42 / 15500 Results
  • December 15, 1982

    Military Action:

    Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but...

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  • December 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....

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  • November 30, 1982

    Military Action:

    Syrians shell IDF in Bekaa; Lebanese Army raids Murabitun Cultural Center in Beirut, seizes 14,000 religious books and legal documents, Wazzan orders books returned,...

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  • November 29, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.


    IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate...

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  • November 17, 1982

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in...

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  • November 14, 1982

    Military Action:

    Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.


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  • October 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad...

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  • September 21, 1982

    Military Action:

    US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading...

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  • September 13, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israel launches all-day air strikes against Syrian, PLO and LNM artillery and anti-aircraft positions in Central and East Bekaa; units of PLA led by Syrian officers take...

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  • September 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    Eight IDF soldiers captured by Syrians near Bhamdoun (IDF claims their capture is breach of cease-fire, asks US and ICRC to intercede for their release); clash between...

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  • August 30, 1982

    Military Action:

    Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take...

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  • August 25, 1982

    Military Action:

    First PLO units to be evacuated to Syria publicly welcomed in Tartus (Israeli claim that overland evacuation "postponed" at Syrian request denied in Damascus); IDF tanks...

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  • August 24, 1982

    Military Action:

    Heavy fighting breaks out east of Beirut between Syrian and Phalangist forces following election of Bashir Gemayel as President of Lebanon (artillery and machine gun fire...

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  • August 11, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets, artillery shell PLO positions for third day as IDF tanks move into strategic positions in northern Lebanon (IDF forces now poised for strike on northern port of...

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  • August 6, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets, ground forces launch new attack, reportedly destroying apartment building housing PLO "operations room"; air strike hits heart of W. Beirut, 100 yards from Wazzan...

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  • August 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    Sporadic small arms and artillery fire and mock IDF air raids; Alexandre Hotel in East Beirut jolted by bomb explosion (apparent reprisal for hitting of Commodore;...

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  • July 31, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF warships pound PLO positions and residential areas in Manara, Ramlet el-Baida areas of West Beirut as cease-fire collapses (artillery duel between PLO units in southern...

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  • July 30, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF, claiming PLO breaches cease-fire, attacks Palestinian neighborhoods, artillery positions in West Beirut by land, sea, air (hour-long air strike hits Ramlet el-Baida,...

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  • July 28, 1982

    Military Action: IDF jets, artillery, gunboats pound West Beirut for seventh day, ignoring Habib efforts to restore cease-fire (artillery duels, bombings hit camps, Lailake, Ouzai, Ramlet el-...

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  • July 27, 1982

    Military Action: IDF jets bomb heavily populated residential areas near central West Beirut for first time, badly damaging at least 12 high-rise buildings, causing many casualties (later strikes...

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  • July 25, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets attack West Beirut at 10 AM, on day 50 of invasion, hitting same targets as day before, following night-long artillery duels between IDF and PLO (first evening...

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  • July 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israel, alleging cease-fire violations by Syrians and PLO, attacks on both fronts with artillery and air strikes (ordered following ambush deaths of 5 IDF soldiers near...

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  • July 20, 1982

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire...

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  • July 19, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets make repeated reconnaissance passes over Beirut as IDF armored units dig in around airport and trade small arms fire with PLO guerrillas in southern suburbs; PLO...

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  • July 18, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli ammunition dump west of Tiberias blows up, setting fires; dump had received captured PLO ammunition, some in bad condition; PLO and IDF accuse each other of cease-...

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  • July 15, 1982

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire appears to hold, despite minor clashes near airport; WAFA says 5 Israelis tried to move on the airport and failed; IDF jets fly over Beirut in mock raids; PLO...

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  • July 14, 1982

    Militrary Action:

    IDF warplanes buzz Beirut in a mock air raid, first Air Force activity over Beirut in 2 weeks as Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanese...

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  • July 12, 1982

    Military Action:

    Beirut quiet as cease-fire holds; IDF exchanges light-arms fire with Syrians in the eastern sector near Yanta.


    Over 10,000 Lebanese and...

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  • July 10, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF armored units trade intermittent artillery fire with PLO in W. Beirut following night of fierce shelling; IDF shelling wrecks Algeria's six-story embassy and Summerland...

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  • July 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF gunboats/ artillery bombard Palestinian camps, residential areas (shells fall in non-Palestinian areas of Verdun and Corniche Mazraa); blockade creates serious food,...

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Military Action:

Joint Druze-Phalange committee does not meet as tensions in Chouf run high over kidnappings by both sides; large IDF force patrols area; cease-fire broken near Bhamdoun but reestablished after IDF arrives; IDF truck carrying ammunition goes up in flames near Deir al-Qamar; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam visits Tripoli, negotiates immediate cease-fire after 4 hour meeting with local leaders.


IDF planning to reopen former PLO school at el-Mahshuk, near Tyre (many refugees still live in other schools, preventing reopening); students on strike in Chouf area; 2 killed, 25 wounded in Chouf; 3 IDF soldiers wounded in truck explosion.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon declines to testify again before Commisison of Inquiry; Chief of Staff Eitan, Director of Military Intelligence Saguy, head of Mossad, and Sharon's civilian aide Dudai all decide to give additional evidence or to cross-examine witnesses; Shamir meets with Argentine president and foreign minister to discuss Lebanese war, Malvinas, "disappeared" Israeli citizens, ends visit amid indications Argentina will seek large arms purchases; majority of World Zionist Congress vote for resolution, proposed by Labor Party, calling for peace settlement based on "territorial compromise," but parliamentary maneuvering blocks formal adoption.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with former World Jewish Congress president Philip Klutznik in Tunis; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem meets with Reagan, asks for more troops, also says Colombia, Brazil and Portugal have been asked to donate troops; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Draper to discuss US proposal of partial withdrawal as first step to create momentum; to seek solution to disagreement on venue of peace talks; Draper departs to join Habib in Israel; Gemayel telephones Assad following meeting.

Arab Governments: Syria sends two high-level delegates to Tripoli port to try to end fighting.

US and Other Countries: Presidential adviser Edwin Meese says US will sell arms to Jordan without demanding its participation in peace talks, says issues unrelated; Honduran foreign minister denies arms deal with Israel but expects agreement on economic and technical assistance; Habib arrives in Israel; Britain postpones trade envoy's visit to Saudi Arabia in wake of tensions from postponing visit by Arab League delegation including PLO representative.

Military Action:

IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.


One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.

Political Responses:

lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).

Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.

US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.

Military Action:

Syrians shell IDF in Bekaa; Lebanese Army raids Murabitun Cultural Center in Beirut, seizes 14,000 religious books and legal documents, Wazzan orders books returned, Lebanese Grand Mufti issues protest.


Israeli official says Israeli exports to Lebanon totalled $9.3 m. in October, total trade exchange for year will total $100 m. by December.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: High Court orders Sharon to explain legal basis for detentions at Ansar camp, in suit brought by Leah Tsemel, demanding camps be open to lawyers and family visits; Israeli sources indicate 11 So- viet citizens killed when Israelis destroyed downed lAF aircraft in an effort to prevent its secret equipment from falling into enemy hands; El Al workers fight riot police in Tel Aviv after failing to win injunction against dissolution of airline; Industry and Trade Minister Gideon Pratt meets with delegates of four Black African countries during GATT conference in Geneva (countries have no diplomatic relations with Israel but seek more commercial ties); Israeli official says Israeli debt repayments to US now larger than incoming loans from US.

Palestininas/ Lebanese: Arafat authorizes PLO participation in 14-member commission with Jordan to draw up proposals for peace negotiations; Arafat attends first meeting of Commission, headed by PLO leader Dajani and Jordanian Prime Minister Badran; Arafat leaves for South Yemen; PLO spokesman in Paris says PLO will never recognize Israel, says Reagan initiative "Zionist."

Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd meets Habib in Morocco to receive report on status of withdrawal negotiations.

US and Other Countries: Republican-controlled Senate Appropriations Committee approves $11.5 billion foreign aid bill, including $2.6 b. for Israel ($125 million in economic and $350 million in military loans/grants more than Administration requested); Reagan later urges House Appropriations Committee to reject the additional aid to Israel.

