32 / 15500 Results
  • December 26, 1990

    U.S. Defense Dep't. says threat of Iraqi attack on Israel is "very realistic" and that American intelligence analysts believe Iraq would use chemical weapons against coalition forces in event of...

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  • December 15, 1990

    Iraq's Information Minister says Baghdad still wants "deep dialogue" with U.S. despite differences over dates for direct talks; also says F.M. Aziz will not travel to Washington on 12/17 [INA 12/...

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  • December 10, 1990

    U.S. and Iraqi admins. air differences over when Bush-Aziz and Baker-Saddam meetings should take place; Iraq suggests Baker come to Baghdad on 1/12, but U.S. says it is too close to UN deadline of...

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  • October 30, 1990

    1 Palestinian is killed, 2 others injured, while constructing bomb near Tel Aviv, and 2 Palestinians are shot dead in W. Bank, as Israeli gov't puts into effect new regulations that permanently...

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  • September 20, 1990

    Palestinians burn Israel army officer to death in his car in Gaza Strip. Crowd stones the car after it makes wrong turn and drives into Bureij refugee camp; car is set afire after soldier hits...

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  • September 12, 1990

    2 U.S. Apache attack helicopters sold to Israel for $350 million each are met at air base by P.M. Shamir, who says U.S. is "obliged" to maintain Israel's military advantage over its Arab neighbors...

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  • August 27, 1990

    Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. Senate delegation headed by Robert Dole (R-KS) and including Nunn (D-GA), Warner (R-VA), Garn (R-UT), D'Amato (R-NY), Nickles (R- OK), Symms (R-ID), and Mack (R-FL)...

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  • August 15, 1990

    Italian F.M. De Michelis, meeting with Israeli F.M. Levy, says PLO made a "mistake" by supporting Iraq and warned that if Arafat doesn't change position "we will have to revise our attitude...

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  • July 12, 1990

    Ethiopia has reportedly stopped issuing exit visas for Jews in attempt to compel Israel to send Ethiopian gov't. more weapons. Israeli advisors, weapons, and surveillance equipment are being used...

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  • June 27, 1990

    In first interview with U.S. newspaper in nearly 6 years, Iraq's Saddam Hussein says another Mideast war is "inevitable" unless U.S. deters aggressive Israeli policies against Palestinians; that...

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  • June 23, 1990

    Abul Abbas, leader of PLF group responsible for 5/30 attempted seaborne raid on Israel, says that he is prepared to accept disciplinary action from PLO Exec. Committee, adds that Arafat may "take...

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  • June 12, 1990

    Testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. will not rush to break off contacts with PLO, despite fact that PLO's response to 5/30 attempted attack...

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  • May 23, 1990

    Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24...

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  • April 18, 1990

    In Amman, Arafat and King Hussein revive Jordanian-Palestinian joint committees, 1 for politics, 1 for information [QUD 4/20 in FBIS 4/24].

    Interim P.M. Shamir is hurriedly seeking to...

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  • April 17, 1990

    Jerusalem District Court overturns lower court ruling, allows eviction of Jewish nationalists from Hospice of St. John (cf. 4/10) [WP, LAT, WT 4/18; NYT 4/ 19; JDS 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].


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  • March 21, 1990

    Asked 3/20 to form gov't. Labor leader Peres asks interim P.M. Shamir if Likud would be interested in joining Labor-led gov't.; Shamir's reply is unequivocal "no" [NYT 3/22].


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  • March 1, 1990

    Brig. Gen. Shmu'el Zucker assumes duty as commander of IDF forces in Gaza; replaces Brig. Gen. Tzvi Poleg [IDF 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

    Sec. Baker indicates Bush admin. would back $400 million...

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  • February 28, 1990

    Polish officials will comply with F.M. Arens's request for Poland to serve as transit point for emigrating Soviet Jews [MAA 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

    February poll conducted by Modi'in Ezrahi...

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  • February 27, 1990

    Poland becomes 3d Warsaw Pact nation to renew full diplomatic ties with Israel, ending 23-year break [NYT 2/28].

    D.M. Rabin says Israel is asking U.S. for compensation for U.S. supplying...

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  • February 16, 1990

    UN Human Rights Committee endorses resolution calling for Israel not to settle Soviet Jews in O.T. U.S. abstains (cf. 2/17) [ADS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

    USSR has informed U.S. it will not allow...

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  • February 11, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli legislators call on the Interior Ministry to change regulations requiring Soviet immigrants prove they are Jewish; Ministry...

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  • February 10, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2...

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  • February 6, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestine Human Rights Information Center reports that at least 130 Palestinian houses have been partially or totally sealed in the...

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  • January 31, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli D.M. Rabin says that Israel has temporarily halted W. Bank deportations. The announcement comes after complaints from Israeli...

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  • January 30, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli government says that it has no official policy of settling Soviet Jewish immigrants in the O.T.; that every immigrant is free...

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  • January 27, 1990


    Other Countries: U.S. and PLO ambassadors meet in Tunis in another round of the ongoing dialogue [MET 2/6].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel...

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  • January 23, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: During his tour of the capital's Neve Ya'aqov neighborhood, Shamir reiterates 1/14 statement saying "we need a big and strong people in...

