to refuse inclusion of PLO representative in delegation; West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in New York, tells US Jewish leaders he intends to strengthen West German relations with Israel, and supports Camp David process.
Military Action:
IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to area, imposes curfew and cuts traffic between Chouf villages; IDF forces withdraw from Yarze area housing Lebanese Army command and home of US Ambassador Dillon.
UNRWA begins distributing cement and stoves in Ain el-Hilweh; 1 attacker killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in Shuweifat.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel will withdraw to 40 miles above border only after PLO and Syria withdraw troops and Israeli prisoners are returned, but will stay there until Lebanon signs security agreement allowing direct IDF involvement in security arrangements; Shamir tells US Jewish leaders in Israel that multinational peacekeeping force is unnecessary for ensuring safety of South Lebanon; Jerusalem Post poll shows Sharon support dropping since massacre; Commission of Inquiry interviews Yiram Yair, IDF commander in area of camps during massacre, behind closed doors; Statistics Bureau puts price rise at 106 percent since start of year, and inflation rate may reach 138 percent by end of year; two week old memo revealed which ordered Israeli military governors to "neutralize to the maximum" pro-Jordanian elements among West Bank Arabs and to step up support for Village Leagues, in apparent attempt to block options for peace settlement involving Jordan; Likud MK Dror Zeigerman says government initiative in issuing memo would imply plan for ultimate annexation of occupied territories, and warns such a plan would turn the West Bank into "Israel's Viet Nam"; Peace Now issues statement condemning Civil Administrator for implementing "corrupt colonialist policies"; heads of Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches in Jerusalem threaten to close holy places over Christmas unless expulsion order against Armenian Deputy Patriarch Karanjian is rescinded, but Interior Ministry refuses to reveal basis for decision to not renew visa; Tehiya Party, at annual meeting, demands that Israel annex West Bank and Gaza; Nahal plans five outposts, three settlements in West Bank in coming year; Bethlehem University student council leader put under town arrest for six months.
US and Other Countries: French President Mitterrand, in Paris meeting, tells Arab League delegation headed by King Hussein that Arabs and PLO should recognize Israel; State Department issues unusually strong 2 page statement that Israel's deportation of teachers from West Bank universities (which are partly funded by US foreign aid) undermines peace negotiations.
Military Action:
Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.
One killed, 4 wounded in Aramoun, brings to over 50 total killed in Chouf incidents in past two weeks; Tyre curfew lifted and road to Israeli border reopened; PLO protests to ICRC over treatment of prisoners in South Lebanon detention camps.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's 62-year old wife dies and Begin leaves US for Israel to begin 30-day mourning period, postponing indefinitely meeting with Reagan; 47 Israeli victims of Tyre explosion buried; General Meir Zorea, head of military inquiry, reports to Cabinet that explosion not caused by a bomb, and Energy Minister Modai says it was probably caused by leaking cooking gas; Deputy Prime Minister Ehrlich chairs Cabinet meeting devoted to mourning Aliza Begin and Tyre victims; Shamir reports on meetings with Draper and lack of Lebanese response to Israeli proposals on format/ content of proposed talks; Modai proposes IDF unilaterally withdraw from parts of Lebanon to get talks going and to test Syrian/Lebanese intentions; al-Hamishmar demands withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon and resignation of Sharon in wake of Tyre disaster; IDF source indicates Defense Ministry postponed plans to raze abandoned Ein Sultan refugee camp north of Jericho on night following Beirut massacres (razing reportedly related to efforts to build more Jewish settlements in area); three Nahal settlements of Elisha, Beit Arava, Tzurif currently being "civilianized"; at Commission of Inquiry, senior IDF officer and Eitan aide Ze'ev Zecharin contradicts Sharon and Begin, says Sharon spoke of Phalange entry into camps September 14 (not September 15 as Sharon asserted), says Eitan told him Saturday morning, September 18, that Begin had requested information on Gaza Hospital in Sabra camp (denied by Begin), says Eitan instructed IDF to restrict artillery support to minimize civilian casualties, to impose a curfew on all areas of Lebanon under IDF control, to ask Phalange to mobilize forces to take camps regardless of timing of IDF advance into West Beirut, says Eitan flew to Beirut Wednesday, September 17, to detail IDF plans to Phalange but Phalange asked for 24-hour delay to get organized, and agreed that Mossad officer not IDF would act as liaison with Phalange, says Sharon ordered Phalange to enter camps after Wednesday morning arrival at IDF Beirut divisional command post, says no Phalange irregularities raised and no questions asked in Eitan's meeting with Phalange commanders Friday afternoon, says Phalange, during Sunday morning meeting with Eitan, admitted killing civilians but said "We won't go with this to the media, that we did it, because it will hurt us in the Presidential elections"; Zecharin's testimony curtailed at IDF request after contradiction with Dudai testimony highlighted; Foreign Ministry official Ariel Kenet testifies that two inquiries from ministry's Beirut representative Friday afternoon noted US envoy Draper's concern at seeing Phalange inside camps and Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan's report of patients being killed at Gaza Hospital, asserts he alerted David Kimche, who instructed him to notify Defense Ministry.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee member Hanna Nassir says Palestine National Council meeting may not occur before January; Arafat attends Brezhnev funeral in Moscow; Amin Gemayel and Wazzan arrive in Riyadh for 2 days of talks with King Fahd, seeking Saudi help in rebuilding Lebanon, support for withdrawal of PLO and Syrian forces; Wazzan, before departing, says Lebanon wants Israel out of Lebanon, is uninterested in direct negotiations.