Military Action:

Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.


IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate raid on Palestinian-run hospital, says it won't happen again (drugs taken now estimated at $500-650,000 in value).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Palestinian survivors of massacre testify before Commission; Shamir, accompanied by high-ranking officers and industrialists, arrives in Zaire in first official visit to Black Africa since 1973 war; Defense Ministry senior adviser Tamir to present Mobutu with overall strategic plan for Zaire drafted by Israelis at Zaire's request; Labor and Likud Knesset members criticize Cabinet approval of IS 16.5 b. supplementary budget (9.3 b. to help pay for Lebanon war); protests in West Bank on 35th anniversary of UN partition resolution, Israeli policeman injured by stones in Ramallah after reinforced security forces try to restore order, curfew imposed on Deheisha refugee camp and Nablus market, tear gas fired to disperse crowds, schools close early; pro-PLO nationalist slate ousts Moslem Brothers in student elections at al-Najah University in Nablus; about 100 foreign lecturers teaching at West Bank universities decide to continue to refuse to sign anti-PLO pledge in new permit form; head of Village Leagues Duddin meets Sharon before both travel to US on separate visits.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanon's military prosecutor-general orders arrest of nine, including Hussein Mussawi, pro-Iranian leader of Baalbek's Shiites, accused of Islamic raids in Baalbek nine days ago; Wazzan, after meeting with Gemayel, urges US to increase pressures on Israel to withdraw.

Arab Governments: Mubarak and Habib issue joint statement calling for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, urging Jordanian and Palestinian inclusion in Mideast peace talks; Habib leaves for Morocco for talks with King Hassan and Saudi King Fahd; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says US sent message to PLO through Cairo saying PLO recognition of Israel would enable US to deal with PLO; semi-official al-Ahram criticizes PLO rejection of Reagan plan.

US and Other Countries: US State Department asserts PLO Central Council did not reject Reagan plan.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in fight involving IDF and Druze forces near Beirut at time were far from camps and in Beirut on private visit, says on Friday, September 17, he flew to Beirut on IDF aircraft to offer condolences to Gemayel family, visited Jounieh, then returned by car to Marjayoun, accuses Saeb Salam of covering up for Phalangists on orders from Saudi Arabia by blaming Haddad forces; Foreign Ministry official Hana Bar-On testifies he relayed US official's report on "irregularities" in Beirut camps to Begin's military secretary, Colonal Azriel Nevo, Friday evening, September 17; political storm rages over New York Times opinion piece that implies Labor Party leaders want US to reduce aid to Israel as means to pressure Begin but Peres denies Labor Party supports cut in US aid; two leaders of Gush Emunim settlement of Qiryat Arba charged with destroying possible clues to unsolved bombings that crippled two Palestinian Mayors in 1980, trial is set for December 9; 25,000 Israeli settlers now estimated living in occupied territories, is twice as many as in 1980, five times as many as in 1977; Knesset finance committee defers decision on funding 9 new settlements (Labor Party criticizes 8 planned for West Bank, and IDF outposts in territories being turned over to right-wing Kach).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Walid Jumblatt, in interview, accuses Phalange of planning massacres of Druze and says talks are useless; Phalange spokesman Hayek denies charge, says Phalange militiamen only seeking to return to their former villages in Chouf.

Arab Governments: King Hussein, ending Arab League delegation visit to France, accuses Israel of holding up peace process through continued West Bank settlements, refusal to consider Reagan peace proposals, says question of Israel's eventual borders remains major obstacle to peace; Syrian President Assad tells visiting US Congressional delegation that Reagan plan is "incomplete" solution.

US and Other Countries: Habib leaves several days early for Mideast in wake of cancellation of Begin-Reagan meeting, as State Department expresses concern at lack of progress on troop withdrawals; Shultz meets with Habib, Veliotes, Fairbanks, M. Charles Hill and Samuel W. Lewis to review lack of progress on peace plan; Britain announces Arab League mission planned to arrive next week has been postponed to December, and it will continue to refuse inclusion of PLO representative in delegation; West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in New York, tells US Jewish leaders he intends to strengthen West German relations with Israel, and supports Camp David process.

Military Action:

Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.


One killed, 4 wounded in Aramoun, brings to over 50 total killed in Chouf incidents in past two weeks; Tyre curfew lifted and road to Israeli border reopened; PLO protests to ICRC over treatment of prisoners in South Lebanon detention camps.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's 62-year old wife dies and Begin leaves US for Israel to begin 30-day mourning period, postponing indefinitely meeting with Reagan; 47 Israeli victims of Tyre explosion buried; General Meir Zorea, head of military inquiry, reports to Cabinet that explosion not caused by a bomb, and Energy Minister Modai says it was probably caused by leaking cooking gas; Deputy Prime Minister Ehrlich chairs Cabinet meeting devoted to mourning Aliza Begin and Tyre victims; Shamir reports on meetings with Draper and lack of Lebanese response to Israeli proposals on format/ content of proposed talks; Modai proposes IDF unilaterally withdraw from parts of Lebanon to get talks going and to test Syrian/Lebanese intentions; al-Hamishmar demands withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon and resignation of Sharon in wake of Tyre disaster; IDF source indicates Defense Ministry postponed plans to raze abandoned Ein Sultan refugee camp north of Jericho on night following Beirut massacres (razing reportedly related to efforts to build more Jewish settlements in area); three Nahal settlements of Elisha, Beit Arava, Tzurif currently being "civilianized"; at Commission of Inquiry, senior IDF officer and Eitan aide Ze'ev Zecharin contradicts Sharon and Begin, says Sharon spoke of Phalange entry into camps September 14 (not September 15 as Sharon asserted), says Eitan told him Saturday morning, September 18, that Begin had requested information on Gaza Hospital in Sabra camp (denied by Begin), says Eitan instructed IDF to restrict artillery support to minimize civilian casualties, to impose a curfew on all areas of Lebanon under IDF control, to ask Phalange to mobilize forces to take camps regardless of timing of IDF advance into West Beirut, says Eitan flew to Beirut Wednesday, September 17, to detail IDF plans to Phalange but Phalange asked for 24-hour delay to get organized, and agreed that Mossad officer not IDF would act as liaison with Phalange, says Sharon ordered Phalange to enter camps after Wednesday morning arrival at IDF Beirut divisional command post, says no Phalange irregularities raised and no questions asked in Eitan's meeting with Phalange commanders Friday afternoon, says Phalange, during Sunday morning meeting with Eitan, admitted killing civilians but said "We won't go with this to the media, that we did it, because it will hurt us in the Presidential elections"; Zecharin's testimony curtailed at IDF request after contradiction with Dudai testimony highlighted; Foreign Ministry official Ariel Kenet testifies that two inquiries from ministry's Beirut representative Friday afternoon noted US envoy Draper's concern at seeing Phalange inside camps and Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan's report of patients being killed at Gaza Hospital, asserts he alerted David Kimche, who instructed him to notify Defense Ministry.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee member Hanna Nassir says Palestine National Council meeting may not occur before January; Arafat attends Brezhnev funeral in Moscow; Amin Gemayel and Wazzan arrive in Riyadh for 2 days of talks with King Fahd, seeking Saudi help in rebuilding Lebanon, support for withdrawal of PLO and Syrian forces; Wazzan, before departing, says Lebanon wants Israel out of Lebanon, is uninterested in direct negotiations.

US and Other Countries: Reagan phones condolences to Begin; State Department indicates it hopes Israel will not retaliate for Tyre explosion; fears raised that Begin's return to Israel is setback for Reagan peace plan.

UN: UNRWA says by next June, $43.4 million will have been spent on emergency aid to Lebanon but only $31 million has been raised to date.

Military Action:

Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad militia's area of operation, prompting exchange of gunfire; IDF attacked by bazooka and light weapons east of Doha and at IDF roadblock near Sil, south of Beirut; Syrian radio reports IDF reinforcing armor units in Bekaa, a few miles south of Beirut-Damascus highway.