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  • January 19, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which...

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  • January 16, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish opens police investigation against Faisal Husayni for suspected incitement [FBIS 1/17].


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  • January 13, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli investigating officer finds that soldier who shot dead 22-year-old Palestinian on 12/28 violated army orders [MET 1/23].


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U.S. Defense Dep't. says threat of Iraqi attack on Israel is "very realistic" and that American intelligence analysts believe Iraq would use chemical weapons against coalition forces in event of war [NYT 12/27]; Israel signals it will not launch first strike against Iraq [WP 12/27] and asserts it has no aggressive intentions toward Jordan [JPI 1/5].

Iraqi cargo ship carrying tons of food bound for Iraq is seized by U.S. and Australian soldiers after having to use stun grenades to subdue crew members; Baghdad protests to UN [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 12/27].

U.S. orders dependents of American diplomats out of Jordan and Sudan "well before 15 January" because of fears of anti-U.S. violence (cf. 1/3) [WT, WP 12/27].

Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rules death sentence against author Salman Rushdie still stands, despite Rushdie's 12/24 statement [LAT, WT, CSM 12/27].

3 Jewish militants are freed after serving less than 7 years of their life sentences for killing 3 Arabs and maiming 2 Palestinian mayors in early 1980s car bombings. Jewish Underground members Menachem Livni, Shaul Nir, and Uzi Sharbav are greeted as heroes by Jewish settlers [JDS 12/26 in FBIS 12/26; NYT, LAT, WP, CSM 12/27; FJ 12/31; JPI 1/5].

Gaza youth is shot dead by IDF after reportedly attacking soldier with knife [JDS 12/26 in FBIS 12/26].

Iraq's Information Minister says Baghdad still wants "deep dialogue" with U.S. despite differences over dates for direct talks; also says F.M. Aziz will not travel to Washington on 12/17 [INA 12/15, ATS 12/16 in FBIS 12/17; NYT 12/16; MET 12/25].

In Damascus, Algerian Pres. Benjedid opens talks with Pres. Asad on ways of finding Arab solution to Gulf crisis [DDS 12/15, APS 12/17 in FBIS 12/17; MET 12/25]; Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman for talks on Gulf crisis with King Hussein [ADS 12/15 in FBIS 12/17].

Egypt expresses to Israel its "extreme anxiety" over reports that Temple Mount Faithful will tour Haram al-Sharif on 12/17 [MENA 12/15 in FBIS 12/18].

EC ends summit conference in Rome with 2 resolutions on Middle East, one warning Saddam Hussein that peace in Gulf is his responsibility, the other calling for international peace conference on the Middle East [MEM 12/17].

Still searching for 2 Palestinians suspected in 12/14 stabbings, Israeli police arrest hundreds of Palestinians in o.t. Palestinians claim 800 are detained. Gaza is placed under curfew (cf. 12/16) [JDS 12/15 in FBIS 12/17; NYT, LAT 12/16; MET 12/25].

Israel issues deportation notices to 4 Gaza Strip Palestinians described by IDF as members of Hamas. Notices are given to Fadel Zaabut, Imad al-Alami, Mustapha al-Lidani, and Shaykh Mustafa Knuah (cf. 12/16, 12/18, 12/20, 12/25, 1/7, 1/8) [JDS 12/15 in FBIS 12/17; NYT, WP, CSM 12/17; JPI 12/22].

U.S. and Iraqi admins. air differences over when Bush-Aziz and Baker-Saddam meetings should take place; Iraq suggests Baker come to Baghdad on 1/12, but U.S. says it is too close to UN deadline of 1/15 for Iraqi troops to leave Kuwait [NYT, WP 12/11].

For 2d time, U.S. postpones Sec. Council vote on resolution endorsing Middle East peace conference; hopes to change text so that it can avoid using in Israel's defense veto that could weaken Arab support for U.S.-led coalition in Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP, MEM 12/11; CSM 12/12; JPI 12/22].

Sec. Baker asks F.M. Shevardnadze to commit token Soviet troop contingent to multinational force in Gulf; Shevardnadze says USSR cannot do so [WP 12/11].

Kuwaiti officials says Iraq owes them $64 billion for stolen property, unpaid debts, and damage caused by 8/2 invasion [IRNA 12/11 in FBIS 12/12].

Israeli army steps up 3-month-old policy of deploying hidden snipers along highways in the West Bank with authorization to shoot Palestinians seen throwing stones at Israeli cars. Snipers use live ammunition and are permitted to fire without warning if they be- lieve the stone throwers are endangering lives [HAM 12/11 in FBIS 12/11; MEM 12/12; NYT, WT, CSM 12/13; MET 12/25].

Israeli military prosecutors are ordered to demand harsher sentences for those Palestinians convicted of stonethrowing; D.M. Arens sets maximum sentence at 20 years in prison [JDS 12/11 in FBIS 12/11].

Labor MK Yossi Beilin presents initiative of dovish Mashov Circle group, calling for "negotiations between Israel and a Palestinian delegation with a primary purpose of bringing about Israel's evacuation from the Gaza Strip, to create in the Gaza Strip a Palestinian state. . . ." [MEM 12/11].