US and Other Countries: Reagan phones condolences to Begin; State Department indicates it hopes Israel will not retaliate for Tyre explosion; fears raised that Begin's return to Israel is setback for Reagan peace plan.
UN: UNRWA says by next June, $43.4 million will have been spent on emergency aid to Lebanon but only $31 million has been raised to date.
Military Action:
Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.
22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli fighting in past 4 days.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel announces another 20 Jewish settlements to be built in West Bank in next year, 10,000 to be settled in Gaza Strip over next five; Israelis remain silent in face of US criticism, deride Hussein's suggestion that PLO recognize Israel as basis for peace process; Dhahriyeh (south-west of Hebron) put under curfew after children stone passing IDF vehicles; settler group urges Israeli military commander of West Bank central region to deport any person who participates in stone-throwing.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO General Mutik Abu Taha, commander of PLO forces in North Lebanon and Bekaa, says official Arab acceptance of Egypt "almost certain"; Lebanese government announces plans to resume collecting shipping fees at ports on November 22 (Phalange reportedly collecting $120 million per year in several ports to finance public services and support militia in Phalange-controlled areas; government estimates its losses at around $300 million per year, seeks to end private financial structures and bring down prices.
Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to halt plans to build 5 more settlements on West Bank; Saudi King Fahd meets King Hassan in Morocco.
US and Other Countries: American Jewish Congress plans appeal to force Treasury Department to disclose Arab dollar holdings in the US; British Foreign Office protests deportation from West Bank of British lecturer at Bethlehem University; French minister Claude Cheysson says Hussein, not Hassan, will lead 7-member Arab League group in talks on Arab-Israeli peace later this month in Paris, Moscow, China; US officials in Beirut say Reagan Administration will not press Gemayel to seek action against Phalange militiamen who massacred Palestinians in September (Reagan reportedly did not mention massacre to Gemayel during Washington visit; decision reportedly provokes controversy within State Department.)
Military Action:
Bazooka rocket fired at IDF positions near Yanta in Bekaa; new clashes between Phalange and Jumblatt forces in Chouf; IDF imposes curfew; Phalangists, Muslims, Lebanese Army charge IDF with fomenting trouble to perpetuate its presence in area; State Department and US Marine contingent spokesman announce US infantrymen in four-man jeep patrols to enter East Beirut tomorrow at request of Gemayel, Lebanese Forces indicate they will acquiesce.
One IDF soldier wounded in crossfire and 10 Lebanese killed, 18 wounded in Chouf region; first tents erected for refugees at Ain el-Hilweh camp near Sidon; Lebanese farmers, merchants and members of Parliament complain of Israeli economic warfare charge Israel is "dumping" over $1 million/month of cheap fruits, vegetables, textiles and canned goods on Lebanese market, avoiding customs and possibly isolating Lebanon from traditional Arab markets.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir meets Draper, rejects participation in peacekeeping forces by Morocco and other countries that do not have relations with Israel, but would welcome Egyptian soldiers; West Bank Palestinians protest 65th anniversary of Balfour Declaration with rock throwing, tire burning, waving Palestinian flag; Israeli troops fire tear gas in Nablus, erect barricades in Rafah; two refugee camps under curfew suffer water and food shortages; Israeli envoy, speaking at Houston B'nai Brith meeting, claims 7,000 PLO guerrillas who were evacuated from Beirut have returned to Lebanon; public opinion poll indicates Likud gains, Labor loses popularity.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel returns from Morocco; Prime Minister Wazzan asks Parliament for emergency powers for 8 months to revise tax laws, increase treasury resources, reform civil service, citizenship and parliamentary election laws and links requested vote of confidence to approval of emergency powers; Wazzan again criticizes Israel for continued occupation of South Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Mubarak says he is willing to meet Begin anywhere to discuss disputes between their two countries, indicates Egypt has offered to buy disputed Taba hotel.
US and Other Countries: US announces military training teams, including 60 officers, will serve in Lebanon on temporary basis, and a small "security assistance office," staffed out of US European Command, will oversee upgrading of Lebanese forces; Pentagon officials estimate $135 million is available to Lebanon in cash and credits, and aid package includes 24 APCs and 12 155-mm artillery guns; State Department says no Moroccan troops would be added to peace-keeping force at least until after agreement on withdrawal of foreign forces.