One IDF soldier wounded by bazooka fire east of Doha; 300 West Beirut residents spontaneously protest rumor of Lebanese Army withdrawal from their neighborhood.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir returns from 3-week visit to US; Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arens says US approved Israeli weapons, spare parts sales to Iran in attempt to make contacts in Iranian military that could be used to bring down Khomeini government; Israel reportedly agrees to provide arms and counter-insurgency training to Costa Rica; former Mossad head Meir Amit says net results of invasion are negative ("We've encouraged anti-Semitism,... highlighted the Palestinian problem instead of solving it" and by hitting PLO too hard, increased Arab solidarity); IDF mental health unit report indicates high mental illness rate among Israelis fighting in Lebanon (23 percent of total Israeli wounded are suffering psychiatric injuries, double "normal" wartime rate; 78 percent of 600 affected men are reservists).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel returns home, calling trip a success (government announces US has agreed to equip 7,500 of 28,000-man Lebanese Army, France has pledged $86 million in military equipment); Salam, in interview, accuses Sharon of arming Phalange and Druze to promote sectarian tension in Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Arab League delegation headed by Moroccan King Hassan (with Foreign Ministers of Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia) meets with Reagan for 3 hours and later with State Department, stresses only PLO agreement will enable Jordan to play negotiating role for West Bank; US officials refuse to meet with PLO representative Khalid al-Hassan who is accompanying Arab League delegation.

US and Other Countries: Reagan urges Arab League delegation to begin direct negotiation with Israel to achieve Palestinian rights; Shultz tells delegation simultaneous Israeli-PLO recognition" moot as Israel totally rejects idea; Hassan's use of word "coexistence" seen by US officials as implying Arab recognition of Israel; Jewish medical team, back in Britain after visiting 4 refugee camps. in Lebanon, says Palestinians want to be more self-reliant but Israelis are preventing them from rebuilding homes, reorganizing health services.

UN: Britain blocks move to bar Israel from UN-sponsored International Telecommunications Union at Nairobi meeting; Arab states at UN agree to postpone efforts to expel Israel from General Assembly.

Military Action:

US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading trailer trucks with captured vehicles, weapons, PLO files, materials from Arab banks; Algerian government charges IDF soldier stormed Algerian embassy in Beirut, stole documents; IDF denies it flew Haddad forces to Beirut for operations in camps; IDF lifts curfew imposed in South Lebanon following Gemayel assassination.


Burj al-Barajneh residents say Lebanese Army demanded they disarm as condition for Army protection, and then Army disappeared; rumors of massacre sweep camp so residents leave camp at night to sleep elsewhere; Haaretz reports Phalange was given IDF aerial photographs of Sabra and Shatila, that forces involved were commanded by top Phalange liaison officer with IDF in Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government accepts redeployment of multinational force in Beirut, but refuses to specify deadline for IDF withdrawal or to establish inquiry into massacre; Palestinians in Israel, West Bank, and Gaza stage strikes at schools and businesses, stone bus and several police stations, burn tires on highways to protest massacre; 2 Israeli policemen wounded, 8 Palestinians arrested; strikes 95 percent effective, but broken in Ramallah, Hebron, and Nablus when Israeli soldiers force open store windows; disturbances in Bethlehem and Israeli-Palestinian towns of Taibeh, Kaukab, Sakhnin, where residents carried pictures of Arafat; demands for national inquiry into massacre grow; Begin still staunchly opposed; Begin sends congratulations to Amin Gemayel as president-elect of Lebanon, still hopes for peace treaty.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Begin and Sharon are not Jews because such a massacre is outside Jewish morality and tradition; Arafat meets Saudi King Fahd in Jiddah, says Reagan personally responsible for massacre because Habib had given the PLO a signed guarantee for security of Beirut and its people; Amin Gemayel, elected Lebanon's President by 77 of 80 votes, calls for national unity; several Phalange militia commanders refuse to accept Amin's authority.

Arab Governments: King Hussein charges US with "direct moral responsibility" for massacre, supports Reagan's peace initiative but rejects Camp David structure for negotiations and peace talks with Begin government; Arab League emergency meeting accuses US of moral responsibility for massacre but stops short of endorsing PLO-sponsored call for sanctions against US.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials get wary approval for dispatch of Marines from House Foreign Affairs Committee, which sees Israel bearing some responsibility for massacre; Congressman Crockett blames Israeli government and US for "aiding, abetting" massacre; Congressional opposition to increasing aid to Israel grows as Begin refuses to open inquiry; Habib meets Mitterrand on way back to Lebanon.

UN: PLO persuades non-aligned group to call for one-day special emergency General Assembly session to request a UN inquiry; Jeane Kirkpatrick says she will oppose any such inquiry unless Lebanese Government supports it.

Military Action:

Israel launches all-day air strikes against Syrian, PLO and LNM artillery and anti-aircraft positions in Central and East Bekaa; units of PLA led by Syrian officers take over some Syrian positions in Bekaa and North Lebanon; IDF forces truck in cold-weather gear, conduct lessons on driving in snow, preparing for winter in Lebanon.


Lebanese radio reports 40 people killed, wounded in IDF air raids on Bwarej, Saad Nayel, Chtaura, Taalabaya, Mureijat, Hazarta, Tarshish in Bekaa.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says security arrangement with Lebanon independent of departure of IDF troops; Sheli calls on Sharon to dissolve West Bank Civil Administration, return deposed mayors to their elected posts; West Bank delegation visits Vatican's Jerusalem office to express gratitude for Pope's willingness to meet Arafat; 30,000 dunums of land near Hebron declared "state lands" by military authorities.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia gives Syria over $500 m. in recent days; Assad resists withdrawing troops from Lebanon in face of PLO opposition; Hussein praises Reagan peace proposals, says Palestinian-Jordanian federation possible.

US and Other Countries: US expresses concern at renewed fighting, stresses need for early pullout of foreign forces from Lebanon.

UN: Morris Draper consults with UN in New York about expanding scope of UNIFIL in South Lebanon.

Military Action:

Eight IDF soldiers captured by Syrians near Bhamdoun (IDF claims their capture is breach of cease-fire, asks US and ICRC to intercede for their release); clash between Syrian and IDF soldiers near Hadet el-jebbe northeast of Beirut.


Three IDF, one Syrian soldier killed in clash; US, Israeli officials confer on reopening Beirut airport (Lebanese reject Israeli presence there as mockery of government control); Lebanese security forces occupy two buildings formerly held by PLO; Murabitun relinquish more outposts; thousands of West Beirut residents return to find looted, damaged homes, thousands still displaced in South Lebanon or the Bekaa (150,000 estimated to have fled West Beirut during war).

Political Responses:

lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Following Begin's letter of protest to Reagan, Israel allocates $18.5 m. to build 3 new settlements on West Bank, announces approval for 7 more (9 of 10 to be located near Hebron); Shamir meets Draper on further withdrawals from Lebanon; Mayor Freij calls on Arab leaders to support Reagan plan, bring Egypt back into fold.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO says it will continue to study Reagan plan; Saeb Salam calls US offer of $95 m. to rebuild Lebanon "chickenfeed," says Israel should pay reparations.

Arab Governments: Assad confers with Kings of Jordan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia on Reagan plan and possible joint Arab proposal; Arab leaders gather for Fez summit.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says any Palestinian homeland must be "totally demilitarized," calls settlements "unwelcome development"; Reagan Administration strongly condemns Israeli plan for more settlements; Reagan responds to letter from Bethlehem Mayor Freij.

Military Action:

Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take up new positions in Bekaa; Fathi Arafat welcomes 147 wounded in Greece.