28 American Jewish community leaders, celebrities, and law professors send letter to Pres. Bush urging him to raise at his 12/11 meeting with P.M. Shamir the human rights cases of Palestinian journalists Radwan Abu Ayyash and Ziad Abu Zayyad, who were placed in administrative detention on 11/13. Letter urges they be either formally charged with a crime or else released. Copy of letter is sent to P.M. Shamir [MEM 12/11].

EC says it will give $6 million to help 8 hospitals in o.t. keep functioning during Gulf crisis [MEM 12/11].

1 Palestinian is killed, 2 others injured, while constructing bomb near Tel Aviv, and 2 Palestinians are shot dead in W. Bank, as Israeli gov't puts into effect new regulations that permanently bar any W. Banker or Gazan with a record of security offenses from entering Israel [JDS 10/30 in FBIS 10/30; MEM 10/30, 10/31; NYT, LAT, WP 10/31].

Congressional leaders urge Pres. Bush to move slowly on any military activity against Iraq, while Saddam orders his generals to put Iraq's forces on "extreme alert" against possibility of U.S. attack [NYT, LAT, WP 10/31].

10 U.S. soldiers are killed in boiler room accident on USS Iwo Jima; 43 American servicemen have died since deployment in Gulf began [NYT, LAT, WP 10/31].

Arab nations are discussing PLO proposal to end efforts made since 1982 to expel Israel from the UN at this year's Gen. Assembly; instead they are reportedly considering alternative measure that would reaffirm Israel's obligation to obey UN resolutions [NYT 10/31].

Amal and Hizballah troops agree to cease-fire and say they will allow Lebanese Army regulars to deploy in S. Lebanon, where most of Shiite fighting has occurred. PLO rep. says Fateh force in Lebanon will not leave until dialogue of Lebanese-Palestinian relations is started [BVL 10/30, BDS 10/31 in FBIS 10/31; NYT 11/1].

Palestinians burn Israel army officer to death in his car in Gaza Strip. Crowd stones the car after it makes wrong turn and drives into Bureij refugee camp; car is set afire after soldier hits cart, injuring 2 Palestinians while trying to flee camp. IDF imposes curfew on camp, and Gaza Strip is declared closed military zone (cf. 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/28) [JDS 9/20 in FBIS 9/21; NYT, WP, WT 9/21; LAT 9/22; FJ 9/24; MET 10/2].

Saudi gov't says it will buy weapons elsewhere if U.S. backs down on $20-billion military sale [LAT, NYT, WP 9/21].

Saudi Arabia stops all oil deliveries to Jordan, citing Jordan's failure to meet payments, reportedly reflecting anger at Jordan for position in crisis; Saudi Arabia provided Jordan with 50% of its oil (cf. 10/24) [NYT, MEM 9/21].

According to Jordanian officials at least 50 Jordanians have been deported from Saudi Arabia in the last week [MEM 9/21].

Iraqi embassy in Amman announces Iraq has decided to allow all Arab nationals with residence permits who are willing to return to Iraq or Kuwait to do so as of today and until 10/26, after which right of return is forfeited [RMC 9/20 in FBIS 9/20].

Japanese officials say that Japan will funnel most of its $1 billion 1st installment of aid to multinational forces through Gulf Cooperation Council] [CSM 9/21].

2 U.S. Apache attack helicopters sold to Israel for $350 million each are met at air base by P.M. Shamir, who says U.S. is "obliged" to maintain Israel's military advantage over its Arab neighbors. Sale is part of deal that includes 16 additional Apaches, 60 F-16 fighter-bombers, 10 Sikorsky helicopters, and Stinger missiles [LAT 9/13].

Iran's "supreme leader" Ayatollah Khamenei declares jihad against U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, calls American policy "greedy, bullying, and shameless"; denounces Saudis for inviting Americans in, he states: "a force that enters a country to defend it will grow to impose its will on the host and to humiliate it" [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, MEM 9/13].

PLO Exec. Committee releases statement in Tunis on Gulf situation, stressing linkage issue and regretting U.S. stance; Arafat meets with King Hussein on political solutions to Gulf crisis "within an Arab framework" [MEM 9/13].

In response to lawsuit brought by Israeli gov't, state supreme court in New York issues temporary order blocking U.S. publication of Victor Ostrosky and Claire Hoy's book By Way of Deception. A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad [NYT, WT, WP 9/13].

Pres. Asad, preparing for meeting with Sec. Baker on 9/14, says U.S. troops will leave Saudi Arabia when crisis is over: "The problem now is not the presence of foreign troops in the gulf. The problem is Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.... When it is over I am sure that all foreign troops will withdraw" [NYT, WT 9/13].

In Mecca, International Islamic Conference attended by 350 Islamic scholars from 80 countries ends after 3 days of heated debate; communique calls for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, finds foreign troop presence in Saudi Arabia legitimate under current circumstances but emphasizes that they must leave region as soon as Iraq withdraws; calls for creation of permanent Pan-Islamic force for future conflicts  [SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; LAT, WP 9/14].

On tour of Middle East, Chrmn. of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, arrives in Riyadh on 2-day visit to Gulf [WAKH 9/13, 9/14, SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/14].