2,000 Palestinian women, on 40-day anniversary of massacre, stage protest in Shatila camp, carrying Palestinian flags and pictures of those who died, lay wreath at mass grave; later in day, rumors of Haddad militia presence spark mass panic as refugees flee Sabra, Shatila, Fakhani districts.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin and other Israeli officials meet with Draper to discuss troop pullout from Lebanon (focus on procedures for meetings between Israel and Lebanon, Begin insists on written security guarantees in South Lebanon); Labor Party rejects PLO proposal for talks on Palestinian self-determination (demands recognition of Israel, renunciation of terror as preconditions for talks); 2 Palestinian youths injured when IDF grenade explodes near football playing field (Jewish settler involvement suspected); 240 Bir Zeit students receive BAs, 6 MAs despite university being closed for 7 months in past year.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange police round up and execute "punk" youths in Christian suburbs; Lebanon reportedly agrees in principle to direct negotiations with Israel; secret contacts reported between PLO and Israeli Labor Party "doves"; Arafat, in interview, says PLO ready to talk to Israeli opponents of Begin Government.
US and Other Countries: State Department announces delegation of US builders will visit Lebanon, explore ways to help rebuild it.
Military Action:
Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad militia's area of operation, prompting exchange of gunfire; IDF attacked by bazooka and light weapons east of Doha and at IDF roadblock near Sil, south of Beirut; Syrian radio reports IDF reinforcing armor units in Bekaa, a few miles south of Beirut-Damascus highway.
One IDF soldier wounded by bazooka fire east of Doha; 300 West Beirut residents spontaneously protest rumor of Lebanese Army withdrawal from their neighborhood.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir returns from 3-week visit to US; Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arens says US approved Israeli weapons, spare parts sales to Iran in attempt to make contacts in Iranian military that could be used to bring down Khomeini government; Israel reportedly agrees to provide arms and counter-insurgency training to Costa Rica; former Mossad head Meir Amit says net results of invasion are negative ("We've encouraged anti-Semitism,... highlighted the Palestinian problem instead of solving it" and by hitting PLO too hard, increased Arab solidarity); IDF mental health unit report indicates high mental illness rate among Israelis fighting in Lebanon (23 percent of total Israeli wounded are suffering psychiatric injuries, double "normal" wartime rate; 78 percent of 600 affected men are reservists).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel returns home, calling trip a success (government announces US has agreed to equip 7,500 of 28,000-man Lebanese Army, France has pledged $86 million in military equipment); Salam, in interview, accuses Sharon of arming Phalange and Druze to promote sectarian tension in Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Arab League delegation headed by Moroccan King Hassan (with Foreign Ministers of Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia) meets with Reagan for 3 hours and later with State Department, stresses only PLO agreement will enable Jordan to play negotiating role for West Bank; US officials refuse to meet with PLO representative Khalid al-Hassan who is accompanying Arab League delegation.
US and Other Countries: Reagan urges Arab League delegation to begin direct negotiation with Israel to achieve Palestinian rights; Shultz tells delegation simultaneous Israeli-PLO recognition" moot as Israel totally rejects idea; Hassan's use of word "coexistence" seen by US officials as implying Arab recognition of Israel; Jewish medical team, back in Britain after visiting 4 refugee camps. in Lebanon, says Palestinians want to be more self-reliant but Israelis are preventing them from rebuilding homes, reorganizing health services.
UN: Britain blocks move to bar Israel from UN-sponsored International Telecommunications Union at Nairobi meeting; Arab states at UN agree to postpone efforts to expel Israel from General Assembly.
Military Action:
Lebanese Army, aided by French troops, seals off downtown West Beirut, paralyzing commercial area, as troops check identification papers door-to-door; cease-fire in Tripoli after 36 hours of street-fighting between rival factions.
450 detained by Lebanese Army, some driven away blindfolded (total arrested in past 2 weeks now estimated at 2,000, prompting urgent talks between Italian and US Ambassadors); bulldozers clear rubble from South Lebanon camps to make tent sites (clearing delayed by unexploded bombs); IDF estimates 5,000 refugees remain in camps, UNRWA estimates 13,000; Israeli Minister Meridor visits Ein al-Hilweh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells Draper all PLO forces must leave before Israeli and Syrian simultaneous withdrawal; Begin will allow senior IDF officers to review Cabinet meeting minutes concerning decision to enter West Beirut before testifying at Board of Inquiry; Reserve Brigade puts ad in Tel Aviv paper asking Sharon to apologize for saying their unit does not fight; Eitan says IDF likely to leave Lebanon before winter.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese radio asserts all foreign forces will leave by Nov. 22 (39th anniversary of Lebanese independence from France); PLO to open information office in Hague (had hoped for diplomatic status); Wazzan says Lebanon will not sign peace treaty with Israel; PLO's Shafik al-Hout sends condolences to Amin Gemayel over death of Bashir.