Shootings on rise as evacuation nears end; IDF soldier wounded in mine ambush; traffic heavy in and out of West Beirut; IDF considers delaying release of al-Ansar detainees because of guerrilla attacks in Sidon, Tyre; Egged bus line of Israel plans to open line to Tyre, Sidon, Zaharani river.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says occupied territories belong to Israel; Nablus women's associations visit Palestinian and Lebanese wounded in Haifa hospitals; Israeli journalist Uri Avneri interrogated by Israeli police concerning his interview with Arafat (Avneri claims interrogation aimed at silencing opposition to Begin/Sharon policies); IDF soldier Eli Gozansky sentenced to third prison term for refusing to serve in Lebanon (he had previously refused to serve in the occupied territories); 38 percent of Israelis support negotiations with PLO in public poll; pro-Begin group protests war reporting.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, before departure, holds press conference at home of Jumblatt (says 5000 killed, 48,000 wounded during invasion; 9,000 arrested, including 106 fighters, among which were wounded soldiers taken from Sidon, Tyre hospitals); 5 Maronites from Kaslik University meet Shamir in Jerusalem, ask US to support Phalange efforts to expel PLO, Syrians; Major Haddad watches evacuation as guest of IDF; PLO officials in Europe release files on Abu Nidal.

Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd expresses willingness to drop his proposal for Israeli-Arab peace; King Hussein of Jordan visits Saudi Arabia, Iraq as part of Gulf tour; Arab foreign ministers agree on date for Fez summit.

US and Other Countries: State Department denies US proposed to Sharon a "demilitarized Palestinian state" in West Bank/Gaza Strip; Reagan Administration again reflects Israeli assertion that Jordan is a Palestinian state; Weinberger prepares for visit to Lebanon, Israel; poll in UK says majority of Britons support Palestinian rights; Israeli embassy attacked in Tokyo.

Military Action:

First PLO units to be evacuated to Syria publicly welcomed in Tartus (Israeli claim that overland evacuation "postponed" at Syrian request denied in Damascus); IDF tanks head north from Beirut; PLO, Syrians fortify positions in Bekaa; two PLO groups leave Beirut for Syria, Sudan following massive public farewells (PLO overland evacuation to Syria postponed again, for "technical reasons"); Sharon allows Syrians to send trucks to remove heavy vehicles from Beirut; US Marines land at Beirut and US officer meets with PLO leadership to discuss guarding port area; IDF forces "thinned" near Beirut.

Casualties: 1 IDF soldier dies after being shot by sniper in Galerie Semaan (333rd IDF soldier killed); mine kills 4 Lebanese villagers near Jouayeh; Bekaa front quiet; 9 civilians killed, 27 wounded accidentally in farewell fusillades by LNM forces.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Temritories: Sharon meets with West Bank Village League heads concerning their participation in "autonomy" talks (later states opposition to Palestinian state because "it already exists" in Jordan); grenade hurled at IDF vehicle in Gaza Strip (fourth such incident in Occupied Territories in one week); Union of Palestinian Women's Committees from West Bank visit Palestinian and Lebanese victims of Israeli invasion in Haifa hospitals; Begin calls for resumption of autonomy talks with Egypt, claims "war" with PLO in West Beirut over; government announces 7 more settlements planned for West Bank, Golan Heights; Sharon says he expects Lebanon to sign peace treaty with Israel; Peres calls for establishment of commission of inquiry to examine government conduct of Lebanese war.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Opposition to Gemayel presidency among Lebanese Muslims remains strong.

Arab Govemments: Syria warns Gemayel against signing peace treaty with Israel; Saudi Prince Saud meets Assad in Damascus (Saudis reportedly involved in negotiations with US on withdrawal of forces from Lebanon); Saudi King Fahd donates $500 m. to repair damage to Sidon.

US and Other Countries: Habib, in Tel Aviv, asks Sharon to allow French soldiers to safeguard section of Beirut-Damascus road during evacuation and to restrain Phalange attacks; 3 US congressmen meet Begin in Israel; Reagan assures Congress of Marines' noncombat role in Lebanon in notification required under War Powers Act.

Military Action:

Heavy fighting breaks out east of Beirut between Syrian and Phalangist forces following election of Bashir Gemayel as President of Lebanon (artillery and machine gun fire around Kubbeih, Krayeh,. Ras al-Harf near Beirut-Damascus highway); two rockets from West Beirut hit port city of Jounieh; reprisals mount against parliament members who voted for Gemayel presidency (houses and offices of 11 members set afire in West Beirut and Tripoli); fighting between Phalange and PLO/LNM forces; Franjieh forces occupy 3 army positions; Bank of Beirut and Riyadh in West Beirut's Hlamra section blown up, looted overnight; land evacuation of PLO forces delayed because of fighting (500 PLO guerrillas sent to Latakia by ship instead, 600 depart for Yemen); PLO/Lebanese government spokespersons say 2,192 PLO members evacuated to Jordan, Iraq, South Yemen in last 3 days; PLO guerrillas scheduled to leave to Sudan; IDF destroys orchards along Tyre-Sidon road to "prevent PLO attacks"; clashes between IDF and Lebanese villagers northeast of Lake Karoun; new international units arrive in Beirut; Pentagon announces 4 US Marines arrive in Beirut for preliminary inspection, consultations.


3 IDF soldiers buried yesterday; freighter "Lotus" with relief supplies and Egyptian opposition parliament members aboard allowed to land by IDF; first Israeli planes land at Beirut airport; private Israeli airline begins flights to southern Lebanon; IDF begin releasing some of estimated 7,400 Palestinian prisoners held at al-Ansar detention camp.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Grenade thrown at IDF vehicle in Gaza Strip (no casualties; fourth incident of its kind in occupied territories in a week); Begin, Shimon Peres clash in Knesset debate after Peres condemns IDF advance, cutting off water supplies to Beirut; following Sharon meeting with Draper, Israel agrees to allow US, Italian contingents to take up positions in Beirut immediately rather than waiting until all PLO forces gone; Yitzhak Rabin speaks out against renewing war in northern Lebanon; pamphlets by 3 Arab groups in Nazareth ask Israeli Arabs to support PLO.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Muslims meet at Salam's house, issue statement strongly critical of Gemayel; Gemayel reportedly seeking "mini-Marshall Plan" aid from US to rebuild Lebanon; Gemayel reported by Israeli paper to have met secretly inside Israel with Sharon several times since 1976.

Arab Governments: Tunisia seeks "realistic decisions" on Arab-Israeli peace in statement one day after Bourguiba revives proposal for pan-Arab acceptance of 1947 UN partition plan; Saudi Arabia allocates $2 billion to rebuild Beirut; Egyptian, French officials confer on joint peace initiative.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration affirms decision to land Marines in Beirut despite renewed fighting; Shultz invites Sharon to meet Friday during Sharon's fundraising trip to US; Austrian Chancellor Kreisky, in Der Stern article, strongly criticizes Israel.

Military Action:

IDF jets, artillery shell PLO positions for third day as IDF tanks move into strategic positions in northern Lebanon (IDF forces now poised for strike on northern port of Tripoli or east into Lebanon's central mountain range; IDF pounds Burj al-Barajneh; fighting resumes near Museum); gunboats hit Ain Mraisi; Israelis attempt to advance into W. Beirut along Corniche Mazraa.


ICRC urges "effective" cease-fire, says situation of civilians critical; World Vision says it has been barred by IDF since end of July from sending supplies into West Beirut; need for food critical; nine IDF soldiers wounded; Beirut's only synagogue shelled by IDF, sending Jewish families fleeing; UN Children's Fund has 20 tons of food awaiting authorization to enter W. Beirut; ME Council of Churches unable to send in shipment of powdered milk; Lebanese Red Cross finally able to get in two trucks with oxygen for hospitals.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Habib meets twice with Begin, mood optimistic; Habib returns to Beirut with new points raised by Begin.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Sarkis, Wazzan meet to discuss growing IDF grip on northern Lebanon, await Habib return from Israel; some Phalangists increasingly critical of Israeli presence in Lebanon.

US and Other Countries: US reportedly seeks expanded version of Camp David Accords using "momentum" of PLO withdrawal (expect to press Israel on issue of Palestinian autonomy, seeks to involve Saudis and Jordanians); Mother Teresa arrives in Lebanon as envoy of Pope; 200 Indians protest US support for Israeli invasion at US embassy in New Delhi.