Speaking before European Parliament, Italian F.M. Andreotti says Gulf crisis could make more difficult a solution to Palestinian and Lebanese conflicts; he repeats EC's support for UN resolution demanding Israeli withdrawal from W. Bank and Gaza [MEM 9/13].

EC passes resolution 301 to 37 condemning Iraqi invasion, calling for withdrawal, but stating that only diplomatic solution can resolve crisis [MEM 9/13].

Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. Senate delegation headed by Robert Dole (R-KS) and including Nunn (D-GA), Warner (R-VA), Garn (R-UT), D'Amato (R-NY), Nickles (R- OK), Symms (R-ID), and Mack (R-FL)
[MENA 8/28 in FBIS 8/28]; Sen. Nunn calls for more Arab military involvement in Gulf [WP 8/28].

Saddam meets with Arafat at Arafat's residence in Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis [BADS 8/27 in FBIS 8/28]; PLO reports Arafat and Saddam have agreed on plan to solve Gulf crisis within Arab framework [MET 9/4].

Sources says P.M. Shamir is "concerned" and "astonished" over Washington's refusal as of yet to give Israel $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet immigrants. U.S. wants assurances that no immigrants will be settled beyond the green line [HAM 8/27 in FBIS 8/28].

Jerusalem Post reports Gaza lawyers are informed by Civil Admin. that all prisoners under age 16 will be released from detention centers [JPD 8/28 in FBIS 8/30].

Bush admin. expels 36 of Iraq's 55 embassy staffers in Washington, urges 34 other nations with embassies in Kuwait to take similar steps [LAT, WT, WP 8/28; MEM 8/29; MET 9/11].

State Dep't white paper supports Israeli charges that Libya gave "crucial support" to PLF attempted raid on 5/30, but concludes the operation was directed primarily at Tel Aviv beaches and not at military targets, as Israel had claimed [LAT 8/28].

Italian F.M. De Michelis, meeting with Israeli F.M. Levy, says PLO made a "mistake" by supporting Iraq and warned that if Arafat doesn't change position "we will have to revise our attitude towards the PLO" [WP 8/17].

Palestinians in O.T. issue statement, reportedly agreed to by all 4 local PLO factions, calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and "restoration of Kuwaiti selfdetermination" [WP 8/17].

Strike called for by Hamas is observed throughout O.T. [WP 8/17].

Washington Post reports that Israel's sideline role in Gulf crisis (requested by Washington) has prompted Israeli concern that its place as premier U.S. military ally in the region is being undermined [WP 8/16].

GCC holds emergency meeting in Jeddah to discuss Iraqi threat [RIDS 8/15 in FBIS 8/16].

Egyptian authorities have reportedly closed the Rafah border to Palestinians in view of sympathy Gaza Strip residents have shown for Iraq [YA 8/15 in FBIS 8/ 16].

U.S. federal appeals court clears way for Palestinian-American Mahmoud Abed Ahmad to be extradited to Israel; Ahmad is accused of taking part in machine-gun attack on Israeli bus in W. Bank; court rejects Ahmad's argument that the crime was political act not covered by extradition treaty with Israel [WT, WP 8/16]

Ethiopia has reportedly stopped issuing exit visas for Jews in attempt to compel Israel to send Ethiopian gov't. more weapons. Israeli advisors, weapons, and surveillance equipment are being used by gov't. against rebel guerrilla armies [WJW, WT 7/12; NYT 7/13, 7/14]; Washington Jewish Week says classified congressional memorandum confirms that Israel has supplied Ethiopia with cluster bombs, military trainers, etc. as part of deal [MEM 7/13; JDS 7/13 in FBIS 7/13].

Israeli Labor party's 150-member leadership bureau abandons its 7/5 position of not taking sides in party leadership struggle, backs Yitzhak Rabin over Shimon Peres on major issues; Labor's 1,400-member central committee will reach final decisions at 7/22 meeting [JDS 7/12 in FBIS 7/13; NYT, WP, WT 7/13].

West Bank settlers have set up "foreign office," called Foreign Relations Forum of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, whose task is to explain to foreign and domestic gov't. and media personalities the "needs and rights" of settlers [JPD 7/12 in FBIS 7/12].

Chrmn. of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, arrives in Israel, meets with D.M. Moshe Arens [JDS 7/ 12 in FBIS 7/13].

In Moscow, Soviet-Arab dialogue continues as Soviet officials host delegation from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia [IZV 7/14]. 

In first interview with U.S. newspaper in nearly 6 years, Iraq's Saddam Hussein says another Mideast war is "inevitable" unless U.S. deters aggressive Israeli policies against Palestinians; that Iraq will stand up to any Israeli military aggression in the area [WSJ 6/28].

Joint Jewish Agency and gov't. coordinating committee on immigration and absorption approve annual budget of $2.3 million for absorbing 150,000 immigrants a year for next 3 years; plan includes construction of 45,000 new apartments [IGP 6/27 in FBIS 6/27].

Esmat Abdel Meguid, Egypt's F.M., meets in New York with UN Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar to brief de Cuellar on Meguid's meetings with Pres. Bush, Sec. Baker [MENA 6/27 in FBIS 6/28].

UN envoy Jean-Claude Amie tours Gaza Strip and meets with Palestinian officials there who request UN protection [JDS 6/28 in FBIS 6/28].