Arab Governments: Saudi Ambassador meets with Gemayel.
US and Other Countries: Habib en route to Washington to brief Reagan; Reagan asks State Department to accelerate plans for withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon; Pentagon sources say they received first indications of massacre on Friday, day before Phalangists are pulled out of camps.
UN: Anti-Israeli resolution submitted to UNESCO Executive Board.
Military Action:
US Marines land by sea and helicopter, take control of the airport minutes after IDF soldiers leave; Lebanese Army takes over internal airport security; new IDF lines are 2 km. south of airport, through Hazmieh to Beirut-Damascus Highway and Aley; US Ambassador Dillon says IDF may only use airport in emergencies and with prior Lebanese consent (airport was used to airlift IDF soldiers to occupy West Beirut); IDF forces move near Bhamdoun; Phalange sets up military camps in 40 km. zone previously controlled exclusively by Haddad.
Sources in Beirut charge that massacre was directed by top Phalange military commanders including Elias Hobeika (an aide to Bashir Gemayel and liaison between Phalange, Mossad and US embassy); 9 Jewish women married to Palestinian Muslims believed to be among massacre victims; 4 Palestinian refugees murdered, dozens wounded, several abducted from Ein al-Hilweh camp by Lebanese.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Polls show Begin, Sharon popularity slips, but Labor Party popularity does not rise; Labor Party agrees to cancel Knesset debate; Sharon links Syria to Gemayel assassination; IDF sources say US will not press for further Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon until Syria pullout, IDF refuses to respond to allegations of looting of Lebanese private homes, businesses; Shamir arrives in US on 10 day visit; Israeli exports, especially trade with Egypt, adversely affected by invasion.
Arab Governments: Habib visits Egypt after stopping in Saudi Arabia to update Egyptians on talks with Jordanians, Syrians, Israelis.
US and Other Countries: State Department officer tells House subcommittee that IDF may have turned over US weapons to Phalangists involved in the massacre (some accounts specifically mention Phalange having M-60 tanks and M-16 rifles).
Military Action:
Booby-trapped car explodes in Deir el-Qamar area of Chouf; despite IDF denials, Israeli forces advance into positions previously held by PLO in Bir Hassan area near Shatila refugee camp, sparking sporadic exchanges; Wazzan protests advance, seen as undermining Lebanese efforts to demilitarize streets of West Beirut; Muslim leaders fear IDF mine-clearing activities are pretext for armored IDF thrust further into West Beirut; Kurdish, Shiite militias battle each other in Kantari district with rockets and machine guns over personal feud.
Casualties: French UNIFIL officer killed, 3 Lebanese wounded in Bir Hassan; 3 IDF soldiers, 10 others injured in Chouf; Israeli sources estimate IDF might have had 2,000 casualties if it had entered West Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Four Palestinian youths injured by IDF soldiers who fired on demonstrators; Nablus Mayor Bassem Shakaa, other West Bank mayors view Reagan proposals as moderately positive; Labor Party supports Reagan proposals as basis for serious dialogue; Sharon calls proposals a "big mistake"; Defense Ministry leaks news of Begin-Gemayel meeting (greatly embarrasses Gemayel).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat arrives in Tunisia to warm welcome, is formally invited to attend Fez summit; Wazzan protests IDF advance to US Ambassador Dillon as violation of US-negotiated accord.
Arab Governments: Secret visit by State Department representative Nicholas Veliotes to Jordan days before Reagan speech reported; Jordan says consultations with PLO, commitment to Rabat summit resolutions essential; Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait cautiously positive toward proposals; Syria withholds reaction.
US and Other Countries: Mitterrand, in Greece, reiterates French support for Palestinian state; after meeting with Begin and tour of East Jerusalem in company of Israeli mayor, Weinberger reaffirms US determination to press ahead with proposals despite outright Israeli rejection, and flies to Cairo for talks.
Military Action:
Syrian MIG-25 shot down over Beirut; last Syrian forces leave West Beirut as 415 PLO guerrillas leave for North Yemen, 325 to Tartus (estimate that 7,728 PLO guerrillas, 2,651 PLA fighters and 3,598 Syrians have been evacuated); Murabitun still refuses to relinguish positions near Barbir Hospital to French or Lebanese; firing between PLO/ Syrian and IDF positions near Rashaya (Syrians position 1000 tanks in Bekaa in past few days, IDF strengthening positions).
IDF releases 70 al-Ansar detainees to ICRC.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: West Bank Village Leagues sponsored by Israeli government set up new federation; leaders of refugee camps near Nablus hold sit-in strike to protest UNRWA decision to cut back supplies; Israeli authorities circulate list of banned books among West Bank educational departments; Sharon returns from US visit.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel ally Etienne Sakr meets with Shamir; Habash vows to continue armed attacks inside Israel; Habib, Wazzan discuss Israeli refusal to surrender control of Beirut airport.