Military Action:

IDF jets, ground forces launch new attack, reportedly destroying apartment building housing PLO "operations room"; air strike hits heart of W. Beirut, 100 yards from Wazzan's office; fighting rages near race track as IDF gains a block; IDF tank positions now in heart of residential areas of East Beirut; gunfire reported at nightfall in southeast part of West Beirut; IDF attacks shortly follow Wazzan announcement of "virtual agreement" on evacuation plan; Sharon visits East Beirut; IDF gunboats fire at residential areas swollen with Lebanese and Palestinian refugees; car bomb explodes outside devastated building, injuring and killing rescuers.


Casualties estimated at 10 (Red Cross) to 250 (PLO); Beirut radio puts toll at 100-150 (many of bodies pulled from rubble were women and children); thousands continue to flee West Beirut; damage to city water main limits water to East Beirut; 64 Syrian soldiers killed, wounded in fighting in Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel continues to insist PLO leave Lebanon before international peacekeeping force arrives; Begin reportedly rejects US proposal for IDF pullback in letter to Reagan; Israeli official says any US sanctions could backfire, produce stronger IDF actions.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan announces "virtual agreement" between US, Lebanese, PLO negotiators on terms of withdrawal; Butros, Wazzan, Sarkis confer with Habib; PLO reportedly asks Syria to accept PLO evacuees.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia issues first implicit criticism of US support for Israel since invasion began, saying it "denounces" powers supporting, backing Israel; Hussein of Jordan reportedly willing to offer amnesty to PLO guerrillas expelled in 1970 to facilitate peaceful resolution of Beirut crisis (100 Jordanian women prevented from delivering petition to US embassy protesting IDF siege of Beirut); Egypt's ambassador returns to Tel Aviv.

US and Other Countries: French officer arrives to study logistics of deploying French troops.

UN: USSR calls for urgent meeting of Security Council, proposes resolution to impose arms ban on Israel (US vetoes, UK abstains, France and Japan support resolution).

Military Action:

Sporadic small arms and artillery fire and mock IDF air raids; Alexandre Hotel in East Beirut jolted by bomb explosion (apparent reprisal for hitting of Commodore; international phone, telex communications from East Beirut cut).


Thousands of residents flee W. Beirut despite calm (traffic jams at crossing points, many journalists leave, heavy damage along Corniche Mazraa and near Museum, many streets impassable).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet rejects Security Council order to pull back troops in Beirut, permit additional UN observers into area (as Cabinet meets, over 2,000 anti-war demonstrators protest outside Begin's offices); Israel slashes subsidies for basic commodities by up to 36 percent to finance war (bread rises 15 percent in price, bus fares 25 percent, milk 36 percent); several Cabinet members want to restrict Sharon, claiming he is bypassing government in ordering major IDF tactical advances.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam announces plan for withdrawal, new timetable, as breakthrough in negotiations expected; Lebanese politicians optimistic about new proposals offering US guarantees for physical safety of departing PLO.

Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd telephones Reagan, asks him to prevent an all-out attack on Beirut; Yemeni ambassadors meet in Libya, following meetings in Syria and Saudi Arabia, to gain agreement for Arab leaders' meeting on Lebanon; meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers scheduled for next Tuesday in Tunisia; Kuwaiti parliament members press government to sever relations with the US, suspend oil shipments and withdraw funds from US banks (Saudi Arabia threatened to withdraw $100 b. from US banks last month).

US and Other Countries: US asks Israel to yield advances won Wednesday, withdraw to Sunday cease-fire lines, accept two-week total cease-fire to aid negotiations (Israel rejects appeal, official reports that Reagan feels misled by Begin); International Commission of Jurists ask that captured PLO members be given prisoner of war status; USSR praises PLO resistance; French Embassy evacuates to E. Beirut.

UN: US expected to veto any call for sanctions against Israel for rejecting UN call for pull-back; Secretary General cancels trip to Mideast after Begin refuses to meet with him if he meets with Arafat; Security Council members complain of slow US responses in UN discussions (Kirkpatrick reportedly unable to delegate responsibilites).

Military Action:

IDF warships pound PLO positions and residential areas in Manara, Ramlet el-Baida areas of West Beirut as cease-fire collapses (artillery duel between PLO units in southern suburbs and IDF units in hills); PLO prepares for worst, bolsters defenses.


IDF turns on water but continues to blockade other goods from West Beirut; gas selling for $30 per 20 liters; ICRC files official complaint with Israel over phosphorus shell which landed on roof of ICRC offices and continuing IDF artillery attacks on hospitals (PLO-run Gaza Hospital hit twice yesterday; Beirut police report 38 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians killed, 56 wounded); one IDF soldier killed, one wounded in eastern region.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Butros expects final negotiations on PLO withdrawal to begin within 24 hours; Butros, Wazzan, Sarkis and Habib meet; Salam claims Israel does not want PLO out of Beirut but desires to destroy it as military and political force; Arafat cables leaders of France, USSR, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and the UN, "stressing gravity of the situation"; Wazzan proposes to Habib that fuel, water, food be brought in from donor countries by ships escorted by the Sixth Fleet; Wazzan's wife heads sit-in at American University of Beirut by 20 women to protest continuing blockade.

US and Other Countries: "Grim-faced" Reagan says "bloodshed must be stopped" in Lebanon.

Military Action:

IDF, claiming PLO breaches cease-fire, attacks Palestinian neighborhoods, artillery positions in West Beirut by land, sea, air (hour-long air strike hits Ramlet el-Baida, Sabra, Lailake, Shatila, Burj al-Barajneh, Verdun Street, stadium, race track areas; bombardment follows rocket, artillery duels between IDF and PLO; fighting shatters growing optimism as trucks collect garbage for first time in ten days, hundreds of cars seek to enter West Beirut); Habib arranges new cease-fire for 9 PM.


Heavy casualties from IDF bombardment of W. Beirut; IDF blockade of all water and electricity into West Beirut continues for fifth day (risk of typhoid/ paratyphoid epidemic rising; all main West Beirut reservoirs dry; private wells becoming depleted, increasingly unpotable); huge fires started in Palestinian neighborhoods; hospitals, experience critical shortages of food, water; two IDF soldiers reported wounded; IDF refuses to allow entry of $1 m. in US-provided medical supplies into West Beirut (after intervention of ICRC, supplies earmarked for AUB Hospital allowed in); IDF burns three vegetable-laden trucks near southern suburbs; Tyre still without electricity; PLO offers to compensate UNRWA for blockaded relief supplies PLO refuses to allow to be removed from Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells Knesset before bombing starts that IDF will step up military pressure on Beirut if PLO does not leave (claims Habib has failed to receive "unequivocal commitment" by PLO to withdraw, reportedly opposes proposal to keep IDF out of sight of Beirut-Damascus highway during any PLO retreat); IDF plan for storming West Beirut reportedly finalized; Begin postpones trip to Africa scheduled for Monday; Shamir dismisses Arab League statement, flies to Switzerland and the US.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: New PLO proposal for leaving Lebanon presented to Wazzan; Salam expects agreement between PLO and Lebanese government in "a week to 10 days"; Wazzan accuses IDF of picking political rather than military targets to press home its demands, threatens to suspend negotiations unless blockade ended; Camille Chamoun criticizes blockade as "cruel," "unjustifiable"; Butros returns from Arab League meeting in Saudi Arabia unoptimistic, reportedly rejects PLO proposed withdrawal timetable; PLO reportedly insists that only regular troops of the Palestine Liberation Army should leave.

Arab Governments: Egypt's Foreign Minister Ali meets with Reagan in Washington, seeks to link PLO withdrawal from Beirut with longterm solution to Palestinian problem; Iraq claims Iranian offensive crushed.

US and Other Countries: Reagan meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ali in Washington.

Military Action: IDF jets, artillery, gunboats pound West Beirut for seventh day, ignoring Habib efforts to restore cease-fire (artillery duels, bombings hit camps, Lailake, Ouzai, Ramlet el- Baida, Bain Militaire, Manara, setting large fires; Fakhani, Raouche, Lebanese gendarmerie barracks, stadium and airport areas also hit); Canadian Ambassador's residence hit (he denounces IDF attacks on civilians); PLO reinforcs positions in West Beirut as PLO rockets land in East Beirut and near Presidential palace at Baabda; cease-fire goes into effect hours after Habib's return.