West Bank Civil Admin. allows 2 colleges to reopen: al-Najah University in Nablus and Science University in Abu Dis; studies will resume in mid-July [JDS 6/27 in FBIS 6/28].

Soviet Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev sends letter to Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stressing need for continued peaceful efforts and declaring suspension of U.S.- PLO dialogue as harmful to peace process [RMC 6/28 in FBIS 6/29].

Concluding 3-day visit to Israel, speakers of East and West German parliaments say they have received P.M. Shamir's unconditional approval of reunification of Germany. Shamir says he expects Germany to influence other EC members to adopt more understanding attitude toward Israel [JDS 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; WT 6/28].

Pres. of European Parliament, Enrique Baron Crespo, meets in Tunis with Arafat, according to WAFA [MEM 6/28].

Abul Abbas, leader of PLF group responsible for 5/30 attempted seaborne raid on Israel, says that he is prepared to accept disciplinary action from PLO Exec. Committee, adds that Arafat may "take any measure he sees as necessary to protect the national achievements of our people." Abbas adds that he has given to Arafat a file on the attack to show raid had been aimed at military targets [NYT 6/24].

New York Times reports Abu Nidal is losing control over his Fateh Revolutionary Council; dissidentsay they will follow Arafat [NYT 6/24].

Israeli navy destroy speedboat, kills two unidentified people, off coast of S.Lebanon; military sources claim terrorists aboard were en route to Israel [JDS 6/24 in FBIS 6/25].

Joyce Starr, co-chair of Global Strategy Council, a U.S. thinktank, advises that untreated sewage is causing sanitary and environmental problems in Gaza Strip: "Gaza is a sewage time bomb waiting to explode... .[it] has reached the limits of its disposable water resources" [LAT 6/24]. 

Testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. will not rush to break off contacts with PLO, despite fact that PLO's response to 5/30 attempted attack has "fallen short of the mark." Baker reports that "an extraordinarily large number" of allies has urged Washington not to move too quickly or rashly [WT, WP 6/13]; Baker also says that at least 7 nations including Egypt and USSR have agreed to urge PLO to save its dialogue with U.S. [LAT 6/13]; Pres. Bush reiterates his call for PLO to roundly condemn 5/30 attempted attack [WP 6/13].

Officials in Bush admin. and Congress say Israel has emerged as leading supplier of advanced military technology to China, despite U.S.'s clearly expressed opposition to Israeli-Chinese military cooperation [LAT 6/13].

IDF soldier throws tear gas grenade into UN maternity clinic in Gaza Strip; 66 infants are treated for gas inhalation. IDF says soldier acted contrary to orders, and legal steps would be taken. IDF was responding to stonethrowing incident around the clinic (cf. 6/13, 6/14) [JDS 6/12 in FBIS 6/14; WT, WP, LAT 6/13; FJ 6/18]. 

Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24; MEM 5/25].

European Community's exec. commission grants emergency aid of 500,000 ECU ($600,000) for Palestinian victims of violence in O.T. [MEM 5/24].

Israeli Maj. Gen. Matan Vilna'i, commander of Southern Command, orders stricter firing regulations in Gaza to reduce casualties; new orders give only senior commander of each sector authorization to allow firing of plastic or rubber bullets [MAA 5/24 in FBIS 5/25].

Mideast Mirror reports thousands of Palestinian workers have stayed away from their jobs since 5/20 killings, and renewal of communal tensions [MEM 5/ 23].

Pres. Bush telephones Pres. Mubarak to discuss recent events, especially Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [MENA 5/ 23 in FBIS 5/24; MENA 5/25 in FBIS 5/ 25].

Ambassadors to Tunisia from France, Italy, and Ireland, and European Community meet with Arafat to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].

General strike is observed in Lebanon; banks, other businesses, are closed in solidarity with Palestinians condemning 5/20 killings; demonstrations are held in Beirut [BDS 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Arab foreign ministers conclude presummit working session begun 5/22 in Baghdad, adopt agenda for 5/28 summit [INA 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Scattered anti-Israel demonstrations take place in and near Amman refugee camps; some 200 protestors are dispersed at Ministry of Interior [JTE 5/24, 5/25 in FBIS 5/25]; at least I person is killed, several injured [MEM 5/24].

In Amman, Arafat and King Hussein revive Jordanian-Palestinian joint committees, 1 for politics, 1 for information [QUD 4/20 in FBIS 4/24].

Interim P.M. Shamir is hurriedly seeking to establish new Jewish settlements in O.T. before his gov't. leaves office [WP, LAT 4/19].

Bulldozers, guarded by Israeli soldiers, level orange grove in Gaza Strip for construction of new Dugit settlement. Soviet F.M. spokesperson says "some circles in Israel continue to deliberately raise obstacles to a peaceful settlement in the Middle East" [WT 4/19].

Islamic Jihad says it will release one of its 3 hostages "within 48 hours" as a "goodwill initiative"; group also calls for asst. sec. of state John Kelly to come to Damascus "to coordinate final measures" [WP, LAT, WT 4/19].

Egypt's F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid says Egypt intends to press for ban on "weapons of mass destruction" in Middle East [WP 4/19].