Arab Governments: Assad promises PLO weapons, full freedom.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger, on eve of visit to Lebanon, says US plans to offer economic and military aid to rebuild Lebanon (Pentagon survey teams to be sent to Lebanon to assess training, equipment needs of Lebanese Army, US State Department official suggests Israel might train Lebanese Army); Romanian President Ceausescu calls for Palestinian state at mass rally.
Military Action:
Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take up new positions in Bekaa; Fathi Arafat welcomes 147 wounded in Greece.
Shootings on rise as evacuation nears end; IDF soldier wounded in mine ambush; traffic heavy in and out of West Beirut; IDF considers delaying release of al-Ansar detainees because of guerrilla attacks in Sidon, Tyre; Egged bus line of Israel plans to open line to Tyre, Sidon, Zaharani river.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says occupied territories belong to Israel; Nablus women's associations visit Palestinian and Lebanese wounded in Haifa hospitals; Israeli journalist Uri Avneri interrogated by Israeli police concerning his interview with Arafat (Avneri claims interrogation aimed at silencing opposition to Begin/Sharon policies); IDF soldier Eli Gozansky sentenced to third prison term for refusing to serve in Lebanon (he had previously refused to serve in the occupied territories); 38 percent of Israelis support negotiations with PLO in public poll; pro-Begin group protests war reporting.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, before departure, holds press conference at home of Jumblatt (says 5000 killed, 48,000 wounded during invasion; 9,000 arrested, including 106 fighters, among which were wounded soldiers taken from Sidon, Tyre hospitals); 5 Maronites from Kaslik University meet Shamir in Jerusalem, ask US to support Phalange efforts to expel PLO, Syrians; Major Haddad watches evacuation as guest of IDF; PLO officials in Europe release files on Abu Nidal.
Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd expresses willingness to drop his proposal for Israeli-Arab peace; King Hussein of Jordan visits Saudi Arabia, Iraq as part of Gulf tour; Arab foreign ministers agree on date for Fez summit.
US and Other Countries: State Department denies US proposed to Sharon a "demilitarized Palestinian state" in West Bank/Gaza Strip; Reagan Administration again reflects Israeli assertion that Jordan is a Palestinian state; Weinberger prepares for visit to Lebanon, Israel; poll in UK says majority of Britons support Palestinian rights; Israeli embassy attacked in Tokyo.
Military Action:
IDF launches massive air, sea, land attacks on West Beirut (IDF jets attack PLO artillery positions behind Syrian lines 19 miles east of Beirut; IDF tanks, artillery pound PLO units near Museum, claim slight advance; IDF gunboats continue to pound seashore area as jets attack Palestinian areas); IDF strengthens forces around West Beirut; Haddad troops may be used in assault, according to an Israeli radio report; logistical details of PLO withdrawal from Beirut completed at Lebanese Defense Ministry; IDF planes, troops harass US military team planning evacuation of PLO forces (State Department strongly protests).
People continue to flee West Beirut; water services restored, electricity still cut off.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel continues to object to early arrival of French troops; Peres says Labor Party will oppose any plans to maintain IDF forces indefinitely in Lebanon after PLO withdrawal; government is handed a detailed, written plan for the withdrawal of PLO fighters; Israel says air attack was in retaliation for cease-fire violations in and around Beirut.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib briefs Sarkis and Wazzan on latest proposal for PLO evacuation (now await Israeli reply); Habib calls Salam asking him to urge restraint by PLO.
Arab Governments: Demonstrators in Damascus attack US embassy to protest US support for Israel; Egypt refuses to accept any PLO guerrillas unless linked to wider agreement committing US to progress on overall Palestinian solution.
US and Other Countries: US now supports PLO position on need to deploy peacekeeping force at outset of evacuation; State Department renews call to Israel and PLO to ttexercise the utmost restraint and scrupulously observe the cease-fire."
Military Action:
IDF bombards PLO positions, residential areas in West Beirut by land, sea, air for 14 hours in fiercest fighting since invasion began; IDF makes only slight gains in advances on PLO positions, refugee camps south of airport and along coastal highway from Ouzai; IDF occupies Beirut airport, approaches edge of Burj al-Barajneh camp; Eitan says operations tightened siege; IDF strikes hit Sabra, Shatila, Burj al-Barajneh, Corniche Mazraa, Museum and Galerie Semaan crossings, Salam's house, Muslim residential areas on east side of West Beirut not previously shelled; 150 IDF bombing runs across Beirut drop an estimated 260 tons of bombs; IDF attempt to land troops along coast repulsed; ninth cease-fire called at 5 PM; PLO shells 10 East Beirut neighborhoods; PLO claims 30 IDF tanks, troop carriers destroyed.