Casualties: WAFA reports 28 Palestinian casualties; Beirut police estimate 203 dead, 297 wounded today (one apartment building yields 82 bodies); petrol and diesel fuel in short supply, electricity and water still cut off in West Beirut; ICRC appeals to all combatants to "spare the civilian population" and hospitals, distributes maps to IDF marking all medical facilities.

Political Reponse:

Israel/ Occupied Trerritories: Begin says Habib seeks firm commitment from PLO on principle of withdrawal in next two days, claims Egypt, Jordan, Syria have agreed to take PLO fighters; Eitan accuses UNIFIL officers of providing intelligence information on IDF to PLO (strongly denied by Lt. Gen. Callaghan, who says many contacts with PLO initiated at IDF request).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam says neighborhood delegations plead for US help in getting water, electricity turned back on, urges Habib to pressure IDF; Habib, Sarkis, Wazzan meet; Salam talks by phone to King Fahd, Mubarak.

Arab Governments: Arab League committee meets in Saudi Arabia to fix common negotiating stance.

US and Other Countries: Reagan expresses guarded optimism on peaceful solution to Beirut crisis, refuses to publicly support creation of Palestinian state; State Department issues strongest statement to date deploring breakdown of cease-fire; Arab Women's Council in Washington initiates fast outside White House; Italian government condemns [DF bombings, accuses IDF of major cease-fire violations; US says PLO arms claimed by Israelis to come from Saudi Arabia were originally sold to Lebanese Army.

Military Action: IDF jets bomb heavily populated residential areas near central West Beirut for first time, badly damaging at least 12 high-rise buildings, causing many casualties (later strikes hit Palestinian camps; raid conducted at 3:38 PM, number for UN resolution on Palestinians); by nightfall, fierce artillery duels between PLO and IDF hit camps, Corniche Mazraa; IDF warships pound Palestinian areas, setting huge fires; bomb landing near French Ambassador's residence causes closing of main checkpoint near Museum; raids spark PLO rocket attack from W. Beirut to Jounieh and parts of E. Beirut; PLO guerrillas in civilian clothes pass through Maj. Haddad's checkpoints to reach Syrian lines (200 reported arrested, many others assumed to have arrived in Bekaa).

Casualties: Police estimate 120 killed, 232 wounded, mostly civilians (building housing 17 families takes direct hit; Wazzan and his family forced to flee to shelter as cluster of apartment buildings in Raouche district hit; dozens remain buried in rubble from collapsed buildings); electricity, water still cut off; 2 IDF soldiers wounded by rocket-propelled grenades south of Beirut; 3 killed, 30 wounded, Red Cross ship hit in PLO retaliatory attack on Jounieh, E. Beirut; Nabatiyeh leaders, with town's population swelled to 100,000, plead for assistance from Israeli and Lebanese governments to stem flow of refugees from the north.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin again rejects any dealings with PLO under any circumstances, says current US pressure against bombing Beirut didn't exist two weeks ago.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official says PLO rejects Sudan's offer of asylum; Lebanese Tourism Minister Hammadi angrily denounces IDF strikes, says they will be discussed at Arab League meeting Wednesday in Saudi Arabia.

Military Action:

IDF jets attack West Beirut at 10 AM, on day 50 of invasion, hitting same targets as day before, following night-long artillery duels between IDF and PLO (first evening raids on Shatila, Sabra, Burj al-Barajneh camps complicate rescue efforts); only small arms fire reported in Bekaa as Syrians reposition troops, strengthen them; PLO mounts another ambush behind IDF lines in the Bekaa area (patrol hit; 8 IDF soldiers wounded, two vehicles destroyed); IDF forces in Lebanon variously estimated at 120,000.


WAFA reports 12 casualties today, 200 in last four days; IDF bomb hits fuel tank owned by air cargo carrier at airport; ICRC personnel visit Ansar detention camp.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Economy Minister Meridor warns Syria against introducing any new weapons into Lebanese fighting; Sharon reports to Knesset committee on Thursday operation; Shamir reportedly plans visit to US later in the week, Begin set to visit Zaire; Cabinet reportedly approves daily military pressure on Beirut; Israeli officials skeptical of Arafat statement to US Congressional delegation.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Negotiations stalled during Habib tour; PLO says statement it signed for US Congressman McCloskey represents restatement of longstanding positions.

Arab Governments: Habib meets Mubarak in Egypt, reportedly fails to get agreement to take PLO fighters; Habib flies to Rome for talks with Foreign Minister (reportedly plans to meet Hussein of Jordan in London); Egyptian foreign minister plans visit to the US; Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah meets with Assad in Damascus, as Khaddam meets Libyan envoy.

US and Other Countries: Rep. Paul McCloskey (D-CA), visiting Beirut as part of a Congressional delegation, claims Arafat signs document accepting all UN resolutions recognizing Israel's right to exist, urges US to open dialogue with PLO.

Military Action:

Israel, alleging cease-fire violations by Syrians and PLO, attacks on both fronts with artillery and air strikes (ordered following ambush deaths of 5 IDF soldiers near Mansura in the Bekaa); jets bomb PLO artillery emplacements near the stadium and airport following wounding of IDF soldier near airport; PLO estimates 6 people killed or wounded in the attacks; PLO operates behind Syrian lines in the eastern Bekaa; 5 IDF wounded in machinegun attack near Tyre; bombs dropped after 30 minutes of mock attacks in Fakhani quarter and camps of Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra and Shatila, as well as the stadium and the neighborhood of Ramlet el-Baida; IDF launches air and land attacks along entire cease-fire line in eastern Lebanon (jets strike barracks near Baalbek, several Syrian-controlled villages).

Casualties: Palestinian sources estimate 62 killed, injured in attacks on Beirut; 2 IDF soldiers killed, 2 wounded during fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin summons Cabinet for special meeting to discuss Lewis report; retaliatory measures reportedly agreed on at the meeting; IDF spokesman claims 75 PLO violations of the cease-fire in the past 3 weeks, claims Syrians try to advance their lines; denies final Israel assault on Beirut.

Arab Governments: Attacks come as Habib undertakes a weeklong mission to Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and possibly other Arab nations to get them to accept PLO fighters from Beirut; King Hussein of Jordan meets UK Prime Minister Thatcher in London.

Military Action:

Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire around southern suburbs; 6 artillery rounds land near IDF checkpoint in Beirut port, interrupting activities on the docks.


Fuel seems to be the only commodity in short supply in W. Beirut; South Lebanon increasingly "Israelized" as Hebrew road signs multiply, El Al offices are set up; Beirut police now estimate 354 people have died in the capital since the June 25 air strikes, bringing known dead to 10,207 (excluding Syrian casualties along highway, casualties from battles around Aley, many hospital casualties).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Leaders of Druze community in Golan Heights call off 5-month strike protesting Israeli annexation of the area; Shamir makes secret 2-day visit to Europe; Israeli official projects 150 percent increase in number of active duty reservists until March 1983; four percent compulsory "loan," based on earnings, announced by Israeli government to pay for invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO and Lebanese police join in search for abducted AUB acting president; negotiations on PLO withdrawal suspended as participants await outcome of Washington talks.

Arab Governments: Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers send Arafat message saying that if PLO accepts UN Resolution 242, US will recognize PLO; Saudi foreign minister, in Washington, says Lebanese situation can be defused by pushing Palestinian self-determination and pledging to protect countries that take PLO guerrillas from attack by Israel; Syrian Information Minister Iskander calls on US to end its military and political support for the Israeli invasion.

US and Other Countries: Non-Aligned Movement fails to gain access for committee to Beirut; Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers meet with Reagan, outline plan for temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon before evacuation to other Arab countries; stress any agreement on evacuation must be endorsed by Arab League, scheduled to meet in a few days; envoys reportedly want US to guarantee IDF withdrawal; USSR endorses use of UN force to end Beirut impasse.