Jerusalem District Court overturns lower court ruling, allows eviction of Jewish nationalists from Hospice of St. John (cf. 4/10) [WP, LAT, WT 4/18; NYT 4/ 19; JDS 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].

In Moscow, Faisal Husayni meets with Soviet F.M. officials to discuss Jewish emigration [YA 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].

Arafat arrives in Amman for official state visit [ADS 4/17 in FBIS 4/17].

Palestinians commemorate 2d anniversary of assassination Abu Jihad [Kahlil al-Wazir]; at least 30 Gazans are injured in marches [jDS 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].

Pres. Saddam Hussein says Iraqi military commanders have standing orders to attack Israel with chemical weapons in event Israel uses nuclear weapons against Iraq [LAT 4/18].

Asked 3/20 to form gov't. Labor leader Peres asks interim P.M. Shamir if Likud would be interested in joining Labor-led gov't.; Shamir's reply is unequivocal "no" [NYT 3/22].

Palestinian farmers in Gaza Strip say Israel has begun restricting sales of their vegetables to W. Bank [MET 4/3-9].

Hungarian commercial airline Malev suspends direct and charter flights of Soviet Jews to Israel due to threats from Islamic Jihad (cf. 3/23, 3/28, 4/1) [NYT, WP 3/22].

Namibia and the State of Palestine agree to formalize diplomatic relations, exchange ambassadors [MENA 3/21 in FBIS 3/22].

Brig. Gen. Shmu'el Zucker assumes duty as commander of IDF forces in Gaza; replaces Brig. Gen. Tzvi Poleg [IDF 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

Sec. Baker indicates Bush admin. would back $400 million loan guarantee program for housing Soviet Jews in Israel only if Israel stopped settlements in O.T.; also says he favors cuts in U.S. aid to Israel, Egypt, other major recipients in order to provide money for emerging democracies [NYT, WP, WT 3/2; NYT 3/3].

Pres. Bush denies U.S. is holding direct or indirect talks with Iran or Syria about release of American hostages in Middle East [WP, WT 3/2].

Appearing before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Defense Sec. Richard Cheney defends plan to give Egypt 700 surplus U.S. tanks made obsolete by reduction of European forces, says Israel was consulted and did not object [WT 3/ 2].

Arab diplomatic sources say ACC leaders have agreed Egypt, Iraq, and Yemen Arab Republic will intervene militarily in event of Israeli military threat to Jordan [WFD 3/1 in FBIS 3/8].

British Foreign Sec. Douglas Hurd meets with PLO advisor Bassam Abu Sharif in London; Hurd reiterates Britain's objection to settling immigrants in O.T. [WAKH 3/2 in FBIS 3/2].

Speaking in Jerusalem, Shimon Peres reiterates it is not Israeli gov't. policy to settle Soviet Jews in O.T. [JDS 3/2 in FBIS 3/2].

3 trade union groups in W. Bank end 9-year rift, merge into 1 group: General Federation of Trade Unions in the West Bank, headed by Shahar Saeed [MET 3/ 13-19].

Explosion detonated by "resistance fighters" kills 2 Israelis in S. Lebanon [BDS 3/1 in FBIS 3/2]; security sources report Israel has brought additional armored reinforcements into its "security zone" in S. Lebanon [BNR 3/1 in FBIS 3/1]. 

Polish officials will comply with F.M. Arens's request for Poland to serve as transit point for emigrating Soviet Jews [MAA 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

February poll conducted by Modi'in Ezrahi Research Institute indicates 60% of surveyed Israelis are in favor of settling new immigrants in O.T. [HAD 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

P.M. Shamir, speaking before Presidents of American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem, says if Israel were to leave O.T. "a Beirut-like situation" would develop [IGP 2/28 in FBIS 3/2].

Led by economics minister Yitzhak Modai, 5 Likud Knesset members announce the formation of opposition party, "The Party for the Promotion of the Zionist Idea" [NYT 3/1; JDS 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

Yasir Arafat meets with Nelson Mandela in Lusaka; the two note they are fighting common struggle against imperialism and racism [SVP 3/1 in FBIS 3/ 2].

W. Bank Civil Admin. allows 3 religious colleges/seminaries toreopen [JDS 2/28 in FBIS 2/28].

Arabs in E. Jerusalem and Gaza Strip hold general strike to protest Israel's continued closure of Palestinian universities [MET 3/13-19].

Poland becomes 3d Warsaw Pact nation to renew full diplomatic ties with Israel, ending 23-year break [NYT 2/28].

D.M. Rabin says Israel is asking U.S. for compensation for U.S. supplying Egypt with surplus M-60 tanks [JDS 2/27 in FBIS 2/28].

Radan Abu-'Ayyash, head of E. Jerusalem Journalists Association, tells reporters that "according to new PLO strategy, the Palestinian right of return will be confined to the borders of the Palestinian state - the West Bank and Gaza Strip" [HAM 2/27 in FBIS 2/28].

PFLP in Damascus announces use of arms in O.T. has now become necessary [RMC 2/27 in FBIS 2/28].

Israeli military extends by 3 months closure order for 7 O.T. universities, now closed until end of May [WP 2/28; JDS 2/ 27 in FBIS 2/28; MET 3/13-19]; prompts student sit-ins throughout O.T. [NYT 2/ 28; HAA 2/28 in FBIS 3/1].