IDF says 9, PLO says 80, Israeli soldiers wounded in fighting; heavy damage to buildings; Lebanese radio station reports 55 neighborhoods hit, most distant from Palestinian camps; all hospitals except one reported hit, as well as ICRC offices; fires burn out of control as smoke blankets city; 15 Lebanese killed, 40 wounded by PLO barrages into Phalangist-held territory; lack of electricity to operate water pumps continues shortage of water (one hour after cease-fire, IDF cuts water again); Lebanese police estimate 200 dead, 400 wounded from IDF bombardment; 50 IDF soldiers serving in Lebanon sentenced for looting since invasion began (in some cases, stole items from prisoners being transported to Israel from Sidon, Tyre); while damage to Palestinian neighborhoods enormous, PLO military losses reported small; reports of IDF use of phosphorus shells in civilian areas growing; parliament building hit; one of West Beirut's two remaining fire stations is destroyed, leaving three trucks to cover 10 square miles and protect a population estimated at 600,000.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, in interview with David Brinkley, claims Beirut Airport under IDF control, reaffirms Israel's willingness to allow further time for mediation efforts, claims PLO seeks "immunity among the civilian population"; Israeli official, rejecting US appeals for military restraint, says IDF will respond maximally to PLO cease-fire violations, will not accept "war of attrition"; Cabinet meets, again postpones decision on whether IDF will enter city; Peace Now sends telegram to Begin claiming capture of West Beirut will not serve Israeli interests; Labor leader Danny Rosolio appeals for urgent meeting of Knesset's foreign affairs/defense committee; Shamir arrives in Washington for meeting with Reagan; Cabinet sets up ministerial committee under Mordechai Ben-Porat to work with Lebanese government on finding winter accommodations for thousands of Palestinian refugees left homeless in wake of invasion and to explore resettlement of refugees (must decide on UNRWA request to import tents for refugees); Mapam central committee urges government not to try to occupy West Beirut but to seek diplomatic solution; thousands participate in Rakah-sponsored demonstration against Lebanon war in Nazareth (participants include leaders of local Arab councils).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Sarkis protests IDF moves when negotiations are moving ahead; Salam calls Habib 10 times trying to arrange cease-fire; Wazzan makes passionate appeal to world leaders to intervene, as sit-in by Lebanese Muslim women continues at American University of Beirut.
US and Other Countries: Reagan stresses need for cease-fire as State Department says fighting undermines chances for peaceful PLO withdrawal from Beirut.
UN: Security Council debates resolution calling for deployment of independent observers to monitor situation around Beirut; Council later unanimously demands immediate cease-fire throughout Lebanon, authorizes Secretary General to deploy military observers to check compliance (Israel reportedly withholding agreement, pending Cabinet decision, to deployment of observers around Beirut).
Military Action:
IDF and PLO forces fight rocket, tank and artillery duels across Beirut in evening after a day of intermittent shelling; thousands of civilians flee to shelters; Palestinian areas of Barbir and Mazraa reportedly hard hit along with southern outskirts; PLO fire targets IDF emplacements in Hadeth, near East Beirut; shells land at major crossing points, Beirut racetrack, the airport and Burj al-Barajneh; 10 members of 50-man Lebanese security guard unit at airport wounded in shelling; Lebanese Defense Ministry indirectly accuses PLO of starting outbreak by shelling Galerie Semaan crossing; IDF using C-130 Hercules planes to ferry arms and equipment into Lebanon; IDF has reportedly widened and improved a small airstrip at Ansar, west of Nabatiyeh near detention camp.
Beirut experiences major gas shortages, gunfights break out at gas lines; despite token IDF troop pullback to let Wazzan pass and Israeli denial that food was being kept out of W. Beirut, IDF soldiers continue to turn away food lorries as well as fuel and medicine; IDF spokesman says Israel has captured 9,000 suspected PLO guerrillas, 30-60 reportedly being arrested every day; small bands still hiding in hills east of Sidon, occasionally attacking IDF troops; Lebanese police estimate 50 killed, 200 wounded in fierce artillery and rocket duels in the evening; Beirut's 3 main hospitals report 515 killed, 2,200 wounded at their facilities alone since the invasion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Mayor Rashid al-Shawa of Gaza is dismissed by the Israeli Defense Ministry, becoming the seventh Arab mayor ousted since March after refusing to lift a 2-month municipal strike against cooperation with new Israeli "civil administration"; 35 IDF reserve soldiers involved in Entebbe rescue in 1976 protest the war in Lebanon in letter sent to Begin; 86 reserve officers and soldiers recently released from their units ask Defense Ministry not to be sent back to Lebanon, appeal for evacuation of all Israeli troops; Communications Minister Zipori opposes setting final deadline for getting "terrorists" out of Beirut; demonstrators in Nablus stone IDF soldiers, tear gas and gunfire used to disperse demonstrators; military authorities ban request of Palestine Bank in Gaza Strip to collect money for Lebanon war victims.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Beirut negotiations falter amidst contradictory signals: PLO leader Kaddoumi's statement in London that PLO has agreed to leave Beirut countered by PLO statement in Beirut that PLO has not agreed to leave country, only to move its headquarters from Beirut; adviser to Arafat Hani al-Hassan affirms agreement with Lebanese Government to pull PLO out of Beirut when an international force sanctioned by the UN and containing Americans enters the capital to guarantee the PLO's safe exit and protect remaining Palestinian civilians; Habib reportedly resists deployment of international force before PLO withdrawal to avoid any implicit US recognition of PLO; PLO rejects pullout by sea; PLO insists on maintaining political presence in Lebanon; Wazzan ends 5-day boycott of negotiations, takes PLO demands to Baabda following easing of IDF blockade; Bashir Gemayel states opposition to US troops entering Lebanon, says Lebanese Army should secure W. Beirut; Habib contacts Sharon, who reportedly favors a military solution.