Military Action:

IDF jets make repeated reconnaissance passes over Beirut as IDF armored units dig in around airport and trade small arms fire with PLO guerrillas in southern suburbs; PLO building ramparts at key intersections to impede IDF tank passage; Syria and PLO reinforcing units in Bekaa valley; IDF matches their efforts in adjacent zones.


IDF attack on Tyre resulted in losses of almost $75 m., loss of personal goods and autos may add another $10 m.; similar study of Sidon expected to show losses of around $100 m.; acting president of the American University of Beirut kidnapped, reportedly in return for kidnapping of Shiite in Phalange area; although food is entering Beirut, fuel is still cut, threatening hospital and sanitation services in W. Beirut; mounting piles of garbage reported in Beirut, as well as broken water mains; Palestinian refugees are returning to devastated camps for lack of other places to go; Lebanese farmers complain of Israeli imported fruit undercutting their market; Israeli Economy Minister Meridor, in US, says Israel is allowing food supplies from Saudi Arabia into Lebanon via Israel.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Economy Minister, in Washington, denies any limitations on supplying Beirut; debate erupts in Knesset on Lebanese situation; Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee told it will need to find winter shelter for about 20-30,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese and PLO officials look to US for new initiative to stave off IDF assault on Beirut, pin hopes on Reagan meeting with Syrian and Saudi Foreign Ministers tomorrow; Hani al-Hassan and Salam both urge US to talk directly with PLO to speed negotiations; PLO leader Khalid al- Hassan travels to Washington as part of the Arab League delegation meeting Administration officials; Habib presents all parties with "final" proposals that call for a total Syrian/ Palestinian withdrawal from Lebanon and withdrawal of IDF to the port of Sidon.

Arab Governments: Syrian president Assad says Syrian troops will remain in Lebanon as long as IDF troops.

US and Other Countries: Habib meets with key Lebanese officials during day but makes little progress; Greece informs Lebanon it is willing to contribute 300 soldiers to a peace-keeping force; US, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Austria also have offered to participate; shipment of US cluster bombs halted to Israel until review of their use in Lebanon completed; Senator D'Amato of New York, in Jerusalem for talks, says Israel is prepared to use force to get PLO out of Beirut; Zaire's President Mobutu invites Begin to visit Zaire in August; Saudi foreign minister, on eve of meeting with Reagan, asks US to endorse Palestinian self-rule, negotiate directly with PLO.

Military Action:

Israeli ammunition dump west of Tiberias blows up, setting fires; dump had received captured PLO ammunition, some in bad condition; PLO and IDF accuse each other of cease-fire violations on Beirut outskirts; PLO says IDF opened up with tank, artillery and machine gun fire in southern suburbs; IDF accuses PLO of firing on positions with light weapons; sporadic shelling and shooting around Beirut tapers off after noon, as cease-fire generally holds. Casualties: IDF selectively reopens crossings closed without explanation Saturday; prices for food in W. Beirut more than double.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet discusses war for 5 hours at regular weekly meeting, postpones decision on new military action; Ben-Elissar (former Mossad officer) says Israel determined to force PLO to leave Lebanon regardless of cost in world public opinion, says Israel wants Lebanon governed by regime friendly to Israel; possible Kissinger role in Mideast negotiations received with lack of enthusiasm; Begin indicates he will accept 30-day implementation period for PLO evacuation; IDF begins process of releasing 220 youthful detainees.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Senior PLO official claims IDF preparing for military move against PLO strongholds; Wazzan dismisses prospect of Lebanese peace treaty with Israel, saying Lebanon would not sign unilateral treaty; Habib meets with Sarkis and Wazzan; Lebanese official says IDF policies in southern Lebanon expand the authority of Israel's right-wing allies at the expense of the Lebanese central government, claims IDF has disarmed Lebanese government troops and turned their camps over to Phalangists and Haddad followers.

Arab Governments: Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers arrive in Washington for talks with Reagan and Shultz; Egypt's Foreign Minister Ali sends message to Shultz and Shamir stressing need to end Lebanese conflict peacefully.

US and Other Countries: US, with Saudi help, pressing Syria to accept PLO guerrillas, also hopes some will go to Jordan; Reagan says administration has begun major review of Mideast problems, including whether to renew shipments of cluster bombs to Israel; Israeli Ambassador Arens meets with Shultz (first diplomat to meet with Shultz following his swearing in).

Military Action:

Cease-fire appears to hold, despite minor clashes near airport; WAFA says 5 Israelis tried to move on the airport and failed; IDF jets fly over Beirut in mock raids; PLO commander Salah Taamari reportedly surrenders to IDF in Sidon.


IDF soldier reported wounded in fighting with Syrians along highway.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israelis fear PLO gains from talk delays; Shamir says government will give Habib more time for negotiations, after consultations with Begin and Sharon; Israeli media cites Egyptian pressures, Reagan's letter of last week, and European threats of sanctions as restraining Israeli options; Mapam distributes leaflet questioning whole operation; Begin asks attorney general to investigate if Mapam has committed a crime in circulating the document; Abraham Burg, son of Interior Minister, and two other reserve officers met with Begin recently to urge him to halt the war; British employee at Bir Zeit University asserts she was beaten while in detention, foreign ministry refuses to accept a UK diplomatic protest of the incident; Argov regains consciousness in London hospital; Israeli police detain dozens of students "suspected" of being students at Bir Zeit University; police also arrest 4 staff members of newspaper al-Fajr.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Issue of where guerrillas can go holds up negotiations; Arafat expects large IDF operation in near future, says guerrillas can withstand long siege; Sarkis reportedly ill; 2 Druze Cabinet Ministers disavow declaration of yesterday; PLO formally asks Syria for haven if agreement is reached; Fuad Shemali, military commander of right-wing Lebanese militia "Guards of the Cedars" announces support for Bashir Gemayel for president of Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Renewed Iran/Iraq hostilities reportedly slows negotiating process; Damascus Radio calls on other Arab countries to ensure PLO does not move from Lebanon to other countries; Egypt calls for Arab summit, urges direct US-PLO negotiations.

US and Other Countries: West German foreign minister visits Egypt, harshly criticizes IDF invasion of Lebanon; US urges Arab countries to help resettle surrounded PLO; Reagan contacts Saudi, Syrian governments regarding haven for PLO; former US official George Ball strongly criticizes Israeli invasion and lack of strong US response; Congressional leaders and foreign policy experts say Israel violated US restrictions on use of cluster bombs but disagree on US response; Mitterrand of France meets PLO leader Kaddoumi.

Militrary Action:

IDF warplanes buzz Beirut in a mock air raid, first Air Force activity over Beirut in 2 weeks as Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanese territory; although shooting broke out between IDF and PLO soldiers manning checkpoints at the port about 300 yards from each other, cease-fire generally holds.


Hundreds of W. Beirut residents flee, fearing new outbreak of fighting; UN officials say IDF units daily patrol villages regarded as hostile; all mention of interrogation or detention of Palestinians censored from dispatches from Israel; electricity restored to many parts of Tyre for first time since war broke out; Canadian surgeon tells Congressional committee he saw Palestinian prisoners beaten to death; mayor of Sidon claims most arrests "arbitrary," involving innocent people.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Mayor Hijazi of Dir Dibwan on the West Bank is dismissed from his post making eighth such dismissal since March for staging a municipal work slowdown; officials indicate IDF goal is to eliminate all Palestinian refugee camps within 25-mile buffer zone along Israeli border; top aide to Meridor, Gravinsky, says Israeli government opposed to providing even temporary housing for Palestinians who lost their homes in the fighting, fearing they will become the nuclei of new camps; leaders of Nablus refugee camps write UNRWA of willingness to adopt orphans from Lebanese war; faction of Gush Emunim Amnah sets up new settlement near Hebron; Sharon extends state of alert in Israel for another week; Tehiya Party votes to join Likud coalition (strengthening proinvasion forces in Likud).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Cabinet calls for withdrawal of all foreign troops and assistance of a multinational force to oversee the evacuation of the PLO guerrillas, also asks Israel to comply with UN resolution and withdraw its invasion force; Hani al-Hassan praises Shultz statement referring to legitimate needs of the Palestinian people; Arafat reportedly tells Syria the PLO would like to move to Syria if an evacuation agreement can be reached.