In a speech in Lusaka, Zambia, Nelson Mandela says that Yasir Arafat, who is in attendance, is fighting "a unique form of colonialism and we wish him success in his struggle" [NYT, LAT 2/28].

UN Human Rights Committee endorses resolution calling for Israel not to settle Soviet Jews in O.T. U.S. abstains (cf. 2/17) [ADS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

USSR has informed U.S. it will not allow direct Aeroflot flights from Soviet Union to Israel (cf. 2/19) [YA 2/16 in FBIS 2/16].

Soviet P.M. Nikolay Ryzhkov says USSR will consideresuming diplomatic ties with Israel only after Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is launched [RPP 2/16 in FBIS 2/23].

Yasir Arafat contacts the "parties concerned" in the intra-Christian fighting in E. Beirut, offers to mediate (cf. 2/19) [RMC 2/17 in FBIS 2/20].

Gaza Strip residents observe general strike [MET 2/27-3/5].

Israeli helicopters attack Amal post south of Sidon, S. Lebanon; no injuries UDS 2/16 in FBIS 2/20; MET 2/27-3/5].

DFLP has asked Red Cross to force Israel to give prisoner of war status to 3 DFLP members captured 2/15 [RMC 2/ 16 in FBIS 2/20].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli legislators call on the Interior Ministry to change regulations requiring Soviet immigrants prove they are Jewish; Ministry reportedly was refusing to register some Soviets because they lacked documents certifying them as Jews [NYT 2/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded in Rafah in the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of Arabs wounded by Israeli gunfire last week in Rafah to 140. Palestinians say the Israelis are seeking confrontation as revenge for 2/4 bus attack in which one of the attackers is rumored to be from Rafah [NYT, FBIS 2/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2/10].

Arab World: PLO sends to European Community amessage regarding Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 2/14].

Other Countries: New York Times reports on poll sponsored by Tel Aviv's Israel-Diaspora Institute of 1,310 U.S. Jewish leaders; 74 percent of respondents favor talks between Israeli officials and PLO "moderates" [NYT 2/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound at least 30 Rafah Palestinians in clash at funeral of Arab killed 2/7 [FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].

IDF seals off Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, and parts of Gaza Strip as Palestinians celebrate the 8th anniversary of the outlawed Palestine Communist Party [MET 2/20].

Palestinian dies of wounds received 2/8 [FBIS 2/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestine Human Rights Information Center reports that at least 130 Palestinian houses have been partially or totally sealed in the first 2 years of the intifada; also approximately 270 Palestinian homes have been demolished by IDF [NYT 2/7].

Likud Central Committee reschedules meeting postponed because of 2/4 bus attack in Egypt to 2/12 [FBIS 2/6].

Arab World: PLO officially denounces 2/4 bus attack in Egypt, says attack cannot be viewed in isolation from daily Israeli violence against Palestinians in O.T., reaffirms policies prohibiting armed actions outside Israel and the O.T. [NYT 2/7].

PNC in Amman sends Gorbachev a 5-page memorandum asking "in the name of human rights, we appeal to you to take speedy measures to stop the emigration to Soviet Jews" to Israel [LAT 2/7].

Other Countries: Environmentalists call on Pres. Bush to cancel $300 million project to build VOA and Radio free Europe radio transmitter in the Negev [WP 2/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports 2 Israeli settlers shoot, kill 45-year-old Palestinian in Nablus [FJ 2/12].

At least 20 Gazans are injured in clashes with soldiers; IDF uses light aircraft to track demonstrators after about 400 youths gather near Rafah [FBIS 2/7]. 

Arab World: SLA checkpoint on the border of Israel's "security zone" comes under fire from unidentified fighters [FBIS 2/7].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli D.M. Rabin says that Israel has temporarily halted W. Bank deportations. The announcement comes after complaints from Israeli human rights activists and a U.S. State Dep't call for more flexibility in deportations [WP 2/1].

Jerusalem Domestic Service reports that 4,600 Soviet Jews arrived in Israel during January [FBIS 2/1].

Arab World: The Fifth Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches ends 6- day meeting in Nicosia with a call to support Palestinian independence [FJ 2/5].

Arafat meets with Soviet envoy Gennedy Tarasov in Tunis over emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [MET 2/13].

ACC parliamentary committee opens meeting in Baghdad [FBIS 2/7].

Other Countries: UN Sec. Council extends the mandate of UNIFIL for another 6 months [MET 2/13].

Many of the Soviet Jews emigrating to Israel tell of rampant anti-Semitism in the USSR [NYT 2/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military demolishes 2 homes in Qabalan village, near Nablus [FJ 2/12].

General strike called for by UNLU is observed in O.T. [FBIS 2/1; FJ 2/5].

At least 12 Palestinians are wounded in clashes in O.T. [FBIS 2/1; FJ 2/5].

Israeli military closes 7 Gaza Strip schools for security reasons [FJ 2/5].

Gazan accused of collaborating with Israel is killed [MET 2/13].

Arab World: Army troops loyal to Aoun battle militias outlawed on 1/30. At least 28 people are killed [WP 2/1; MET 2/13].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli government says that it has no official policy of settling Soviet Jewish immigrants in the O.T.; that every immigrant is free to choose his or her own place of residence [NYT, WP, LAT 1/31].