Arab Governments: Syria refuses to receive PLO guerrillas from Lebanon, saying they should stay in Lebanon until they return to Palestine; Arab League delegation including PLO's Kaddoumi in London for talks.
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, Habib aide, reportedly sent to Syria to get it to accept PLO forces temporarily; Habib reportedly rejects two-stage withdrawal; US Sixth Fleet waits off Lebanese coast; White House officials expect negotiation breakthrough soon, describe IDF cut-off of water and electricity as "outrageous"; issue reportedly taken up by Reagan in letter to Begin; Habib plan reportedly calls for IDF pullback of 1 km. while PLO forces begin evacuation; State Department says US "deeply regrets" Shawa dismissal; Britain declines role in peacekeeping force in Lebanon.
Military Action:
Phalange forces, backed by IDF, have artillery duels with Syrian-supported Lebanese leftist militia; Phalange-Druze conflicts reported (nephew of Gemayel reportedly killed); Muslim/Christian conflicts around Tripoli; 2 Israeli generals visit Jumblatt's center, demand that his forces surrender artillery and mortars; Phalange moves into Chouf and Sidon, replacing Lebanese gendarmerie; Israeli jets hold mock battles over Beirut, dropping flares over Palestinian refugee camps; PLO bolsters positions inside W. Beirut; Phalange shoot from behind IDF lines.
Israeli government developing plans for security of southern Lebanon not involving international help (arms and uniforms given to villagers); observers report more physical damage in Tyre than Sidon (where casualties higher); Lebanese bankers protest IDF attempt to violate bank secrecy in Sidon; IDF asks Druze/Phalange leaders to stop fighting between followers (Phalange reportedly using arms against Druze; IDF caught in cross-fire); villages of Jumblatt refuse to be disarmed (Druze Likud Knesset member asks Sharon to restrain Phalangists "who draw their strength from the Defense Minister").
UNRWA reports that 50 percent of houses in 6 Palestinian refugee camps near Sidon/Tyre are destroyed, 40 percent of refugees have fled, UNRWA convoy scheduled to leave Jerusalem for Tyre today (draws on stocks in Gaza and West Bank); two-thirds of two camps near Tyre destroyed (no clear report on third camp); Ain el-Hilweh reportedly "virtually wiped out," Rashidiyeh suffers less damage; 200,000 tons of aid from France, West Germany, Denmark waiting in Cyprus for IDF permission to ship; Canadian physician who worked in Sidon says 50 percent of 10,000 killed by IDF invasion were children under 13 (his hospital was bombed 4 times, he saw pellet bombs dropped on refugee camps, and saw Palestinian prisoners beaten with clubs and metal-tipped whips).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin disagrees with message from Haig that PLO should be allowed token political presence in Lebanon if Lebanon agrees (says that despite his statement in the US that Israel had no intention of entering Beirut, with IDF on Beirut's periphery "it was another matter," and urges Beirut residents to "flee for your lives"); Israeli Cabinet agrees to give negotiations more time, extends "deadline"; officials indicate Saudi plans for airlift might be acceptable; Foreign Ministry condemns EEC call for involvement of PLO in negotiations; Labor Alignment resolution opposing military action in Beirut gets 47 votes (Likud resolution gets 60, reference to multinational policing of 28-mile zone conspicuously absent); cost of war put at $2.5 billion for Israel ($1 b. in direct costs, $1.5 b. in indirect costs from resultant economic slowdown; equals 10-15 percent of GNP); IDF service extension for those essential for war effort being discussed; officials claim PLO takes advantage of peace negotiations; 200 protest Israeli invasion near Prime Minister's office (including 15 reservists back from Lebanon, who say they have signatures of 200 soldiers opposed to the war); trial of 20 Palestinian youths for guerrilla actions begins in Lydda and Ramal-lah; Israeli Druze leader asks Begin to restrain Phalange attacks on Lebanese Druze.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Phalange party plans to nominate Bashir Gemayel for Lebanese President; negotiations stall as no Arab countries indicate willingness to accept all PLO fighters; Lebanese continue to flee Beirut, leaving streets deserted; Wazzan puts civilian deaths at 15,000 (IDF Colonel Kadar says deaths number only a few thousand-in excess of 440 civilian deaths cited by Begin last week); Wazzan, after meeting with Habib, rejects Israeli conditions; PLO forces in Tripoli vow to fight on regardless of any settlement in-volving PLO forces in Beirut; PLO privately reiterates willingness to leave Lebanon (form of evacuation and surrender of arms left un-resolved); PLO meets with Salam.