Arab Governments: King Hussein calls for urgent meeting of Arab leaders to discuss Lebanon, Iran/Iraq wars.

US and Other Countries: Shultz, in second day of Senate nomination hearings, refers to legitimate needs and problems of the Palestinian people; Reagan, in meeting with Congres-sional leaders, says key condition for sending US troops is official request by Lebanon to do so; 4 British MPs visit W. Beirut; Reagan letter to King Fahd urges Saudis to help find haven for PLO.

Military Action:

Beirut quiet as cease-fire holds; IDF exchanges light-arms fire with Syrians in the eastern sector near Yanta.


Over 10,000 Lebanese and Palestinians have sought refuge in Syria since the Israeli invasion began; according to Syrian relief committee all Damascus hospitals full; food and vegetables reaching W. Beirut despite blockade, as drivers pay guards at check-points $160 to let vehicles through; 3 IDF soldiers wounded near Yanta.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel asserts PLO is using stalled negotiations to fortify its political and military positions; Jerusalem police interrogate 57 West Bank students on suspicion of planning to incite merchants' strike; army spokesman says IDF underestimated PLO firepower; Labor MK Sarid charges Likud leaders and senior army officers of exaggerating PLO weaponry, says only 90 PLO tanks captured, not 500; only 120 artillery pieces captured; Sharon says Habib is running out of time in attempts to reach a negotiated settlement; group of 90 soldiers hold press conference in Jerusalem, refuse further service in Lebanon; Kimche meets Habib in Beirut; Sharon denies asking Uri Avnery to arrange a meeting between him and Arafat.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO hardens negotiating position in wake of Sunday bombard-ment, says it will only discuss evacuation once international force is in place; no progress on negotiations reported.

Arab Governments: Algeria refuses to take guerrillas; strong opposition by Morocco, fearing link-up with Polisario; Saudi Arabia opposed to PLO going to S. Yemen.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials to meet with foreign ministers Khaddam of Syria and Prince Saud of Saudi Arabia; Reagan reportedly threatens Israel with direct US-PLO talks unless Israel is more forthcoming in Habib negotiations.

Military Action:

IDF armored units trade intermittent artillery fire with PLO in W. Beirut following night of fierce shelling; IDF shelling wrecks Algeria's six-story embassy and Summerland resort hotel, damages embassies of Kuwait, Iran, Iraq and UAE; PLO shells injure guard at presidential palace, land near residence of US Ambassador; IDF jets drop flares; 8 IDF shells hit Beirut racetrack; Phalangists resume blockade of food and fuel from West Beirut after IDF eased blockade yesterday; IDF units report capture of 600-700 PLO fighters, mainly in the Chouf mountains in the past week; IDF soldiers patrol villages in the area to prevent violence between Druze and Christian villagers.


Nine IDF soldiers reportedly wounded in past 24 hours; private Lebanese radio station reports 12 Palestinians killed, 18 wounded; Israeli Economy Minister Meridor, heading aid program in southern Lebanon, claims only 10 Sidon buildings damaged beyond repair (Sidon's mayor says hundreds); 50-60 people are being arrested each week in the Sidon area alone on suspicion of being PLO members/ sympathizers; ICRC still denied access to IDF's "civilian detainees" except for 18 injured being held in an Israeli hospital; refugee estimates of civilian dead in Ain el-Hilweh run to "thousands"; despite reports by IDF Druze unit which attacked camp with little PLO resistance, large areas of camp were devastated, hundreds buried under the rubble; death toll for Beirut alone since June 4 put at 2,683.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel reportedly sent Reagan documents indicating "mercenaries" from Asia/Africa fought with PLO and that M-16 rifles sold by the US to Saudi Arabia were found in southern Lebanon; Sharon says all PLO and Syrian forces must leave Lebanon before IDF will withdraw; Israel rejects use of multinational force as "buffer" between IDF and PLO forces; Foreign Ministry official Kimche and Israeli military intelligence officer Saguy meet with Habib in Beirut; several cabinet ministers opposed to IDF assault on Beirut even if negotiations fail; 300 IDF reservists in Tel Aviv call for an end to the war in Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Negotiations make little headway as PLO insists on political concessions, protection for Palestinian refugees in return for evacuation; PLO also reported to insist on retaining heavy as well as light weapons; Habib meets with Wazzan, Sarkis, Butros; Salam accuses Sharon of ordering Friday bombardment to sabotage talks; Wazzan insists US and other peacekeeping troops be deployed in W. Beirut before the PLO evacuation to protect Muslims from possible reprisals by Phalangists; Habib suggests PLO evacuation by sea using French, Canadian, Belgian or Greek navy escort; PLO's Khalaf predicts IDF will take Beirut "bit by bit."

Arab Governments: Syria continues to refuse to accept more than PLO leadership.

US and Other Countries: France agrees "in principle" to send peacekeeping troops to Beirut if all parties to the conflict and the UN agree; Draper, in Syria, fails to persuade it to accept PLO guerrillas; White House officials say the US "would welcome" use of French troops in Lebanon; USSR warns France not to submit to Washington's "dangerous plans"; Habib sets August 1 as date to begin PLO evacuation; Greece offers ships to facilitate PLO evacuation; Pope sends message to president of Israel urging honorable treatment of defeated Palestinians.

UN: UNIFIL spokesman says the number of persons in the UNIFIL area has doubled with the influx of refugees fleeing fighting in the north, many with no roof over their heads.

Military Action:

IDF gunboats/ artillery bombard Palestinian camps, residential areas (shells fall in non-Palestinian areas of Verdun and Corniche Mazraa); blockade creates serious food, gasoline, medical shortages and brings negotiations to a halt; Wazzan says all water, electricity cut and all roads into W. Beirut closed; IDF tanks try to move on airport (4 vehicles hit in fierce PLO resistance); 2 shells land near Presidential Palace at Baabda; Lebanese officials say IDF forces 3 engineers to remove key piece of pumping machinery from water works serving West Beirut; fifth cease-fire called at 4 PM by IDF, though shelling continues beyond deadline (last cease-fire June 25); IDF forces advance to edge of airport runways; IDF only advances block by block against fierce PLO resistance (despite pleas, no PLO members surrender); now an estimated 90,000 IDF troops in Lebanon; Phalange cuts off port road on IDF orders.


Four cars of ICRC and convoy of 14 food trucks turned back from W. Beirut; residents of city line up at stores in panic buying of food; gasoline scarce; American University Hospital has only 2 days of oxygen; gunfights at gasoline stations reported; few of W. Beirut's estimated 200,000 Lebanese and Palestinian residents leave; ICRC protests lack of protection for and access to prisoners; severe housing shortage develops at Nabatiyeh as refugees arrive from north.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: BenPorat of Telem joins Cabinet; Sharon, Kimche, Habib reportedly meet; Mapam Secretary-General calls for end to water and food blockade (joined by Labor Party's Yossi Sarid); special regulations passed around June 9 reportedly allow for 3 months detention with no provisions for legal counsel or informing detainees' families; 6 wounded outside Hebron by Village League members; Vatican-sponsored Bethlehem University reopens (closed since June 11 after student protests of invasion).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Groundswell of Lebanese resentment of IDF and support for Wazzan reported; PLO reported to send contribu-tion to Nicaragua for children affected by May floods; Lebanese officials protest IDF cutoff of water.

Arab Governments: Egypt accepts Iraq's invitation to summit meeting in September (after 3-year total isolation); Egypt says US role in Lebanon vital, that Israeli invasion is under-mining peace process and stability of region; PLO, Moroccan, Kuwaiti leaders meet USSR leaders; Syrian President Assad returns after talks with Saudi King Fahd; only Algeria and Syria reportedly willing to take PLO.

US and Other Countries: US officials say cease-fire essential to negotiations, pressures IDF to ease pressure on Beirut, following strong message from Saudi Arabia; USSR Foreign Minister Gromyko rules out military involvement in Lebanon; Arab women begin silent vigil outside White House; Nicaragua says it is sending solidarity mission to Beirut.