Other Countries: The Washington Post reports that Israel has stepped up its deportations of "non-resident" Palestinians in the O.T. [WP 1/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: IDF reopens UNRWA school in Nablus after 10 days of closure [FJ 2/12].

IDF bulldozes Palestinian home in Burin village, near Nablus [FJ 2/12]; another house in the Nablus is demolished, and 2 others are sealed [FBIS 1/31; FJ 2/5].

At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes in the Gaza Strip, including a 12- year-old who lost an eye from bullet; 2 IDF soldiers are also wounded [FBIS 2/1].

Jewish settlers in Hebron smash windows of Arab homes, fire shots in the air [FBIS 2/1].

Arab World: Gen. Michel Aoun bans the Lebanese Forces Christian militia, saying there should be no "armed elements outside the framework of the [Lebanese] army." Move poses risk of intra-Christian war [WP 1/31].

Israeli army sends reinforcements to S. Lebanon "security zone" [FBIS 1/30].


Other Countries: U.S. and PLO ambassadors meet in Tunis in another round of the ongoing dialogue [MET 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes 2 Hebron area schools for rock throwing [FBIS 1/29; FJ 2/5].

2 Palestinians from Jerusalem-area village of Abu Dis are shot, killed by IDF; curfew is imposed [FJ 2/5; MET 2/6].

At least 11 Gazans are wounded in clashes with IDF troops [FBIS 1/29]. Arab World: SLA militiamen capture alleged DFLP member in S. Lebanon [FBIS 1/29; MET 2/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: During his tour of the capital's Neve Ya'aqov neighborhood, Shamir reiterates 1/14 statement saying "we need a big and strong people in a big and strong land" [FBIS 1/24].

Campaigning before 2/7 Likud party meeting, at which Israel's future government may be decided, Ariel Sharon says Shamir's elections proposal "would in fact bring about a Palestinian state, bloodshed, and war" [NYT 1/24].

Shimon Peres arrives in Cairo at Mubarak's invitation to begin talks on stalled peace process. [WP 1/25].

In Algiers, Arafat meets with ministers of the Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon to discuss need for concentrating Arab activity on settling the crisis there [FBIS 1/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes Hebron-area schools Tareq Ibn Ziad and Ibn Rushd for stone-throwing incidents [FJ 1/ 29].

24-year-old Nablus youth is shot, killed fleeing IDF troops who had searched his home [MET 2/6]; 15 Palestinians are wounded in confrontation that follows shooting [FJ 1/29].

Palestinian accused of collaboration is found dead in W. Bank village of Arrabeh, near Jenin [MET 2/6].

Shots are fired at IDF patrol along the Jordanian border near Hazeva [FBIS 1/ 24].

At least 30 Gaza residents injured by IDF gunfire or tear gas in clashes [FBIS 1/ 24]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which Husayni's name was mentioned [FBIS 1/19; NYT 1/20].

D.M. Rabin returns from Washington after talks, says he met a "sympathetic audience" [FBIS 1/19].

Fateh candidates win 9 of 11 seats in the Gaza physicians' association, the first of several upcoming trade union elections [FBIS 1/23].

Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid concludes talks in Washington, flies to New York for meeting with UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar [FBIS 1/19].

Other Countries: Bush administration condemns Israeli arrest of Husayni, saying "such actions discourage Palestinian confidence in the peace process" [NYT, WP 1/20].

United Jewish Appeal launches Operation Exodus, fund-raising effort designed to raise $420-$480 million from American Jews to help resettle Soviet immigrants to Israel [NYT, WP 1/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 500 Palestinian youths attack with stones and bottles a Gaza police station. Police use tear gas to break up crowd [FBIS 1/22].

At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T. [FBIS 1/22].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force attacks targets in S. Lebanon, killing 3 and wounding 18. Fighter-bombers attack PFLP positions near Sidon, and Hizballah strongholds in Iqlim al Toffah district [FBIS 1/19; NYT, WP 1/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish opens police investigation against Faisal Husayni for suspected incitement [FBIS 1/17].

Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid arrives in Washington, meets with Sec. Baker. Abd-al-Majid's trip coincides with Washington talks between Bush administration and Israeli D.M. Rabin [FBIS 1/16; NYT, WP 1/17].

Arab Cooperation Council opens meetings in Baghdad [FBIS 1/17].

Other Countries: New York Times op-ed piece by Senate minority leader Robert Dole suggests 5% of U.S. foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, and others be redirected to E. Europe and Panama [NYT 1/16, 1/17; WP 1/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military closes 6 Gaza Strip schools for rock throwing [FBIS 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli investigating officer finds that soldier who shot dead 22-year-old Palestinian on 12/28 violated army orders [MET 1/23].

Arab World: Arafat and Mubarak again meet in Cairo to discuss preparations for meeting with U.S., Israel [MET 1/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound 11 stone-throwing youths in various clashes in Gaza Strip [MET 1/ 23].

Arab World: Heavy fighting in Lebanon between Amal and Hizballah; Amal forces attack Israeli military vehicle, Israeli guns shell Tayr Harfa area [FBIS 1/16].