Arab Govemments: Saudis reported active diplomatically; Arab League representatives meet in Taif to continue discussion of common approach to IDF invasion (includes Syrian, Saudi, Lebanese, PLO, Algerian and Kuwaiti envoys).
US and Other Countries: Reagand enies giving Israel "green light" for invasion, says it resulted from PLO rocket attacks on Israel; Senator Percy says IDF invasion of W. Beirut would be "unacceptable" because of civilian casualties; State Department official warns of risk of renewed fighting if PLO and Lebanon do not come to terms soon; Haig sends message saying PLO should be allowed some political presence in Lebanon if Lebanese authorities agree; French Foreign Minister Cheysson, after meeting with Egyptian envoy Ghali, speaks of PLO as representing Palestinian people; Greek Ministry of Culture supervises huge concert in Athens to aid Palestinian children; Nigerian parliament passes resolution condemning Israel; protests held in cities in USSR; USSR accuses Israelis of using chemical weapons in Lebanon supplied by US.
Military Action:
Israeli warships, armored units bombard Palestinian camps and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut hours before Begin meets Reagan in Washington, hit USSR embassy, fashionable shopping area, hospital, near Commodore Hotel; Israeli and Syrian troops trade fire along highway, Israelis claim to de-stroy 4 Syrian tanks; artillery duels continue all day; WAFA says IDF attempting to push down hillsides toward 3 Palestinian camps, provoking response; massive IDF buildup continues as 70 Israeli tanks move toward Khalde; Israeli patrol ambushed outside Beirut.
Two Palestinian hospitals hit, killing 8, wounding 22; scores of casualties from Sabra and Burj al-Barajneh camps; mass graves in Sidon; 50,000 flee Beirut southward to escape expected fighting; high civilian casualties in Bekaa (possibly 1,200 dead) and Baalbek schools house 25,000 refugees; telephone lines in Bekaa cut by Israelis and many civilians attacked along highway by Israeli jets; at Aley, hotels are burned out, hospital hit by 4 Israeli bombs; many suffering from effects of cluster bombs; refugees begin returning to Ain el-Hilweh.
Israel says voluntary agencies can resume work in Lebanon; Israel withholding aid from civilian Palestinians; Eitan says prison camp to be set up in Lebanon for PLO members; ICRC asks to visit after being allowed to see 18 Syrian prisoners; Israel says Lebanese economy will take 6 months to one year to recover, says refinery, which supplies 40 percent of Lebanese oil needs, will be operational in 60 days.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon reportedly lobbying Israeli Cabinet for permission to storm Beirut; one of several MKs, visiting IDF in Beirut, says attack on PLO headquarters in Beirut "almost inevitable"; Begin tells US audiences the war in Lebanon is almost over, as Sharon says the IDF has not achieved all its objectives; 13 Israeli Cabinet ministers tour parts of Lebanon (Beaufort Castle; near Lake Karoun; Tyre; Sidon; outskirts of Beirut airport); El Al reports 15 percent slump in bookings as a result of the invasion; Begin encounters sharp criticism from US Congress, claims Israeli approach endorsed by Reagan.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Sarkis, Wazzan with Arafat; Arafat attacks US role in backing Israeli "slaughter"; PLO seeks to retain political presence in Lebanon; Salam calls on Reagan to keep IDF from attacking, and to give time for Arafat to persuade PLO militants to disarm; Lebanon says 1 1 Arab countries agree to attend summit on Lebanon; Danny Chamoun, son of Camille Chamoun, in New York says invasion "overdue," meets with administration figures.
Arab Governments: Syrian Cabinet meets on crisis; Arab and non-aligned countries consider convening emergency session of UN General Assembly, reach no decision.
US and Other Countries: Weinberger makes veiled criticism of Haig policies; State Department says UN resolution 509, demanding immediate Israeli withdrawal, no longer relevant; National Security Council reportedly disagrees with Haig's conciliatory attitude toward IDF invasion; Reagan reportedly supports Israeli demands for Syrian troop withdrawal and creation of demilitarized zone, does not take position on US troop involvement in peacekeeping force.